Management Principles- Module 8 (chapter 13)

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Team Tasks A) Team-based organizations have more motivation and involvement, and teams can often _____ more than individuals B) Teams differ in terms of the tasks they are trying to accomplish and the roles team members play There are 3 major classes of tasks: 1.Production tasks - making ____ 2.Idea generation tasks - creating and _____ 3.Problem-solving tasks - ____ plans

a) accomplish b) 1) something 2) brainstorming 3) action

Organizing Teams 1) Team contracts •Team Values and ____ •Team Roles and Leadership •Team Decision Making •Team _____ •Team Performance 2) Team meetings •Before, during and after

1) Goals; Communication 2)

Obstacles of Ineffective Teams 1) Poor performance of some team members •The reason why is important •Lack of ____ •Lack of _____ 2) Poorly managed team conflict •Avoid personal attacks, focus on task _____

1) ability; motivation 2) performance

Task Roles 1. The completer role is also important as it is often where ideas are transformed into ____. a) Behaviors associated with this role include following up on tasks such as gathering needed background _____ or summarizing the team's ideas into reports. 2. The critic role includes "____ ___" behaviors which go against the assumptions being made by the team.

1) action a) information 2) devil's advocate

Stages of Group Development 1. In the Storming phase participants focus less on keeping their guard up as they shed social facades, becoming more authentic and more ______. 2) It is not unusual for group members to become _____, competitive, or jealous. 3) They may take sides or begin to form ____ within the group. 4) Group members are becoming more authentic as they express their deeper _____ and feelings.

1) argumentative 2) defensive 3) cliques 4) thoughts

Stages of Group Development 1) At the Performing stage, participants are not only getting the work done, but they also pay greater _____ to how they are doing it. 2) By now, the group has matured, becoming more _____, autonomous, and insightful. 3) Group leaders can finally move into _____ roles and help members grow in skill and leadership.

1) attention 2) competent 3) coaching

Effective Teams 1) Team diversity (should team members be of similar ____, such as all engineers, or of different backgrounds) 2) complementary skills lead to greater success because members can see each other's ____ spots. 3) One team member's strengths can compensate for another's ____ 4) Diversity in team composition can help teams come up with more creative and effective ____.

1) background 2) blind 3) weaknesses 4) solutions

Effective Teams 1) Team composition (who should... ) - Qualified 2) Team size (the optimal ____ of people on the team) - 2 to 20 members

1) be on the team 2) number

Obstacles of Ineffective Teams 1) Challenges of knowing where to ____ •Look at goals 2) Dominating team members •Balanced _____

1) begin 2) participation

Team Characteristics What exactly is the difference between a group and a team? 1) A group is a _____ of individuals. 2) Within an organization, groups might consist of project-related groups such as a product group or they can encompass an entire branch of a company. A team is a particular type of group: 3) a cohesive coalition of people working together to achieve mutual ____. 4) Being on a team does not equate to a total suppression of personal agendas, but it does require a ____ to the vision and involves each individual working toward accomplishing the team's objective.

1) collection 2) 3) goals 4) commitment

Types of Teams 1) Cross-functional •Individuals from ____ parts of the organization staff the team 2) Top Management Team •C-suite, Directors, VP's •Vision and _____ •Succession planning

1) different 2) strategy

Other Problems with Groups 1) Social loafing refers to the tendency of individuals to put in less _____ when working in a group context. 2) The social loafing tendency is not so much a matter of _____ as a matter of perceiving that one will receive neither one's fair share of rewards if the group is successful nor blame if the group fails.

1) effort 2) laziness

Organizing Teams When a team is well organized, it tends to perform well. 1) A key to successful team design is to have clear norms, roles, and ____ among team members. 2) Norms - way of ensuring ____ within a team

1) expectations 2) coordination

Social and Boundary-Spanning Roles Social roles serve to keep the team operating effectively. 1. The cooperator role includes supporting those with _____ toward the team's goals. This is a proactive role. 2. The communicator role includes behaviors that are targeted at collaboration such as practicing good ____ skills and appropriately using humor to diffuse tense situations. 3. The calibrator role is an important one and serves to keep the team on track in terms of suggesting any needed ____ to the team's process. •Involves settling disagreements or pointing out what is working and what is not in terms of team process.

1) expertise 2) listening 3) changes

Stages of Group Development 1. Forming stage, the group comes together for the ____ time. 2) There is a level of formality, some anxiety, and a degree of guardedness as group members are not sure what is going to ______. 3) Because of the large amount of uncertainty, members tend to be polite, avoid _____, and observant. 4) This phase is usually short, perhaps a meeting or two.

1) first 2) happen 3) conflict 4)

Team Characteristics 1) Teams differ from other types of groups in that members are focused on a joint ____ or product, such as a presentation, discussing a topic, writing a report, or creating a new design or prototype Key properties: 2) Collaborative ____ 3) Compensation based on shared ____ 4) Sacrifice for the common good

1) goal 2) action 3) outcomes 4)

Stages of Group Development 1) In the Norming stage group members are much more committed to each other and the group's _____. 2) Finding themselves more cohesive and _____, participants find it easy to establish their own ground rules (or norms) and define their operating procedures and goals. 3) At this point, the leader should become more of a facilitator by stepping back and letting the group assume more _____ for its goal.

