Marriage, Family, and Kinship Quizzes

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Which of the following is the most helpful "I-statement"?

"I felt really hurt when you said that."

Today there are approximately ________ same-sex couple households in the United States.

1 million

Research suggests that _____ percent of young males have been victims of physical violence.


Today, only about __________ percent of American households fit the 1950s nuclear family ideal of a married couple with children, where only the husband is employed.


Almost __________ percent of young adults say they believe in one true love.


Research suggests several qualities to look for when choosing a spouse. Which of the following is NOT one of those qualities?

A physically attractive, healthy person

There are several components of relationship power. Which of the following is NOT one of these components?

Career importance

Due to the American individualist orientation, three interrelated developments have occurred relating to marriage. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

Community became more vital and important

Which of the following is NOT a style of relating, according to attachment theory?


Which of the following does Twenge NOT recommend to parents helping their children "put down the phone"?

Encourage children to only use their phone before bedtime.

Which of the following is NOT a professional ethical standard of the IRB?

Evaluating the research topic

Which statement about economic resources is accurate?

Even with two or more jobs, many Americans do not earn enough to support a family.

According to the text, you should never listen to the emotional dimension of decision making, sometimes called the gutfactor.


Gender socialization does not begin until late toddlerhood.


Our beliefs about families, based on our own personal experience, are usually accurate.


The informed consent of human subjects is only necessary in dangerous research.


A photograph in the text depicts individuals waiting patiently for medical attention in a neighborhood clinic. Which group of scholars might remark on the quality of the facilities or speculate about the home that these people live in?

Family ecologists

________________ is made up of the ideas and feelings about the uniqueness and value of one's family unit, which often emerges in family traditions, rituals and celebrations.

Family identity

A recent study among immigrants found that relationships "based not on blood or marriage but rather on religious rituals or close friendship ties" can serve as a functional alternative to the nuclear family. According to the text, what are these relationships called?

Fictive kin

Sociologists assume that most U.S. couples currently want which type of marriage model?

Gender-modified egalitarian

Which of the following is NOT one of the early indicators that a dating partner is likely to become violent eventually?

He/she grew up in a divorced home

Which of the following, for heterosexuals, is a change ushered in by the sexual revolution?

Increased pleasure and variety in martial sex

According to the __________ theoretical perspective on human sexuality, women and men are seen as being influenced by cultural messages about how they are to be sexual.


What is the primary reason, according to the text, that the transition to adulthood has become elongated?

It takes longer to earn enough to support a family.

Which of the following is NOT identified in the text as among the features of the social context of child rearing that can make modern parenting difficult?

Most parents today do not have to worry about caring for their own aging parents.

__________, or having more than one spouse, is culturally accepted in many parts of the world.


The text observes that there are three major culturally defined obligations in masculinity. Which of the following is NOT one of those obligations?

Portraying emotional openness

Significant changes have taken place in American childbearing patterns in the decades since World War II. Which is NOT one of these changes discussed by the text?

Teen pregnancies are on the rise

When parents are interviewed, they report a variety of emotional satisfactions from having children. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

The assurance that they would be well cared for in their old age

Young singles choose to live with their parents for several reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of these reasons?

The need for a tax shelter

What role do most parents want schools to play in sex education?

They want the schools to play a role and approve programs about STIs, communicating, and birth control

In June of 1967 (Loving v. Virginia), the U.S. Supreme Court declared that interracial marriages must be considered legally valid in all states.


Institutions in virtually every society have been characterized by patriarchy and masculine dominance.


Life in American families reflects a cultural tension between solidarity and individual freedom.


Making a statement such as "That's so gay" is an example of a microaggression.


Single-person households now represent around a quarter of American households.


Sociobiologists are careful to point out that biological predisposition does not mean that a person's behavior cannot be influenced or changed by social structure.


The aim of qualitative research is to gain in-depth understandings of people's experiences.


The most common household type today is that of married couples without children.


According to classification by researchers Huston and Melz, which type of marriage is high on showing signs of love and affection while low on antagonism?

Warm or friendly

What false belief is detrimental to a relationship?

Your partner should automatically know how you think and feel.

The American Psychological Association has taken the position that __________.

abortion does not typically lead to severe or long-lasting emotional problems

Which of the following is NOT categorized as child neglect?

allowing a child to walk to school alone

The text offers several explanations for the drop in overall fertility levels. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

an increase in sexual abstinence

A practice among schoolmates involves _______, in which students patrol and maintain gendered expectations of masculine boys and feminine girls.


The first type of intimate partner violence to be recognized as a social problem was __________.

child abuse

The silent treatment is a form of __________ power.


Other societies, and past societies, tended to be more __________, where people identify with and conform to the expectations of their extended kin.


The text points out that when we think of singlehood as a(n) __________, we realize that not all singles are socially unattached, disconnected, or isolated.


