Mass Comm

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In which decade did the Internet originate?


In general, the highest rates for radio advertising are charged for what time period?

6 a.m. - 9 a.m.

What is the common element found in all forms of media-based gratification?

A change from one emotional state to another.

The development of FM stations was slowed by:

A fight with television for radio frequencies.

According to Lazarsfeld and Merton, status conferral is

A media function.

What do scholars who accept the mosaic conception of communication mean by "cumulative meanings"?

A person's meaning for almost anything keeps developing as they encounter new bits of information.

The term "yellow journalism" was based on:

A popular comic strip.

The Sedition Law was:

A statute which prohibited anyone from libeling Congress or the president.

Who is generally considered the first computer programmer?

Ada Lovelace

Which of the following best justifies the labeling of direct mail as a mass communication medium.

Advertisers often use direct mail to send their materials out "to whom it may concern."

Probably the major reason for the greater specialization of magazines today is:


What type of publication has not increased in popularity since World War II?

Afternoon dailies.

The newspapers that have been most severely harmed by television and other current social conditions are:

Afternoon papers in urban areas.

Which of these people would most likely find parasocial interaction most useful?

An elderly widow who lives alone.

Which of the following sources for radio financing has NOT been used in this country.

Antenna tax.

Travel and recipe columns are published in newspapers to:

Attract particular kinds of readers who can be sold to advertisers.

The fact that the motion picture industry is a commercial venture, operating for maximum profits, means increased influence for:

Audience members.

The advertising medium most affected by the development of the automobile was:


What role did bookstores play in the American colonies?

Bookstores were gathering places for intellectuals.

How do the mass media enforce social norms, according to Paul Lazarsfeld and Robert Merton?

By publicizing deviations from those norms, so the community can no longer ignore them.

The FCC's "must carry" rule specified that:

Cable systems had to carry all television stations in their immediate vicinity.

Which of these factors did not account for higher book sales in the 1980s?

Cheaper methods of printing.

Movable type was probably invented by a(n):


The United Independent Broadcasters Network, formed in 1927, became the:

Columbia Broadcasting System.

Which of the following is an MSO?


The demise of picture magazines such as Life and Look can be traced mainly to:

Competition from television.

Which of the following benefited greatly from the sinking of the Titanic?

David Sarnoff

Which of the following was largely responsible for the success of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA)?

David Sarnoff

When the media gives us the opportunity to read about, hear, and view a variety of people in different kinds of situations, both actual and fictional, it is giving us a chance to:

Develop our concept of ourselves.

Of all the gatekeepers below who control the music you are likely to hear, which probably have the most power?

Disc jockeys.

The largest information and entertainment corporation in the world is:


The degree to which people are unable to perceive or evaluate information independent of their prior attitudes, beliefs, and needs is labelled by communication scholars as:


The rapid spread of writing, after it was first developed, was stimulated by people's interest in:


In what sense do the sources to which you are exposed in your communication mosaic interact?

Each affects your interpretation of information from the others

Dissonance theory states that:

Each has internal pressures to make our attitude, our beliefs, and our actions consistent.

Which of the following is associated with the development of the double sided disc recording (what we generally called "a record")?

Emile Berliner

Aside from reading specific philosophies and taking polls, which of the following is the best way to measure public beliefs and values?

Evaluating entertainment.

T/F "Cost per thousand" is the amount charged by a radio or television station, newspaper, or magazine for a thousand advertisements.


T/F "Cross-ownership" refers to the ownership of more than one magazine (or more than one radio station, more than one newspaper, and so forth).


T/F A major advantage of a totally free enterprise or free market system of television is that minority interests are best served by it.


T/F A newspaper chain is the order in which a paper processes a story from the initial event to the published piece.


T/F Advertising began with the development of the printing press.


T/F As political scientist Harold Lasswell pointed out, one of the societal functions that the mass media can never serve is the transmission of the social inheritance. This must always be done by family members, teachers, and other elders with whom one regularly associates.


T/F Block booking is when one studio tries to prevent theaters from booking films from other theaters.


T/F Businesses used the internet from the very beginning.


T/F Cylinder recordings were technically inferior to disc recordings, which is the primary reason that they failed in the marketplace.


T/F David Sarnoff rose to prominence through the amateur radio station he operated on which he played records and presented talks.


T/F Decisions by school board officials to remove library books considered objectionable have no First Amendment implications.


