Managing ppl chp 1

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High social monitors

--are sensitive to the types of behaviors the social environment expects from them. --Their ability to modify their behavior according to the demands of the situation they are in and to manage their impressions effectively are great advantages for them --They are rated as higher performers and emerge as leaders --They are effective in influencing other people and are able to get things done by managing their impressions. --As managers, however, they tend to have lower accuracy in evaluating the performance of their employees. It seems that while trying to manage their impressions, they may avoid giving accurate feedback to their subordinates to avoid confrontations, which could hinder a manager's ability to carry out the Controlling function

Hindsight bias is the opposite of framing bias


Over-rewarded individuals experience a great deal of guilt and will substantially increase their effort to restore feelings of equity.


T or F Research indicates that older employees exhibit higher absenteeism


T or f Surface level traits affect interpersonal interactions only after ppl have known each other a long time


T or f deep level diversity traits are more important for early interactions


T or f reasonable accommodation for religious reasons doesn't require schedule modifications


T or f. Research shows that consensus decision making is less accurate and can even make group members feel less satisfied with a decision


Motivation is a function of the interaction between performance, ability and environment.

F Performance is a factor of motivation, ability and eveironment

Most difficult step of rational decision making process is establishing the decision criteria

F. Generating alternatives is

Grace is a college student and likes to sleep in past noon. She assumes that college students in general prefer to sleep late. What is this an ex of

False census error

When ppl consider themselves like other ppl and overestimate similarities to other ppl they are making a

False census error

Ability refers to

Having skills and knowledge to perform a job

Are ppl high or low in openness more likely to start own business


What is not a benefit if effective management of diversity

Higher productivity of operations and diverse workforces create cheaper products

Which is an unrealistic assumption made in rational decision making model

Ppl wnat to make optimal decisions

Correct order of the creative decision making model

Problem identification, immersion, incubation, illumination, verification and application

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Prohibits discrimination in employment with regard to race, color, sex religion and national orgin

What is an approach to address the similarity attraction phenomenon

Provide management training problems to make managers aware

What's the correlation between stress and exercise

Regular exercise increases bodies ability to draw oxygen out of the air, combating stress

Which stressor causes the worst performance

Role ambiguity

Grace can't stop thinking about negative feedback from her boss this is


Mike went to his friend Abe's house with nick. Nick said that was the brightest orange cat he's ever seen which Mike responded that he didn't notice the cat bc he was so focused on the dog. This is

Selective visual perception

Conrad knows that he sh flexible enjoys challenges and is concerned about security of job. Which emotional intelligence building block has he built

Self awareness

The car ahead was traveling very slow and the driver said must be a girl. This is


hindarance stressors

Stressors that detract from personal goals and prevent personal growth

3 white men and 3 black females, how will the fauktline be


Cashier smiles when I yell at them

Surface acting

Example of nonprogrammed decision is deciding whether to merge with another firm


Goal setting is one of the most influential theories of motivation.


If bill complains all the time that his lectures are boring then he is demonstrating high consistency.


Strong social networks reduces stress T or F


T or F. A decision rule is automated response to a problem or issue that occurs frequently


T or F. Our visual perception is bias bc we do not perceive objects in isolation


T or f one of the explanations for the wage gap between men and woman is that woman pursue occupations that are power payed then men


T or f our rationale provided for the existence of the glass ceiling for women is that women are viewed as being more passive and submissive compared to male


T or f research suggests that some employees may be stigmatized if they were hired under affirmative action program


The phenomenon of "the folly of rewarding A while hoping for B" suggests that at times, people are rewarded for the wrong kind of behavior.


To increase the effectiveness of performance meetings, increase employee participation.


Workplace stressors indicate

The fragmented fashion that we do work bc of info overload impacts mental sharpness and creativity

Strategic Decisions

Those setting the course of the organization

Removing ur hat during the anthem is an example of


Organizational way to manage stress

Training supervisors to be aware and sensitive to work life demands

nominal group technique

a decision-making method that begins and ends by having group members quietly write down and evaluate ideas to be shared with the group Not questionaires

Low distinctiveness is characterized by

a person behaving the same way in different situations.

job enrichment

allows workers more control over how they perform their own tasks.


an attribute along which a group is split into subgroups

escalation of commitment

an increased commitment to a previous decision in spite of negative information

glass ceiling

an invisible limit on women's climb up the occupational ladder

In expectancy theory, valence is

anticipated satisfaction that will result from outcome

First impressions

are resilient even in the face of contrary evidence.

