MATH 272

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~(p -> q) == (p ^ ~q) • ~(If Chris gets a flu shot, then he will not get the flu) == Christ gets a flu shot, but he gets the flu.

How do you negate an implication? Give a written example

"Let" "Suppose"

How should you start a proof How do you NOT?

...A tree Building a communication network with the fewest cost

what is a weighted graph? what is prim's algorithm? and describe how to use it.

the number of edges connected to a given vertex

what is the definition of a "degree" in terms of graph theory

p -> q

what is the format for an implication?

closed trail begins and ends on same vertex repeat vertices, but no repeat edges (can repeat vertices)

what's a circuit?

only one vertex repeated (kinda like a fancy loop)

what's a cycle?

no repeated vertices

what's a path?

no repeating edges

what's a trail?

one vertex, no edges

what's a trivial circuit?

• ~(p v q) == ~p ^ ~q • ~(p ^ q) == ~p v ~q

Basic DeMorgan's?

Two vertices sharing one edge

Define Adjacent Vertices

G = V & E

Define a graph

Spot 1

In a Josephus Circle, if a game starts with 2^n people, and every other prson is eliminated, starting with P2, who will survive?


Prove: The number F_3k is even for all positive integers k.


Show that nΣ(i=1) (4i -1) = n(2n+1) for every positive integer n

false loop a --- b loop

True or false, If true, prove, if false, provide a counter example In any connected graph G, if every vertex has degree 3, then g must contain a cycle of length 3

._____. a,1,b,1,a is counter

True or false, If true, prove, if false, provide a counter example In any graph G, if W is a closed walk, then W contains a cycle

false a -- b loop

True or false, If true, prove, if false, provide a counter example In any graph G, some pair of vertices must have the same degree

largest pieces of a graph

What are components? Give an example for a connected and non connected graph

a/b, b != 0

What are rational numbers?

"any integer ... is even or odd" "n is not divisible by m"

What are the key words of proving by cases?

i) P(1) is true ii) if P(k) is assumed to be true, then P(k+1) is true, for any positive integer k Then P(n) is true for every positive integer n

What are the steps of induction?

implication contrapositive

What are the two guaranteed ways to do a standard proof?

uses all edges on graph

What does it mean to be Eulerian?

all V and E in H are also in G

What does it mean to be a sub-graph?

in an graph, the number of vertices with odd degree is even

What is Corollary 4 of Graph Theory

~(pvq) == ~p ^ ~q ~(p^q) == ~p V ~q

What is DeMorgan's Law?

sum of degrees is two time the amount of edges in a simple graph, if there are n vertices on a graph, the SMALLEST amount of edges the graph can have is n-1

What is Theorem 3 of Graph Theory

A graph has an EULERIAN TRAIL if and only if it contains exactly two odd degree'd vertices MOREOVER, the trail must begin and end at these two vertices

What is Theory 5 of Graph Theory?

p <-> q p if and only if q only "true" when both T and F agree( are the same) p -> q = T q -> p = T Statement is true T F = F F T =F

What is a biconditional?

There is a walk between any two chosen vertices

What is a connected GRAPH?

Truth Table with all False values between two comaprisons

What is a contradiction?

~q -> ~p

What is a contrapositive?

q -> p

What is a converse?

lists the degrees from largest to smallest if there are n vertices on a graph, the the largest degree can only be n-1 in a simple graph, there cannot be an odd number of odd degree'd vertices two max vertices both sharing edges with the remaining vertices, where each vertex must be connected by two edges, a vertex of degree one is impossible

What is a degree sequence? What are the ways to determine if the degree sequence produces a graph?

A SIMPLE, CONNECTED GRAPH WITH NO CYCLES on a tree, vertices of degree 1 are called LEAVES

What is a graph tree?

Truth Table with all True values between two comparisons

What is a tautology?

p -> q

What is an implication?

~p -> ~q

What is an inverse

m*n +1 n boxes some box contains m+1 objects

What is the Pigeonhole Principle equation

an edge with one vertex only, that loops back on itself deg 2

What is the definition of a loop? how many degrees does it count as?

r = a/b, a and b are integers and b=/= 0

What is the definition of a real number r?

"a mod b = r" == "a = b * q + r", where "0 <= r < b"

What is the division theorem? What is its relation to modules?


What is the notation for a general predicate?


[B] Let P(n) be the statement "nΣ(i=1) 2^(i-1) = 2^(n) -1 use induction to prove it's possible for every integer n


[B] Let n be any integer, calculate (25q^2 + 30q + 9) mod 5


[B] Show that n³+ 2n is divisible by 3 for all positive integers.


[B] a_K = a_(K-1) + (2K) for (K >= 2) and a_1 = 2 Show that a_n = n(n+1), for all (n >= 1)


[B] a_n = 2a_n-1 + a_n-2, where a_1 = 5 and a_2 =10. Use induction to show that for all (n>=3), a_n < 3^n.


[B] a_K = a_(K-1) + (2K -1) for (K >= 2) and a_1 = 1 Show that a_n = n^2, for all (n>=1)

v1e1v2e2 alternating vertex and edge closed = begins and ends with same vertex length = how many edges

define a walk what does it mean when it's closed what does a walk's length mean?

two edges, share same vertex

define parallel edges


prove that every tree has at least two leaves


prove that for n vertices in a tree T , T has "n-1" edges


the difference between an "and" and an "or" truth table?

sigma 1+2+....n == n(n+1)/2

what are the forms for the closed formula for sums?

graph with no loops or prarallel edges [] ()

what is a simple graph? what is the notation for unordered V and E directed/ordered?

...a tree (subgraph) that uses every node in the graph

what is a spanning tree?

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