T/F Direct mail is like television broadcasting in that there is no practical way to personalize one's messages.


T/F Economic factors only have substantial influence on the content of the mass media that are dependent on advertising for support.


T/F Edwin Howard Armstrong was afraid of heights and therefore was dependent on others to work on his radio towers.


T/F Even in its earliest days, the telephone was the fastest and most cost-efficient way to communicate over long distances.


T/F Fanny Hill was one of the first female printers in the American colonies.


T/F If you are not sure for whom you vote and you study information about each candidate that is published in your local newspaper, that paper is serving a latent function for you.


T/F In assessing scientific models, we are primarily concerned with simplicity.


T/F It takes particular kinds of media content to provide escape for people from tensions and alienation.


T/F Kodak introduced the Brownie camera just before World War II.


T/F Magazine publishing is the most stable of all mass media business.


T/F Magazines are more similar to each other than newspapers are.


T/F Most printing presses in the American colonies were owned by the government.


T/F News consultants work with advertisers and advertising agencies, advising them on which news programs are best for their products.


T/F On the whole, men read more books than women do.


T/F Once Edison saw that the phonograph worked he knew that the primary application would be playing music.


T/F One of the advantages of a visual medium such as television is that there is little or no confusion between art and reality.


T/F Payola is music industry slang for royalty payments.


T/F Religious broadcasting is one of the newest phenomena in radio and television.`


T/F Schemata are the structures of the newspaper stories, television programs, or other media products to which you are exposed.


T/F Selective Perception is best explained by variety theory.


T/F Sending and delivering telegrams is a major part of Western Union's business to this day.


T/F Serious fears about the possible negative effects of the mass media did not arise until television became popular.


T/F Since your fourth world is your mental representation of the real world, you build it almost exclusively from facts.


T/F Sustaining programs are so named because they are the programs with which local stations sustain themselves economically.


T/F The Motion Picture Patents Company helps studios or individuals secure patents on inventions that can be used in making movies.


T/F The Speed Graphic camera records pictures on a video disc.


T/F The Traffic Audit Bureau sets standards for commercials aimed at automobile drivers.


T/F The mass media have little, if any, effect on our political behaviors.


T/F The most widely read magazine in America is Reader's Digest.


T/F The penny press was more political than newspapers had been in earlier periods.


T/F Unlike in radio (and besides the use of telephones for their offices), television networks made little use of the telephone infrastructure because it lacked the necessary bandwidth for video.


T/F Valuing up-to-the-minute news was one of the earliest norms to develop among journalists.


T/F When people are confronted with the fact that one of their attitudes, one of their beliefs, and one of their behaviors are inconsistent, they will almost always change their behavior.


T/F Whenever we talk about "the media" causing something, we are referring to the content of the media as the cause.


T/F as digital comic sales increase, print sales decrease


T/F comic books account for a large percentage of magazine sales


T/F comic books are influential because of their large audience


T/F comic books are primarily reliant on the established magazine and book distributors


T/F since the beginning, comics books have been primarily intended for children


True/False "Information overload" is a new phenomenon, caused solely by the fact that we have so many media of communication today.


True/False The creators of media messages--like journalists, producers, and advertisers--have far more control than you do over the information and meanings that you get from the media.


True/False The first world is the world in your head.


True/False Virtually everyone forms their picture of the world based on one medium and message at a time.


True/False With a reasonable amount of effort and focusing on just one specific topic, it is possible to read, listen to, or view all of the information for that topic.


True/False Your understanding of war has a one-to-one relationship with all of the bits of information about war you have encountered in your lifetime, since these are the bits that make up your fourth world.


The government agency legally responsible for developing and enforcing rules to eliminate unfair and deceptive advertising practices is the:

Federal Trade Commission.

The switch from a mechanical to an all-electronic television system brought about:

Fewer breakdowns and better quality pictures.

What is the most important contribution independent and small record companies make to the industry?

Finding and popularizing previously unknown artists.

Which one of the following worlds is the same for everyone?


The most important function of feedback is to:

Help sources adjust their communication to their audience.

The person responsible for creating Life magazine was:

Henry R. Luce.

It is useful to think of ourselves and our society as "systems" because that leads us to ask and study such important questions as:

How do the media help these systems operate and maintain their equilibrium?

"Visual efficiency" is a measure of:

How much attention an ad gets and the length of attention required to remember it.

