MGMT 3123 Exam 1

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Three step approach to Problem Solving

1. Define the Problem 2. Identify potential causes using OB concepts and theories 3. Make recommendations and (if appropriate) take action

Core self-evaluations (CSEs)

A broad personality trait made of four narrow and positive individual traits: 1. Generalized self-efficacy 2. self-esteem 3. locus of control 4. emotional stability


A cognitive process that enables us to interpret and understand our surroundings


A customized process between two or more people with the intent of enhancing learning and motivating change


A difference or gap between an actual and a desired state or outcome

Equity theory

A model of motivation that explains how people strive for fairness and justice in social exchanges or give-and-take relationships

Theory Y

A modern and positive set of assumptions about people at work: they are self-engaged, committed, responsible, and creative


A person's belief about his or her chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task

Theory X

A pessimistic view of employees: they dislike work, must be monitored, and can be motivated only with rewards and punishment


A policy of giving employees flexible work hours so they can come and go at different times, as long as they work a set number of hours

Locus of control

A relatively stable personality characteristic that describes how much personal responsibility we take for our behavior and its consequences

Performance management

A set of processes and managerial behaviors that include defining, monitoring, evaluating, and providing consequences for performance expectations


A shared belief in showing restraint and control when faced with temptation an provocation

Restorative justice

A shared belief in the importance of resolving conflict multilaterally through the inclusion of victims, offenders, and all other stakeholders


A shared value that drives people to help others who are suffering


A state of reduced attention. It is expressed in behavior that is rigid or thoughtless

Diversity climate

A subcomponent of an organization's overall climate and is defined as the employees' aggregate perceptions about the organization's diversity related formal structure characteristics and informal values

Problem Solving

A systematic process for closing these gaps


Abstract ideals that guide our thinking and behavior across all situations

Job satisfaction

Affective or emotional response toward various facets of your job

Situation Factors

All the elements outside ourselves that influence what we do, the way we do it, and the ultimate results of our actions


Allows employees to do all or some of their work from home, using advanced telecommunications technology and internet tools to send work electronically from home to the office, and vice versa

Affective Component

An attitude contains our feelings or emotions about a given object or situation

Cognitive Component

An attitude reflects our beliefs or ideas about an object or situation


An end point or desired goal you want to achieve

Intrinsic motivation

An individual is inspired by "the positive internal feelings that are generated by doing well"


An individual's belief that a particular degree of effort will be followed by a particular level of performance


An individual's capacity for constructive thinking, reasoning, and problem solving


An individual's set of beliefs about the characteristics or attributes of a group

Organizational Behavior

An interdisciplinary field dedicated to understanding and managing people at work

Glass ceiling

An invisible but absolute barrier that prevents women from advancing to higher-level positions

Workplace Attitudes

An outcome of various OB-related processes, including leadership

Implicit cognition

Any thoughts or beliefs that are automatically activated from memory without our conscious awareness


Applied to goals is an acronym for specific, measurable, attainable, results oriented, and time bound

Proactive Personality

Attribute of someone relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who effects environmental change. Identify opportunities and act on them, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs

Content theories of motivation

Based on the idea that an employee's needs influence his or her motivation

Interactional Perspective

Behavior is a function of interdependent person and situational factors

Operant behavior

Behavior learned when we operate on the environment to produce designed consequences. Response-Stimulus (R-S)

Internal factors

Behavior within person, such as ability

External Factors

Behavior within the environment, such as a difficult task

Job rotation

Calls for moving employees from one specialized job to another

Withdrawal cognitions

Capture thought process by representing an individual's overall thoughts and feelings about quitting

Hygiene factors

Cause a person to move from a state of no dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction - including company policy and administration, technical supervision, salary, interpersonal relationships with supervisors, and working conditions

Motivating factors

Cause a person to move from a state of no satisfaction to satisfaction


Compares a person's behavior on one task with his or her behavior on other tasks


Compares an individual's behavior with that of his or her peers


Complex, relatively brief responses aimed at a particular target, such as a person, information, experience, or event. They also change psychological and /or physiological states


Concern for the welfare and interests of others

Organizational climate

Consists of employees' perceptions of formal and informal organizational policies, practices, procedures, and routines

Intermittent reinforcement

Consists of reinforcement of some but not all instances of a target behavior


Dependable, responsible, achievement-oriented, persistent

Process theories of motivation

Describes how various person factors and situation factors in the organizing framework affect motivation

Need for achievement

Desire to excel, overcome obstacles, solve problems, and rival and surpass others

Need for power

Desire to influence, coach, teach, or encourage others to achieve

Needs for affiliation

Desire to maintain social relationships, be liked, and join groups

Managing diversity

Enables people to perform to their maximum potential

Total rewards

Encompasses not only compensation and benefits, but also personal and professional growth opportunities and a motivating work environment that includes recognition, job design, and work-life balance


