math chapter 7

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List the positive integers that are divisors of 12. The positive integers that are divisors of 12 are 1,2,3,4,6,12.

7.1 question 1, pic 1

The following proposition is given. If n is an integer that is a multiple of 21​, then n is an integer that is a multiple of 3 and a multiple of 7.

7.1 question 10, pics 14-15

Construct a truth table for the proposition and determine whether the proposition is a​ contingency, tautology, or contradiction. p--> not q

7.1 question 11, pics 16-19

Construct a truth table for the proposition and determine whether the proposition is a​ contingency, tautology, or contradiction. (q-->p) ^ q

7.1 question 12, pics 20-22

Construct a truth table for the following proposition. ¬p→​(p∧q​)

7.1 question 13, pics 23-26

Construct a truth table for the following proposition. ​(¬p∧q​) ∨ (q→p​)

7.1 question 14, pics 27-30

Construct a truth table to verify the implication. not p--->(q ^ not q)

7.1 question 15, pics 31-34

Complete the truth table to verify the equivalence. ¬p → (p ∨ q) is equivalent to (p ∨ q) true

7.1 question 16, pic 35

Construct a truth table to verify the following equivalence. p∧(p→q)≡q∧(q→p)

7.1 question 17, pics 36-38

Verify the equivalence using formulas. ¬(p→¬q) ≡ p ∧ q equal

7.1 question 18, pics 39-40

List the positive multiples of 17 that are less than 100. The positive multiples of 17 that are less than 100 are 17,34,51,68,85.

7.1 question 2, pic 2

Express the​ proposition, ¬​q, in an English​ sentence, and determine whether it is true or​ false, where p and q are the following propositions. ​p: ​"75 is​ prime" ​q: ​"75 is​ odd" answer: "75 is not odd" and "false"

7.1 question 3, pics 3-4

Express the​ proposition, the converse of p→​q, in an English​ sentence, and determine whether it is true or​ false, where p and q are the following propositions. ​p: ​"51 is​ prime" ​q: ​"51 is​ odd" answer: "If 51 is​ odd, then 51 is prime." and "false"

7.1 question 4, pics 5-6

Express the proposition r∨s in an English​ sentence, and determine whether it is true or​ false, where r and s are the following propositions. ​r: ​"29+28+27 is greater than 896​" ​s: ​"8•102+9•10+6 equals 896​"

7.1 question 5, pics 7-8

Describe the proposition as a​ negation, disjunction,​ conjunction, or​ conditional, and determine whether the proposition is true or false. If −11<​0, then (−11)^2<0.

7.1 question 7, pics 9-11

Describe the proposition as a​ negation, disjunction,​ conjunction, or​ conditional, and determine whether the proposition is true or false. 18 is not prime.

7.1 question 8, pic 12

Describe the proposition as a​ negation, disjunction,​ conjunction, or​ conditional, and determine whether the proposition is true or false. 6 is odd or 6 is prime.

7.1 question 9, pic 13

Is the set of perfect cubes a subset of the set of​ integers?

7.2 question 1, pics 1-3

For P​ = ​{3​, 12​, 14​, 15​}, Q​ = ​{1​, 7​, 13​}, and R​ = ​{3​, 7​, 8​, 13​}, find P ∪ ​(Q ∩ ​R).

7.2 question 10, pic 12

Consider the set N of positive integers to be the universal​ set, and let E=n∈N n is even and P=n∈N n is prime. Determine whether E∪P is finite or infinite

7.2 question 11, pics 13-14

Consider the set N of positive integers to be the universal​ set, and let O=n∈N n is odd and P=n∈N n is prime. Determine whether O∩P is finite or infinite.

7.2 question 12, pics 15-16

Consider the set N of positive integers to be the universal set. Sets​ H, T,​ E, and P are defined to the right. Determine whether or not the sets H ' and E are disjoint.

7.2 question 13, pic 17

Determine if the statement below is true or false. If A⊂B​, then A∩B=B.

