MGT 300 Exam 3 Mecca set, HRIM 365 Ch 12, chapter 13: Leadership: Power and Negotiation, Chapter 13 Quiz, Chapter 13 Power and Negotiation in Leadership, CHAPTER 13, Chapter 14. Leadership: Styles and Behaviors, CHAPTER 16 OB, CHAPTER 16, CHAPTER 14,...

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Employee Stock Option

A financial instrument that entitles the bearer to buy shares of organization's stock at a certain price during a certain period of time of under certain conditions

Functional team

A formal, longstanding working group organized around specific tasks, processes, or roles

Cross-functional team

A formal, longstanding working group with representation from diverse divisions, departments, and levels of authority

Cross-functional team

A formal, longstanding working group with representation from diverse divisions, departments, and levels of authority is known as a

Gossip chain

A format in which several individuals spread information, which is sometimes false or misleading, through an organization

Stages of group development

A four-stage process by which team become more effective and efficient over time; the stages are Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing

Management team

A functional or cross-functional working group of managers formed to plan, organize, lead, and control organizational performance

Management team

A functional or cross-functional working group of managers formed to plan, organized, lead and control organizational performance

Management team

A functional or cross-functional working group of manages formed to plan, organize, lead, and control


A global system of computer networks

Inovation adoption curve

A staged model that describes the evolution of an innovation's acceptance with customers: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards

Written communication

A system in which the sender writes emails, reports, memos, letters, or other documents

Communication network

A system of resources used as a channel for groups of people to connect to each other, such as the Internet

Communication network

A system of resources used as a channel for groups of people to connect to each other, such as the internet

Gainsharing Program

A system that allows employee to share in any cost savings made by the firm.

Gainsharing program

A system that allows employees to share in any cost saving made by the firm

Gainsharing program

A system that allows employees to share in any cost savings made by the firm


A system that allows employees to share in any cost savings made by the firm is called

Electronic communication

A system that includes emails, Skype, videoconferencing, blogs, instant messaging, texting, and social networking

Scanlon Plan

A system that recognizes and rewards individuals for collaboration, leadership, education and training given to another individual or group cohesively

Scanlon plan

A system that recognizes and rewards individuals for collaboration, leadership, education, and training given to another individual or group cohesively

ERG Theory of Motivation

A system that sets out three categories of human needs related to organizational behaviors, existence needs, relatedness needs, and growth needs

ERG Theory of Motivation

A system that sets out three categories of human needs related to organizational behaviors: existence needs, relatedness needs, and growth needs

ERG Theory of Motivation

A system that sets out three categories of human needs related to organizational behaviors:existence needs, relatedness needs, and growth needs.

Equity theory

A system which holds that individuals are more motivated if the perceive they are being treated as fairly as their fellow workers or those in other firms

Teams differ from groups because:

A group is just a collection on 2 or more people, where a team is a special type of group, where the members work interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task oriented purpose.

Cluster chain

A group of people who disseminate information within their group or cluster

Formal Group

A group that managers establish to achieve organizational goals

Informal Group

A group that managers or nonmanagerial employees form to help achieve their own goals or to meet their own needs


A group whose members work intensely with each other to achieve a specific, common goal or objective

Equity theory

A system which holds that individuals are more motivated if they perceive they are being treated as fairly as their fellow workers or those in other firms

Which of the following best describes the function of the role of an orienter in a group?

Determines the direction of the team's discusision

Neuroticism is associated with a(n) _______ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience.

Differential reactivity

Trait Model

Focused on identifying personal characteristics that cause effective leadership

Stacey Adams Equity Theory

Focuses on employee perceptions as to how fairly they think they are being treated to others. Employees are motivated to resolve feelings of injustice in subjective comparisons to the rewards that others receive for task performance. (Inputs, Outputs, and Comparison)

Task structure

Extent to which the work to be performed is clear-cut so that a leader's subordinates know what needs to be accomplished and how to go about doing it

The two Big Five dimensions most dependent on genes are:

Extraversion, and openness

______, who are more energetic and outgoing, are perceived to be more "leader like"


T or F? Rational persuasion, consultation, inspirational appeals, and collaboration take advantage of organizational rather than personal power

F (false)

Management by Wandering Around

Face-to-face communication technique in which a manager walks around a work area and talks informally with employees about issues and concerns

True or False? High levels of organizational politics have been shown to be beneficial to company performance as a whole.


