Massage Therapy Ch 21 Kinesiology

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Which of the following muscles inserts on the olecranon process?

A. Anconeus B. Brachialis C. Pronator teres D. Coracobrachialis A. Anconeus

Which of the following muscles lies deep to the biceps brachii?

A. Anconeus B. Brachialis C. Pronator teres D. Coracobrachialis B. Brachialis

Which of the following muscles inserts on the ulnar tuberosity and the coronoid process of the ulna?

A. Anconeus B. Supinator C. Brachialis D. Brachioradialis C. Brachialis

Which of the following muscles does NOT attach to the coracoid process?

A. Biceps brachii B. Pectoralis minor C. Pectoralis major D. Coracobrachialis C. Pectoralis Major

Which of the following muscles supinates the forearm?

A. Biceps brachii B. Triceps brachii C. Brachioradialis D. Coracobrachialis A. The biceps brachii supinates the forearm and flexes the elbow.

Which of the following muscles inserts on the olecranon process?

A. Biceps brachii B. Triceps brachii C. Brachioradialis D. Coracobrachialis B. triceps Brachii

Which of the following muscles can be palpated as the bulge on the radial side of the forearm?

A. Biceps brachii B. Triceps brachii C. Brachioradialis D. Coracobrachialis C. Brachoradialis

Which of the following muscles inserts at the styloid process of the radius?

A. Biceps brachii B. Triceps brachii C. Brachioradialis D. Coracobrachialis C. Brachoradialis

Which of the following muscles inserts on the fibula?

A. Biceps femoris B. Rectus femoris C. Semitendinosus D. Semimembranosus A. biceps femoris inserts on the fibular head.

Which of the following muscles pronates the forearm and flexes the elbow?

A. Brachialis B. Pronator teres C. Biceps brachii D. Triceps brachii B. Pronator teres

Which of the following muscles abducts the wrist?

A. Brachioradialis B. Flexor carpi radialis C. Etensor digitorum D. Extensor carpi ulnaris B. Flexor carpi radialus

Which of the following muscles adducts the wrist?

A. Brachioradialis B. Flexor carpi radialis C. Etensor digitorum D. Extensor carpi ulnaris D. extensor carpi ilnaris

Which of the following muscles flexes the wrist?

A. Brachioradialis B. Flexor carpi ulnaris C. Extensor digitorum D. Extensor carpi ulnaris B. Flexor carpi ulnas

Which of the following muscles extends the wrist?

A. Brachioradialis B. Palmaris longus C. Opponens pollicus D. Extensor carpi ulnaris D. extensor cap ulnas

Which of the following muscles is divided into an anterior region, a middle region, and a posterior region?

A. Deltoid B. Lattimus Dori C. Subscapularis D. Pectoralis major A. Deltiod

Excessive muscle tension in which of the following muscles can cause angina-like pain?

A. Deltoid B. Lattimus Dori C. Subscapularis D. Pectoralis major D. Pectoralis Major

Which of the following muscles is divided into a clavicular region, a sternal region, and a costal region?

A. Deltoid B. Lattimus Dori C. Subscapularis D. Pectoralis major D. Pectoralis Major

Which of the following muscles is located on the anterior side of the forearm?

A. Extensor digitorum B. Extensor carpi ulnaris C. Abductor pollicus longus D. Flexor digitorum superficialis D. flexor digitorum superficialis

Which of the following inserts on the adductor tubercle of the femur?

A. Gracilis B. Adductor brevis C. Adductor magnus D. Semimembranosus C. The adductor magnus inserts on the adductor tubercle of the femur as well as the linea aspera.

Which of the following muscles inserts on the lesser trochanter?

A. Gracilis B. Iliopsoas C. Sartorius D. Rectus femoris B. Iliopsoas

Which of the following muscles is the most medial adductor of the hip?

A. Gracilis B. Pectineus C. Adductor longus D. Adductor magnus A. Gracilis - most medial adductor and is the only adductor that crosses the hip and the knee.

Which of the following muscles has its origins near the abdominal aorta?

A. Gracilis B. Piriformis C. Psoas major D. Tensor fascia latae C. Psoas major

Which of the following inserts on the linea aspera?

A. Gracilis B. Plantaris C. Iliopsoas D. Adductor longus D. The adductor longus inserts on the middle third of the linea aspera.

