Management Exam 1 revised study set from #51 on

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Halo effects are particularly important in the performance appraisal process because they can influence a manger's evaluations of subordinates' work performance. True False


High self-monitoring individuals cannot disguises their behaviors "what you see is what you get"


Optimizing refers to the idea that, while individuals reason well and are logical, they have their limits with respect to interpreting and making sense of things within the context of their personal situations. True False


The degree to which the culture respects and values diversity and is open to anyone who can perform a job, regardless of their diversity attributes, is known as:


The degree to which the culture respects and values diversity and is open to anyone who can perform a job, regardless of their diversity attributes, is known as: a. stockholder diversity. b.constructive culture. c. multiple culturalism. d. inclusion. e. cultural sensitivity


Unfortunately, today's labor force is composed of fewer women than in prior years. True False


(True of false) Culture is the learned, shared way of doing things in a particular society


(True or false) A contrast effect occurs when an individual's characteristics are compared with those of others who have been recently encountered and who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics.


(True or false) Commonly used organizational behavior research methods include case studies, survey studies, meta analyses, field studies, and laboratory studies.


(True or false) Customers, owners, employees, suppliers, regulators, and local communities are among the key stakeholders of most business organizations.


(True or false) Demographic trends indicate that unlike today, in the future, people of color will not constitute the majority of the US population.


(True or false) Emotional intelligence includes the human skills of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skill.


(True or false) Ethics mindfulness is an "enriched awareness" that causes a manager to behave with an ethical consciousness from one decision or behavioral event to another.


(True or false) Extraversion, a "Big Five" personality dimension, is associated with being imaginative, curious and broad- minded.


(True or false) High power distance and individualism are often found together, as are low power distance and collectivism


(True or false) If a person performs poorly in many different situations, the tendency is to attribute the person's poor performance to external causes; but if the person performs poorly only occasionally, the tendency is to attribute the person's poor performance to internal causes


(True or false) In Hofstede's framework of national culture, individualism-collectivism reflect the degree to which organization emphasize competition and assertiveness versus interpersonal sensitivity and concerns for relationships.


(True or false) In studying individual differences, we attempt to identify where behavioral tendencies are similar and where they are different.


(True or false) Job enlargement is designed to increase job breadth by having the worker perform more and different tasks, but all at the same level of responsibility and challenge.


(True or false) Non-programmed decisions are made as standardized responses to recurring situations and routine problems.


(True or false) Organizational behavior clearly indicates that managers should be held accountable for task performance results, but not job satisfaction results since job satisfaction results are the domain of employees.


(True or false) Organizational behavior uses specific methods to develop generalizations about behavior in organizations.


(True or false) People are born into a society that teaches their members its culture.


(True or false) Positive and innovative changes in organizations have a greater degree of positive effects on proactive individuals


(True or false) Research finds that capital is the building block of organizational success.


(True or false) Research in organizational behavior is based on scientific thinking, which means the proposed explanations are carefully tested and the explanations that can be scientifically verified are the only ones that are accepted.


(True or false) South Korea is low on Hofstede's long-term orientation and the U.S. is a more long-term oriented country.


(True or false) Stereotypes obscure managers from getting to know people as individuals and from accurately assessing their needs, preferences, and abilities.


(True or false) The most extreme type of programmed decision is the crisis decision.


(True or false) The quality or accuracy of a person's perceptions has a relatively minor impact on the person's behavior.


(True or false) The right social networks can create the right impression


(True or false) We practice a lot of impression management as a matter of routine in everyday life

confirmation error

A form of selective perception, the __________ involves seeking only those cues in a situation that support a preexisting opinion. a. affirmation pitfall b. authentication trap c. documentation trap d. validation pitfall e. confirmation error


According to Hofstede's framework, value differences across national cultures can be evaluated in terms of power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism-collectivism, masculinity-femininity, and long-term/short-term orientation. True False

Distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency

According to attribution theory, three factors influence whether internal or external attributions are made. These three factors are _________.

distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency

According to attribution theory, three factors influence whether internal or external attributions are made. These three factors are __________. a.distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency b. distinctiveness, accord, and congruity c.disposition, concurrence, and cohesion d. individuality, accord, and cohesion e. individuality, consent, and harmony


According to research data, women earn only _____ cents per dollar earned by men.

