Mental Health

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Which group might benefit most from family therapy?

A father, a stepmother, and his children

Throughout middle school, Kelly was an excellent student except in one subject area. This may be an example of:

A learning disability

Dyslexia is:

A learning disability where the person's brain scrambles letters and words making reading difficult

Which of the following statements about the Mental Health profession is true?

A school counselor can refer a student to a psychologist.

Which of the following people are NOT included in decisions regarding punishment or treatment of a bully?

A victim of the bullying behavior

A twelve step program requires the participant to:

Acknowledge his addiction

__________ is the condition of being abnormally dependent on some habit, especially compulsive dependency on narcotic drugs.


Here are examples of various kinds of listening behavior. Which of them demonstrates active listening?

After Susie finishes speaking, Dr. Jerry uses his own words to tell her what he heard her say.

A deficit in memory caused by brain damage, disease, or psychological trauma is called _________.


If serotonin isn't absorbed properly in a patient's brain, the patient could possibly:

Be depressed

Below are several scenarios. Which is most likely NOT a possible cause of PTSD?

Breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend

In addition to taking courses, psychology students start working with real patients while being supervised by a licensed professional. This work is called:

Clinical Practice

__________ is a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence.


The most important characteristic of an effective drug and alcohol counselor is to be:


A person with ADHD might have the following symptoms EXCEPT:

Explosive mood swings

ADHD can usually be cured by removing all sugar from a person's diet.


Admitting to having a problem with drugs or alcohol is the first, and easiest, step.


All careers in Mental Health require a Ph D in Psychology or a related field.


All residential treatment facilities are alike in appearance and treatment methodology.


Bullying is only occurring if there is apparent physical abuse.


Federal law requires bullies to be expelled from school at the first offense.


George's grandmother has been sick for seven years, and she recently passed away at the age of ninety-three. George will most likely suffer from post-traumatic stress.


It is not important for a mental health professional to keep a record of their patient's progress.


It's best to express anger rather than feelings when trying to resolve a family issue.


It's easy for a person suffering from depression to "snap out of it."


Jody just moved to a new school when her father was relocated for work. She is having extreme difficulty fitting in and finding friends. She confides in her mother that she is sad and angry, and that she doesn't want to get involved in any after school activities. Her grades begin to drop and Jody spends every free moment in her room. This is completely normal and she will grow out of it; there is no reason for her mother to be concerned. It will not help Jody to talk to a Mental Health professional or counselor.


Most disorganized people have ADHD.


Most people with depression benefit from either psychotherapy or medication, not a combination of the two.


One must go to college for a total of 6 years to become a psychiatrist.


People who don't have learning disabilities score perfectly on all areas of the psychological evaluations.


Psychological evaluations are designed to frustrate and embarrass people with learning disabilities in order to make a diagnosis.


The effects of post-traumatic stress will set in immediately following the traumatic event.


There is no need to study Biology or other life sciences in preparation for a career in Mental Health.


When treating an adolescent in a therapy environment, it is not beneficial to bring in her family members or to discuss home life.


Mr and Mrs Jones, along with their two children, are going to therapy together. They are probably seeing a:

Family therapist

Which of the following is NOT one of the responsibilities of a service dog?

Greeting and playing with people who pass by

Depression means that a patient:

Has a change in mood and behavior

It is not unlikely for the memory of a traumatic event to produce physical symptoms of illness, stress, or uneasiness.

It is not unlikely for the memory of a traumatic event to produce physical symptoms of illness, stress, or uneasiness.

Mr and Mrs Jones are going to therapy together. They are probably seeing a:

Marriage counselor

When a person with post-traumatic stress takes a medication, he or she:

May find it easier to feel calm

A person with a mental illness:

May not always be able to give a rational reason for his or her behavior

Patients with schizophrenia usually do best with:

Medication and therapy

A psychiatric condition characterized by excessive thoughts and/or actions is called _________-___________ _________.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Which is the best answer? A service dog helps:

People with disabilities

In order to become a psychologist, a student must earn a:

PhD in psychology

Which of the following is NOT a good response to being bullied:

Planning revenge on the bully

A ____________ is a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.


Someone who treats mental illness and can help find the right medication is called an:


A professional specializing in diagnosing and treating diseases of the brain, emotional disturbance, and behavior problems.


A combination of the following can usually help a person with ADHD be successful, with the exception of:

Pushing them harder to concentrate

A _______ _______ is someone who works towards the betterment of social conditions in the community, as by seeking to improve the condition of the poor, to promote the welfare of children, etc.

Social Worker

Post-traumatic stress disorder affects:

Some people who have lived through a tragic event

A person with bipolar disorder might:

Stay awake for days

If a friend displays abnormal behavior, it is usually best to:

Talk to a trustworthy adult or professional about what you should do next

A Mental Health professional reads signs in the patient's body language to recognize if he or she is beginning to relax and open up. Which of the following is a sign of trust?

The patient maintains eye contact and sits facing the therapist

In a family therapy session, which of the following is NOT true:

The therapist will generally choose a side and assign blame

After witnessing a violent crime, if a person is safe and seems okay, the best course of action is:

To have the person speak with a professional at least once to be sure he or she is not suffering effects of PTSD.

A counselor is not only responsible for making patients feel comfortable; they must use their training to keep group discussions productive and safe.


A psychiatrist, like a doctor, must be licensed to practice medicine in the state where he or she lives.


Being able to rephrase what a person tells you in your own words is a way to show that you understand what they say or how they feel.


For Psychologists, active listening plays an important role in developing a connection with their patient.


Having a learning disability can affect a person's self-esteem.


Many veterans suffer from more than physical wounds from combat.


Medications for depression may have side effects, such as loss of appetite or headaches.


Mental Health professionals must earn their patient's trust.


Prescription medications can compound the effects of taking drugs and/or alcohol.


Psychotherapy is a type of treatment for people experiencing emotional or mental problems.


Someone suffering with post-traumatic stress may have trouble focusing on daily tasks.


Sometimes medications can make a person with a mental illness feel sleepy, or too anxious; therefore it is important for the doctor to find the right combination for each specific patient.


Symptoms of depression include: sadness, loss of energy, and lack of interest in normal activities.


The environment in a therapist's office should be welcoming and calm.


People who have ADHD:

Were born with it

Which aspect of a patient's appearance is the mental health professional likely to record in the notes of an appointment? The patient:

Wore two heavy jackets on a hot day

In medical terminology, a teenager is referred to as an:


The chemicals in the brain that send messages from one nerve ending to another are called:


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