Marketing C & B Exam Prep

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Attitudes, interests, and opinions are reflected in: a) Geographic market segments b) Psychographic market segments c) Demographic market segments d) Product differentiation programs

Psychographic market segments

Imagine a small agrichemical laboratory with a very small marketing budget develops a seed that produces grass with enhanced nutritional benefits. Which promotional element should it use to communicate its discovery? a) Advertising b) Personal selling c) Sales promotion d) Publicity


Gillette advertises its line of men's toiletry products as "The Best a Man Can Get." This would be considered a) A performance claim, so Gillette must be able to prove it is not deceptive b) A performance claim, so Gillette does not have to be able to prove it is not deceptive c) Puffery, so Gillette must be able to prove it is not deceptive d) Puffery, so Gillette does not have to be able to prove it is not deceptive

Puffery, so Gillette does not have to be able to prove it is not deceptive

In adverts the use of Demonstration, Slice-of-life, Problem solution, Testimonial and Comparative appeals are all examples of a) Rational advertising appeals b) Emotional advertising appeals c) Creative advertising appeals d) Functional advertising appeals

Rational advertising appeals

Which is true concerning brand name recognition and brand equity? a) They are unrelated b) Recognition is the first phase of developing brand equity c) To gain brand equity, it is not essential to have a high level of brand recognition d) They are synonymous

Recognition is the first phase of developing brand equity

Ehrenberg (1997) believes that a consumer's pattern of brand purchases is driven more by habit than by exposure to promotional messages. He proposed the ATR framework in which R stands for _____________. a) Reinvestment b) Reinforcement c) Reliability d) Recall


Marketers can enhance the consumers' opportunity to encode information by _____. a) Using loud music b) Using colourful ads c) Repeating brand information d) Employing verbal framing

Repeating brand information

Making a brand more _______ means enriching the memory trace for a brand such that the brand comes to mind in relevant choice situations. a) Primary b) Salient c) Important d) Valuable


In determining the level of sex appeal to use in an advertisement, it is important to consider: a) How decorative models are being used b) The amount of sexually-oriented advertising that is being used by competitors c) Society's view and level of acceptance at the time the ad is to run d) The target audiences view of sexuality

Society's view and level of acceptance at the time the ad is to run

Luxury items, such as Rolex watches, generally score high on which brand-related personality dimension? a) Sincerity b) Excitement c) Competence d) Sophistication


Which of these is an example of a public relations activity that gives cause for concern regarding ethics? a) Unsolicited calls b) Spin-doctoring c) Ghost blogging d) Spamming


Which of the following is NOT a communications activity? a) Source b) Message c) Stimuli d) Feedback


Today, consumers are not only passive receivers of marketing communications messages, but are often active participants in the marketing communication process due to __________. a) Economic advances b) Technological developments c) Changes in demographics d) Expansion of advertising agency services

Technological developments

In terms of a communications model, the sender is: a) The consumer viewing an ad on the Internet b) A television set c) The company seeking to sell a product d) A consumer ignoring an ad in a newspaper

The company seeking to sell the product

Which of the following is NOT a key feature of IMC? a) The customer represents the starting point for all marketing communications activities. b) Multiple messages must speak with a single voice. c) The ultimate goal is to influence brand awareness and enhance consumer attitudes toward the brand. d) Build relationships.

The ultimate goal is to influence brand awareness and enhance consumer attitudes toward the brand.

In considering the main differences between public relations and advertising, which of the following statements is TRUE? a) There is more control in public relations than in advertising b) There is more credibility in public relations than in advertising c) Both statements are correct d) Both statements are incorrect

There is more credibility in public relations than in advertising

Private labels are attractive to retail stores because: a) They tend to have higher margins than national brands b) They are priced higher than national brands c) They do not require any advertising d) Consumers are becoming more loyal to private brands

They tend to have higher margins than national brands

In terms of ethical frameworks for reasoning, making decisions based on what is the greatest good for the greatest number of people is: a) The justice approach b) The rights approach c) Individualism d) Utilitarianism


Target marketing could be considered unethical when the targeting is concerned not with fulfilling consumers' needs and wants, but rather with exploiting consumers' ____________. a) Economic status b) Lack of information c) Vulnerability d) Social status