Laissez-faire leadership

Far left, takes no responsibility in their leadership

Positional Rotation

Final level of cross-training, gives members actual experience carrying out the responsibilities of their teammates

Guidelines for effective meetings

Find ways to discourage lateness Set time limits for the meeting Set a purpose for the meeting

Innovation adoption curve

A staged model that describes the evolution of an innovation's acceptance with customers Innovators Early Adopters Early majority Late majority Laggards

_____ reflects the degree to which the leader effectively weights the recommendations of the members.

Hierarchical sensitivity

Avoidance learning

A benefits theory, also called negative reinforcement which postulates that behavior is strengthened by the removal of negative statements

Avoidance learning

A benefits theory, also called negative reinforcement, which postulates that behavior is strengthened by the removal of negative statements or actions

Wave venture

A business strategy defined by a systemic change in business and market environments

Aggregation venture

A business strategy defined by acquiring, merging, and coordinating existing market products

Aggregation venture

A business strategy defined by acquiring, merging, and coordinating existing market products, services, and companies

New new venture

A business strategy defined by offering a new category of consumers a new product or service

New-new venture

A business strategy defined by offering a new category of consumers a new product or service, typically distinguished with higher risk and higher returns compared to new-existing ventures

New existing venture

A business strategy defined by offering a new product or service to an existing category of consumers

New-existing venture

A business strategy defined by offering a new product or service to an existing category of consumers

New- existing venture

A business strategy defined by offering new product or service to an existing category of consumers

System change venture

A business strategy responding to a significant change in political environments, governmental legislation, and regulations

Discovery venture

A business strategy that seeks to invent a brand new product or service or find a new resource

Discovery venture

A business strategy that seeks to invent a brand-new product or service or find a new resource

Value chain venture

A business strategy that seeks to redesign or augment an offering in an existing business or management process, such as outsourcing of information technology and research

value chain venture

A business strategy that seeks to redesign or augment an offering in an existing business or management process, such as outsourcing of information technology and research is known as a(n):

Transplant venture

A business strategy where an idea that achieves market success in one market region is transferred to other geographic markets

A collaborative conflict resolution style should be used during which of the following situations? A. When an issue is trivial B. To merge insights from people with different perspectives C. On issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right D. When goals are important but not worth the effort of potential disruption E. When others can resolve the conflict more effectively

A collaborative conflict resolution style should be used to merge insights from people with different perspectives. Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes. It is seen as a win-win form of conflict resolution. Refer To: Table 13-4


A company-wide system of computer networks for information sharing by employees inside the firm

Merit Pay Plan

A compensation plan that bases pay on based on individual, group and/or organization performance

House's Path-Goal Theory

A contingency model of leadership proposing that effective leaders can motivate subordinates to achieve goals by: 1. Clearly identifying the outcomes that subordinates are trying to obtain from their jobs 2. Rewarding subordinates with these outcomes for high-performance and attainment of work goals 3. Clarifying the paths leading to the attainment of work goals

Which of the following decision-making styles is characterized by the highest level of follower control? A. Consultative B. Autocratic C. Delegative D. Facilitative E. Negotiative

A delegative style is classified as the highest follower control decision making leadership style. Refer To: Figure 14-2

Which of the following decision-making styles is characterized by the highest level of follower control?

A delegative style is classified as the highest follower control decision-making leadership style. Refer To: Figure 14-2

McClelland's Need for Power

A desire to control or influence others

Management by Wandering Around

A face-to-face communication technique in which a manager walks around a work area and talks informally with employees about issues and concerns

organizational effectiveness

a measure of how appropriate organizational goals are and how well those goals are being met

Q- level

a measurement that determines the optimum level of group size and interaction to achieve successful creative output


a measurement that determines the optimum level of group size and interaction to achieve successful creative output.

Behavior modification

a method of shaping actions by the use of positive reinforcement.

Start-up company

a newly formed organization with limited or no operational history

balanced scorecard

a performance measurement tool that examines more than just the financial perspective

Body ( nonverbal ) language

a person's facial expression and body movements that express communication and emotion without the use of words.


a person's perceived connection to a group, based on purpose, demographics, function, and other intangible dimensions.