Which of the following muscles is synergistic to the gluteus medius?

A. Gracilis B. Rectus femoris C. Biceps femoris D. Gluteus minimus D. gluteus Minimus

Which of the following has one of its origins on the ischial tuberosity?

A. Gracilis B. Sartorius C. Vastus medialis D. Adductor magnus D. The adductor magnus - originates on the ischial tuberosity, the inferior pubic ramus, and the ischial ramus.

Which of the following muscles originates on the transverses processes of the lumbar vertebrae?

A. Iliacus B. Pectineus C. Piriformis D. Psoas major D. The psoas major - originates on the transverse processes of T12-L5, the vertebral bodies of T12-L5, and the intervertebral disks of lumbar vertebrae.

Which of the following muscles originates on the iliac fossa?

A. Iliacus B. Pectineus C. Piriformis D. Quadratus femoris A. illiacus

Which of the following structures constitutes a large portion of the insertion of the gluteus maximus?

A. Iliotibial band B. Achilles tendon C. Nuchal ligament D. Galea aponeurotica A. iliotibial band, or ITB.

Which of the following is synergistic to the teres minor because they both laterally rotate the humerus?

A. Infraspinatus B. Supraspinatus C. Subscapularis D. Pectoralis major A. Infraspinatus - The teres minor and the infraspinatus are synergists, and their fibers may fuse.

Which of the following muscles originates on the coracoid process of the scapula?

A. Infraspinatus B. Supraspoinatus C. Subscapularis D. Coracobrachialis D. Coracobrachialis

Which of the following muscles inserts on the coronoid process?

A. Masseter B. Temporalis C. Scalenus posterior D. Sternocleidomastoid B. Temporalis

Which of the following muscles extends the index finger?

A. Palmaris longus B. Extensor indicis C. Opponens pollicis D. Abductor digiti minimi B. Extensor indices

Which of the following muscles originates on the anterior superior iliac spine?

A. Pectineus B. Sartorius C. Piriformis D. Rectus femoris B. Sartorius

Which of the following muscles is a synergist to the iliopsoas?

A. Piriformis B. Rectus femoris C. Semitendinosus D. Gluteus maximus B. rectus femoris

Which of the following muscles inserts on the anterior superior iliac spine?

A. Psoas major B. Rectus femoris C. Gluteus maximus D. Tensor fascia latae D. Tensor Fascia Latae - originates on the anterior superior iliac spine as well as the anterior iliac crest.

Which of the following muscles inserts on the anterior superior iliac spine?

A. Psoas major B. Rectus femoris C. Gluteus maximus D. Tensor fascia latae D. The tensor fascia latae - originates on the anterior superior iliac spine as well as the anterior iliac crest.

Which of the following muscles flexes the hip?

A. Psoas major B. Semitendinosus C. Gluteus maximus D. Semimembranosus A. Psoas major

Which of the following is the superior pelvic bone?

A. Pubis B. Ilium C. Sacrum D. Ischium B. Ilium

Which of the following is located between the tendons of the flexor carpi radialis and brachioradialis?

A. Radial pulse B. Thenar eminence C. Anatomic snuffbox D. Hypothenar eminence A. Radial pulse

Which of the following muscles has part of its insertion on the gluteal tuberosity?

A. Rectus femoris B. Gluteus medius C. Gluteus maximus D. Gluteus minimus C. Gluteus maximus

Which of the following muscles is synergistic to the piriformis?

A. Rectus femoris B. Semitendinosus C. Gluteus maximus D .Quadratus lumborum C. Gluteus mAximus

Which of the following muscles insert on the greater trochanter?

A. Rectus femoris B. Tensor fascia latae C. Obturator externus D. Semimembranosus C. obdurate extremis

Which of the following muscles originates on the fibular head?

A. Soleus B. Gastrocnemius C. Tibialis anterior D. Fibularis longus D. Fibularis longus

Which of the following muscles supinates the forearm?

A. Supinator B. Anconeus C. Brachialis D. Pronator quadratus A. Supinator

Which of the following muscles pronates the forearm?

A. Supinator B. Anconeus C. Brachialis D. Pronator quadratus D. pronator Quadratus

Which of the following bones articulate with the radius and the metacarpals?

