MCAT - Real

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"Endernal" organs lining of digestive tract, lungs, liver and pancreas L L L P or (PLL +L) -- think PLL is an endoderm bc secretes are the most inner thing.


"means"oderm muscles, skeleton, circulatory system, gonads, kidney

if something is 189 kb ...

(kb = kilobases) it has 189,000 nucleotides

which provides evidence for positive selection on CFTR alleles that cause CF? Best evidence for positive selection-->

The bacterium that causes cholera, a potentially fatal disease, has difficulty binding to membranes with mutated CFTR ** Positive selection occurs when a particular allele becomes more likely to be passed on to succeeding generations. If the CF allele confers at least partial resistance to cholera, then that would be a reason for the allele to be more likely to be passed on.

What is the distance between nodes in a standing wave?

The distance between successive nodes, and successive antinodes is half a wavelength ( λ/2)

Impression management: telling your interviewer that his research is fascinating, even though you couldn't care less

ingratiation (conforming to what she believes the group will like to hear is a form of ingratiation)

Converging Lens: For an object beyond the focal length, the image formed... (p>f)

is real and inverted


"Attract"oderm nervous system, lens of eyes, inner ear, epidermis

Temperature is another major factor in the permeability of membranes. At higher temperatures...

- At higher temperatures, lipids will pack less efficiently, the fluidity of the membrane will increase. With increasing fluidity of membranes, there will be an increase in the permeability of the membrane ---- Cholesterol, to my knowledge, has the ability to both increase membrane fluidity and membrane rigidity (depending on the extracellular condition). When the cell is in a hot environment, the phospholipid bilayer has more kinetic energy and the molecules are moving around faster. Cholesterol in this case helps maintain membrane rigidity by interacting with the polar phospholipid head groups. When the cell is in a cool environment, the phospholipid bilayer has less kinetic energy and the phospholipid molecules are are moving slower and are more compact/rigid. In this case, the bulky nonpolar steroid rings "push apart" fatty acid tail packing and induce membrane fluidity --- "While cholesterol adds firmness and integrity to the plasma membrane and prevents it from becoming overly fluid, it also helps maintain its fluidity. At the high concentrations it is found in our cell's plasma membranes (close to 50 percent, molecule for molecule) cholesterol helps separate the phospholipids so that the fatty acid chains can't come together and cyrstallize. Therefore, cholesterol helps prevent extremes-- whether too fluid, or too firm-- in the consistency of the cell membrane."



Frictional Forces: Kinetic Friction (Fk) Static Friction (Fs)

... - the force that must be overcome to set an object in motion (static friction) opposed the motion of objections moving relative to each other (kinetic friction)

temperature of human body

310 K

Noble actions performed by an individual, while evil acts are always punished. − Suggests there is some kind of special force, cosmic justice at play. − Reason people think in this way because it helps individuals rationalize their good or misfortune. Ex. if I go to school I will be rewarded in life − However, world doesn't always work this way, and using this hypothesis we may blame people in poverty for being poor.

Just World Hypothesis (those who are bad should and do get what they deserve = ex)

Globalization Theory: ______ - all countries follow similar path of development to modern society. − With some help traditional countries can develop similarly to today's developed countries did.

Modernization Theory

Social Perception: Halo Effect

Social Perception - The Halo Effect The halo effect is tendency people have inherently good/bad natures, rather than looking at individual characteristics. − The physical attractiveness stereotype - believe attractive people have more positive personality traits. • Ex. Jim, overall impression is in the middle. His accounting bar is very high, sales negative, leadership is moderately good. − Now imagine, he has overall good impression, even though he has the same actual skillset. We would perceive that the person is much better at other skills not demonstrated. We may perceive he's actually pretty good at sales, regardless of evidence. Same with leadership and accounting. − Almost as if he has a halo on his head - the halo effect. − Often happens with celebrities, and greater attractiveness. Now imagine someone who we think is overall very poor. Even if baseline skills are same, we perceive them to all be lower - the reverse halo effect. Can carry over into how we see other attributes about the person.

Sound of a known frequency, intensity, and speed travels through air and bounces off an imperfect reflector which is moving toward the source. Which of the following properties of the sound remain the same before and after reflection?

