Mastering Biology CH 1, 2, 3, and 24

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In 1991, Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted. The accompanying photo shows the ash and debris that the volcano propelled high into the atmosphere. What meteorological impact could these aerosols have on the global weather and climate?

-The ash and smoke could lead to an increase in clouds and fog. -Global temperatures could decrease.

Drag each level of ecological organization on the left to the example of that level on the right. : a single fish living in the lake's shallow water near the shoreline : a group of fish of the same species inhabiting the shallow water near the shoreline : fishes, invertebrates, plants, and microbes inhabiting the shallow water near the shoreline : the fishes, invertebrates, plants, microbes, rocks, sediments, and water in the lake, and the interactions between them

-organism -population -community -ecosystem

What might be an accurate albedo measure of the surface of a glacier?


While Rachel Carson was writing Silent Spring, a picture of how DDT influences bird populations was emerging. Scientists hypothesized that DDT was causing the observed decline in fish-eating bird populations. The assumptions and connections underlying this hypothesis were complex. In this activity, you will reconstruct those connections.

1) Farmers use DDT on their crops to kill insect pests. 2) DDT enters nearby waterways via runoff. 3) Small aquatic invertebrates absorb the DDT. 4) Fish eat the DDT-contaminated invertebrates. 5) Birds eat the DDT-contaminated fish. 6) Birds with DDT in their bodies lay eggs with DDT and weak shells. 7)Few baby birds hatch, and the population declines.

The year 2030 goal set by the US Department of Energy is to generate __________.

20% of electricity using wind-powered systems

Once air rises from the Earth, how far does it travel before it sinks back to the Earth's surface?

30 degrees of latitude

___________ would help prevent the creation of leachate.

Capping the landfill when it is filled to capacity

You work with a team of scientists to study the effect of seed predators and seedling establishment in Costa Rica. You create an experiment in which crabs, the major seed predator, are excluded, and control areas remain in their natural state. You collect the following data: Study site 1: The control had five new seedlings, and the experimental had 20 new seedlings. Study site 2: The control had zero new seedlings, and the experimental site had 17 new seedlings. Study site 3: The control had three new seedlings, and the experimental site had 18 new seedlings. Based on this data, you may do which of the following?

Conclude that your data support the hypothesis that seed predation reduces new seedling growth

What are rain shadows?

Dry regions on the leeward side of mountain ranges.

Which location on Earth receives the most solar radiation per unit area?


You want to be as careful as possible that the variable of interest--namely, favorite movie genre--is clearly distinguishable from any other variables. What should you do next?

Refine your hypothesis.

Which desert is caused by a Hadley cell?

Sahara Desert in Africa.

Which of the following statements about the Coriolis effect is true?

The Coriolis effect influences the direction of winds at the Earth's surface.

Which set of statements is correct?

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Human activity has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the past 250 years.

Precipitation is higher in tropical regions than in temperate and polar regions.


The interaction of a biotic community and its abiotic environment is referred to as a(n)


Which of the following is considered an abiotic component of the ecosystem?


Based on the observation that only male crickets produce a song, you hypothesize that a male's song is a form of communication to potential mates. You set up a simple experiment to test this hypothesis. In the laboratory, you place a male snowy tree cricket in enclosure A, which is adjacent to enclosure B. In enclosure B, you place other insects, one at a time, and observe their responses to the male's song. The enclosures are designed so that the two insects being tested cannot see or smell each other, but sound is transmitted from enclosure A to enclosure B. For each insect below, indicate whether it is part of an experimental group or a control group when placed in enclosure B. Labels may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

-Male Snowy Tree Cricket- Control Group -Female Snowy Tree Cricket- Experimental Group -Female Field Cricket- Control Group

Surface ocean currents ___.

-are driven by winds -are influenced by Coriolis effect -form large rotating gyres in the major ocean basins

A researcher wants to determine if water runoff from farm fields sprayed with herbicides affects the hatching success of frog eggs in nearby ponds. What experiment could the researcher conduct to address her question? 1) Observation: 2) Hypothesis: 3) Prediction: 4) Test (experiment): 5) Results:

1) "I've seen that frog eggs in ponds that receive runoff from farm fields sprayed with herbicides hatch at lower rates than those in unaffected ponds." 2) ''The hatching success of frog eggs is affected by exposure to herbicides.'' 3) ''If frog eggs are exposed to elevated levels of herbicides, the hatching success of the eggs will decrease.'' 4) "In the laboratory, raise frog eggs in pond water with varying concentrations of herbicide, and measure hatching success rates." 5) "Analysis of experimental data concludes that herbicide levels affect hatching rates."