A. Tarsals B. Carpals C. Metatarsals D. Metacarpals B. Carpals The carpals articulate with the radius at the radiocarpal joint or wrist joint and with the metacarpals at the carpometacarpal joints, or CMC joints.

Which of the following muscles is NOT one of the lateral hip rotators?

A. Tensor fascia latae B. Gemellus superior C. Quadratus femoris D. Obturator externus A. tensor fascia latae

Which of the following muscles form the anterior and posterior axillary folds?

A. Teres major and teres minor B. Deltoid and coracobrachialis C. Infraspinatus and supraspinatus D. Pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi D. The pectoralis major muscle forms the anterior axillary fold, and the latissimus dorsi muscle forms the posterior axillary fold.

Which of the following muscles laterally rotates the humerus?

A. Teres minor B. Infraspinatus C. Supraspinatus D. Subscapularis B. Infraspinatus

Which muscle is located directly inferior to the scapular spine?

A. Teres minor B. Infraspinatus C. Supraspinatus D. Subscapularis B. infraspinatus

Which of the following rotator cuff muscles does not actually rotate the humerus?

A. Teres minor B. Infraspinatus C. Supraspinatus D. Subscapularis C. Supraspinatus

Which of the following muscles medially rotates the humerus?

A. Teres minor B. Infraspinatus C. Supraspinatus D. Subscapularis D. Subscapularis

Which of the following rotator cuff muscles inserts on the lesser tubercle?

A. Teres minor B. Infraspinatus C. Supraspinatus D. Subscapularis D. Subscapularis

Which rotator cuff muscle is located on the anterior aspect of the scapula?

A. Teres minor B. Infraspinatus C. Supraspinatus D. Subscapularis D. Subscapularis

Which is the medial leg bone?

A. Tibia B. Fibula C. Femur D. Patella A. Tibia

Which of the following bones articulates with the tibia and the talus?

A. Tibia B. Fibula C. Femur D. Patella B. Fibula (at the talocrural joint or ankle joint)

Which of the following muscles is an antagonist to the rhomboids in its action of scapular retraction?

A. Trapezius B. Levator scapulae C. Serratus anterior D. Pectoralis major C. Serratus Anterior - protracts the scapular and is thus an antagonist to the rhomboids in its action of scapular retraction.

Which of the following muscles has one of its origins on the external occipital protuberance?

A. Trapezius B. Rhomboids C. Levator scapulae D. Serratus anterior A. Trapezius - The origins of the trapezius are the external occipital protuberance, superior nuchal line, nuchal ligament, and spinous processes of C7-T12.

Which of the following muscles protracts the scapula?

A. Trapezius B. Rhomboids C. Levator scapulae D. Serratus anterior D. Serratus Anterior

Which of the following muscles extends the elbow?

A. Triceps brachii B. Biceps brachii C. Brachioradialis D. Coracobrachialis A. Triceps brachii

Which of the following is the insertion of the biceps brachii?

A. Ulnar tuberosity B. Radial tuberosity C. Olecranon process D. Lateral epicondyle of the humerus B. The radial tuberosity is the insertion of the biceps brachii.

What is the common tendon insertion of the gastrocnemius, plantaris, and soleus?

Acchiles Tendon (calcaneus via the Achilles tendon)

is the scientific name for the hip joint?

Acetabulofemoral joint

Which adductor muscles is sometimes considered part of the hamstrings because of the common origin of ischial tuberosity and the common action of hip extension?

Adductor magnus

What is the origin of the piriformis muscle?

Anterior Sacrum

What are the bones of the shoulder girdle?

Clavicle & Scapula

Which muscle increases the thoracic cavity volume during inhalation and assists in raising intra-abdominal pressure?


Which muscle inserts on the central tendon?


Which muscle is the main muscle of inhalation?


Which area contains the anconeus muscle?


What is a synonym for the occipitofrontalis muscle?

Epicranius - and includes two pairs of muscles: occipitalis and frontalis.

What muscle extends digits II-V?

Extensor digitorum longus

Which muscle inserts on metatarsal V?

Fibularis brevis

Which muscle flexes digits II-V?

Flexor digitorum longus

What is the extensive network of cranial fascia that connects the occipitalis muscle and the frontalis muscle?

Galea aponeurotica

Which muscle causes plantar flexion of the ankle?


Which muscle is a synergist to the biceps femoris?


