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Congress of Vienna

"The reaction" -habsburgs of vienna meet during (1814-1815) to discuss- further steps for europe -conservative order of france blew up -Klemens Von Metternich creates "blue print" of further steps necessary to be taken by other in Europe -Congress system: the new peace of westphalia -be governmening european politics -from holy alliance(1815) to Quintuple alliance (1818) -spreads out into including france and britain -The holy alliance is getting rid of any ideas relating to sovereignty// providing norm//return to the ideas of divine right -French revolution is considered a failure because after they failed their revolution, they join the alliance to prevent democracy's and revolutions -trying to control their people so nothing occurs compared to the french revolution -Ideological spectrum c. late 19th century -radical;anarchism/direct democracy -liberal;constitutional republic -conservative; constitutional monarchy -monarchs are giving power to their people for a compromise -Louis attempts to be an absolute monarchy yet the idea of absolutism become outdated


"When the people shall have nothing more to ear. They will eat the rich."-Rousseau -new gov. Formed after this event: National COnvention -lead by the Jacobins who were the bourgeois who allied with the san culot(peasantry) -always arguing how more needed be done -driving force behind the radical phase(revolution) -very different and more so radical enlightenment thinkers -rosseau: love the direct revolution -they are atheists claiming that religion is a scam -Believed that the illuminati controlled illuminati affairs "The system of anarchy recently developed in france, of which the feature suggests a bavarian origin."-henri martin, french historian -religion made no sense for them so they thought that they should just destroy it -When they end up taking control, austria sends entire army to liberate the king "Release the king and queen now or else we will completely destroy paris.." -jacobin response was a political cartoon with a literal wall of butts pooping on the kings of europe -after defeating the king's armies they will try to bring together and remake france in their own image -Jacobins defeated french government and create a collective,massive army and defeated other monarchies -remake image: helping the poor with things such as "price control" Remembering the Jacobins -went away and much of france felt relieved

Louis XVI

- "Enlightened" absolutist -wasn't willing to give up lot of absolute power to people -became unpopular because of dept and great amount of taxation against the people

Louis XVI of France

- "Enlightened" absolutist -wasn't willing to give up lot of absolute power to people -became unpopular because of dept and great amount of taxation against the people

King Louis XIV

- "Sun King" Son of Louis the 13th -going to have an incredibly long reign -high point of France's power Sun King because he saw himself as the sun - all things revolve around the sun -he thought of himself as the center of everything he was France itself

Catherine the Great of Russia

- claims that a monarch's power is meant to glorify the citizens of the state and the sovereigns - Her power isn't meant to oppress them but make them fall into line -A monarch should not be overly strict with the subjects - A monarch's main purpose is to guide the people through rules and consequences and not to take away their freedom -She was hypocritical towards them because she said that she wasn't here to force power upon her people - yet at the same time she banished a whole population - she banished the Jews because some of her subjects told her they had problems with the Jews so she did listen to her subjects

Napoleon's Grand Army

- was the army commanded by Napoleon during the Napoleonic Wars -From 1805 to 1809, the Grande Armée scored a streak of historic victories that gave the French Empire an unprecedented grip on power over the European continent - Widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest fighting forces ever assembled -it suffered terrible losses during the French invasion of Russia in 1812 -never recovered its tactical superiority after that campaign

Wars of Napoleon

-(1814-15), two treaties signed at Paris respectively in 1814 and 1815 that ended the Napoleonic War -The treaty signed on May 30, 1814, was between France on the one side and the Allies (Austria, Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, Sweden, and Portugal) on the other

Execution of Louis XVI

-1793 louis XVI is executed by his people: jacobins -The jacobins further execute Marie-Louis XVI wife -Louis XVI's last words "I die innocent of all the crimes laid to my charge; I pardon those who have cause my death; and I pray to Gd that the blood you are going to shed may never be visited among the french people.."

Age of Reason

-17th century period of philosophy before Enlightenment -Rationalism: belief in logic and reason as the way to find truth -Empiricism: acquiring truth through observation and experimentation

Bourbon Dynasty

-A dynasty ruled under King Henry of Navarre's rule

Frederick II "the Great" of Prussia

-A sovereign should rule with the best interest of the common people at mind - not only with care for his own prestige -a ruler should maintain his power by showing that he deserves this power - should not use it to his own good -he is there to be of help to his people and should act with honesty and wisdom and is not there to torture his people -He was ruler for the people while his father was ruling to use his people -He doesn't care as much as his father did about being high and mighty - He is throwing away the expectation of prior rulers and saying that even great ruler can play modest instruments

Restoration of the Monarchy

-After the people realized that Cromwell was not a good leader they asked Charles the II son of Charles the I to return to England -When King Charles II died James II rose to the throne brother of charles II -he had converted to catholicism on his deathbed therefore people were mad when they realized that their King was Catholic in a protestant country

War of Spanish Succession

-Alarmed that the union of France and Spain would throw off Europe's balance of power, the Grand Alliance of the Nine Years' War -once again convenes to stop Louis from gaining the throne of France The War of Spanish Succession is fought across Europe and the Americas -making it one of the world's first global wars - France loses colonies and power, and the Treaty of Utrecht that ends the war prevented the unity of Spain and France


-Belief in God as creator who does not intervene in the world -allows it to run according it own natural laws

Immanuel Kant

-Believed only what one's reason can prove for themselves - Using own understanding and emerging from immaturit -Skeptic because he believe in questioning everything, and believes in a strong sense of rationality

