Marketing Research Final

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Which of the following questions did your text use as an example of a leading question?

"Don't you see problems with using your credit card for an online purchase?"

Other data quality problems:

1. More answers selected than needed 2. May have missed the back of a questionnaire 3. May have ignored a agree-disagree scale and simply written in personal comments

When a researcher sets up the data for the first time in XL Data Analyst, each variable can be defined in 3 ways:

1. Must be a Variable label 2. There should be a Variable description 3. Depending on the type of variable there should be a value code or value label

Major problems leading to nonresponse are caused by:

1. fears of invasion of privacy 2. skepticism of consumers regarding the benefits of participating in research 3. the use of research as a disguise for telemarketing (Snugging or frugging)

5 problem respondent categories:

1. incomplete responses (break offs) 2. nonresponses to specific questions (item omissions) 3. yea-saying patterns 4. nay-saying patterns 5. middle of the road patterns

Which of the following will we use if the source of our problem is the failure to an objective?

A control system

Which source of a problem occurs when there is a gap existing between what was supposed to happen and what did happen?

A failure to meet an objective

"Our sales were $X but could have been $Y had we introduced a new, more competitive product" is an example of what type of problem/

A marketing failure

What is the difference between the "problem" and the "research objective" in marketing research?

A problem is a situation that calls for managers to make a choice among alternatives; research objectives are NOT totally dependent on the problem but they are different in that they state what the researcher must do

Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a situation in which time is a factor in marketing research?

A product is nearing the end of its life cycle.

17) Which of the following was NOT discussed as an advantage of using secondary data? A) may be obtained quickly B) may be obtained in all forms desired by the researcher C) is relatively inexpensive D) is usually available E) sometimes enhances primary data


19) Which of the following marketing information subsystems gathers information about events and happenings "outside" the firm? A) marketing research B) marketing intelligence C) internal reports system D) consumer information support system E) external environment reporting system


20) In your text your authors discuss how research was conducted by the disposable diaper industry that demonstrated that disposable diapers were no more harmful on the environment than cloth diapers. The cloth diaper industry found just the opposite. The point of this example is: A) research studies are always objective and are conducted to provide the truth B) when evaluating research studies you should understand that some studies are conducted with a clear purpose in mind to "prove" some position or advance some special interest C) chambers of commerce have always been able to clear up discrepancies between research studies D) if you are really concerned about the environment, don't wear any type of diaper E) secondary data be discarded because those collecting it always have a hidden agenda


21) Which of the following marketing information subsystems is NOT continuous? A) consumer information support system B) marketing research system C) internal report system D) decision support system E) marketing intelligence system


22) When two or more secondary sources provide conflicting information you should: A) select the one source that has been in business the longest B) evaluate the information from each source and select the source that best suits your needs for reliable and valid information C) probably abandon the project; you will never have objective results upon which to base your decision D) call the client/manager and ask which source is desired E) select the source reporting information that is most likely to please the client


Which of the following is a type of research design?

BOTH _ AND _ (casual and exploratory)

37) Experian Simmons can help you identify which of your prospects and customers fall into the key Tipping Point segments? A) Socialites B) Connectors C) Mavens D) Salespeople E) Innovators


6) Which of the following would NOT be considered an application of secondary data? A) predicting very broad changes in a culture's "way of life" B) selecting a street address for a new car wash C) determining the likelihood of customers purchasing a brand new product D) determining population growth rates in different geographical areas E) examining information about competitors


7) In order to develop the "right strategy" to succeed in business, managers must make the right decisions; and in order to make the right decisions, they must have objective, accurate, and timely: A) reports about the competition B) reports about customers wants and needs C) information about market trends and changes D) the number and sizes of market segments E) information


Which of the following was NOT listed in the Guidelines for Metric Data Tables? A) Highlight the modal percent with bold and/or enlarged font to aid the reader. B) Absolutely include the average(s). C) Typically include the standard deviation. D) Report the minimum and maximum unless the data are anchored by a scale such as a 5-point scale of agreement. E) When reporting the average(s) of a scale, include a table footnote to describe the scale (e.g., based on a scale where 1 = "poor" and 5 = "excellent").


Your question is "where do you live?" The answers are "on campus" or "off campus." If your research objective is description, you should use which command in XL Data Analyst? A) percents B) averages C) variances D) minimum-maximum E) description


Generalization analysis is describing the data in the sample with the use of percentages or averages. (T/F)


If our research objective is to determine relationships, we should use the relationship type of data analysis. (T/F)


If our research objective is to summarize the data in the sample, we should use percentages if the variable has a metric scale. (T/F)


Item omission occurs when the researcher fails to include an item in the research project that the client specifically requested. (T/F)


Marketing researchers always rely on the normal curve interpretation of the standard deviation, they often encounter the standard deviation on computer printouts, and they usually report it in their tables. (T/F)


Nonresponse, while an issue in the research industry, is certainly not one of the major problems confronting the industry. (T/F)


The average is not a very useful central tendency measure because even when the same scale is used to measure various characteristics, the averages still can't be compared to ascertain similarities or differences. (T/F)


The book that contains a list of all the variable names and the code numbers associated with each possible response to each question is called the "data matrix register." (T/F)


The percentage distribution is a summary of the number of times each and every category appears for the entire sample. (T/F)


When a respondent is confused or distracted, this is called an intentional fieldworker error. (T/F)


±2.58 standard deviations describes the range in which 95% of the area underneath the curve is found. (T/F)



Generalizing the sample findings to the population with hypothesis tests and confidence intervals

-------- are statements that are taken for true for the purposes of argument or investigation.


________ distribution is preferred over ______ distribution because _______ are intuitive and easy to handle.

Percentage, frequency, percents

Under the summarize option, two other options show up, averages and percents. Which would you use with categorical variables?


How can researchers detect data quality errors?

Physically examining the questionnaires

Which step is right after question development in the Questionnaire Development Process?

Question evaluation

________ amounts to scrutinizing the wording of a question to ensure that question bias is minimized.

Question evaluation

Your text identified an ethical issue in marketing research by pointing out that it is unethical for a firm to send out phony----- simply to get ideas for conducting their own research.


Which questionnaire files should be screened for errors?