Which muscle is called the toe dancer's muscle because it helps ballerinas stand or dance on their toes, or "on pointe"?


Which muscle originates on the medial and lateral epicondyle of the femur?


What is the scientific name for the shoulder joint?

Glenohumeral joint

Which muscle is the strongest extensor of the hip?

Gluteus maximus

Which muscle originates on the posterior sacrum, the posterior coccyx, and the posterior iliac crest?

Gluteus maximus

What are the three bones of the pelvis?

Hip bone, coccyx and Sacrum

Which is the most lateral muscle of the erector spinae group?


Which muscles maintain the intercostal spaces and depress the ribcage during exhalation?

Internal intercostals

What is the common origin of the hamstring muscles?

Ischial tuberosity

Injury to the acromioclavicular joint would involve which end of the clavicle?

Lateral end of the clavicle

Tennis elbow is inflammation associated with which bony marking?

Lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow can occur with forceful repetitive extension of the wrist.

Which structure connects the two recti muscles?

Linea alba

Which muscle is located in the middle of the erector spinae group, between the spinalis and iliocostalis?


Which spinal region contains only five vertebrae?


Which muscle is a mirror image of the medial pterygoid?


Which muscles are most likely involved in temporomandibular joint dysfunction?

Masseter pterygoids temporalis because they all act to move the temporomandibular joint.

Golfer's elbow is inflammation associated with which bony marking?

Medial epicondylitis, or golfer's elbow, can occur with forceful repetitive flexion of the wrist.

Where do most flexors of the wrist originate?

Most flexors of the wrist originate on the medial epicondyle of the humerus.

Which muscle is called the winking muscle or blinking muscle because it closes one or both eyelids?

Orbicularis oculi

Which muscle is called the kissing muscle because it protrudes the lips for a kiss?

Orbicularis oris

Which bone is also called the kneecap?

Patella - the largest sesamoid bone in the body.

What best describes the position of the pelvis as it rests on the femurs?

Pelvic Tilt

The term pes anserinus refers to what structure?

Pes anserinus refers to the conjoined tendons of three muscles

Approximately 15% of the population has part or all of the sciatic nerve running through which muscle?


Which muscle is the largest lateral rotator of the hip?


Which muscles are called the mini-gastroc because of their common origin, insertion, and actions?

Plantaris muscles

Which muscle is called the pouting muscle because it pulls the corners of the mouth downward and backward, as in pouting?


What muscle is called the hip hiker muscle because it elevates or "hikes" the hip?

Quadratus lumborum

Which muscle is called the six-pack muscle because it looks like someone is wearing a six-pack when left and right sections are well developed from weight training?

Rectus abdominis

Which muscle lies within the rectus sheath?

Rectus abdominis

Which muscles contains tendinous intersections?

Rectus abdominis These horizontal bands of connective tissue help keep the length of the rectus abdominis relatively constant, because this muscle goes a long distance without skeletal attachments.

Which is the deepest muscle in the transversospinalis group?


Which muscle is the longest muscle in the body?


Which muscle is called the tailor's muscle because its actions allow tailors to sit cross-legged while sewing?

Sartorius - The actions of the sartorius—hip flexion, knee flexion, and hip lateral rotation—allow cross-legged sitting.

Which muscle inserts on rib 2?

Scalenus posterior

What is the most medial hamstring muscle?


What is the most superficial muscle in the transversospinalis group?


Which muscles are included in the transversospinalis muscle group?

Semispinalis rotatores multifidus

Which muscle originates on the spinous processes of T11-L2, inserts on ribs 9-12, and depresses the ribs during exhalation?

Serratus posterior inferior

Which is the most medial muscle in the erector spinae group?


What muscles are included in the erector spinae muscle group?

Spinalis, longissimus, and iliocostalis

Which muscle is a mirror image of the sternocleidomastoid?

Splenius capitis

Which of the following joints is located at the medial end of the clavicle?

Sternoclavicular Joint The medial end or sternal end of the clavicle articulates with the sternum at the sternoclavicular joint, or the SC joint.

Which muscle is called the praying muscle because bilateral contraction flexes the neck to bring the head down in a bow, often used while praying?


What is the collective term for the rectus capitis posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor, oblique capitis inferior, and oblique capitis superior?


Which muscles are called the ghost headache muscles because their referred pain patterns are often vague and "ghostly?"


