Merchant's Tale AO3
Gentillesse poem, money and courtesy
Chaucer other poem
fought in France, captured and ransomed
France Chaucer
influences of French courtly love poetry (roman de la rose)
French influence
French spoken in courts and churches, many were bilingual and French added to old english
French spoken
Merchant class was rising in society, very important
pilgrims expected to dress humbly and simply (merchant?)
Pilgrim modesty
Priscilla Martin: women's sexuality for improving status and men's purchasing of sex
Sex and economy
Boccaccio Decameron pear tree decieving husband
Source: Italian influence
Roman de la rose rose garden and courtly love
Source: french story
Pluto and Proserpina- represent spring and winter and unhappy marriage
another unhappy marriage and seasonal significance
Chaucer born around 1840
chaucer birth
emplyed in the court at early age
courtly love more literary, men performing noble deeds for woman, sickness
courtly love
died in 1400
father vinter
pilgrimages became more popular as church was questioned
increased pilgrimages?
spoke French, Italian, Latin
double or triple negatives common then, now grammatically incorrect
Pilgrimages began to lose religious significance
not religious anymore?
Old English spoken until Roman conquest in 1066
old English
after loss of control of Norman lands, tensions and English nationality grew
separation and new english
Pilgrimages became enterprise and pastime
what pilgrimages became
Became controller of wool industry