Raw questionnaire files

________ refers to the creation of a computer file that holds the raw data taken from all of the acceptable completed questionnaires. A) Data entry B) Data coding C) Data matrix D) Data filing E) Data surveying


Adding a variable in the middle of a data set means that a new column will be created in the Data worksheet, and the Data-Define Variable link will become misaligned. (T/F)


Although a table is the most common vehicle for presenting summarizations of data, a well-designed graph can dramatically illustrate findings as well. (T/F)


Creating a computer file that holds the raw data from all the completed surveys is called data entry. (T/F)


Data analysis has four functions. (T/F)


Detecting errors, such as a respondent ignoring an agree-disagree scale and simply writing in personal comments, requires physically examining the questionnaires. (T/F)


Errors in the research process that pertain to anything other than sampling are referred to as non-sampling errors. (T/F)


Ethical research companies take precautions, such as preparing handbooks and glossaries, to ensure their clients understand analysis terminology. (T/F)


If our research objective is to summarize the data in the sample, we should use percentages if the variable has a categorical scale. (T/F)


If you find the range to be very wide, it signals that the average may not be typical of most respondents. (T/F)


In addition to being an analysis expert, a marketing researcher must be an excellent communicator of the findings of the survey. (T/F)


One of the most successful publihsing firms in college textbook history was started when Richard D. Irwin saw, while reading the U.S. Statistical Abstract, the rapid rise in college of business enrollments following World War II. This success was a result of Irwin recognizing:

a "symptom" as an opportunity

In questionnaire design, the researcher:

a and c: -contemplates various question formats -considers a number of factors characterizing a survey

What is the easiest and most acceptable code for a missing response?

a blank

Incomplete response

a break off where the respondent stops answering in the middle of the questionnaire

Which of the following does not identify the sponsor's name?

a disguised survey


a failure on the part of a prospective respondent to take part in the survey or to answer specific questions on a questionnaire; respondent error

Data set

a matrix of numbers and other representations that includes all of the relevant answers of all the respondents in a survey

Variable description

a phrase or sentence that identifies the variable in more detail and refers to the question on the questionnaire

Which company policy regarding marketing research would be used by a firm to make sure that problems were spotted early?

a policy of conducting different types of studies on a continuous basis at specified intervals

middle of the road pattern

a preponderance of no opinion responses

To help managers properly define the problem the researcher may conduct their own investigation to develop alternative problem definitions. This additional investigation may take the form of what is called:

a situation analysis


a summarization measure defined as the value in a string of values that occurs most often

Frequency distribution

a summary of the number of times each and every category appears for the entire sample

Percentage distribution

a summary of the percent of times each and every category appears for the entire sample

In large-scale projects, and especially in cases in which the data entry is performed by a subcontractor, researchers utilize a data code book which identifies (1) the questions on the questionnaire, (2) the variable name or label that is associated with each question or question part, and (3) the code numbers associated with each possible response to each question. (T/F)


Marketing researchers are very comfortable with averages, percentages, standard deviations, and other statistical concepts. However, managers for whom marketing researchers work do not have the same comfort level, and it is entirely possible that a manager may misinterpret a marketing researcher's statements. (T/F)


Normally, the first row of a data matrix is where the researcher locates a label of some sort that identifies the question or question part associated with each column in the data matrix. (T/F)


One of the reasons your authors created the XL Data Analyst is because practically everyone is familiar with Excel. (T/F)


Percentage distributions quickly communicate variability when they are converted to bar charts. (T/F)


Practically all statistical analysis programs treat a "blank" as "missing data." (T/F)


Summarization, generalizing, comparing and relating are the four functions of data analysis. (T/F)


The Data worksheet is linked to the Data Variables worksheet by: Copy-Paste Special-Paste Link. (T/F)


The XL Data Analyst produces tables that can be copied and pasted into word processor applications such as Microsoft Word without the need for extensive reformatting into professionally appearing tables. (T/F)


The procedure for summarizing metric variables in XL Data Analyst is identical to the one for summarizing categorical variables, except you will select "Averages." (T/F)


The process of describing a data set by computing a small number of measures that characterize the data in ways that are meaningful to the client is called data analysis. (T/F)


The range identifies the maximum and the minimum, and you can do a quick mental calculation to see how many units are in between. (T/F)


The typical response is referred to as the central tendency. (T/F)


The use of value codes and value labels depends on the nature of the variable. (T/F)


The way you set up your code book in XL Data Analyst is through the Define Variables worksheet. (T/F)


There are three types of nonresponse: refusals, break-offs, and item omission (T/F)


There are two named worksheets in an XL Data Analyst that are critical: the Data worksheet and the Define Variables worksheet. (T/F)


To return to the original data set after using a selected subset for analysis, simply use the Utilities-Unfilter Data operation. (T/F)


When a respondent knowingly provides a false answer to a survey question, this is known as an intentional respondent error. (T/F)


When constructing a table with metric variables, you should absolutely include the average(s). (T/F)


With a normal curve, the midpoint is also the average. (T/F)


With differences analysis, the researcher identifies a categorical variable (such as gender) and compares the groups represented by that variable (males versus females) by analyzing their differences on a second variable. (T/F)


You would select Summarize, Percents in XL Data Analyst to summarize categorical variables. (T/F)


It has been said that the only worse that having a problem is to have a problem and not be aware that you have it.


The question "If you were looking for an automobile that would be used by the head of your household who is primarily responsible for driving your children to and from school, music lessons, and friends' houses, how much would you and your spouse discuss the safety features of one of the cars you took for a test drive?" violates which of the following "Do's" of question wording?

The question should be a grammatically simple sentence if possible.

