Massachusetts Learner's Permit.

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Which of the following is NOT considered a valid form of ID in Massachusetts?

The receipt, complete with photo image, for applying for an ID card

If you turn from a high speed, two-lane roadway, you must _________ if you have traffic following you.

Try not to slow down too early

If you receive an out-of-state violation it will:

be treated by the RMV like they happened in Massachusetts.

When turning left from a two-way street onto a one-way street, you must:

begin the turn with your left wheel as close as possible to the yellow dividing line

The danger areas around trucks and buses where crashes are more likely to occur are called:

blind spots

Locked wheel skids are usually caused by:

braking too hard at a high speed

When turning left from one one-way road to another one-way road:

bring your vehicle into the nearest left lane for traffic on the road you are entering

In some roadways, some lanes reserved as 'Transit' are used for:

buses only

If you are driving in a heavy rainstorm at 40mph and the speed limit is 50mph you:.

can get a ticket for driving too fast.

High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV) lanes are reserved for:

car pools and vehicles with more than one person

Suspension for driving negligently or recklessly/ operating to endanger (Junior Operators Licence)

1st offence- 180 days 2nd offence- One year $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

Suspension period for driving during passenger or the night restriction (Junior Operators Permit/License)

1st offence- 60 days 2nd offence- 180 days 3rd offence- One year $ 100 - Fine to reinstate

Suspension period for driving without a licence (Junior Operators Permit)

1st offence- 60 days 2nd offence- 180 days 3rd offence- One year $ 100 - Fine to reinstate

Suspension period for the use of a mobile electronic device (Junior Operators Permit/License)

1st offence- 60 days 2nd offence- 180 days 3rd offence- One year $ 100 - Fine to reinstate

Suspension period for speeding (Junior Operators Permit)

1st offence- 90 days 2nd offence and subsequent offences- One year $ 100 - Fine to reinstate

Suspension period for speeding (Junior Operators Licence)

1st offence- 90 days 2nd offence and subsequent offences- One year $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

Drag racing (Junior Operators Permit/Licence)

1st offence- One year 2nd or subsequent- Three years $ 500 - 1st offence $ 1000 - 2nd or subsequent

Refusing a chemical test (over 21)

1st time- 180 days 2nd days- 3 years 3rd days- 5 years 4th and subsequent- Lifetime

Refusing a chemical test ((drives age 18 to 21)

1st time- 3 years + 180 days 2nd time- 3 years + 180 days 3rd time- 5 time + 180 days 4th or subsequent- Lifetime

Refusing a chemical test (under 18)

1st time- 3 years + one year 2nd time- 3 years + one year 3rd time- 5 years + one year 4th or subsequent- Lifetime

Operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs.(Suspension + Fine to reinstate )

1st- 1 year - $ 500 2nd- 2 years - $ 700 3rd- 8 years - $ 1200 4th- 10 years - $ 1200 5th- Lifetime - N/A

How many seconds should you be behind a car

2 Seconds

In order to take the road test before you turn 18, a parent/legal guardian of yours will have to take a _______ (except if they've already taken it within the past 5 years).

2-hr. parent class

A first OUI conviction comes with a maximum jail sentence of _____ in the state of MA.

2.5 years

Parking is not permitted within ___ feet of an intersection.


How long are Massachusetts drivers allowed to respond to a traffic citation?

20 Days

school zone.

20 MPH

How long do you have to pay a fine or request a hearing to dispute a citation issued from a police officer for a Civil Motor Vehicle Infraction?

20 days

If you are traveling with high beam headlights engaged you must switch to your low beams when you are approaching a vehicle in your lane how many feet ahead?.


If your car breaks down and you have flares or reflective signs, place them:

200 feet in front of and behind your vehicle.

Mopeds must stay at a speed at or below....

25 MPH

Speed limit at a Roundabout?

25 MPH

Stopping distance needed at 60 mph

292 Feet

Drivers under 21 are how many times as likely to be in an alcohol related accident than others


If a MA driver is convicted of ____ speeding violations within a year, his or her license will be suspended for thirty days.


There are two ways a MA driver may be considered a Habitual Offender. The first is accumulating _____ major moving traffic violations within a five year period.


If a MA Junior Operator who has previous convictions is later convicted of drag racing, his or her license will be suspended for an additional:

3 years

If a MA driver who is over the age of eighteen accumulates three or more speeding violations within twelve months, his or her license will be suspended for:


If you pass the road test but still owe fees to the Registry, you must go to the RMV and make the payment within _____ days, or else you may have to take the road test over again at your cost.

