MGMT 5533 Week 5 Chapts 9 & 10 Authentic and Servant Leadership

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Servant Leadership originated with

(Greenleaf 1970,72, 77)

How Does Servant Leadership Work?

- puts followers first - works best with altruistic leaders that are motivated to help others - followers must be receptive - results in community and societal change empathizes leaders should have specific traits. it is unlike path-goal theory. Servant Leadership focuses on behaviors and to put followers first, support personal development.

Model of Servant Leadership 3 Components

1. Antecedent conditions 2. Servant Leader Behaviors 3. Outcomes

Servant Leadership - Strengths

Altruism is the central component of the leadership process. Leaders put followers first. The only leadership approach that frames the leadership process around the principle of caring for others. Provides counterintuitive and provocative approach to the use of influence, or power in leadership. Treats influence as a positive Leaders should not dominate, direct, or control. Leadership is a panacea, not preferred. sound measurement of servant leadership in research. Liden 2008 - Servant Leadership Square (SLS).

What is the mechanism which explains how servant leadership works?

Leaders commit themselves to putting followers first. Be honest with them, and treat them fairly. Priority is given to listening. Develop strong long erm relationships. Understand abilities, needs, and goals of followers. Leaders should be altruistic and humanistic. results in community and societal change.

Authentic Leadership - Application

People have the capacity to learn to be authentic leaders. Try to do the right thing, be hones with themselves and others, to work for the common good.

Servant Leadership - Application

Servant leadership can be applied at all levels of management and in all types of organizations.

Authentic Leadership Focus

Whether leadership is genuine or "real" Authentic Leadership is about AUTHENTICITY Not easily defined. COMPLEX-Difficult to characterize.

Major challenge confronting researchers in developing theory was to

define the construct and identify its characteristics.

Positive Psychological Capacities, Moral Reasoning, and Critical Life Events

identified as factors which are influential in a person's ability to become an authentic leader

Authentic Leadership: EFFECTS

practical and theoretical approaches clearly point to what leaders should do to become authentic leaders

Servant Leadership - Criticisms

the paradoxical nature of the title "servant leadership" creates semantic noise that diminishes the potential value of the approach. Because the name appears contradictory, servant leadership is prone to be perceived as fanciful or whimsical. In addition, being a servant leader implies following, and following is viewed as the opposite of leading. Although servant leadership incorporates influence, the mechanism of how influence functions as a part of servant leadership is not fully explicated in the approach. there is debate among servant leadership scholars regarding the core dimensions of the process. researchers have been unable to reach consensus on a common definition or theoretical framework for servant leadership a large segment of the writing on servant leadership has a prescriptive overtone that implies that good leaders "put others first." While advocating an altruistic approach to leadership is commendable, it has a utopian ring because it conflicts with individual autonomy and other principles of leadership such as directing, concern for production, goal setting, and creating a vision (Gergen, 2006). Furthermore, along with the "value-push" prescriptive quality, there is an almost moralistic nature that seems to surround servant leadership. As a result, many practitioners of servant leadership are not necessarily researchers who want to conduct studies to test the validity of servant leadership theory. Finally, it is unclear why "conceptualizing" is included as one of the servant leadership behaviors in the model of servant leadership

different models for which servant leadership is treated as a

trait phenomenon (courage, humility) and a behavioral process (serving and developing others.)

Authentic Leadership "DEVELOPMENTAL" perspective. 3rd Definition

(Avolio & Gardner, 2005, Gardner, Avolio & Walumbwa, 2005b, Walumbwa, Avolio, Gardner, Wensing, & Peterson, 2008). Views authentic leadership as something that can be nurtured in a leader, rather than a fixed trait. Authentic Leadership develops in people over a lifetime and can be triggered by major life events

Authentic Leadership: EFFECTS

(Rego, Sousa, Marques, Pina e Cunha 2014) positive relationships between leadership and employee's hope. (Stander, de Beer, Stander 2015) optimism and trust lead directly to stronger work engagement.

Servant Leadership Theory Models

(Russell, Stone 2002) model Fontaine's 20 attributes, 9 functional characteristics (distinctive behaviors observed in the workplace). (Patterson 2003) Created a value based model with 7 constructs which characterize the virtues and shape the behaviors of servant leaders.

