MGMT 447 - Exam 1

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- Emphasize serving others - The basis of action for this type of purpose is to increase personal happiness - Most people feel good when they are doing something to help others to make their communities or the world a better place


- Able to empathize with those of other cultures - Able to shift from one cultural perspective to another

From stabilizer to change manager

- Accept the inevitability of change and crisis and tap into them as potential sources of energy and self-renewal - Adaptability is the word of the day - Organizational success results from leaders who can remain calm, focused, and disciplined in the face of uncertainty and inevitable change


- Accepts behavioral differences and underlying differences in values - Recognizes validity of other ways of thinking and perceiving the world

From controller to facilitator

- An emphasis on control and rigidity serves to squelch motivation, innovation, and morale rather than produce desired results - Effective leaders share power rather than hoard it and find ways to increase an organizations brainpower by getting everyone in the organization involved and committed - Leader helps people do and be their best by removing obstacles to performance, getting people what they need, providing learning opportunities, and offering support and feedback

Build a relationship

- Ask about leader at your level/position - Welcome feedback and criticism, such as "What experience led you to that opinion?" - Ask leader to tell you company stories

Help the leader be a good leader

- Ask for advice - Tell the leader what you think - Find things to thank leader for

From diversity avoider to diversity promoter

- Attract the best human talent and develop an organizational mindset broad enough to thrive in a multinational world

Providing Direction - Leadership

- Calls for creating a compelling vision of the future, setting the context within which to view challenges and opportunities, and developing far sighted strategies for producing the changes needed to achieve the vision. - Keeping an eye on the horizon and the long-term future.


- Companies purpose is based on being strong, aggressive, and effective - Reflect almost an obsession with winning - The basis of action is people's desire to achieve and to experience self-efficacy - People want to feel capable of being effective and producing results

Aligning Followers - Leadership

- Concerned instead with communicating the vision and developing a shared culture and set of core values that can lead to the desired future state. - Provides learning opportunities so people can expand their minds and abilities and assume responsibility for their own actions.

Leadership Outcomes

- Create change and a culture of agility and integrity

Leadership Alignment

- Create shared culture and values - Provide learning opportunities - Encourage networks and flexibility

Leadership Direction

- Create vision and strategy - Maximize opportunity - Keep eye on horizon

Creating Outcomes - Leadership

- Creates change, often radical change, within a culture of agility and integrity that helps the organization thrive over the long haul by promoting openness and honesty, positive relationships, and long-term innovation. - Facilitates the courage needed to make difficult and unconventional decisions that may sometimes hurt short-term results.

Be a resource for the leader

- Determine the leader's needs - Zig where leader zags - Tell leader about you - Align self to team purpose/vision

Developing Personal Leadership Qualities - Management

- Encourages emotional distance. - Means providing answers and solving problems

Leadership Personal Qualities

- Emotional connections (heart) - Open mind (mindfulness) - Listening (communication) - Conformity (courage) - Insight into self (character)

Management Personal Qualities

- Emotional distance - Expert mind - Talking - Conformity - Insight into organization

Providing Direction - Management

- Focuses on establishing detailed plans and schedules for achieving specific results, and then allocating resources to accomplish the plan. - Calls for keeping an eye on the bottom line and short-term results.

Building Relationships - Management

- Focuses on getting the most results out of people so that production goals are achieved and goods and services are provided to customers in a timely manner. - Based on position and formal authority.

Building Relationships - Leadership

- Focuses on investing more in people so they are energized and inspired to accomplish goals. - Based on personal influence and trust.