Environmental characteristics that cause stress

Job involvement

Extent to which an individual is personally engaged in his or her work role

Positive OB

Focuses on positive human characteristics that can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance improvement


Guides behavior by identifying right, wrong, and the many shades of gray in between

Attentional hyperactivity

Happens when our minds are racing or wandering, resulting in compulsive daydreaming or fantasizing

Counterproductive work behavior (CWB)

Harms other employees, the organization as a whole, and/or organizational stakeholders such as customers and shareholders

Expectancy theory

Holds that people are motivated to behave in ways that produce combinations of expected outcomes

Continuous reinforcement

If every instance of a target is reinforced, than this schedule is in effect

Openness to Change

Independence of thought, action, and feelings and readiness for change

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)

Individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization

360-degree feedback

Individuals compare perceptions of their own performance with behaviorally specific (and usually anonymous) performance information from their manager, subordinates, and peers

Positive psychological capital (PsyCap)

Individuals with high levels possess considerable hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism (HERO)


Information about individual or collective performance shared with those in a position to improve the situation

Openness to experience

Intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad-minded

Affirmative action

Intervention aimed at giving management a chance to correct an imbalance, injustice, mistake, or outright discrimination that occurred in the past


Judges whether the individual's performance on a given task is consistent over time

Monitoring performance

Measuring, tracking, or otherwise verifying progress and ultimate outcomes

Job enrichment

Modifies a job such that an employee has the opportunity to experience achievement, recognition, stimulating work, responsibility, and advancement


Occurs when an individual experiences a number of negative behaviors repeatedly over a period of time


Occurs when employment decisions about an individual are based on reasons not associated with performance or related to the job


Often attribute successes to "personal, permanent, and pervasive causes, and negative events to external, temporary, and situation-specific ones

Voice climate

One in which the employees are encouraged to freely express their opinions and feelings

Schwartz's Second Bipolar Dimension

Openness to change, Conservation


Order, self-restriction, preservation of the past, and resistance to change


Our feelings or opinions about people, places, and objects and range from positive to negative

Self-serving bias

Our tendency to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure


Outgoing, talkative, sociable, assertive

Internal locus of control

People who believe they control the events and consequences that affect their lives


Physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior

Prosocial behaviors

Positive acts performed without the expectation of anything in return

Signature strengths

Positive human traits that influence thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and provide a sense of fulfillment and meaning

Buffering effect

Positive practices and resources reduce the impact of negative events and stressors

Amplifying effect

Positive practices from one individual result in additional positive practices by others, which spur positivity in others, which generate other positive outcomes


Programs that encourage people to reenter the workforce after a temporary career break

Americans with Disabilities Act

Prohibits discrimination against those with disabilities and requires organizations to reasonably accommodate an individual's disabilities

Job characteristics model

Promote high intrinsic motivation by designing jobs that possess the five core job characteristics Skill variety Task identity Task significance Autonomy Feedback

Learning goal

Promotes enhancing your knowledge or skill

Schwartz's Value Theory

Proposed that broad values motivate our behavior across any context

Motivator-hygiene theory

Proposes that jab satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different sets of factors - satisfaction comes from motivating factors and dissatisfaction from hygiene factors


Pursuit of one's own interests and relative success and dominance over others

Job enlargement

Puts more variety into a worker's job by combining specialized tasks of comparable difficulty

Job design

Refers to any set of activities that alter jobs to improve the quality of employee experience and level of productivity

Fundamental attribution bias

Reflects our tendency to attribute another person's behavior to his or her personal characteristics, rather than situation factors

Soft Skills

Relates to human interactions and include both interpersonal skills and personal attributes

Emotional stability

Relaxed, secure, unworried

Idiosyncratic deals

Represent employment terms individuals negotiate for themselves, taking myriad forms from flexible schedules to career development

Job crafting

Represents employees' attempts to proactively shape their work characteristics

Emotion display norms

Rules that dictate which types of emotions are expected and appropriate for their members to show

Value Attainment

Satisfaction results from the perception that a job allows for fulfillment of an individual's important values

Law of effect

Says behavior with favorable consequences tends to be repeated, while behavior with unfavorable consequences tends to disappear

Schwartz's First Bipolar Dimension

Self-Transcendence, Self-Enhancement

Big Five Personality Dimensions

Simplify more complex models of personality Extroversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness Emotional Stability Openness to experience

Ethical Dilemmas

Situations with two choices, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable manner

Portable Skills

Soft Skills that are relevant in every job, at every level, and throughout your career

Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory

States that motivation is a function of five basic needs: Physiological Safety Love Esteem Self-actualization

Acquired needs theory

States that three needs - for achievement, affiliation, and power - are the key drivers of employee behavior

Negative reinforcement

Strengthens a desired behavior by contingently withdrawing something displeasing

Positive deviance

Successful performance that dramatically exceeds the norm in a positive direction