The Golden Rule ethical test states that ________. a) You should take only actions that would be viewed as proper by an objective panel of your professional colleagues b) You would, regardless of the circumstances, always view certain acts or decisions as unethical and others as ethical c) You should act in a way you would want others to act toward you d) You would examine the expected outcome of an act, and if it creates more good than bad, then the act is ethical e) An act is ethical if you would feel comfortable explaining it on television

You should act in a way you would want others to act toward you

A good positioning statement should satisfy which of the following? a) Reflect a brand's competitive advantage b) Motivate consumers to action c) Based on product-related attributes d) a and b only

a and b only

In terms of the hierarchy of effects model, ads targeted at which stage will have the least impact on consumers, in terms of generating sales revenues? a) Liking b) Awareness c) Knowledge d) Preference


Which of the following situations is (are) most suitable to use sales promotion to stimulate product trial? a) New market high product involvement b) New market low product involvement c) Established market low product involvement d) b & c

b & c

Research shows that advertising ________, whether real or perceived, reduces advertising effectiveness. a) Duration b) Intensity c) Clutter d) Humour


Andy will not purchase a computer unless the manufacturer offers a rebate. This is an example of which of the following problems associated with refund and rebate programs? a) Fraud and misredemption b) Diminished effectiveness c) Paperwork to process the refund or rebate d) Costs

diminished effectiveness

Carlos wants to use an advertising medium that offers the capability to target a precisely defined group of people, the ability to determine exactly how effective the advertising effort is so that he can justify budget allocations to this medium, and offers the flexibility to meet changing circumstances. Carlos should use ___________. a) Television b) Magazines c) Direct mail d) Brand placement

direct mail

The ability of a package to evoke desire is an example of ________. a) Influence b) Effective appeal c) Emotional appeal d) Workability

emotional appeal

The mode of delivery of the communications message, as designed by the source is called: a) Encoding b) A receiver response c) Feedback d) An exchange cycle


Kaden is young, enthusiastic, and impulsive. He seeks variety and excitement and spends substantially on fashion, entertainment, and socializing. According to the VALS2 typology, he is a(n): a) Achiever b) Believer c) Thinker d) Experiencer


An ad for Hanes brand of underwear says, "Wait 'til we get our Hanes on you!" The brand is positioned as being comfortable for the wearer, and the ad really stressed how comfortable the brand feels against your skin. This brand's positioning is best described as appealing to consumers' _________ needs. a) Functional b) Rational c) Symbolic d) Experiential


One limitation of outdoor advertising is ________. a) Lack of geographic flexibility b) Narrow reach and frequency levels c) Inability to pinpoint specific market segments d) Audience fragmentation

inability to pinpoint specific market segments

Advertising on billboards is designed with ________ as the primary objective. a) Sales b) Impulse buying c) Persuasion d) Name recognition

name recognition

Michelle is watching television and a commercial for a new car comes on. A stereo is playing loudly in the room next door making it difficult to concentrate. This is an example of: a) A contact point b) Encoding design c) Feedback disruption d) Noise


Birmingham's advertising agency performed a copy test to evaluate a Birmingham magazine. They learned that three out of five hospital purchasing agents who saw the ad actually purchased the product. This favourable sales response illustrates _________. a) Effective decoding b) Absence of noise c) Effective channeling d) Positive feedback

positive feedback

The planned insertion of a brand or product into a movie, television show, or some other media program with the purpose of influencing viewers is: a) Product placement b) Guerilla marketing c) Lifestyle marketing d) Branded entertainment

product placement

Marketing communicators can most effectively gain the consumers' attention by creating messages that truly appeal to their needs for _________. a) Product-relevant information b) Positioning-relevant information c) Demographic-relevant information d) Promotion-relevant information

product-relevant information

Britney likes to use coupons and tends to purchase whichever brand of food has the best coupon offer. Britney would be classified as which type of consumer? a) Price sensitive b) Shopper prone c) Promotion prone d) Brand loyal

promotion prone

Which step in personal selling refers to identifying potential buyers who have the need, willingness, ability, and authority to buy? a) Pre-approach b) Follow up c) Prospecting and qualifying d) Approach

prospecting and qualifying

The following are types of executional frameworks, except: a) Authoritative b) Rational c) Testimonial d) Demonstration


