Management 350 Exam #1 Practice Questions

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According to​ research, individuals in what type of mood are better able to discern truthful​ information? A. A negative mood B. An intensely positive mood C. A fairly neutral mood D. An enthusiastic mood E. A happy mood

A (A negative mood)

Which component of attitude reflects the feeling​ segment? A. Affective B. Personality C. Cognitive D. Job satisfaction E. Behavioral

A (Affective)

According to​ Holland, which of the following represents the most incongruent situation​ possible? A. An artistic person in a social job B. A realistic person in a social job C. A realistic person in a realistic job D. An investigative person in an artistic job E. A realistic person in an investigative job

A (An artistic person in a social job)

____________________, _____________________, and​ __________________ all represent physical abilities needed for certain types of​ work. A. Balance, dynamic​ strength, and dynamic flexibility B. Diversity​ training, length of​ service, and dynamic strength C. Task​ processing, routine​ performance, and stamina D. Cognitive​ functioning, diversity​ training, and routine performance E. Body​ coordination, dynamic flexibility, and diversity sensitivity

A (Balance, dynamic​ strength, and dynamic flexibility)

Which term describes the degree to which cues about work duties and responsibilities are available and​ clear? A. Clarity B. Consequences C. Consistency D. Constraints E. Conscientiousness

A (Clarity)

What are the three components of​ attitudes? A. Cognition, affect, and behavior B. Productivity, absenteeism, and turnover C. Voice, loyalty, and neglect D. Job​ satisfaction, job​ involvement, and organizational commitment E. Input, process, and output

A (Cognition, affect, and behavior)

Which term refers to any incompatibility an individual might perceive between two or more attitudes or between behavior and​ attitudes? A. Cognitive dissonance B. Psychological empowerment C. Job satisfaction D. Organizational commitment E. Affective segment

A (Cognitive dissonance)

What is a drawback of using intuition to solve managerial​ problems? A. Common sense can lead to erroneous predictions. B. Relevant information is difficult to obtain C. Attributing cause and effect is impossible. D. Managers have problems observing people E. Employees behave inconsistently.

A (Common sense can lead to erroneous predictions)

Which of the following would LEAST likely influence moods and​ emotions? A. Country of origin B. Age C. Sleep D. Sex E. Social activities

A (Country of origin)

Which of the following most likely makes people more aware of and sensitive to the needs and differences of​ others? A. Diversity management B. Human resources management C. Operations management D. Managing social responsibility E. Strategic management

A (Diversity management)

Which term refers to intense feelings directed at someone or​ something? A. Emotion B. Cognition C. Perception D. Personality E. Mood

A (Emotion)

Which of the following arguments best supports the existence of emotional​ intelligence? A. Evidence suggests that a high level of emotional intelligence means that a person will perform well on the job. B. Emotional intelligence works because researchers use different definitions of​ it, meaning one of them will fit. C. Emotional intelligence is so closely related to intelligence and personality​ that, once you control for these​ factors, it works. D. The measures of emotional intelligence are​ diverse, and researchers have not subjected them to as much rigorous study as they have measures of personality and general intelligence E. Intuition suggests that people who can detect emotions in others cannot control their own emotions.

A (Evidence suggests that a high level of emotional intelligence means that a person will perform well on the job)

___________ argue(s) that managers should become more scientific in how they think about management problems. A. Evidence-based management B. Big data project C. Intuition D. Qualitative techniques E. Contingency variables

A (Evidence-based management)

Which statement about emotional intelligence​ (EI) is most likely​ true? A. For​ researchers, EI is a continuing topic of discussion despite continuing critiques. B. EI is not closely related to job performance. C. Since EI is so commonly​ accepted, it is no longer an interesting area of research. D. EI is obsolete because many questions about it have been answered. E. EI is distinct enough from​ personality, cognition, and other traits to study independently.

A (For​ researchers, EI is a continuing topic of discussion despite continuing critiques)

According to​ Hofstede's research, which nation is the most​ collectivist? A. Guatemala B. Germany C. United States D. Australia E Great Britain

A (Guatemala)

Those with​ ____________ will do whatever it takes to get​ ahead, whereas those with​ ______________ require admiration and have a strong sense of entitlement. A. Machiavellianism, narcissism B. psychopathy, narcissism C. agreeableness, extraversion D. conscientiousness, emotional stability E. psychopathy, Machiavellianism

A (Machiavellianism, narcissism)

Which three traits are included in the Dark​ Triad? A. Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy B. Extraversion, openness to​ experience, and emotional stability C. Machiavellianism, narcissism, and extraversion D. Emotional​ dissonance, openness to​ experience, and narcissism E. Openness to​ experience, narcissism, and psychopathy

A (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy)

Which term refers to a mood dimension consisting of​ nervousness, stress, and anxiety at the high​ end, and​ contentedness, calmness, and serenity at the low​ end? A. Negative affect B. Perception C. Cognition D. Positive affect E. Emotional contagion

A (Negative affect)

Which statement about the relationship between age and different aspects of the job is most likely​ FALSE? A. Older employees have higher rates of avoidable absence versus younger employees. B. Older workers are more likely to engage in citizenship behavior. C. Job satisfaction falls among nonprofessionals during middle age and then rises again in the later years. D. The older you​ get, the less likely you are to quit your job. E. Job satisfaction tends to continually increase among professionals as they age.

A (Older employees have higher rates of avoidable absence versus younger employees)

Which of these studies how organizations develop human​ strengths, foster vitality and​ resilience, and unlock​ potential? A. Positive organizational scholarship B. Evidence-based management C. Workforce diversity D. Networked organizations E. Globalization

A (Positive organizational scholarship)

Which statement about personality and personality tests is most likely​ true? A. Respondents will sometimes work to create a false good impression on personality tests. B. Results of a personality test change from day to day for most individuals. C. Personality tests are inaccurate and hard to use for hiring decisions. D. Since heredity strongly influences​ personality, little can be done to change it. E. Personality is stable for children and begins to change as adults enter the workforce.

