Management 2010 Ch 10

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the number of things a person does in a job

In the context of the job characteristics approach, skill variety refers to _____.

a manager's one-to-one relationship with each subordinate

According to Graicunas, direct interactions refer to _____.


According to Graicunas, which type of interaction is between subordinates only?


Ahmed wants to improve productivity and employee morale while cutting costs. Which organizational structure will allow him to do this?


Amina has three employees who are working with two of Jolanta's employees to fix a flaw in the design of a new product. According to Graicunas, which type of interaction do these five employees have?

Liaison role

Arayla is not directly working on the project, but she acts as a facilitator of communication between the groups who are. She has no formal authority but is very familiar with what all group members are doing. What is Arayla's role in the coordination effort?


As a manager, Dharma encourages her employees to make decisions and tries to increase their level of engagement and responsibility. What does Dharma use to increase job satisfaction?


As his company has grown, Geert finds that he can no longer manage everything. He is now working to group jobs together in some way that makes sense for the workers and managers. What is Geert trying to establish?

reciprocal interdependence

At a car rental agency, reservations provide greeters with information about how many cars are being rented and returned each day and at what time. The maintenance staff responsible for cleaning and fueling the cars, as well as performing other routine maintenance, need to know which cars to prepare and when. If any of these groups does not do its jobs properly, the others will be affected. This is an example of _____.


Avec wants to use a job design approach that allows workers to become very proficient at each task, that reduces transfer time between tasks, and that makes it easy for someone else to step in when a worker is absent or resigns. Which approach to job design will provide those benefits to Avec?


Aviva tries to assign her employees new and challenging tasks as often as practical to enhance their opportunities for growth and enhancement. Which approach to job design does Aviva use?


Azim has structured his nationwide organization so that each unit can respond to the environment in which it does business. This allows his organization to meet the needs of local industries they sell to. Which type of departmentalization does Azim use?

Product departmentalization

Butterfly Wings, a women's lifestyle store, decides to departmentalize. Liam, the manager of the store, selects the following divisions: dresses, accessories, T-shirts, and footwear. Which of the following methods of departmentalization does Liam use?

digital coordination

Email, a tool that makes it easier for people to communicate with each other, is a type of _____ .

A wide span of management

Franchesca, the chief executive officer (CEO) of a tea manufacturing company, has a very thorough selection procedure while hiring employees. As a result, most of the employees in her company are very competent and are well trained. In this scenario, which of the following will be most effective in Franchesca's company?


Hua added additional tasks to the work performed by each employee in an effort to make their jobs more interesting. While he saw some advantages to the new strategy, he also faced disadvantages, as training costs increased and the unions asked for pay increases since the workers were doing more tasks. Which type of job development did Hua implement?

The more interaction required, the narrower the span should be.

In general, what is the relationship between the amount of interaction that is required and the span of control?


Jin is the warehouse manager at a bottling company. Employees are on a four-week schedule during which each employee spends one week loading trucks, unloading trucks, verifying invoices, and pulling inventory from storage. Which approach to job design is Jin using?


Manoj is responsible for providing expertise, advice, and support for employees. Which type of role does Manoj have in his organization?

developing an organizational structure

Michael has assigned a supervisor to each of the work groups across all departments. Michael has taken the responsibility of coordinating between the supervisors to track their progress. In this scenario, Michael is _____.

Scalar principle

Mikel has set up his company so that there is an unbroken line of authority with him at the top. This extends to every position in the organization. This makes Mikel ultimately responsible for everything that goes on in his company. What did Mikel use to set up this chain of authority?

She can view the online calendar of each manager.

Nila needs to set up a meeting with several managers. She wants to find the date and time when everyone is available. How can digital coordination help her with this process?

Pooled interdependence

Nita runs her organization as a series of separate departments, each with their own profit and loss center. Typically, a problem in one will not affect the outcomes of another. Which type of coordination does Nita use?

Employees have a narrow focus on their own unit, not the total system.

Ozlem's organization has experienced tremendous growth over the last three years. She uses functional departmentalization. Why might this become a disadvantage for her?


Pallavi's university requires all seniors to register for classes on Monday, juniors on Tuesday, sophomores on Wednesday, and freshmen on Thursday. If you miss your appropriate day, you can register on Friday. Which type of departmentalization does her university use for class registration?


Payal runs the shipping department and has broken down jobs to include reviews, packages, labels, and dispatch of products. The shipping department structures job tasks into small, simple activities. Each employee has become very proficient at his or her assigned tasks, and transfer time between tasks is an average of only 15 seconds. Which approach to running the shipping department does Payal use?

