Maternal and Newborn Success Study Questions

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A 54-year-old client calls her healthcare practitioner complaining of frequency and burning when she urinates. Which of the following factors that occurred within the preceding 3 days likely contributed to this client's problem? 1. She had intercourse with her partner 2. She returned from a trip abroad 3. She stopped taking hormone replacement therapy 4. She started a weight-lifting exercise program


A client complaining of secondary amenorrhea is seeking care from her gynecologist. Which of the following may have contributed to her problem? 1. Athletic activities 2. Vaccination history 3. Pet ownership 4. History of asthma


A nurse working in an infertility clinic should include which of the following in her discussions with the couple? 1. Adoption as an alternative to infertility treatments 2. The legal controversy surrounding intrauterine insemination 3. The need to seek marriage counseling before undergoing infertility treatments 4. Statistics regarding the number of couples who never learn why they are infertile


A woman, whose menstrual cycle is 35 days long, states that she often has a slight pain on one side of her lower abdomen on day 21 of her cycle. She wonders whether she has ovarian cancer. Which of the following is the nurse's best response? 1. "Women often feel a slight twinge when ovulation occurs." 2. "You should seek medical attention as soon as possible since ovarian cancer is definitely a possibility." 3. "Ovarian cancer is unlikely because the pain is not a constant pain." 4. "It is more likely that such pain indicates an ovarian cyst because pain is more common with that problem."


An infertile woman has been diagnosed with endometriosis. She asks the nurse why that diagnosis has made her infertile. Which of the following explanations is appropriate for the nurse to make? 1. "Scarring surrounds the ends of your tubes, preventing your eggs from being fertilized by your partner's sperm." 2. "You are producing insufficient quantities of FSH that is needed to mature an egg every month." 3. "Inside your uterus is a benign tumor that makes it impossible for the fertilized egg to implant." 4. "You have a chronic infection of the vaginal tract that makes the secretions hostile to your partner's sperm."


It is day 17 of a woman's menstrual cycle. She is complaining of breast tenderness and pain in her lower left quadrant. The woman states that her cycle is usually 31 days long. Which of the following is an appropriate reply by the nurse? 1. "You are probably ovulating." 2. "Your hormone levels should be checked." 3. "You will probably menstruate early." 4. "Your breast changes are a worrisome sign."


The nurse is teaching a class on reproduction. When asked about the development of the ova, the nurse would include which of the following? 1. Meiotic divisions begin during puberty in girls 2. At the end of meiosis, four ova are created 3. Each ovum contains the diploid number of chromosomes 4. Like sperm, ova have the ability to propel themselves


When a nurse is teaching a woman about her menstrual cycle, which of the following is the most important change that happens during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle? 1. Maturation of the graafian follicle 2. Multiplication of the fimbriae 3. Secretion of human chorionic gonadotropin 4. Proliferation of the endometrium


A Roman Catholic couple is infertile. Their healthcare practitioner advises them that their best chance of getting pregnant is via in-vitro fertilization with a mixture of the man's sperm and donor sperm. Which of the following issues, related to this procedure, should the nurse realize may be in conflict with the couple's religious beliefs? Select all that apply. 1. The man will ejaculate by masturbation into a specially designed condom 2. The woman may become pregnant with donor sperm 3. Fertilization is occurring in the artificial environment of the laboratory 4. More embryos may be created than will be used to inseminate the woman 4. The woman will receive medications to facilitate the ripening of her ova

1, 2, 3, 4

The nurse is providing counseling to a group of sexually active single women. Most of the women have expressed a desire to have children in the future but not within the next few years. Which of the following actions should the nurse suggest the women take to protect their fertility for the future? Select all that apply. 1. Use condoms during intercourse 2. Refrain from smoking cigarettes 3. Maintain an appropriate weight for height 4. Exercise in moderation 5. Refrain from drinking carbonated beverages `

1, 2, 3, 4

A client is to receive Pergonal (menotropins) injections for infertility prior to in-vitro fertilization. Which of the following is the expected action of this medication? 1. Prolongation of the luteal phase 2. Stimulation of ovulation 3. Suppression of menstruation 4. Promotion of cervical mucus production