The process of science is not limited to acquiring and visualizing data (as you did in Part B). Analysis and interpretation of the data are also essential parts of scientific investigation. The graph that you produced in Part B is reproduced here.

1) The change in chirp rate with each change in temperature is similar for the two species. 2) The difference between the chirp rates of the two species remains fairly constant across the range of temperatures tested. 3) It is possible for a male snowy tree cricket and a male field cricket to sing with the same chirp rate, but only at different temperatures.

1) self 2) heat 3) beyond 4) alongside 5) within 6) food, nourishment 7) killer 8) other 9) light 10) between

1) auto- 2) therm- 3) ultra- 4) para- 5) intra- 6) troph 7) -cide 8) hetero- 9) photo- 10) inter-

1) water 2) grass 3) first 4) few 5) under, below 6) eat 7) from, out of, remove 8) animal 9) all 10) flesh

1) hydro- 2) herb- 3) prim- 4) oligo- 5) sub- 6) -vor 7) de- 8) zoo- (or zoa-) 9) omni- 10) carn-

Can you match these prefixes, suffixes, and word roots with their definitions? 1) small 2) large 3) without, lack of, not 4) plant 5) across 6) life 7) study of 8) house, household 9) true, good 10) water

1) micro- 2) macro- 3) a- (or an-) 4) -phyte 5) trans- 6) bio- 7) -logy 8) eco- 9) eu- 10) aqu- (or aqua-)

Coastal areas exhibit different breeze patterns during the day and night because of different rates of heat absorption and release by land and sea. This activity will familiarize you with these patterns. Match each key term to the appropriate description. Be sure to complete all the sentences before submitting your answer. You do not need to use all terms.

1. Sea-to-land breezes blow in an on-shore direction. 2. convectional currents are circular movements of rising and descending air. 3. Land-to-sea breezes (local winds) occur during nighttime. 4. During the day, air above sea is cooler than it is above land.

Which of the following is true of a theory?

A theory is a set of hypotheses that together explain a broad set of observations better than a single hypothesis.

Which of the following statements about Hadley cells is true?

As warm air rises, air at the top of the atmosphere is pushed poleward and cools.

Although "dry tombing" or capping a landfill after it is full is necessary, what problem can it create?

Biodegradable waste can remain for decades in a landfill.

Weather refers to the state of the atmosphere at a specific time and/or place. Although weather is constantly changing, generalizations can be made about weather variations based on observations over many years. Read the following statements, and determine whether they refer to weather, to climate, or to both. Drag the appropriate items into their respective bins.

Climate -January is Omaha's coldest month. -Much of central Australia is desert. -I am moving to southern Arizona because it is warm and sunny. Weather -The high this afternoon was 25° C. -Tuesday afternoon a tornado touched down in Iowa. Both -Thursday's low of -20° C is the coldest temperature ever recorded for that city. -Wisconsin had an unseasonably large snowstorm last week.

Which of the following statements about the environment is FALSE?

Each population of organisms tends to remain isolated from the rest of the populations in the environment.

Equatorial currents that are part of the subtropical gyres flow ___. Equatorial counter currents between the gyres flow ___ .

East to west; west to east

__________ coined the term ecology.

Ernst Haeckel

A freshwater pond ecosystem includes only the living organisms within the pond.


A hotter object emits longer wavelengths than a cooler object.


Rainfall in the Northern Hemisphere is greater than rainfall in the Southern Hemisphere.


True or false? Weather is defined as the prevailing long-term atmospheric conditions in a particular region.


Why is ecology considered an interdisciplinary science?

It involves and draws from various fields of science such as geology, hydrology, and meteorology.

When visiting a friend in Columbus, OH, this winter, you noticed that the temperatures were consistently colder in Columbus than in your home town of Atlantic City, NJ. When you discussed this with your friend, she explained that Columbus is significantly further inland than coastal Atlantic City, while they are still at the same latitude. Why does that explain the difference in weather?

Land surfaces heat and cool more rapidly than water surfaces because of the high specific heat of water.

