Med Term chapter 4

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Read this excerpt from a patient's health record: Hospital Course Neuro: On admission exam, Decker was found to have mild lumbar lordosis, pseudohypertrophy of his calf muscles, and a waddling gait. He did not have any genu varum or genu valgus. No hyporeflexia was noted. The initial concern was a muscular dystrophy. Given a family history of polymyositis, that was considered as well. Decker's labs were consistent with muscular dystrophy. An electromyography showed myopathic changes. A muscle biopsy was then performed to help distinguish which of the muscular dystrophies the patient has. The results are pending. CV: Cardiology was consulted, given the strong risk for developing cardiomyopathy. Resp: No problems were seen throughout the hospital stay. Decker was educated in performing on breathing exercises and also about the respiratory problems often seen later on in the condition. Ortho: Orthopedic surgery was consulted for Decker's scoliosis. Social: Much of the hospital stay focused on patient education. Which of the following is a symptom found in this patient?

Abnormal forward curvature of the lower spine

Which is NOT included in this patient's admission or discharge diagnosis? Discharge Summary Patient Name: Decker Macmillan Date of Admission: 1/1/15 Date of Discharge: 1/4/15 Admission Diagnosis 1. Hypotonia 2. Lordosis Discharge Diagnosis 1. Muscular dystrophy 2. Scoliosis

Abnormal forward curvature of the upper spine

of an orthopedic clinic note: DDx: Includes osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and bursitis. Given her history of osteoarthritis on exam and the results of the x-ray and joint aspiration, I believe Mrs. Goldman has OA that has failed to respond to previous treatments. According to the excerpt, which is NOT included in the differential diagnosis?

Abnormal joint development

A drug that relieves pain is called a(n):


Choose the correct translation for the root tars/o.


Which is the medical term used to describe joint stiffness?


Build a medical term that means "puncture of a joint."


Build a medical term that means "joint breaking."


Build a medical term that means "joint recording process," a procedure used to examine a joint.


Translate the term fasciodesis as literally as possible.

Binding of a fascia

Translate the medical term osteocarcinoma as literally as possible.

Bone cancer tumor

Translate the medical term osteolysis as literally as possible.

Bone loss

Build a medical term that means the "removal of all or part of the wrist."


Build a medical term that means "wrist inflammation."


Translate the medical term chondro-osteodystrophy as literally as possible.

Cartilage-bone-bad-nourishment: poor development of bones and cartilage

Build a medical term that means the "removal of cartilage."


Which medical term means rib pain?


Build a medical term that means "finger inflammation."


Read this excerpt from the patient's discharge summary: HPI Decker Macmillan is an 8-year-old boy admitted directly to the pediatric floor for workup of chronic progressive hypotonia. His parents report they have noticed progressive weakness. Decker has had increasing difficulty running, jumping, and climbing stairs. His parents initially thought his problems were due to his asthma, but they noticed that he also had a waddling gait. They took him to their primary care provider, who referred him for evaluation. On admission, Decker denied any history of myalgia, arthrodynia, or dystaxia. His problem appeared to be limited to muscle tone. According to this information, which of the following is part of the history of the present illness?

Decrease in muscle tone or tightness

If a physician uses a cast to fix a patient's broken arm, this is known as which type of treatment or therapy?

External fixation

Build a medical term that means "incision into fascia."


Choose the correct translation for the root femor/o.


Translate the term tenolysis as literally as possible.

Freeing/loosening of a tendon

Provide the correct translation for the abbreviation FROM.

Full range of motion

What is the correct abbreviation for a fracture?


What is the medical term that describes writer's cramp?


Which medical term means increased muscle tone or tightness?


Translate the term bursotomy as literally as possible.

Incision into a bursa

Which of the following is NOT true about the abbreviation CAT?

It is part of the treatment plan for patients.

Translate the medical term arthrocele as literally as possible.

Joint hernia

Identify the correct pronunciation for the term costochondritis.


Choose the correct translation for the root lumb/o.

Loin, lower back

Which of the following is NOT an abbreviation pertaining to the vertebrae?


The following is the final paragraph in an Orthopedic Consult Note from Dr. Phyllis Sanchez, MD, FAAOS: I discussed the next steps with Mr. Samuels and his family, including staging the tumor and scheduling a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. I discussed the surgery with Mr. Samuels and his family in the office. His tumor will likely require tumor resection with partial ostectomy of the femur with osteoplasty. I discussed the benefits of a metal endoprosthesis versus an allograft for the osteoplasty. Mr. Samuels is scheduled to return to my office 1 week following his biopsy to discuss the results. Given this information, which of the following statements is NOT true?

Mr. Samuels has a bone disease that requires surgery.

Read the following excerpt from a patient's health record: On exam, Mr. Samuels was a pleasant young man, well developed and well nourished, and in no acute distress. His lungs were clear and heart was regular in rate and rhythm. No murmurs were heard. Examination of his right leg revealed a significant soft tissue mass over his distal femur on the right. The mass was tender. He did not have any knee effusion. I reviewed the labs and x-ray. His findings were consistent with osteosarcoma. Given this information, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Mr. Samuels has a soft tissue mass on the bottom part of his right femur.

