MGMT 309 - Exam 4 Review

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Ashby would like you to introduce her to your friend Kevin so she can make a sales pitch to him, and you think maybe this would be a good idea. After all, it wouldn't hurt for Ashby to owe you a favor. Which political behavior describes exchanging something of value in return for someone's future support?

Creation of an obligation

Your organization uses the Leadership Grid to identify management styles. During your last performance evaluation, you received 360-degree feedback indicating that you use the country club management style. In what way could you improve as a manager?

By showing more concern for production

You admit that you procrastinated and did not register for the class on time and were slow to buy the textbook. Thus, compared with your general pattern of behavior, being early with your contribution to the project reflects ________________________.

High Distinctiveness

Which of the following factors would positively influence a team's sense of cohesion?

The team agrees on goals.

Which of the following statements describe people who are high on authoritarianism? Check all that apply.

They obey their bosses and superiors. They believe that people at different levels of the organization should have markedly different power.

Which of the statements about impression management are true? Check all that apply.

People may take part in impression management to further their careers. Impression management is a direct and intentional effort by someone to enhance his or her image in the eyes of others.

Your team has been working intensely for months now. You are proud of your team's performance and you realize that some stress can be beneficial for performance. Still, you also know from your management course that the General Adaptation Syndrome warns that burnout can occur in one of its phases. In which phase would your team be at risk for burnout?

Phase 3

If a manager uses positive reinforcers, such as money and gift certificates, to shape the behavior of his or her employees, what can the manager then expect? Check all that apply.

To see a temporary increase in the rewarded behaviors To satisfy the employees' lower-level needs

If Amy has ______________________ behavior patterns, she will be less susceptible to stress-related problems.

Type B

The relationship between employees and employers implied by the concept of the psychological contract is similar to that of the relationship between ____________________________ in that each party seeks to gain value from the exchange.

buyers and sellers

Antonio, your manager, wants everyone to like him, so he brings lunch for everyone in the office on Fridays. Your former boss had to be in control of everything. One day you met with a client by yourself, and the next thing you knew, you'd been fired. Poornima, a college student, has to get the highest grade in the class; otherwise, she isn't satisfied with her work.

Affiliation Power Achievement

IDEO is tasked with developing ideas for new extensions for the company's product. The new group has gotten to know each other, but there are frequent arguments among group members. Jack, the team leader, recognizes that this team can't move forward until it finishes the ____________________ process.


The capability to understand the complexities of both the organization and its environment and to lead change in the organization in order to achieve and maintain a superior alignment between the organization and its environment is known as _______________________________.

strategic leadership

The owners of Flight001 encourage employees to make decisions themselves when they feel confident that they can make an effective decision. This practice increases ______________________________________________.

the sense of responsibility and authority the employees feel.

Darnell, the second of five children, has referent power at home. People are likely to do what Darnell says because:

He is so likeable

What do the results of Morisano's study illustrate?

Training students in goal setting leads to an increase in achieving their objectives.

Which of the following pieces of advice for developing a creative organization is contrary to Marsalis's advice?

Assign nonspecialists to problems.

Max has not met his sales quota for the last 3 months. His manager, Sally, has talked with him repeatedly, and now she is forced to write him up for poor performance. In her write-up, Sally states that Max will be on probation for the next 3 months. If he meets his quota during that time, he will keep his job; otherwise, he will lose his job. Max starts selling more in order to protect himself from being fired. In reinforcement theory terms, Sally is using __________________ to modify Max's behavior.

Avoidance Learning

Which of the following actions could Amy take to reduce her stress? Check all that apply.

Check e-mail at certain times each day, rather than every time a new message arrives. Get more exercise.

This company was named one of the best places to work by Fast Company magazine. I'll never work in this industry again. I don't like working at this company.

Cognitive Intentional Affective

Suppose you have a real dislike for crickets, and yet the only job you can find is as a cricket breeder for PETCO. You are likely to experience ________________ that can be resolved by which of the following? Check all that apply.