In the case of DDT, some researchers and industry leaders were concerned that chemicals other than (or in addition to) DDT could be causing egg shell thinning. Blus and his colleagues also looked for a relationship between egg shell thinning and DDE (a breakdown product of DDT), PCBs, dieldrin, and mercury. This is an example of how scientists can simultaneously test multiple predictions and/or hypotheses. Blus and his team analyzed their data using regressions. A regression is used to compare two continuous variables, for example, a person's height vs. foot length. In a regression, the slope measures how much the y value changes as a function of the x value. In this study, if the slope is very steep, that means that a small amount of chemical is causing a great change in egg shell thickness. The graph shows an adaptation of Blus's results. Notice that next to each line in the graph is a p-value. A p-value is a statistical measure of how likely it is that a relationship is due to random chance. For example, a p-value of 0.05 means that there is a probability of 0.05 (5%) that the results could be due to random chance. If there is a greater than 5% chance the results are due to chance, you cannot trust that a relationship between the variables really exists. In other words, even if you see a dramatic slope, if the p-value is greater than 0.05, you must treat the result as non-significant and conclude that there is not a relationship between the variables. Rank the chemicals according to how much they influence egg shell thickness.

Least influence on egg shell thickness -DDT -dieldrin -mercury -PCBs -DDE Greatest influence on egg shell thickness

Which one of the following statements is true?

Many African governments concluded that the potential long-term health effects of DDT were not as serious as the immediate problem of insect control.

__________ are abstract, simplified representations of real systems that scientists use to predict some behavior or response from a set of explicit assumptions.


In the course of a conversation, you observe that three of your friends like horror movies. Horror movies happen to be your favorite type of movie as well. You also know that all of these friends were born in the same week that you were, even in the same year. An astrology-loving friend hypothesizes that people born in that week like horror movies more than other genres of movies. You decide to use the scientific method to test this hypothesis. What should you do next?

Perform experiments to test your hypothesis.

Which aspects of a region's climate have the most impact on plants and animals?

Temperature and moisture.

Why do beaches often have less extreme temperature variation than inland areas?

The ocean moderates the temperatures.

A population refers to all the individuals of the same species that occupy a given area.


A valid scientific hypothesis must be testable.


Masses of air and water are deflected to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.


Solar radiation is more direct in tropical latitudes than in temperate latitudes.


Vegetation is usually more dense and vigorous on the windward side of mountains than on the leeward side.


Which action influences the abiotic components of an organism's environment?

Water pollution.

Which of the following question is most appropriate to an investigation at the landscape level?

Which factors give rise to the spatial extent and arrangement of the various ecosystems?

Which of the following would be considered household hazardous waste?

a can of spray paint

Which of the following is a biotic factor?

a predator

Warm ocean currents ___.

are warmer than the surrounding water

Without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would

be much colder than it currently is

Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

carbon dioxide

The two major atmospheric gases that absorb energy from the Sun are

carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Gyres are __________.

circular movements of ocean water influenced by the Coriolis effect

As air rises over a mountain, it

cools and tends to lose moisture in the form of precipitation.

In the vicinity of 30° north and 30° south, air typically

descends, warms, and is dry.

The real goal of hypothesis testing is to

eliminate incorrect ideas.

The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), where the southeasterly and northeasterly trade winds meet, is characterized by __________.

high amounts of precipitation

A(n) __________ is an educated guess about an observed phenomenon.


Where is temperature variation the greatest?

in the temperate regions

In the figure, Available N is the (on graph Available N is on the x-axis)

independent variable.

When our oil supply is depleted, a new material will need to be used to produce _________.


The subtropical gyres ___.

play a large role in climate

In general, which two factors determine the overall temperature of Earth's atmosphere?

radiation coming into and radiation going out of Earth's atmosphere

Deep ocean currents ___.

result from changes in water density (due to temperature and salt content)

Incoming radiation exceeds outgoing radiation at or near

the equator.

The basic unit of ecology is __________.

the individual

The ultimate source of energy that drives wind power is __________.

the sun

Global warming is _________________.

the warming of Earth's atmosphere caused by the production of greenhouse gases due to human activity

Which three gases are most important on Earth for inhibiting the release of longwave radiation back into space?

water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane

Between 30°-60° north latitude, wind currents typically blow from

west to east and are deflected toward the right.