Variable label

a unique, short, single-word description for that variable placed in the first row on the data worksheet

A(n) --------- is the predesignation of some quality of a measured attribute necessary for a predetermined action to take place.

action standard

According to the "do's" of question wording, a question should be:

all of the above: -focused -grammatically simple -brief -crystal clear

Using XL Data Analyst, selecting subsets of the data for analysis requires which of the following operations? A) Utilities-Filter Data B) Utilities-Unfilter Data C) Selection-Filter Data D) Selection-Subset-Analysis E) Selection-Data-Subset


What would you use to summarize a metric variable? A) mean, range, standard deviation B) mode, range, standard deviation C) mean, frequency or percentage distribution D) metric distribution of the mean E) none of the above; you cannot summarize metric variables


When a potential respondent flatly rejects the offer to take part in the survey, this is called a(n): A) refusal B) break-off C) item omission D) perplexing situation E) desertion


When a researcher sets up the data set for the first time in XL Data Analyst, each variable can be defined in three ways. They are: A) create a variable label, variable description, and value codes and labels B) create a variable label and a variable definition file and import from C) create a variable definition file, enter data in row 1, column 1 and the variable will automatically appear D) symbols, codes, rows E) none of the above; XL Data Analyst does not require you to define variables


Which of the following is appropriate when the research objective is description? A) averages B) confidence intervals C) cross-tabulation D) correlation E) ANOVA


Which of the following functions does a questionnaire serve?

all of the above: -translates research objectives into specific questions -standardizes specific questions and response categories -serves as a permanent record of research -through wording and question flow, it fosters respondent cooperation

Filter Data feature

allows the user to select subsets within the XL Data Analyst

In the question, "Do you always buy electronic products from Dell?" which word is one of the "words to avoid in question development"?


data matrix

an arrangement of rows and columns identical to a spreadsheet in excel; data set

The marketing research process is presented to you in your text as:

an eleven-step process

Establishing the need for marketing research:

arises when managers must make decisions and they have adequate information

Under the summarize option, two other options show up, averages and percents. Which would you use with metric variables?


A(n) ________ occurs when a respondent reaches a certain point, and then decides not to answer any more questions for the survey. A) refusal B) break-off C) item omission D) perplexing situation E) desertion


American Express executives hypothesize that 40% of college students own an American Express credit card. Testing this hypothesis is an example of: A) summarizing B) generalizing C) comparing D) relating E) type I error


Describing the typical response is referred to as: A) typical response identification B) central tendency C) variability D) mean E) ANOVA


Errors that pertain to anything in the research process except sample size are known as: A) summarization errors B) non-sampling errors C) field errors D) generalization errors E) none of the above; all errors are derived from sample size


The Define Variables Worksheet is: A) independent of the Data Worksheet B) linked to the Data Worksheet C) unavailable in XL Data Analyst D) to be used only to do linear programming E) available through a third party data collection firm


The functions of data analysis "match up" with: A) the types of problems B) the types of research objectives C) the types of type I errors D) the types of type II errors E) the types of type III errors


The yea-sayer has a persistent tendency to respond in the affirmative regardless of the question, and yea-saying implies that the responses are not ________. A) correct B) valid C) negative D) important E) opinionated


Using XL Data Analyst, any variables that you want to add should be done ________. A) anywhere in the data set B) at the end of the data set C) at the beginning of the data set D) in the direct center of the data set E) none of the above; variables cannot be added to the data set


Which of the following is appropriate when the research objective is generalization? A) averages B) confidence intervals C) cross-tabulation D) correlation E) ANOVA


Which of the following is the best description of data analysis? A) the process of describing data in statistical terms, such as p values and degrees of freedom B) the process of describing data by computing a small number of measures that characterize the data set in ways that are meaningful to the client C) the process of describing data so that they communicate the answer to the client and also allow the client to exercise his or her statistical skills D) orthogonal manipulation of data E) honorthological manipulation of data


With the Define Variables worksheet, depending on the nature of the variable, there can be ________ that are numerical values and ________, which are responses that correspond to each data code number for that particular variable. A) value labels; value codes B) value codes; value labels C) value codes; value descriptions D) data values; data labels E) data labels; data descriptions


Your question is "How many hours do you work per week?" The answers are recorded as the number of hours. If your research objective is description, you should use which command in XL Data Analyst? A) percents B) averages C) variances D) minimum-maximum E) descriptions


________ is the identification of code values that are associated with the possible responses for each question on the questionnaire. A) Data entry B) Data coding C) Data matrix D) Data filing E) Data surveying


A preponderance of "no opinion" responses would tend to indicate a: A) yea-saying pattern B) nay-saying pattern C) middle-of-the-road pattern D) riding the fence pattern E) non-existent pattern


American Express executives wish to know if there is a difference between the average dollar balance carried on credit cards between males and females. This is an example of: A) summarizing B) generalizing C) comparing D) relating E) transforming


In XL Data Analyst, if you want to summarize a metric variable, you would select which of the following? A) click on XL Data Analyst, Categorical, Percents B) click on XL Data Analyst, Summarize, select either Percents or Averages C) click on XL Data Analyst, Summarize, select Averages D) click on XL Data Analyst, Summarize, select Percents E) click on XL Data Analyst, Summarize, select Metric


The expression of how similar respondents are to one another is referred to as ________. A) typical response identification B) central tendency C) variability D) mean E) ANOVA


The refusal rate for telephone survey is estimated to be as high as: A) 30% B) 40% C) 50% D) 60% E) 75%


Using XL Data Analyst, there must be a ________, a unique, short, single-word description for that variable placed in the first row on the Data worksheet. A) value label B) value code C) variable label D) variable code E) value description


Using XL Data Analyst, there should be a ________, which is a phrase or sentence that identifies the variable in more detail and refers to the question on the questionnaire. A) value label B) value code C) variable description D) variable code E) value description


What percent of the area under the normal curve is covered by ±1.96 standard deviations? A) 68 B) 75 C) 95 D) 99 E) 100


What would you use to summarize a categorical variable? A) categorical summarization analyses B) mode and average C) mode and frequency or percentage distribution D) ANOVA E) none of the above; you cannot summarize categorical variables


When a participating respondent does not answer a specific question, this is known as: A) refusal B) break-off C) item omission D) perplexing situation E) desertion


When a respondent knowingly provides false answers, this is considered a(n) ________. A) intentional fieldworker error B) unintentional fieldworker error C) intentional respondent error D) unintentional respondent error E) intentional researcher error


When you summarize a metric variable using XL Data Analyst, your output gives you: A) mode, median, and mean B) average, standard deviation C) average, standard deviation, minimum-maximum D) average, standard deviation, minimum-maximum, and a bar chart E) mode, frequency distribution, and standard error of the metric


Which of the following best describes the data code book? A) the creation of a computer file that holds the raw data taken from all of the completed questionnaires B) identification of codes that pertain to the possible responses for each question on the questionnaire C) identification of all the variable names and code numbers associated with each possible response to each question making up the data set D) raw data arranged in columns representing answers to various questions, and rows representing each respondent or case E) a book containing symbols representing each respondent's identity


Which of the following is NOT true of the range? A) It identifies the distance between the lowest value and the highest value in a set of numbers. B) It identifies the maximum and the minimum in a set of numbers, and you can do a quick mental calculation to see how many units are in between. C) The range tells you how often the maximum and minimum occurred. D) It provides some information on the variability by indicating how far apart the extremes are found. E) If you find that the range is very narrow, you know that the average is typical of many respondents.