Authentic Leadership: EFFECTS

(Wang, Sui, Luthans, Wang, Wu 2014) impact of authentic leadership on follower performance (Azanza, Moriano, Molero, Levy Mangin 2015) positive relationships and work engagement include employee satisfaction and intent to stay. (Kumar 2014) effects on followers psychological ownership of their organizations.

Authentic Leadership: EFFECTS

(Xu, Zhao, Li, Lin 2017) (Semedo, Coehlo, Ribeiro 2016) Leadership correlates directly to followers who thrive at work. Positive relationship between employee creativity and authentic leadership.

Servant Leader Behaviors

1. Conceptualizing - Conceptualizing refers to the servant leader's thorough understanding of the organization—its purposes, complexities, and mission. This capacity allows servant leaders to think through multifaceted problems, to know if something is going wrong, and to address problems creatively in accordance with the overall goals of the organization.


1. Follower Performance and Growth 2. Org Performance 3. Societal Impact

Ten Characteristics of a Servant Leader

1. Listening : Focus on listening 2. Empathy : Ability to empathize with others feelings 3. Healing : Focus on healing suffering 4. Awareness : Self-awareness of strengths and weaknesses 5. Persuasion : Use of persuasion rather than positional authority to influence others 6. Conceptualization : Broad-based conceptual thinking 7. Foresight : Ability to foresee future outcomes 8. Stewardship : Belief they are stewards of their employees and resources 9. Commitment : Commitment to the growth of people 10. Community : Drive to build community within and outside the organization

Practical Approach: Bill George - 5 DIMENSIONS OF AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP

1. Passion 2. Behavior 3. Connectedness 4. Consistency 5. Compassion

Formulations about Authentic Leadership: 2 Areas

1. Practical Approach - evolved from real life examples as well as training and development. 2. Theoretical Approach - Based on social science

4 Components of Authentic Leadership

1. Self-awareness 2. Internalized moral perspective 3. Balanced processing 4. Relational transparency Form the basis for authentic leadership.

Gallup Leadership Institute Publications

1. The Leadership Quarterly 2. Monographs in Leadership and Management "Authentic Leadership Theory and Process: Origins, Effects and Development.

Practical Approach: Bill George - Authentic Leadership Approach - 5 Basic Characteristics

1. They have a strong sense of purpose 2. they have strong values about the right thing to do 3. They establish trusting relationships with others. 4. They demonstrate self discipline and act on their values 5. They are sensitive and empathetic to the plight of others.

Servant Leader Behaviors - 2

2. Emotional Healing - Emotional healing involves being sensitive to the personal concerns and well-being of others. It includes recognizing others' problems and being willing to take the time to address them. Servant leaders who exhibit emotional healing make themselves available to others, stand by them, and provide them with support.

Servant Leader Behaviors - 3

3. Putting Followers First - Putting others first is the sine qua non of servant leadership—the defining characteristic. It means using actions and words that clearly demonstrate to followers that their concerns are a priority, including placing followers' interests and success ahead of those of the leader. It may mean a leader breaks from his or her own tasks to assist followers with theirs.

Servant Leader Behaviors - 4

4. Helping Followers Grow and Succeed - This behavior refers to knowing followers' professional or personal goals and helping them to accomplish those aspirations. Servant leaders make followers' career development a priority, including mentoring followers and providing them with support. At its core, helping followers grow and succeed is about aiding these individuals to become self-actualized, reaching their fullest human potential.

Servant Leader Behaviors - 5

5. Behaving Ethically - Behaving ethically is doing the right thing in the right way. It is holding to strong ethical standards, including being open, honest, and fair with followers. Servant leaders do not compromise their ethical principles in order to achieve success.

Servant Leader Behaviors - 6

6. Empowering - Empowering refers to allowing followers the freedom to be independent, make decisions on their own, and be self-sufficient. It is a way for leaders to share power with followers by allowing them to have control. Empowerment builds followers' confidence in their own capacities to think and act on their own because they are given the freedom to handle difficult situations in the way they feel is best.

Servant Leader Behaviors - 7

7. Creating Value for the Community - Servant leaders create value for the community by consciously and intentionally giving back to the community. They are involved in local activities and encourage followers to also volunteer for community service. Creating value for the community is one way for leaders to link the purposes and goals of an organization with the broader purposes of the community.