A (Respondents will sometimes work to create a false good impression on personality tests)

Which term describes an​ individual's ability to adjust his or her behavior to​ external, situational​ factors? A. Self-monitoring B. Emotional contagion C. Emotional dissonance D. Proactive personality E. Core​ self-evaluating

A (Self-monitoring)

Which statement LEAST likely supports emotional​ intelligence? A. The measures of EI are​ diverse, and researchers have not subjected them to as much rigorous study as they have measures of personality and general intelligence. B. There is evidence that emotional intelligence is genetically​ influenced, further supporting the idea that it measures a real underlying biological factor. C. Intuition suggests that people who can detect emotions in​ others, control their own​ emotions, and handle social interactions have an advantage in the business world. D. Evidence suggests a high level of emotional intelligence means a person will perform well on the job. E. Emotional intelligence plays an important role in job performance.

A (The measures of EI are​ diverse, and researchers have not subjected them to as much rigorous study as they have measures of personality and general intelligence)

People who experience emotions more​ strongly, both positive and​ negative, are said to have​ _____________________. A. affect intensity B. emotional satisfaction C. social intensity D. emotional affect E. emotional control

A (affect intensity)

Job satisfaction is best defined as​ a(n) ________. A. broad evaluation of an​ employee's positive feelings about a job B. unreliable indicator of overall organizational effectiveness C. determination of an​ employee's feelings about concrete work tasks D. measure of the positive relationships an employee has in the office E. calculation of how committed an employee is to the organization

A (broad evaluation of an​ employee's positive feelings about a job)

In​ OB, _________________________ reflect situational considerations that aid in explaining human behavior. A. contingency variables B. systematic data C. situational concepts D. attitude measurements E. complex tasks

A (contingency variables)

Engaging in trying to improve your mood is known as​ _____________. A. emotional regulation B. deep acting C. affect intensity D. emotional intelligence E. emotional dissonance

A (emotional regulation)

According to situation strength​ theory, strong situations are likely to​ ____________. A. indicate clearly and consistently how we should behave B. permit variation due to cultural differences C. encourage creativity and initiative from employees D. allow us to be freer to express our personalities E. usually have relatively unimportant consequences

A (indicate clearly and consistently how we should behave)

Holland's person-job fit theory states that​ ____________ should match job characteristics. A. personality B. affect C. extraversion D. values E. behavior

A (personality)

Research indicates that employers should consider EI a factor in selecting​ employees, especially for jobs that demand a high degree of​ _________. A. social interaction B. physical work C. individualized work D. technical skills E. number crunching

A (social interaction)

Which term describes when people experience the same emotions with different​ intensities? A. Negative affect B. Affect intensity C. Emotional dissonance D. Positivity offset E. Positive affect

B (Affect intensity)

Why is emotional intelligence an important factor when selecting and hiring​ employees? A. Leaders need their employees to be in a good mood to be effective. B. An​ employee's good mood can have a positive effect on​ others' performance. C. Those in a good mood make more accurate judgments. D. High emotional intelligence is linked to better company profits. E. Angry individuals negotiate poorly.

B (An​ employee's good mood can have a positive effect on​ others' performance)

Meagan had been working towards a​ promotion, but another colleague received it instead.​ Afterwards, Meagan decided she had not really wanted the promotion after all. What does this best​ illustrate? A. General attitude B. Cognitive dissonance C. Moderating variables D. Direct experience E. Affect and behavior

B (Cognitive dissonance)

Which of the following are aspects of​ deep-level diversity? A. Extroversion and physical appearance B. Communication styles and personality C. Gender and ethnicity D. Culture and gender identity E. Positive and negative interactions

B (Communication styles and personality)

According to a survey by the Society for Human Resources​ Management, which of the following is NOT one of the major employer concerns resulting from the demographic makeup of the U.S.​ workforce? A. Loss of skills resulting from the retirement of many baby boomers B. Conflict and loss of productivity resulting from diversity C. The aging of the workforce D. Increased medical costs E. The need to enhance​ cross-cultural understanding

B (Conflict and loss of productivity resulting from diversity)

_____________ is when people project one emotion while actually feeling another. A. Negative affect B. Emotional dissonance C. Deep acting D. Affect intensity E. Surface acting

B (Emotional dissonance)

Which term describes a​ person's ability to perceive emotions in the self and​ others, understand the meaning of these​ emotions, and regulate​ one's emotions​ accordingly? A. Emotional dissonance B. Emotional intelligence C. Emotional labor D. Positive affect E. Surface acting

B (Emotional intelligence)

Which response directs behavior toward leaving the​ organization, including looking for a new position as well as​ resigning? A. Neglect B. Exit C. Commitment D. Voice E. Loyalty

B (Exit)

What is the relationship between emotions and rational thinking and decision​ making? A. Showing emotions weakens our​ decision-making ability. B. Experiencing emotions is essential to rational decision making. C. Exhibiting emotion shows irrational behavior in the workplace. D. Being in a bad mood means you have a hard time judging the truth. E. Telling someone bad news should wait until the person is cheerful.

B (Experiencing emotions is essential to rational decision making)

Sara is an​ outgoing, sociable, and assertive individual. According to MBTI​ assessment, which of these best describes​ Sara? A. Sensing type B. Extraverted C. Introverted D. Intuitive type E. Judging type

B (Extraverted)

Which of the following refers to factors determined at​ conception? A. Perception B. Heredity C. Cognition D. Attitude E. Mood

B (Heredity)

According to the Big Five Personality​ Model, which term best describes a person who is​ responsible, organized,​ dependable, and​ persistent? A. Extravert B. Highly conscientious C. Introvert D. Emotionally stable E. Highly agreeable

B (Highly conscientious)

Until the late​ 1980s, course work in which of these received relatively less attention in business school​ curricula? A. Accounting B. Human behavior and people skills C. Finance D. Economics E. Quantitative techniques

B (Human behavior and people skills)

Which term describes the abilities needed to perform mental​ activities? A. Visual abilities B. Intellectual abilities C. Physical abilities D. Emotional abilities E. Behavioral abilities

B (Intellectual abilities)