French Revolutionary Wars

-Bourgeoise makes claim for war on all the state's questioning/attacking their monarchy -austrians and prussians are gonna join forces to fight france; even though history between the two countries have acted out(been enemies) -chaos in france from just settling and creating new government -not much central authority -Great Insurrection: August 10, 1792 -war makes bread prices go up even more//peasants going to be even more furious -Everything blamed on King LOuis for leading war against the other countries -assume that they are trying to free him so that is why he is performing so bad -Peasants and other estates rise up to revolt -Louis XVI runs away to legislative assembly and asks bourgeoisie to protect him; which they do -Those of the revolting group have the ability to overthrow the king and assembly -new gov. Formed after this event: National COnvention -lead by the Jacobins who were the bourgeois who allied with the san culot(peasantry) -always arguing how more needed be done

Storming of the Bastille

-Crowds of angry, hungry, poor Parisian workers of the 3rd Estate in search of weapons attacked and captured the royal prison fortress -his intervention of the Parisian lower class population saved the bourgeois politicians who made the Tennis Court Oath from the wrath of King Louis -was going to use his army to crush the bourgeois Tennis Court Oath -created great "fear" among the people of the rest of france


-Doubtful, questioning attitude towards all thing, especially religion


-During the Enlightenment starting around 1750, art began to move away from the extravaganza of Baroque -back towards the simplicity and dignity of classical antiquity -This new form of art came to be known as Neoclassicism

Scientific Revolution

-Emergence of modern science transformed views on society and nature

1755 Lisbon Earthquake

-Enlightenment begins 1715 -centered in france// referred to as an french movement -Louis XIV death lead to 3 intellectual thought// had initially been crushed by louis -Enlightenment ends in 1789 because French revolution ends -Enlightenment compared to renaissance b/c people are using rational thought in society -Enlightenment has a petrarch; john locke -an english intellectual arriving in 1688 -one of the first enlightenment thinkers -apply science to society -very good friend of isaac newton -influenced by Newton's ideas of a universe operating by precise scientific laws(laws of nature) -they had a bromance -newton influenced locke -lived during Glorious Revolution(1688) -Constitutionalism was an important idea -Locke combined glorious revolution and newton's laws of nature -locke hypothesis: England during revolution discovered a secret which was the law of nature that governed proper human interaction -believed people could live peacefully together if you could discover the "law of nature" that governed proper human interaction -nature philosopher Two Treatises on Gov. 1690- outlines idea of natural rights(life,liberty,property) "Natural"=scientific -philosophies of the enlightenment build on locke's analytical approach Lisbon Earthquake -strongest earthquake to hit europe -lisbon is a great city of portugal; very catholic -catholics(100,000) would leave their homes to church for the holy day -holiest day in the catholic calendar -9.0 earthquake strikes and takes down all churches -all the people in the church praying were crushed and then killed by the fallen churches -People start looking to different explanations -didn't believe that witches had more power than of God New philosophies: New intellectual developments centered in individual curiosity and laws of natural world(which was generally understood to mean what we refer to today as "science")

John Locke

-Famous for the idea that people can overthrow the government -Natural rights: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of property One notable outcome of the English Bill of rights - Constitutional was the idea government, social contract: the king can still rule but the people have to agree to this government -they have to give consent, the bill of rights is a major part of the contract -gov. guarantee certain rights for the people.

Olympe de Gouges

-Feminist Enlightenment activist and advocate for human rights. -Citizenship in new French Republic was restricted to men


-First European to make systematic observations of the heavens using a telescope​ -His observations showed mountains and craters on the moon -suggesting the planets were made out of material substances similar to earth

Seven Years' War

-First real great world war, france will make a bunch of country stir up on their side -they wanted to be the major power of the world, they were against Prussia and Britain however they had Austria, Russia, Spain, Sweden and more countries on their side -they fought a major world war to keep their overseas power -France lost and they started accumulating a major war depth, France was a nation of contradiction

Women and Science

-For women there were no Scientific Revolution men ceased to be scientific when describing women anatomical structure - Men maintained a bias to the traditional views of women's nature function and role

Support for American Revolution

-France is spending wealth and time with supporting America -Has a great contribution to the American revolution and the americans winning -quite happy helping this new republic -America will become a new respected heaven - Succeed in American revolution by weakening England -7-year war and American revolution support takes a lot of wealth from france

Ancien Regime

-France would be a country of contradiction -France is the major super power on one hand but on the other hand it has a society back from the middle ages, old society -Still a society living in the past - They had a King that ruled through divine right, it was an estates system, - the first estate was the clergy, the second estates were the nobles and knights (this was only 3% of the country) - the third estate was 97% of society -The top two estates had to pay very few taxes and had the most money -France was modernizing while their estate system was still very old -they had one of the most advanced economic system

Galileo and the Church

-Galileo was denounced in 1615 for holding as true a false doctrine -The Council of Trent prohibited interpreting the scriptures -they pronounced galileo as a suspect of heresy -contradicted the church's doctrines

Georges Danton

-He was a leading figure in the early stages of the French Revolution and the first PResident of the Committee of Public Safety -Historians describe him as the chief force in the overthrow of the monarchy -He was later surpassed and overthrown by Robespierre

Napoleonic Code

-He wrote a set of laws that applied to everyone. -They were clear, logical and easily understood by all citizens It tried to achieve a compromise between the past and the revolution It eliminated all feudal and royal privileges, it allowed freedom of speech and worship along with public trial jury for all people -Also it had right of property


-Head executive of the regents - pace holder for a king - they don't have a king but it is the figurehead of the government - Not really a ruler, -cannot make decisions on his own -cannot make significant decisions


-Heliocentrism, or heliocentrism - is the astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the Solar System.

House of Orange

-Hereditary dutch family -William of Orange came from this family -they were the leading family -the stadholder had to come from the House of Orange


-His main ideas were: → Religious fanaticism still exists. He argues that the disease religious fanaticism still exists, diminishing human species. → Countries that see themselves as enlightened are not truly enlightened because they still act on barbarous actions to eliminate people because they are different. -He argues that this needs to stop. → Europe would be larger if there had not been all of these religious wars that killed thousands

Baron d' Holbach

-Holbach: Believed One should think for themselves and find their own happiness -he should not be driven by others to do things -he shouldn't believe things/the truth upon the authority of others - preached Atheism because he completely rejects traditional sources of the Church -is completely against Christianity.