Which muscle is also called the "frozen shoulder muscle" by Dr. Janet Travell?


What is the scientific name for the wrist joint?

The Radiocarpal Joint

During the actions of supination and pronation, the radius rotates over which bone?

The Radius rotates over the Ulna

Which muscle contains a gap called the adductor hiatus?

The adductor magnus contains two sections with a gap between them—one section inserts on the linea aspera and the other inserts on the adductor tubercle. The gap, or adductor hiatus, allows passage of blood vessels.

Which structure is formed by the tendons of the extensor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, and abductor pollicis longus?

The anatomic snuffbox - This space on the lateral wrist is where snuff, or powdered tobacco, used to be placed before it was inhaled through the nose.

Which muscle has its central portion near the carotid artery?

The central portion or belly of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) lies near the carotid artery. Because plaque is often found in these arteries in people of all ages, avoid massage over the central portion of the SCM, which can dislodge arterial plaque and cause your client serious health complications. Working the attachments of the SCM does not create the same health risks.

The common extensor tendon is located on which bony marking?

The common extensor tendon is located on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

The common flexor tendon is located on which bony markings?

The common flexor tendon is located on the medial epicondyle of the humerus.

Which bone contains the deltoid tuberosity?

The deltoid tuberosity is located on the humerus bone.

Which is called the tea drinker's muscle because it extends the little finger when raising a teacup?

The extensor digiti minimi

Which muscle crosses both the hip and the knee?

The gracilis is the most medial adductor and is the only adductor that crosses the hip and the knee.

Which muscle group opposes knee flexion?

The hamstrings create knee flexion, which means that the quadriceps opposes or resists knee flexion.

Which ois a thickened fascial band located on the lateral thigh?

The iliotibial band (ITB), or iliotibial tract, is a thickened fascial band located on the lateral thigh. The ITB is derived from the fascia lata, or a fascial tube surrounding the thigh muscles much like a tight stocking.

What is the insertion for the tensor fascia latae?

The iliotibial band is the insertion for the tensor fasciae latae.

What muscle is located between the semispinalis and rotatores in the transversospinalis group?

The multifidus is the middle transversospinalis muscle and is located between the semispinalis and rotatores.

Which quadriceps muscle originates on the anterior inferior iliac spine?

The rectus femoris originates on the anterior inferior iliac spine, as well as the external ilium just superior to the acetabulum.

What are the attachments of the sacrotuberous ligament?

The sacrotuberous ligament is a triangular-shaped ligament that extends from the sacrum to the ischial tuberosity.

Which muscles are also called the "boxer's muscle" because it protracts the scapula to help a boxer deliver a knockout punch?

The serratus anterior and triceps brachii

Which muscle inserts on metatarsal I?

The tibialis anterior inserts on metatarsal I, as well as on the medial cuneiform.

Which is also called the "boxer's muscle" because it helps a boxer deliver a knockout punch?

The triceps brachii and serratus anterior - they extend the elbow and protract the scapula to help a boxer deliver a knockout punch.

Which quadricep muscle originates on the gluteal tuberosity?

The vastus lateralis originates on the gluteal tuberosity as well as the lateral lip of the linea aspera.

Which quadricep muscle is called the teardrop muscle because of its teardrop shape on the anterior thigh?

The vastus medialis

Which muscles are called the stirrup muscles because their tendons form an anatomic stirrup or sling under the foot?

Tibialis anterior and fibularis longus

What is a condition involving spasms of the sternocleidomastoid?


Which muscle groups do the paraspinals include?

Transversospinalis and erector spinae

Which valve is located between the pulmonary trunk and the right ventricle?

Tricuspid valve

How are ribs 1 through 7 classified?

True ribs - A rib is said to be "true" if it connects to the sternum. A rib is said to be "false" if it does not connect to the sternum. Ribs 1-7 are true ribs. Ribs 8-12 are false ribs.

What is the scientific name for the hip socket?

acetabulum The acetabulum, or acetabular cavity, is the deep hip socket made from portions of all three pelvic bones. The acetabulum articulates with the proximal end of the femur or femoral head at the acetabulofemoral joint or hip joint.

Which muscle is called the corkscrew muscle because its actions are involved in uncorking a wine bottle?

biceps brachii - its actions of elbow flexion and supination are involved in uncorking a wine bottle.

