MGMT 335 Test 1

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Leadership Motives

- power - drive and achievement - strong work ethic - tenacity

Leadership Effectiveness

-Attaining desirable outcomes such as productivity, quality and satisfaction in a given situation (depends on leader characteristics/behavior/style, group member characteristics/style, and context) -Objective data and subjective data

Leadership in the Modern Era

-Focus on electronics -Recognition & praise

Transformational Leadership

-Focuses on what the leader accomplishes -Helps bring about major, positive changes

Importance of Leadership

-It all comes down to leadership -Success of any organization -Leaders are at all levels

Situational Leadership Model SLII

-Kenneth Blanchard -Matching leadership style to those characteristics -Competence, commitment and turnover

Fiedler's Contingency Theory

-Match the leaders style w/the situation most favorable for his/her success -Too complicated to have an impact on the majority of leaders

Path-Goal Theory

-Robert House's theory concerned with the situations under which various leader behaviours are most effective -Directive: unclear tasks -Supportive: frustrating/stressful tasks -Participative: capable/motivated -Achievement-Oriented: unique/entrepreneurial tasks

Basics of SLII

-Supporting and directing behaviors -S1: Directing, S2: Coaching, S3: Supporting, S4: Delegating

Least Preferred Coworker (LPC)

-a measure that assesses leaders' task or relationship orientation by having them rate their most difficult fellow worker -relationship motivated: favorable -task motivated: unfavorable

Leadership Grid

-country club management -team management -middle-of-the-road management -impoverished management -produce-or-perish management

Leadership matters when the leader

-is responsible/inspirational -are involved in decision making -changes and company performance changes

Leadership process elements

1. Leader 2. Group Members 3. Context of the Situation

Anti-Leadership Argument

1. Substitutes exist for leadership 2. Leaders can be irrelevant 3. Organizational systems are far too complex

Socialized Charismatic

A charismatic leader who restrains the use of power in order to benefit others


A person's confidence in another individuals intentions and motives and in the sincerity of that individuals word


A propensity to put forth high energy into achieving goals and persistence in applying that energy

Normative Decision Model

A view of leadership as a decision-making process in which the leader examines certain factors within the situation to determine which decision-making style will be the most effective


Ability to imagine different and better future condtions and ways to achieve them

Leadership (Textbook)

Ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals

Path Goal Theory

An explanation of leadership effectiveness that specifies what the leader must do to achieve high productivity and morale in a given situation


Being genuine and honest about your personality, values, beliefs and having integrity

Top Down Leadership

Clear chain of command

Leadership is all about people. It is not about organizations. It is not about plans. It is not about strategies. It is all about people, motivating people to get the job done. You have to be people-centered.

Collin Powell


Completely detached, passive, no interest in the organization, requires coaching

Leadership is an action, not a position

Donald McGannon


Engage, invested, eager to demonstrate support/opposition, feel strongly about their leader, can be seen as whistleblowers


Forthrightness in expressing demands, opinions, feelings, and attitudes


Free riders who are typically detached when it fits their self-interests

Emergent Leaders

Group members who significantly influence other group members even thought they have not been assigned formal authority

Proactive Personality

Having a relatively stable tendency to affect environmental change and self-initiated anticipatory action w/the intent of either changing the situation or one's own behavior/attitudes

Live a life to be imitated verse

Hebrews 13:7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.

Personal Brand

Identity as shown on the internet, including social networking sites

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way

John Maxwell

88% of senior executives select forward looking, as do 68% of middle managers but only about 44% of college students consider it a preeminent leadership requirement

Leadership Challenge (Kouzes and Posner)

Be the change you wish to see in the world

Mahatma Gandhi

Autocratic Leaders

Make decisions confidently, assume group members will comply, and are not overly concerned w/group members attitudes towards decisions

Management vs. Leadership

Management: order, consistency, implement vision Leadership: change, transforming, create vision

There is a transition occurring from the old paradigm in which leadership resided in a person or role, to a new one in which leadership is a collective process that is spread throughout networks of people

Nick Petrie

Transformational Leader

One who brings positive, major changes in an organization

Effective Leader

One who helps group members attain productivity, including high quality and customer satisfaction, as well as job satisfaction

Leadership Styles

Participative (consultative, consensus, democratic), autocratic and entrepreneurial

Categories of Leadership Categories

Personality Traits, Motives, Cognitive Factors

Situational Leadership II

Primary focus is on the characteristics of group members and matching leadership style to those characteristics

Cognitive Factors

Problem solving and intellectual skills collectively

Servant Leader

Serves constituents by working on their behalf to help them achieve their goals, not the leader's own goals


Special quality of leaders whose purposes, power, and extraordinary determination differentiate them from others.


Super engaged to the point that they are willing to go down for their own cause or willing to oust the leader if they feel he or she is headed in the wrong direction

The most fundamental characteristic of leadership is the ability to manage oneself

Swart, Chisholm and Brown


The ability to adjust to different situations

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to do such things as understand one's feelings, have empathy for others, and regulate one's emotions to enhance one's quality of life.

Practical Intelligence

The ability to solve everyday problems by using experience-based knowledge to adapt to and shape the environment


The ability to understand the long-range implications of actions and policies.

Leadership Polarity

The idea that leaders are often revered or vastly unpopular

Crisis Leadership

The process of leading group members through a sudden and largely unanticipated, intensively negative, and emotionally draining circumstance

Trait Based Leadership Perspective

When people evaluate managers in terms of their leadership effectiveness, they often scrutinize the manager's traits and personal characteristics.

Pygmalion Effect

When performance is measured against high standards, productivity is likely to increase, since people live up to the expectations of their superiors

85% of the leadership behaviors were focused on

consideration and initiating structure

Many leadership theorists and managers agree that the

leadership role within a team is seldom the responsibility of one person

Statistical analysis suggests the leader

might be responsible for between 15-45% of a firm's performance

Initiating Structure

the degree to which a leader structures the roles of followers by setting goals, giving directions, setting deadlines, and assigning tasks


the extent to which a leader is friendly, approachable, and supportive and shows concern for employees

Theory X vs Y

theory X: authoritarianism, micromanage, Theory y: work for the challenge, hands off management, empowering

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