30 Days

Thickly settled or business district.

30 MPH

Failed chemical test (over 21)

30 day suspension Or until the conclusion of the court case. If the court finds you guilty, you will face whatever sanctions ordered by the court.

Once you pass the road test, if you have prepaid the fees, the examiner will stamp the back of your permit making it a temporary license valid for

30 days

Drag racing (18 and over)

30 days- 180 days $ 500 - 1st offence $ 1000 - 2nd or subsequent

Failed chemical test (under 18)

30+1 year suspension (If this is the first time, the year could be reduced to 180 days upon entry in a DPH approved alcohol education program)

Failed chemical test (18 to 21)

30+180 day suspension (If this is the first time, the 180 days could be waived upon entry in a DPH approved alcohol education program)

It is illegal to follow _________ behind an emergency vehicle responding to an alarm.

300 Feet

In normal conditions, how far would the high beam headlights and low beam headlights allow you to see ahead?

350 feet and 100 feet

Habitual Traffic Offender (3 major moving violations or any combination of 12 major or minor moving violations within a five year period)

4 year licence suspensions. $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

Outside a thickly settled or business district.

40 MPH

Speed limit at a Rotary?

40 MPH

What is the minimum speed limit in the Massachusetts Turnpike?

40 MPH

Crossing broken yellow line to pass, you must be able to see clearly how many feet in front of you

400 Feet

Highway speed limits are between

45 and 65 MPH

If a MA driver is considered more than _____ % at fault in an accident, it will be noted on his or her driving record.


Highway outside a thickly settled

50 MPH

If a Junior Operator license is suspended for speeding convictions, the reinstatement fee is:


When using your high-beams, you should dim you headlights within _____ feet of oncoming traffic.


When to put your blinkers on when driving on the highway

500 feet before the turn

Stopping distance needed at 20 mph

59 Feet

You CANNOT attempt the Class D road test more than ____ times in a 12-month period.


If a MA driver is charged with selling false licenses but not convicted, the Registrar may suspend his or her license for:

6 Months

Driving with suspended/revoked license

60 day - 1 year suspension. $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

Operating to endanger

60 day - 1 year suspension. $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

If a Junior Operator who holds only a permit is convicted of driving without a supervising passenger, his or her permit will be suspended for _____ days upon the first offence.

60 days

If a MA driver accumulates ________ or more surchargeable violations within a three year period, his or her license will automatically be suspended for a period of sixty days.


If a MA driver is ordered to complete the Driver Retraining Program, how long does he or she have to satisfy the requirement?

90 days

Under 21 1: Buy alcohol or have someone buy it for you. 2: \Possess, carry or transport alcohol unless accompanied by a parent or guardian

90 days - 1 Year license suspension

What do you do at a intersection not controlled by a sing or a signal?

Slow down and look left an right for on coming traffic and proceed if the way is clear.

If your vehicle starts to skid or hydroplane, you should:

Slow down gradually.

Which of the following statements is true regarding making turns?

Start from the lane closest to where you want to go

As a Junior Operator, the penalty for speeding and/or drag racing may include the requirement to attend a SCARR course, which stands for...

State Courts Against Road Rage

Who has the power to dictate the rules and laws regarding driving

State Governments

A steady red light means

Stop and do not go until the light turns green.

What should you do when you leave your car after you parked it?

Stop the motor, set the brake, make sure the ignition is locked, remover your key and lock the door.

What does a steady yellow light mean?

The traffic light is changing from green to red. You must stop if its safe.

A driver must _______ for a school bus that is stopped with its red lights flashing on the opposite side of the road.

come to a complete stop

When entering a paved thoroughfare from a private road, a driveway, or an unpaved road, you must

come to a complete stop and then give the right-of-way to pedestrians, bicyclists, or vehicles on the road you are entering

When an animal suddenly runs in front of your vehicle, you must:

concentrate on retaining control of your vehicle

According to the Massachusetts Implied Consent Law, every driver in this state agrees to ____ if they are arrested by a police officer for OUI.

consent to a breathalyzer or blood alcohol test

When approached by an emergency vehicle in a roundabout:

continue on and exit as normal, then pull to the right

If you are in an intersection and hear the siren of an emergency vehicle, you should:

continue through the intersection, then drive to the right and stop

The eye test for the driver's license evaluates:

depth and color perception peripheral vision acuity

Drivers operating vehicles on a divided highway must _________, unless directed to do otherwise by a sign, traffic control device, or police officer.

