May Final Test
By the time the guerra Bianca or white war ended in 1917 italian and austro-hungarian soldiers fighting for three years in extreme conditions at altiudes of up to twelve thousand feet
Fragment / Run -on
When scientists sequenced the Dna of domestic cats they made a startling discovery a remarkable similarity between the genomes of house cats and those of their feline relatives in the wild
Fragment/ run-on
The scythians were nomadic warriors who lived in central Asia in the ninth century BCE before disappearing during the second century they had spread westward into eastern Europe
Becau se penguins are frightended by human and difficult to approach researches from the University of strabourg used rempte controlled rovers outfitted as baby penguins to study their subject
complete sentence
this room gets a lot of sunshine through the those tall windows
linking verb
Julia Robert was my favorite actress in the 90's
linking verbs
I offered to drive the bus after no else volunteered
subordinating conjunction