Which of the following is an example of an instrumental​ value? A. Happiness B. Kindness C. Equality D. Well-being E. Economic success

B (Kindness)

Which term describes an individual who has an exaggerated sense of​ self-importance, requires constant​ admiration, feels​ entitled, and is​ conceited? A. Open B. Narcissism C. Psychopathy D. Machiavellianism E. Extraversion

B (Narcissism)

Which term refers to the sum total of ways that a person reacts to and interacts with other​ people? A. Cognition B. Personality C. Perception D. Affect E. Attitude

B (Personality)

Which of these is NOT a core topic included in​ OB? A. Change processes B. Quantitative techniques C. Conflict and negotiations D. Leader behavior and power E. Motivation

B (Quantitative techniques)

Incorporating OB principles into the workplace can yield which of these organizational​ outcomes? A. Higher accounts receivables B. Superior financial performance C. Higher employee stress levels D. Higher employee turnover E. Reduced social responsibility given higher focus on profits

B (Superior financial performance)

"Putting on a​ face" refers to which strategy people employ to change their​ emotions? A. Deep acting B. Surface acting C. Affect intensity D. Venting E. Negative affect

B (Surface acting)

Research is increasingly indicating that emotions​ ___________. A. make us​ weak, brittle, or irrational B. are critical to rational thinking C. have no place in work D. are important only for financial decisions E. are useful for female managers but not male managers

B (are critical to rational thinking)

Organizations do NOT use​ __________ to capitalize on diversity. A. selection policies B. cost-cutting policies C. development practices D. training practices E. recruiting policies

B (cost-cutting policies)

If you try to cheer yourself up when​ you're feeling​ down, you are engaging in​ ___________. A. emotional contagion B. emotion regulation C. emotional labor D. affective events theory E. emotional dissonance

B (emotion regulation)

An​ individual's expression of desired emotions during interpersonal transactions is known as​ _________. A. cognition B. emotional labor C. emotional contagion D. emotional dissonance E. perception

B (emotional labor)

To enhance​ creativity, managers should increase the​ _______ in the workplace rather than focus on enhancing positive moods. A. physical demands B. energy C. rest periods D. ethical values E. lighting

B (energy)

When looked at​ together, situation strength and trait activation theories are likely to​ ____________. A. display the strong cultural differences in personality B. frame the debate over what determines behavior as both nature and nurture C. demonstrate how personality is stable regardless of situation D. illustrate that the situation dictates an​ individual's behavior more than personality E. show that environmental factors are more important in determining personality

B (frame the debate over what determines behavior as both nature and nurture)

The three levels of analysis of the OB model are​ _____________. A. environment, behavior, and skills B. individual, group, and organizational C. employees, managers, and unions D. dilemmas, choices, and uncertainty E. decision, process, and variable

B (individual, group, and organizational)

Personality is​ _____________. A. a​ person's charisma when interacting with others B. often determined by heredity C. influenced greatly by how parents raise children D. determined mostly by environmental factors E. unrelated to work performance

B (often determined by heredity)

The OB model in the text illustrates that inputs lead to processes that lead to​ _________________ A. decisions B. outcomes C. initiatives D. concepts E. evidence

B (outcomes)

A mood dimension consisting of emotions such as​ excitement, enthusiasm, and elation at the high​ end, and​ boredom, depression, and fatigue at the low end is known as​ _________. A. emotional contagion B. positive affect C. cognition D. perception E. negative affect

B (positive affect)

People with​ ________ view themselves as being​ effective, capable, and in control of their environment. A. proactive personalities B. positive core​ self-evaluations C. negative emotional contagions D. no emotional dissonance E. emotional labor components

B (positive core​ self-evaluations)

Research finds that​ _______ enhance(s)​ problem-solving skills. A. affect intensity B. positive emotions C. emotional labor D. venting E. negative emotions

B (positive emotions)

According to​ Hofstede's framework, the degree to which people in a country prefer structured over unstructured situations defines their​ ________. A. short-term orientation B. uncertainty avoidance C. femininity D. power distance E. masculinity

B (uncertainty avoidance)

Which of the following is NOT a category of​ Holland's occupational personality​ types? A. Investigative B. Realistic C. Command-and-control D. Artistic E. Social

C (Command-and-control)

Of the Big Five personality​ traits, which one relates to developing higher levels of job knowledge and​ performance? A. Judging B. Introversion C. Conscientiousness D. Agreeableness E. Emotional stability

C (Conscientiousness)

Which term describes the extent to which​ individuals' freedom to decide or act is limited by forces outside their​ control? A. Clarity B. Conscientiousness C. Constraints D. Consequences E. Consistency

C (Constraints)

Which term describes the emotions individuals show and consider appropriate in a given​ situation? A. Personality B. Emotional dissonance C. Displayed emotions D. Felt emotions E. Moods

C (Displayed emotions)

Why should managers be concerned with emotional reactions to work​ events? A. Positive and negative emotional reactions to events show loyalty. B. Strong emotional reactions can identify problem employees. C. Emotional reactions to events influence job satisfaction and job performance. D. Employees with high emotional stability are easier to manage. E. Negative reactions to events need to be avoided at all times.

C (Emotional reactions to events influence job satisfaction and job performance)

Which of the following is LEAST likely a potential influence on moods and​ emotions? A. Weather B. Personality C. Ethnicity D. Stress E. Time of day

C (Ethnicity)

Which​ term, in the GLOBE​ framework, refers to the degree to which a society rewards individuals for being​ altruistic, generous, and kind to​ others? A. Short-term orientation B. Femininity C. Humane orientation D. Power distance E. Uncertainty avoidance

C (Humane orientation)

Which of the following is LEAST likely a moral​ emotion? A. Sympathy for the suffering of others B. Guilt about our own immoral behavior C. Indifference about injustice done to others D. Disgust at violations of moral norms E. Contempt for those who behave unethically

C (Indifference about injustice done to others)

Which theory articulates the effort to match job requirements with personality​ characteristics? A. Machiavellian theory B. Affective events theory C. Personality-job fit theory D. Emotional dissonance theory E. Person-organization fit theory

