Media Exam 1

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1. can talk to consumer through surveys, by mail, telephone, online or in person

Unaided: asking about a brand with no prompts or assistance Aided: offering a memory aid in the question about a brand


Upscale and niche audience Getting attention Hanging around

Budget and Timing:

Usually the media specialist will have two or three media plans with various budgets allocated on beach Some timing considerations can be justified, while other may be difficult to control

Other TV considerations:

Video on demand (VOD): allows cable subscribers to watch consent whenever they choose Dynamic Ad Insertion: ads are inserted right before the program content plays. Specific to video on demand advertising Connected TV: internet connection television platforms that attach to a television set (Roke, Firestick,etc. ) Over the Top Television (OTP): when video content can be streamed to an device such as a TV, computer or mobile device (Netflix, Prime, Disney+)

What the specialization must find out about a brand's major competitors:

What is the company's financial position? How does the competitor position its brand? How does the competitor promote its brand?


Wide reach Timeliness Desirable audience Impact of editorial contact Local and regional possibilities

Brand Development Index (BDI)

tells how brand stack up in comparison to other brands in product category

Digital Search

$46 billion spend Advertisements included in the context of web search results Based on key works or links Messages are delivered where those words are requested Can be specific to local searches

Share of Requirements (Share of Wallet:

(Amount spend on your products) / (Total amount spent on category)


-Audience must find out where to purchase the item -If audience can't find the product, then even the best advertising won't be effective


-Based on options available, the consumer will develop a preference for one brand or another -If marketer enjoys brand loyalty, then this stage will be when the brand wins out in the consumer consideration set


-Brand selection is a much more difficult stage than in the past because of the increased number of options available -Personal contacts can also be very important at this stage

Brand vs product

-Brand: individual product or service the marketer is trying to sell -Product category: all brands that offer a similar product for the same end goal Marketers and media specialists must know how the consumer decides which brands and products to buy and the process he or she goes through when purchasing an item

Creative Requirements:

-Consider any special creative requirements that will affect the media selected -These should be made evident in the Creative Brief -The message will, in part, determine where it is placed

What is Media

-Media are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data -The word refers to any form of communication that delivers information -The term media which is the plural of medium refers to the communication channels through which we disseminate news, music, movies, education, promotional messages and other data.

1. Need

-Often easier to think of the first stage in the decision process as reflecting people's wants -Defining what the ended might be for the product helps to understand the motivations behind why people might buy -Research conducted directly on the target may reveal that different segments actually have different relationships with the product


-Once consumers know they need a product, the media plan helps make them aware of the choices available -Important not just to make consumers aware of the brand, but also make them aware of the brand's message

Defining the media target audience

-Only by knowing who to reach through the media can a specialist put together a schedule that will convey the brand's message to the right people. Has to be reachable -Media has traditionally been bought and sold based on basic demographics like age, sex, income, education, or race -Newer platforms like digital advertising and addressable TV will start breaking through the use of traditional demographics and increase the use of third-party or customer data or behavioral targeting

Purchase and Use

-Securing new users is much more expensive than maintaining current ones -Media objectives focused on this stage often encourage the use of the product

Media Objectives and ROI:

-Understand how the money being spent in media is helping generate profits -For every dollar spent in media, how much is returned to the company in terms of sales, awareness, or goodwill? -Econometric modeling: statistical models created to explain, mathematically, the value of each dollar spent in media

The media play an important role in our lives

1. Inform 2. entertain and 3. Allow us to socialize

Media planner

1. Planning how best to use media to convey the advertising message to the target consumer

How the media specialist gets to know consumers and brands

1. can talk to consumer through surveys, by mail, telephone, online or in person 2. brand tracking research 3. ethnography

4 main types:

1. network radio 3.satellite 4. streaming audio

What are the competitors up to Marketing issues can be divided into three main areas:

1.Product category trends -One of the most important pre planning considerations for a media specialist is what is happening in your product category 2.Brands trends and share of market 3.Brand's share of requirements

Paid Media: Television:

83% of adults in US have 2 or more TVs Average household has 3 sets TV is traditionally divided up in two ways: 1.Daypart: time of day the program airs. There are nine standard dayparts 2.Format: program formats are similar to content genres and include 12 types

Chapter 5: Exploring the Media: Paid Digital

85% of people in the U.S. are able to access the web from home 97% of home users do so from a high speed connection With direct, immediate and purposeful access, users seek out content that they are interested in Advertisers benefit from the ability to tack use reactivity through a variety of different metrics.

Digital video

95 million people watch videos each day Advertisements were originally 15 to 30 seconds long Often transferred directly from television Adoption of even shorter (6 second) formats Nielsen: best time to advertise is between 12 and 2pm.


ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX Two spanish-language broadcast networks: Univision and Telemundo Television Network: Made up of hundreds of local stations that become affiliates of the national organization

Pay Per Click

Advertisers are charged when users click on their ad placements

How media works with advertising

Advertising in media performs the roles of informing us of the goods and services available for us to purchase connecting us to friends or strangers and entertaining us through humorous, witty or clever content Media advertising offsets the cost of media communications. Without advertising, the price to consume media content would wither cost money (satellite radio) or be much more expensive than it currently is (cable TV)

Spot television

Allows advertisers to pick and choose which programs and stations to use without needing to contract with the network

Spot radio

Allows for custom, targeted and location-specific messaging

Media Researcher

Analyzing the relationship between consumers, media and the brands

Radio "Everywhere" medium

Average listening time of two hours per day and reaches 93% of adults 18+ each week AM and PM Radio (both classified by daypart and format) AM Radio--can broadcast over a wider distance. Signal is impeded by any kind of obstruction FM Radio--- covers smaller distance than AM radio, but offers much better sound quality

Top to bottom

Awareness Consideration Conversion Loyalty Advocacy

Media and Advertising Objective:

Before establishing specific media objectives, it is also essential to focus on how the media affect your advertising goals Frequently, the objective of the advertising is tied to the stage at which the target is in the decision making process


Big is better Mobility Diversity Reinforcing the message

Outdoor: From Billboards to Everywhere Advertising

Bought on a market-by-market basis Used by national and local advertisers Organizations such as Geopath provide more meaningful attribution numbers related to OOH communications


Brief message exposure Environmental concerns

Media Buyer

Buying media space and time for the message

Communication Objectives:

Communication objectives will vary depending on the product being promoted Differing objectives will also affect reach and frequency goals Three main factors to remember when developing communication objectives 1. Campaign timing 2. Category and brand dynamics 3. Media reach and frequency

Streaming Audio

Computer to satellite and terrestrial radio Includes brands such as Pandora, Spotify, etc Podcasts provide direct focused content and often include advertiser sponsorships

Drawbacks of paid digital media to advertisers

Consumer irritation Brand safety Changing metrics

2. brand tracking research

Consumer surveys conducted on a regular basis to see how aware people are of a company's brand and its advertising

Establishing Media Objectives: 3 Media Objectives

Critical part of the media planning process Three main elements involved in media objectives: 1. Defining the target audience 2. Setting communication objectives 3. Considering creative requirements

Click-Through rate:

Describes the percentage of all people exposed to a digital ad that clicked through to the brand website

Completion rate:

Describes the percentage of all people exposed to a video that completed that video

Drawbacks of television to advertisers:

Dollars and sense Cluttering the airwaves Quick cuts Placing spots

The hosting journey

Drive exploration, break the default, engage with quality, connect to the celebration Pre-shop, shop-inspiration, shop-selection, post-shop

Interpreting Sales Trends: (four factors)

Economic, Social, Political, Cultural

How the Marketing Objectives Leads to the Media Objective:

Everything done on the media planning side must be coordinated with the overall marketing strategy If marketing objective is vague, then assessing the success of a plan is difficult Media specialist must look at how the objective will be achieved and/or what strategy to take

Benefits of paid digital media to advertisers

Flexibility Targeted messages Reach Measurability

DBI high vs low

High: Market usually represents good sales potential for both the product and the brand Low: Product category shows high potential but the brand isn't doing well, the reason should be determined

What media are out there?

Historically there was print media (newspapers, magazines, outdoor billboards and direct mail) and electronic media (internet, radio, tv) These lines are blurring

Basic questions a media specialist should ask when looking at the marketplace

How long has this brand been available? How successful has it been throughout its history? How has it been positioned in the past? What do you know about the company that makes this brand?

When and How Much Do Consumers Buy?

If the marketer know when consumers are most likely to buy their product, the media specialist can time the advertising to take advantage of that purchase cycle Link media habits with purchase habits to better deliver the right message to the right target

Digital paid media ad blockers

In an attempt to avoid online advertising, which is often considered clutter or irrelevant, many customers have installed ad blockers


In the background Sound only Short message life Fragmentation

Social media advertising

Initially a place for owned and earned content Accounts for $40 billion of digital ad spend Facebook accounts for 1/3

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Introduced in Europe in 2018, GDPR is a set of rules that require websites to gain the consent of site visitors more explicitly before tracking their online movements.