What are the hamstring muscles?

biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus

What is the heel bone?


What is the common insertion of the quadriceps femoris muscle?

common insertion on the tibial tuberosity.

What extends the great toe?

extensor hallucis longus

What is the longest bone in the body?

femur (thigh bone): longest, heaviest and strongest bone in the body

which muscle everts the foot?

fibularis longus

Which muscle flexes the great toe?

flexor hallucis longus

Which muscle adducts the hip?


What are the actions of the biceps femoris?

hip extension, knee flexion

What is the origin of the quadratus lumborum?

iliac crest

Which muscle is called the key that unlocks the knee because it unlocks an extended knee and begins the first few degrees of flexion?

popliteus - unlocks an extended knee and begins the first few degrees of flexion. When this occurs, other more powerful muscles can complete knee flexion.

Which muscle flexes the hip and extends the knee?

rectus femoris

Which quadriceps muscles cross both the hip and the knee?

rectus femoris

Which 4 muscles make up the quadriceps femoris?

rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius

Which are the joints located in the pelvis?

sacroiliac joints pubic symphysis acetabulofemoral joints.

Which suture is located between the two parietal bones?

sagittal suture

Which muscles make up the pes anserinus?

sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus

Which muscles can entrap the brachial plexus and axillary artery?

scalenes pectoralis minor they can entrap the brachial plexus and axillary artery - muscles are also called the "neurovascular entrappers."


study of human movement

What is the scientific name for the ankle joint?

talocrural joint

Which bone contains the mastoid process?

temporal bone

Which muscles elevate the mandible?

temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid

Which is a bilateral joint that contains an articular disk similar to the meniscus of the knee?

temporomandibular joint - located between the temporal bones and the mandible. This bilateral joint is unique because it contains an articular disk similar to the meniscus of the knee.

the zygomatic arch is also known as?

the cheekbone

Which structure is located on the medial side of the palm and is formed by the flexor digiti minimi, abductor digiti minimi, and opponens digiti minimi?

the hypothenar eminence, located on the medial side of the palm.

Which are the three fused pelvic bones?

the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis.

Which structure is located on the lateral side of the palm and formed by the flexor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, and abductor pollicis brevis?

the thenar eminence, or thumb pad, located on the lateral side of the palm.

Which spinal region contains demifacets on most of its vertebrae?

thoracic region - Most vertebrae in the thoracic region are characterized by four partial facets or demifacets. Demifacets are located on the vertebral bodies and on transverse processes.

Which muscle causes dorsiflexion of the ankle?

tibialis anterior

Which muscle inverts the foot?

tibialis anterior

Which muscle is antagonist to gastrocnemius?

tibialis anterior

What is the scientific name for the knee joint?

tibiofemoral joint

Each hand contains how many phalanges?


Each wrist contains how many bones?


Which muscle retracts the scapula?

Rhomboids - The rhomboids and the middle regions of the trapezius retract the scapula.

How many tarsal bones does each foot contain?


Which of the following muscles originates on the spinous processes of T7-L5, ribs 9-12, the posterior iliac crest, and the posterior sacrum?

A. Deltoid B. Latissimus dorsi C. Pectoralis major D. Coracobrachialis B. The latissimus dorsi

Which of the following is a tarsal bone?

A. Hamate B. Pisiform C. Scaphoid D. Navicular D. Navicular

Which of the following is a carpal bone?

A. Hyoid B. Xiphoid C. Pisiform D. Cuneiform C. Pisiform

Which of the following is a bone of the upper extremity?

A. Ilium B. Tibia C. Radius D. Temporal C. Radius

Which of the following muscles extends the humerus?

A. Infraspinatus B. Supraspinatus C. Subscapularis D. Latissimus dorsi D. The latissimus dorsi extends the humerus, medially rotates the humerus, and adducts the humerus.

Which of the following forms one of the sides of the carpal tunnel?

A. Nuchal ligament B. Deltoid ligament C. Sacrotuberous ligament D. Transverse carpal ligament D. Transverse Carpal Ligament The carpal tunnel is a tunnel surrounded on three sides by carpal bones and on one side by the transverse carpal ligament or flexor retinaculum.

Which of the following bones are positioned distal to the carpal bones?

