Mgsc 300 final
1.Describe the three different levels of AI development. Which one describes most of the AI applications in use today?
1 Artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) also known as "weak" AI, essentially current applications. 2 Artificial general intelligence (AGI), also known as "strong" AI, 3Artificial super intelligence (ASI)
1.Briefly describe the six different branches of AI technology.
1 Machine learning—machines that can learn. 2 Deep learning—sophisticated learning machines that use neural networks. 3 Natural language processing (NLP)—machines that can communicate like humans. 4 Expert systems—machines that solve complex problems. 5 Fuzzy logic—machines that replicate the fuzzy logic reasoning abilities of humans. 6 Robotics—robots that use AI to learn, solve problems, and communicate.
1.What are the four different types of AI machines or applications? How do they differ?
1 reactive machines 2 limited memory 3 theory of mind 4 self awareness
1.Give an example of how bias can creep into the training of a machine learning application, resulting in unintended but negative consequences.
AI programs designed to identify loan applicants Whether social services should remove children from their parents
1.What has been the effect of advances in artificial intelligence on the field of robotics?
Artificial Intelligence has played a very major role not only in increasing the comforts of humans but also by increasing industrial productivity
1.Describe some of the fields or disciplines that are expected to be influenced by the development of workable and widely available quantum computers.
Artificial Intelligence; Cybersecurity; Product Innovation; Business, Market, and Financial Modeling; and Weather Forecasting and Climate Change
1.How are collaborative robots different from industrial robots that work without direct interaction with humans during the production process?
Collaborative robots also known as Cobots, work together with human workers to accomplish a task or set of tasks.
1.What are the key obstacles facing computer engineers regarding the development of quantum computers?
Current quantum machines are prone to errors resulting from noise, faults, and loss of coherence, a property critical to the operation of quantum computers. Current quantum computers have extremely low fault tolerance. current quantum computers experience Loss of coherence
1.What advantages do surgeons and patients experience when medical robots are used during surgical procedures?
Medical robots are designed to augment a surgeon's skill, knowledge, and expertise, by taking on surgical tasks that require extremely high levels of precision and stability over long periods of time Most medical robots draw on multiple artificial intelligence technologies to develop and carry out their surgical functions including using machine learning to achieve submillimeter precision and expand dexterity to reach more areas of the body
1.How do industrial robots benefit companies that use them for production and manufacturing?
One of the goals for collaborative robots production systems is safety:
1.What is the difference between bits that are used in computers today, and qubits that are used in quantum computers?
Qubits can hold a value of 0, 1, as well as values between 0 and 1.
1.What steps should workers take to determine if their jobs or intended career path has a higher risk of being automated?
Work that is routine, and done the same way repeatedly, is more likely to be automated. Jobs that deal primarily with numbers and data are quite vulnerable to automation.
1.What is the essential difference between machine learning and deep learning applications?
deep learning are more sophisticated and use neural networks
1.Why are technologies like facial recognition and AI programs that monitor a large volume of phone calls and e-mail messages a concern for American citizens?
machine learning programs develop a bias in their decision-making ability
What is business-IT alignment?
refers to applying IT in an appropriate and timely way that is consistent with business strategies, goals, and needs. 1st step is to understand business objectives and how IT capabilities can best support business requirements.
1.In quantum mechanics, what is the difference between positive and negative interference?
something can increase (constructive interference) or decrease (destructive interference) the behavior of another thing