Mastering A&P Chapter 22 questions

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Which is incorrect regarding smooth muscle in the digestive tract?

A smooth muscle fiber has an extensive network of T tubules

Bile salts break lipids apart in a process called


Haustra are

expansible pouches of the colon

Identify the structure labeled "12."


The ________ is a double sheet of peritoneal membrane that suspends the visceral organs and carries nerves, lymphatics, and blood vessels.


Carbohydrate digestion begins in the


The lamina propria and mucous epithelium are components of the


In the digestive and urinary systems, rings of smooth muscle, called ________, regulate the movement of materials along internal passageways.


A disease that attacks and disables the myenteric plexus would

decrease intestinal motility

Which of the following is not a function of the digestive system?


The ________ mechanically digests ingested food.


Which of the following is greater?

the pH of the blood in gastric veins during digestion of a large meal

Cholecystokinin (CCK) secretion __________.

causes a relaxation of the hepatopancreatic sphincter and contraction of the gallbladder

What terminology describes a series of transverse folds in the lining of the small intestine?

circular folds

The portion of the stomach that is superior to the junction between the stomach and the esophagus is the


Which region of the stomach is superior to the junction between the stomach and the esophagus?


Bile is stored in the


An intestinal hormone that stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreatic islet cells is

gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)

Which digestive hormone is secreted when fats and carbohydrates, especially glucose, enter the small intestine?

gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)

An intestinal hormone that stimulates gastric secretion is


G cells of the stomach secrete


The hormone that stimulates secretion and contraction by the stomach is


Your patient has inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the stomach. This is known clinically as


Kupffer cells lurk in the liver, searching for invaders. Where in the liver do they lurk?

hepatic sinusoids

Parietal cells secrete

hydrochloric acid

Aggregated lymphoid nodules are characteristic of the


Regions of the stomach include all of the following except


The portion of the small intestine that attaches to the cecum is the


Which of these descriptions best matches the term "submucosal plexus"?

includes a sensory neural network

Circular folds and intestinal villi

increase the surface area of the mucosa of the small intestine

The ________ is composed of smooth muscle fibers and is not under voluntary control

internal anal sphincter

The bile duct:

is formed by the union of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct

The jejunum:

is the site where the bulk of chemical digestion and nutrient absorption occurs

Tom has hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver. Which of the following symptoms would you expect to observe in Tom?


The middle segment of the small intestine is the


The part of the digestive tract that plays the primary role in chemical digestion and nutrient absorption is the


The villi are most developed in the


Products of fat digestion are transported initially by


The layer of loose connective tissue that directly supports the digestive epithelium is the

lamina propria

Which component of the mucosa consists of a layer of areolar tissue that also contains blood vessels, sensory nerve endings, and many other structures?

lamina propria

What organ is primarily responsible for water absorption?

large intestine

Which organ is responsible for dehydration and compaction of indigestible materials?

large intestine

Which of the following is not a phase of deglutition?


The connection of the anterior portion of the tongue to the underlying epithelium is the

lingual frenulum

Gastrin secretion in response to elevated luminal pH is an example of ________ stimulation.


Movements unique to the large intestine are ________ movements.


Powerful peristaltic contractions that occur a few times each day in the colon are called

mass movements

Which of the following is classified as being either squamous or columnar?

mucosal epithelium

A viral infection that often involves the parotid glands, which swell noticeably, is


Contraction of the ________ alters the shape of the intestinal lumen and moves epithelial pleats and folds.

muscularis mucosa

Sandwiched between the layer of circular and longitudinal muscle in the muscularis externa is the

myenteric plexus

Identify the structure labeled "10."

oblique muscle layer

Which of the following is an accessory organ of digestion?


The exocrine portion of the pancreas is composed of

pancreatic acini

Functions of the tongue include all of the following except

partitioning the oropharynx from the nasopharynx

Chief cells secrete


Waves of muscular contractions that propel the contents of the digestive tract are called


The pancreas produces ________ -digesting enzymes in the form of proteolytic enzymes.


The enzyme pepsin digests


Identify the structure labeled "7."


