Medsurg 2 Exam 2 prepU

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The nurse obtains a Snellen eye chart when assessing cranial nerve function. Which cranial nerve is the nurse testing when using the chart?


A nurse is preparing to administer an antiseizure medication to a client. Which of the following is an appropriate antiseizure medication?


The nurse is performing an initial nursing assessment on a client with possible Guillain-Barre syndrome. Which of the following findings would be most consistent with this diagnosis?

Muscle weakness and hyporeflexia of the lower extremities

Which is the initial diagnostic test for a stroke?

Noncontrast computed tomography

Which of the following is the first-line therapy for myasthenia gravis (MG)?

Pyridostigmine bromide (Mestinon)

A client on your unit is scheduled to have intracranial surgery in the morning. Which nursing intervention helps to avoid intraoperative complications, reduce cerebral edema, and prevent postoperative vomiting?

restrict fluids before surgery

There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves. Only three are sensory. Select the cranial nerve that is affected with decreased visual fields.


The nurse is caring for a client who is experiencing increased intracranial pressure (ICP), resulting from a pituitary adenoma. The nurse should anticipate which intervention will likely be prescribed to help decrease this client's ICP?

Transsphenoidal surgery

The nurse is assessing the throat of a client with throat pain. In asking the client to stick out the tongue, the nurse is also assessing which cranial nerve?


Which cerebral lobes is the largest and controls abstract thought?


The nurse is instructing a community class when a student asks, "How does someone get super strength in an emergency?" The nurse should respond by describing the action of the:

sympathetic nervous system

Which cerebral lobe contains the auditory receptive areas?


Which of the following drugs may be used after a seizure to maintain a seizure-free state?


Which of the following is the most common side effect of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)?


A client is receiving an IV infusion of mannitol (Osmitrol) after undergoing intracranial surgery to remove a brain tumor. To confirm that this drug is producing its therapeutic effect, the nurse should consider which finding most significant?

increased urine output

The nurse is caring for a patient with Parkinson's disease and is preparing to administer medication. What does the nurse administer to the patient that is considered the most effective drug currently given for the tremor of Parkinson's?


The nurse explains to the client with projectile vomiting and severe headache that a medication is being prescribed to reduced edema surrounding the brain and lessen these symptoms. What medication is the nurse preparing to administer?


Which term describes the fibrous connective tissues that cover the brain and spinal cord?


Which of the following is a disorder due to a lesion in the basal ganglia?


A client asks the nurse to explain the development of Parkinson disease (PD). Which response will the nurse provide the client?

"It is caused by low levels of dopamine that are not available to counteract the effects of acetylcholine."; decreased levels of dopamine due to destruction of pigmented neuronal cells

The nurse is assisting with administering a Tensilon test to a patient with ptosis. If the test is positive for myasthenia gravis, what outcome does the nurse know will occur?

Thirty seconds after administration, the facial weakness and ptosis will be relieved for approximately 5 minutes.

A nurse is reviewing a patient's laboratory test results. Which serum albumin level would lead the nurse to suspect that the patient is at risk for pressure ulcers?

2.5 g/mL

Cerebral edema peaks at which time point after intracranial surgery?

24 hours

A nurse assesses the patient's level of consciousness using the Glasgow Coma Scale. What score indicates severe impairment of neurologic function?


A nurse is assisting during a lumbar puncture. How should the nurse position the client for this procedure?

Lateral recumbent, with thighs flexed

A nurse is assessing a newly admitted client with meningitis. Which of the following findings in this client is most likely?

Positive Brudzinski's sign

The nurse practitioner is able to correlate a patient's neurologic deficits with the location in the brain affected by ischemia or hemorrhage. For a patient with a left hemispheric stroke, the nurse would expect to see:

right sided paralysis

A client with newly diagnosed seizures asks about stigma associated with epilepsy. The nurse will respond with which of the following statements?

"Many people with developmental disabilities resulting from neurologic damage also have epilepsy."

Which nursing interventions might need to be considered in a care plan for a client with advanced multiple sclerosis? Select all that apply.

- Establish a voiding time schedule. - Encourage the client to walk with feet wide apart. - Ensure access to a language board when communicating with the client.

The provider diagnoses the patient as having had an ischemic stroke. The etiology of an ischemic stroke would include which of the following?

cardiogenic emboli

The trochlear nerve controls which function?

eye muscle movement

An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor of which cranial nerve?


The provider orders the Romberg test for a patient. The nurse tells the patient that the provider wants to evaluate his equilibrium by assessing which cranial nerve?