Cognitive Dissonance Decide that working with crickets isn't as bad as you thought it would be. Convince PETCO that mealworms are a much better pet food than crickets and start breeding those instead. Learn more about the beneficial qualities of crickets and how they are considered to be good luck in many cultures.

Ken Blanchard talks about putting people first. Which of the following characteristics of an authentic leader best aligns with that concept?

Connects with others

Apple and Samsung both claim to have created innovations in smartphone technology. Although Samsung is both Apple's competitor and its partner (supplying parts for Apple products), this situation is laced with interorganizational conflict. Which situation is different?

Dell founder Michael Dell vied against a major shareholder to win the right to purchase shareholder stock.

Two of your group members are at odds. They've disagreed so long that the conflict is a chronic problem for your group. Now they want you to referee. What's the best way for you to resolve their conflict in an effective way?

Dispute resolution

Job satisfaction is an attitude reflecting how gratified or fulfilled a person is based on his or her work. High job satisfaction:

Does not necessarily correlate with greater performance

Ileen's manager thinks that she is an ideal employee. Always willing to do anything asked of her, Ileen never holds a grudge or speaks ill of her coworkers.

High Agreeableness

Blanchard says that setting strategy is an important part of leadership. Even highly engaged employees will not make an organization successful if the strategy is poorly aligned with the environment. What must a manager do to exercise high-quality strategic leadership? Check all that apply.

Embrace the many aspects of diversity in the workforce, in the customer base, and in all other stakeholders. Thoroughly understand the organization's current environment and possible future trends. Know the organization inside and out, including its culture, its strengths, and its weaknesses.

Modern psychologists classify people based on the "Big Five" personality traits. Which of the following traits are included in this group? Check all that apply.

Emotional stability Extraversion Agreeableness

In the table below, categorize each benefit of the psychological contract in terms of whether it is an employee contribution of an employer inducement. Skills Pay Time Effort Job security Career opportunities

Employee Contribution Employer Contribution Employee Contribution Employee Contribution Employer Contribution Employer Contribution

In the late 1800s, Sears & Roebuck started setting aside shares of stock for their employees' pension plans. This enabled employees to share in company profits. This reflects a rewards system that includes:

Employee stock options

___________________________ leadership behaviors are likely to increase employee commitment and loyalty.


Blanchard suggests that leaders should help followers "get an A." Which of the following items will help accomplish that goal? Check all that apply.

Evaluating followers on whether they meet their preestablished goals Telling followers what is expected of them

Organizations may offer executives rewards that include high salaries, memberships in private clubs, and access to recreational facilities. Some CEOs earn millions more per year than other employees at the same company. Which statement best explains why executive compensation is so different than that of other employees?

Executives are ultimately responsible for the organization's success and therefore should be entitled to rewards.

Everyone in the office seems to gravitate toward Nolan. He's the one who is most likely to invite a new employee to have lunch, and he brings people together, forming effective teams.


According to Vroom's Decision Tree model, which of the five styles leaves the ultimate decision to the group, rather than the leader?


Suppose a student who was participating in this study set a goal of getting an A in a class. For this student, midterm grades would provide _________________.


The goal-setting theory of motivation assumes that a person's behavior results from conscious intentions and goals. ________________________ refers to information people receive about how well they are doing on reaching a goal.


3M wants to manage processes such as accounting more efficiently. If you were the chief financial officer, what type of group would you form to address this ongoing need?


At ACME Fireworks, all of the employees in the company get a raise when company profits are 10% higher than the profits from the preceding year. This type of reward system is known as:


Suppose you were just hired as a manager at Flight 001. You want to motivate your employees by using engagement. Which of the following actions will likely be effective for this purpose? Check all that apply.

Give people work that they can feel proud of, something they feel is significant and important. Help employees understand their skills and give them work that uses those skills and helps them to develop new skills.