Speed (within still air, the speed of sound remains constant)

Torque equation

T = Fsin0(r) (you can set both sides of fulcrum equal to each other to find unknown variable)

Representativeness - a heuristic where people look for the most representative answer, such as if person matches a prototype. • But can lead to a ________________________ which means co-occurrence of two instances is more likely than a single one (ex. Feminist bank teller vs. bank teller - actually more likely she's just a bank teller, but people tend to think the probability of 2 events occurring together is higher than the probability of one alone).

conjunction fallacy,

flow of heat as a result of the flow of fluids


What is needed for sperm motility?

it requires large amounts of ATP as evidenced by the high concentration of mitochondria in the sperm midpiece

source of platelets


Fusion means...


Which of the following phase changes is used to determine the heat of fusion for a pure substance?

melting of a solid ( fusion means melting.. thus a chemist can melt a solid or freeze a liquid to determine the heat of fusion of a pure substance)

Eukaryotic Cells contain...

membrane bound organelles ex. characteristic that clearly makes fungi as eukaryotes would be fact that they contain mitochondria

are specialized macrophages capable of phagocytosis that protect neurons of the central nervous system

microglia -The most abundant type of macroglial cell in the CNS, astrocytes anchor neurons to their blood supply. They regulate the external chemical environment of neurons by removing excess ions and recycling neurotransmitters released during synaptic transmission.

Why does sound travel faster in a solid than in air?

molecule of the solid to 'bump' into its neighborough. Solids are packed together tighter than liquids and gases, hence sound travels fastest in solids. The distances in liquids are shorter than in gases, but longer than in solids.

the direct emission of thermal energy from hot bodies

radiation (google --> when the body is too hot, it decreases heat production and increases heat loss. One way of increasing heat loss is through peripheral vasodilation, the dilation of blood vessels in the skin. When these vessels dilate, large quantities of warmed blood from the core of the body are carried to the skin, where heat loss may occur via radiation, convection, and conduction)

Gabriel (Masonic-Ester) Synthesis

reagents: potassium phthalmide, diethyl bromoalonate (go look at quick sheet)

Concave Mirror: images produced when object is located a distance greater than the focal length -->

real inverted images


refers to a person's opinion of themselves. High self-esteem manifests as self-worthiness, self-respect, and a high opinion of oneself. ( a person with high self-esteem can have low self-efficacy and vice versa)

Convex Mirror:

regardless of the position of the object, a convex mirror forms only a virtual upright image (think convex bc see them at stores and everything looks fake)

At a given temperature, the resistance of a wire to direct current depends only on the:

resistivity, length, and cross-sectional area

postulates that behavior is not learned by trial and error, but develops through direct observation and replication of the actions of others says that our personality is formed through various environmental and cognitive experiences, and through observational learning, we are likely to mimic positive behaviors that we observe in others. (e.g. If you see someone going to the gym everyday, and the result is a fit, muscular body, you may copy this behavior in hopes of attaining the same result).

social cognitive theory - think I social cognate thinks and that is how I am how I am - example is the social cognitive perspective but I think they are the same thing

*In social psychology, ________proposes a basic psychological conflict that results from having a desire to live but realizing that death is inevitable. This conflict produces terror, and is believed to be unique to human beings. Moreover, the solution to the conflict is also generally unique to humans: culture. According to TMT, cultures are symbolic systems that act to provide life with meaning and value. Cultural values therefore serve to manage the terror of death by providing life with meaning.

terror management theory (TMT)

question said that an enzyme aromatase expressed in some glands, converted testosterone to estradiol (so one steroid to another... then asked what structure, in the body, would likely express aromatase...

the answer was the Adrenal Gland bc among the choices it was the only answer listed that produces steroids

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) regulates...

the extracellular concentration of both calcium (Ca2+) and phosphate (PO43-) via its action on bone, the gastrointestinal tract, and the kidney. PTH production is regulated by the CA2+ concentration of the extracellular fluid bathing the cells of the parathyroid glands... when the concentration of CA2+ is low, PTH is synthesized and released

Concave Mirrors: -if an object is placed inside focal length of. concave mirror -->

the image formed is behind the mirror, enlarged and virtual

quaternary structure consists of ...

more than one polypeptide chain

Dramaturgical Approach

- states that the front-stage self is the image that a person presents to the world - backstage is what the person actually feels