drive to the right of the median

The area of the freeway on the outside of the solid white line is meant for:

emergency use only

If the traffic signals at an intersection are not operating , treat the intersection as a(n):

four-way stop

If you are away from Massachusetts when your license is about to expire and cannot return home, you may...

request a temporary "pink" license, which extends the expiration date by 120 days

Resting your foot slightly on the brake pedal while you drive is called _____ and is not a good idea, except briefly after driving through a puddle in order to dry off the brakes.

riding the brakes

Reference markers are mile markers placed along the outside shoulder to mark the edge of the roadway. They convey information to drivers about:

their location on the interstate for navigation and emergency situations

Drivers must maintain windshield wipers in good operating condition because:

they keep the rain and snow off the windshield

Unless prohibited, drivers must use the 'three point turn' to:

turn around on a narrow street

you can not renew an expired license if you have...

unpaid parking violations, unpaid excise taxes, outstanding court warrants, outstanding E-ZPass/ Fast Lane violations, or Tobin Bridge violations

If an approaching vehicle has its turn signal on, you must _______ and then start your turn if it is safe.

wait until the other driver actually starts to turn

A driver must yield the right-of-way to other vehicles in all of the following situations, EXCEPT:

when reaching an intersection with a green light

When passing another vehicle, get through the other driver's blind spot as quickly as you can-

without exceeding the speed limit

If you commit a criminal motor vehicle violation....

you may be arrested, your vehicle may be towed, your license may be taken away, and you may be sent to jail until you go to court

What happens when you drive more than 10 miles per hour over the speed limit?

you must pay an extra $10 for each mph you were driving about the first ten

If you are being passed by another vehicle, you must _________ and allow the other driver to pass safely.

you must slow down, stay to the right side and allow the other driver to pass safely.

A steady red arrow means:

you must stop and you cannot go in the direction of the arrow

Which of the following would be a good example of defensive driving?.

you should constantly look ahead of and around you

If you wish to enter an express highway or freeway, you must _________ before merging with the traffic.

move to the acceleration lane

Head rests should be adjusted so that head restraint contacts the back of the head. This prevents:

neck injuries if you are hit from behind

If there are no reduced speed limits posted at work zones, drivers should:

obey the normal posted speed limit

Drivers must be cautious if it starts to rain on a hot day, because pavement can be very slippery for the first few minutes due to:

oil in the asphalt Heat causes oil in the asphalt to come to the surface. It makes the road more slippery until the oil is washed off.

At least ____ crashes involves a pedestrian.

one in five

When stopped behind another vehicle on a hill, you should stay back at least:

one vehicle length

With a Massachusetts learner's permit, you may drive...

only with a 21 year old or older licensed adult sitting next to you

Work zone or construction zone signs are usually displayed in:

orange with black letters

If you arrive at an unattended accident scene:

park your car off the road and turn on your emergency flashers

A citation may require you to...

pay a fine, lose your driving privileges, appear in court, or go to jail

When making a left or right turn at any intersection, drivers must yield the right-of-way to:


If you are having vehicle trouble, and need to stop, first step you should do is:

pull off the road and away from traffic If your vehicle breaks down on the road, make sure that other drivers can see it. If you are having vehicle trouble, and need to stop, follow these rules: Pull off the road away from all traffic, if possible. Turn on your emergency flashers. Lift the hood to signal the emergency and place emergency flares or triangles

What should you do if you see smoke from under your hood?

pull off the road. Turn off the engine, move away from the vehicle and call the fire department. Vehicle fires can be very dangerous. Do not try to fight the fire unless you have an extinguisher.

The vertical rectangular traffic sign

regulatory signs

If you develop a medical condition that affects your ability to drive, then you MUST...

report it to the Medical Affairs Branch of the Registry

Which of the following are used as left-edge lines on divided highways?

Single, solid, yellow lines

Operating a motor vehicle without the owner's authority/ larceny of a motor vehicle.

1 year- 3 years $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

If a Massachusetts driver has his or her license suspended after having his or her driving privileges suspended in another state, a reinstatement fee of _______ must be paid before he or she is allowed to drive in MA.

$ 100

The penalty for parking in a posted bus stop is

$ 100

What is the lowest penalty for driving above the speed limit?

$ 100

If a MA driver has his or her license suspended for writing a bad check to the RMV, he or she must pay the original amount, a license reinstatement fee, and ________ to regain his or her license and clear the account.

$ 15

The fine for not wearing a seat belt for anyone age 16 or older (or the fine for the driver if the underage passengers are not belted properly) is...

