MGT 300: Chapter 11

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Which statements about employee engagement are true?

Employee psychological well-being tends to increase customer satisfaction. and Employee engagement tends to improve corporate-level financial performance.

They don't call Ed "Steady Eddy" for no reason. He is unfailingly calm, even under pressure or stress. It would appear that Ed has a high level of _______.

emotional stability

Jenna loves her job. She is known as the "cheerleader" of the department because she is enthusiastic about every project and highly focused. Jenna displays employee _____.


Self-_____ is the extent to which people like or dislike themselves.


A(n) _____ locus of control indicates that you believe outside forces control you.


Mark failed his last test and blamed it on the fact that the test was poorly written and the room was too noisy for him to concentrate, not because he didn't study for the test. Mark would be said to have a(n) _____ locus of control.


Connie believes that women are not as effective leaders as men. This is an example of a(n) _____ stereotype.


When women are viewed as moody, emotional, and catty, whereas men are seen as strong and powerful, it is an illustration of ______.

sex-role stereotypes

The component of emotional intelligence known as _____ consists of empathy and organizational intuition, the ability to understand how your emotions and actions affect others within the organization.

social awareness

In the fundamental attribution bias, a person attributes the behavior of another person to _____.

personal characteristics

Matt is one of those consistently upbeat, optimistic people. He always looks on the bright side of things and sees the glass as half-full, rather than half-empty. These characteristics describe Matt's _____.


The stable behavioral and psychological characteristics responsible for a person's identity are known as _____.


Organizational behavior is a field of study that explains and ______ behavior.


Complete the sentence with all of the accurate statements regarding the relationship between conscientiousness and job performance. Conscientiousness is consistently and positively related to:

resilience, task performance, leadership behavior, and supervisor-rated liking

Even though she had never instructed anyone on how to use the new software, Millicent accepted the responsibility of instructing Sherri because she knew she was capable of doing the job. Which aspect of a core self-evaluation does Millicent's belief represent?


The belief in one's ability to complete a task is called __.


Liam knew that everyone else thought he was lazy and incompetent, so rather than tell his work team about an idea, he just let them do all of the work. As a result, his coworkers continued to feel he was lazy and incompetent. What does Liam's behavior demonstrate?

self-fulfilling prophecy

An aspect of emotional intelligence that involves the ability to control one's emotions and act with honesty and integrity in reliable and adaptable ways is called _____.


Of all the employees in the world, which percentage are highly or moderately engaged on the job?


Which situational factors can reduce employee engagement?

A job that offers little variety and The presence of stressors

Which situations are examples of race/ethnicity stereotyping?

During a staff meeting, Julius is asked to present the "black perspective" on the issues., When Patrick behaves foolishly at an office party, his manager comments that he should have known better than to hire a "drunken Irishman.", and When Marco makes a mistake, his co-workers sometimes excuse it because "Hispanics don't have experience with these things."

Mallory decided to hire a recent college graduate for the open teaching position at her school. The other candidate for the job was a well-qualified woman, but she was almost 50, and Mallory felt that she would be more likely to miss days of work. What distorted perception is Mallory displaying?

Age stereotyping

Everyone in the office considers Halle a good-natured person. She trusts the people she works with and cooperates on group projects. What personality dimension does Halle display?


How can you raise your emotional intelligence (EI)?

Become aware of your EI level. and Learn about aspects of your EI that could be enhanced.

Irene has always been known to exhibit "grace under pressure". Even when she's under a tight deadline, she appears to be relaxed, confident and in control. Which Big Five personality dimension does this BEST describe?

Emotional stability

Which traits are elements of an individual's core self-evaluation?

Emotional stability, Self-efficacy, Locus of control, and Self-esteem

_____ is defined as an individual's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work.

Employee engagement

What is the psychological discomfort that people experience when their attitudes and behaviors are incompatible?

Cognitive dissonance

What is an example of self-serving bias?

Concluding that the reason you aced the driving test is because you are an excellent driver

Which of the following demonstrates racial/ethnic stereotyping?