C (Personality-job fit theory)

Which type of personality identifies​ opportunities, shows​ initiative, takes​ action, and perseveres until meaningful change​ occurs? A. ​Self-monitoring personality B. Deep acting personality C. Proactive personality D. Sensing personality E. Introverted personality

C (Proactive personality)

__________ seeks to​ measure, explain, and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals. A. Economics B. Sociology C. Psychology D. Accounting E. Anthropology

C (Psychology)

Which term refers to a person lacking concern for others and lacking remorse when their actions harm​ others? A. Narcissism B. Conscientiousness C. Psychopathy D. Extraversion E. Machiavellianism

C (Psychopathy)

Which term refers to the degree to which​ norms, cues, or standards dictate appropriate​ behavior? A. Emotional labor B. Deep acting C. Situation strength D. Surface acting E. Emotional contagion

C (Situation strength)

Which statement about moods and emotions is most likely true according to​ researchers? A. They are easy to distinguish from one another. B. They need to be kept out of the workplace. C. They are connected to one another and can shape each other. D. Both are primarily​ action-oriented. E. Both are caused by specific events.

C (They are connected to one another and can shape each other)

Which term describes basic convictions that​ "a specific mode of conduct or​ end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or​ end-state of​ existence"? A. Perception B. Personality C. Values D. Attitude E. Emotional intelligence

C (Values)

__________ refers to the open expression of emotions. A. Negative affect B. Affect intensity C. Venting D. Surface acting E. Deep acting

C (Venting)

What is the most widely used intelligence test in hiring​ decisions? A. OTJ test B. Job satisfaction test C. Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test D. Honesty test E. In-basket test

C (Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test)

High-self monitoring individuals are most likely to​ ____________. A. take initiative to until change occurs B. view themselves as effective and capable C. adapt their behavior depending on the situation D. require excessive admiration E. negatively influence work teams

C (adapt their behavior depending on the situation)

Anger and sadness at work will most likely cause​ _____________. A. long term anger at home B. emotional labor C. deviant workplace behavior D. deep acting E. workplace withdrawal

C (deviant workplace behavior)

Emotional​ dissonance, when employees must show emotions they do not​ feel, most likely leads to​ ____________. A. surface acting B. increased mindfulness C. emotional exhaustion D. increased effectiveness E. emotional labor

C (emotional exhaustion)

According to​ research, moral judgments are largely based on​ __________. A. others' behavior rather than on feelings B. knowledge rather than on emotions C. feelings rather than on cognition D. company policies rather than on cognition E. cognition rather than on feelings

C (feelings rather than on cognition)

There is evidence that EI is​ _______ influenced. A. politically B. physically C. genetically D. technologically E. socio-culturally

C (genetically)

Positive social relationships at work are associated with​ __________. A. higher employee turnover B. an improved standard of living C. lower stress D. standard of ethics E. higher profit sharing

C (lower stress)

When Susan ranks values in terms of​ intensity, the end result would be her​ _________. A. surface actions B. negative affect C. value system D. emotional regulation E. emotional labor

C (value system)

Emotional regulation​ strategies, such as​ _____________________, can help employees feel better in difficult work environments. A. improving​ self-esteem B. suppressing emotions C. venting emotions D. withdrawing from work E. emotional exhaustion

C (venting emotions)

Which term describes the extent to which cues regarding work duties and responsibilities are compatible with one​ another? A. Constraints B. Consequences C. Clarity D. Consistency E. Conscientiousness

D (Consistency)

___________ involves identifying and modifying the emotions that you feel. A. Affective events theory B. Emotional contagion C. Emotional labor D. Emotional regulation E. Emotional dissonance

D (Emotional regulation)

Which dimension of the Big Five Personality Model addresses a​ person's ability to withstand​ stress? A. Agreeableness B. Conscientiousness C. Extraversion D. Emotional stability E. Openness to experience

D (Emotional stability)

Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of a country with low power​ distance? A. There is little difference between male and female roles. B. People act primarily as individuals. C. Relationships fit into a tight social framework. D. Equality and opportunity are stressed. E. Many people prefer structured situations.

D (Equality and opportunity are stressed)

Who proposed that attitudes follow​ behavior? A. Maslow B. Mayo C. Taylor D. Festinger E. Adams

D (Festinger)

Which of the following is a terminal​ value? A. Personal discipline B. Kindness C. Goal-orientation D. Freedom E. Autonomy

D (Freedom)

Which of the following is a FALSE statement about high​ self-monitors? A. High​ self-monitor managers tend to be more mobile in their careers. B. High​ self-monitors receive better performance ratings. C. High​ self-monitors are more likely to emerge as leaders. D. High​ self-monitors show more commitment to their organizations. E. High​ self-monitor managers tend to receive more promotions.

D (High​ self-monitors show more commitment to their organizations)

_______________ occurs when we associate two events that in reality have no connection. A. Positive affect B. Emotional labor C. Affect intensity D. Illusory correlation E. Emotional dissonance

D (Illusory correlation)

Which theory essentially argues that people are attracted to and selected by organizations that match their​ values, and they leave organizations that are not compatible with their​ personalities? A. Emotional dissonance theory B. Affective events theory C. ​Personality-job fit theory D. ​Person-organization fit theory E. Machiavellian theory

D (Person-organization fit theory)

Which social science discipline is the most important contributor to the field of​ OB? A. Anthropology B. Accounting C. Sociology D. Psychology E. Economics

D (Psychology)

What is the most common tool for measuring​ personality? A. JDI survey B. Emotional contagion survey C. General mental ability test D. Self-report survey E. Intelligence quotient test

D (Self-report survey)

When a society is characterized by tightly knit social groups and it places importance on belonging to​ organizations, families, and other​ groups, it has​ _____________. A. high​ long-term orientation B. femininity C. low power distance D. collectivism E. low uncertainty avoidance

D (collectivism)

Trying to modify your true inner feelings based on display rules is called​ __________. A. surface acting B. emotional dissonance C. positive affect D. deep acting E. positivity offset

D (deep acting)