Ashami just had a meeting with Shared, a new employee. Shared said that his goal was to produce 5 articles a month, but Ashami knows that the last employee in the position was able to write 15 articles a month. Lyle's manager just handed him a list of goals for the year. Because Lyle had no say in setting these goals, he isn't sure that they are the right ones for him, and as a result, he isn't very motivated to accomplish them.

Goal Difficulty Goal Acceptance

Managers cannot demand innovation, but they can create environments that are conducive to innovation. Which of the following actions would Marsalis recommend that managers take to spur innovation in organizations? Check all that apply.

Have less experienced employees work with more experienced employees. Provide employees with training to increase their skills. Give creative people the opportunity to interact with one another.

How did Escalante set high expectations and model behaviors consistent with meeting those expectations? Check all that apply.

He tells the class, "You're going to work harder here than you've ever worked anywhere else." He worked hard to qualify to teach high school after immigrating to the United States.

Eleanor, the CEO of Down Home Fashion, has legitimate power at work. Employees are likely to do what Eleanor says because:

Her job title is CEO

Allison has been a manager for nearly 10 years and is feeling as though there is no way for her to advance further. During her performance evaluation, her director suggests that she could get higher performance from her employees if she encouraged them to participate fully in decision making about which projects the department will undertake and how it will accomplish them. Which perspective on motivation does Allison's boss hold?

Human resource approach

Harry decides to improve the employees' relationships with each other. Every month, Harry will sponsor an employee gathering and invite all of the employees to come. This is an example of a ____________________________.

Hygiene Factor

The general motivation framework proposes that motivation begins when a person identifies a need or deficiency. In response to that perceived need, the individual takes a series of actions in an effort to meet the need. Trish wishes her job were more interesting. Trish learns a new skill and determines she is no longer bored. Trish could apply for a different job, or she could cross-train with a coworker. Trish decides to ask her coworker if he's willing to cross-train with her.

Identify a need. Evaluate: Has the need been satisfied? Search for ways to satisfy the need. Choose a behavior to try to satisfy the need.

You are discussing work with one of your employees, Brent. You want to share your plans for his future in a way that reflects the intentional component of an attitude. What should you say to Brent?

If you keep up this level of performance, I will award you a promotion by year end.

People who are high on Machiavellianism do not do well

In jobs that are highly structured

In your family, you have certain ways of doing things. Your family's approach might differ from those of your friends' families! Just like with other types of groups, these standard behaviors refer to your family _______________________.


You have to decide whether Ashley is at fault for mediocre performance last week as measured by customer ratings. In which situation should you assume that Ashley is responsible for the less-than-desirable performance?

Other employees on your team performed better than Ashley. The customer ratings for Ashley were similar to those she earned in the past when she worked third shift.

Equity theory is based on the idea that people are motivated to seek fairness in the rewards they receive for performance. Consider what you know about equity theory as you read the following scenario and fill in the blanks in the dialogue. Imagine that you work as an accountant in the corporate offices of Chevral, a large energy company. One day, your manager, Ruth, announces a new performance management and compensation system—from now on, people will be evaluated based on whether they have met the goals that they set at the beginning of the year. Shortly after the meeting with Ruth, you are standing in the hallway when you see Becky, your best friend in the accounting department. She looks upset. YOU: Becky, where are you going? You look like you're really angry. BECKY: I'm going to Human Resources! And you're absolutely right that I'm angry! Have you heard about that stupid new performance management system? YOU: What about it? BECKY: I can't believe it! Now our pay depends on meeting goals! Doesn't effort count for anything anymore? I have the same goals as Suki, but I have to work twice as hard as Suki to meet those goals! My ____________ are much higher than hers, and Ruth knows it! But Suki's getting the exact same _____________ as I am! YOU: Wow, that sounds like a really _________________ situation. What are you going to do?

Inputs, Outputs Inequitable

Amy's job as a corporate attorney is extremely stressful. Part of her stress comes from having to respond to constant requests for her time. When Amy responded to her partner by asking, "What, what, what, what now?" she was feeling stress based on _______________________________.

