March 2020 Benchmark Exam-

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Which event occurred as a result of General Cornwallis's surrender at the Battle of Yorktown?

Great Britain and the United States signed the Treaty of Paris

According to the Northwest Ordinance, which condition did a U.S. territory have to meet in order to apply for statehood?

Have a population of sixty thousand free settlers

What was the main cause of the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson in 1868?

His opposition to Radical Reconstruction policies for former Confederate states

Which American colony's economy was based primarily on shipbuilding and fishing?


[The] production of goods moved from home businesses, where products were generally crafted by hand, to . . . production in factories. This revolution, which involved major changes in transportation, manufacturing, and communications, transformed the daily lives of Americans as much as . . . any single event in U.S. history. —"The Industrial Revolution in the United States," The Library of Congress, (accessed February 21, 2014) Which of the following was most responsible for the revolution described in this excerpt?

Rapid technological innovation

What was one effect of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850?

Tensions among the populations of northern and southern states increased

As towns are established... along the rivers Savannah and Alatamaha, they will make such a barrier as will render the southern frontier of the British Colonies on the Continent of America, safe from Indian and other enemies. —General James Oglethorpe, 1733 Which human geographic factor most likely prompted this observation?

The Spanish land claims close to the British colonies

One Way to Amend the U.S. Constitution Proposal Proposal by a _________(1) vote in both houses of Congress. Ratification Ratification by three-fourths of the ___________(2) .

(1) two-thirds (2) state legislatures

Spanish Colonists _____1 French Colonists _________2 Which pair of actions best completes this graphic?

1—Established Catholic missions 2—Focused primarily on fur trading

1 • Continental Army • English Army 2 • George Washington • Paul Revere 3 • Virginia Plan • New Jersey Plan 4 • Thomas Jefferson • Alexander Hamilton Which pair contributed to the development of political parties in the United States?


Reasons for Seventeenth- Century European Colonization of North America 1- To convert American Indians in the Southwest to Catholicism 2- To cultivate cash crops in the Chesapeake Bay area 3- To extract precious metal from mines in present-day Mexico 4- To profit from fur trading in the Great Lakes region Which of these describes the primary reason for French colonization?


Which law would be considered unconstitutional on the basis of First Amendment guarantees?

A prohibition on electing religious leaders to government office

The British government issued the Proclamation of 1763 to limit the area British colonists were allowed to settle. Which geographic feature did the British use as the boundary of approved settlement?

Appalachian Mountains

Cause Effects ______?____ The War of 1812 Which action completes this graphic organizer?

British impressment of U.S. sailors

Reasons for Building Up the U.S. Military *American Indian =attacks on the frontier *Conflicts with pirates in North Africa ________? Which reason best completes the diagram?

British impressment of US sailors

Irish and Chinese immigrants are best remembered for performing which type of labor during the late nineteenth century?

Building railroads in western territories

How did the growth of the railway system during the nineteenth century affect the U.S. economy?

By helping expand the commercial markets of U.S. companies

How did southern state respond to the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment?

By imposing requirements designed to deny African Americans the right to vote

How did the Freedmen's Bureau most assist in the reconstruction of the South?

By offering legal assistance and public schooling to former slaves

Sectionalism- State rights, slavery - ? Which outcome best completes this diagram?

Civil War

Resolved, that the taxation of the people by themselves, or by persons chosen by themselves to represent them . . . is the only security against a burdensome taxation . . . —Virginia Stamp Act Resolutions, May 30, 1765 Which statement best explains why this resolution was adopted?

Colonists were opposed to colonial laws being created only by Parliament

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. —President Abraham Lincoln, second inaugural address, March 4, 1865 Which leadership quality does President Lincoln best demonstrate in this address?

Compassion — He wants to help those who suffered during the Civil War.

Which constitutional issue led to the Nullification Crisis of 1832?

Do states have the power to declare a federal law unconstitutional?

***he potential for new markets • An abundance of inexpensive farmland • The discovery of gold Which title best completes this list?

Economic Motives for Manifest Destiny Policies

Which of the following had the greatest impact on the outcome of the Civil War?

Economic differences between the Union and the Confederacy

Bills of rights . . . are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. Those who agreed with this point of view were known as —


Which grievance from the Declaration of Independence is addressed by the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury . .

