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America's first public showing of a motion picture was in


The most active period for portrayals of African Americans in movies was:


In today's system of moviemaking, each of the major studios (such as Disney, Viacom/Paramount and Sony Pictures Entertainment) makes fewer than ________ movies a year.


The two licensing companies that handle most of the rights to play music for broadcast are:


D.W. Griffith's The Birth of a Nation

All of these answers

The development of tape records included:

German experimentation during WWII, 3M's perfected production of usable plastic tape, Bing Crosby's use of tape recording

the man credited with inventing "format" radio is:

Gordon McLendon

Which of the following is NOT true about high fidelity recordings

Hi-fi was developed specifically for the Sony Walkman

In the 1930s, the movie industry was dominated by the Big Five, which included:

MGM, Paramount, Warner Bros, RKO, 20th Century Fox

Because of file sharing, the Recordings Industry Association of America (RIAA) has:

Sued individuals who downloaded music

Which of the following is NOT true about warning labels on records?

Teenagers demanded labeling of explicit lyrics

Which of the following is true?

The 45 rpm was David Sarnoff's idea

In the 1940s, a record "album" consisted of a bound set of ten envelopes with one record and one song per envelope.


Invention of the transistor of the 1960s resulted in miniaturization that made music more portable.


Radio station programming delivers a targeted audience to advertisers better than television programming.


Supporters of deregulation believe that radio will become more competitive because the larger companies can give more financial support to their stations than single owners can.


The Lincoln Motion Picture Company was the first company to produce serious narrative movies for the African American audience.


The Parents' Music Resource Center demanded that record companies specially label albums that contain explicit lyrics.


The War of the Worlds broadcast demonstrated that alarming information could be misinterpreted by the public, and radio stations had to take responsibility for their broadcasts.


The development of stereo tape recording made it possible to mix performances recorded at different times and places.


There are many music-programmed radio stations now operating without disc jockeys.


Will Hays, president of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association, was the first person to appear on screen in the public premiere of talking pictures in 1926.


Étienne Jules Marey invented the first motion picture camera in 1882.


Satellite radio

is supported primarily by supscriptions

HD radio:

makes it possible for radio stations to transmit real-time text-based information services as well as programming.

the operations division of a recording company

manages the technical aspects of the recording

The group that decides the best way to sell recordings is

marketing and promotion

Billboard Magazine today:

measures album sales, measures the air play of music, publishes more than two dozen music industry charts

the MPAA began a rating system

modeled on Great Britains system

Identifying a specific audience segment and programming is called:


Lee de Forest

perfected a glass bulb called the Audion that could detect radio waves.

Which of the following was not an important technological development improving music delivery in the 1950s and 1960s?

re-writable CDs

The Telecommunications Act of 1996

removed government restrictions on the radio industry

The Telecommunications Act of 1996:

removed the limit on the number of radio stations a company can own in the United States.

The Radio Act of 1912:

required federal licenses for people who wanted to broadcast or receive messages.

In the 1920s, the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association began cracking down on movie content by:

stating that movies should not be made that will lower the moral standards of viewers.

Blanket licensing meant that:

the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers charged stations a fee for licensed music.

During the 1930s:

the hays production code was in full force, the double feature evolved, labor unions for actors and screenwriters formed

Which of these 1940s events helped reverse the growth of the movie industry that began in 1930?

the hearings of the House Un-American Activities Committee

The first feature-length motion picture with sound

the jazz singer

Which of the following was the event that may lead to the decline of free music file-swapping services and the increasing popularity of services that facilitate legal downloading of music?

the lawsuit against Grokster by MGM Studios in 2005

The U.S. v. Paramount Pictures case led to

the major studios divesting themselves of their theaters

Studios complain they lose money because:

the number of admissions has dropped significantly since the 1940s.

The 1930 Hays Office production code state that:

the sympathy of the audience shall never be thrown to the side of wrongdoing, evil or sin, the law shall not be ridiculed, nor shall sympathy be created for it's violation, correct standards of life, subject only to the requirements of drama and entertainment, shall be presented.

The ______ is responsible for scheduling commercials on a radio station

traffic department

Edwin H. Armstrong is responsible for the existence of FM radio


Movies today are the most fragmented media industry—created by one group, funded by another, sold by a third group and distributed by a fourth.


Walt Disney was Hollywood's only successful newcomer in the 1930s with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.


