MedTerm Lesson 17
tensor tympani muscle
Ear drum tensing muscle
arrectores pilorum muscle
Hair raising muscle
flexor pollicis longus muscle
Long muscle that flexes the thumb
mentalis muscle
Muscle of the chin
extensor digiti minimi muscle
Muscle that extends the pinky finger
levator ani muscle
Muscle that lifts the anus
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle
Muscle that lifts the upper lip and the wing of the nostril
abductor hallucis muscle
Muscle that moves the big toe away
adductor hallucis muscle
Muscle that moves the big toe toward the body
articularis genus muscle
Muscle that moves the knee joint
depressor labii inferioris muscle
Muscle that moves the lower lip down
abductor digiti minimi muscle
Muscle that moves the pinky finger away from the body
abductor pollicis muscle
Muscle that moves the thumb away
corrugator supercilii muscle
Muscle that wrinkles the eyebrow
opponens pollicis muscle
Opposing muscle of the thumb
sphincter ani externus muscle
Ring shaped muscle on the inside of the anus
sphincter pupillae muscle
Ring shaped pupil muscle
flexor digiti minimi brevis manus muscle
Short muscle in the hand that flexes the small finger
extensor hallucis brevis muscle
Short muscle that extends the big toe
extensor pollicis brevis muscle
Short muscle that extends the thumb
flexor hallucis brevis muscle
Short muscle that flexes the big toe
femoris muscle
Thigh muscle
triceps surae muscle
Three headed calf muscle