Shift work is associated with __________.

decreased marital stability

Women often find that "family-friendly" occupations__________.

do not pay well

Deciding about, rather than sliding into, a situation involves looking at the alternatives, not just picking the ________ choice.


Same-sex parents tend to__________.

emphasize their similarity to heterosexual parents

Studies comparing marriages with and without children consistently report marital happiness to be higher in __________.

families with no children

Family togetherness, stability, and loyalty are all examples of_________.

familistic (communal) values

The emotional bonding of family members is referred to as __________.

family cohesion

Policy advocates from a __________ perspective are concerned with the breakdown of the family including money spent on welfare.

family decline

When faced with a complaint from their partner, men tend to withdraw emotionally while women do not. This response is so common that therapists have named it the "__________ pattern."


Some groups have friends who are so close that they are hardly distinguished from actual relatives. These relationships are referred to as __________ kin.


With global westernization, __________ are replacing arranged marriages as the preferred way to select mates throughout the world.

free choice marriages

Same-sex couples have successfully challenged __________, or the idea that heterosexuality is the only normal or acceptable option.

heteronormative bias

The popularization of texting and social media has led to an increase in "ghosting" intimate partners; however, experts advise the best way to end a relationship is through __________.

in-person or phone conversation

The United States is considered a(n) __________ society, where romantic love is valued in marriage.


Adults with a(n) __________ attachment style exhibit possible negative behaviors such as unwarranted jealousy or attempts to control one's partner due to fear of abandonment.


The text points out that men may abuse the women in their lives, using fear and intimidation in an attempt to gain control. This type of violence has been called __________.

intimate terrorism

Which of the following concepts indicates the condition of wanting to conceive and bear a child but being physically unable to do so?

involuntary infertility

The text points out that the social institutions of marriage and the family have become _________________ since the mid-twentieth century.

less predictable

What is the key function of marriage for most Americans?

love and ongoing emotional support

According to John Gottman and his colleagues, anger, sadness, and whining are examples of __________.

low-intensity negative affect

In discussing the importance of friendships for single individuals, the text points out that__________.

men may be more open and disclosing with a female friend

Research by Straus and his colleagues show that children who have been frequently spanked by their parents, are__________.

more likely to have behavior problems later in life, as well as depression

The text reports that _________ percent of first marriages were preceded by cohabitation.

more than 50

The vast majority of single mothers__________.

never intended to raise their children without a partner

The new image of a "good" father in today's society says that fathers __________.

not only take financial responsibility but are also actively involved in child care

An identity of someone who is attracted to various gender expressions, including those outside the gender-conforming binary, is _________.


The __________ parent's style is indulgent and often leads to the classic "spoiled child."


A type of polygamy wherein a woman has multiple husbands is __________.


Particularly among college-educated women, parenthood is _________.


A feminine expectation that has emerged over the past thirty years is that of the "__________ woman," who is independent, ambitious, and self-confident.


When unmarried partners decide to move in together, there are__________.

regulations, customs, and laws that may cause them problems

According to the __________ hypothesis, many of the benefits of marriage result from the personal characteristics of those who marry.


Important variables to take into consideration within the interpersonal exchange model include _________.

social class and gender

Since the 9/11 attacks, the so-called can-do man tackles traumatic events head-on _________.

stoically and manfully?

The number of births to unmarried women has declined recently, probably because of __________.

the Great Recession that began in late 2007

What was the first country to allow same-sex partners to legally marry?

the Netherlands

Middle-class Americans often dream of attaining "the white picket fence." That is, they see marriage as an opportunity for idealized domesticity within the "haven" of their own single-family home. Which marriage does this describe?

the companionate marriage bond

Which of the following represents the punitive approach toward perpetrators of child maltreatment?

the criminal justice response

Family sociologist Andrew Cherlin has noted that time-honored family definitions and social norms "count for far less" than in the past. He calls this __________.

the deinstitutionalization of marriage

Working-class parents tend to use which model of parenting?

the facilitation of natural growth

Marriage partners now expect love and emotional intimacy, open communication, role flexibility, gender equality, and personal growth. Which does this describe?

the individualized marriage bond

Upper-class, highly educated parents are more likely to emphasize concerted cultivation, which is__________.

the overall development of their child's talents and potential

Historically, marriage and family had two important functions: (1) guaranteeing property rights and (2) _________.

the responsible upbringing of children

Which of the following characterizes phase one of the cycle of violence?

the violent episode itself

Research shows that distressed marital couples are distinguished by __________.

their negative exchanges during conflict

When __________ norms of male authority are strong, husbands will likely dominate regardless of the partners' personal resources.


Persons who change gender identity are referred to as _________.


Working full-time at minimum wage does not earn a parent enough money to live above the poverty line.


Research has shown a link between ____________ parental conflict and children's behavior problems.


The increase in childbearing among older single women is largely a(n) __________ phenomenon.

white, middle-class

Which of the following would NOT be categorized as child maltreatment?

yelling at a child for breaking a window

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