High quality workplace relationships positively influence​ ________. A. customer-based revenue B. manager behavior and power C. systemic study D. employee stress E. social responsibility

D (employee stress)

Leaders who focus on​ __________ generate greater optimism and enthusiasm in​ employees, which leads to more positive social interactions with coworkers and customers. A. federal regulations B. cutting costs C. loss prevention D. inspirational goals E. higher profits

D (inspirational goals)

Emotional intelligence is​ _______________. A. distinct from personality B. widely accepted C. easily measured D. linked to work performance E. linked to organizational commitment

D (linked to work performance)

The approach-avoidance framework​ _____________. A. goes beyond simply categorizing positive and negative traits to creating a comprehensive view on work behavior B. reflects careful research into personality traits and their effects in the workplace C. surpasses the MBTI and Big Five tests for usefulness at work D. organizes the traits of the​ MBTI, Big​ Five, and Dark Triad to understand work behavior E. explains why the Big Five personality traits are more useful than the MBTI framework

D (organizes the traits of the​ MBTI, Big​ Five, and Dark Triad to understand work behavior)

According to Milton​ Rokeach, values can be separated into two​ categories: _________ and​ __________. A. technical; conceptual B. public; private C. deep; surface D. terminal; instrumental E. positive; negative

D (terminal; instrumental)

Which term describes a broad range of feelings people​ experience, including both emotions and​ moods? A. Perception B. Behavior C. Cognition D. Personality E. Affect

E (Affect)

Which of these is LEAST likely a heredity​ factor? A. Facial features B. Biological rhythms C. Physical stature D. Muscle composition and reflexes E. Cognition

E (Cognition)

Which of the following is true of factors that influence emotions and​ moods? A. Weather is strongly correlated to mood. B. Women do not experience more emotions than men. C. Social activities lessen negative moods. D. Younger people experience more positive emotions than older people. E. For​ most, stress makes us experience negative emotions.

E (For​ most, stress makes us experience negative emotions)

Which term refers to a positive feeling about a​ job, resulting from an evaluation of its​ characteristics? A. Job involvement B. Cognitive dissonance C. Organizational commitment D. Psychological empowerment E. Job satisfaction

E (Job satisfaction)

Which statement about the​ Myers-Briggs Type Indicator​ (MBTI) is most likely​ true? A. The MBTI is ineffective at providing employees with career guidance. B. The large amount of research supporting the MBTI makes many feel it is too academic. C. Outcomes of the MBTI remain the same each time an individual takes it. D. Many people are reluctant to take the MBTI because it is preferable to be an extrovert. E. MBTI results lack a strong connection to performance at work.

E (MBTI results lack a strong connection to performance at work)

According to​ Hofstede's framework, which term refers to the degree to which the culture favors traditional roles such as​ achievement, power, and​ control? A. Short-term orientation B. Power distance C. Uncertainty avoidance D. Femininity E. Masculinity

E (Masculinity)

Which of the following is a field of study that investigates the impact of​ individuals, groups, and structure on behavior within​ organizations? A. Quantitative techniques B. Finance C. Accounting D. Economics E. Organizational behavior

E (Organizational behavior)

According to the​ MBTI, which personality type is​ practical, prefers routine and​ order, and focuses on​ details? A. Judging type B. Introverted C. Intuitive type D. Extraverted E. Sensing types

E (Sensing types)

Moral judgments​ _____________. A. are no different than other types of decisions B. are based on an objective thinking process C. come primarily from our own moral guilt D. result from​ higher-order thinking E. are based largely on feelings and should be examined

E (are based largely on feelings and should be examined)

When an organization prefers for employees to express certain types of emotions at​ work, this is called​ _____________. A. emotional mood B. cognitive dissonance C. affect intensity D. organizational behavior E. emotional labor

E (emotional labor)

Affective events theory suggests that​ _____________. A. emotions should influence managers when deciding upon degree of autonomy and job demands B. emotions and affect influence events at​ work, which in turn influence moods C. level of effort and organizational commitment are related to the work environment D. although emotions and moods are​ important, managers can safely disregard most of them E. events at work cause employees to react​ emotionally, which influences job satisfaction

E (events at work cause employees to react​ emotionally, which influences job satisfaction)

Organizational behavior applies​ ________________________ to a particular​ situation, person, or group to understand them better. A. social psychology B. varied work C. fundamental values D. systematic study E. general concepts

E (general concepts)

When Sandra is making decisions based on her​ intuition, she is relying on​ _________. A. evidence-based management B. big data analysis C. systematic study D. quantitative techniques E. gut feelings

E (gut feelings)

Organizational behavior​ ________. A. studies the fundamental inconsistencies in the behavior of individuals and organizations B. examines the set of people skills needed in the workplace by effective managers C. explores the behavior of all individuals to uncover individual differences D. surveys the technical skills and people skills needed for effective workplace behavior E. investigates relationships among​ individuals, groups, and structure to improve organizational effectiveness

E (investigates relationships among​ individuals, groups, and structure to improve organizational effectiveness)

People with positive core​ self-evaluations (CSE)​ ____________. A. think they are capable of doing more than they are competent to do B. perform worse at work because they​ over-estimate their capabilities C. persist in achieving goals in the short​ term, but​ don't sustain effort in the long term D. view themselves positively but feel they are not in control of their environment E. provide better customer service and are more​ well-liked among their coworkers

E (provide better customer service and are more​ well-liked among their coworkers)

Terminal values​ ___________. A. shift depending on a​ person's situation and station in life B. are strongly influenced by an​ organization's values C. tend to change once an individual begins to question them D. dictate how an individual would like to achieve his or her end goals E. represent end goals a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime

E (represent end goals a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime)

According to person-organization fit​ theory, when employee values are linked to the​ organization's culture​ ____________. A. fewer employees have conflicts with one another B. aggressive organizations have less turnover C. Big Five personality factors predict how well the values match D. cultural factors can positively influence job satisfaction E. they experience less turnover and more organizational commitment

E (they experience less turnover and more organizational commitment)

