Leadership development is enhanced when an experience involves three process which are ____.
Action, observation, and reflection
In the context of a new leader onboarding road map, when should a new leader gather benchmarking information from other organizations, connect with a key external suppliers and customers, and if appropriate meeting with the former team leader?
After the first two weeks
According to leadership researchers, leadership is _____.
An interpersonal relationship in which others comply because they want to
In the context of perception which of the following terms is best described as explanations people develop for the characteristics, behaviors, or actions to which they attend to.
Which of the following is the first step while conducting a GAPS?
Clearly identify what one wants to do or where one wants to go in one's career over the next year or so
Influence is best described as ___
Degree of actual change in a target person's values
Which of the following involves a willingness to confront your own views and the invitation to other to do so too?
Double loop learning
The tendency to overestimate the disproportional causes of behavior and underestimate the environmental causes when others fail is called ______
Fundamental attribution error
21. An authentic leader will likely ____.
Have realistic self-perception
Which of the following statements is true of coercive power?
It has the possibility to be used by followers to influence their leaders behavior
Which of the following statements is true of a GAPS analysis
It helps leadership practitioners identify high priority development needs
. Which of the following best describes the term "attribution of blame?"
Justifying immoral behavior by claiming it was caused by someone else's actions
Legitimizing tactics most likely occur when agents ______.
Make requests based on their position or authority
Which of the following is a conventional distinction between managers and leaders?
Managers administer, while leaders innovate
A personal relationship in which a more experienced mentor usually someone 2-4 levels higher in an organization acts as a guide, role model, and sponsor of a less experienced protégé is known as _____.
People do not see everything the happens in a particular leadership situation nor do they hear everything, instead they are selective on what they attend to and what they in turn understand. A phenomenon that demonstrates this selectivity is _____
Perpetual set
Which of the following best describes ethics?
Principles of right conduct
____ occurs when people expectations or predictions play a powerful role in bringing about the events
Self-fulfilling prophesy
Which of the following terms describes a kind of learning between an individual and the environment in which leaners seek relatively little feedback that may significantly confront their fundamental ideas or actions?
Single loop learning
People who are observing the action are much more likely than the actor to make the fundamental attribution error. This is called _____.
The actor/observer difference
During the first two weeks on the job a new leader should conduct in-person meeting with their peers. Which of the following issues should be discussed with the peers?
The ways issues are raised and decisions made on their bosses team
Which of the following statements is true of managers with the theory wide orientation?
They reflect the view that most people are intrinsically motivated by their work
Leadership behavior enacted by individuals who take action to maintain ethical standards in the face of questionable moral behaviors by higher ups is referred to as ______.
Upward ethical leadership
What are the four qualities of leadership that endear trust according to Bennis and Goldsmith?
Vision, empathy, consistency, and integrity
___ power is a function of the amount of knowledge one possess relatively to the members of a group.
a. Expert power
The ability to control others through the fear punishment or loss of value outcomes is known as _____.
coercive power
The interactional framework for analyzing leadership includes ____.
leaders, followers, and situations
A leader who has developed close interpersonal relationship with followers generally uses his or her _____ power to influence them.
The tendency to make external attribution for one's own failures and internal attributes for one's own success is known as ____.
self-serving bias
When building a development plan one's career objective comes directly from ____.
the goals quadrant of the GAPS
According to Zemke's four generation of workers which of the following statements is most likely true of veterans.
they represent a lore of wealth and wisdom