Connor decided to hire Edgar for the job instead of Maria because he felt that Hispanics were too compassionate.

People in the office can always count on Tyrone to get the job done. He's methodical, detail-oriented and his work is always completed on time. Which of the Big Five personality dimensions would this illustrate?


True or false: Managers of employees with low self-efficacy can overcome this issue by lowering their expectations and assigning such employees to part-time jobs.


What is the term for the way individuals perceive their ability to perform across a variety of different situations?

Generalized self-efficacy

Nico felt uncomfortable about cheating on the last quiz in his management class, but he told himself that students cheat all the time and it was only a quiz, not a major test. What factor did Nico use to reduce his cognitive dissonance?

He decided the quiz was not very important.

People with high rates of self-efficacy, including generalized self-efficacy, tend to have what characteristics?

Higher rates of motivation and High job performance


How a person intends or expects to respond toward a situation

What is the term for the attitudes or beliefs that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner?

Implicit bias

Relationship management is the component of emotional intelligence that deals with the ability to: (select all that apply)

build strong personal bonds, disarm conflicts, and communicate clearly and convincingly

Which region has the most highly or moderately engaged employees?

Latin America

Emotional intelligence reflects the ability to: (select all that apply)

carry out accurate reasoning about emotions, use emotions and emotional knowledge to enhance thought, and monitor your and others' feelings and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions

Anita has been experiencing cognitive dissonance because, although she is extremely worried that smoking will eventually kill her, she continues to smoke. Each time she smokes, she tells herself that one more cigarette won't make much difference. What factor is she using to relieve her cognitive dissonance?

One cigarette is not very important.

Tasha loves to travel, especially internationally. She's always eager to see new places, try new things, and learn about different cultures. Which Big Five personality dimension does this illustrate?

Openness to experience

What interdisciplinary field is dedicated to understanding and management of people at work?

Organizational behavior

What intervention to boost employee engagement focuses on "increasing individuals' self-perceived positive attributes and strengths"?

Personal resource building

Anita knows that smoking is bad for her health but doesn't seem to be able to quit for longer than a few days. The discomfort she feels as a result of the incongruence between her attitude and behavior is known as _____.

cognitive dissonance

Which element of emotional intelligence reflects your ability to use awareness of your emotions and the emotions of others to manage interactions successfully and build strong, personal bonds with others?

Relationship management

Which actions should managers take when employees exhibit low self-efficacy?

Reward small successes and Nurture self-efficacy by giving constructive pointers and positive feedback

Place the steps in the perceptual process in the correct order, with the first step listed at the top and the last step listed at the bottom.

Selective attention, Interpretation and evaluation, Storing in memory, and Retrieving from memory to make judgements and decisions

According to psychologist Daniel Goleman, what is the most essential trait of emotional intelligence?


Jordan realized that his bad mood was causing other people in his work group to feel negatively about the project. Which aspect of emotional intelligence is Jordan displaying?


According to Daniel Goleman, which traits make up emotional intelligence?

Self-awareness, Relationship management, Social awareness, and Self-management

Learned helplessness is associated with which facet of a core self-evaluation?


_____ occurs when people's expectations of themselves lead them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true.

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Jeanine's motto is "Check your bad mood at the office door." Even if she's tired or upset, she makes an effort every day to control her emotions in the workplace. This is an example of which component of emotional intelligence?


What is the term for taking more personal responsibility for success than for failure?

Self-serving bias

Louisa seems to have a strong ability to accurately pick up on the emotions of others in the workplace, understand what is going on, and display a keen sense of empathy. Which element of emotional intelligence does this describe?

Social awareness

Relationship management

The ability to communicate clearly, disarm conflicts and build strong personal bonds


The ability to control your emotions and act with honesty and integrity


The ability to read your own emotions and gauge your moods accurately

Social awareness

The ability to show others that you care and your understanding of how your emotions and actions affect others


The emotions a person feels about a situation


The extent to which a person is dependable, reliable and responsible

Openness to experience

The extent to which a person is imaginative, curious and broad-minded


The extent to which a person is outgoing, sociable and assertive

Emotional stability

The extent to which a person is relaxed, secure and unworried


The extent to which a person is trusting, cooperative, and good-natured

Implicit bias is characterized by the

attitudes and beliefs that we unconsciously hold about groups of people

The activity of inferring causes for observed behavior is known as causal _______.