Demographic Transition 5 Stages

1) High birth rates due to limited birth control, advantage for more workers, and high death rate due to disease. Most countries at this stage prior to 18th century when death rates fell in Europe. Large young and small old population. 2) Seen in beginnings of developing populations. Population rises as death rate decreases. 19th century Europe. 3) Death rates and birth rates fall because of birth control, fewer childhood deaths, and children no longer needed to work - not economically beneficial. Slower expansion and longer lived elderly. 4) Population stabilizes, both birth and death rates are low. Population is large. 5) Speculation. World population stabilizes, Malthusian Theorem suggests. Run out of resources, food shortage. Leads to public health disaster and force population to stabilize and decrease birth rate - negative growth rate. *** In summary, demographic transition is the shift from high birth rates/death rates to low birth rates/death rates

Impression management 1. Who we market ourselves to be when we adhere to others' expectations of us 2. who we would like to be 3. who the person actually is

1. Tactical Self 2. Ideal Self 3. Authentic Self

The Untranslated Regions can be...

500-1,000 nucleotides long ... so if a protein has 494 amino acids .. How many nucleotides will it have 493x3 = roughly 1,500 + 500-1,00 nucleotides because of the 5'-3' untranslated regions so about 2,000

Rule of St.Dev

68-95-99 rule means that 95% of data must fall w/I standard deviation of mean

insulin is made by the _____

B-cells in the pancreas

Blood Pressure

BP = CO x SVR (SVR = systemic vascular resistance) - the resistance to blood flow is primarily determined by the caliber of the small arteries, arterioles, and pre capillary sphincters. Thus, BP equals total peripheral resistance times cardiac output, a relationship analogous to Ohm's law for electrical circuits

Cardiac Output

CO = SV x HR

CRH ..

CRH (Corticotropin-releasing hormone) is secreted by hypothalamus in response to stress or CRG from the hypothalamus induces ACTH release from the anterior pituitary - ACTH from the anterior pituitary stimulates the adrenal cortex to release the glucocorticoids

Globalization is the sharing of....

culture money and products between countries

Globalization Theory: _____ - Reaction to Modernization theory. Uses idea of Core + Periphery countries to look at inequalities. − Periphery countries export resources to Core countries, and don't have means to develop.

Dependency Theory

Functions of liver

Detoxification of poisons and the production of bile, which facilitates fat absorption in the small intestine by breaking large fat droplets into smaller ones, are major liver functions absorption of fats in the small intestine production of bile detoxification of poison ---- - liver makes bile from cholesterol, stores it in gall bladder (bile is an emulsifying agent - not an enzyme- bile breaks down large fat droplets into smaller microscopic droplets by forming micelles. This increase the total surface area of the fat for lipase action

Will be repelled by an external magnetic field


is a mood disorder consisting of the same cognitive and physical problems as in depression, with less severe but longer-lasting symptoms.


Magnitude of the Electric Field (E) of a point charge is given by... - if the point charge is tripled....

E = kq/(r^2) ....then E will also be tripled

For a given laser-cavity mode, the standing- wave pattern within a laser cavity can be viewed as a superposition of two traveling waves. Their amplitudes and directions are described by which of the following?

Equal amplitudes; opposite direction (two traveling waves that make up a standing wave of the type shown in the passage must have equal amplitudes and move in opposite directions. Otherwise, the wave superposition does not produce a stationary-wave envelope)

as blood is lost from the circulation, reduction in vessel size helps maintain the necessary pressure to keep the blood circulating to all body tissues. Vasoconstriction, the narrowing of a vessel, restricts blood flow to an organ and can increase blood pressure. Increased vasoconstriction is important in maintaining blood pressure during a ____.

Hemorrhage (an escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel, especially when profuse.)

Limbic System

Hippo wearing a HAT hippocampus hypothalamus amygdala Thalamus

insufficient oxygen to the body cells


Dream Theories - Freud and Activation Synthesis Hypothesis Do our dreams have a meaning? Sigmund Freud's theory of dreams says dreams represent our unconscious feelings/thoughts. Like an iceberg. − 1. What happens? _______ content (Ex. Monster chasing you) − 2. What is hidden meaning? ______ content (Ex. Job pushing you out) • Can help us resolve and identify hidden conflict.

Manifest Latent

deterioration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantial nigra region is closely linked to ..

Parkinsons Disease Parkinson's is a degenerative neuromuscular disease, often associated with muscular tremors and shaking. In later stages, the neurological symptoms become more evident. While the exact cause of Parkinson's Disease is unknown (it is still considered idiopathic), there are correlations that suggest the cause is linked to the death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra region of the midbrain. Beta-amyloid protein plaques are also associated with Parkinson's Disease, as well as Alzheimer's Disease.