Organizational systems

All of the following can cause distortion throughout the entire perceptual process EXCEPT:

once it is determined that a chosen course of action is Ònot working,Ó decision makers will re-group and select a different course of action.

All of the following statements relating to escalating commitment are correct EXCEPT: a. the tendency to escalate commitments often outweighs the willingness to disengage from them. b.decision makers may characterize any negative results from an escalated commitment as a Òlearning experienceÓ can be overcome with added future effort. c. decision makers may rationalize negative feedback resulting from an escalated commitment as a temporary condition. d. once it is determined that a chosen course of action is Ònot working,Ó decision makers will re-group and select a different course of action. e. an escalated commitment may result in a decision maker protecting his or her ego by not admitting that the original decision was a mistake.


An example of a non-programmed decision is when a senior marketing manager of ABC who has to respond to the introduction of a new product by a foreign competitor in a new country where ABC also is entering. True False

all of the answer choices are correct

As employees progress in organizations from non-managerial positions to higher roles, which of the following occurs: a.Their technical skills become relatively less important b.They get paid not for what they specifically do but rather what they get done through others c. all of the answer choices are correct d. Their conceptual and human skills begin to take priority over technical skills

- Their conceptual and human skills begin to take priority over technical skills - They get paid not for what they specifically do but rather what they get done through others - Their technical skills become relatively less important

As employees progress in organizations from non-managerial positions to higher roles, which of the following occurs?


At ABC Services, Inc., all employees share a common set of beliefs and values that influence their behavior. This refers to organizational:


Combining a set pf physical and mental characteristics that reflect how a person looks, thinks, acts, and feels, is called: - Perception - Aptitude - Personality - Cognition - Ability

Economic difficulties

Common work-related stressors include all of the following except: - Ethical dilemmas - Economic difficulties - Career development problems - Task demands - Interpersonal problems


Commonly used organizational behavior research methods include case studies, survey studies, meta analyses, field studies, and laboratory studies. True False


Culture is the learned, shared way of doing things in a particular society. True False


Customers, owners, employees, suppliers, regulators, and local communities are among the key stakeholders of most business organizations. True False

- An increasing percentage of people of color in the labor force

Demographic trends driving workforce diversity in American society today include:


Different people may perceive the same situation quite differently. True False

selective perception

Emily is considered to be an excellent production manager. However, she tends to give attention only to those aspects of the organization that affect her own production operation and to not notice the concerns of other departments. From a perceptual perspective, Emily is guilty of which perceptual distortion? a.Contrast error b. Selective perception c. Halo effect d. Statutory effect. e. Discernment error

- Influence how we interpret events - Impact all interpersonal aspects of the organization - Spread throughout the team or workgroup

Emotions matter in the workplace because they:

all of the answer choices are correct

Emotions matter in the workplace because they: a. Spread throughout the team or workgroup b. all of the answer choices are correct c. Impact all interpersonal aspects of the organization d. Influence how we interpret events

contrast effect

If you are a manager and have one extremely exceptional employee, you need to guard against __________ when evaluating the work of your other employees, because you may have the tendency to compare the characteristics of your other employees with those of the exceptional employee. a. selective perception b. project errors c. contrast effects d. halo effects e. self-fulfilling prophecy

technical skill.

Important dimensions of emotional intelligence include all of the following human skills EXCEPT: a.self-awareness. b. self-regulation. c. technical skill. d. empathy. e. social skill.