According to the formula for the motivating potential score of a job, the most important elements in deciding motivation potential are

autonomy and feedback

When a store manager is low on product he puts an order in, this is an example of

decision rule

genuine acting

displaying emotions that are aligned with emotions that are actually felt

Individuals who expect yearly wage increases without exhibiting increased performance may be labeled


stressors definition

events or environmental agents responsible for initiating the stress response by elevating levels of adrenaline and forcing a physical or mental response

Bill is a qb and rarely complains about refs. He and the whole team complained about this ref though. The fact that Bill rarely complains suggests he has

high distinctiveness

Nejah is reading a report on employee justice perceptions. The article notes which of the following points?

high levels of justice create higher levels of organizational citizenship behaviors

A fashion designer who creates pieces for a large fashion house for a New York or Paris runway show has

high task identity


individuals who expect to receive a lot without giving much in return

Building blocks of emotional intelligence

self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship management

overconfidence bias

the bias in which people's subjective confidence in their decision making is greater than their objective accuracy

Task identity refers to

the degree to which a person is in charge of completing an identifiable piece of work from start to finish

Person-organized fit

the degree to which a person's personality, values, goals, and other characteristics match those of the organization

Interactional Justice

the degree to which others are treated with dignity and respect


the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision-making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives Don't question morality of group

framing bias

the tendency of decision makers to be influenced by the way a situation or problem is presented to them

hindsight bias

the tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that one would have foreseen it

Study findings on personality indicate

we are more emotionally stable and more organized between the ages of 20 and 40.

What personality trait is very curious and creative


Claudia is a salesperson with a major department store chain that is currently running a "secret coupon sale." The program allows the salesperson to randomly award a savings coupon to any shopper of the salesperson's choice. Who the salesperson chooses to award the coupon to is a(n) a. strategic decision. b. tactical decision. c. operational decision. d. programmed decision.


Terminal value

A lifelong goal or objective that an individual seeks to achieve Ex inner harmony

cultural intelligence

A person's capability to understand how a person's cultural background influences one's behavior.

Consensus Decision Making

A process whereby a group of individuals share ideas, solutions, and concerns to find a resolution to a problem that all members of the group can accept.

proactive personality

people who identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs Good at making friends

Instrumental values

preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving one's terminal values

What is deep level diversity?


Phase of stress where an outside jolts and individual insisting something must be down



An individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task.

intuitive decision-making model

Arriving at decisions without conscious reasoning. The model argues that in a given situation, experts making decisions scan the environment for cues to recognize patterns.

How to deal with someone with a high level of negative affectivity

Ask them for specifics of what's wrong

What is not a accommodation for disabled employee

Assignment of their jobs to others


Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group.

A way to individually manage stress

Break workdays into smaller parts to create a state if flow

Job Specialization

Breaking down tasks to their simplest components and assigning them to employees so that each person would perform few tasks in a repetitive manner.

positive emotions

Can lead to upward positive spirals of good emotions

While negative reinforcement can increase the desired behavior, it also runs the risk of

Creating unexpected outcomes that affect desired behavior

innovation vs creativity

Innovation; begins with creative ideas but involves planning Creativity; generating new ideas

If u don't have relevant expertise in th issues to make a decision should avoid what method

Intuitive decision making

What dimension describes who likes to have clarity and closure


At some point in your career you may be different then others. What would be a good advice

Know your rights

I am really concerned that I won't be able to remember the place when you put me in maybe you should put someone else is an example of?

Low self efficacy

agreeableness means ....

Nice tolerant sensitive and kind

When an individual is attempting to emphasize but never less is displaying emotions they don't feel they are engaging in

Deep acting

Which is accurate about decision making model is accurate

Dynamic nature of todays organizations including structural changes and cost cutting have driven creativity

bounded rationality model should be used when

Minimum criteria are clear

Ex of a question requiring an operational decision response is

How often do I go back to stockroom to get additional products?

Good advice for a company trying to enhance organizational creativity is

Incorporate creative behavior into the performance appraisal process

Ramone feels that he was unfairly passed over for a promotion at his firm. How might he deal with the perceived inequity?

Increase his outcomes

Negative reinforcement

Increases desired behavior


Increases job performance and decreases turnover

Work-life conflict...

Increases work hours and dual income households have greater work life conflict

What decision-making to use when goals are unclear, time pressure and have experience with problem

intuitive decision making

Employee autonomy

letting workers determine how to address the issue (may include make minor changes to current process or roles)" Increases motivation

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