$ 25

Fee for failing to stop for a school bus.

$ 250

DUI (3rd offense)

$1,000 to $15,000 fine.Minimum 150 days, maximum 5 years behind bars. 8 year suspension. FELONY

DUI (4th offense)

$1,500 to $25,000 fine. Minimum 1 year, maximum five years behind bars. 10 year suspension. FELONY

Open Container Law

$100 to $500 Fine

DUI (5th offense)

$2,000 to $50,000 fine. Minimum 2 year, maximum five years behind bars. Lifetime suspension. FELONY

The minimum amount your liability insurance must cover for injury or death of two or more people is:


DUI (1st offense)

$500 - $5000 fine.Maximum 2.5 years behind bars, 1 year suspension (45-90 days if over 21), (210 days if under 21)

Leaving the scene of an accident with property damage.

$60 day - 1 year suspension. $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

DUI (2nd offense)

$600 to $10,000 fine.Minimum 30 days and maximum 2.5 years behind bars.2 year suspension.

Which of the following lights are REQUIRED for driving in darkness or poor visibility?

- Two correctly aimed white headlights in the front - Two approved red lights in the back plus three red brake lights - Directional (turn) signals - A small light to illuminate the license plate

To whom you must yield right of way at a four way stop?

-Another vehicle that has already come to a full stop -A vehicle directly to your right that has stopped at the same time as you

When you're turning left to whom you yield right of way?

-To an oncoming vehicle -To a vehicle already in the intersection -To pedestrians or bicyclists crossing your intended path of travel

When should you signal?

-When you make any move in traffic. -Changing lanes -Turning into an intersection or into a drive way -Pulling away from the curb -Pulling over to the side of the road -Entering or exiting an expressway or freeway

Pedestrian laws for drivers

-You must yield to pedestrians or using a crosswalk in your travel path - Never let your vehicle block a crosswalk -You must yield to pedestrians if your traffic signal if it is red or yellow -Never pass a vehicle that is stopped or slowing for a pedestrian

Legal BAC limit (under 21)

0.02 or greater

Legal BAC limit (21 - over)

0.08 0r greater

After _____ speeding conviction(s), a MA driver who holds a Junior Operator permit must re-take the state's learner's permit exam.


Any drug related conviction.(Operation of a vehicle is not required)

1 - 5 years $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

Upon three or more convictions of operating a vehicle without proper supervision, a MA Junior Operator's permit will be suspended for a period of:

1 Year

You may renew your license up to _____ before the expiration date

1 Year

If a Junior Operator is convicted of a second or subsequent offence, his or her license will be suspended for a period of ___________.

1 year

Upon three or more convictions of operating a vehicle without proper supervision, a MA Junior Operator's permit will be suspended for a period of:

1 year

Defacing real or personal property.

1 year (or delay of one year in obtaining a license.) $ 100 - Fine to reinstate

Leaving the scene of an accident when a person is injured.

1 year- 2 years $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

what fraction of americans are injured/killed in an accident


Speeding violation fines are calculated by adding $100 for the first ten miles per hour over the speed limit and _______ for each additional mile per hour over the speed limit.

10 Speeding violation fines are calculated by adding $100 for the first ten miles per hour over the speed limit and ten dollars for each additional mile per hour over the speed limit.

How far to park from a fire hydrant

10 feet

When to put your blinkers on when driving on a road

100 feet before the turn

If you park in a Massachusetts business or residential district, your vehicle must be no more than how many inches from the curb?.


There are two ways a MA driver may be considered a Habitual Offender. The second is accumulating any combination of _____ or more major and minor moving traffic violations within a five year period.


With very limited exceptions, and never at speeds greater than 5 mph, children under ___ years old are not allowed to ride in the beds of pickup trucks.


Upon a license suspension period for a fourth OUI conviction, a MA driver must pay a license reinstatement fee of ________ to regain his or her license.


How far to park from a railroad crossing

15 feet

Motor vehicle homicide.

15 years - lifetime. $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

Vehicular manslaughter

15 years - lifetime. $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

Stopping distance needed at 40 mph

156 Feet

40,000 dollars

18 years old.

If a Junior Operator who holds a driver's license is convicted of reckless driving once, he or she will lose driving privileges for a period of _______ days.


The suspension for buying or attempting to buy alcoholic beverages by a person under the age of 21 is...