Leader Attributes

As in any leadership situation, the qualities and disposition of the leader influence the servant leadership process. Individuals bring their own traits and ideas about leading to leadership situations. Some may feel a deep desire to serve or are strongly motivated to lead. Others may be driven by a sense of higher calling (Sendjaya, Sarros, & Santora, 2008). These dispositions shape how individuals demonstrate servant leadership. In addition, people differ in areas such as moral development, emotional intelligence, and self-determinedness, and these traits interact with their ability to engage in servant leadership. Emotional intelligence, or the leader's ability to monitor the feelings, beliefs, and internal states of the self and followers, has been identified as an important attribute for a leader implementing a servant-leader ideology (Barbuto, Gottfredson, & Searle, 2014; Beck, 2014; Chiniara & Bentein, 2016). An empirical study by Hunter and colleagues (2013) concluded that "leaders scoring high in agreeableness and low in extraversion were more likely to be perceived as servant leaders by their followers". Sousa and van Dierendonck (2017) determined that having humility can make a servant leader more impactful regardless of his or her hierarchical position in an organization.

Practical Approach: Bill George - Authentic Leadership Approach

Authentic Leaders have a GENUINE DESIRE to SERVE OTHERS. They KNOW THEMSELVES Feel FREE to lead from their CORE VALUES Have a real sense of PURPOSE Inspired and Intrinsically motivated about their goals Understand their own values and behave toward based on those values They have a clear idea of who they are and where they are going. Know what the right thing is to do. Do not compromise their values

Authentic Leadership "INTERPERSONAL PROCESS". 2nd Definition

Authentic Leadership is a relational, created by leaders and followers together. (Eagly, 2005). It results not from the leader's efforts alone, but also from the response of followers. A reciprocal process because leaders and followers affect each other.

Avolio, Walumbwa & Weber 2009 Authentic Leadership 4 Components

Authentic Leadership is composed of four (4) distinct but related components: 1. Self Awareness 2. Internalized Moral Perspective 3. Balanced Processing 4. Relational Transparency All developed over a lifetime.

Practical Approach: Bill George - Authentic Leadership Approach - 3rd Characteristic - Relationships

Authentic leaders can open up and establish a CONNECTION with others. Willing to share. Through mutual disclosure, leaders and followers develop a sense of trust and closeness. People give their loyalty and commitment to leaders who soften boundaries and are transparent.

Relational Transparency

Being open and honest in presenting one's true self. Individuals share core feelings, motives and inclinations with others in an appropriate manner (Kernis, 2003) Individuals show both positive and negative aspects of themselves to others. It's about communicating openly and being real in relationships with others.

Moral Reasoning

Capacity to make ethical decisions about issues of right or wrong and good or bad. Lifelong process Make decisions that transcend individual differences and align individuals toward a common goal. Enable leaders to be selfless and make judgements that save the greater good of the group, organization, or community. Enables leaders to use this ability to promote justice and achieve what is right.

Term "Servant Leadership"

Coined by Robert K. Greenleaf. Founded the Center for Applied Ethics in 1964, now the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership.


Communication between leaders and followers is an interactive process that includes sending and receiving messages (i.e., talking and listening). Servant leaders communicate by listening first. They recognize that listening is a learned discipline that involves hearing and being receptive to what others have to say. Through listening, servant leaders acknowledge the viewpoint of followers and validate these perspectives.

Practical Approach: Bill George - Authentic Leadership Approach - Compassion & Heart

Compassion - being sensitive to the plight of others.


Conceptualization refers to an individual's ability to be a visionary for an organization, providing a clear sense of its goals and direction. This characteristic goes beyond day-to-day operational thinking to focus on the "big picture." Conceptualization also equips servant leaders to respond to complex organizational problems in creative ways, enabling them to deal with the intricacies of the organization in relationship to its long-term goals.


Empathy is "standing in the shoes" of another person and attempting to see the world from that person's point of view. Empathetic servant leaders demonstrate that they truly understand what followers are thinking and feeling. When a servant leader shows empathy, it is confirming and validating for the follower. It makes the follower feel unique.

Servant Leadership

Focuses on leadership from the point of view o the leader and his/her behaviors. Emphasizes leaders be attentive to the concerns of followers, empathize, and nurture them. Put followers first. Ethical, lead in ways that serve the greater good.

Practical Approach: Bill George - Authentic Leadership Approach

Focuses on the characteristics of authentic leaders. The essential qualities of authentic leadership and how individuals can develop these qualities.