Interpersonal Demands

Lily and Jessica are both members of the account management group at Calabrio. They disagree on the best process to adopt for ongoing client communications. Which form of conflict is their team likely to experience as a result?

Interpersonal conflict

When thinking of leadership as a property, how can we define leadership?

Leadership is the set of characteristics attributed to individuals who are perceived to be leaders.

Based on the preceding conversation, what could Becky do to improve her situation? Check all that apply.

Leave the job Put less effort into her work Request a salary increase

Aurelio likes to start projects, but he rarely completes them. His manager is always complaining about Aurelio, because he does not follow through. At the first sign of a problem, he quits and moves on to another project.

Low Conscientiousness

"Wow," you thought, "I am the only person who has finished a section of the project so far, and Valerie and Antonio will not have their parts done until Monday." Your circulating your section of the project early reflects ________________________ with the group's overall performance.

Low Consensus

You had a smug grin on your face as you sent your section of the project ahead of schedule. You knew that Valerie and Antonio would be surprised because doing so shows __________________ with your past behavior with group projects.

Low Consistency

Managers at Lincoln Electric set annual performance goals for each employee. At the end of the year, managers determine pay increases based on each employee's achievement of those goals. This is an example of:

Merit pay

Harry decides to help the employees grow and develop. Each month, every employee will be given a day off for training, and the employee who comes back to work with the most creative ideas will receive special recognition. This is an example of a _________________________________.

Motivation Factor

If Bob wants to use an extinction technique to get Cho to stop whining, which of the following should Bob do?

Pay no attention to Cho.

Jake is a leader who works with his team to solve difficult organizational problems, including the issue of how to avoid company layoffs when sales went down. Jake coaches and teaches employees so that they have the skills needed to advance in their jobs, and he provides the team with the necessary resources. Jake is well connected both inside and outside the organization and knows how to get buy-in from the senior managers in the company. Jake is likely to have a high need for:


On the other hand, if Bob wants to use a punishment technique to stop the whining, which of the following should Bob do?

Put Cho in time-out for whining.

Considering what you know from the preceding question, Eleanor is likely to have difficulty using her power if employees:

Question why Eleanor got her job

Which situation best exemplifies the meaning of organizational citizenship?

Scott has developed his own notes on how to efficiently enter report data in the company system. He volunteers to share his information with new hires and to answer their questions.

As a teacher of AP calculus at Garfield High School, Escalante explained high-level math concepts to students with limited math backgrounds and potential futures to teenagers with limited life experience. His ability to do so is evidence of which leadership behavior?

Simplifying complex ideas

When people negotiate, much of the negotiation is simply beyond control. You can't necessarily control how much power you have or the setting of the actual negotiation. To which type of negotiation approach does this relate?

Situational characteristics

You are heading the task force from your labor union. The issue? The company doesn't want to offer raises, but the labor union believes employees deserve them. Unfortunately, the employees have few alternatives to their current jobs, meaning the company "holds all the cards." Which approach to negotiation are you facing?

Situational characteristics

3M allows employees to spend 15% of their working time on projects that they feel passionate about. Sometimes there is more interest than roles to play on the respective project teams. If, as a manager of one of these special teams, you chose to make volunteers compete for the right to work on your team, which conflict management approach would you be using?

Stimulating conflict.

Based on what you know from the preceding question, Darnell is likely to have difficulty using his power if his siblings:

Stop trusting him

In real life, Jaime Escalante eventually left Garfield High School to teach elsewhere. Imagine that you work for a transformative leader who leaves your organization to pursue a new opportunity. You now have a new manager who is not as talented a leader. Select the correct answers to the following question. Your manager has left, and their successor is not as skilled a leader. Which characteristics of your organization would substitute for the missing leadership? Check all that apply.

Strong group cohesion Predictable rewards Clear, inflexible rules

If the team has been working for several hours without being able to identify a reason for the intermittent failures, which action should you take to facilitate their progress?