Lee DeForest encouraged his wife to write an autobiography titled:

I Married a Genius.

What are "gaps" in the mosaic?

Important information about a topic that we did not notice or that was not in any of the messages we received.

What major contribution to the film industry was NOT made by the independent producers and distributors when they were competing with the Trust (in the period from 1910 to 1915)?

Improved motion picture equipment so that the independents could make better films than the Trust.

In what sense is the world in your head a "fiction"?

In the sense that it is an interpretation of reality; it is not reality.

The distinction between individual and societal functions is that;

Individual functions are the purposes for which individuals use the media; societal functions are about how maintain stability or bring about change

What do we mean when we say that meanings are not in words or pictures, that meanings are in people?

Individuals do not receive meanings, they construct them.

Selective Perception is the tendency to:

Interpret information in a way consistent with one's prior knowledge, attitudes, and behavior.

Why is sports coverage so important to television stations, networks, and cable systems?

It attracts a predominately male audience that is easily salable to advertisers of certain kinds of products.

How does the Television Code function?

It does not function; it no longer exists.

Option time is important to networks because:

It makes it easier for them to win advertisers.

What advantages for the recording industry were gained by the development of tape technology?

It permitted long, continuous recording and easier editing.

The drawback of the Ermanox camera was that:

It used individually-loaded glass plates.

The mass media was feared by governments in the earliest days of the press because of what main factor?

Its ability to transfer huge amounts of information at rapidly increasing rates

What writer/artist team was responsible for creating The X-Men, The Incredible Hulk, and The Fantastic Four?

Jack Kirby and Stan Lee

Which of the following is NOT true of the extraordinary photographer Margaret Bourke-White?

Known for her famous photos of the Manzanar Relocation Camp during WW2.

Compared with the magazines of today, early magazines in this country were:

Less specialized.

Which of these best describes the part local media play with regards to the integration of individuals new to a community?

Local media helps newly integrated members learn about the values of their new community.

People have "scripts" or "schemas" in their heads that generally:

Make it easier for them to interpret media messages.

How are independent record companies linked to major record companies?

Many of the independents contract with major companies to handle some aspects of the production and distribution processes.

RCA was formed largely because:

Military and industry leaders in this country wanted to prevent control of world communications by a British-dominated company.

Which pair of theoretical ideas below are most closely related?

Modeling theory and Identification

What percentage of space in the average newspaper is taken up by advertising?

More than 50 percent.

Are the effects of mass communication direct or indirect?

Mostly indirect, partially direct

How do composers receive payment for the use of their materials on the radio, in jukeboxes, and so forth?

Music rights organizations collect annual fees for the commercial use of music and distribute them to member composers, authors, and publishers.

Which of the following was the first to use a telegraph network for military advantage?


Studies of newspaper readership show generally that the part of the paper read by the most adults is:

National news.

Which of the following would be considered "OTT"?


The developer of the mechanical system for breaking up and reassembling pictures was:

Paul Nipkow

In what sense is it valid to say that you cannot tell people anything they do not already know?

People cannot perceive or understand anything unless they can relate it in some way to prior experience.

What is the major threat today to subscription sales of magazines?

Postal rates.

The highest selling category of books in this country is the:

Professional book.

Which of the following was the least important factor in making radio such an important mass communication development?

Programming skills of broadcasters.

The Kinetoscope and Vitascope are early devices for:

Projecting or viewing motion pictures.

Which of the following is not a music rights organization?


By arguing that the camera should function as a human eye rather than a mechanical device, Peter Henry Emerson was urging photographers to:

Regard photography more as art than science.

The civil rights and feminist movements of the 1960s and early 1970s stimulated

Research on media stereotyping of women and minorities.

A great deal of evidence suggests that people have a need for organization and clear structure in their lives. Media provide that order for some people, thus serving what function?


Which inventor offered his invention to the Republic of Texas for free?

Samuel Morse

There are 4 worlds of information; which world consists of everything that is within range of your perception in your lifetime?


A major theme in magazines during this country's first hundred years was:


The sale and rental of motion pictures on discs and streaming is:

Slightly more than box office sales.

The expansion of television was halted by an FCC freeze on new licenses from 1948 to 1952 for what purpose?

So the FCC could figure out how to make more television channels available for stations.

A major disadvantage of the importance of literary agents in getting books published is that:

Some authors have trouble getting an agent.