Foresight encompasses a servant leader's ability to know the future. It is an ability to predict what is coming based on what is occurring in the present and what has happened in the past. For Greenleaf, foresight has an ethical dimension because he believes leaders should be held accountable for any failures to anticipate what reasonably could be foreseen and to act on that understanding


Greenleaf's conceptualization of servant leadership places a premium on treating each follower as a unique person with intrinsic value that goes beyond his or her tangible contributions to the organization. Servant leaders are committed to helping each person in the organization grow personally and professionally. Commitment can take many forms, including providing followers with opportunities for career development, helping them develop new work skills, taking a personal interest in their ideas, and involving them in decision making (Spears, 2002).

Greenleaf credits his formulation to

Hermann Hesse's (1956) novel "the Journey to the East"

Shamir and Eilam (2005)

Intrapersonal approach suggest that authentic leaders exhibit GENUINE LEADERSHIP, LEAD FROM CONVICTION, and are ORIGINALS. This perspective emphasizes the life experiences of a leader and the meaning he or she attaches to those experiences as being critical to the development of the authentic leader.

Authentic Leadership - Strengths

It fulfills an expressed need for trustworthy leadership in society. Helps to fill a void and provides an answer to people who are searching for good and sound leadership in uncertain times. Gives followers a clear picture of who they are and how they will act. Inform their understanding of the leader and if they can depend on their leadership. Provides broad guidelines for individual who want to become authentic leaders. Importance of leaders to be self aware, internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency to be authentic. A MAP to becoming an authentic leader. Has an explicit moral dimension. Requires leaders to do what is right or good. Understand their own values, please followers needs above their own, and work with followers to align their interests in order to crate a greater good. Followers are more inspired when champion for good.

Theoretical Approach

Kumar 2014, Leroy, Anseel, Gardner, & Sels, 2015; Pues, Wescher, Streicher, Braun & Frey 2012)


Persuasion is clear and persistent communication that convinces others to change. As opposed to coercion, which utilizes positional authority to force compliance, persuasion creates change through the use of gentle nonjudgmental argument. According to Spears (2002), Greenleaf's emphasis on persuasion over coercion is perhaps related to his denominational affiliation with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Servant Leaders

Place the good of followers over their own self interests Emphasize follower development. Demonstrate strong moral behavior toward followers, org and stakeholders.

Factors that INFLUENCE Authentic Leadership

Positive Psychological Attributes 1. Confidence 2. Hope 3. Optimism 4. Resilience (Luthans & Avolio 2003)


Positive motivational state based on willpower and goal planning. Leaders with goals know what they can accomplish Inspire followers to trust them and believe in their goals

How Does Authentic Leadership Work?

Practical Approach - how to be authentic and how to develop authentic leadership. Purposeful, Value Centered, Relational, Self Disciplined, Compassionate Theoretical Approach - what authentic leadership is and what accounts for it Self Awareness, Internalized Moral Perspective, Balanced Processing, Relational Transparency. Lifelong process influenced by Critical Events.

Practical Approach: Bill George - Authentic Leadership Approach - 5 Dimensions

Purpose 1. They have a strong sense of purpose Values 2. they have strong values about the right thing to do Relationships 3. They establish trusting relationships with others. Self Discipline 4. They demonstrate self discipline and act on their values Heart 5. They are sensitive and empathetic to the plight of others. Individuals with deep interest in and who truly care about what they do and also care about helping others are using which characteristics of authentic leadership? HEART


Self Efficacy the belief that one has the ability to successfully accomplish a specified task. Confident leaders are more likely to succeed, be persistent when obstacles arise, and to welcome a challenge (Bandura, 1997); Luthans & Avolio 2003)

Balanced Processing

Self regulatory behavior. Individuals ability to analyze information objectively and explore other people's opinions before making a decision. Avoiding favoritism and remaining unbiased. Soliciting viewpoints and fully considering their positions. Open about their own perspectives, but are also objective in considering other peoples perspectives.

Internalized Moral Perspective

Self regulatory process. Individuals sue their internal moral standards and values to guide their behavior rather than allow outside pressures to control them. Self regulatory process. Actions consistent with their expressed beliefs and morals.

Chapter 10

Servant Leadership

Context and Culture

Servant leadership does not occur in a vacuum but occurs within a given organizational context and a particular culture. The nature of each of these affects the way servant leadership is carried out. Because norms differ, the ways servant leadership is performed may vary. Dimensions of culture will also influence servant leadership. For example, in cultures where power distance is low (e.g., Nordic Europe) and power is shared equally among people at all levels of society, servant leadership may be more common. In cultures with low humane orientation (e.g., Germanic Europe), servant leadership may present more of a challenge. The point is that cultures influence the way servant leadership is able to be achieved.