"If it​ works, use​ it" most likely fits​ a(n) _______ personality. A. extroverted B. emotionally dissonant C. narcissistic D. open E. ​high-Mach

E (​high-Mach)

What is the first level of analysis according to the OB​ model? A. Group B. Organization C. Competitors D. Individual E. Society

D (Individual)

Which term defines the biological heritage people use to identify​ themselves? A. Disability status B. Religion C. Race D. Age E. Gender

C (Race)

Which term refers to the extensive use of statistical compilation and​ analysis? A. Big data B. Intuition C. Systems theory D. Contingency variables E. Qualitative techniques

A (Big data)

Which of the following is reflected when we say x leads to y​, but only under conditions specified in z​? A. Contingency B. Universally fixed principle C. Laws of physical science D. Intuition E. Quantitative techniques

A (Contingency)

Which term describes people who believe in their inner worth and basic​ competence? A. Core​ self-evaluations B. Satisfied C. Committed D. Cognitive E. Affective

A (Core​ self-evaluations)

What are the three levels of analysis in the OB​ model? A. Individual, group, and organizational B. Intra, inter, and external C. Input, processes, and outcomes D. ​Product, process, and personalities E. ​Employees, management, and shareholders

A (Individual, group, and organizational)

Which of the following measures the degree to which people identify psychologically with their jobs and consider their perceived performance levels important to​ self-worth? A. Job involvement B. Cognitive dissonance C. Psychological empowerment D. Organizational commitment E. Job satisfaction

A (Job involvement)

What percent of workers reported being satisfied with their jobs in​ 2010? A. Only 50 percent B. About 75 percent C. More than 95 percent D. Roughly 33 percent E. Between 20 to 25 percent

A (Only 50 percent)

Which characteristic represents​ deep-level diversity? A. Personality and values B. Religion C. Gender D. Age E. Race

A (Personality and values)

What are two variables that influence the relationship between attitudes and​ behavior? A. Social pressures and direct experience B. Direct experience and indirect experience C. Specific attitudes and general behaviors D. Cognitive component and cognitive dissonance E. Social agreement and affect agreement

A (Social pressures and direct experience)

What is one noncontroversial​ way employers assess intellectual​ ability? A. The Wonderlic Test B. Intelligence Quotient​ (IQ) tests C. ACT and SAT scores D. Tests based on nationality E. Personality tests

A (The Wonderlic Test)

Which of these does NOT represent a demographic characteristic of the U.S.​ workforce? A. The​ 55-and-older age​ group, 19.5 percent of the labor force in​ 2010, will decrease to 11.2 percent by 2020. B. By​ 2020, blacks will increase from 11.6 percent of the workforce in 2010 to 12​ percent, and Asians from 4.7 to 5.7 percent. C. By​ 2020, Hispanics will grow from 14.8 percent of the workforce in 2010 to 18.6 percent. D. Over the past fifty​ years, the earnings gap between Whites and other racial and ethnic groups has decreased​ significantly, while differences between Whites and Asians have fluctuated. E. Women today are much more likely than ever before to be employed full​ time, have an advanced​ education, and earn wages comparable to those of men.

A (The​ 55-and-older age​ group, 19 percent of the labor force in​ 2010, will decrease to 11 percent by 2020)

Which of these represents​ OB's primary​ goal? A. To understand and predict human behavior in organizations B. To enhance organizational commitment to social responsibility C. To develop an​ organization's strategic core competency D. To help organizations meet governmental laws and regulations E. To maximize organizational profits

A (To understand and predict human behavior in organizations)

Which response to dissatisfaction best characterizes unions that use grievance procedures to improve working​ conditions? A. Voice B. Constructive C. Active D. Neglect E. Loyalty

A (Voice)

Managers who have strong interpersonal skills help organizations​ ___________________. A. attract and keep​ high-performing employees B. emphasize strong technical and quantitative skills C. prevent employees from forming unions D. directly generate superior sales for shareholders E. save costs by managing a greater number of employees

A (attract and keep​ high-performing employees)

Evidence-based management​ (EBM) bases managerial decisions on the​ ______________. A. best available scientific evidence B. important conditional facts of a situation C. economic approach to social psychology D. attitude development of employees E. most accurate prediction of underlying behavior

A (best available scientific evidence)

Understanding that attitudes consist of three components primarily helps managers to​ _____________. A. comprehend the complex relationship between employee behavior and attitude B. know that cognition leads to affect which leads to behavior in virtually every case C. see that affect occurs immediately after behavior D. realize that cognition and affect are very different in many ways E. ensure favorable rather than unfavorable attitudes in employees

A (comprehend the complex relationship between employee behavior and attitude)

______________ is measured by looking at individual terminations and collective​ turnover, whereas​ _________ is measured by chronic​ absenteeism, reduced​ effort, and more errors on the job. A. ​exit, neglect B. ​loyalty, passive C. ​exit, voice D. ​passive, active E. constructive, destructive

A (exit, neglect)

Whereas​ ________ focuses on differences among people from different​ countries, ________ addresses differences among people within given countries. A. globalization; workforce diversity B. evidence-based management; workforce diversity C. networked​ organizations; globalization D. workforce​ diversity; globalization E. workforce​ diversity; evidence-based management

A (globalization; workforce diversity)

In an effort to offer reasonable explanations for human​ behavior, OB uses​ what's known as contingency​ variables, which are based on​ ____________. A. situational conditions B. big data decisions C. quantitative techniques D. laws of physical science E. universally fixed principles

A (situational conditions)

Which of the following is a true statement about intellectual​ ability? A. A high level of intellectual ability means an individual will be satisfied at work. B. A more complex job will require a higher level of intellectual ability for an individual to be successful. C. People can​ usually correctly assess their own intellectual ability and capacity. D. A high level of intellectual ability does not​ correlate to task performance at work. E. Most societies place little value on a​ person's intellectual ability.