History of Present Illness: Mrs. Maureen Goldman presented to the orthopedic clinic with a chronic history of arthralgia. She has been previously diagnosed with osteoarthritis. She was initially treated with NSAIDs and an orthotic that helped for a time; however, Mrs. Goldman's condition worsened and was eventually treated with an intraarticular steroid injection. She reported improved pain and range of motion. The knee pain returned last year, however, and she was treated in our clinic with arthroscopic surgery. While it helped some, she reports it did not completely get rid of her symptoms, and she returns today for evaluation. PMHx: Septic arthritis requiring hospitalization and IV antibiotics 4 years ago. Which of the following is NOT true about the patient's medical history?

Mrs. Goldman's joint pain just began recently.

Translate the medical term myomalacia as literally as possible.

Muscle softening

Build a medical term that means "muscle turmoil."


Build a medical term that means "muscle disease."


Build a medical term that means "muscle suture."


Which medical term means involuntary contraction of the muscle?


Build a medical term that means "muscle tone."


What is a device that aids in the stabilizing of a part of the body?


Build a medical term that means "poor bone development."


Translate the medical term hyperkinesia as literally as possible.

Over movement

Read this excerpt from a patient's health record: Hospital Course Neuro: On admission exam, Decker was found to have mild lumbar lordosis, pseudohypertrophy of his calf muscles, and a waddling gait. He did not have any genu varum or genu valgus. No hyporeflexia was noted. The initial concern was a muscular dystrophy. Given a family history of polymyositis, that was considered as well. Decker's labs were consistent with muscular dystrophy. An electromyography showed myopathic changes. A muscle biopsy was then performed to help distinguish which of the muscular dystrophies the patient has. The results are pending. CV: Cardiology was consulted, given the strong risk for developing cardiomyopathy. Resp: No problems were seen throughout the hospital stay. Decker was educated in performing breathing exercises and also about the respiratory problems often seen later on in the condition. Ortho: Orthopedic surgery was consulted for Decker's scoliosis. Social: Much of the hospital stay focused on patient education. Which of the following tests showed "myopathic changes"?

Procedure for measuring the electrical activity of a muscle

Translate the term craniectomy as literally as possible.

Removal of portion of the skull

Identify the correct pronunciation for the term spondylosis.


Choose the correct translation for the root ankyl/o.

Stiff, bent

Which syllable receives the emphasis in the medical term arthrogram?

Syllable 1: ar

Which syllable receives the emphasis in the medical term hypotonia?

Syllable 3: to

Which of the following is NOT a correct abbreviation for referring to a ligament?


Which of the following does NOT describe a type of bone pain?


Build a medical term that means "tendon inflammation."


Build a medical term that means "binding of a tendon."


Read the patient's Discharge Physical Examination: Discharge Physical Examination Temp: 98.6; RR: 24; HR: 86; BP: 100/64 Gen: WDWN. Alert. CV: RRR. Resp: CTA. Neuro: Hypotonia of legs (strength 3/5 bilaterally). Waddling gait. Using assistance to get up from seated position. Normal reflexes. Marked enlargement of calves. According to the Discharge Physical Examination, which of the following is true?

The patient has a decrease in muscle tone or tightness in the legs.

Read the information from the Orthopedic Consult note below: Thank you for referring Mr. Samuels to my office. I saw him on March 3, 2017. Mr. Samuels has a 4-month history of increasing pain in his right distal femur. He first noticed pain after being kicked in the leg at a soccer game and was evaluated in your office 3 weeks later for persistent pain. There was a soft tissue mass in his distal femur that was tender to touch. An x-ray was performed to rule out a fracture or chronic osteomyelitis. The x-ray showed both osteolysis of the metaphysis and periosteal new bone formation. Labs were drawn including CBC, CPK, and ESR. He was referred to my office for further evaluation of the x-ray findings. According to the note, which of the following statements is NOT true?

The x-ray showed new bone formation of the periosteum (the bone marrow, what is inside, the bone).

Translate the medical term tibialgia as literally as possible.

Tibia pain

Translate the term spondylitis as literally as possible.

Vertebra inflammation

Which of the following roots does NOT pertain to a bone?