New reality for leaders

- From stabilizer to change manager - From controller to facilitator - From competitor to collaborator - From diversity avoider to diversity promoter - From hero to humble

View the leader realistically

- Give up idealized expectations - Don't hide anything - Don't criticize leader to others - Disagree occasionally

Vision Establishes a Standard of Excellences and Integrity

- Good visions clarify and connect to the core values and ideals of the organization and thus set a standard of integrity for employees - A good vision brings about the best in people by illuminating important values, speaking to people's hearts, and letting them be part of something bigger than themselves

From competitor to collaborator

- Harness and make the most of ideas, talent, and resources from across boundaries of all kinds - Most successful leaders stress teamwork, compromise, and cooperation - Self-directed teams and other forms of horizontal collaboration spread knowledge and information throughout the organization

Minimizing Differences

- Hides or trivializes cultural differences - Focuses on similarities among individuals

The Effective Leader

- High vision - High action


- High vision - Low action

Power Distance

- How much people accept equality in power - High reflects an acceptance of inequality among institutions, organizations, and individuals - Low means people expect equality in power


- Inspired by the opportunity to find or create something new - This type of purpose inspires people to see the adventure in their work and experience the joy of a pioneering or entrepreneurial spirit

Management Relationships

- Invest in goods - Use position in power - Focus people on specific goals

Leadership Relationships

- Invest in people - Use personal influence - Inspire with purpose and trust

Building your Support Team

- Leaders cannot succeed on their own - Without strong relationships to provide perspective, it is very easy to lose your way


- Leaders focus people on being the best, both on an individual and organizational level - Managers and employees are treated as valuable resources and provided with support to perform at their peak - People are motivated by the opportunity to experience intrinsic rewards and personal fulfillment

Three attributes of Authentic Leadership

- Learning from your Life Story - Practicing your Values and Principles - Building your Support Team

From hero to humble

- Less and less realistic for an individual leader to meet all the challenges a team or organization faces in a complex and rapidly changing world - Complete lack of ego and a fierce resolve to do what is best for the organization - Accept full responsibility for mistakes, poor results, or failures, but they typically give credit for praises to other people

The Doer

- Low vision - High action

The Uninvolved

- Low vision - Low action

Management Outcomes

- Maintain stability - Creates culture of efficiency

Creating Outcomes - Management

- Maintains a degree of stability, predictability, and order through a culture of efficiency.

Vision Energizes People and Focuses Attention

- Many people commit their time and energy voluntarily to projects they believe in - Lets people know what they should be doing, and just as importantly, what they should not be doing

Developing Personal Leadership Qualities - Leadership

- More than a set of skills; it relies on a number of subtle personal qualities that are hard to see but they are very powerful. - Springs from a genuine caring for the work and a genuine concern for other people. - Means being emotionally connected to others. People become part of the community and feel that they are contributing to something worthwhile. - Requires the courage to admit mistakes and doubts, to listen, and to trust and learn from others.


- Multicultural efforts - Enables one to integrate differences and adapt both cognitively and behaviorally

Burns Transactional Leadership

- One person takes the initiative in making contact with others for the purpose of an exchange of valued things - The exchange could be economic or political or psychological in nature - Each party to the bargain is conscious of the power resources and attitudes of the other

Management Alignment

- Organize and staff - Direct and control - Create structure and order

Aligning Followers - Management

- Organizing a structure to accomplish the plans; staffing the structure with employees; and developing policies, procedures, and systems to direct employees and monitor implementation.

Vision Gives Meaning to Work

- People want to find significance and dignity in their work - Even employees performing routine tasks can find pride in their work when they have a larger purpose for what they do


- Perceives threat against one's comfortable world view - Uses negative stereotyping - Assumes culture superior

Management Direction

- Plan and budget - Minimize risk for sure results - Focus on the bottom line

Challenges Minorities Face

- Prejudice - Stereotypes - Discrimination - The Glass Ceiling

Understand the leader

- Take the initiative to learn about goals, needs, strengths and weaknesses, and organizational constraints - Study their leader's preferred work style - Learn their leader's preferences and adapt to them - Seek out all the information they can about their leader from talking to the boss, talking to others, and paying attention to clues in the leader's behavior, so that they are sensitive to the leader's work and needs

Pragmatic Survivor

- Thinking Style: Both as needed - Level of Engagement: Both as needed


- Thinking Style: Dependent, Uncritical Thinker - Level of Engagement: Active in the organization