7.2 question 14, pics 18-19

Find the indicated number of elements by referring to the table of enrollments in a finite mathematics class. Let the universal set U be the set of all 113 students in the​ class, A the set of students from the College of Arts​ & Sciences, B the set of students from the College of​ Business, F the set of​ freshman, and S the set of sophomores. Find the number of students in A.

7.2 question 15, pic 20

Find the indicated number of elements by referring to the table of enrollments in a finite mathematics class. Let the universal set U be the set of all 127 students in the​ class, A the set of students from the College of Arts​ & Sciences, B the set of students from the College of​ Business, F the set of​ freshman, and S the set of sophomores. Find the number of students in A∩F.

7.2 question 16, pic 21

The management of a​ company, a president and three ​vice-presidents, denoted by the set P, V1, V2, V3​, wish to select a committee of 3 people from among themselves. How many ways can this committee be​ formed? That​ is, how many 3​-person subsets can be formed from a set of 4 ​people

7.2 question 17, pic 22

When receiving a blood​ transfusion, a recipient must have all the antigens of the donor. A person may have one or more of the three antigens​ A, B, and​ Rh, or none at all. Eight blood types are​ possible, as indicated in the Venn​ diagram, where U is the set of all people under consideration. Using the Venn​ Diagram, indicate which of the eight blood types are included in A∩B.

7.2 question 18, pics 23-25

When receiving a blood​ transfusion, a recipient must have all the antigens of the donor. A person may have one or more of the three antigens​ A, B, and​ Rh, or none at all. Eight blood types are​ possible, as indicated in the Venn​ diagram, where U is the set of all people under consideration. Using the Venn​ Diagram, indicate which of the eight blood types are included in B'∩A.

7.2 question 19, pics 26-27

If the universal set is the set of rational numbers​, is the set of negative rational numbers the complement of the set of positive rational numbers​?

7.2 question 2, pic 4

Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ​{a​,e​,​j, ​k}=​{j, ​k, e​, a​} true

7.2 question 3, pic 5

Write the resulting set using the listing method. ​{1​,6​} ∩ ​{1​,7​,8​} {1​,6​} ∩ ​{1​,7​,8​}=1

7.2 question 4, pic 6

Find the union of the sets. {2, 4, 6, 8}∪ {1, 3, 5, 7} ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

7.2 question 5, pic 7

Write the resulting set using the listing method. An even number between 2 and 10. {2,4,6,8,10}

7.2 question 6, pic 8

Let U=​{2​, 3​, 4​, 5​, 6​, 7​, 8​} and A=​{2​, 5​, 6​, 7​}. Find A′.

7.2 question 7, pic 9

Refer to the Venn diagram below. How many elements are in the set​ A'?

7.2 question 8, pic 10

Refer to the Venn diagram to the right. How many elements are in the following​ set? (AUB)'

7.2 question 9, pic 11

Determine the validity of the following statements. ​(A) If A or B is the empty​ set, then A and B are disjoint. -true B) If A and B are​ disjoint, then A or B is the empty set. -The statement is false. For​ example, A could be the set of odd numbers and B could be the set of even numbers.

7.3 question 10, pic 15

You would like to make a salad that consists of​ lettuce, tomato,​ cucumber, and radishes. You go to the supermarket intending to purchase one variety of each of these ingredients. You discover that there are nine varieties of​ lettuce, six varieties of​ tomatoes, three varieties of​ cucumbers, and three varieties of radishes for sale at the supermarket. How many different salads can you​ make?

7.3 question 11, pic 16

A small combination lock on a suitcase has 4 ​wheels, each labeled with the 10 digits 0 to 9. How many 4 digit combinations are possible if no digit is​ repeated? If digits can be​ repeated? If successive digits must be​ different?

7.3 question 12, pics 17-20

Which of the numbers​ x, y,​ z, or w must equal 0 if A⊂B​?

7.3 question 13, pics 21-23

A class of 50 music students includes 14 who play the​ piano, 16 who play the​ guitar, and 7 who play both the piano and the guitar.