Servant leadership fosters the development of community. A community is a collection of individuals who have shared interests and pursuits and feel a sense of unity and relatedness. Community allows followers to identify with something greater than themselves that they value. Servant leaders build community to provide a place where people can feel safe and connected with others, but are still allowed to express their own individuality.

The servant leader characteristic in which the leader has vision and solves problems in creative ways is similar to the problem solving competency in which leadership approach?

Skills Approach


Stewardship is about taking responsibility for the leadership role entrusted to the leader. Servant leaders accept the responsibility to carefully manage the people and organization they have been given to lead. In addition, they hold the organization in trust for the greater good of society.

Authentic Leadership - Criticisms

Still in formative stages of development. Concepts and ideas not fully substantiated. Practical Approach not built in empirical base, nor tested. Be cautious. Moral Component not fully explained. How values function to influence leadership is not clear. Questioning of Positive Psychological Capacities being components of authentic leadership. Not clearly explained and broadens the contract of authentic leadership too much and makes it difficult to measure. New research needed to determine if authentic leadership can be effective with millennials. Individualism, commitment to work life balance and subsequent preference for extrinsic reward are stumbling points for effectively leading that generation. Not clear if authentic leadership results in positive org outcomes.

Follower Receptivity

The receptivity of followers is a factor that appears to influence the impact of servant leadership on outcomes such as personal and organizational job performance. Follower receptivity concerns the question "Do all followers show a desire for servant leadership?" Research suggests the answer may be no. Some followers do not want to work with servant leaders. They equate servant leadership with micromanagement, and report that they do not want their leader to get to know them or try to help, develop, or guide them (Liden et al., 2008). Similarly, empirical studies have shown that when servant leadership was matched with followers who desired it, this type of leadership had a positive impact on performance and organizational citizenship behavior (Meuser, Liden, Wayne, & Henderson, 2011; Otero-Neira, Varela-Neira, & Bande, 2016; Ozyilmaz & Cicek, 2015). The opposite was seen when there was no match between servant leadership and the desire of followers for it. It appears that, for some followers, servant leadership has a positive impact and, for others, servant leadership is not effective.


To heal means to make whole. Servant leaders care about the personal well-being of their followers. They support followers by helping them overcome personal problems. Greenleaf argues that the process of healing is a two-way street—in helping followers become whole, servant leaders themselves are healed.

Fry & Whittington, 2005; Luthans & Avolio, 2003

Widespread unethical and ineffective leadership necessitated the need for more humane, constructive leadership which served the common good.

Authentic Leadership defined (Walumbwa 2008)

a pattern of leader behavior that draws upon and promotes both positive psychological capacities and positive ethical climate, to foster greater self awareness, an internalized moral perspective, balanced processing of information, and relational transparency on the part of leaders working with followers, fostering positive self development.


awareness is a quality within servant leaders that makes them acutely attuned and receptive to their physical, social, and political environments. It includes understanding oneself and the impact one has on others. With awareness, servant leaders are able to step aside and view themselves and their own perspectives in the greater context of the situation.

Servant Leadership defined

begins with the natural feeling that one wants to see, to serve FIRST. then CONSCIOUS CHOICE burins one to aspire to lead.

Servant Leadership is a


Positive attributes predispose or enhance a leader's

capacity to develop the components of authentic leadership Each attributes has a trait like and a state like quality.


capacity to recover from and adjust to adverse situations. ability to positively adapt to hardships and suffering


cognitive process of viewing situations from a positive light and having favorable expectations about the future. leaders are positive about their capabilities and outcomes. Approach life with a sense of abundance rather than scarcity.

Walumbwa (2008)

conceptualized authentic leadership as a PATTERN OF LEADER BEHAVIOR that develops from, and is grounded in, the leader's positive psychological qualities and strong ethics.

Antecedent Conditions Liden's Servarn Model "Trait like" - Leader attributes are part of the antecedent conditions.

context and culture, leader attributes, follower receptivity

Authentic Leadership is a complex process that emphasizes

development of qualities that help leaders to be perceived as trustworthy and believable by their followers.


do those served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society; will they benefit, or, at least, will they not be further deprived?