The extent to which a person is relatively secure and unworried and how likely she or he is to experience negative emotions under pressure is known as _______.

emotional stability

Self-_____ is the ability to read your own emotions and accurately assess your moods so that you know how you are affecting others.


People's values and attitudes affect their workplace _____, which includes their actions and judgments.


True or false: People can improve many aspects of their emotional intelligence.


"If I see Ethan cheating on this exam, I'm going to report him to the professor." This is an example of the _____ component of an attitude.



What a person believes or knows about a situation

Depicting older workers as less involved in their work, less motivated, and having higher absenteeism than their younger counterparts in the workplace is a stereotype based on ______.


An individual who believes that she is in control of her fate through her own actions and efforts would be said to have _____.

an internal locus of control

A learned predisposition toward a given object is a(n) _____.


Travis asked his mother if he should look for a new job because he wasn't happy in his current one. She told him it probably wouldn't matter because he was never happy with any job. His mother was commenting on Travis's ______.


Of the Big Five personality dimensions that have a positive relationship to job performance, _____ describes how dependable, responsible, and achievement-oriented a person is.


Self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability are traits that make up an individual's ______.

core self-evaluation

The ability to monitor your own feelings and those of others and to use this information to guide your thinking and actions is referred to as _____.

emotional intelligence

Paulina believed that the new hires in her department were lazy for failing to make use of the company's expert software system, but the new hires had not been adequately trained to make use of the system. This is an example of _____.

fundamental attribution bias

Causal attribution is the act of

inferring causes for observed behavior

Jolene doesn't believe that "luck happens". She firmly believes that you make your own luck in life by what you do and how you do it. Jolene has a(n) _____ locus of control.


Behavior is defined as the combination of which two elements?

judgments and actions

The debilitating lack of faith in your ability to control your environment is referred to as ______.

learned helplessness

The extent to which people believe that they control their fate through their own efforts is called _____.

locus of control

Trevor likes to work on assignments in his own way. He feels that it is up to him to handle problems and take responsibility for the outcome, whether things go right or wrong. Which aspect of a core self-evaluation does Trevor demonstrate?

locus of control

After William's boss asked him to compile sales figures for the past three years, William pulled together the information and turned it over to his boss. After several days of not getting any feedback from his boss, William worried that he hadn't done a good job in presenting the information. William is demonstrating _____.

low self-esteem

The process of interpreting and understanding one's environment is called ______.


Karen was surprised when her friend said that the man at the first table in the restaurant must be a great basketball player just because he was tall and African American. Karen's friend was making a _____.


The tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics you believe are typical of the group to which that individual belongs is known as _____.


A(n) ______ is an environmental characteristic that causes stress


The personality dimensions of extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience are referred to as _____.

the Big Five personality dimensions

Darren is interviewing for a new administrative assistant. The three people he interviewed include an older woman, a man in a wheelchair, and a recent college graduate with beautiful blond hair. Darren knew just by looking at each candidate which one he would hire. His impression of each person was based on a single trait. This is known as _____.

the halo effect

Forming a positive impression of an individual based on a single trait is called _____.

the halo effect

John has been interviewing job applicants all day. Finally he hires one of the last people he interviewed. He has forgotten important information about a better applicant who spoke to him earlier in the day. He is experiencing _____.

the recency effect

Kayla has made her sales quota every month during the past year except for last month. When her boss conducts her performance appraisal, he focuses on this factor, rather than looking at her sales performance during the previous 11 months. This is an example of _____.

the recency effect

Jessica believes she should be concerned for the welfare of others. This belief is an example of a ______.


Abstract ideals that guide a person's thinking and behavior in all situations are called ______.


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