Identify and define the roots in the term ankylosing spondylitis.

ankylo stiff, bent; spondylo vertebra

A drug that opposes fever is called a(n):


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term arthrodesis?

arthro (joint) + desis (binding) = binding of a joint (surgical fixation of a joint)

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term arthrodysplasia?

arthro (joint) + dys (bad) + plasia (formation) = bad joint formation (abnormal joint development)

Read the following excerpt from Mrs. Goldman's health record: History of Present Illness: Mrs. Maureen Goldman presented to the orthopedic clinic with a chronic history of arthralgia. She has been previously diagnosed with osteoarthritis. She was initially treated with NSAIDs and an orthotic that helped for a time; however, Mrs. Goldman's condition worsened and was eventually treated with an intraarticular steroid injection. She reported improved pain and range of motion. The knee pain returned last year, however, and she was treated in our clinic with arthroscopic surgery. While it helped some, she reports it did not completely get rid of her symptoms, and she returns today for evaluation. PMHx: Septic arthritis requiring hospitalization and IV antibiotics 4 years ago. Mrs. Goldman was treated at one time with what kind of surgery?

arthroscopic = arthro (joint) + scop (look) + ic (pertaining to) = surgery by visual examination of a joint

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term bradykinesia into its component parts?

brady (slow) + kinesia (movement) = slow movement

Which of the following roots describes the small fluid-filled sac found near the body's joints?


Identify and define the root in the term metacarpectomy.

carp - wrist

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term cervicodynia?

cervico (neck) + dynia (pain) = neck pain

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term chondroplasty?

chondro (cartilage) + plasty (reconstruction) = reconstruction of cartilage

Identify and define the root(s) in the term craniosynostosis.

cranio - head, skull; ost - bone

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term exostosis into its component parts?


Identify the correct pronunciation for the term fasciorrhaphy.


Which of the following roots describes the fibrous connective tissue that binds muscles together?


To be bow legged is called referred to as what?

genu varum

Read this patient's physical exam: Physical Exam: RR: 16; HR: 70; Temp: 98.6; BP: 110/60 Gen: Alert, oriented. CV: RRR, no murmurs. Resp: CTA. Musculoskeletal: Crepitation in right knee, decreased ROM. Mild effusion. Mild muscular atrophy of right quadriceps muscle compared to left. Labs: ESR normal, joint aspiration normal. X-ray: Subchondral cysts, subchondral sclerosis, joint space narrowing. According to the physical exam, this patient is NOT experiencing:

hardening of the joints

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term hemarthrosis into its component parts?


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term hydrarthrosis?

hydr (water) + arthr (joint) + osis (condition) = water in a joint

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term metatarsalgia into its component parts?


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term myasthenia?

my (muscle) + asthenia (weakness) = muscle weakness

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term myomectomy into its component parts?


What are the most common types of myopathy?

myasthenia gravis and muscular dystrophy

NSAID stands for?

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term osteochondritis?

osteo (bone) + chondr (cartilage) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the bone and cartilage

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term osteoporosis?

osteo (bone) + por (pore) + osis (condition) = bone pore condition (loss of bone density)

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term osteosclerosis?

osteo (bone) + scler (hardening) + osis (condition) = abnormal hardening of bone

Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term osteochondroma into its component parts?


A disease in which the bones do not develop correctly, also known as brittle bone disease, is called:

osteogenesis imperfecta

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term polydactyly?

poly (many) + dactyl (finger) + y (condition) = having more than the normal number of fingers

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term polymyositis?

poly (many) + myos (muscle) + itis (inflammation) = inflammation of many muscles

An EMG is most properly defined as a:

record of the electrical activity of a muscle.

An ORIF is:

returning bones to their proper place by fixing a fractured bone from the inside (i.e., using screws, pins, plates, etc.)

The abnormal narrowing of the spine is called:

spinal stenosis

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term spondyloarthropathy?

spondylo (vertebra) + arthro (joint) + pathy (disease) = joint disease of the vertebrae

Identify and define the root(s) in the term spondyloarthropathy.

spondylo vertebra; arthro joint

Break the medical term spondylodynia into its component parts.


Which is the correct breakdown of the medical term spondylolysis into its component parts?


The slipping or dislocation of a vertebra is known as:


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term sternotomy?

sterno (sternum) + tomy (incision) = incision into the sternum

This patient's x-ray revealed "subchondral cysts, subchondral sclerosis, joint space narrowing": Physical Exam: RR: 16; HR: 70; Temp: 98.6; BP: 110/60 Gen: Alert, oriented. CV: RRR, no murmurs. Resp: CTA. Musculoskeletal: Crepitation in right knee, decreased ROM. Mild effusion. Mild muscular atrophy of right quadriceps muscle compared to left. Labs: ESR normal, joint aspiration normal. X-ray: Subchondral cysts, subchondral sclerosis, joint space narrowing. Which is the correct translation of "subchondral sclerosis"?

sub (beneath) + chondr (cartilage) + al (pertaining to) + sclerosis (hardening condition) = hardening condition beneath the cartilage

A partial dislocation of a joint is known as a(n):


Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term tarsectomy?

tars (ankle) + ectomy (removal) = removal of all or a portion of the ankle

Which of the following roots refers to arrangement, order, coordination?


The reconstruction of a tendon is termed

tendoplasty and tenoplasty

Which is the correct breakdown and translation of the medical term tenorrhaphy?

teno (tendon) + rrhaphy (suture) = suture of a tendon

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