Impression management is more important in face-to-face meetings than in online interactions. True False


In Hofstede's framework of national culture, individualism-collectivism reflects the degree to which organizations emphasize competition and assertiveness versus interpersonal sensitivity and concerns for relationships. True False


In a management by objectives approach, the supervisor and subordinate jointly establish performance goals, individually act, and jointly evaluate results and recycle the MBO process. True False

overemphasize; underemphasize; our own internal factors; external factors

In assessing the causes of other people's behavior, we tend to __________ their internal personal factors and to __________ the external factors. However, in assessing the causes of our own behavior, we tend to attribute our own success to __________ and our failure to __________. a. overemphasize; underemphasize; our own internal factors; external factors b. overemphasize; underemphasize; external factors; our own internal factors c. underemphasize; overemphasize; our own internal factors; external factors d. overemphasize; overemphasize; external factors; our own internal factors e. underemphasize; overemphasize; external factors; our own internal factors

Leadership, strategy, formal organization, and informal organization

In considering the congruence model, an organization's goal is to have alignment between: a. Leadership, workforce diversity, formal organization, and informal organization b. Leadership, strategy, inclusion, and constructive culture c. Leadership, workforce diversity, inclusion, and constructive culture d. Leadership, strategy, formal organization, and informal organization


In studying individual differences, we attempt to identify where behavioral tendencies are similar and where they are different. True False


Leaders succeed when people follow them not because they have to, but because they want to. True False


Negotiators using a highball (or lowball) tactic start with a ridiculously high (or low) opening offer that they know they will never receive. The theory is that the extreme offer will cause the other party to reevaluate his/her own opening offer and make less demanding offers in return. Highball (or lowball) tactics are an example of what type of heuristic in decision-making? a.Confirmation bias b. The availability bias c. Overconfidence bias d. Anchoring


Negotiators using a highball or lowball tactic stat with a ridiculously high (or low) opening offer that they know they will never receive. The theory is that the extreme offer will cause the other pety to reevaluate his/her own opening offer and make less demanding offers in return. Highball (or lowball) tactics are an example of what type of heuristic in decision making?

Emotional arousal

Of the following ways of building self-efficacy, which refers to gaining confidence when we are highly stimulated or energized to perform well? a. None of the above b. Emotional arousal c. Verbal persuasion d. Enactive mastery e. Vicarious modeling

competitive landscape in the industry.

Organizational behavior goals include all of the following EXCEPT improving the: a.competitive landscape in the industry. b.performance of organizations. c. performance of people. d. quality of overall work life. e. performance of groups.


Organizational behavior is an interdisciplinary body of knowledge with strong ties to psychology, sociology, chemistry, and anthropology. True False


Organizational behavior research is now rich with empirically based insights into cross-cultural issues. True False


People are born into a society that teaches their members its culture. True False


Projection can be controlled through a high degree of self-awareness and empathy. True False


Projection is the process through which people select, organize, interpret, retrieve, and respond to information from their environment. True False


Research finds that financial capital is the building block of organizational success. True False


Research in organizational behavior is based on scientific thinking, which means the proposed explanations are carefully tested and the explanations that can be scientifically verified are the only ones that are accepted. True False


Schemas make it easier for people to remember things not included in memories. True False


Selective screening lets in only a tiny portion of all of the information available. True False

the primary focus on the human factor began in the 18th century.

The following statements are accurate descriptions of the evolution of the scientific study of organizations EXCEPT: a.the primary focus on the human factor began in the 18th century. b. the early focus of the systematic study of management was on physical working conditions, principles of administration, and principles of industrial engineering. management research progressed, emphasis was placed on the human factor with respect to individual attitudes, group dynamics, and relationships between managers and workers. d. organization behavior continues to evolve as a discipline devoted to understanding the performance implications of organizational processes, systems, and structures. e. organization behavior continues to evolve as a discipline devoted to understanding individuals and groups in organizations


The novelty of a situation affects a person's perception of it. True False

Self-awareness and empathy

The perceptual distortion of projection can be controlled through a high degree of _____.

- Clear and constant preferences - All relevant information is present - No time constraints and unlimited information processing

The prescriptive model assumes the decision maker possesses certain information and is aware of their preferences and constraints before beginning the decision-making process. What other assumption does the prescriptive make?


The quality or accuracy of a person's perceptions has a relatively minor impact on the person's behavior. True False

Lower productivity and employee turnover (higher turnover)

The results of a broken psychological contract from an employer's perspective is:

pluralism and respect for diversity.

The term multiculturalism, as used in OB, refers to: a. a job rotation system whereby employees move from country to country. b. developing employees to better understand people from non-United States cultures. c. hiring people from different cultures to work in one company. d. a job design system whereby managers are required to oversee people from different countries. e. pluralism and respect for diversity.


