Methods Quizzes

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What is the normal progression of levels of knowledge? A. Descriptive B. Explanatory C. Predictive

A - B - C

Randomization at the group assignment level refers to?

Assignment of persons by a method based on chance

In qualitative research, individuals who participate in a study are most frequently referred to as?


What is the most common way of data collection for phenomenology research?


A research question in experimental-type research has which of the following characteristics?

Is a posed a priori or before entering the field

A level 1 experimental question has which of the following characteristics?

It determines one variable in a predefined population

A research quary in naturalistic inquiry has which of the following characteristics?

It is a broad statement that identifies both a particular phenomenon and a context for a study

Which basic characteristics about research is the statement below: the thinking and action process of research studies


Experimental-type research is based in the unifying philosophical foundation of which of the following?

Logical positivism

Which of the following is a non-parametric statistical method?

Mann-Whitney U Test

An OT researcher conducted an experimental study to examine efficacy of an early intervention program for children. Which threat to internal validity was the study sample likely to present challenge in?


Which of the following is NOT a measure of variability?


Involves the translation of observations into numerical values?


In a randomized control trial, it is reported that several research participants dropped without completing the study?


Going ___ means that an ethnographer immerses so completely with a group being studies that he is unable to be objective.


Which of the following is incorrect about naturalistic inquiry?

Naturalistic inquiry tends to be nomothetic

What is the level of measure for telephone numbers?


Examining efficacy of interventions is research purpose at the ___ level.


Which of the following is a primary characteristic that differentiates the true-experimental from the quasi-experimental design?


Which of the following is NOT a pluralistic philosophy?


Which of the following happens during the inductive thinking process?

Relationships are examined among unrelated places of data

An important step in reviewing research literature is to ___

Set boundaries as to what is searched

Which of the following is method of probability sampling?

Simple random sampling

Which of the following is NOT a type of probability sampling?

Snowball sampling

When referring to individuals who participate in research, which of the following terms is considered acceptable ONLY in quanitative studies?


Validity of a measure refers to...

The extent to which a measurement tool measures the underlying concept

Which of the following happens during the deductive thinking process?

Theory is tested

What is the criterion for selecting naturalistic research design?

There is multiple, interpreted realities

Which of the following terms refers to the degree of the fit to other similar populations and contexts for study findings in a qualitative research study?


In qualitative studies, researchers may check one source of information against one or more other sources to ensure accuracy of the study,. What is this called?


T/F: A primary aim of naturalistic inquiry is to reveal complexity?


T/F: A type I error is a critical error that needs to be avoided because the investigator claims a difference between group values when no difference would ___ the values were ascertained for the entire population?


T/F: A type II error occurs if the null hypothesis is accepted when it should be rejected?


T/F: For qualitative research, inclusion and exclusion criteria for study participants may vary as the study proceeds?


T/F: In qualitative research, researchers considered a research instrument?


T/F: In qualitative research, the purpose of the literature review is to justify the need of the study


T/F: Journals that adopt consort reporting standards require a flow chart be prepared to report participant enrollment and participation?


T/F: Not all design strategies start with a literature review


T/F: Phenomenological research queries focus on how individuals define their experiences


T/F: Sampling is a process by which the investigator attempts to select a subgroup that represents a larger population?


T/F: meta-analysis is a form of a survey, the unit of analysis of which is previously published research reports


Which of the following notation is incorrect using Campbell and Stanley's notation system?

Y = random group assignment

Which of the following is not a type of variable in experimental-type research?

concrete variable

Which of the following qualitative approached is usually used to generate theory?

Grounded Theory

A variable is defined as ___

A concept or construct to which numerical values are assigned

In qualitative research, saturation is defined as?

Absence of new findings in data

Which of the following elements is NOT a characteristics of the true-experimental design?


Which is the following is true in a positive relationship b/t two variables?

Both variables increase or decrease together

The primary form of reasoning used in experimental-type research is....


Who is considered the father of western philosophy?


Which of the following are purposes in experimental-type research?

Descriptive, explanatory, predictive

Which of the following is NOT on the three levels of questions in experimental-type research?


Which of the following qualitative research design is primarily derived from anthropology?


Which of the following terms refers to the extent to which results of a quantitative study may be generalized to a larger population?

External validity

T/F: Experimental research is the most rigorous form of investigation that should be used


T/F: Naturalistic data analysis relies on statistical computation


T/F: the two group randomized controlled trial is the best design to use for any type of research


Which of the following is a purpose of descriptive statistics?

Identify central tendencies of the study sample

Epistemology is defined as ___

the preferred way of knowing

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