A. Ossicles B. Wormian C. Metatarsals D. Metacarpals D. Metacarpals

Which of the following ligaments connect the kneecap to the tibial tuberosity?

A. Patellar ligament B. Cruciate ligament C. Annular ligament D. Collateral ligament A. Patellar Ligament

Which of the following joints allows supination and pronation?

A. Radioulnar joint B. Humeroulnar joint C. Humeroradial joint D. Sternoclavicular joint A. The movements of the radioulnar joints are supination and pronation.

Which of the following rotator cuff muscles does NOT originate within a fossa?

A. Supraspinatus B. Teres minor C. Infraspinatus D. Subscapularis B. Teres minor

Which of the following muscles has its origins on most of the cervical transverse processes?

A. Trapezius B. Rhomboids C. Levator scapulae D. Serratus anterior C. Levator scapula - The levator scapulae originates on the transverse processes of C1-C4.

Which of the following muscles is involved in "winged scapula" when nerve damage causes the scapula to protrude outward like a wing?

A. Trapezius B. Rhomboids C. Pectoralis minor D. Serratus anterior D. Serratus anterior - Winged scapula occurs when the nerve supply of the serratus anterior is damaged, leading to the scapula protruding outward like a wing.

Which of the following muscles inserts on the coracoid process of the scapula?

A. Trapezius B. Rhomboids C. Pectoralis minor D. Serratus anterior D. pectoralis minor

Which muscle does NOT attach at the medial border of the scapula?

A. Trapezius B. Rhomboids C. Serratus anterior D. Levator scapulae A. Trapezius

Which of the following muscles elevates the scapula?

A. Trapezius B. Rhomboids C. Serratus anterior D. Pectoralis minor A. Trapezius - The trapezius elevates the scapula, upwardly rotates the scapula, retracts the scapula, and depresses the scapula.

Which of the following muscles lies beneath the scapula?

A. Trapezius B. Rhomboids C. Serratus anterior D. Pectoralis minor C. Serratus anterior

Which of the following is also called a "neurovascular entrapper" because it can entrap the brachial plexus and axillary artery as they pass beneath it?

A. Trapezius B. Rhomboids C. Serratus anterior D. Pectoralis minor D. The pectoralis minor and the scalenes are called neurovascular entrappers, because they can entrap the brachial plexus and axillary artery as these structures pass beneath them

Which of the following muscles are responsible for shoulder flexion?

A. Triceps brachii and serratus anterior B. Supraspinatus and posterior deltoid C. Latissimus dorsi and teres major D. Pectoralis major and anterior deltoid D. pectoralis major and anterior deltoid, as well as the coracobrachialis and biceps brachii.

Which of the following is the lateral forearm bone?

A. Ulna B. Radius C. Humerus D. Pisiform B. Radius

Which of the following is the medial forearm bone?

A. Ulna B. Radius C. Humerus D. Scaphoid A. Ulna

Which of the following bones contains the acromion process?

A. Ulna B. Radius C. Scapula D. Clavicle C. Scapula

Which of the following is a bone of the lower extremity?

A. Ulna B. Tibia C. Radius D. Humerus B. Tibia

Which knee ligament is often torn during knee injuries?

ACL - Anterior cruciate ligament

Which vertebrae is also called the atlas?


Which vertebrae contains the odontoid process?

C2, or the axis, possesses the odontoid process, or dens.

What is the collective term for the wrist bones?

Carpals - the Carpal bones are the wrist bones.

Which is the most commonly fractured bone in the body?


Which structure contains the annulus fibrosus and the nucleus pulposus?

Intervertebral disks - located between each vertebral body. The annulus fibrosus is the tough outer ring. The nucleus pulposus is the soft, gel-like center.

Which bone is also called the sitz bone because correct seated posture involves resting the weight of the upper body on one of its bony markings?

Ischium Bones

What are the bony markings located at the distal ends of the tibia and fibula?

Malleoli - The medial malleolus is located at the distal end of the tibia, and the lateral malleolus is located at the distal end of the fibula.

What is the term for the half-ringed fibrocartilage disks inside the knee?

Menisci - The lower portion of the knee contains half-ringed fibrocartilage disks called the menisci and includes the medial and lateral meniscus.

Which bones are located in each hand and numbered I through V?


is located in each foot and numbered I through V?


Where do the proximal phalanges in the fingers articulate with the middle phalanges?