Committee of Public Safety

-Jacobins are only proclaiming the democracy and further pause it (NOT YET) -protect revolution from its enemies

Haiti and the Radical Phase

-Jacobins take the step to free the slaves -claims that the liberals of the liberal phase are frauds -we claim that the rights are only to be obtained by french men when it should be implied to the universe -first white european nation to free the slaves -Georges danton states that if those of haiti serve to fight in the army, then those will become free Radical phase(1792-1794) -France forgets haitian nation for a while// unaware of what to do with the nation

Political tension with Parliament and the Gentry

-James I ruled in Scotland as absolute monarch with divine right - was consumed to rule Scotland with absolute power and control with the Divine right -problem is that previous tudors (rulers) did not do it that way they rules with Parliament - Nobles could share power with the king -Parliament became gentrified -Gentry: wealthy (widely Puritan) landowners make up much of Parliament -Powerful economic elite They weren't very tolerant of this ideas of absolutism

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

-King Louis XIV appoints Jean-Baptiste Colbert as his Finance Minister -Colbert pursues a policy of Mercantilism, and increasingly centralizes economic control through funding public works and regulating French markets -He increased France's colonial holdings -sought to create a favorable balance of trade to support Louis's spending habit

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

-King Louis XVI attempts to flee Paris for Varennes, but is captured -King Louis now seen as a traitor to the state -New Civil Constitution of the Clergy goes into effect in order for the government to gain control of the Church -all clergy must take an oath of loyalty to the constitution, and church officials would be elected by the people (nationalizes the Catholic Church)

Constitution of 1793

-Lead by jacobins -rebirth of republican democracy; since roman republic -all about bringing sovereignty back to the people -democratic form of gov -all men regardless on whether or not if they own land can vote -Women are still excluded -majorly celebrated as a real enlightenment constitution


-Leader of Committee of Public safety -Claims that a lot of people want to overthrow government because they are upset with the execution of Louis XVI therefore they need to fight off the enemies at the time -to protect people's rights, he will cancel them in order to fight off the monarchs in europe -Puts into effect a Levee en Masse: "A nation in arms" -the people in the country are forced to serve -force all french male citizens to join the army -army jacobins form reflect the changes of the french revolution -creates a new national identity for france -the birth of modern european nationalism -the french citizen willing to fight with weapons for the nation -the new army crushes spain, austria, italy, prussia -conquers much of italy and austria

Poor Harvests and Bread Shortages

-Little Ice Age; global cooling during 15/16 -rain and ice coming down on crops -crops which are needed to grow beard results in a widespread shortage of bread as there is not enough -rapid increase in price of bread/ it is rare -families/ constant riots need their bread to provide for their lives Failure to reform -Bourgeoise see the bad structure in the society -French kingdom from the wars that the Louis XVI calls the Estates-General -Each estate representatives would meet and each estate would get one vote; nobles, etc. -complained that their wasn't right to get one vote -demanded reform for a greater say and to tax the nobility not just the 3rd estate -Bourgeoisie finds that the doors of the estate-general are locked even though Louis XVI said that they should come over -Went to a nearby tennis court to make an oath; Tennis court Oath -oath that they are going to change the system today

Revocation of the Edict of Nantes

-Louis XIV cancels the Edict of Nantes -which protects religious rights of Huguenots - did not like Protestantism, and sought to unite France under "one religion under one king." -Huguenots are persecuted all across France -Many flee

Dutch War

-Louis XIV tries to expand France's boundaries by initiating the Dutch War -captured the Spanish Netherlands and gained 12 towns for his country. Confident with his success - led his army to invade the Dutch Netherlands -France gained several towns here as well -emerged from the war as Europe's most powerful country

Isaac Newton

-Mathematician, develops universal​ ​law​ ​of​ ​gravitation to explain all motion in the universe - Created a new picture of the universe as a great machine operating according to laws of nature


-Medical doctor, one of the fathers of modern medicine founded the discipline.. - toxicology​: studying the harmful effects of chemicals on the human body.


-Merchants and educated people in the third estate, educated middle class, were not born nobles but still had a lot of money -sometimes more than the nobles - They got richer with this new economic system but it created conflict within them and the nobles

Nationalist Reactions

-Napoleon has had army washed out by Russia -does not find much of an option left but surrender -Because France is defeated by other countries, higher authorities take him to an island Elba to be exiled -yet many people love him so it would not work -Problem: Elba was really close to france -Effect: Someone claims him and brings him back to France -Rises up to higher power yet his army is crushed again by netherlands -Battle of Waterloo (1815) Napoleon loses army -Therefore is exiled to an island off of south africa; St. Helena -Bourbon Restoration (1815) -led by King Louis 16th -younger leader brings back the royal powers and established the nobility -restorative the divine right and absolute monarchy

Haiti and Napoleon

-Napoleon is not very favorable to free haitians -attempts to use haiti as a launch point for france into the new world -french imported hundreds of attack dogs from cuba -The french army would fail in haiti and hair would defeat them -dessalines attempts to get rid of every white individual of haiti "We should have the skin of a white men for paper , his head for a inkwell, his blood for ink and the knife as a pen."-Dessalines secretary -thomas jefferson was terrified about what was happening in Haiti -United states ends relation of trade with haiti

Educational system

-Napoleon wanted to emphasize "careers open to the talented" -He was tired of just the nobility getting education therefore he set up the system of Lycées, which allowed for many people to study what they wished to study and have a higher education -It was easier for people to rise up in the ranks of social power because everyone was allowed an education