180 Days

Suspension period for negligent operation and injury from mobile phone use (Junior Operators Permit/Licence)

1st offence- 180 days 2nd offence or subsequent- one year $ 500 - Fine to reinstate

If you have one prior conviction of operating under the influence and refuse to take a breath or blood test, you will face:

A three-year suspension.

What does a flashing yellow light mean?

A warning. Proceed with caution and stay alert.

Which of the following is/are part of the motorcycle road test?

A. A pre-ride knowledge test to see if you understand the motorcycle's equipment and controls B. Figure 8's and 360's in both directions without your feet hitting the road C. Normal starts and stops; intersections; turns

Under what conditions may drivers make a right on red?

A. After making a full stop B. After yielding the right of way to other drivers and pedestrians C. Only if there is not a "NO TURN ON RED" sign

Which of the following could cause your license to be suspended even if no motor vehicle was involved in the violation?

A. Any drug-related conviction B. Defacing real or personal property C. Spraying paint or applying stickers or other graffiti

Which of the following is/are part of your driving record?

A. Civil motor vehicle infractions B. Criminal violations C. Crashes in which you were found to be more than 50% at fault

Which of the following are not allowed for operators of motor scooters?

A. Riding on limited-access highways B. Riding after sunset or before sunrise C. Carrying a passenger D. Riding without a helmet

Which of the following is/are exempted from the seat belt law?

A. drivers and passengers of cars made before July 1966 B. operators of fire and police vehicles C. anyone who is physically unable to wear a seat belt, with a doctor's certification

Which of the following CANNOT be worn for the picture that will appear on your permit and license?

A. eyeglasses B. a veil C. temporary facial tattoos

When backing up, you should..

A. get out and check the blind spot directly behind your car before reversing -- a child, a pet, or an obstacle may be hidden there B. look out the back window and look all around -- DO NOT rely solely on your mirrors C. look the direction the vehicle is moving -- DO NOT rely solely on sensors and video equipment to warn you of danger

Hydroplaning is a condition that is very dangerous because...

A. your tires have lost contact with the road and are riding on top of a thin layer of water B. your braking ability is significantly decreased C. your steering ability may be compromised

A seat belt shoulder strap should be worn...

Across the shoulder and chest

When driving on a slippery surface such as snow or ice, you should:

Apply brakes gently.

When brakes fail:

Apply your parking brake cautiously.

What does Soft Shoulder sign give a warning about?

Area off the paved road is soft dirt and could be hazardous

When merging onto an expressway, you should be driving:

At, or near the same speed as the expressway traffic.

Surchargeable events not only threaten your licensing privileges, but they also may affect your cost of...

Auto Insurance

A car passenger five years of age and less than 4 feet 9 inches tall must:

Be properly restrained in an appropriate child-restraint system.

Unless accompanied by a parent or a guardian, anyone less than 18 years of age with a learner's permit may not drive:

Between 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.

A diamond symbol often mark high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. It may also indicate that the lane is reserved for:


This color sign indicates regulation

Black & White

When driving near a large vehicle, be aware of the driver's _________ on the right, left, front, and behind.

Blind Spots, No Zones

This color sign indicates services (gas, hotel, food, etc.)


40 - 80 Pound

Booster Seat

What part of the road tends to freeze up first?

Bridges and highway overpasses

This color sign indicates a school zone or bicycle warning

Bright Yellow/Green

This color sign indicates a recreational, historic, or scenic site


You must use your headlights between:

By law, you must turn on your headlights from a half hour after sunset until a half hour before sunrise.

You are tailgating if you

Cannot see a truck's rear view mirror

If you are driving on a two-lane road, it is safest to drive your vehicle in the _______ of the lane.


Turn signals or hand signals should be used when:

Changing lanes. Entering or exiting a highway. Making a turn.

This kind of violation is noncriminal, and is usually settled by paying a fine example: speeding

Civil Voilations

If a Junior Operator in the state of MA is convicted of operating a vehicle without proper supervision twice, he or she will be required to:

Complete " Driver Attitudinal Retraining"

What way does traffic travel in a rotary?

Counter- clockwise

Major traffic law violations are...

Criminal Offenses

This kind of violation is more serious, you are arrested example: driving with a suspended license, leaving an accident

Criminal Voilations

Caught speeding in a posted work zone, the speeding fine is...


What does a solid white line mean?

Denotes the edge of the roadway or separates two lanes of traffic going in the same direction. You may cross it if you need to avoid danger.

National safety council and insurance institute for highway safety show that a fully loaded tractor trailer may take _________ compared to a passenger vehicle.