Suggest the team stop working for a while and instead spend a few hours playing a game.

Combination of 1) High task structure 2) Good leader-member relationship and 3) Most favorable situation Combination of 1) High task structure 2) Bad leader-member relationship and 3) Moderately favorable situation Combination of 1) Low task structure 2) Bad leader-member relationship and 3) Most unfavorable situation

Task Relationship Task

Imagine that you conducted a survey to assess employee job satisfaction. The results were encouraging but a substantial percentage of employees explained that the traditional work schedule of 8 hours per day for 5 days per week was not ideal for them. Some employees wanted to be able to pick their children up from school. Others wanted to be able to travel on the weekend. Some employees wanted to work part-time. Which alternative work schedule should you use if the office space available is insufficient for your growing workforce, but much of the work can be accessed through the corporate website?


You probably think that conflict is negative, but conflict can be good for teams, too. When conflict is positive, it has specific characteristics. Which characteristic could you use to help ensure that conflict will have a positive influence on a group that you manage?

The ground rules are equitable.

Which statement best summarizes the diagram?

The higher the level of employee empowerment, the more skills employees need.

A sample of individuals who represent the target audience for the ad may be asked to evaluate the ads developed by the creative team to measure the effectiveness of the ad. Ad testing is part of the _________________________ phase of the creative process.


Marsalis makes a number of points about creativity in these passages. Which of the following are included? Check all that apply.

Working with other creative, dedicated people allows you to achieve more than you can achieve on your own. Creativity requires study. Creativity requires inspiration and dedication.

Though managers commonly deal with negative individual behaviors, which behavior is more rare and more serious to address?

Workplace violence

Why did you ever agree to be a head counselor at Camp Winahatchee? The general counselors are high school students who have never even been to a camp, much less worked at one. And the camp director has a "whatever" attitude and pretty much lets everyone do as they please. Whipping this place into shape is going to be a challenge. Because the camp counselors are _________________ and the formal authority system is _____________________, according to goal-path theory, you should use the _______________________ style of management in this example.

inexperienced unclear directive

According to researchers at the Ohio State University leaders who use __________________________ define the leader-subordinate role formally and set clear expectations, but the same leaders can also show _______________________________, taking a more friendly, supportive approach.

initiating-structure behavior consideration behavior

You understand conflict is a part of group interactions, but you try to minimize ______________________________________, because arguing with another functional group tends to distract your own group from its core mission.

intergroup conflict

Leader behavior consistent with Likert's System 1 organization design, or _________________________, is most like the ________________________________ that researchers at the Ohio State University identified as being appropriate in a situation requiring clear work direction.

job-centered behavior initiating-structure behavior

In an interview with Newsweek, Christine Lagarde, chairwoman of the International Monetary Fund, says that she believes that it is important to waste time on occasion to build consensus in a team so that "you will not need to waste it in convincing people to implement." This is an example of the _________________________ element of the path-goal theory.

leader behaviors

Google CEO Larry Page likes to "make big things happen," and he encourages his employees to always think bigger. This is an example of the ___________________________________ element of the path-goal theory.

leadership style

Imagine you've been tasked with creating the homecoming float for your student organization. You can't do it alone! You'll need a team to help you. Since this team's function meets a goal of the organization, people will join if they understand the primary purpose is to ____________________________.

meet group goals

At Tate & Associates, employees generally work a standard workweek of Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Since you commute from a long distance, you recognize you could work more hours if you could work from home. You and your manager must come to an agreement that meets your needs and those of the organization. You will have to engage in the process of ___________________________.


Most people at The Martin Agency work a standard workday. They arrive by 9:00 AM and leave in the early evening. But the award-winning videographer on staff arrives sporadically. Everyone understands this __________________________, because creativity doesn't punch a time clock.

norm variation

You always strive to be a good student. But your accounting teacher wants you to attend the career fair even though it conflicts with your management class. Your management professor demands class participation. You are experiencing _____________________________.

role conflict

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