Methods ch. 5 Quiz

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What does it mean that "reliability is necessary but not sufficient for validity"?

If a measure is valid, it is also reliable.

Establishing construct validity is most important for which of the following?

an abstract concept

You are studying the relationship between caffeine consumption and problem-solving ability. Which of the following is a categorical way to operationalize caffeine consumption?

Whether the participant drank coffee in the 24 hours prior to the study

For your research project, you are studying the effect of popularity on academic success. You decide to measure popularity by asking each elementary school student to tell you how many friends s/he has. You assume that more friends represent more popularity. Which of the following best describes this variable?

A quantitative variable

Before using the measure in your study, you give the measure to a group of pilot test participants on the first day of the semester and again on the last day of the semester. You are examining the scatterplot of the data you collected on the first day of the semester and the last day of the semester. On the scatterplot, you see that the dots are very close to forming a diagonal line. This indicates which of the following?

A strong relationship

You decide to test the internal reliability of your narcissism scale. Which of the following results demonstrates good internal reliability?

Cronbach's alpha = 0.95

You are interested in studying levels of anxiety in children who have lived through a major natural disaster. As you plan your study, you are considering various operational definitions of anxiety. Which of the following is an example of an operational definition for anxiety that you could consider?

Changes in heart rate while viewing images of the aftereffect of a natural disaster

You have just conducted a study examining the association between a child's level of impulsivity and the amount of punishment used by their parents. You used a questionnaire about discipline strategies to assess punishment. You calculated the scale's internal reliability as 0.85 and concluded that your scale has good internal reliability. You most likely calculated reliability using what statistic?

Cronbach's Alpha

A correlation-based statistic called _____ is commonly used to determine internal reliability.

Cronbach's alpha

You are concerned about the validity of the measure of narcissism that you are intending to use for your study. You ask a fellow researcher to look at your scale, and your colleague thinks that the scale will measure narcissism. You now have evidence of which of the following?

Face validity

Before using the measure in your study, you analyze the data that you got from your pilot test participants. You look at the relationship between each of the individual questions. You see that participants who agree with Question 1 also agree with Question 3 and disagree with Question 2. This is a test of which of the following?

Internal reliability

Which types of reliability can be analyzed with scatterplots?

Interrater reliability and test-retest reliability

Before using the measure in your study, you give the measure to a group of pilot test participants on the first day of the semester and again on the last day of the semester. You then compare the scores between the two test administrations. This is a test of which of the following?

Test-retest reliability

You have just read an article that describes a study that used a survey completed by participants to assess anxiety levels in adults. You are interested in the reliability of the survey. You find that the authors have provided information about both internal reliability and test-retest reliability. However, there is no information about interrater reliability. Which of the following reasons explains why the authors do not report interrater reliability?

The anxiety scale is a self-report measure, and interrater reliability is needed only when two or more observers are providing ratings.

You calculate a correlation coefficient (r) to examine the relationship between Question 1 and Question 2, and between Question 1 and Question 3. You find a correlation coefficient of r = -0.75 between Question 1 and Question 2, and a correlation coefficient of r = +0.75 between Question 1 and Question 3. Which of the following is true of your findings.

There appears to be good internal reliability in the scale.

You are trying to measure gender role stereotypes by using a gender role survey. You believe that your participants will be able to tell that you are measuring gender role stereotypes because the survey looks like it is measuring stereotypes. In this case, you believe that your scale has which type of validity?


You are wondering if the 3-item scale will really measure narcissism or if it will measure some other related concept. You are concerned about the scale's _____. (Select 1)(1pts)


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