Cognitive Dissonance

a physical discomfort a person experiences between his or her cognitive attitude and incompatible behavior

PDCA cycle

a plan-do-check-act cycle using observed data for continuous improvement of operations

Role structure

a prescribed set of behavioral and performance expectations for a position or job

Disruptive Innovation

a process by which a product or service takes root initially in simple applications at the bottom of a market and then relentlessly moves up market, eventually displacing established competitors


a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party

9. Negotiation

a process in which two or more interdependent individuals discuss and attempt to come to an agreement about their different preferences


a process that results in new market value through the creation of a product or service


a process through which individuals and groups transform ideas into reality


a process whereby an adaptive working group is formed to address unexpected environmental changes, challenges, and opportunities

Business model

a proposed method for creating and sustaining market value.

business model

a proposed method for creating and sustaining market value.


a purposeful group formed to accomplish a project, task or goal

Human Resource Inventory

a report listing your organizations employees by name, education, training, languages, and important information

Positive reinforcement

a reward given to motivate a person or group which is usually stated verbally or with "pats on the back" and words of encouragement

Six Sigma

a rigorous statistical analysis process that reduces defects in manufacturing a service-related industries


a scheduling system in which employees are required to work a specific number of hours a week but are free to vary those hours within certain limits.

Enterpreneurial ecosystem

a set of stakeholders that are necessary to support the innovation and creation of new market value

Organizational Development

a set of techniques for implementing planned change to make people and organizations more effective

shared leadership

a simultaneous, ongoing, mutual influence process in which people share responsibility for leading


a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable

Innovation adoption curve

a staged model that describes the evolution of an innovation's acceptance with customers: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards


a state of emotional, mental, and even physical exhaustion

statistical process control

a statistical technique that uses periodic random samples from production runs to see if quality is being maintained within a standard range of acceptability

balance sheet

a summary of an organization's overall financial worth-assets and liabilities-at a specific point in time

Written communication

a system in which sender writes emails, reports, memos, letters

Written communication

a system in which the sender writes emails, reports, memos, letters or other documents.

Communication Network

a system of resources used as a channel for groups of people to connect to each other, such as the internet.

Electronic communication

a system that includes emails, Skype, videoconferencing, blogs, instant messaging, texting and social networking.

Scanlon plan

a system that recognizes and rewards individuals for collaboration, leadership, education

Management information systems (mis)

a system used to provide management with needed information on a regular basis

Equity theory

a system which holds that individuals are more motivated if they perceive they are being treated as fairly as their fellow workers or those in other firms.

Action Learning

a team is given a real problem, developing an action plan, and finally carrying out the action plan

special-purpose team

a team that meets to solve a special or one time problem

task force

a temporary committee or team formed to tackle a specific short term problem affecting several departments.

Team Process

a term that reflects the different types of communication, activities, and interactions that occur within teams that contribute to their ultimate end goal

Reward system

a theory that provides prizes, incentives for tasks and jobs well done, special recognitions

Expectancy Theory

a theory which holds which individuals are more likely to be motivated and perform well if they expect to receive desired rewards.

Two-Factor Theory of Motivation

a theory, also known as " motivation-hygiene theory" or "dual theory", which is based on job satisfaction and /or job dissatisfaction and the extent to which attitudes influence outcomes

internal audit

a verification of an organization's financial accounts and statements by the organization's own professional staff

Which type of network structure in communication has the least degree of centralization?

all channel

reward power

all managers have, power that results from managers authority to reward their subordinates

legitimate power

all managers have, power that results from managers formal positions within the organization

coercive power

all managers have, results from managers authority to punish their subordinates

incremental budgeting

allocating increased or decreased funds to a department by using the last budget period as a reference point; only incremental changes in the budget request are reviewed

fixed budget

allocation of resources on the basis of a single estimate of costs

variable budget

allowing the allocation of resources to vary in proportion with various levels of activity

______ activities refer to communications that are intended to protect the team, persuade others to support the team, or obtain important resources for the team.

ambassador activities

Position Power

amount of legitimate, reward, and coercive power that a leader has by virtue of his or her position in an organization

decentralized control

an approach to organizational control that is characterized by informal and organic structural arrangements; the opposite of bureaucratic control


an attempt to correct the diagnosed problems

Resistance to Change

an emotional/ behavioral response to real or imagined threats to an established work routine


an incentive or drive to complete a task, a function, or an idea.

charismatic leadership

an individual inspiration and motivational characteristic of particular leaders


an individual or group perspective that is formed through limited data or experiences

Employee engagement

an individual's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work, difference in engagement between countries and sectors


an informal line of communication where information is passed from one person to another

mechanistic organization

an organization design that is rigid and tightly controlled.

virtual organization

an organization that consist of a small core of full time employees and outside specialist temporarily hired as needed to work on projects.

learning organization

an organization that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt, and change.