Social Class: the capacity to influence people through real or perceived rewards and punishments


_______ are a variety of glial cell that keep peripheral nerve fibres (both myelinated and unmyelinated) alive. In myelinated axons, Schwann cells form the myelin sheath.

Schwann cells

- social theory that's a microperspective, focuses on the individual and significance they give to objects, events, symbols, etc. in their lives.

Symbolic interactionism

Pascal's principle (and equation)

a change in the pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid and to the walls of the containing vessel

aligning/justifiying your actions by making excuses (impression management)

aligning actions

- breakdown of social bonds between an individual and community


smoothens movements and helps maintain postural stability

basal ganglia

Diverging lens...

can only produce virtual images

According to Elaboration likelihood model we process info along 2 target paths:

central (people are persuaded by the content of argument. Leads to deep processing of information. results in lasting attitude change. People choose this route when interested in topic) peripheral (don't care about topic, little motivation/interest. Leads to shallow processing of info, such as the speaker's looks. Creates a temporary attitude change.)

flow of heat as a direct transfer from a hot body to a cold body in contact with the hot body is ...


cyclothymic disorder

contains hypomanic episodes with dysthymia

adrenal medulla -->

epinephrine/ norepinephrine

anterior pituitary hormones

flat peg (think Peggy has a flat anterior)

how each part of society helps keep society stable


The main central connection for the optic nerve to the occipital lobe, the _________ is a relay center in the thalamus for the visual pathway. It receives a major sensory input from the retina. (.. which of the following structures is capable of processing visual information w/o presenting it to consciousness)

lateral geniculate nucleus

conversion factor from ln to log is ...

ln(x)= 2.3log(x)

Sound waves are...


Tosylate ion generally used to ____

make an alcohol into a better electrophile

Society is dependent on structures that create it, like cell is dependent on parts that make it up. − Intended consequences of institutions are _______functions, ex. businesses provide a service. − Unintended consequences, ex. schools expose students to new activities, and businesses connect people across society -________ functions, indirect effects of institutions.

manifest latent


mass = kg acceleration = m/s2

The first structure that light hits is the.... (which type of retinal neuron is located nearest to the inner surface - closest to the vitreous body- of the retina)

outer layer of ganglion cells

breaking down of components of vision and then using the various individual components collectively is known as... - the brain dividing visual components into motion, shape, color, and depth and comparing the findings to aid in identification is known as:

parallel processing

intensity of sound heard is less when a wall is placed b/w a source of sound and the listener.. bc ..

part of the sound E is reflected by the solid - when a wall is placed b/w source of sound and the listener, some of the sound E is transmitted to the listener, but some is reflected and sent backward toward the source or absorbed in the material. The listener hears less sound, but at the same frequency and wavelength as the unimpeded sound.

Antibodies are secreted by...

plasma cells

is a form of oligarchy. It defines a society ruled or controlled by the small minority of the wealthiest citizens.


The distance between linked genes is often measured by...

probability of crossing over - genes that are farther apart are more likely to undergo crossing over events

Growth curves of microorganisms are....

sigmoidal, or S-shaped (think ... growth curves as linear... would have to continuously grow linearly, never running out of nutrients, and never having to prepare metabolically for growth)

___ is the ability to learn and transmit behavioural traditions from one generation to the next by the invention of things that exist entirely in the symbolic realm.

symbolic culture

On a molecular level, random segregation of a plasmid means...

that the replicated plasmid segregates to daughter cells without binding to the mitotic spindle

(Gesalt Law of Pragnanz) The law of pragnanz states ...

that we reduce reality to its simplest form

Converging Lens: For an object at the focal point...

there is no image formed

increases blood flow to both the muscle during exercise and the skin during blushing


Converging Lens; For an object inside the focal length, the image formed is ...

virtual, upright and enlarged

Elaboration Likelihood Model has 3 main characteristics that impact on how we are persuaded for/against a message

− 1) Message characteristics - message itself, clarity, how well thought message it. Also includes how well written it was, does speaker have good grasp of grammar, appropriate vocabulary, length of talk, etc. − 2) Source characteristics - what is their level of expertise, trustworthy, and is information credible or not. Physical environment, venue of event. − 3) Target characteristics - characteristics of listener such as mood, self-esteem, alertness, intelligence, etc. How we receive a message.

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