Which factor contributed to the founding of new religious groups in the United States?

Freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights

What was one result of the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828?

Increased levels of voter participation

In 1844, Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail sent the first telegraph message between Washington D.C., and Baltimore , Maryland. In 1861, Western Union laid the first transcontinental telegraph line. In 1866, the first permanent telegraph cable was laid across the Atlantic Ocean. What impact did this innovation have on daily life?

It became a major method of long-distance communication for many years.

Are you willing to... elect to all offices of Honor, Profit, or Trust, none but native born citizens of America, of this country to the exclusion of all foreigners . . . ? —Examiner's questions for admittance to the Know-Nothing Party, 1854 Which inference about the Know-Nothing Party is supported by the excerpt above?

Its members blamed Irish immigrants for taking away jobs.

*Responsibility: Second President of the United States • Courage: Defending Redcoats at the Boston Massacre Trial • Perseverance: Negotiating the Treaty of Paris This list refers to the contributions of which Founding Father?

John Adams

The question whether the judges are invested with exclusive authority to decide on the constitutionality of a law has been heretofore a subject of consideration with me in the exercise of official duties. Certainly there is not a word in the Constitution which has given that power to them more than to the Executive or Legislative branches. — Thomas Jefferson, 1815 Which constitutional principle is Jefferson referring to in this excerpt?

Judicial review

The ? established a government ..., outlined the process for admitting a new state to the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen states. Considered one of the most important legislative acts of the Confederation Congress, the ? also protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories. — "Primary Documents in American History," Library of Congress, (accessed May 2, 2014) Which document completes this excerpt?

Northwest Ordinance

Which action is one part of the official path to U.S. citizenship through the naturalization process?

Passing a U.S. civics exam

[The] _____?_______ consisted of several kinds of activity, distinguished by locale and expression of religious commitment. In New England, the renewed interest in religion inspired a wave of social activism. In western New York, the spirit of revival encouraged the emergence of new denominations. In the Appalachian region of Kentucky and Tennessee, the revival strengthened the Methodists and the Baptists, and spawned a new form of religious expression—the camp meeting. —Outline of U.S. History, Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State, 2011 Which term best completes this excerpt?

Second Great Awakening

That instrument [the Constitution] meant that its co-ordinate branches should be checks on each other. But the opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional, and what not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action, but for the legislature & executive also in their spheres, would make the judiciary a despotic branch. —Letter from Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, September 11, 1804 This excerpt supports the conclusion that Jefferson disagreed with —

The Supreme Court's power of judicial review

1845 Texas is annexed by the United States. 1845 Mexican and U.S. troops gather near the Texas-Mexico border. 1846 The United States declares war on Mexico. 1847 Mexico accepts a temporary peace settlement. 1848 The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed. Which of the following occurred as a result of these events?

The United States acquired several territories from Mexico.

Which of the following is the best example of an early U.S. struggle to define the domestic authority of the central government?

The Whiskey Rebellion

All men are created equal, says the great Declaration and now a great act attests this verity. Today we make the Declaration a reality. . . . The Declaration was only half established by Independence. The greatest duty remained behind. In assuring the equal rights of all we complete the work. —Senator Charles Sumner, 1870 What is the "great act" referred to by Senator Sumner in this excerpt?

The addition of Hiram Rhodes Revels to the U.S. Senate

Which phrase best represents the US principle of republicanism?

The creation of a Congress to carry out the will of the people

Which of the following is most associated with the formation of the Democratic Party?

The election of Andrew Jackson as president

**Invention of the cotton gin ***Opening of lands along the Mississippi River ****Growing demand for inexpensive labor Which change occurred as a direct result of these developments?

The expansion of slavery into newly acquired territories

Why did slavery become a widespread practice in the United States during the early nineteenth century?

The need for agricultural labor increased as a result of expanded cotton production.

Transformation of " The Star-Spangled Banner" Francis Scott Key wrote a poem titled "The Defence of Fort McHenry" during the War of 1812. The poem was combined with music and became a popular song known as "The Star-Spangled Banner." "The Star-Spangled Banner" was adopted as the national anthem of the United States in 1931. What is one reason this song has endured for so many years?