Double the distance to stop

Criminal motor vehicle offenses include...

Driving with a suspended license, operating under the influence, and leaving the scene of an accident

What should you do if your vehicle goes into the water?

Exit through a window Unfasten your seat belt

Interstate routes 90 and 495 and state highway 128

Express Ways

You can exceed the speed limit when passing. True or False?


Who has the responsibilities pertaining to the maintenance of highways and roads

Federal & State Governments

A motor vehicle accident resulting in injury must be reported to both the RMV and the local police department within:

Five days.

Which of the following statements about a freeway is NOT correct?

Freeways are designed to handle higher-speed traffic safely.(T) While using a freeway, cross a solid line immediately after entering or before exiting(F) Enter a freeway smoothly by accelerating on the entrance ramp to match the speed of the traffic.(T) Most freeways have deceleration lanes to assist the driver in exit(T)

What does a steady green light mean?


What do you do if you miss your exit on the highway?

Get off at the next exit

The kind of signs that are route markers, distance and destination signs


Far left lane is reserved for

HOV (high-occupancy vehicles)

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the use of headlights?

High-beams are used when traveling behind other vehicles (F) High-beams are used for open country driving when there is no traffic in sight (T) Low-beams are used in city driving and driving in traffic on roadways (T) Low-beams are used when traveling in fog, rain or snow (T)

In a heavy rain, your tires can ride on a film of water and lose contact with the road. This hazard is known as:


If you come to a traffic signal that is blacked out you should treat it like a:.

If signals are blacked out and not functioning, be cautious and proceed as though there is a stop sign in all directions. Go when it is safe. (A flashing red is the same as a stop sign)

What does double yellow line mean with one broken and one solid?

If the solid line is closest to you, then you can't use the other lane to pass. If the broken line is closest to you, then you can use the other lane to pass.

Driving over an unprotected fire hose on the road is allowed:

If you are authorized to do so by a police officer or firefighter.

When it looks like a collision may happen, drivers must take an immediate step to:

In collision situations, drivers must follow three possible options: slow down or stop their vehicle; take an immediate turn; or speed up their vehicle if it is safe to do so.

With a learner's permit you may drive alone:

In no situation.

It is legal to drive with an open alcoholic beverage container if the container is:

In the trunk. (Remember, you may not drink alcohol while driving. You may not have an open alcoholic drink inside your vehicle, even if someone else is holding it. An open container must be in the trunk or a locked glove compartment or, if a motor vehicle is not equipped with a trunk, the area behind the last upright seat or an area not normally occupied by the driver or passenger.)

what does melanies law do

Increases penalties for oui

Up to 20 Pound

Infant Seat

Keeping a full, sealed, and unopened container of wine inside your vehicle:

Is illegal if you are under 21 and not accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Which of the following is NOT required for your vehicle to be accepted for use during the road test?

It have anti-lock brakes

If you are under age 18, your license will say "Restriction I" on it. What does that mean?

It identifies you as a Junior Operator

Night driving is more dangerous than daytime driving because:

It is harder to see at night.

Which of the following would result in the loss of your driver's license according to the RMV's trackable system?

It lists three types of events that can cause you to lose your license; Criminal violations, civil motor vehicle infractions and Motor vehicle accidents where you are more than 50% at fault

night to guide drivers into certain traffic lanes.

Large flashing or sequencing arrow panels

The new move-over law requires that if you are approaching a stationary emergency vehicle on a multilane road, you must

Leave an open lane between your vehicle and the emergency vehicle and proceed with caution.

UPCL (Only Uphill curb left) (Rest of the parking, wheels should be turned right inward no matter what)

Left (Outward)

On a two-way roadway with a center lane, drivers from either direction can make _________ on the center lane.

Left Turn

On one-way roads, yellow lines are used as:

Left edge line

A center lane between lanes of traffic traveling in opposite directions may be designated for:

Left turns only

Under 21 and buy or try to buy alcohol?

Licence will be suspended for 180 days.

7 Surcharge-able Events (within a 3-year period)

License suspended for 60 days. $ 100 - Fine to reinstate

If a Massachusetts driver's driving privileges are suspended in another state, his or her:

License will be similarly suspended or revoked in the state of MA.

To avoid last minute moves, you should:

Look down the road at least ten seconds ahead of your vehicle.

Mile 444

Mileposts are provided along most state highways to assist you in pinpointing your location; to provide a means of identifying the location of accidents and other emergency situations; and to aid in highway maintenance and servicing.

hen parking close to a fire scene you must keep the following distance:

More than 800 feet.