1) goal 2) cooperative 3) responsibility

Types of Groups 1) A group is a collection of individuals who interact with each other such that one person's actions have an ______ on the others 2) The success of the group depends on the successful management of its members and making sure all aspects of work are ______ for each member. •Being able to work in a group is a key skill for managers and employees alike.

1) impact 2) fair

Social and Boundary-Spanning Roles Teams that engage in a greater level of boundary-spanning behaviors increase their team effectiveness 1. The consul role includes gathering _____ from the larger organization and informing those within the organization about team activities, goals, and successes. 2. The coordinator role includes interfacing with others within the organization so that the team's efforts are in line with other individuals and _____ within the organization.

1) information 2) teams

Stages of Group Development - Tuckman 1) According to this theory, to facilitate a group successfully, the leader needs to move through various ______ styles over time. This is accomplished by: 2) first being more _____ 3) eventually serving as a _____ 4) once the group is able to assume more power and responsibility for itself, shifting to _______. 5) When socialization occurs, groups tend to handle future challenges better because the individuals have an _____ of each other's needs.

1) leadership 2) direct 3) coach 4) delegator 5) understanding

Team Leadership 1) Manager-led teams - ____ assigns work - leader resides outside team, potential for low autonomy 2) Self-managed teams - select own ____ and team members - Stretch goals, Empowerment - low / medium autonomy 3) Self-directed teams - no ___ - high autonomy

1) manager 2) leader 3) oversight

Groupthink and Conformity 1) Internal pressure to conform may arise where some members modify their behavior to adhere to group ____. 2) Groupthink is a group _____ phenomenon that increases the risk of the group making flawed decisions by allowing reductions in mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment. 3) Groups with high cohesion and high task commitment tend to be the most _____

1) norms 2) pressure 3) effective

In organizations, groups can be classified into two basic types: 1. Informal work groups are made up of two or more individuals who are associated with one another in ways not prescribed by the _____ •For example, a few people in the company who get together to play tennis on the weekend would be considered an informal group. 2. A formal work group is made up of ______, subordinates, or both with close associations among group members that influence the behavior of individuals in the group.

1) organization. 2) managers

Task Roles Five roles make up the task portion of the role typology. 1. The contractor role includes behaviors that serve to _____ the team's work 2. The creator role deals more with changes in the team's ____ process structure. 3. The contributor role is important because it brings information and ____ to the team. 4) This role is characterized by sharing knowledge and ____ those who have less expertise to strengthen the team.

1) organize 2) task 3) expertise 4) training

Other Problems with Groups 1) Collective efficacy refers to a group's perception of its ability to successfully _____ well influenced by a number of factors 2) watching others ("that group did it and we're better than them") 3) _____ persuasion ("we can do this") 4) how a person ____ ("this is a good group")

1) perform 2) 3) verbal 4) feels

Types of Teams Temporary 1) Task force, ____ development 2) Virtual •Not located in the same ____ space •Is work being done? •Trust •Communication

1) product 2) physical

Stages of Group Development 1. In the Adjourning stage, group leaders should be sensitive to handling these endings ____ and compassionately. - Debrief ("How did it all go? What did we learn?")

1) respectfully

Cohesion - Think of cohesion as social glue The fundamental factors affecting group cohesion include the following: 1) Similarity. The more ____ group members are in terms of age, sex, education, skills, attitudes, values, and beliefs, the more likely the group will bond. 2) Stability. The longer a group stays together, the more _____ it becomes.

1) similar 2) cohesive

The Punctuated-Equilibrium Model 1) In this model, groups remain fairly _____, maintaining a certain equilibrium for long periods. 2) Change during these periods is ______ 3) Revolutionary change occurs in brief, punctuated bursts, generally catalyzed by a crisis or a problem 4) Groups can repeatedly cycle through the Storming and Performing stages, with revolutionary change taking place during ______ transitional windows.

1) static 2) incremental 3) 4) short

Cohesion 3) Size. Smaller groups tend to have _____ levels of cohesion. 4) Support. When group members receive coaching and are encouraged to support their fellow team members, group identity _____. 5) Satisfaction. Cohesion is correlated with how pleased group members are with one another's ______, behavior, and conformity to group norms. - Too much cohesion can lead to problems such as Groupthink

3) higher 4) strengthens 5) performance

Team Tasks a) Task Interdependence - the degree that team members ____ on one another to get information, support, or materials from other team members to be effective. There are 4 types: 1.Pooled interdependence- team members work ____ and simply combine efforts to team output 2.Sequential interdependence- If one person's output becomes another person's ____ 3.Reciprocal interdependence- working _____ on each phase so best ideas can be captured at each phase 4.Outcome interdependence- where the rewards that an individual receives depend on the _____ of others.

a) depend 1) independently 2) input 3) together 4) performance

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