-National assembly -lead by the bourgeoisie//first leader of the french revolution -lead by wealthy and education bourgeoise -liberalism; two philosophers -john locke founding father of political liberalism -more representative gov. -rights-social contract and having a gov based off that -economic liberalism founded by adam smith -known as capitalism; more economic freedom -france at the time is a more merchants monarchy -accumulating as much gold as possible to look like they have more wealth and power -bourgeoisie want more money -18h century political/economic spectrum "Moderate phase" Welfare-radical-absolute monarchy Capitalism-liberal-constitutional monarchy mercantilism -conservative-absolute monarchy -Goals of liberal Phase (1789-1791) Increase representation Limit the power of the king Limit the power of the nobility and clergy -set up the rights of the man and the citizen; people are created in equal in their rights and privileges -the nobility in france were entitled to special rights and bourgeoisie wanted to change this because they wanted the same rights

Dutch Republic

-Netherlands gain independence from peace of westphalia -mostly a trade empire -take advantage of being one of the northernmost of the atlantic ships -best launching points to send ships -create own massive trade company -dutch east india company; send ships and trade out in the world -banking system; bank of amsterdam -become a piggy for a lot of europe -regents are dutch form of gentry; merchants and bankers -regents-burghers -power based on trade -have the real power -founding/wealthing class- have the ability to make decisions in part of dutch republic- make laws -incredibly wealthy and own an immense amount of land -Stadholder; figure head of the netherlands -doesn't have much power -can't make decisions that will affect the dutch republic by itself

Influences on Absolutism

-New monarchs: centralization of a nation -Peace of Westphalia: recognize other nations borders -final nail in coffin to destroy catholic church authority -no more religious rivalry -Create modern conception of borders -recognize the authority of each country is the sovereignty; complete and all control of their land -king of Spain has control of what is in Spain -No one liked Charles V: concept people didn't respect for hims controlling so much land


-Outlaw christianity and catholicism in france -implementing state run atheism -Notre Dame Cathedral: transformed into the temple of reason -not praising god but prising the scientific reason for everything -god was seen as a scam -france was basis of catholicism so this was all weird -This was too extreme for the french people and even the jacobins -instead of state run atheism they continue with state run deism -Unknown god ruled by scientific reasoning "God doesn't care.." -Kings invented god to keep power -They are no longer able to do this with their crimes -claim that they are getting rid of god in the benefit of the french monarchy -jacobins are going to execute 40,000 people in a single year through the death penalty -Robespierre claims that those being killed were enemies of the government -"society only owes protection to peaceful citizens"-rosiere


-Parisian women established the institution of the salon by the last quarter of the seventeenth century -Aspiring hostesses competed to attract the talented, the witty, and the powerful to their homes -Outside the powerful French court and frequently in opposition to it, these new social circles offered women a new possibility: - that of being a salonniere, who by her graciousness and skill enabled conversation to flourish -artists to find patrons, and aristocrats to be amused

Cromwell's Protectorate

-Protectorate began in 1653 when Oliver Cromwell was appointed Lord Protector of the Commonwealth under the terms of the Instrument of Government - In 1659 the Protectorate Parliament was dissolved by the Committee of Safety as Richard Cromwell -had succeeded his father as Lord Protector -was unable to keep control of the Parliament and the Army -This marked the end of the Protectorate and the start of a second period of rule by the Rump Parliament as the legislature and the Council of State as the executive

Rousseau on Women

-Rousseau said that woman as specifically created to please men -the duty of the two sexes are not the same -A woman should be loyal to her husband -they cannot cheat on their husband however if their husband cheats on them it is not as big of a deal -Their only matter is to educate their children and to please men, to honour them

Peter the Great of Russia

-Russia was weakened prior to the rise of Peter the Great - had missed out on the Renaissance so they lacked many of the progressions that the rest of Europe enjoyed -Peter required for his people to be culturally as good as western civilization -He wanted them to dress like germans, act like germans, and do everything that the germans did -Some advantages could be to prove to Western civilization that they could be just as good as them - Some disadvantages they are trying to forget their culture and people that are proud to be Russian would not be very happy about that He was portrayed as very powerful, a lot of people looked up to him

Joseph II of Austria

-Saw himself as an enlightened ruler because he did see himself as someone that serves his people -is not there to put a lot of power on them he is just there to make sure there is peace within his country -He accepted the Jews in his country - he did believe they were people that should have the right to practice their religion in their country as long as they don't impose it to anyone else -they were not allowed to speak their language within the country//they could practice in secrecy


-Seen from the perspective of this underground, the Republic of Letters was a lie. -The salon remained a rather formal institution -During the last decades of the Old Regime, the salon became increasingly a preserve for the philosophes [of high society], -generally abandoned the coffeehouses and cafes to the lower species of writer -In this way, the cafe functioned as the antithesis of the salon. -It was open to everyone, just one step from the street. -For all its wild exaggeration, material of the "Low Enlightenment" helped desacralize (make something seem no longer sacred) the 'divine right' monarchy -created a vivid image of a decadent aristocracy. -This literary underground provided a strong impetus for the French Revolution - it played a leading role in making society sharply critical of all authority.


-Supreme State Sovereignty -type of gov. -monarch is gaining authority -"I am the state"--King Louis XIV of France -Phillip of Spain: has complete control of SPain -Spain has much success because they had much central authority over religion, governments -Habsburgs ave that Power -Other nations begin to catch up w/ the spanish Absolutism in France -France is going to rise from new bourbon dynasties designed by Henry IV -ultimately create french absolutism -unified and powerful kingdom -king henry IV dies earlier than intended so his son takes over -Son struggles with fulfilling to keep the power in the kingdom

Dutch Painting

-The Netherlands was unique during the 17th century in that it was not absolutist, but rather a republic - This is reflected in the values of its art -Dutch Painting focused on realism and depicted secular scenes of everyday life - often reflecting the values of the burghers (commercial elite) that governed society

Pantheon in Paris

-The Paris Pantheon was more of a commercial society and enlightenment ideals because it wanted to be more modest than the extravagant palaces of Louis the XIV - It was Neoclassical architecture and wanted to reflect Roman Republic style - It opposed Baroque movements

Rene Descartes

-The father of modern rationalism​, emphasizing deduction and mathematical logic -This contributed to the birth of the scientific method.