Customer group

Rabeya has been doing business with the same bank for years. She knows that when she needs a car loan, she needs to see L'Meese. When she needs advice about investments, she sees Sushil, and when she has questions about her checking and savings accounts, she sees Tariq. How has Rabeya's bank set up its departmentalization process?


Ralph C. Davis suggested two different kinds of spans, which depend on the position in the organization. Which type of span did he suggest for lower-level managers?

Work teams

Ramkumar has designed his work unit so that they work together and perform interrelated tasks. The work flows from one person to the next and the people performing the work can decide how the jobs are allocated. Which alternative to specialization does Ramkumar use?


Raphael is the human resource manager at a large bottle manufacturing company. Ten years ago, when the business moved to its current location, the company structured operations by grouping together jobs that involved the same or similar activities. Which type of departmentalization structure is this?

Job enrichment

Simon is a professional basketball player. Even though he loves his job, he sometimes feels that practice games are monotonous. In order to keep Simon engaged in the sport, his coach has asked him to coach junior members of the team. Which of the following methods of job design has Simon's coach implemented?

task force

The planning committee of a school has a meeting concerning its annual sports event. It decides to temporarily form a committee comprising one representative from each grade. The responsibility of these representatives will be to coordinate different activities in sports for their grades in accordance with certain school guidelines. The committee of representatives used to maintain coordination is an example of a(n) _____.

compulsory advice

The principal of a school has the responsibility of finalizing the school curriculum for the new academic year. A council of teachers advises the principal on matters that should be included in the school curriculum. It is the principal's duty to hear what the council recommends. The principal has the liberty to heed it or ignore it. In this scenario, the council is an example of a form of staff authority called _____.

the number of people who report to a particular manager

The span of management indicates _____.


Which type of authority is considered to be one of the most important and is the formal authority over activities related to the staff member's specialty?

Most departments are interdependent.

Why is coordination important for organizations when working to perform effectively?

have very few linkages between the divisions

To enhance the speed and effectiveness of decision making, Paramita is restructuring the organization around product lines. She wants each product line to act as its own profit and loss center, and for managers to make decisions on how to modify these lines. Paramita is using pooled interdependence for these groups. These groups will _____.


Ugar knows when he is doing a good job and when he is producing at a high level of quality. Which job characteristic allows Ugar to know this?

structures its activities to respond to and interact with specific consumers or consumer groups

Under customer departmentalization, an organization _____.

It is enhanced.

What happens to speed and effectiveness when using product departmentalization?

Departments can be staffed by experts.

What is the advantage of the functional departmentalization approach for a small organization?

Chain of command

What is the clear and distinct line of authority among the positions in an organization?

Administrative intensity

What is the degree to which managerial positions are concentrated in staff positions?


What is the type of position that is in the direct chain of command and is responsible for the achievement of an organization's goals?

When the work is routine

When are rules and procedures most effective?

Staff positions

When there is a surplus, which type of position represents a drain on an organization's cash and an inefficient use of resources?


Which alternative to job specialization increases the total number of tasks workers perform without increasing worker control over the job to reduce the level of job dissatisfaction?

Job characteristics

Which approach to job design takes into account the work system and employee preferences by considering the core dimensions of skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback?


Which dimension of the job characteristics approach deals with the degree of control the worker has over how the work is performed?

Task significance

Which dimension of the job characteristics approach deals with the perceived importance of the task?

Job enrichment

Which of the following attempts to increase both the number of tasks a worker does and the control the worker has over the job?

One manager is placed in charge of interdependent departments or units.

Which of the following best describes the technique of hierarchy as a structural coordination technique?


Which of the following describes the process of linking the activities of the various departments of the organization?

Reciprocal interdependence

Which of the following exists when activities flow both ways between units?

More nonsupervisory work in a manager's job

Which of the following factors favors a narrow span of management?

Administrative costs are increased.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of product departmentalization?

Proficiency at each task

Which of the following is an advantage of job specialization?

It involves moving employees from one job to another.

Which of the following is true of job rotation?

It encompasses designing jobs in an organization.

Which of the following is true of organizational structure?

Communication problems

Which of the following is typically associated with a tall structure of management?

Organizational structure

Which of the following refers to the set of elements that can be used to configure a company?

Unity of command

Which of the following suggests that each person within an organization must have a clear reporting relationship and report to only one boss?

Line authority

Which type of authority is considered the formal or legitimate authority created by the organizational hierarchy?

Sequential interdependence

Yui's plant supplies parts for a large manufacturing firm. If Yui's plant ships the parts late, the manufacturing plant might have to temporarily shut down if it cannot produce its products because of the delay. Which type of relationship does Yui's plant have with the manufacturing plant?

Objective assessment of product groups

Zereth has set up her organization based on product departmentalization. What is the advantage of this approach?

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