MGMT 310 Chapter 15

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Anne prefers one-page memos with only the main points of the issue. As a manager, she has limited amounts of time to read about internal problems. So when she prepares memos for her boss, she provides a brief outline of the situation to spare her boss the agony of having to read the boring details. Anne has succumbed to ________. a) stereotyping b) the halo effect c) assumed similarity d) the liking effect

assumed similarity

Operant condition argues that a) behavior patterns are established in childhood b) behavior is a function of its consequences c) all behavior has unintended consequences d) behavior is learned through observation

behavior is a function of its consequences

In the statement, "The highway is very busy at 5 p.m., and is scary to drive on, so I'll wait until 7 p.m. to go home," the word "scary" represents which component of an attitude? a) effective b) practice c) cognitive d)behavioral


The component of attitude that includes beliefs and opinions is the ________ component. a) affective b) cognitive c) mental d) behavioral


Organizational citizenship behavior impacts the success of the entire organization (True of False)


Satisfaction with one's job does not necessarily lead to lower absenteeism (True or False)


Emotional intelligence appears to be relevant for positions that must work in isolation (True or False)


What is a key point of Holland 's theory ? a) All jobs are relatively the same, it is personality types that differ. b) Employee turnover is highest when personality and occupation are compatible c) There are no intrinsic difference in personality among individuals d) People in job environments compatible with their personality types should be more satisfied

People in job environments compatible with their personality types should be more satisfied.

is the tendency for individuals to attribute their own successes to internal factors such as ability or effort while putting the blame for personal failure on external factors such as luck. a) stereotyping b) fundamental attribution error c) Self-serving bias d) Locus of control error

Self-serving bias

Both positive and negative reinforcement result in learning. (True or False)


Individuals with low self-esteem are more susceptible to external influence than are people with high self-esteem. (True or False)


There is no reality beyond perception, we interpret what we and call it reality


According to research, employees who have a high internal locus of control _______ a) are less involved in their jobs as compared to externals b) blame their bosses for poor performance more often than externals c) are more alienated from their work setting than externals d) exhibit more satisfaction with their jobs than externals

exhibit more satisfaction with their jobs than externals

George gets along well with most people in the team. He is good at his job but needs to be reassured once in a while. Another of George's traits is that he is always trying to keep everyone happy. George can be described as a(n) ________ personality. a) intuitive b)sensing c) feeling d) introverted


"Any additional violations of company policy will result in escalating disciplinary action up to and including termination." This statement found on many corrective action forms, is an example of ________. a) negative reinforcement b) positive reinforecement c) extinction d) punishment

negative reinforcement

Darren enjoys many genres of music and art. He has visited several European countries. It is very likely Darren is high in ________. a) Agrreeableness b) emotional stability c) conscientious d) openness to experience

openness to experience

The degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization is the employee's ________. a) job involvement b) organizational commitment c) job satisfaction d) organizational citizenship

organizational commiment

The influence of models depends on how well an individual remembers the model's behavior. This refers to the individual's ________ a) attentional process b) motor reproduction process c) observational skills d) retention process

retention process

If an employee does not exhibit a desired behavior, a manager might use ________. a) shaping to guide the employee to learn the desired behavior b) programmed learning to encourage positive results c) negative reinforcement to increase the recurrence of the behavior d) positive reinforcement by reducing the threat of a punishment

shaping to guide the employee to learn the desired behavior

Donna has just moved to the city from a small town and gets a job as an assistant in a law firm. Not being very familiar with the way things work in the corporate world, she watches her colleagues closely and tries to learn from their mistakes and achievements. This can be described as ________. a) reflexive learning b) social learning c) positive reinforcement d) motor reproduction

social learning

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