Newton and Alchemy

-The occult is "knowledge of the hidden" - In common English usage, occult refers to "knowledge of the Paranormal" -as opposed to "knowledge of the measurable" - usually referred to as science

Cult of Reason and Cult of the Supreme Being

-They brought up atheistic movements such as the Cult of Reason - it rejected the existence of God -instead worshipped the human mind -Robespierre later moderated it with impersonal deity that governed based on the natural laws of science

Denis Diderot

-To have a reason behind everything, to believe what you've found as an observation -not what you've heard from God. -(Still believe in God though) -was a Deist because he believes that God is the creator and that he should believe principles already exist themselves - also says himself that questioning God is even worse than atheism -he could not be a skeptic. -New intellectual developments centered in individual curiosity and natural world

Glorious Revolution

-What the above info describes, when William of Orange took the power in England it was known as the glorious revolution

King Charles I

-When James the I dies his only surviving son Charles the I rises to the throne -He begins a 11 years of personal rule - was the one that kind of started the English civil war


-a complex of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behavior elaborating the principle that the authority of government derives from and is limited by a body of fundamental law

Nobles of the Robe

-a group of Parlement nobles outraged at the growing power of the king -The Fronde comes to an end as the nobles of the robe and nobles of the sword make peace agreements with the monarchy.

Levee en Masse

-a military draft -helped improved the army and make it stronger

Gian Bernini

-an italian artist and he was part of the Baroque movement -This artist glorified monarchy because it is the representation of a powerful King that was head of a powerful country that ruled with absolutism

Klemens von Metternich

-chief architect of a long term peace plan for Europe -create through the help of those in Europe who met in the congress of Vienna -Desiree a form of balance of power

Poland's "Republic of Nobles"

-elect the king -Limits power of the king to tax, govern and raise armies. Result monarchy has little control over the kingdom, they did not have any centralized gov. Because the nobles were just preoccupied about their own selves. Leopold I Habsburg

Haiti and the Liberal Phase

-first to respond to revolution in haiti -national assembly will condemn -colonies are part of the french monarchy across the seas yet it doesn't apply to Haiti -the changes brought about by the enlightenment wasn't meant to change the status of slaves -people have the right to own slaves -based on the moderate ideals of the enlightenment -John locke believed that masters had the rights to own slaves as property -All of the items the bourgeoisie were making money off of where harvested or made by slaves -national assembly claims that if slaves were free then the wealth gained by them would be lost


-fostered true "Republic or Letters" because they promoted equality of all men - more people of different backgrounds and genders could send letters around Europe -expanded the sending of Letters -The Enlightenment ideas could be spread faster: it worked as a social media of today - Philosophes met in these salons and talked about philosophic ideas

Jean-Paul Marat

-french radical journalist

Domestic Reforms under Napoleon

-government that comes after Jacobins isn't) forgettable -government is called the directory -After the execution of robespierre, the jacobins are completely removed -"the liberal bourgeoisie" that had ruled during the liberal phase of the french revolution want to rule again -this government is going to be lead by directors of the bourgeois liberals who survived from the national assembly -trying to calm things down and pull the revolution together -Unpopularity of directory came with the same problems former bourgeois government came with -benefited the self interest and needs of the bourgeoisie -meant to direct the french republic/safeguard the republic until french elections occurred -Doing this wasn't favored among the people -Bourgeoisie were not sure if they should either remain the cult of the supreme being or bring back christianity -bourgeoise candidates were defeated because no one wanted them so the directory election was cancelled and keep ruling themselves -The unpopularity of the bourgeois directory government is being transferred into the rising of napoleon -napoleon is the one thing french people are taking pride in;symbol of france -winning victories against british/egypt/austria/italy -Napoleon will overthrow the directory and declare himself the sole leader in france -Coup d'etat "First consul" -when declared emperor, french people are not upset about

Constitutional Charter of 1814

-instituted that those would gain their rights only if they had been taken over by napoleon - Then and there Napoleon would provide the average rights an individual's needs - the aftermath of the French Revolution saw some conservatives adopt some of the key features of liberalism, most notably the constitution -insulated rights that had been advocated for through the revolution itself

"Republic of Letters"

-is a connection between scholars throughout Europe -They would use this source to spread knowledge among one another - No one would necessarily be discouraged for their background but instead praised for the knowledge they had -used for further developments among the institution

English Bill of Rights

-know the king will rule with parliament Constitution: signed between people and government -enabling rights among all


-major outlier -those who do follow atheism seem to be extreme to others

Inductive Reasoning

-observation⇨pattern⇨hypothesis⇨theory -start with the observation; all three models are black -hypothesis is from observation -scientist use to form hypothesis and theory

Baroque Art

-often thought of as a period of artistic style -used exaggerated motion and clear, -easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, architecture, literature, dance, theater, and music

Social Contract Theory

-people agree to follow the ruler while the ruler agrees to serve the people -represent sovereignty -people have rights -people have the power to judge their monarchs -countries among europe attempting to change like England into a liberal monarchy

John III Sobieski

-played a key role in breaking the Ottoman siege of the Habsburg capital of Vienna in 1683. -one of the most illustrious rulers ever to command an army -gained glory and fame through his exceptional military skills -was acknowledged as the greatest warrior-king of his time -saved Europe from the warriors of Islam at the Battle of Vienna

Cultural Relativism

-principle that an individual's beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual's own culture

King James I (1603-1625)