Casual attributions

Suspected or inferred causes of behavior

Performance goal

Targets a specific end result

High Levels of Emotional stability

Tend to be relaxed, secure, unworried, and less likely to experience negative emotions under pressure

Scientific management

That kind of management which conducts a business or affairs by standards established by facts or truths gained through systematic observation, experiment, or reasoning

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to monitor your own emotions and those of others, to discriminate amongst them, and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions

Practical Intelligence

The ability to solve everyday problems by utilizing knowledge gained from experience in order to purposefully adapt to, shape, and select environments

Social support

The amount of perceived helpfulness we derive from social relationships

Positivity effect

The attraction of all living systems toward positive energy and away from negative energy, or toward that which is life giving and away from that which is life depleting


The awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment


The belief that the future will be better that the present and that you have some power to make it happen


The capacity to foster collective abandonment of justified resentment, bitterness, and blame, and , instead, it is the adoption of positive, forward-looking approaches in response to harm or damage


The combination of stable physical, behavioral, and mental characteristics that gives individuals their unique identities


The combined impact of the five elements - Positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement (PERMA)

Met expectations

The difference between what an individual expects to receive from a job, such a good pay and promotional opportunities, and what she or he actually receives


The discretionary or formal expression of ideas, opinions, suggestions, or alternative approaches directed to a specific target inside or outside of the organization with the intent to change an objectionable state of affairs and to improve the current functioning of the organization


The end point or goal you want to achieve. They drive your behavior

Organizational Commitment

The extent to which an individual identifies with an organization and commits to its goals

Perceived Organizational Support (POS)

The extent to which employees believe their organization values their contributions and genuinely cares about their well-being


The extent to which our lives contain PERMA

Psychological safety

The extent to which people feel free to express their ideas and beliefs without fear of negative consequences

Employee Engagement

The harnessing of organization members' selves to their work roles; in engagement, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and emotionally during role performance

Attentional deficit

The inability to focus vividly on an object

Psychological Contracts

The individual's perception about the reciprocal exchange between him- or herself and another party

Person Factors

The infinite characteristics that give individuals their unique identities

Individual differences (IDs)

The many attributes, such as traits and behaviors, that describe each of us as a person


The multitude of individual differences and similarities that exist among people

Procedural justice

The perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make allocation decisions

Distributive justice

The perceived fairness of the way resources and rewards are distributed or allocated


The perceived relationship between performance and outcomes

Pay for performance

The popular term for monetary incentives that link at least some portion of pay directly to results or accomplishments


The positive or negative value people place on outcomes

Extrinsic motivation

The potential or actual receipt of external rewards

Organizational practices

The procedures, policies, practices, routines, and the rules that organizations use to get things done

Evaluating performance

The process of comparing performance at some point in time to a previously established expectation or goal

Positive reinforcement

The process of strengthening a behavior by contingently presenting something pleasing


The process of weakening behavior through either the contingent presentation of something displeasing or the contingent withdrawal of something positive

Cognitive Dissonance

The psychological discomfort a person experiences when simultaneously holding two or more conflicting cognitions


The psychological processes "that underlie the direction, intensity, and persistence of behavior or thought"

Interactional justice

The quality of the interpersonal treatment people receive when procedures are implemented


The sense of belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self


The state of being completely involved in an activity for its own sake


The statistical measurements of populations and their qualities (such as age, race, gender, or income) over time

Hard Skills

The technical expertise and knowledge required to do a particular task or job function

Self-determination theory

The three innate needs influence our behavior and well-being - the needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness


The uncontrollable repetitive dwelling on causes, meanings, and implications of negative feelings or events in the past

Behavioral Component

The way we intend or expect to act toward someone or something

Intrinsic rewards

They are self-granted such as psychic rewards

Extrinsic rewards

They come from the environment such as financial, material, and social rewards

Surface-level characteristics

Those that are quickly apparent to interactants, such as race, gender, and age

Deep-level characteristics

Those that take time to emerge in interactions, such as attitudes, opinions, and values

External locus of control

Those who believe their performance is the product of circumstances beyond their immediate control possess


Trusting, good-natured, cooperative, softhearted

Respondent behavior

Unlearned reflexes or stimulus-response (S-R) connections

Contingency Approach

Using the OB concepts and tools that best suit the situation, instead of trying to rely on "the one best way."


Weakening a behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced


What individuals and organizations aspire to be when they are at their very best

Goal specificity

Whether a goal has been quantified


Working at jobs that require less education than they have


You have the capacity to consistently bounce back from adversity and to sustain yourself when confronted with challenges


Your general belief about your own self-worth

Upward spirals of positivity

Your positive behaviors, feelings, and attitudes generate the same in others in a continually reinforcing process

Access-and-legitimacy perspective

recognition that the organization's markets and constituencies are culturally diverse

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