MG 302 Exam 1

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Effective listening involves the following dimensions, EXCEPT:

Checking your phone for new email messages

Which of the following is NOT part of an organization's general environment?


There are different types of culture, including which of the following:

Consistency culture, Adaptability culture, Achievement culture, Involvement culture

The four functions of management include the following:


Which of the four functions of management ensures performance objectives are met?


Management's obligation to make choices that will contribute to the well-being of both the organization and society is known as which of the following:

Corporate Social Responsibility

The leading function of management involves the following, EXCEPT?

Directing the behaviors of employees

Theory X and Theory Y were developed by _____.

Douglas McGregor

According to Theory X, which of the following is not true?

Employees are self-motivated

All of the following are a part of an organization's task environment except _____.


Organizations create a high-performance culture by which of the following:

Establishing a clear mission, Having shared values for being adaptive, Creating a shared identity, Establishing an organizations strategic plan

Culture can be defined as the ability to speak different languages.


Deontological ethical theory focuses on what is good and moral comes from acts that produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people.


Ethical leaders primarily focus on results.


Jerry Manchester outlined the four functions of management.


Managers are not responsible for managing and utilizing available data in decision-making.


Managers are not responsible for providing structure, order, and consistency.


Procedural justice involves the perceived fairness of a distributed outcomes, such as a pay bonus.


The Hawthorne studies resulted in the movement toward scientific management.


The management science approach uses qualitative data rather than quantitative data in management decision making.


This course only requires you to present your work in a professional manner when presenting it to the class or professor.


When a manager provides constructive feedback, they should use "I" statements, to make it clear that the focus is on the manager's observations and feelings.


When communicating emotionally base messages it is acceptable to use email.


When communicating using social media (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), it is okay to assume that your entire social network will interpret the message in the same way.


Which of the following was a key finding in the Hawthorne studies?

Human relations increased productivity

The following represents individuals who add innovation to existing organizations.


A process where individuals influence others to accomplish a common goal.


Which of the following is focused on change, movement, and adaptive change?


Which of the following are cultural dimensions identified by Geert Hofstede:

Long-Term orientation

Which of the following experts is considered the father of modern management thinking.

Peter Drucker

Which of the four functions of management is critical to outlining how it will use its resources?


The external environment includes which of the following:

Regulators, Customers, Suppliers

Which of the following refers to a chain of authority extending from the top to the bottom of the organization and including every employee?

Scalar chain

Organizational culture is which of the following:

The pattern of shared and stable beliefs and values that are developed within a company across time

A global mindset helps a manager influence individuals, groups and organizations who are from other parts of the world.


A manager's organizational skills are essential for the company or unit to operate smoothly.


Communication plays an important role in the planning function of management.


Corporate social responsibility is management's obligation to make choices and take actions that will contribute to the welfare and interests of society as well as the organization.


Creating a climate of trust and openness is important to enhance organization communication.


Cultural intelligence involves understanding the values and behaviors in the other country (the host country).


Differing laws and regulations make doing business a challenge for international firms.


Distributive justice involves the perceived distribution of an outcomes, such as a pay bonus.


Fayol's unity of command principle emphasizes that each subordinate receives orders from one, and only one, superior.


Frank and Lillian Gilbreth focused on the micro view of the job.


Globalization refers to the trend toward a more integrated global economic system where barriers to cross-border trade and investment are declining.


In adaptive cultures, managers respond quickly to environmental issues.


John Case, in his book called Open-Book Management, suggests that management should provide all workers with financial information regarding the company's performance


Management is to forecast, to plan, to organize, to coordinate and control, the activities of others.


Managers who make decisions to not act are still making a decision which will have consequences.


Managing an international business is different from managing a domestic business because of the global trading system.


Nonverbal messages can be conveyed subconsciously through means other than words.


Oral communication tends to be the most preferred form of communication for managers.


Requiring documentation in writing is one of the six characteristics of the ideal bureaucracy.


Scientific management evolved with the use of precise procedures in place of tradition and rules of thumb.


The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is a regional trade agreement intended to encourage trade among the US, Mexico, and Canada.


The ability of managers to adapt to known, forecasted, and unforeseen conditions is critical.


The control function of management involves ensuring organizational goals are met.


The five primary stakeholders, as identified by the Business Roundtable, are customers, employees, shareholders, communities, and suppliers.


The general environment and the task environment are the two components of an organization's external environment.


There are basic decisions that a firm contemplating foreign expansion must makes, including which markets to enter.


This course is an important building block for other courses


"70/30" principle states that:

True active listeners spend almost 70 percent of their time listening and less than 30 percent of their time talking.

The ethical concept that moral behaviors produce the greatest good for the greatest number is referred to as the _____.

Utilitarian approach

Which of the following has a goal to guide the nations of the world toward free trade and open markets?


The following were some of the problems with the scientific management research:

Workers in the study were treated special. Problem workers were removed from the experiment. Statistical methods were weak. Moved from their work locations to a new location.

The natural tendency of people to regard their own culture as superior and to downgrade or dismiss other cultural values is known as _____.


Nonverbal communication has the biggest impact when using _____.

face-to-face communication

All of the following are characteristics of Weber's bureaucracy EXCEPT_____

management is the same as the ownership of the organization

The ethical decision approach that requires persons to be guided by standards of equity, fairness and impartiality includes which of the following:

the justice approach

One of the important ideas in the definition of management is _____.

the management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling

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