The region of the stomach that empties into the duodenum is the


All of the following are true of the lining of the stomach except that it

recycles bile

What is the function of the structure labeled "6"?

regulates release of chyme into the duodenum

An enzyme secreted by the gastric mucosa of a newborn that assists in the digestion of milk proteins is


The prominent ridges in the lining of the empty stomach are called


During deglutition,

All of the answers are correct

Functions of the large intestine include

All of the answers are correct

The Kupffer cells of the liver

All of the answers are correct

The activities of the digestive system are regulated by

All of the answers are correct

The pancreas produces

All of the answers are correct

The structure labeled "5"

All of the answers are correct

Tony is a chronic alcoholic with cirrhosis of the liver, a condition in which liver cells die and are replaced by connective tissue. Which of the following signs would you expect to observe in Tony?

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following enhance the absorptive effectiveness of the small intestine?

All of the answers are correct

Which of the following is a function of the tongue?

All of the answers are correct

________ are arranged within a lobule of the liver into a series of plates converging toward a central vein.


Which statement accurately describes the pharyngeal phase of swallowing?

It begins when tactile receptors on the palatal arches and uvula are stimulated

Choose the correct statement regarding the liver.

It functions in the maintenance of normal concentrations of glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids in the bloodstream

Which of the following statements about the tongue is false?

It secretes salivary amylase

Which characteristic of saliva is correct?

Parasympathetic stimulation accelerates secretion by all the salivary glands

A drug that blocks the action of the hormone cholecystokinin would affect

All of the answers are correct

The esophagus connects to which region of the stomach?



carry absorbed fats to the lymphatic system

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term cholecystokinin (CCK)?

causes gall bladder to contract

The sac-like structure that joins the ileum at the ileocecal valve is the


An intestinal hormone that stimulates contraction of the gallbladder to release bile is


After food and gastric juices combine, the gastric contents are referred to as


Circular folds are

circumferential folds in the mucosa and submucosa of the small intestine

Contraction of the muscle layer labeled "9" causes the digestive tract to


Which of the following is not a component of the defecation reflex?

contraction of the external anal sphincter

Which of these descriptions best matches the term "myenteric plexus"?

coordinates activity of muscularis externa

The basic functional unit of the liver is the


Gastric pits are

openings into gastric glands

The ability to function over a wide range of lengths is called


The uvula is located at the

posterior margin of the soft palate

A structure that helps prevent food from entering the pharynx prematurely is the


An intestinal hormone that stimulates mucus secretion by the submucosal duodenal glands and dilation of intestinal capillaries is

vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)

Identify the structures labeled "6."


The greater omentum is

a fatty sheet that hangs like an apron over the abdominal viscera

A drug that blocks the action of carbonic anhydrase in parietal cells would result in

a higher pH in the stomach during gastric digestion

The movement of organic molecules, electrolytes, minerals, and water across the digestive epithelium into interstitial fluid is known as


What is produced by the structure labeled "7"?


Which structure controls the contraction of the muscularis externa?


Mary had her most of her stomach surgically removed in an effort to overcome obesity. As a result you would expect Mary to be at risk for

vitamin B12 deficiency

Where would you find a brush border?


Which structure helps the stomach to stretch as it fills with food?


The part of the stomach that functions as a mixing chamber for food and secretions is the


Which is the function of parietal cells?

They secrete a glycoprotein that facilitates the absorption of vitamin B12 across the intestinal lining

The roof of the oral cavity is formed by

both the hard palate and the soft palate

Colon cancer is the #3 cancer killer. Whether you are a man or a woman, current guidelines urge you to have a screening colonoscopy when you reach age 50 because

all of the answers are correct, and you could die if you don't have a screening colonoscopy when you reach age 50

A small, wormlike structure attached to the posteromedial surface of the cecum is the


Each of the following organs is a component of the digestive tract except the


In response to the arrival of acid chyme in the duodenum, the

blood levels of secretin rise

The ________ is formed by the union of the cystic duct and the common hepatic duct.

common bile duct

The fusion of the hepatic duct and the cystic duct forms the

common bile duct

Submucosal glands that secrete mucus are characteristic of the


The intestinal hormone that stimulates the pancreas to release enzymes and buffers is


What type of epithelium covers the structures labeled "6"?

simple columnar

Duodenal glands are characteristic of the

small intestine

Which of these descriptions best matches the term gastrin?

stimulates gastric secretion

Chemical breakdown of materials by acid and enzymes takes place in the


Large blood vessels and lymphatics are found in the


Which layer of the digestive tract has a dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the muscularis mucosae?


Sensory nerve cells, parasympathetic ganglia, and sympathetic postganglionic fibers can be found in the

submucosal plexus

Muscles known as the pharyngeal constrictors function in


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