B (A more complex job will require a higher level of intellectual ability for an individual to be successful)

Which of the following are biographical characteristics that differentiate employees in the​ workplace? A. Productivity and absenteeism B. Disability and length of service C. Demographics and ethnicity D. Surface and deep level diversity E. Gender identity and marital status

B (Disability and length of service)

What are the three determinants of behavior in​ organizations? A. Behavior, situations, and evidence B. Individuals, groups, and structure C. Turnover, productivity, and performance D. Employees, managers, and organizations E. ​Leaders, communication, and processes

B (Individuals, groups, and structure)

Which term describes​ employees' beliefs in the degree to which they influence their work​ environments, their​ competencies, the meaningfulness of their​ jobs, and their perceived​ autonomy? A. Job satisfaction B. Psychological empowerment C. Job involvement D. Cognitive dissonance E. Organizational commitment

B (Psychological empowerment)

One method of enhancing workforce diversity is to target recruiting messages to specific demographic groups underrepresented in the workforce. Which of the following activities would LEAST likely help an organization to enhance workforce​ diversity? A. Placing advertisements in publications geared toward specific demographic groups B. Recruiting from the internal workforce C. Recruiting at universities with large numbers of underrepresented minorities D. Forming partnerships with associations that represent specific demographic groups E. Recruiting at institutions with significant numbers of underrepresented minorities

B (Recruiting from the internal workforce)

Which discipline has contributed to OB through the study of group behavior in​ organizations, particularly formal and complex​ organizations? A. Economics B. Sociology C. Psychology D. Accounting E. Anthropology

B (Sociology)

Which of the following involves looking at​ relationships, attempting to attribute causes and​ effects, and basing conclusions on scientific​ evidence? A. Quantitative techniques B. Systematic study C. Intuition D. Contingency variables E. Big data

B (Systematic study)

Researchers suggest that diversity experiences are more likely to lead to positive adaptation for all parties under certain conditions. Which of the following would LEAST likely improve the effectiveness of a diversity​ program? A. The perceiver is motivated to consider a new perspective on others. B. The diversity experience is closely tied to promotional opportunities and raises. C. The positive experience of stereotype undermining is repeated frequently. D. The diversity experience undermines stereotypical attitudes. E. The perceiver engages in stereotype suppression and generative thought in response to the diversity experience.

B (The diversity experience is closely tied to promotional opportunities and raises)

Stating​ "I'm upset that my boss is​ unfair," reflects the​ ___________________ component of​ attitude; saying​ you're going to seek another job demonstrates the​ _________________ component. A. behavioral, cognitive B. affective, behavioral C. cognitive, relationship D. attitude, relationship E. affective, cognitive

B (affective, behavioral)

While a simple survey of employees​ asking, "How satisfied are you with your​ job?" is a useful tool for assessing job​ satisfaction, a more complex tool that asks about specific job facets​ ____________. A. achieves better results due to the increased complexity B. provides essentially the same results as the simple survey C. fails to show the impact of job satisfaction on effectiveness as well as the simple survey D. is used by researchers more often in engagement studies E. includes all the aspects that make up job satisfaction

B (provides essentially the same results as the simple survey)

Which statement best describes Leon​ Festinger's argument about the attitudes-behavior ​relationship? A. Attitudes were not connected to behavior but were connected to affect. B. Attitudes were causally related to behavior. C. Attitudes follow behavior. D. There was no linkage between attitude and behavior. E. Behavior was driven by emotions and attitude played a moderating role.

C (Attitudes follow behavior)

Which of these​ is/are evaluative statements—either favorable or unfavorable—about ​objects, people, or​ events? A. Values B. Personality C. Attitudes D. Perception E. Cognitive dissonance

C (Attitudes)

What three determinants of behavior in organizations are primarily studied in​ OB? A. Revenue, cost, and profits B. Structure, system, and culture C. Individuals, groups, and structure D. ​Efficiency, effectiveness, and organization E. Turnover, stress, and profits

C (Individuals, groups, and structure)

According to​ research, which of the following best summarizes​ male-female differences in the areas of​ problem-solving ability, analytical​ skills, competitive​ drive, motivation,​ sociability, or learning​ ability? A. Men were found to have better analytical​ skills, problem-solving​ ability, and competitive drive. B. Women were found to have better analytical​ skills, problem-solving​ ability, and competitive drive. C. No consistent differences exist between men and women. D. Women were found to be better at sociability and learning ability. E. Men were found to have a stronger competitive​ drive, whereas women were found to have bet sociability.

C (No consistent differences exist between men and women)

In responding to​ globalization, which of these is LEAST likely a challenge faced by​ today's managers? A. Overseeing the movement of jobs to countries with​ low-cost labor B. Working with people from different cultures C. Overseeing the movement of jobs to countries with​ high-cost labor D. Handling an increased number of foreign assignments E. Adapting to differing cultural and regulatory norms

C (Overseeing the movement of jobs to countries with​ high-cost labor)

Which of the following is NOT a dimension that makes up intellectual​ abilities? A. Perceptual speed B. Spatial visualization C. Physical strength D. Number aptitude E. Verbal comprehension

C (Physical strength)

Biographical characteristics​ ________. A. should be used for management decisions B. do not result in discrimination in the workplace C. are easily definable ways to look at employees D. relate significantly to work outcomes E. are difficult to gather

C (are easily definable ways to look at employees)

Increasing the OB element in organizations​ ___________. A. can increase employee turnover B. can significantly harm​ long-term profitability C. can foster social responsibility awareness D. can significantly increase employee work stress levels E. is associated with a negative societal image

C (can foster social responsibility awareness)

A​ __________ is an abstraction of​ reality, a simplified representation of some​ real-world phenomenon. A. system B. contingency C. model D. dilemma E. process

C (model)

Although the modern workforce increasingly values intellectual​ ability, _______________________ remains important for some types of work. A. length of service B. routine performance C. physical ability D. diversity management E. cultural identity

C (physical ability)

OB concepts must reflect​ _________. A. universally fixed principles B. quantitative techniques C. situational conditions D. laws of physical science E. big data decisions only

C (situational conditions)

Demographics mostly reflect​ __________. A. deep-level diversity B. discrimination C. surface-level diversity D. the standard of living E. intellectual ability

C (surface-level diversity)