Which of the following is defined as a failure on the part of the prospective respondent to take part in the survey or to answer specific questions on the questionnaire? A) respondent failure B) respondent stubbornness C) nonresponse D) noncompliance E) insubordinate


Which of the following is/are functions of data analysis? A) answers the question asked B) summarizes, generalizes, and computes variances C) summarizes, generalizes, compares differences, and relates underlying patterns D) summarizes, harmonizes, and strategizes data in a way that solves problems E) computes, transforms, resolves


Which of the following was NOT listed in the Guidelines for Categorical Data Tables? A) Use a descriptive title for the table. B) Do not report the frequencies alone, and not at all if a large sample is used. C) Typically include the standard deviation. D) Report the percentages, either as whole numbers (e.g., 12%) or with a single decimal place (e.g., 11.9%); include a 100% total. E) Place percents in a vertically aligned column located close to the categorical variable's labels (e.g., male, female) for ease of reading.


Which type of study is undertaken to describe factors?


Questions that are used to classify respondents into various groups for purposes of analysis are called:


A final task in questionnaire design is ________ questions, which is the use of numbers associated with question response options to facilitate data analysis after the survey has been conducted.


Software programs that allow researchers to use computer technology to develop and disseminate questionnaires and, in some cases, to retrieve and analyze data gathered by the questionnaire are referred to as:

computer-assisted questionnaire design

Your authors list memory, relevance, and believability as examples of:


Data worksheet

contains data labels and rows and columns of data

The introduction written to accompany a mail survey or online survey is normally referred to as a(n):

cover letter

A confused or distracted respondent is an example of: A) intentional fieldworker error B) unintentional fieldworker error C) intentional respondent error D) unintentional respondent error E) intentional researcher error


American Express executives wish to know if there is an association between credit card balance carried and the number of credit cards owned. This is an example of: A) summarizing B) generalizing C) comparing D) relating E) type II error


In XL Data Analyst, if you want to summarize a categorical variable, you would select which of the following? A) click on XL Data Analyst, Categorical, Percents B) click on XL Data Analyst, Summarize, select either Percents or Averages C) click on XL Data Analyst, Summarize, select Averages D) click on XL Data Analyst, Summarize, select Percents E) click on XL Data Analyst, Summarize, select Categorical


Prior to analysis, the data from a survey is arranged into a(n) ________. A) information graph B) data graph C) information matrix D) data matrix E) data table


The summary of the percent of times each and every category appears for the entire sample is called the: A) mode B) mean C) categorical percentage rate D) percentage distribution E) frequency distribution


What is the name of the data analysis software that comes with your book? A) SPSS B) SAS C) Mini-Tab D) XL Data Analyst E) SYSSTAT


"Should people be allowed to protect themselves from harm by using mace as self-defense?" is an example of a(n) ________ question.


Reasons for refusal

many and varied

With a normal curve, the _________ is also the average.


What does a blank mean in statistical analysis programs?

missing data

In the question, "What was the most important factor that convinced you it was time to make this purchase?" which word is one of the "words to avoid in question development"?


Questionnaire organization refers to:

none of the above

What has been labeled the marketing research industry's biggest problem?

nonresponse error

Value codes

numerical values

A ________ question is one whose answer affects which question will be asked next.


If there are many dissimilar numbers, then the bar graph would be much more:

spread out, with small peaks and valleys

A(n) ----------- is a definition of a construct.

standard definition

How is the distribution curve if there is a large standard deviation value?

stretched out at both ends

In order to summarize a variable using the XL Data Analyst, use the _______ menu command.


What is question bias?

the ability of a question's wording or format to influence respondents' answers

Row of a data matrix

the answers provided by a single respondent to the questions of the questionnaire

According to your text, in question development, questions should be:

understandable, unambiguous, and unbiased

Great deal of agreement in the percentage distribution then it would appear to be:

very steep, spiked histogram like with having little variability


when a respondent reaches a certain point, and then decides not to answer any more questions for the survey

Define variables worksheet

you are able to view both worksheets at the same time; set the data code book up through this

________ questions are used to ferret out respondents who do not meet certain qualifications.


Relationship analysis

seeks to find useful connections or associations among two or more variables under study

3 Options to handle data quality issues

1. If there are several egregious errors, the researcher will most likely throw out the entire data row 2. If the errors are minor and will not falsely sway the findings, the researcher will probably just leave the entire row 3. If there are some obvious errors, the researcher may opt to set the bad data items to blanks or missing data

Data analysis accomplishes one or more of the following functions:

1. It Summarizes the data 2. it generalizes sample findings to the population 3. it compares for meaningful differences 4. it relates underlying patterns

A variable description is a phrase or sentence that identifies the variable in more detail and refers to the question on the questionnaire. (T/F)


Ethical research companies may use the following to ensure that their client managers understand the analysis terminology used by its researchers:

1. prepared handbooks or glossaries defining marketing research terms 2. appendices in reports that issustrate analysis concepts 3. definitions of analysis terms embedded in reports when the manager first encounters them 4. footnotes or annotations with tables and figures that explain the analysis concepts used

3 Different types of potential nonresponse errors:

1. refusals to participate in the survey 2. break offs during the review 3. refusals to answer specific questions; item omission

Data code book identifies

1. the questions on the questionnaire 2. the variable name or label that is associated with each question or question part 3. the code numbers associated with each possible response to each question

How many respondents are normally involved in a pretest?


Refusal rates for telephone surveys are estimated to be as high as _____%.


+/- 1.00 standard deviations is associated with how much area underneath the curve?


+/- 1.96 standard deviations is associated with how much area underneath the curve?


+/- 2.58 standard deviations is associated with how much area underneath the curve?