In 1943 the Supreme Court upheld the FCC's "Report on Chain Broadcasting." Which of the following was not one of the key provisions in that report?

Some networks had to divest themselves of some of their affiliates.

A good example of vertical integration is:

Sony's purchase of Columbia Pictures.

What would best define Lasswell's concept of the function of surveillance?

Surveillance provides a window into both the external and internal happenings of a society.

Which of the following is NOT true of models?

Tend to draw ones attention to specific instances

Most newspapers usually have more pages on Wednesday or Thursday because:

That is when food stores advertise weekend specials.

Government regulation of broadcasting began in this country when:

The United States Navy wanted it done.

The "news hole" in a newspaper is:

The amount of space devoted to everything except advertising.

Which of the following was not a factor in the rapid growth of suburban newspapers after World War II?

The decline in daily city newspapers.

Depth of field refers to:

The distance between the nearest and farthest points from the camera that appear to be in sharp focus.

Economic determinism is the theory that:

The economic system of a country is the dominant influence on almost everything, including all of the content of the mass media.

You and a friend both watched the same episode of an Amazon Prime Original and talk about it over coffee. What function is the media serving in this situation?

The facilitation of social interaction

The serious decline of American newspapers in the 1930s was NOT affected by:

The failure to modernize.

Seeing or focusing on largely one particular theme in the news, such as recession or sexism, so that everything else becomes simply background, is similar to what perception phenomenon?

The figure-ground phenomenon.

The shift in program control from advertisers to networks was a result in part of:

The high costs of television programs.

An "uncertain analogy" is:

The most interesting property of a model because it leads to new predictions that can be tested.

The creation of a record album involves many steps. Which of these steps is most closely tied to whether you, as a member of the audience, are likely to buy the product?

The quality of the publicity and marketing.

The Statement of Principle of the American Society of Newspaper Editors is:

The self-regulatory code for newspapers.

The most important development in direct mail marketing in the past fifty years has been:

The use of computers.

Advertisers like specialized magazines primarily because:

Their ads are not wasted on as many people who are not potential customers.

According to Becker & Roberts, one of the concerns photojournalists had about digital electronic photography is that:

Their photographs could be electronically altered prior to publication.

What is the major argument for deregulating radio?

There are so many radio stations on the air that competition will provide ample regulation.

According to the Spiral of Silence theory, when most of the mass media take a consistent position on an issue, most people will not argue with it because:

They believe the media represent the views of the majority of the public and they fear being isolated from other people.

Radio and television have an advantage over magazines and newspapers in building circulation mainly because:

They can increase audience size with no increase in production costs.

If people are watching a television news story, set or expectation tends to have the greatest effect on their perception when:

They have a well-established script or schema for that type of situation.

Which of the following does not help publishers sell magazine subscriptions?

Trade agency.

Editor and Publisher, Broadcasting, and Sales Management are known as:

Trade journals.

Memory/time is one dimension of the mosaic model.


T/F "Chunking style" refers to the size of the bits, or number of bits, of information you take in at a time.


T/F "Press agentry" is another name for "public relations."


T/F A major difference between advertiser-network relationships now and in the earlier days of television is that advertisers have less control of programs today.


T/F A regular monthly comic is about 22 pages of content.


T/F A&R personnel are responsible for finding talent.


T/F According to Cultivation theory, the people who watch a great deal of television have more similar beliefs about police and crime than people who do not watch much television. People who do not watch much television have more varied beliefs.


T/F An increase in the value of property is one factor that has made drive-in theaters practically obsolete.


T/F Communication scholars who are interested in "variable effects" are attempting to understand why the same sort of mass communication experience has different effects on different people.


T/F Computers do not require electronics. In other words, it is possible to build computers that do not use electronics at all.


T/F Edison developed the phonograph while trying to improve long distance telegraph and telephone technology.


T/F Even though it is quite clear who actually got credit for inventing the telephone, it is not clear who deserves the credit.


T/F FM radio generally has better sound quality than AM radio.


T/F If you fail to use quotation marks or otherwise indicate when you are using someone else's words, you are guilty of plagiarism.


T/F Image Comics is the 3rd largest comic book publisher in the U.S.


T/F In general, women's magazines have greater circulation than men's.


T/F In the early days of the telephone, farmers and ranchers often got together,and used the barbed wire of their fences, or copper wires strung on poles, to connect their homes by telephone.


T/F It would be fair to say that the mass media is not without its drawbacks.