The way individuals think about such matters as achievement, material gain, wealth, risk and change may influence how they approach work and their relationships with organizations.

availability of information, Representativeness, Anchoring

There are a number of processes that people use when making decisions. These include decision-making heuristics like: Select all that apply a. Availability of information b. Reciprocity c. Representativeness d. Confirmation e. Anchoring

- Responsible - Dependable - Persistent

Traits involved with the "Big Five" personality trait of conscientiousness are:

ability stereotype

When a mentally challenged candidate is overlooked by a recruiter even though he possesses skills that are perfect for the job, which perceptual distortion is likely to be experienced by the recruiter? a.Projection b.Selective perception c. Halo effect d. Ability stereotypes e.Self-fulfilling prophecy

Job enrichment

When your manager increases your job content by giving you more responsibility for planning and evaluating duties, which job design approach is being used?

- Attempting to reframe a problem - Asking for help to reprioritize tasks

Which of the following are examples of coping skills: - Attempting to reframe a problem - Asking for help to reprioritize tasks - Interpersonal pressures with coworkers or supervisor - Time pressures such as deadlines - Environmental factors such as noise or general working conditions

all of the answer choices are correct

Which of the following has been cited as a recommendation for changing structures and perceptions to address the leaking pipeline? a. Actively monitor satisfaction levels of women b. Measure performance through results c. All of the answer choices are correct d. Provide mentoring for all high potential female managers e. Create organizational cultures more satisfying to women

management by objectives

Which of the following is a direct application of goal setting theory? a. Job rotation, enlargement, or enrichment b. Management by Objectives (MBO) c. Merit pay, profit sharing, or employee stock ownership


Which of the following is an enduring change of behavior that results from experience? a.Organizational tracking b. Learning c. Managerial scholarship d. Lifelong careers e. Managerial sense-making

You should choose a username so that your future employees cannot find you online.

Which of the following is false regarding impression management in social networks? - You should choose a username so that your future employees cannot find you online. - You should view your persona as a brand. - You should post ad participate in an online forum only in ways that meet your goals for your personal brand. - You should ask yourself, "How do I want to be viewed"? - You should profile yourself only as you really, would like to be known to others.

Reducing tasks to create smaller jobs

Which of the following is not a correct way of raising a motivating potential score?

U.S. has a highly individualistic culture

Which of the following statements concerning dimensions of national culture is correct? a.Mexico is considered to have an individualistic culture b. Japan's culture is considered to be feminine c. U.S. is a more long-term oriented country d. U.S. has a highly individualistic culture e. Hong Kong is considered to have a high uncertainty avoidance culturer

A 2010 Harris poll shows that 78 percent of heterosexual adults in the U.S. agree that how an employee performs at his or her job should be the standard for judging an employee, not one's sexual orientation.

Which of the following statements concerning sexual orientation is TRUE? a. The first U.S. corporation to add sexual orientation to its nondiscrimination policy was Apple Computers. b. Sexual orientation is protected by the EEOC. c. A 2010 Harris poll shows that 78 percent of heterosexual adults in the U.S. agree that how an employee performs at his or her job should be the standard for judging an employee, not one's sexual orientation. d. Attitudes towards gays in the workplace are not changing significantly. e. Few companies are extending rights to gay workers.

- High self-monitors ignore the behavior of others

Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe high self-monitors? - High self--monitors tend to behave differently in different situations - High self-monitors are sensitive to external cues - High self-monitors present a very different appearance from their true self - High self-monitors ignore the behavior of others - High self-monitors are flexible and especially good at responding to situational contingencies.

reliability and validity

______ and ______ are two critical factors that must be examined to determine the scientific support for the use of any assessment instrument (personality, aptitude, or interest). a. Consistency and validity b. Reliability and metrics c. Reliability and validity

- Stereotypes

________ Can lead to poor decisions and discrimination when used too broadly.


__________ are simplified views of reality that attempt to explain real-world phenomena. a. Theories b. Incubators c. Scientific methods d. Reproductions e. Models

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