What percentage of the growth in the labor force from 2006 to 2016 will be from workers over age​ fifty-four? A. About 8 to 10 percent B. 100 percent C. 24 percent D. 93 percent E. Between 40 and 50 percent

D (93 percent)

What is the correlation between intelligence and job​ satisfaction? A. -1.0 B. -0.5 C. 1.0 D. About zero E. 0.5

D (About zero)

Which component of attitude represents a belief in the way things​ are? A. Personality B. Behavioral C. Affective D. Cognitive E. Organizational commitment

D (Cognitive)

What is one global challenge where OB concepts can help make managers more​ effective? A. Higher labor costs in developing nations B. An increased number of domestic assignments for employees C. Using big data with a diverse set of customers D. Differing cultural and regulatory norms E. Differences in​ evidence-based management across the globe

D (Differing cultural and regulatory norms)

Which of the following disciplines does NOT contribute to our understanding of​ OB? A. Psychology B. Social psychology C. Anthropology D. Economics E. Sociology

D (Economics)

__________________ are​ specific, intense feelings a person has about a particular person or​ situation; ______________ are more general feelings that happen without a particular event or person provoking them. A. Affects, emotions B. Emotions, feelings C. Relationships, actions D. Emotions, moods E. Affects, moods

D (Emotions, moods)

Being assigned to a marginal job or not being given work to demonstrate talent for a promotion describes what common type of​ discrimination? A. Aggression B. Sexual harassment C. Incivility D. Exclusion E. Recruitment procedures

D (Exclusion)

Which term describes when an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to remain a​ member? A. Psychological empowerment B. Job involvement C. Cognitive dissonance D. Organizational commitment E. Job satisfaction

D (Organizational commitment)

According to a global study of job satisfaction levels of workers in fifteen​ countries, which country had the lowest​ score? A. United States B. Canada C. Switzerland D. South Korea E. Mexico

D (South Korea)

Which response includes actively and constructively attempting to improve​ conditions, including suggesting​ improvements, discussing problems with​ superiors, and undertaking some forms of union​ activity? A. Loyalty B. Neglect C. Exit D. Voice E. Commitment

D (Voice)

The science of OB was developed by applying general concepts to​ __________. A. corporate cultures B. country-specific organizations C. universally fixed situations D. a particular​ situation, person, or group E. human population in general

D (a particular​ situation, person, or group)

Much of our current understanding of organizational​ culture, organizational​ environments, and differences among national cultures comes from the field of​ _________. A. accounting B. sociology C. psychology D. anthropology E. economics

D (anthropology)

Whereas​ ________________________ measures how much​ employees' perceived efforts in the workplace contribute to their​ self-worth, __________________________ refers to how much employees feel their organization values their work contributions. A. employee​ engagement, workplace engagement B. job​ attitude, relationship attitude C. job​ involvement, job satisfaction D. job​ involvement, perceived organizational support E. organizational​ commitment, perceived organizational support

D (job​ involvement, perceived organizational support)

The​ __________ response means passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to​ improve, including speaking up for the organization in the face of external criticism and trusting the organization and its management to​ "do the right​ thing." A. voice B. exit C. neglect D. loyalty E. commitment

D (loyalty)

Of all the behavioral science​ disciplines, __________________ makes the most important contribution to OB. A. finance B. sociology C. economics D. psychology E. behaviorism

D (psychology)

All of the following​ present opportunities for managers to use OB concepts EXCEPT​ ____________. A. improving ethical behavior B. managing workforce diversity C. working in networked organizations D. understanding technical competencies E. enhancing employee​ well-being at work

D (understanding technical competencies)

Which three types of variables are components of the OB​ model? A. ​Employees, management, and shareholders B. Product, process, and personalities C. ​Individual, group, and organizational D. ​Input, processes, and outcomes E. Intra, inter, and external

D (​Input, processes, and outcomes)

Which statement best describes the early research assumption about the​ attitude-behavior relationship? A. Attitudes were not connected to behavior but were connected to affect. B. There was no linkage between attitude and behavior. C. Attitudes followed behavior. D. Behavior was driven by​ emotions, and attitude played a moderating role. E. Attitudes were causally related to behavior.

E (Attitudes were causally related to behavior)

What is true of diversity in a group​ setting? A. Team members should work​ to emphasize their differences for a successful team. B. Leaders of diverse groups should stress​ task performance over group goals and values. C. Differences in biographical characteristics have been shown to help group performance. D. Mixing individuals with different levels of intelligence and conscientiousness can lead to success. E. Groups of individuals who have varying types of expertise are typically better than uniform groups.

E (Groups of individuals who have varying types of expertise are typically better than uniform groups)

Which of the following is true of the job attitudes studied by OB​ researchers? A. If people feel engaged by their​ job, they are unlikely to also feel strong organizational commitment. B. There are no differences among the​ attitudes, so researchers have combined them all into one category. C. Strong organizational commitment is more related to employee performance than the other attitudes according to researchers. D. Each attitude is distinct and varies greatly in individual employees depending on personality. E. Researchers have found strong relationships among the different job attitudes.

E (Researchers have found strong relationships among the different job attitudes)

According to​ research, people are least satisfied with which facet of their​ jobs? A. Their coworkers B. Their supervisors C. Their jobs overall D. The work itself E. Their pay

E (Their pay)

Which term refers to organizations becoming more heterogeneous in terms of​ gender, age,​ race, ethnicity, and sexual​ orientation? A. Globalization B. Networked organizations C. Evidence-based management D. Positive organizational scholarship E. Workforce diversity

E (Workforce diversity)

The​ _________ response passively allows conditions to worsen and includes chronic absenteeism or​ lateness, reduced​ effort, and increased error rate. A. exit B. loyalty C. commitment D. voice E. neglect

E (neglect)

An effective diversity management strategy​ ____________. A. is less important in international firms which are already diverse B. uses​ single-time training programs C. should focus​ on celebrating differences among employees D. can be achieved through a few diversity training sessions with employees E. should measure the representation of women and minority groups​ in management

E (should measure the representation of women and minority groups​ in management)

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