-ruled over England's reign -set up in England after the wars that had occurred Stuart Dynasty: from Scotland unites England and Scottish thrones -tudors die off after Spanish Armada -Once ELizabeth dies, the kingdom is continued by her cousin -United Kingdom developed -expanded power when uniting both scotland and england Religious tension Puritans: radical Calvinists want to "purify" Church of England of all Catholic traditions -people who agreed with you; kept calling bs over the institution stating it was a copy of the "catholic church" -attacked the king or queen of england because they were in charge of the church -King james was a Catholic; baptized, etc. -Puritans accuse him of still being a catholic Political tension -James I ruled in Scotland as absolute monarch and divine right -previous Tudor dynasty ruled in balance with parliament -served as a similar process as nobles in france -Gentry: wealthy(widely Puritan) landowners make up much of Parliment -use money to gain a lot of land and power -want more and more sovereignty in England; claim they deserve it -widely puritan

William and Mary

-rulers of netherlands -solves popular sovereignty -raised an army against the British and transported from Netherlands to UK

Mary Wollstonecraft

-said that the most respectable women are the most oppressed - Tons of women waste their life waste their life at home to please their husbands -All men say that they are artificial and have a weak character and are useless members in society - She believed that girls are spirited and have potential in society - if women were educated they would have just as much potential as men

Constitution of 1791

-strongly eliminates the power of the king -King Louis agrees to the new Constitution of 1791, the first written constitution of France - The government it creates is a constitutional monarchy led by an elected legislative assembly - This constitution finally fulfills the Tennis Court Oath (Establishes a constitutional monarchy)

Oliver Cromwell

-takes the inititave -appoint himself moe protector -disband parliament -turn england into no fun zone -cancel theater, no drinking, no christmas, no games -theater influences bad morals -Launch an invasion of ireland -Said Catholicism is illegal; punishable by death -when finally dead; everyone is very happy -very happy for Charles II; charles I son, to come back "I never knew i was so popular in england."- Charles II 1660 -dies stating that he was a catholic -every one upset stating that they "knew it" -james II; brother of Charles II claims that he is catholic coming into controlling the reign -English people trying to kick James off;

Estates General

-the French parliamentary body that had not met in 150 years - Only the Estates General could pass new taxes -Was consisted of a majority of higher class citizens -once the Bourgeoisie were reportedly "left out" of the estates general, they removed themselves from the system -instead to a national assembly themselves to represent the nation

Paracelsus and the Occult

-the founder of the modern medical field of toxicology, -individual that judged galileo's work on the position on the sun in the solar system -was able to challenge it and bring up former ideas that made sense

Deductive Reasoning

-theory⇨hypothesis⇨observation⇨confirmation Scientist use to apply the theories to specific situations

Tennis Court Oath

-to create a new, fair constitution -the Bourgeois wasn't treated kindly by the higher estates...Begins the french revolution because it is strive of change for a new constitution -was out of action of the lack of reformation

Holly Alliance

-treaty of mutual protection between the monarchs of Russia, Austria, and Prussia. -fell apart into what is termed the Reaction', as the formally threatened related to Europe ruled by kings or queens and groups of rich and powerful people of the conservative order -increased power and wealth back in to their own hands -stated that the three monarchs were appointed by God -had divine rights - reaffirmed the traditional top-down view of society, where power stemmed from a God-given ruler to the people and not from the people to their rule

English Civil War

-unresolved religious tension -issues over parliamentary sovereignty 1629- dissolve parliament and rule by himself Had a great hatred towards the parliament 1629-1640: rule as an absolute sovereignty 1640- puritans give charles a big fat gift -Puritans in Scotland freak out seeing the new book of common prayer "Bad copy of the Catholic bible" -think Charles I is being sneaking and attempting to bring back Catholicism -Charles I needs money to fight the puritans -wants the parliament to raise taxes to gain money -But parliament wants to vent for 7 days how much anger they had towards Charles -Charles I attempts to arrest the Parliament Gentry: like bourgeoisie in france Civil war was more a religious war Gentry generally supported both sides -no economic base for the struggle -Catholic: supported the king -puritans: supported the parliament Ends in 1649 Radicals will kill Charles I- puritans behind it -England abolished monarchy -set up the republic: Commonwealth -unstable

Diego Velasquez

-was a Spanish Artist and he was part of the Baroque Movement - He glorified the monarchy because he was often employed by the absolute monarchy of Spain under Philip IV -the painting of the virgin Mary was painted for the King itself


-was a dutch painter and he was part of the Realism and secular movement -He glorified more of a commercial society because he represented the burgher (commercial elites in Dutch society) -his painting depicted an anatomy lesson which was not very monarchical

Jacques Louis David

-was a french artist and was part of the the art that dignified and honoured citizens known as Neoclassicism -He glorified more of a commercial society because he was not into the monarchical society - He depicted an ancient idea of Roman times, showing romans sacrificing themselves for the good of their country

The Encyclopedie

-was a general encyclopedia published in France in the mid 1700's - It was edited by Denis Diderot. -It is most famous for representing the thought of Enlightenment. -Its aim was to change the way people thought

J.S. Bach

-was a german composer and was part of the baroque period -He glorified the Frederick the II of prussia who was more of an absolute monarchy -bach glorified him therefore glorified monarchy

William Shakespeare

-was an english writer and he wanted more of an absolutist state - He praised King James the I who founded the New stuart dynasty after the monarchy of england was brought down -James the I glorified more of an absolute state -Shakespeare glorified James the I

Palace of Versailles

-was originally a hunting lodge built in 1624 by Louis XIII - Louis XIV expanded this palace as as symbol of his absolute power -This palace was the official residence of the Kings of France from 1682 - 1790 - High ranking members of the nobility lived there -where Louis was able to distract, control, and keep an eye on them

Women's March on Versailles

-women are going to represent the poor working class and the bourgeoisie -a group of frustrated women walk dozens of miles to walk to palace of versailles to get the kings and destroys all his soldiers -they capture him and return him to paris -they were pissed off they couldn't feed their families and themselves -Olympe de gouges(1748-1793) -actively engaged in french revolution from intellectual side -part of natural assembly -advocating for women's rights