10) Market research refers to________. A) applying marketing research to a specific geographical marketing area B) a process used by businesses to collect information used to make sound business decisions and successfully manage the business C) a process used by businesses to analyze and interpret information used to make sound business decisions and successfully manage the business D) the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information E) information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems


11) Which of the following is the best statement reflecting the purpose of marketing research? A) to provide information that improves profitability B) to link the environments to the firm C) to link the consumer to the marketer by providing information that can be used in making marketing decisions D) to link target markets to specific decision makers at all levels within firms E) to be perceived as providing value to higher level executives within the firm


12) When everyone saw the music industry facing a terrible decline due to pirating of songs on the Internet, Apple saw an opportunity for iTunes. This example illustrates which use of marketing research? A) identify market opportunities and problems B) generate, refine, and evaluate potential marketing actions C) monitor marketing performance D) improve marketing as a process E) improve marketing research as a process


13) External data may be grouped into which three sources? A) published, syndicated services data, and databases B) published, non-published data, and other C) syndicated services data, external data, and complex data D) published external, published internal, and syndicated data E) non published external, published internal, and non-published internal


20) What is the purpose of the "marketing intelligence system" subsystem of the marketing information system? A) to obtain everyday information about pertinent developments in the environment B) to supply collected data that may be accessed and analyzed using tools and techniques that assist managers in decision making C) to gather information generated by internal reports, which includes orders, billing, receivables, inventory levels, stock-outs, among others D) to generate the particular information needed for the specific situation E) to gather information not gathered by the other MIS component subsystems


23) Which MIS subsystem is also called a DSS? A) a marketing decision support system B) a delivery system for standardized data C) a data support system D) detailed systems for standardization E) a distant system for data


16) Databases are sometimes packaged together and are referred to as: A) database packages B) databanks or aggregators C) aggregators or packaged services D) deals E) none of the above; databases are not packaged together


26) Which of the following is the survey created by the U.S. Census Bureau in 1996 to collect economic, social, demographic, and housing information as part of the Decennial Census Program? A) American Community Survey B) American Census Survey C) NAICS D) Buying Index E) Survey of Buying Power


32) ESRI's Tapestry™ Segmentation is a(n) ________ that uses a process to profile residential neighborhoods. A) standardized service B) basic service C) syndicated service D) annual service E) complex service


4) What does the phrase "hearing the voice of the consumer" mean? A) Companies have the information they need to effectively satisfy wants and needs in the marketplace. B) Companies specifically use telemarketing to hear their customers' opinions. C) Marketing is carried out for the benefit of the customers. D) Marketing managers should take the time to listen in on focus groups. E) Market trials are necessary for certain products.


Which of the following questions should researchers ask when assessing symptoms?

ALL OF THE ABOVE (cam the symptoms be corroborated by other factors identified in the situation analysis? Are the symptoms aberrant? AND are the symptoms likely to occur again?)

Which of the following is true of "symptoms" as discussed in Chapter 3 of your text?

ALL OF THE ABOVE (symptoms are changes in the level of some key monitor that measures the achievement of an objective, symptoms are not the problem but the "signals" that alert us to the problem, AND a symptom may also be a perceived change in the behavior of some market factor that implies an emerging opportunity)

Which of the following is a possible decision alternative (as discussed in the book)?

ALL OF THE ABOVE (price changes, product modification, AND product improvement)

When a researcher must communicate with respondents which choice of data collection method may be selected?

ANY OF THE ABOVE (have person ask questions, use a computer to assist or to directly ask questions, AND allow respondents to answer question themselves)

Which of the following occurs when the respondent is assured that neither the respondent's name nor any identifying designation will be associated with his or her responses?


Which of the following is NOT an accurate representation of the content of the discussion on the difficulty of developing a question's precise wording?

Any is not listed in the Ten Words to Avoid in Question Development.

--------- are important and deserve researcher attention because they are the glue that holds the decision process together.


When defining the problem, the manager and the researcher make assertions that certain conditions exist or that certain reactions will take place if the considered solutions are implemented. These assertions are known as:


1) Which of the following is the best definition for marketing? A) Marketing is an organizational function and a set of business activities designed to make profits. B) Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. C) Marketing is a business function and a process for determining the value customers desire in order to gain profit for business organizations and to seek societal benefits through nonprofit marketing. D) Marketing is finding a hole and filling it while earning profitable dollars. E) Marketing is the result of the equilibrium of supply, demand, marginal cost, and marginal revenue.


1) Which type of data refers to information that is developed or gathered by the researcher specifically for the research project at hand? A) basic data B) primary data C) complex data D) secondary data E) standardized data


11) Which of the following best describes CRM? A) Certificate for Record Management; awarded by the MRA after passing certain record-keeping requirements B) Customer Relationship Management; the use of internal databases to strengthen customer relationships C) Certified Record Manager; awarded by the MRA for successfully passing a series of courses related to database management D) Customer Recognition Managers; used to identify customers from non-customers primarily in airports for purposes of security E) none of the above; there is no such thing as CRM


14) Which of the following best illustrates one of the uses of marketing research, monitoring marketing performance? A) marketing research managers closely overseeing the work of subordinates in the marketing research industry B) tracking research that monitors how well products are performing in the marketplace C) describing the return on investment of firms using/not using marketing research D) providing closed circuit TV to monitor the actions of marketing researchers practicing in the field E) identifying opportunities and problems in the marketplace


15) A syndicated services data firm collects data in a standard format and makes it available to: A) only the first firm that purchases the data B) all who subscribe to the data C) shareholders in the company D) government regulators E) no one; syndicated services data firms do not collect data in a standard format


38) With respect to standardized information, CGM stands for: A) consumer-granted marketing B) consumer-generated media C) customer-given media D) customers' generic marketing E) connector-generated marketing


7) Which of the following would be classified as a part of internal secondary data? A) online information database B) internal database C) demographic data within a company's target market D) any government data E) Google


8) Each unit of information in a database is called a(n) ________. A) field B) record C) inventory D) item E) transaction


14) Many marketing research firms have white papers on varied topics on their website. The one discussed in your text is ________. A) Wikipedia B) AMA's "Research Papers" C) Burke's "Literature Library" D) MRA's "Research Library" E) AMA's "More Research Topics"


18) What is the purpose of the "internal reports system" subsystem of the marketing information system? A) to obtain everyday information about pertinent developments in the environment B) to supply collected data that may be accessed and analyzed using tools and techniques that assist managers in decision making C) to gather information generated by internal reports, which includes orders, billing, receivables, inventory levels, stock-outs, among others D) to generate the particular information needed for the specific situation E) to gather information not gathered by the other MIS component subsystems


19) Which of the following was NOT discussed as a method of evaluating secondary data? A) What was the purpose of the study? B) Who collected the information? C) How readily available is the information to the public? D) How consistent is the information with other information? E) What information was collected?