Passive Follower

- Thinking Style: Dependent, Uncritical Thinker - Level of Engagement: Passive in the organization

Alienated Follower

- Thinking Style: Independent, Critical Thinker - Level of Engagement: Passive in the organization

Effective Follower

- Thinking Style: Independent, Critical Thinker - Level of Engagement: Active in the organization

Strategies for Managing Up

- Understand the leader - Be a resource for the leader - Help the leader be a good leader - Build a relationship - View the leader realistically

Practicing your Values and Principles

- Values that form are derived from your beliefs and convictions, but you will not know what your true values are until they are tested under pressure - When your life hangs in the balance, you learn what is most important, what you are prepared to sacrifice, and what trade-offs you are willing to make

Vision links the Present to the Future

- Vision connects what is going on right now with what the organization aspires to - A vision is always about the future, but it begins with the here and now

Ways Vision Impacts Others

- Vision links the Present to the Future - Vision Energizes People and Focuses Attention - Vision Gives Meaning to Work - Vision Establishes a Standard of Excellences and Integrity

Structural Frame

A leader form of reference that places emphasis on planning, setting goals, and clarifying expectations as a way to provide order, efficiency, and stability.

Human Resource Frame

A leader frame of reference that defines problems and issues in interpersonal terms and looks for ways to adjust the organization to meet human needs.

Symbolic Frame

A leader frame of reference that perceives the organization as a system of shared meaning and focuses on shared vision, culture, and values to influence others.

Political Frame

A leader frame of reference that views the organization as an arena of conflict or tension over the allocation of scarce resources.


A preference for a tightly knit social framework in which people look out for one another and organizations protect their members' interests


A preference for achievement, heroism, assertiveness, work centrality, and material success


A preference for relationships, cooperation, group decision making, and quality of life


A rigid, exaggerated, irrational, and typically negative belief or image associated with a particular group of people

Examples of traditional diversity

Age, race, gender, pay level, disability, lifestyle

Inclusive Diversity

All of the ways in which people differ, including dimensions of diversity that can be acquired or changed throughout one's lifetime


An adverse feeling or opinion formed without regard for the facts


An attractive, ideal future that is credible yet not readily attainable

The Glass Ceiling

An invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top leadership positions

Transformational Leadership

Characterized by the ability to bring about significant change in followers and the organization

Uncertainty Avoidance

Degree to which members of a society feel comfortable with ambiguity and thus support beliefs and behaviors that promise conformity

Structural Frame Emphasis

Goals, systems, efficiency, formal authority

Charismatic Leadership

Leaders who have the ability to inspire and motivate people to do more than they would normally do, despite obstacles and personal sacrifice

Steps to becoming an inclusive leader

Lowest level of Awareness Defense Minimizing differences Acceptance Adaptation Integration Highest level of Awareness

Burns Transformational Leadership

One or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality

Human Resource Emphasis

People, relationships, engagement

Learning from your Life Story

Provides the context for your experiences, and through it you can find the inspiration to make an impact in the world

Examples of inclusive diversity

Race, gender, lifestyle, pay level, function, competency, income, parent, language, work style, military experience, position, nationality, personality

Traditional Diversity

Reflect primarily inborn differences that are immediately observable

Political Frame Emphasis

Resource allocation, negotiation, coalition building

Human Resource Mindset

Sees organization as family, belonging, clan

Political Frame Mindset

Sees organization as jungle, power, schemes

Structural Frame Mindset

Sees organization as machine, economics, plans

Symbolic Frame Mindset

Sees organization as themes, spiritual meaning, dreams


The general plan of action that describes resource allocation and other activities for dealing with the environment and helping the organization attain its goals


The organization's core broad purpose and reason for existence


Treating people differently based on prejudicial attitudes and stereotypes


Value for a loosely knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves

Symbolic Frame Emphasis

Vision, cultural & values, inspiration

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