Arbitron ratings have been criticized because they:

under-report minority and non-English-speaking listeners

KDKA radio

was the first station to broadcast election returns, was the first commercial radio station, was the first station to broadcast on a regular schedule

The Hollywood Ten

were put on trial for contempt, eventually sentenced to jail and later blacklisted.

Cross ownership is:

when a company owns individual radio and TV station in the same market

Movie censorship codes changed forever

with the release of Man with the Golden Arm, a film about drug addition

Which film industry personality was linked with scandals that led to the establishment of the film industry's Hays Office to impose self-regulation on the movie industry in the 1920s and 1930s?

"Fatty" Arbuckle

Which of the following is not true of overseas piracy of recorded music, according to the Recording Industry Association of America?

Counterfeit copies are hard to tell from legitimate original recordings because the quality is as good as the original.

Block booking allowed theater managers to pick and choose the movies they wanted to show.


John F. Kennedy was the first president to appear on U.S. television.


Stereophonic recordings first became available in 1940.


The Motion Picture Patents Company was founded in the early 20th century to encourage moviemaking.


The Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 provided funding for public radio but not public television stations.


The distribution part of a recording company plans the best way to sell a record and oversees cover design.


The first radio network was CBS, established in 1926.


The music industry, because of its popular appeal, has gained in profitability with the development of Internet technology.


The transistor radio was first used in WWII


In the early war of the phonograph between Thomas Edison and the Victor Talking Machine Company, Edison's cylinder became the industry standard.


United Artists was formed in rebellion against the big studios by:

Mary Pickford, Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, DW Griffith

For several years, ____ operated two radio networks


Which of the following is not true of National Public Radio?

NPR was established by the Radio Act of 1927

The man who created the long-playing record was:

Peter Goldmark

NBC was formed based on an agreement among which 3 companies

RCA, GE, and Westinghouse

The ________, which said broadcasters must operate in the "public convenience, interest or necessity," became the foundation for all broadcast regulation.

Radio Act of 1927

Which of the following companies is not one of the three major record labels?


What is Jammie Thomas' claim to fame

She was the first person to be legally fined for music piracy

The inventor of the phonograph in 1877 was

Thomas Edison

"Narrowcasting" allows advertisers to more specifically target their messages to an audience.


"Race movies" showed African American casts in a variety of movie genres, including westerns.


ASCAP still licenses its music stations with the same type of blanket licensing agreement they've been using since the 1920s.


According to the Impact / Audience box, "Lighting Up a Black Screen: Early 'Race Films' Pioneered the Art of Breaking Stereotypes," Oscar Micheaux's Within Our Gates was designed to counter the racism in Birth of a Nation.


Alan Freed, who was convicted of payola, coined the term "rock 'n' roll."


BMI was founded in part to avoid having to pay royalties to ASCAP


In the 1950s

all of above

What aspect of the movie industry does digital technology affect

all of answer

What was or were the important contribution(s) of Edwin S. Porter's 1903 film, The Great Train Robbery?

all of the above

Because of the practice of block booking, movie theater owners

all of the answers

Which of the following can be said of foreign ownership of major movie studios:

all of these above

Which of the following is a direct responsibility of the producer in the movie industry?

arranging funding for a movie project

David Sarnoff

as a wireless operator, received a distress call from the sinking Titanic and eventually became RCA's general manager.


concerns the payment of cash or gifts by recording companies to disc jockeys or program directors in exchange for air play.

many recordings music groups say they make the bulk of their money from

concert performances

The disc jockey, as a media personality, was made possibly by:

cooperative broadcast licensing by BMI

The most threatening widespread type of piracy for the industry is:

copying of prerecorded music overseas and their sale in the United States.

Napster was ordered to shut down in 2001 for:

copyright infringement

Edwin H Armstrong

developed FM radio

in 1887, Emile Berliner

developed the gramophone, which replaced Edison's cyclinder

Which of the following technologies can facilitate the showing of movies in theaters?

digital projectors, satellite distribution to theaters, internet distribution to theaters

File sharing, as it relates to the music recording industry, means:

downloading music free from the internet

Heinrich Hertz

experimented with radio waves, which became known as Hertzian waves.

The studio system of moviemaking provided a stable corps of actors and production people who were paid based on the number of movies they worked on each year.


Eadweard Muybridge

first photographed motion

The most significant trend in radio today is toward:

greater audience segmentation

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