A woman's temperature has just risen 0.4F and will remain elevated during the remainder of her cycle. She expects to menstruate in about 2 weeks. Which of the following hormones is responsible for the change? 1. Estrogen 2. Progesterone 3. Luteinizing hormone (LH) 4. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)


A nurse is explaining to a client about monthly hormonal changes. Starting with day 1 of the menstrual cycle, please place the following four hormones in the chronological order in which they elevate during the menstrual cycle. 1. Follicle-stimulating hormone 2. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 3. Luteinizing hormone 4. Progesterone

2, 1, 3, 4

A couple is seeking advice regarding actions that they can take to increase their potential of becoming pregnant. Which of the following recommendations should the nurse give to the couple? 1. The couple should use vaginal lubricants during intercourse 2. The couple should delay having intercourse until the day of ovulation 3. The woman should refrain from douching 4. The man should be on top during intercourse


A couple is seeking infertility counseling. During the history, it is noted that the man is a cancer survivor, drinks one beer every night with dinner, and takes a sauna every day after work. The response provided by the nurse should be based on which of the following? 1. It is unlikely that any of these factors is affecting his fertility 2. Daily alcohol consumption could be altering his sperm count 3. Sperm may be malformed when exposed to the heat of the sauna 4. Cancer survivors have the same fertility rates as healthy males


A nurse is discussing sexual arousal during a preadolescent boys' sex education class. Which of the following should the nurse base the reply on when a boy asks, "What exactly happens when my body gets aroused, anyway?" 1. The vas deferens thickens and expands 2. The sympathetic nerves of the penis are stimulated 3. The corpora of the penis become engorged 4. The perpuce of the penis elongates


In analyzing the need for teaching regarding sexual health in a client who is sexually active, which of the following questions is the most important for a nurse to ask? 1. "How old are your children?" 2. "Did you have intercourse last evening?" 3. "With whom do you have intercourse?" 4. "Do you use vaginal lubricant?"


What is the function of the epididymis? 1. It produces a fluid that nourishes the sperm 2. It secretes a fluid that neutralizes the acidic environment of the vagina 3. It is the reservoir where sperm mature 4. It contracts during ejaculation, forcing the sperm and fluid out of the urethra


A nurse is teaching an infertile couple about how the sperm travel through the man's body during ejaculation. Please put the following five major structures in order, beginning with the place where spermatogenesis occurs and continuing through the path that the sperm and semen travel until ejaculation. 1. Epididymis 2. Prostate 3. Testes 4. Urethra 5. Vas deferens

3, 1, 5, 2, 4

A nurse teaches a woman who wishes to become pregnant that if she assesses for spinnbarkeit she will be able to closely predict her time of ovulation. Which technique should the client be taught to assess for spinnbarkeit? 1. Take her temperature each morning before rising 2. Carefully feel her breasts for glandular development 3. Monitor her nipples for signs of tingling and sensitivity 4. Assess her vaginal discharge for elasticity and slipperiness


A woman is menstruating. If hormonal studies were to be done at this time, which of the following hormonal levels would the nurse expect to see? 1. Both estrogen and progesterone are high 2. Estrogen is high, progesterone is low 3. Estrogen is low, progesterone is high 4. Both estrogen and progesterone are low


An Orthodox Jewish couple is seeking infertility counseling. The woman states that her menstrual cycle is 21 days long. After testing, no physical explanation is found for the infertility. Which of the following may explain why the woman has been unable to conceive? 1. Her kosher diet is lacking the essential nutrients needed for achieving optimal reproductive health 2. The positions allowed Orthodox Jewish couples during intercourse hinder the process of fertilization 3. Orthodox Jewish couples are known to have a high rate of infertility because of inborn genetic diseases 4. Orthodox Jewish couples refrain from intercourse during menses and for seven days after it ends


Infertility increases a client's risk of which of the following diseases? 1. Diabetes mellitus 2. Nystagmus 3. Cholecystitis 4. Ovarian cancer


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