network organization

an organization that uses its own employees to do some work activities and networks of outside suppliers to provide other needed product components or work processes

boundary-less organization

an organization whose design is not defined by or limited to the horizontal, vertical, or external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure

Formal Appraisals

conducted at specific times throughout the year and based on performance measures that have been established in advance

Informal Appraisals

conducted on an unscheduled basis ad consists of less rigorous indications of employee performance


conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge

Role ambiguity

confusion that arises from an employee not understanding the expectations, intentions or purpose of this or her position

The Big Five personality dimension that has the biggest influence on job performance is _________.


ch.9- Which of the following is not a "dimension" of the big five taxonomy?(whatever choice isn't one of these 5 )

conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness & extraversion ARE)

continuous improvement teams

consist of small groups of volunteers or workers and supervisors who meet intermittently to discuss workplace and quality related

Network Structure

defined as the pattern of communication that occurs regularly among each member of the team

Which of the following leader behaviors is characterized by low initiating structure and low consideration?


Which of the following decision-making styles is characterized by the highest level of follower control?

delegative style

Which of the following is the style of decision making where the leader plays no role in deliberations unless asked?

delegative style

a form of social skill that fundamentally contributes to effective environmental adaption through the capacity for self-regulation of behavior to changing demands or cues is referred to as _____.

ego resiliency

______ can be beneficial to teams if it stimulates conversations that result in the development and expression of new ideas


Communications that reflect incompatibilities with respect to personal values or preferences refer to:

emotions and emotional intelligence

leader-member exchange model of leadership

emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates

Organizational Citizenship Behavior

employee behaviors that are not directly part of employee's job descriptions, that exceed their work- role requirements

Transformational leadership

far right, strict and take strong responsibility. Transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests. Good in Rapidly changing situations

Social Loafing

feelings of reduced accountability, in turn, cause members to exert less effort when working on team tasks then they would if they worked along on those same tasks

Modern approach of job design

fit jobs to people

Traditional approach of job design

fit people to jobs and they will gradually adapt to any work situation

servant leaders

focus on providing increased service to others - meeting the goals of both followers and the organization - rather than to themselves

Affirmative Action

focuses on achieving equality of opportunity within an organization including establishment of minority hiring goals

Transactional leadership

focuses on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments that are contingent on performance

Situational Interview

focuses on hypothetical situations

transactional leadership

focusing on clarifying employees's roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance


leaders communicate a clear vision. associates understand the vision and why it is important to them and the business


members concentrate on solving problems and completing the assigned task

Brainstorming results in production blocking because:

members have to wait their turn to express their ideas.

Workplace Discrimination

occurs when people are hired or promoted - or denied hiring or promotion - for reasons not relevant to the job

iii. Apprising

occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing the request will benefit the target personally

. Engagement/internalization

occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence request (behaviors and attitudes)

ii. Resistance

occurs when the target refuses to perform the influence request and puts forth an effort to avoid having to do it

i. Compliance

occurs when the targets of influence are willing to do what the leader asks, but they do it with a degree of ambivalence (behaviors but not attitudes)

continuous improvement

ongoing, small, incremental improvements in all parts of an organization

open innovation

opening up the search for new ideas beyond the organizations boundaries and allowing innovations to easily transfer inward and outward

b. Centrality

represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks

Recency Effect

tendency to remember recent information better than earlier information, more recent performance easier to remember than more distant performance


the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or make an unusual association


the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals


the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals

social intelligence refers to

the ability to understand and manage people

Range of variation

the acceptable parameters of variant between actual performance and the standard.

organizational performance

the accumulated results of all the organizations work activities


the active effort to understand, learn, and obtain information from others

Value creation

the activities and processes that increase the worth of a product or service

Casual Attribution

the activity of inferring causes for observed behavior


the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure placed on them from extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities.


the amount of goods or services produced divided by the inputs needed to generate that output

Early adopters

the approximately 14 percent of a market's population that uses a new product after innovators have used and tested it


the approximately 16 percent of a market's population that is the last to use a product or service

Early majority

the approximately 34 percent of a market's population that uses a product or service after early adopters have used it

Late majority

the approximately 34 percent of a market's population that uses a product or service after the early majority has used it


the belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of performance


the belief that effort (input) will result in a certain level of performance


the belief that performance results in the attainment of outcomes

Performance Management

the continuous cycle of improving job performance through goal setting, feedback and coaching, and rewards and positive reinforcement

chain of command

the continuous line of authority that extends from upper levels of an organization of the lowest levels of the organization (Clarifies who reports to who)


the degree to which a company or its business can grow, given the necessary resources.


the degree to which decision making is concentrated at the upper levels of the organization.


the degree to which individuals in a working group exhibit loyalty and norm consistencies.


the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.


the degree to which lower level employees provide input or actually make decisions

Need for power

Desire to be responsible for or control other people

Piece-rate incentives

Awards and prizes given at a specific rate as accomplishments occurs rather than all at one time

Pay for performance

Bases pay on one's results. (piece rate, commission)


The act of transmitting information, thoughts and processes through various channels.