2) Which of the following is most accurate? A) Marketing is an attempt to create an exchange. B) Marketing is an attempt to create long-term customer relationships. C) Marketing is an attempt to create long-term customer relationships which will then likely satisfy the organization's objectives. D) Marketing is an attempt to earn profitable dollars. E) Marketing is an attempt to gain customers from competitors while at least breaking even profitwise.


24) Marketing research conducted on the popular TV program Seinfeld, starring Jerry Seinfeld, was used to illustrate: A) how marketing research always correctly identifies a product or service that will be popular in the marketplace B) when marketing research should not be used C) when marketing research predicts a failure yet there is success D) when marketing research predicts a failure and there is a failure E) why marketing research may not be applied to all fields, such as entertainment


24) Which of the following secondary information sources provides a baseline of data every ten years? A) Baseline Reports B) NAICS (decade report) C) Census of the Population D) Survey of Buying Power E) Decennial Database Reports


27) The primary advantage of the American Community Survey is that: A) it will be a new form that is more interesting to people B) new, more important questions will be asked C) it will provide data annually instead of once every ten years D) more people will be able to understand the questions E) it will be translated into more languages


28) What year was the ACS first completed? A) 2003 B) 2004 C) 2005 D) 2006 E) 2008


3) According to the AMA definition of marketing, which of the following is true of marketing? A) "Making the sale" should be considered the end of marketing. B) Marketing is carried out for the benefit of the customer. C) Marketing is carried out for the benefit of the stakeholders. D) Marketing should not be considered an organizational function. E) all of the above


3) What provides an incredible stock of free secondary data? A) The AMA B) Textbooks C) The Internet D) Company reports E) The Department of Education


33) According to your text, which of the following is NOT true regarding syndicated data? A) Syndicated data are collected in a standard format and made available to all subscribers. B) Syndicated data can include data such as Marketing Evaluations Inc.'s Q Scores® services. C) ESRI's Tapestry™ Segmentation is a syndicated data service that uses a process to profile residential neighborhoods. D) Nielsen Media Research's Nielsen Television Index is an example of syndicated data. E) Subscribers to syndicated data include advertisers, television and movie production companies, licensing companies, talent and public relations companies.



Comparing averages or percents in the sample data to see if there are meaningful differences with percentage difference tests and average difference tests

Which of the following means that the respondent's name is known by the researcher, but not divulged to a third party?


-------are the results of marketing actions.


Which of the following is an abstract idea inferred from specific instances that are thought to be related?


13) Which of the following is an example of a study whose goal is to find opportunities or to identify problems with an existing strategy? A) pricing test B) image analysis C) web site evaluation D) environmental analysis studies E) tracking studies


15) The difference between basic research and applied research is that basic research is conducted to: A) determine the most effective advertising copy B) determine the most appropriate price for new products C) determine the most efficient distribution channels for products D) expand our knowledge rather than solve a specific problem E) determine the most desired features in new products


18) Which of the following was NOT discussed as a disadvantage of using secondary data? A) there is a mismatch of the units of measurement B) differing classifications of the data in terms of what is available and what is needed C) the data may be dated D) data may be collected too quickly causing problems with the project schedule E) geographic reporting units are incompatible


2) Which type of data refers to data that have been gathered by someone other than the researcher and/or for some other purpose than the research project at hand? A) basic data B) primary data C) complex data D) secondary data E) standardized data


22) Ad hoc is a Latin word, meaning ________. A) out of chaos B) from one, many C) by that very act D) with respect to a specific purpose E) and the rest


25) Information collected in the census is collected: A) by a long form sent to part of the citizens with the rest receiving a shorter form B) internally at the Bureau of the Census C) totally by sampling the citizenry D) by a short form only and everyone receives the same census form to complete E) only from those citizens having Internet access


29) Since its first completion, the American Community Survey has been offering ________ estimates for geographic areas with a population of 65,000 or more, while geographic areas with populations of 20,000 or more can access ________-year estimates, and areas with populations less than 20,000 can access ________-year estimates beginning in 2010. A) yearly; five; seven B) bi-annual; three; four C) bi-annual; two; three D) yearly; three; five E) yearly; two; three


30) ________ is (are) a type of secondary data in which the data collected and/or the process of collecting the data are standardized for all users. A) Basic data B) Complex data C) Written data D) Standardized information E) Syndicated data


35) Which of the following does NOT refer to a disadvantage of standardized information? A) The ability to customize some projects is lost when using a standardized service. B) The company providing the standardized service may not know the idiosyncrasies of a particular industry. C) There is a greater burden on the client to ensure that the standardized service fits the intended situation. D) Buyer firms often must commit to long-term contracts when buying standardized data. E) Client firms need to be very familiar with the service provided, including what data are collected on which population, how the data are collected, and how the data are reported before they purchase the service.


6) What would a strategy "that allows a firm to truly meet the wants and needs of the consumers within the market segment that is chosen" be called? A) the "niche" strategy B) the "incentivized" strategy C) the information strategy D) the "right" strategy E) the recommended strategy


8) Which of the following is the best definition of marketing research? Marketing research is: A) the activity of analyzing secondary information and providing executives with timely reports B) the process of designing experiments that provide decision makers with causal information C) the linking of consumers with information managers D) the process of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting information that may be used to solve a specific marketing problem E) the process of designing, gathering, analyzing, and reporting information that may be used to solve general marketing problems


5) The key reason that the marketing concept has been recognized as the "right philosophy" is that it: A) is well established in the marketing literature B) has been recommended by successful marketing executives C) does not rely on high-pressure selling D) stresses understanding the competition E) always puts the customer first


A yea-saying pattern may be evident on one respondent in the form of all "yes" or "strongly agree" answers. (T/F)


10) Complete the following sentence with the answer that most completely answers the question. Typical fields in a customer database include ________. A) name B) name and address C) name, address and email address D) name, address, email address and products purchased E) name, address, email address, products purchased and dates of purchase


12) Which of the following is described by Kotler and Keller as a way that companies use their databases? A) to identify prospects B) to deepen customer loyalty C) to avoid serious customer mistakes D) to decide which customers should receive a particular offer E) to decide which products to offer in a particular geographic area