Cesare Beccaria's On Crimes and Punishments

-→ He was arguing that rituals of public humiliation were not necessary in punishment for crimes for some people have not committed crimes -punishing an innocent person is not right → Ending punishment would prevent further crimes -One should not be punished let alone tortured if he is not proven guilty → Torture is useless there is no need for confession if one has been punished

Peace of Utrecht

1702 the last habsburg of Spain and France died -Pushed his claim finding out that Louis XIV grandson was huguenot -Attempting to unite France and Spain -A grand alliance forms against Louis XIV to prevent him to unite Spain and France -Louis XIV fails to unite Spain and France -When grandson becomes in power of SPain, he is disabled to unify Spain and France 1713: Peace of Utrecht - balance of power -wars would never be fought over religion but instead power -no one nation should gain any more power than any other -Louis XIV attempted to gain much land; not respecting borders of countries from Peace of Westphalia -Sew up whatever holes remained from the Peace of Westphalia -wars not fought for any other struggle seen before -wailed in a relatively stable time for Europe as the aftermath -beginning of the rise of Great Britain -Great Britain become major player moving forward in the minds of all accross Europe - "Sun King" melted too much by trying to unify Spain and France

Thermidorian Reaction

1794 -month of thermidor created by jacobins because they thought that months were named after christianity -formally known as July -Jacobins tried killing Robespierre: shoot him in the face but miss and hit his jaw -next day they would finally execute them -last person executed by reign -france is left in a state of shock -foreign reaction with a propagandas -claimed that democracy brings crazy people and bloodshed

Enlightened Absolutism

A monarch with absolute power worried about the rights of the people Basis was the enlightenment -enlightenment philosophers focused on individual rights and reason Most european nations were absolute monarchies Believes in the enlightenment philosophy Enlightenment despot: Kept all the political power without creating a constitution provided the right for individuals to own property,etc Joseph II holy roman emperor -attempted to use this system to promote education and unity Poor worked for the lord and got all the money for their labor Frederick II of prussia He didn't always respect freedom he was a great supporter of the arts Catherine II of russia; known as golden age During this time russia grew in size Was a major supporter of educated and attempted to establish the smolny institute; enabled higher education for women Enlightenment despots; religious freedom, freedom of speech, etc.

Siege of Vienna (1683)

Austria: Medium small →Expanded→ 2nd smallest or 3rd biggest Prussia: Small → smaller→ 4th biggest or 1st smallest Poland: Medium → Expanded→ Ottoman Empire: Medium → Decreased a little bit→ 2nd Biggest Russia: Big → Expanded a little bit. → Biggest Ottoman Habsburg Wars: 300 year struggle between the Holy Roman and Ottoman Empires. Battle of Vienna (1683): Ottoman Turks siege Capital city of Habsburg Austria (VIENNA) → Victory by European powers ends westward Ottoman Expansion and "saves" Europe. The Rise of New Powers: Great Northern War (1700-1721): Coalition led by Russia defeats Sweden and Poland in Northern Europe → Rise of Russia and Prussia as major powers.


Burghers: they had the true power in the the Netherlands -wealthy merchants families -reagents that participate in government, run town council - they are landowning wealthy merchants family - similar to gentry in England

The Fronde

Cardinal Mazarin increases taxation to meet the costs of the 30 Years' War Nobility and peasants rebel in a series of violent uprisings known as the Fronde. The Fronde uprisings are led by the nobles of the robe a group of Parlement nobles outraged at the growing power of the king Royal family forced to flee Paris.

Cardinal Richelieu

Chief minister to King Louis XIII from 1624-1643 strengthened power of monarchy - confronts rivals both foreign (ie, the Habsburgs) and domestic (ie. nobility)

Careers open to talent (meritocracy)

He allowed for everyone to get an education because there was not aristocracy system anymore people could do a job that they were interested in that applied to what they liked to do, people no longer had to be just peasants or farm workers

Concordat of 1801

It was meant to end the conflict with the Catholic Church The Church had to give up most of the land and independence however it was still the main religion of France people were allowed to worship whichever religion they wanted to

Women's Rights

Napoleon limited Women's rights The Napoleonic Code made woman's relationship to the state dependant on their husbands They had many restrictions on what they could do and could not have any wrongful sexual behaviours with anyone but their husbands These laws were not set on men, which shows the sexism was grand towards women during Napoleon's reign

Partition of Poland

One of the largest kingdom in Christendom c.15th century. → Long History of struggle between King and the nobility - "Republic of Nobles" elect the king -Limits power of the king to tax, govern and raise armies. -Result monarchy has little control over the kingdom, they did not have any centralized gov -Because the nobles were just preoccupied about their own selves → 17th and 18th centuries marked by political anarchy in Poland 1772-1793 Austria, Prussia and Russia partition Poland and take half its territory 1794-1795 Poland utterly obliterated in war with Austria, Prussia and Russia


Opposition from within Bourgeoisie: Wealth, non-noble business owners San Culottes: Lower-class city workers -'without fancy pants' -so poor that they could not afford appropriate pants or underwear -underwear during the time was a luxury -they claim this with a mark of pride -want money and food; bread -bourgeoisie are selling the bread a high price to make profit -Constitution 1791 does not change much -king LOuis XVI is still in charge of france; many angry about it -When escaping it showed the french that Louis is not a friend of the constitution -sans will be so mad that the situation of the poor has not improved Opposition from abroad -The queen of the french is a habsburg -the sister of joseph I -AHAsburb in Austria are considered of her wellbeing -collective kings in europe come together to decide what is occurring in France -The people in france want to push back aggression -1791 new legislative assembly will institute war against austria, britain,etc because those kings threaten their kingdom -first revolutionary wars -goes very poorly for france -spain,prussia,austria and britain invade