An ad for a hair-colouring brand features a famous actress telling potential customers that they should use the relatively costly brand "because you're worth it." This brand's concept is aimed at consumers' ________ needs. a) Functional b) Symbolic c) Experiential d) Ego


The idea of surrounding the customer or prospect with a brand's marketing communications messages, or that a brand's touch points should be everywhere the target audience is, is known as ___________. a) Consumer-oriented marketing b) 360-degree branding c) The rotation principle d) Event marketing

360-degree branding

All of the following statements are true except: a) Advertisers are ready to abandon traditional media, such as radio, television, magazines, and newspapers b) Advertisers are using more alternative media c) Alternative marketing programs are on the rise d) Advertisers are spending more money on trying to reach potential customers in new and innovative ways


Slogans on packages are best used when _____. a) Trial purchase has already been generated through sales promotion b) The manufacturer is using a push strategy c) The brand is in the introductory stage of the product life cycle d) A strong association has been built between the brand and the slogan through the use of advertising

A strong association has been built between the brand and the slogan through the use of advertising

Amy is playing "Need for Speed," which is a video game she plays on her Playstation 3 game console. During her races, she sees signage for various brands, such as McDonald's and other fast food restaurants. This is an example of _____. a) Advergaming b) Video emerging advertising c) Virtual advertising d) Virtual signage


American Express was not a sponsor of the Olympics, but this company advertised heavily during the time the Olympics were televised. As a result, many consumers thought that this company was a sponsor of the Olympics. This is an example of __________. a) Stealth marketing b) Ambush marketing c) Guerrilla marketing d) Deceptive advertising

Ambush marketing

Which of the following is true regarding the source attribute of attractiveness? a) Attractiveness refers only to physical attractiveness b) An endorser, although physically unattractive, may be perceived as attractive if consumers share a sense of similarity with him or her c) Attractiveness is a far more important attribute for a celebrity to possess than is credibility d) An endorser must be considered physically attractive, well-respected, and perceived as similar to the audience to be effective

An endorser, although physically unattractive, may be perceived as attractive if consumers share a sense of similarity with him or her

From the perspective of the customer or consumer, ________ is the extent to which they are familiar with the brand and have stored in their memory favorable, strong, and unique brand associations. a. Brand awareness b. Brand image c. brand equity d. brand effectiveness

Brand Equity

Jif Peanut Butter has long used the slogan "Choosy mothers choose Jif." This campaign does not directly challenge competitors but instead relies upon an understanding of the consumer's desire to be perceived as a good parent. Hence, in the sense that Jif is being advertised as the "good-parent peanut butter," what advertising style is being used? a) Resonance b) Brand image c) Unique selling proposition d) Emotional

Brand image

Which of the following progressions best captures the typical progression of response hierarchy models? a) Cognitive, affective, behavioural b) Cognitive, behavioural, affective c) Behavioural, cognitive, affective d) Affective, cognitive, behavioural

Cognitive, affective, behavioural

In developing comparative ads, which of the following tends to work the best? a) Comparing a market leader to another market leader b) Comparing a low-market share brand to another low-market share brand c) Comparing a low-market share brand to a market leader d) Comparing a market leader to a low-market share brand

Comparing a low-market share brand to a market leader

______________ suggests that sponsorship works as a result of consistent brand experience at sponsored event which aids brand recall. a) Brand experience theory b) Congruence theory c) Operant conditioning d) Experiential marketing theory

Congruence theory

Which form of advertising focuses not on specific brands but on a corporation's overall image or on economic or social issues relevant to the corporation's interests? a) Advocacy advertising b) Corporate advertising c) Non-profit advertising d) Primary advertising

Corporate advertising

Public relations functions include the following, except: a) Assess the corporate reputation b) Identify internal and external stakeholders c) Audit corporate social responsibility d) Create promotional materials that can be sent to customers

Create promotional materials that can be sent to customers

Jerry will not purchase a laptop unless the manufacturer offers a discount. This is an example of which of the following problems associated with sales promotion: a) Quality perception b) Fraud c) Costs d) Creating a price orientation