Electricity in a wind turbine is generated __________.

when spinning magnets move past a coil of copper wire

Based on the hypothesis that DDT was causing a decline in fish-eating bird populations in the United States, a group of scientists predicted that the amount of DDT in bird eggs was correlated with the thickness of the egg shells. For their experiment, they planned to visit a number of fish-eating bird populations and take 1 egg from 70 nests. In the laboratory, they would open the eggs to measure the concentration of chemicals such as DDT. They would also measure the thickness of the egg shells. The researchers had to decide which species of birds they would use in their study. Choosing the proper study organisms is very important because the species must be appropriate for the experiment, and practical to work with. Imagine that it is 1960, and the scientists have asked you to help them select the species of bird for use in their research. They have narrowed their options down to 6 species. Drag a check mark to species that would be good to use in the study; there may be more than one. Drag an X to species that would not be good for the study.

-Bald Eagle- X -American Goldfinch- X -Brown Pelican- O -Osprey- O -Secretary Bird- X -Emperor Penguin- X

Which of the following experiments would best test your hypothesis?

Find other people born in the same week and ask them what their favorite type of movie is.

In Part C, you observed that different species of crickets could sing at the same chirp rate, but only at different temperatures. The figure below shows, for example, that the snowy tree cricket and the common field cricket can both produce songs with 100 chirps per minute, but the snowy tree cricket does so at about 16 °C while the common field cricket does so at about 30 °C. Because you found these two species coexisting in the same region where you collected them, you form the following hypothesis and prediction: Hypothesis: Female crickets respond to both the chirp rate of the male's song and the local temperature when identifying potential mates. Prediction: If the female is at a different temperature from the male, she will not respond to the male's song even if it is a male of the same species. To test your hypothesis, you use the same laboratory setup that you used in Part A. The only difference is that now the temperature of the two enclosures can be independently controlled. In your proposed experiment: A male snowy tree cricket will be placed in the first enclosure and kept at 25 °C. A sexually mature female snowy tree cricket will be placed in the second enclosure, and its response to the male's song will be determined at several different temperatures between 10 °C and 40 °C. Based on your observations in Part A, you score the response of the female on a scale of 0 to 10, where 10 represents the female turning directly toward the singing male and 0 represents no motion or random turning. Assuming your hypothesis is supported, which of the following graphs predicts the response of the female cricket to the male's song as the temperature of the female's enclosure varies?

Upwards graph with a peak in the direct middle

Land and sea breezes create more pleasant weather conditions for coastal areas, primarily in tropical regions, but also in some mid-latitude areas. This is also true for the 24-hour cycle of the day, in which land and sea breezes moderate extremes of high temperatures during the day and cold temperatures at night. In this activity, you will label the targets in a way that diagrams the sequence of events that leads to milder temperatures in coastal areas at night. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. The pink labels are surface temperature conditions for land and sea. The blue labels are for ascending/descending air and breeze conditions (arrows). You do not need to use all labels.

Warm air rises and cools --> Cool air descends --> Cooler surface temperatures (higher pressure) (LAND) --> Off-shore breeze --> Warmer surface temperatures (lower pressure) (SEA) --> Warm air rises and cools (repeat)

In animal populations, DDT causes _____.

birth defects

In general, what is the difference between the energy that comes into Earth from the Sun and the energy that Earth emits back to space?


The difference between climate and weather is that

climate is the long term pattern of weather.

Only 51 percent of incoming solar radiation actually reaches Earth's surface. Most of the remaining 49 percent of incoming radiation is reflected back to space by

clouds and the atmosphere.

A predator consuming prey would occur at the organizational level of the


A(n) __________ is a collection of populations that potentially interact.


Coastal areas experience less seasonal variation than inland areas at the same latitude. This is called __________.


Where on the Earth's surface is there little annual variation in temperature?


DDT is _____-soluble so it accumulates in _____.

fat ... milk

Cool ocean currents ___.

generally flow from high latitudes towards the equator

Producing electricity using wind instead of fossil fuels __________.

generates no carbon dioxide in the process

Choose the pair below that is INCORRECTLY matched.

landscape: broad-scale patterns of climate and geology

What hazardous material do electronics contain, making them important to recycle properly?


A typical wind farm in the United States consists of __________.

many very large wind turbines clustered in a region with a low human population

What hazardous material do fluorescent light bulbs contain, making it important to dispose of them properly?


Which of the following causes rain shadows?

mountainous topography

The large-scale distribution of plants in terrestrial environments is determined primarily by __________.

temperature and precipitation

An integrated set of hypotheses that together explain a broader set of observations is considered a(n)


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