T/F Memory is an important factor in helping us fill gaps in the information we grasp from our communication mosaics.


T/F Most of DC's comics are superhero titles.


T/F Newspaper publishers once forced the radio networks to restrict the number and length of news broadcasts.


T/F Newspapers in the past few decades have been becoming more standardized.


T/F One of the greatest changes caused by widespread adoption of the telegraph was that it afforded effective management of much larger numbers of people, corporations, and other organizations.


T/F One of the survivors of technological change in the recording industry has been the vinyl disc.


T/F One reason that exaggerated/improbable/fantasy anatomy is common in comics is that fantasy anatomy is easier to draw.


T/F Public relations may involve concealing as well as revealing or shaping bits of information.


T/F The PBS series on the Civil War drew the largest audience ever for public television.


T/F The Source-Message-Channel-Receiver model of communication grossly distorts the great differences among individuals in patterns of exposure and ways of processing the information they receive.


T/F The Westley-MacLean model of communication is useful in that it adds feedback as an important element in the communication process.


T/F The infrastructures for the telegraph, telephone, and the internet are very similar, especially in terms of where they have placed their cables and switching centers.


T/F The intense competition among newspaper publishers leading up to and during the Spanish-American War created the first real photo reporters.


T/F There are single issues of comic books that are worth more than $1 million.


T/F Watching a couple argue in a movie or show contributes to the construction of our ideas about how relationships work.


T/F We must believe that we understand our world reasonably well in order to avoid undue tension.


T/F When you encounter information about one topic, your interpretation of it will be affected by the other issues or topics about which you are getting information.


T/F You, like others, go through your communication environment in different ways at different times.


T/F Your perception of something you are reading, seeing, or hearing is based, in part, on your memory of past experiences.


T/F comic book publishers did great damage to the industry by overreacting to threats of government censorship


T/F comic books are a tiny part of the U.S. publishing industry


T/F comic books are an "in between" medium--not really a book, not really a magazine


T/F comic books are characterized by a strong "geek factor"


T/F comic books moved to "direct sales" model through specialty stores in the 1970s


The changes that occur in public events when radio microphones or television cameras are introduced can be explained by Systems theory.


True / False The most important element in the mass communication system is not the printing press, the camera, or the communication satellite; it is you.


True/False Although the mass media often operate relatively independently of each other, they form a tightly integrated system in your use of them.


True/False On almost any important issue, as time goes on you are exposed to a steadily increasing number and variety of bits of information, as well as encountering some of the same bits many times.


Rap music traces its origins to:

Urban inner cities in the 1970s.

Which of the following did Vaudeville NOT do to aid the development of films in the late 1800s?

Vaudeville agents became movie distributors.

Becker and Roberts argue that the boundaries between fact and fiction, or news and entertainment, have broken down so that the news we get is almost always, in some sense, partly fiction, while fiction is, in some sense, partly fact, or even news. What is the most important implication of this for the world you construct in your head?

We get important bits of information for that world from the fiction and entertainment to which we are exposed, as well as from news and so-called informational media.

How do reference groups affect our processing of information?

We tend to test our interpretations of what we read, hear, and see on our family, friends, and others with whom we associated.

On what day of the week are new comic books released?


The most popular movie actors during the early days of the motion picture industry:

Were not acknowledged or publicized by the studios.

Although there are many exceptions, in general, listeners to a newscast remember best and are most influenced by:

What they heard first and last.

Which of the following is NOT a criterion for determining whether the use of some copyrighted material is a "fair use" and does not require permission from the copyright holder?

Whether the part used is taken out of context.

Newspaper and radio stations:

Worked together initially, but later competed against each other in attempts to provide news to the public.

Who or what is most responsible for the kinds of information to which you are exposed?


Identify the primary function of the Comics Code Authority (CCA).


The filled-in squares in the mosaic model represent:

either our third or fourth world

All of the following are media forms or genres that are popular worldwide. Which of these forms is not dominated by U.S. producers?


According to BJ Fogg, in order for any behavior to occur we need _______, ability, and a trigger.


The authors argue that understanding media as a ________, and from the vantage point of a _______, will help you understand individual media in different and more useful ways than you did before.

system, receiver

The mosaic model is based on the idea that:

the communication environment is like a vast mosaic of information bits

According to Nir Eyal author of Hooked, which of the following "supercharges the stress of desire"?

variable rewards

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