If you wish to pass a motorcyclists that is only taking up a small portion on the right side of your lane, you can:.

Motorcycles have the same right as other vehicles to use the full lane width. Although a motorcycle may physically use a smaller portion of the road, never share a lane of travel.

The first rule of a safe and legal turn is:

Move into the proper lane well before the turn

To allow for proper and safe operation of your air bags, you should..

Move your seat back as far as you comfortably can

5 Surcharge-able Events (within a 3-year period)

Must complete a driver retraining course within 90 days or your licence will be suspended until you complete the course. $ 100 - Fine to reinstate

What does a double solid yellow lines mean?

No drivers in either lane can use the other lane to pass.

-------- are zones around a truck or a heavy vehicle where other vehicles disappear into blind spots.

No zones

Can someone under 18 use a cellphone while driving?

No. The only exception is to report an emergency.

The driver of the car being passed must _________ until the pass is complete.

Not increase speed

n which of the following situations can you drive in the breakdown lane on the highway?

Only during specific times

This color sign indicates construction


If your vehicle makes a high pitched noise when you turn, you should have your ______ inspected.

Power Steering

If your vehicle breaks down on the interstate and you need help, what should you do?

Raise your hood and tie a white cloth to you vehicle.

The distance traveled while reacting, thinking, and hitting the brakes

Reaction Distance

The time it takes to react, think, and hit the brakes

Reaction Time

The stopping distance of your vehicle depends on which of the following factors?

Reaction distance Perception distance Braking distance

_____ are the most frequent type of crashes on interstates.

Rear-end collisions

The kind of signs that usually tell you what not to do, usually red white or black


During an enforcement stop by a police officer, you should:

Remain inside your car with hands in clear view.

Which of the following is one factor that greatly affects your stopping distance?

Roadway conditions.

If your car stalls on railroad tracks and a train is approaching, you should:

Run away from the tracks and towards the oncoming train.

Alcohol ______ reaction time



Scanning, Identifying, Predicting, Deciding, Executing

What does a double solid white line mean?

Separating two lanes of traffic going in the same direction. You may not switch lanes

Roads freeze more quickly when they are:


With any turning vehicle, the rear wheels follow a _________ than the front wheels.

Shorter Path

Motor vehicle violations and at-fault accidents are called...

Surchargeable Events

Pedestrians have the right-of-way. True or False?


You must stop if a school bus flashes their lights and has their sign extended regardless of what side of the road you're traveling. True or False?


Keeping a safe following distance using a two-second rule means:

That the seconds between you and the car ahead give you time and distance to respond to problems.

What does the fundamental speed rule mean?

That you must keep a speed that is reasonable and proper considering conditions.

What does defensive driving mean?

That you should protect yourself and others from dangerous and unexpected driving situations.

When calculating subchargeable conviction penalties, what is the official date of an offence?

The date of conviction is considered the official date. The date of conviction is either the day the driver was found guilty in court or the day he or she payed a citation fine, thereby admitting guilt.

Visitors with a driver's license from another state in U.S. may drive in Massachusetts without a state driver's license, as long as:

Their license is valid.

Always stop before you cross railroad tracks if:

There is not enough room on the other side to completely cross the tracks.

Which of the following is not a reason for the RMV to suspend your driver's license?.

Three speeding violations within any one-year period will result in a 30 day license suspension, not two.

To whom you must yield at an uncontrolled intersection?

To anyone who has entered the intersection from your right. Don't forget to look to the left.

Because of their size, trucks/buses often need to move ________to make right turns.

To the left lane

Before backing up your vehicle, you should look to the front, sides and rear, and continue to look _________ while backing.

To the rear

To whom you yield right of way when entering a rotary?

To vehicles already in the rotary and to pedestrians.

20 - 40 Pound

Toddler Convertible Seat

What does the broken yellow line mean?

Traffic moving in opposite directions. You may use the other lane to pass if it safe to do so.

If your rear tires are skidding to the left,

Turn your steering wheel left. If they are sliding right, steer right.

What does a broken white line mean?

Two lanes going in the same direction. You may cross the line when changing lanes.

Out of state suspension

Until out of state suspension is resolved. $100 - Fine to reinstate.

At, or near the same speed as the expressway traffic.

Up to five years.

To control speed on steep downgrades, drivers should:

Use a lower gear

The kind of signs that warn you of hazards or dangers ahead


When should you use your horn?

When a child is about to run into the street.

When may you drive at the maximum speed indicated by a speed limit sign?