Servant leadership has

empirical research. It is PRESCRIPTIVE, focusing on how servant leadership should be, rather than descriptive, focusing on what servant leadership actually is in practice.

Models demonstrating the process of authentic leadership: Luthans and Avolio 2003

explains authentic leadership as a developmental process.

Authentic Leadership "Intrapersonal PERSPECTIVE" 1st definition

focuses closely on the leader and what goes on within the leader. It incorporates the leader's self knowledge, self regulation and self concept.

Luthans and Avolio (2003)

focusing on authentic leadership development and positive organizational scholarship.

Authentic Leadership is still in the

formative phase of development. Authentic Leadership should be considered more TENTATIVELY

Models demonstrating the process of authentic leadership: Gardner 2005b

frames authentic leadership around the developmental processes of leader and follower self awareness and self regulation.

Effective Leader-Follower relationships are marked by

high quality communication

Coetzer, Bussin, Geldenhuys (2017)

highlighted: 8 servant leadership characteristics 1. authenticity 2. humility 3. integrity 4. listening 5. compassion 6. accountability 7. courage 8. altruism 4 competencies 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. Outcomes 1. Follower Performance and Growth 2. Org Performance 3. Societal Impact

Greenleaf's writings were considered a

leadership approach and not a theory. Adopted as a guiding philosophy.

Authentic Leadership is a

lifelong developmental process, which is formed and informed by each individual's life story.

Societal Impact

likely to have a positive impact on society

Critical Life Events

major events that shape people's lives. shape an individual's development as a leader. Positive or negative events. Acts as a catalyst for change. (Shamir & Eilam 2005) authentic leadership rests heavily on the insights people attach to their life experiences stimulate growth to become stronger leaders

Authentic Leadership defined

many definitions complex

Trait Like

may characterize a relatively fixed aspect of someone's personality that has been evident throughout his or her life. (extraversion)

Models demonstrating the process of authentic leadership: Morgeson and Nahrgang 2005

multicomponent model which discusses the impact o authenticity on leaders' and followers' happiness and well being.

Self Awareness

personal insights of the leader. Understanding themselves, including strengths and weaknesses, and impacts on others. Reflecting core values, identify, emotions, motives, and goals, who you really are. Being aware and trusting feelings (Kernis, 2003) Have a clear sense of who they are, stand for, strong anchor for their decisions and actions (Gardner 2005b) Self Knowledge and Self Consistency have a positive impact on follower's satisfaction with leaders organizational commitment and team effectiveness (Peus 2012, Leroy 2015)

Follower Performance and Growth

positive effect on the way followers do their assigned work. Followers became more effective at accomplishing their jobs and fulfilling their job descriptions. Fosters a positive service climate, induces followers to help coworkers and sell products, reduces turnover and disengagement behaviors (Hunter 2013) Autonomy, competence and relatedness, had a positive impact on followers task performance and OCBs (Chiniara, Bentein 2016) Followers may become servant leaders themselves.

Organizational Performance

positive relationship between servant leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs), which are follower behavior that go beyond the basic requirements of the follower's duties and help the overall functioning of the org. Servant leadership also affects the way organizational teams function. Hu and Liden (2011) found that servant leadership enhanced team effectiveness by increasing the members' shared confidence that they could be effective as a work group. Furthermore, their results showed that servant leadership contributed positively to team potency by enhancing group process and clarity. However, when servant leadership was absent, team potency decreased, despite clearer goals. In essence, it frustrates people to know exactly what the goal is, but not get the support needed to accomplish the goal.

Servant Leadership is a paradox

runs counter to common sense. Leaders influence and servants follow. Servant Leadership is different

Servant Leaders have

social responsibility to be concerned about the "have nots" and those less privileged.

Dimension of Leadership - Self Discipline

the quality that helps leaders to reach their goals. Provides focus and determination. provides the energy to Carry out their work. Allow leaders to remain cool, calm and CONSISTENT. When the leader is self directed and "on course" it gives other people a sense of security.

Authentic Leadership identified earlier in

transformational leadership (Bass, 1990; Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999; Burns, 1978; Howell & Avolio, 1993)

A Servant Leader

uses less institutional power and control while shifting authority to shoe who are being led. Values community due to face to face opportunity for individuals to experience interdependence , respect, trust, and individual growth.

State Like

with training or coaching, individuals are capable of developing or changing their characteristics.

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