Medical Sociology

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(adj.) hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded; (n.) a sheltered place, a hiding place


(adj.) open, not hidden, expressed or revealed in a way that is easily recognized


Brenner's thesis is that there are few areas of our lives not intimately affected by the state of the

centers for disease and control



Health lifestyles activities typically take place_____the health care delivery system.

health and illness behavior

Medical sociologists divide health-oriented behavior into two general categories:

social capital

Putman defines ________ as a community-level resource reflected in social relationships involving networks, but also norms, and levels of trust.

sanitary, infectious, chronic

first three epidemiological era appear


for all causes of death ___ have highest death rates

Asians and Pacific Islanders

for all causes of death ___have lowest death rates

access to resources

hhow does the neighbohood ou live in produce good or poor healh

heterosexual relations

how is aids transmitted in africa

78 years

in 2004, averge infant in the US could be expected to live for

tuskegee- syphillis study

in which study were syphillis patients intentionally not treated and allowed to die

heart disease

leading cause of death in the US

Heart disease

leading cause of death in women after age 66


most dangerous job


most prevalent health problem of persons over age 65




one of the greatest threats worldwide from infectious diseases comes from what


people are too integrated into society and feel that is the only way to escape


people become detached from society and are overwhelmed by resulting stress


people kill themselves because there situation is hopeless


people suffer from sudden disloaction where their norms are no longer relevant so controls of society no longer constrains them from suicide


people who become infected wih hiv may be subjected to discrimination which can isolate them socially, what is this social outcome called

looking glass self

the theory of ____ maintains that our self concepts are the result of social interaction which we see ourswlves reflected in other people


weber maintains that life ___ influence life conduct life choices

migrant workers, birth control pills, idealogy of sexual liberation and permissivness among young urban adults new pattern of employment

what caused the prevalance of stds to soar around the globe


what federal program provides health insurance to those 65 years and older

sick role

what important concept did Parson's book social system contain

refers to episode of a disorder illness or injury inovlving a person

what is a case in a epidemiological term


what minority group is most likely to use hospital er as primary source of medical services


where is equality in living conditions among the best in the world


which ses factor is the strongest single predictor of good health

lower class

which socail class visits physcians the msot

middle class

which social class visits the doctors the least

lower class/ poor

who are exposed to more violence in their daily lives and find themselves in a situation where stress and less oppurtunity for quality health care are common

5 years

women out lvie men by how many years

Engel and Marx

work of what two scholars linked the poor health of the english working class to capatilaism in a treatise published in 1845

engineering and sanitation methods

According to the World Health Organization, significant improvements in health in the nineteenth century were brought about by what might be called

mass media

In Rosenstock's model, what would be an example of an external trigger?


The interaction between life choices and life chances produces ____ toward particular forms of action. These constitute a "habitus" according to Bourdieu.


The number or proportion of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at a given time.

physical mental and social being

WHO defines health as

postmedical era

WHO we are currently living in

homeopathic, outside legit medicare system

What are the components of self-care? What factors promote self-care on the part of laypersons?

self care

What is the most common response to symptoms of illness by people throughout the world?


Which group has the highest percentage of persons without health insurance?


Which scholar initially provided a theoretical approach for medical sociology

all stages

Which stage of Suchman's concept of the illness experience requires decision-making by the sick person?


Who suggests two major types of stress are: life events and chronic strains?


Woman's reproductive role accounts for less than ______percent of all doctor visits.

black .... white / male .... female

____ babies die more often than ___ babies

migrant work

____ in subsaharan africa plays a particularly important role in the transmision of aids


a major factor causing the infant mortality differnces between black and white is ____


aids potentially entered the US through what country

20 %

by 2050 it is projected that ___ of all americans will be 65 or older

social / psycholgical

compared to women, men usually have substantial health inferiority in terms of life expectancy becuase of the combination of two major effects biological and _____ effects

origin and distribution

epidemiologist studies both ___ and ____ of helath problems in a population

not reduced

results have shown that the equalization of health care alone has _____ the disparity in health between social classes

social class

several studies find the strongest and most consistent predictor of a persons health and life expectancy is


social status is a _____ dimension in a social class consisting of how much esteem the person is accorded by other people

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