When conditions permit you to drive at such a speed safely.

When is a double solid white line used as pavement marking?

When crossing the lane line markings is prohibited.

A three-point turn should not be used:

When there are public driveways to turn into.

You can always make a right turn on red, EXCEPT

When there is a NO TURN ON RED sign posted.

You must turn on your headlights:

When weather conditions require constant use of windshield wipers.

When must you use your headlights?

When you cannot see objects clearly due to smoke.

If there is over $1000 in property damage due to a traffic accident in Massachusetts legally you must.

Within five days of the event, you must complete and file an accident report with both the RMV and the local police department. You must report any crash in which there has been $1,000 or more of property damage.

What do you do when you encounter a funeral procession?

Yield right of way until the procession has passed.

You may continue carefully against a yellow light if:

You cannot stop safely.

What does overdriving your headlights mean?

You drive so fast that your stopping distance is further than you can see with your headlights

What is true about giving a signal before stopping?

You may use hand-and-arm signals.

What is the Fundamental Speed Law in Massachusetts?

You must never travel faster than is reasonable and proper for the current conditions and public safety.

While getting onto an expressway, you reach the end of a freeway on-ramp. At this point, you should be traveling:

as close as possible to the speed of traffic

3 speeding violations within a 12-month period?

Your licence will be suspended for 30 days $ 100 - Fine to reinstate

For many violations, the penalties may be stronger if you have....

a Junior Operator's License, under 21, a repeated offender, or are driving with a Commercial Driver's License

Whenever your license is suspended as a Junior Operator, ...

a parent/legal guardian will be notified

Which of the following is not considered a traffic violation?

a parking ticket

When making a right turn from a four-lane divided highway, enter the right lane well in advance of the turn and make:

a tight turn into the right lane and the cross street

This black and yellow marked sign is:

an object marker in the roadway

Infants and small children MUST ride in federally approved child passenger restraints until they....

are at least 8 years old and at least 57 inches tall

It is against the law to make a left turn on a red light EXCEPT:

from one, one-way street to another

When driving on a road with no center line, where vehicles come from each direction, drivers must:

give at least half the road to others going in the opposite direction

When passing a large vehicle, do not pull back in front of the truck until you can see its:

headlights in your inside rearview mirror

When must a driver complete the Massachusetts Driving Retraining Course?

if s/he gets 3 or more subchargeable events on their record within 2 years

If you are making a left turn, you must begin:

in the leftmost lane

When entering and exiting a roundabout, you must always:

keep right

When you come to an intersection and try to make a move, you must follow the _________ before you pull out.

left, right, and left rule

On two-lane roads, with traffic moving in both directions, you must activate the_________before returning to the right lane.

left-turn signal before passing and right-turn signal after passing

Car drivers should never move into the same lane with a motorcycle side by side, even if the lane is wide and the cyclist is riding to one side, because:

motorcycles need a full lane width

If you are traveling on an expressway with three or more lanes in the same direction, then you should use the lanes in this way:

right-most lane for slower-moving through traffic; middle lanes for faster-moving through traffic; left-most lane for passing.

Refusing to do which of the following may result in criminal charges?

sign your signature when issued a traffic citation tell a police officer who the owner of a vehicle is tell a police officer your name

If you approach a vehicle displaying a triangular sign that is orange with a red, reflective border on the back side, you must:

slow down and use caution This triangular symbol represents a slow-moving vehicle. This sign is mounted on the rear of a vehicle moving at a speed of 25 mph or less. You must slow down and use caution.

To avoid a head-on collision when you see an oncoming vehicle in your lane, you must:

steer right toward the shoulder or curb-line

If you see a blind pedestrian, who is crossing with a guide dog or white cane with a red tip, you should:

stop at least 10 feet away from the pedestrian

A single solid white line across a road at an intersection means that a motorist must _________ for a traffic signal or sign.

stop behind the line

Which of the following is the most applicable pertaining to Massachusetts' "Move-over law?".

that if you are approaching a stationary vehicle described above and it is displaying its flashing lights, you must proceed with caution and reduce your speed to that of a reasonable and safe speed for the road conditions.

In the winter it is a good idea to always keep your fuel tank at least half full to prevent...

the fuel line from freezing

When turning corners, drivers must turn the steering wheel using:

the hand-over-hand technique

When you are turning from a one-way street onto a two-way or divided street, always turn from:

the lane nearest the curb

You may make a left turn at a red light if you are turning from:

the left lane of a one-way street onto another one-way street

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