A nurse is working with a patient to establish a bowel training program. Based on the nurse's understanding of bowel function, the nurse would suggest planning for bowel evacuation at which time?

After breakfast

A client with myasthenia gravis is admitted with an exacerbation. The nurse is educating the client about plasmapheresis and explains this in which of the following statements?

Antibodies are removed from the plasma.

A client has undergone a lumbar puncture as part of a neurological assessment. The client is put under the care of a nurse after the procedure. Which important postprocedure nursing intervention should be performed to ensure the client's maximum comfort?

Encourage the client to drink liberal amounts of fluids

The nurse is caring for an 82-year-old client diagnosed with cranial arteritis. What is the priority nursing intervention?

administer corticosteroids as ordered

The nurse is caring for a patient with Huntington's disease in the long-term care facility. What does the nurse recognize as the most prominent symptom of the disease that the patient exhibits?

Rapid, jerky, involuntary movements

A client is hospitalized when presenting to the emergency department with right-sided weakness. Within 6 hours of being admitted, the neurologic deficits had resolved and the client was back to his presymptomatic state. The nurse caring for the client knows that the probable cause of the neurologic deficit was what?

Transient ischemic attack

The nurse is caring for a client with Bell's palsy. Which of the following teaching points is a priority in the management of symptoms for this client?

Use ophthalmic lubricant and protect the eye.

A patient comes to the emergency department with severe pain in the face that was stimulated by brushing the teeth. What cranial nerve does the nurse understand can cause this type of pain?


The nurse who is employed in a neurologist's office is performing a history and assessment on a client experiencing hearing difficulty. The nurse is most correct to gather equipment to assess the function of which cranial nerve?


A nurse is caring for a client with a history of severe migraines. The client has a medical history that includes asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and three pregnancies. Which medication does the nurse anticipate the physician will order for the client's migraines?

Verapamil (Calan)

A client diagnosed with a stroke is ordered to receive warfarin. Later, the nurse learns that the warfarin is contraindicated and the order is canceled. The nurse knows that the best alternative medication to give is


Which term refers to the inability to coordinate muscle movements, resulting in difficulty walking?


Lesions in the temporal lobe may result in which type of agnosia?


A patient recently noted difficulty maintaining his balance and controlling fine movements. The nurse explains that the provider will order diagnostic studies for the part of his brain known as the:


A nurse is monitoring a client for increasing intracranial pressure (ICP). Early signs of increased ICP include:

changes in LOC; diminished responsiveness; lethargy and stupor.

If a client has a lower motor neuron lesion, the nurse would expect to observe which manifestation upon physical assessment?

decreased muscle tone

The nurse is completing an assessment on a client with myasthenia gravis. Which of the following historical recounting provides the most significant evidence regarding when the disorder began?

drooping eyelids

A client undergoes a craniotomy with supratentorial surgery to remove a brain tumor. On the first postoperative day, the nurse notes the absence of a bone flap at the operative site. How should the nurse position the client's head?

elevated 30 degrees

A nurse is providing care to a client who has had a stroke. Which symptoms are consistent with left-sided stroke?

expressive aphasia, defects in the right visual fields, problems with abstract thinking

A patient sustained a head injury during a fall and has changes in personality and affect. What part of the brain does the nurse recognize has been affected in this injury?


Cranial nerve IX is also known as which of the following?


Excessive levels of which neurotransmitter has been implicated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)?


The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems have a direct effect on the circulatory system. Stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) causes which of the following?

heartbeat to decrease

The nurse assesses initial skin redness in a patient who is at risk for skin breakdown. How should the nurse document this finding?


The nurse practitioner advises a patient who is at high risk for a stroke to be vigilant in his medication regimen, to maintain a healthy weight, and to adopt a reasonable exercise program. This advice is based on research data that shows the most important risk factor for stroke is:


The nurse has completed evaluating the client's cranial nerves. The nurse documents impairment of the right cervical nerves (CN IX and CN X). Based on these findings, the nurse should instruct the client to

refrain from eating or drinking for now.

The nurse is caring for a client recovering from a carotid endarterectomy. Which finding indicates to the nurse that the client is experiencing hyperperfusion syndrome?

severe unilateral headache

A client is being treated for increased intracranial pressure (ICP). The nurse should ensure that the client does not develop hypothermia because:

shivering in hypothermia can increase ICP.

The nurse is caring for a client immediately after supratentorial intracranial surgery. The nurse performs the appropriate action by placing the patient in the

supine position with the head slightly elevated.

When learning about the nervous system, students learn that which nervous system regulates the expenditure of energy?


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