7.3 question 14, pic 24

Management selection. A corporation plans to fill 2 different positions for​ vice-president, V1 and V2​, from administrative officers in 2 of its manufacturing plants. Plant A has 9 officers and plant B has 5.

7.3 question 15, pic 25

A survey of 1100 people in a certain city indicates that 830 own microwave​ ovens, 750 own DVD​ players, and 600 own microwave ovens and DVD players. ​(A) How many people in the survey own either a microwave oven or a DVD​ player? ​(B) How many own neither a microwave oven nor a DVD​ player? ​(C) How many own a microwave oven and do not own a DVD​ player?

7.3 question 16, pics 26-30

Politics. If 11,846 people voted for a politician in his first​ election, 12,658 voted for him in his second​ election, and 5,408 voted for him in the first and second​ elections, how many people voted for this politician in the first or second​ election?

7.3 question 17, pic 31

Solve the following problem two​ ways: ​(a) using a tree diagram and ​(b) using the multiplication principle. How many 3​-letter code words can be formed from the first 3 letters of the alphabet if no letter can be used more than​ once?

7.3 question 4, pics 1-2

A college offers 2 introductory courses in​ history, 1 in​ science, 2 in​ mathematics, 1 in​ philosophy, and 1 in English.

7.3 question 5, pic 3

The 12 colleges of interest to a high school senior include 8 that are expensive​ (tuition more than​ $20,000 per​ year), 8 that are far from home​ (more than 200 miles​ away), and 5 that are both expensive and far from home.

7.3 question 6, pics 4-7

Use the given information to determine the number of elements in each of the four disjoint subsets in the following Venn diagram. ​n(A) = 20​, ​n(B) = 55​, ​n(A ∩ ​B) = 10​, ​n(U) =

7.3 question 7, pics 8-10

Use the given information to complete the following table. ​n(A)=45​, ​n(B)=55 ​n(A∪​B)=85​, ​n(U)=110

7.3 question 9, pics 11-14

Is the selection a​ permutation, a​ combination, or​ neither? A coach chooses 10 players for his team from the students who tried out.

7.4 question 10, pics 18-19

In a horse​ race, how many different finishes among the first 3 places are possible if 19 horses are​ running? (Exclude​ ties)

7.4 question 11, pics 20-21

A) How many ways can a 3​-person subcommittee be selected from a committee of 7 ​people? ​(B) How many ways can a president, vice-president, and secretary be chosen from a committee of 7 ​people?

7.4 question 12, pic 22

From a standard​ 52-card deck, how many 9​-card hands contain all spades​?

7.4 question 13, pics 23-24

Discuss the validity of each statement. If the statement is​ true, explain why. If​ not, give a counter example. If n and r are positive integers and 1<r<n​, then nCr=nCn−r.

7.4 question 14, pic 25

How many ways can 4 people sit in a row of 7 ​chairs?

7.4 question 15, pic 26

An electronics store receives a shipment of 30 graphing​ calculators, 3 that are defective. Four of the calculators are selected to be sent to a local high school. ​(A) How many selections can be​ made? ​(B) How many of these selections will contain no defective​ calculators?

7.4 question 16, pic 27

A​ 4-person grievance committee is to be selected out of 2​ departments, A and​ B, with 11 and 23 ​people, respectively. In how many ways can the following committees be​ selected? Complete parts​ (A) through​ (E) below.

7.4 question 17, pics 28-29

Evaluate the expression. If the answer is not an​ integer, round to four decimal places. 7! + 8!

7.4 question 3, pic 1

Evaluate the expression. 19!/4! (19-4)!

7.4 question 4, pics 2-3

Evaluate 12C4.

7.4 question 5, pics 4-5

Evaluate the expression. 6p3

7.4 question 6, pics 6-7

Evaluate the expression. 19c5/39c5

7.4 question 7, pics 8-12

Simplify the expression assuming that n is an integer and n≥3.

7.4 question 8, pic 13

Is the selection below a​ permutation, a​ combination, or​ neither? A man chooses the winner and runner up in a horse race

7.4 question 9, pics 14-17

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