Toussaint Louverture

Proud spanish empire is going to be ruined by french revolution -Napoleon is going to conquer spain and the monarch of spain will be removed from his throne -napoleon appoints his brother joseph as new king of spain -spanish colonies will not recognize joseph as legitimate king of spain -utter chaos occurs as other monarchs ignore to recognize joseph as a king -awakening in mexico; Father miguel Hidalgo leads pushing for self rule -colombia and other countries attempt to do the same -the people of latin america are used to have a power themselves -napoleon's ideas of revolution blows up in spanish colonies -Haiti was a french colony// (saint domingue) consisted of many african slaves -1791(declaration of rights and citizen) an haitian citizen Toussaint Louverture issued a spark for revolution -he is requesting the african american people of haiti to obtain the same rights -initial reaction from france was through the bourgeois government of the national assembly

Scientific Method

Relation of alchemy: -People wanted to synthesize gold through alchemy -At the time it was revolutionary, new approach to science, science had to prove itself Significance: -A razor designed to separate what we can prove is real to claims - they looked at lightning and other natural phenomenons and saw that their was a reason behind it -Science was essentially democratic -Scientists constantly revising what they think is true -experimentation that makes you prove your hypothesis over and over again

Maria Theresa of Austria

She centralized power, expanded the army, defended off Prussia, taught people to revere her -Luise Gottsched worshipped Maria Theresa she thought this because the fact that Maria Theresa is an empress -shows that the country is progressing by allowing women to have power -Theresa was not a progressive ruler -She was against Protestants and Jewish people -banished all the Jews from the kingdom -Schooling was based around obeying God and the ruler

Nobles of the Sword

The Fronde spreads as the traditional warrior nobility known as nobles of the sword join in the civil war against the monarchy.

Religious tension with Puritans

The Puritans were angry towards the king because they wanted

Limiting of Rights under Napoleon Secret Police

The essential objective of Napoleon's secret police was to watch friendly powers and counteract hostile governments He did not want to espionage his people It must be said however that the people's taxes went into this secret police system the people were not aware of where their taxes were going

Napoleon's Grand Empire

The result was known as the Grand Empire - Having annexed Tuscany, Piedmont, Genoa, and the Rhineland directly into France, Napoleon placed the Kingdom of Holland - (which until 1806 was the Batavian Commonwealth) under his brother Louis, the Kingdom of Westphalia under his

Decree Against Profiteers

What does this law do? This law makes sure that essential items, such as certain types of food, are required to be sold but not at a high price. It is formally known as "Price controls." Those who sell it at a high price or even don't offer it on a daily basis will be committing a crime. Who will like this law? Who will not like it? The peasantry; San culottes, will greatly enjoy this law because they are now presented with the opportunity to obtain bread at a fair price that is affordable for them. The bourgeoisie will dislike this law since it will prevent much of its merchants from making more money than they had before. Why might someone call this law socially "radical"? The nature before had been stabilized with a nature where crops were highly priced and they could not be afforded by the peasantry. This law was benefiting the people so it could be considered radical

Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Female Citizen

Women are former known as "passive" women -cant vote and can't be in government -there will be a king and there will be a parliament supporting the king yet women can't be part of that -Austrians were worried because Marie-Antoinette femme de Louis XVI was a Habsburg -therefore wanted to restore the King to keep Marie-Antoinette safe

Reign of Terror

jacobins are going to execute 40,000 people in a single year through the death penalty -Robespierre claims that those being killed were enemies of the government -"society only owes protection to peaceful citizens"-rosiere -Most of the people killed were the peasants and the working class -they were a majority of the French population -a lot of poor people in france were very catholic; such as in the countryside -the priest was where you went out for help -when they continue trying to worship it(catholicism) their life would cost them -Olympe de Gouges one of most famous individuals executed by the reign of terror (1793) -went of being a very big critic of the jacobins -jacobins were terrorizing the women of france; many women executed -claimed that the jacobins were crazy and they need the rousseau way -jacobins came for Georges danton (1794) -didn't respect that they were executing so many innocent people -sent a letter to robespierre "If we can not get together to slow this down it will kill us both." -danton killed for saying that the jacobins went too far and criticizing them

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

set up the rights of the man and the citizen; people are created in equal in their rights and privileges -the nobility in france were entitled to special rights and bourgeoisie wanted to change this because they wanted the same rights

Montesquieu's The Spirit of Laws

→ He argues that there should not be a single power father government -government should be more branches of government → Government should be established in relation to the climate soil and occupation of the people that live on the land. → Many types of government can be considered. -Even Aztecs, who are savagely seen by Europeans, have a government that ensure the "leash" of all citizens

Rousseau's The Social Contract

→ Society should be governed by the general will of society and not by individual interest. → Individuals may have different points of view than other people in Society -everyone has to contribute to societal matters because that is what a good individual has to do. → The societal contract he wrote was not supposed to be a meaningless text it is supposed to have an impact on society

Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations

- Each merchant should try to sell most of their products in their homeland - Each individual's' selfishness in the market would indirectly affect the nation in a positive way -Each individual is essentially selfish, they have their own success and wealth in their view - not the nations. - this would lead them to realise that his own wealth is dependent on betterment domestic society

Francis Bacon

-Helped craft the scientific​ ​method​ through his focus on inductive reasoning, observation, and experimentation.

Jane Austen

-was a British writer and she reflected this bourgeois gentry and enlightenment ideals of the mature mind - She was more driven toward enlightenment movements because he character Mary Bennet in "pride and prejudice" talks about the fact that pride can be good only when you are vain -You can be proud of yourself without having too high of an opinion for one's self


Astronomer, developed a heliocentric​ (sun-centered) model of the universe based on his observations -This challenged the earth-centered model of Aristotle

Divine Right Theory

Kings were established by God - Kings were supposedly chosen by God - they ruled under the rule and will of God

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