Creating a price orientation

PepsiCo reacted to negative claims about hypodermic needles being found in its products with photographs and videos of the production processing showing such an event could not happen at their factories. This is an example of using which approach to managing negative publicity? a) Enhancement b) Crisis management c) An apology strategy d) Impression management

Crisis management

Compared to broadcast advertising, ________ does not deal with customers as a mass but rather creates individual relationships with each customer or prospective customer. a) Lifetime analysis b) Data mining c) Direct advertising d) Niche advertising

Direct advertising

Current trends affecting marketing communications include the following, except: a) Accountability and measurable outcomes b) Explosion in the use of alternative media c) Changes in tasks performed by key players d) Emphasis on pull marketing strategies

Emphasis on pull marketing strategies

Packaging should serve to do all the following EXCEPT: a) Draw attention to a brand b) Encourage price comparison c) Break the competitive clutter at the point of purchase d) Justify price/value to the consumer

Encourage price competition

At which stage in the product life cycle would your promotional objective be to gain brand preference and solidify the channel of distribution? a) Introduction b) Growth c) Decline d) Maturity


Consumers obtain _______ benefits when taking advantage of sales promotion offers, including a sense of being a wise shopper, and/or a need for stimulation and variety. a) Functional b) Hedonic c) Reduced search d) Utilitarian


Which step in the package design process seeks to feature benefits that are most important to consumers? a) Determine communication priorities b) Conduct a product category analysis c) Identify salient brand attributes d) Specify brand-positioning objectives

Identify salient brand attributes

Advertising adds value to brands by _________. a) Influencing perceptions b) Innovating the offering c) Improving the quality of the offering d) Creating primary demand

Influencing perceptions

The Dairy Council's campaign points out that weight-conscious consumers can buy low-fat dairy products. This message is primarily designed to ________. a) Persuade b) Add value c) Inform d) Remind


When an information source, such as an endorser, is perceived as credible, audience attitudes are changed through a psychological process called _____. a) Externalisation b) Internalisation c) Identification d) Affect referral


Advertising's long-term role has been described as "Strong advertising represents a deposit in the brand equity bank." By "strong" is meant the advertising _________. a) Provides sufficient product information as well as an emotional appeal b) Includes convincing arguments for purchase c) Is different, unique, clever, and memorable d) Is credible, informative, and humorous

Is different, unique, clever, and memorable

Addilson is responsible for developing the overall media strategy for his agency's clients. Addilson is a(n) _______. a) Media planner b) Media buyer c) Creative director d) Account planner

Media planner

When there are television commercials for the Ford Focus, television is the _____. a) Source b) Message channel c) Noise d) Message

Message channel

Manufacturers are using all of the following methods to respond to inroads made by private labels except: a) Modifying the brand's position in the marketplace b) Expanding product offerings c) Improving in-store displays and packaging d) Using alternative promotional methods

Modifying the brand's position in the marketplace

The primary disadvantage of personal selling is that it is ___________. a) Less effective in driving market share b) More costly than other promotional tools c) Perceived poorly by clients d) Limited to telemarketing

Most costly than other promotional tools

Which of the following is an advantage of brand placements in movies, TV programmes, and other forms of entertainment? a) Less intrusive than advertisements b) Lack of clutter c) Ability to measure effectiveness and ROI d) None of the above


Sales promotion can _______. a) Permanently stop an established brand's declining sales trend b) Obtain trial purchases from consumers c) Give consumers a compelling long-term reason to continue purchasing a brand d) Compensate for a lack of advertising

Obtain trial purchases from consumers

_____________ can be used to convey persuasive information and be part of the decision making process. It is also sometimes known as the "silent salesman". a) Product design b) Packaging c) Press release d) Trademark


Wal-Mart uses the tagline "save money, live better." This is an example of product positioning by: a) Use or application b) Price-quality relationship c) Cultural symbol d) Product user

Price-quality relationship

Packaging is most relevant to which two aspects of marketing mix? a) Promotion and place b) Product and promotion c) Price and product d) Place and product

Product & promotion

_______ refers to any incentive used by a manufacturer to encourage the sales force to aggressively sell it. a) Promotion b) Placement c) Advertising d) Inducement


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