Search Engine Optimization

Involved changing the terms and details of a website to appear high in a list of search results


Involves the observation of what consumers are doing with the brand More in depth technique for understanding consumers


Last stage is really a feedback loop into the earlier ones Satisfaction is usually not listed as a main marketing or media objective, but should still be kept in mind in the media planning process


Local appeal Format-driven audience Imagery transfer Keeping costs down Frequency builder Radio and ROI Flexible messages


Long planning cycle Digital downsizing

Cable television

Means of receiving television programs by way of wires. Programs sent via satellite from broadcast networks to local affiliates, who then distribute programming signals to subscribers homes

Getting to know the consumer

Media specialist must know two critical pieces of information in order to market the product: 1. Understand how the consumers view and use the product Use of the product is focusing more on the occasion 2. Understand how consumers view and use different media types

More involved process

Need Awareness Preference Search Selection Purchase Use Satisfaction

4 main types of TV available to buy:

Network Syndication Spot television Cable television

Newspapers: All the News that's Fit to Print

Newspaper deficits are due in large part to a shift to digital However, digital readership has grown Reduction in the number of newspapers creates more expensive ad buyers Ad revenue continues to fall

Magazines: An Explosion of Choice:

Originally created to a very general audience Now have a more narrow focus Subject matter specialization helps to reach specific audiences Magazines today: -Magazines reach a broad range of the population -91% of all adults report they read magazines in the previous 6 months

Digital display

Originally similar to print advertisements Oldest type Display- digital advertising content that simply displays a brand name or teaser and a link to another site Rich media- digital advertising content that includes sound, motion and interactivity Behavioral targeting: digital ad targeting based on where you have been online.

How has media business changed

Over the years, each area of media has been consolidated into a few extremely large companies that control the vast majority of content in their respective spaces Consumers interact with media on daily basis and usually with multiple forms of media a day The role of media in conveying information through advertising is not something consumers generally consider

3 Types of Media Platforms

Paid: includes ratio, tv, internet, magazines, etc. Most ads are paid ads Owned: segments of the media where brands own the content. They do not have to pay for it every-time they put a message out. Ex: your office building Earned: mainly social media where advertisers try to earn the trust and attention of the consumer. ex: retweet you earn it


Product: what is being sold to the consumer Price: how much to charge in order to make a profit Place (distribution): how and where the product will be available Promotion: letting potential buyers know what is being offered

Role of Media in Business

Purpose of this class is to discuss commercial media-media is designed to sell products to customers. A media or medium may be defined as a means by which something is accomplished, conveyed or transferred

Satellite Radio

Require special receivers (much like satellite television) Far less advertising than on other radio forms Very targeted audience

Example Marketing Objectives:

SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound Increase the average customer purchase by 12% by suggesting additional products at checkout in 2021 Develop and launch 5 new conversion funnels on the website per month to increase the number of new leads by 10% Sell 1,000 units of the new product within the first 30 days after launch Establish partnership with a 3 new industry influencers by the end of the year and develop discount for their followers

Media Seller

Selling that space or time to the advertiser

Share of market vs share of requirements

Share of market: percentage of total category sales that a brand enjoys Share of requirements (wallet): percentage of total category volume accounted for by particular brand's users

Network radio

Structurally similar to network television Less important to local advertisers Simple process benefits advertisers


Syndication: an individual program (or a package of several) is solid on a station-by-station basis, regardless of affiliation Many network programs aim to produce enough episodes to go into the syndicated marketplace (85 or more episodes)

Media categories:

TV, radio, outdoor, newspaper, magazine, digital, social, e-commerce, search, other

Matching Media to Decision Journeys:

Television, radio and outdoor advertising is frequently used to create and enhance awareness (awareness) Tv, magazines, social media (ESP Indluencers) can help develop consumer preferences (consideration) Retail or local ads (social, digital, etc) help reach consumers who are searching for your brand (search and conversion) Special discounts and promotions encourage people to select the marketers' offering (loyalty, advocacy)

Digital paid media

The primary benefit of digital media lies in an advertiser's ability to measure performance

The simplest form is

Think,feel do


Today or never Active readers Black and white

Benefits of television to advertisers:

True to life Most persuasive Reaching the masses Digital targets

Media plan:

coordinated effort, often involving multiple media types, that is designed to provide the target consumers with brand experience through media All aspects of media plan should relate to and work toward the brand's marketing and media objective

Programmatic advertising-

digital that leverages computers to determine where best to reach the desired targets as they go online and then direct ads to them on the sites they visit.

BDI high vs low

high: Category isn't selling well but the brand is; may be a good market in which to advertise, but should be monitored for sales decline low:Both the product category and the brand are doing poorly, not likely to be a good place to advertise

Category Development Index (CDI):

looks at product category sales in each potential region or market

Paid media:

marketing that you pay for TV ads, print advertising, sponsorships, other types of media Digital marketing, paid media includes pay-per-click (PPC) ads, paid social media ads, and search engine marketing (SEM)_

Platforms initially experimented

now most moving to all programmatic models.

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