16) Which of the following deals with the role of MIS? A) determine decision makers' information needs B) acquire the needed information C) distribute information to the decision makers in a form in which they can use it for decision making D) distribute information to the decision makers at a time when they can use it for decision making E) all of the above


17) Which of the following is NOT one of the subsystems of the marketing information system? A) internal reports B) marketing intelligence C) marketing decision support D) marketing research E) consumer information support system


21) Which of the following should you look for in evaluating a study that is secondary data? A) What was the sample? B) How large was the sample? C) What was the response rate? D) Was the information validated? E) all of the above


23) Which of the following was NOT listed in your textbook as a secondary information source on marketing? A) Reference guide B) Index C) Dictionary D) Directory E) Google


31) ________ is (are) collected in a standard format and made available to all subscribers. A) Basic data B) Complex data C) Written data D) Standardized information E) Syndicated data


34) Which of the following does NOT refer to an advantage of syndicated data? A) Many client firms may subscribe to the information. B) The cost of the service is greatly reduced to any one subscriber firm. C) The quality of data is typically very high. D) The data are normally disseminated very quickly. E) The key advantage is taking advantage of the experience of the research firm offering the service.


36) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in your text as an application of standardized information? A) measuring consumer attitudes and opinions B) defining market segments C) conducting market tracking studies D) monitoring media usage and promotion effectiveness E) disseminating data quickly


4) Which of the following is a use of secondary data? A) to determine the population and growth rate in almost any geographical area B) to evaluate market performance C) to help make public policy decisions D) to predict broad changes in a culture's "way of life" E) all of the above


5) Which of the following is true regarding secondary data? A) It is rare for a marketing research project to be conducted without including some secondary data. B) Some research projects may be totally based upon secondary data. C) There can be many uses of secondary data. D) Secondary data have many applications including economic trend forecasting and competitive intelligence. E) all of the above are true


9) Which of the following best represents a field within a database? A) anything outside the company laboratory B) a database record C) a data mine D) records within customer names E) customer names within a record


9) Which of the following products was actually a failure after marketing research predicted it would be successful? A) Ice Breakers Pacs B) Coca-Cola C2 C) Wolfgang Puck's Self-Heating Latte D) Coca-Cola Blak E) all of the above


A completed questionnaire is not left up to the judgment of the researcher; completed means that all questions have been completed. (T/F)


A refusal occurs when a respondent reaches a certain point, and then decides not to answer any more questions for the survey. (T/F)


A variable description is limited to one word. (T/F)


Although it is preferred, there does not have to be a variable label, or a unique, short, single-word description for that variable placed in the first row on the Data worksheet. (T/F)


Break-offs, item omissions, and problem respondents are uncommon in the industry. (T/F)


Data coding refers to the creation of a computer file that holds the raw data taken from all of the acceptable completed questionnaires. (T/F)


Description, division, deviance, and derivation are the four functions of data analysis (T/F)


Fieldworkers may make errors collecting data but they are never intentional. (T/F)


________ are offers to do something for the respondents in order to ________ the probability that the respondents will participate in the survey.

Incentives; increase

Which of the following is NOT true of a good research objective?

It should qord questions used to gather the information in the researchers' frame of reference

When is marketing research not needed?

Marketing research is always needed.

According to your textbook, which of the following is true regarding sample plans and size?

Sample plans describe how each sample element, or unit, is to be drawn from the total population.


Summarizing the sample data with percentages and percentage distribution (categorical data) averages, range, and standard deviation (metric data)

Which of the following is a key monitor that measures the achievement of an objective?


Which of the following is true of marketing MANAGERS?

They possess line positions.

Which of the following is true regarding good managers and the need to recognize problem sources?

They will be aware of problems, or they will soon cease to hold management positions.

Which of the following did the statistician Tukey coin as errors solving the wrong problem?

Type III errors

The variable description is: A) a phrase or sentence that identifies the variable in more detail and refers to the item on the questionnaire B) a phrase or sentence that identifies the variable in more detail but does not refer to the item on the questionnaire C) a label for the possible responses that respond to each data code number D) a label for the data code numbers E) encrypted for privacy reasons


Which of the following best describes research objectives?

When achieved, they provide necessary information to solve the problem at hand

Which of the following is NOT a basic rule for questionnaire coding?

When possible, set up the coding system as soon as possible after the questionnaire is finalized.

Why is the average a very useful central tendency?

When the same scale is used to measure various characteristics, the averages can be compared quickly ascertain similarities or differences

Which of the following best represents what your author's have to say about the marketing research process?

While such a list is helpful, few research projects follow the steps in the list in the exact order and some research projects may even skip some of the steps.

Which of the following is true about the questionnaire development process?

You should gain client approval, pretest, and revise as needed.

A(n) ________ is a break-off where the respondent stops answering in the middle of the questionnaire. A) incomplete response B) item omission C) nay-saying pattern D) cut-off E) partial response


At what point does an incomplete or problem respondent constitute an acceptable respondent that the researcher will allow into data analysis? A) This is up to the researcher. A researcher must have a definition or otherwise specify the criteria for an "acceptable respondent." B) An incomplete or problem respondent doesn't ever constitute an acceptable respondent. All of the answers have to be completed. C) When at least 75% of the answers have been completed D) When there are no demographic questions left to answer E) When all but the screening questions have been answered


Computing the average number of dollars college students have on their credit card balances exemplifies: A) summarizing B) generalizing C) comparing D) relating E) type III error


Fieldworkers who cheat by submitting bogus questionnaires are an example of: A) intentional fieldworker error B) unintentional fieldworker error C) intentional respondent error D) unintentional respondent error E) none of the above; fieldworkers do not cheat


In a bar chart depicting a percentage distribution, "high variability" is noted when: A) the bars are roughly equal B) one bar is much larger than all the other bars C) two or more bars are much larger than all the other bars D) the bars are divided into sub-bars E) none of the above; a bar chart cannot show variability


Thinking of a standard deviation and the shape of the distribution, the distribution is "stretched out at both ends" (flat) when the standard deviation is: A) high B) moderate C) low D) very high E) none of the above; the two concepts are not related