Proximal Interphalangeal Joint - The distal ends of the proximal phalanges in the fingers articulate with their middle phalanges at the proximal interphalangeal joints, or PIP joints.

Which muscle is a collective term for two muscles that include a major and a minor?

Rhomboids - Rhomboids is the collective term for rhomboid major and rhomboid minor.

Which is also called the "Christmas tree muscle" because its oblique fiber direction recalls Christmas tree branches?

Rhomboids - called the Christmas tree muscle because of their oblique fiber direction

Which joints connects the axial skeleton to the lower extremity?

Sacrociliac Joints

Which bone contains the olecranon process?

The Ulna

What do the humeroradial joint and the humeroulnar joint form?

The humeroradial joint and the humeroulnar joint form the elbow joint.

Which is also called the "swimmer's muscle" because many of its actions are involved in swimming?

The latissimus dorsi because many of their actions are involved in swimming.

Which muscle is the widest muscle of the body?

The latissimus dorsi is the widest muscles of the body and form the posterior axillary fold.

What is located on the inner edge of the foot and is very prominent in people who have high arches?

The medial longitudinal arch

Where do the middle phalanges in the toes articulate with the distal phalanges?

The middle phalanges of the foot articulate with the distal phalanges at the distal interphalangeal joints, or DIP joints.

Which structure extends from the occipital bone at the external occipital protuberance to the posterior aspect of all cervical vertebrae?

The nuchal ligament - nuchal ligament extends from the occipital bone at the external occipital protuberance to the posterior aspect of all cervical vertebrae (spinous processes). The nuchal ligament in the posterior neck is continuous with the supraspinous ligament.

Which are the muscles of the rotator cuff?

The rotator cuff muscles are the teres minor subscapularis supraspinatus infraspinatus.

Which bone articulates with the clavicle and the humerus?

The scapula articulates with the clavicle at the acromioclavicular joint, or AC joint, and with the humerus at the glenohumeral joint or shoulder

Which bone contains the manubrium and the xiphoid process?

The sternum is the breastbone and contains three regions: the manubrium, the sternal body, and the xiphoid process.

Which structure connects each vertebra and is located on the posterior aspect of the vertebral column?

The supraspinous ligament - located on the posterior aspect of the vertebral column (spinous processes) and connects each vertebra.

Which is called "lat's little helper" because it performs the same action and is thus synergistic to the latissimus dorsi?

The teres major because it performs the same action and is thus synergistic to latissimus dorsi.

Which joint connects the axial skeleton to the upper extremity?

The upper extremities join the axial skeleton at the sternoclavicular joints.

Which structure is formed by the temporal process of the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone?

The zygomatic arch or cheekbone

Which structure projects laterally from most vertebral arches?

Transverse processes

Which muscle is also called the "coat hanger muscle" because clothes hang from it as if from a coat hanger?


Which joint is located between the first and second vertebrae?

atlantoaxial joint - The dens or odontoid process articulates with the atlas at the atlantoaxial joint, or no-no joint. This joint permits side-to-side head turning, or head shaking. The dens acts like a pivot for rotational movements.

What is the joint between the skull and the first cervical vertebra?

atlantooccipital joint - occipital bone articulates with the first cervical vertebra (C1) and forms the atlantooccipital joint, or yes-yes joint. This joint permits up-and-down movements of the head, or head nodding.

What joint is located between the ribs and the thoracic vertebrae?

costovertebral joints - ribs articulate posteriorly with the thoracic vertebrae at the costovertebral joints.

Where is the sphenoid bone located?

cranium (skull)

What bone is suspended from the styloid process of the temporal bone by ligaments and does not articulate directly with any other bone?


Which is the triangular-shaped vertebra located between the two pelvic bones?

sacrum - The sacrum represents five fused vertebrae and contains anterior and posterior sacral foramina for passage of sacral nerves.

Which bone contains the sella turcica?

sphenoid bone

What structures emerge from the intervertebral foramina?

spinal nerves & blood vessels - Intervertebral foramina are openings created between adjacent pedicles, which allow passage of spinal nerves and blood vessels.

Which structure can be palpated at the midline of the back and neck?

spinous process - A spinous process projects posteriorly and generally inferiorly from the posterior region of the arch. and can be palpated at the midline of the back and neck.

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