Media and Culture an introduction to mass communication
Amos and Andy
A show about poor black folk it was so population daily lives rearranged schedules just so people would be able to listen to the show. it failed on TV due to the need of imagination for its success.
1940's TV
As soon as the war was over TV took off listeners of radio was greatly due to the war.
Broadcasting first appears in government publications
Federal Radio Commission
Created under the Radio Act of 1927 this was a temporary committee that eventually grew into the FCC
Existence of spectrum theorized
Wireless ship act
First regulation requires all ships to have broadcasting for safety
Long Ranger used William Tell overture because no copyright and no need to pay for the music
Radio's historic roles
Mass commercial medium of entertainment and supplemental medium of music and information.
3 radio stations
NBC Red & Blue named for the wires CBS.
Radio being mass medium
Now it has shifted to supplemental medium
1940's radio
Radio goes to war and broadcast it radio become new not just entertainment. It was new people could hear the broadcasts from the war zone. Hearing bombs and gunfire.
Radio as public resource
Radio is free with a liesence they must broadcast in the publics best interest
Radio & Music
Radio needs music to survive
Radio was labeled music box
Radio's golden era
Radio was most listened to the evening show it has shifted to mornings.
Radio was still point to point communications pre-broadcasting was experimental sort of long distance phone. wireless nick name for radio
Radio waves discovered by Heinrich Hertz to honor his name that is where we get Mega Hertz, Giga Hertz
by 1927 coast to coast service
Stations linked net works
Term radio first used in DeForest article; adopted by U.S. Navy
The dissemination of radio waves intended for general use by large number of people.
Wireless Morse code transmitted by Marconi; Also development of wireless telegraphy By DeForest
Broadcast licenses
are free the radio stations must broadcast in the best interests of the public.
1920's Radio
becomes commercial medium
broadcasting that is targeted to one small sector of the population
Court rules for radio
courts rule against Commerce dept ran by Herbert Hoover congress does not have the right to issue licenses issued during the Radio Conferences
Telegraph is
is point to point communication original broadcast
Poll broadcasting
leasing a stations air time 1922 first commercial
1938 War of the worlds broadcast
people believed media of reporting nothing but the truth opposite of today.
1930's radio
programming became indispensable became important part of dialog
1922 radio
radio listener has gown to about 1 million radio's nation wide.
Scarcity of air waves
the air waves are limited thats why it called best interest
Radio Act 1912
the first radio legislation passed by Congress, it addressed the problem of amateur radio operators increasingly cramming the airwaves
1920 Elections
this became the very first broadcast that was live. The broadcast of a local Pittsburg, PA election. It appealed to the elite. few had radio's only the richer.
Magic medium
this was a term used to describe radio because it was the first time news came into the home versus going to the movies to see it.
Point to point
went to narrow casting broadcasting to select few like our local stations.
Radio and TV
will get license for free and musty broacast for publics best interest.