Which of the following best describes a data set? A) the creation of a computer file that holds output of statistical analyses on all of the questionnaires deemed suitable for analysis B) identification of codes that pertain to the possible responses for each question on the questionnaire C) identification of all the variable names and code numbers associated with each possible response to each question making up the data set D) a matrix of numbers and other representations that include all of the relevant answers by all of the respondents in a survey E) none of the above


Which of the following has been suggested by industry observers as a major problem associated with respondents failing to participate in surveys? A) fear of invasion of privacy B) skepticism regarding the benefits of participating in research C) research as a guise for telemarketing (Sugging and Frugging) D) all of the above have been suggested by industry observers E) none of the above have been suggested by industry observers


Which of the following is NOT true of frequency and percentage distributions? A) They quickly communicate how many respondents voted for each of the different answers for a question. B) They reveal how much agreement or disagreement there is among the respondents. C) They express the variability of the respondents' responses. D) The frequency distribution is preferred over percentages because frequencies are intuitive and easy to handle. E) They are tabulations of the responses to a categorical scale question in a survey.


________ analysis is defined as describing the data in the sample with the use of percentages or averages. A) Comparison B) Generalization C) Relationship D) Summarization E) Confidence


According to your authors, using the statistical tools that present data in a form that satisfies research objectives is an objective of:

data analysis


data pertaining to the questions or question parts

Summarization analysis

describing the data in the sample with the use of percentages or averages

4 Types of analysis objectives:

description, generalization, differences, and relationships

Purpose of raw data inspection:

determine the presence of bad respondents and, if deemed advisable, to throw out the ones with severe problems

Which of the following was NOT one of the four types of analysis objectives mentioned in your textbook? A) Description B) Generalization C) Differences D) Relationships E) Type II


Respondent errors

errors committed by respondents when answering the questions in a survey

intentional respondent errors

errors committed when the respondent knowingly provides false answers

Nonsampling errors

errors in the research process pertaining to anything except the sample size

Unintentional respondent errors

errors that occur when the respondent is confused, distracted, or otherwise inattentive

The question, "What type of hotel do you usually stay in when on a trip?" violates which of the "do's" of question wording?


How is the distribution curve if the standard deviation is small?

greatly compressed

The sample size determines:

how accurate the sample results will be

The sample plan determines:

how representative the sample is


how similar respondents are to one another


identifies the distance between the lowest value and the highest value in a set of numbers (maximum and minimum)

Standard deviation

indicates the degree of variability in the metric values in such a way as to be translatable into a normal or bell shaped curve distribution


individuals hired to administer the survey to respondents

Differences between the current information state and the desired information state are known as:

information gaps

Secondary data refers to:

information gathered specifically to serve the research objectives at hand.

The quantity and quality of evidence a manager possesses for each of his or her assumptions is known as the:

information state

A researcher may be interested in seeing how shoppers behave when exposed to a promotional display in a supermarket rather than knowing what they think about the display. In this case, the researcher would want to observe the behavior of the shoppers. What form would the researcher use?

observation form

Item omission

occasions where respondents fail to answer some questions but continue on and answer other questions


occurs when a potential respondent flatly rejects the offer to take part in the survey

Acceptable respondent

one who has answered all of the primary questions satisfactorily

For managers to recognize an opportunity they must have a system for monitoring opportunities sometimes referred to as:

opportunity identification

"How much do you think you would pay for a pair of sunglasses that will protect your eyes from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays, which are known to cause blindness?" is an example of a(n) ________ question.



persistent tendencies on the parts of respondents to agree with most of the questions asked


persistent tendencies on the parts of some respondents to disagree with most of the questions asked

In creating research objectives, researchers should keep which four important qualities of objectives in mind?

precise, operational, detailed, clear

The last step in the marketing research process is to:

prepare and present the final research report

Which of the following refers to a dry run of the survey on a small, representative set of respondents to reveal errors in the questionnaire?


When should the researcher examine the responses for data quality problems?

prior to analysis

A(n) ________ is the vehicle used to pose questions that the researcher wants respondents to answer.


When a researcher communicates with a respondent, what type of data collection form is used?



relating variables to each other in a meaningful way with cross tabulations, correlations, regression analysis

Basic data analysis goal with all summarization:

report a few pieces of information that describe the most typical response to a question

Columns of data matrix

represents a question on the questionnaire

In the world of research, RFP stands for:

request for proposals

If the problem were defined as determining the level of customer satisfaction, a-------- could be to survey 400 users of product X and measure their level of satisfaction on six different attributes as well as measuring their likelihood of purchasing the product again.

research objective

Errors in collecting data may be attributed to fieldworkers and respondents. What is important about these errors is that:

researchers know the source of the errors and implement controls to minimize them

value labels

responses that correspond to each data code number for that particular variable

Lawrence Gibson would probably be considered an expert on:

sample plans

A study of factors thought to be important in purchasing an automobile uses the following question: "Have you purchased an automobile in the last two years?" This is an example of what type of question?


Data entry

the creation of a computer file that holds the raw data taken from all of the acceptable completed questionnaires

Variable labels

the first row of a data matrix where the researcher locates a label of some sort that identifies the question or question part associated with each column in the data matrix

Data coding

the identification of code values that are associated with the possible responses for each question on on the questionnaire

intentional fieldworker errors

the interviewer deliberately falsifies his or her work, such as cheating by submitting bogus completed questionnaires

unintentional fieldworker errors

the interviewer makes mistakes such as those caused by fatigueor lack of understanding how to administer the questions

Appropriate central tendency for the categorical level of measurement

the mode

Data analysis

the process of describing a data set by computing a small number of measures that characterize the data set in ways that are meaningful to the client

The sample plan refers to:

the process used to select units from the population to be included in the sample

Differences analysis

the researcher identifies a categorical variable and compares the groups represented by that variable by analyzing their differences on a second variable

generalization analysis

the researcher will conduct hypothesis tests and/or compute confidence intervals in order to make statements about the population that the sample represents

Central tendency

the typical response

Which of the following is NOT mentioned by your textbook as a distinct advantage of computer-assisted questionnaire design software packages?

they are cheaper

When defining the problem it is important:

to define all possible causes

Which of the follofing best describes the role of the researcher in problem definition?

to help managers ensure they have properly defined the problme particularly when managers have already defined the problem very specifically

"Now, I would like to ask you a few questions about your family's television viewing habits" is an example of a ________ statement.


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