Measure Time
How many hours from midnight to noon?
12 hours.
How many hours from noon to midnight?
12 hours.
How many months in a year?
12 months in a year.
365 days =
12 months or 1 year.
How many seconds in two minutes?
120 seconds in two minutes. 60 x 2 = 120 seconds.
How many days in two weeks?
14 days. 7 x 2 = 14
120 minutes = hours.
2 hours. 60 x 2 = 120.
3 weeks =
21 days.
How many hours in a day?
24 hours in a day.
How many months in two years?
24 months in two years. 12 x 2 = 24 months.
How many days in 12 months?
365 days in 12 months or one year.
A year has how many days?
365 days in a year.
How many days in a year.
365 days in a year.
How many days in leap year?
366 days in leap year.
One month has how many weeks?
4 weeks = one month.
How many weeks in a month?
4 weeks in a month.
How many weeks in a year?
52 weeks in a year.
One hour has how many minutes?
60 minutes
One minute has how many seconds?
60 seconds
What is the extra day in leap year?
February 29th.
When is "AM?"
Midnight to noon. 12 o'clock midnight to 12 o'clock noon.
When is "PM?"
Noon to midnight. 12 o'clock noon to 12 o'clock midnight.
60 minutes =
One hour
7 days =
One week.
52 weeks =
One year.
60 seconds =
one minute
Describe three minutes.
60 x 3 = 180 seconds. (6 x 3 = 18)
One week has how many days?
7 days in a week.
How many days in a week?
7days in a week.
How many weeks in two months?
8 weeks. 4 x 2 = 8 weeks.
4 days = how many hours?
96 hours. 24 x 4 = 96.
6 weeks = how many days?
42 days. 6 x 7 days = 42 days.
How many hours in two days?
48 hours in two days. 24 x 2 = 48 hours.
A year has how many weeks?
52 weeks in a year.