The song celebrates a patriotic act from the past

How did the Supreme Court decision in Worcester v. Georgia affect American Indians?

The state ignored the ruling and distributed Cherokee lands to white settlers.

Articles of Confederation • Did not grant a federal power to tax or regulate commerce • Did not establish a common currency • Did not establish an executive or judicial branch What does this list suggest about the drafters of the Articles of Confederation?

They feared that a strong central government would abuse its power.

How were former Confederate leaders treated under the Radical Reconstruction plan?

They were denied the ability to obtain political positions.

***Brook Farm community members practiced plain living according to transcendentalist philosophy. • ***The Amana Colonies established a network of villages with an agricultural base. • **Shakers practiced communal living, pacifism, and gender equality. The communities in this list were established in America during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. What did they have in common?

They were devoted to creating ideal societies.

The development of the factory system in the early 1800s caused —

an increase in production levels

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. —U.S. Constitution, Tenth Amendment What was the purpose of this amendment?

To limit the authority of the federal government

The American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European Power. —President James Monroe, message to Congress, 1823 What was the main reason President Monroe made this statement?

To prevent European intervention in countries near the United States

Representation in the US Senate Equal number of seats for all states Representation in U.S. House of Representatives Number of seats based on state population Why was this congressional structure created by the framers of the Constitution?

To reach a compromise between large and small states

1764 Sugar Act 1765 Stamp Act 1767 Townshend Acts What was the primary reason Parliament passed these acts?

To recover the cost of defending the colonies

What reason did President James K. Polk give when he asked Congress to declare war against Mexico?

To stop Mexican attacks against U.S. territory

The great idea in Article V [of the Constitution] is that change requires two elements: . . . national agreement, as well as agreement in most of the states, that an urgent problem exists that cannot be remedied by the courts, legislatures or Congress. —Mary Frances Berry, The New York Times, September 13, 1987 This author is expressing her opinion about —

amending the Constitution

We [New Englanders] look upon the states, not as separated, but as united. We love to dwell on that union, and on the mutual happiness which it has so much promoted. . . . In our contemplation, Carolina and Ohio are parts of the same country. . . . We do not impose geographical limits to our patriotic feeling or regard. . . . —Senator Daniel Webster, reply to Senator Robert Hayne, January 1830 In this reply, Daniel Webster is reacting to —

an attempted nullification of a federal law by a state

History and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican government. . . . It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances. —President George Washington's Farewell Address, 1796 The idea expressed in this quote is that the United States should avoid —

becoming involved in the political affairs of other countries

British Colonial North America Southern- Warm, humid climate, fertile soil, New England Colonies- Cold climate, Rocky soil The geographic factors in this table led primarily to the -

development of different economies in the two regions

The reform efforts of Dorothea Dix during the mid-nineteenth century led to —

improved facilities for the mentally ill and disabled

All you need is an open mind and a readiness to work with the other[s] . . . to make decisions. You also need to be impartial—in other words, your decisions must not be influenced by personal feelings and biases. This statement is most likely from a handbook designed to prepare citizens for —

jury duty

In the 1630s, Thomas Hooker and Roger Williams disagreed with the religious leaders of Massachusetts. These disagreements were resolved when Hooker and Williams —

left Massachusetts and established new colonies

The Virginia Company authorized a general assembly in Virginia so that colonists could —

self-govern on a local level

We can give employment for from 50 to 100 girls, at the usual wages paid in this place. Our custom is to pay to new hands one dollar per week, & board in the Weaving & Dressing Rooms & one dollar & a half & board, in the Carding & Spinning Rooms, until they can tend the Machines without assistance. After that they are paid for all the work they can get off..... The economic growth demonstrated by this recruitment letter was primarily a result of-

the new production methods of industrialization

We whose names are underwritten . . . do by these presents solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience. —Mayflower Compact, 1620 For what reason did a group of colonists agree to this compact?

to form a social contract among themselves

With ( Lucretia) Mott and three other women, Elizabeth ( Cady Stanton) spearheaded the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls in July 1848. At this gathering, she presented their Declaration of Rights and Sentiments, a document she composed. The Declaration of 11 resolutions demanded social and political equality for all women, including its most controversial claim, the right to ______? Which of the following best completes this excerpt?


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