The act of transmitting information, thoughts, and processes through various channels


The active effort to understand, learn, and obtain information from others

value creation

The activities and processes that increase the worth of a product or service

moderate assertiveness and moderate cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?


which form of conflict resolution is most common?


Relationship orientated leadership model

concerned with people

Task oriented leadership model

concerned with the task at hand

Production Blocking

occurs when members have to wait on one another before they can do their part of the team task

Page 20 Quote

"As a leader, you will face plenty of obstacles and opposition... There will be times when commitment is the only thing that carries you forward."

Mr. B - Financial Services (Leading People)

"At its core, management today is the same as it was 200 years ago. It's getting people to do what you want them to do. It's all about getting things done through other people. How you motivate people hasn't changed in a long time. People are motivated through a combination of compensation, recognition, consideration, and ownership in something beyond just being and employee."

Credibility Quote Page 27

"Credibility precedes great communication. There are two ways to covey credibility to your audience. First, believe in what you say... Second, live what you say;" that is, have integrity.

What did Jobs say about other people's thoughts? DOGMA

"Don't be trapped by other people's thinking [DOGMA]. Stay hungry. Stay foolish

Dr. M - Healthcare (Communication)

"Effective communication is all about building trust. That is the key thing."

Mr. W - Healthcare (Teams)

"Get the best minds that you can around you. If you play lone-ranger, you may hit home-runs, but they will be few and far between." NOTE: The best leaders surrounding themselves with the smartest people they can get. Otherwise, although we may be "successful" to a degree, we may not be attaining OPTIMAL SUCCESS- as much as we really could

Diagnostic Tool for Measuring How Well We Really Do Work With People- Page 108

"How are your people skills? Do you mix well with strangers? Do you interact well with all kinds of people? Can you find common ground readily?" We find common ground with people by asking about them (This is just like the "Forming" stage in the Four Stages of Team Development)

Page 8 Quote

"How can you have charisma? Be more concerned about making others feel good about themselves than you are making them feel good about you."

Jonathan Austin

"I don't teach lessons, I teach students."

Boeing's Senior Vice President of Operations

"I have never fired anyone in 30 years for engineering failures, but only for human failures."

Jeff Bezos: Choices

"I will hazard a prediction. When you are 80 years old, and in a quiet moment of reflection narrating for only yourself the most personal version of your life story, the telling that will be most compact and meaningful will be the series of choices you have made. In the end, WE ARE OUR CHOICES. Build yourself a great story."

The Fundamental Law of Motion

"If you cannot, or will not, get people to do what they otherwise naturally would not do, you will never succeed in management."

Quote Page 70

"Initiators don't wait for other people to motivate them. They know it is their responsibility to push themselves beyond their comfort zone." In other words, they have a strong internal locus of control.

What was his lesson about connecting the dots?

"It is impossible. So trust that all will work out okay." NOTE: "If you consistently and persistently do what is good and right today, there is no way that you will end up in a bad place."

Page 77 Quote Peter Drucker (True/False)

"Peter Drucker, the father of American management, believes that 60 percent of all management problems are the result of faulty communications."

William James Quote

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind." Page 88

Mr. R - Business Services (Teams)

"The most important thing is being able to bring people together to form a consensus that everyone agrees on... There must be a strong common bond in order for the company to be THE MOST SUCCESSFUL it can be. So all along the way you must consistently reintroduce, and rejuvenate that idea."

Mr. O - Conglomerate (Teams)

"The most important thing that contributes to your success as a manager is THE PEOPLE THAT YOU SURROUND YOURSELF WITH. Without a... team that you can rely on, you cannot be successful even with the best of ideas. So never be afraid to allow others to contribute to your success. You can accomplish whatever you want, and go as far as you want, with OTHERS BY YOUR SIDE."

Mr. G - Business Services (Communication)

"The only advice I have always given staff is to understand the client, the person at the other side of the table. Be it a customer, or a peer, or a subordinate, try to figure out their side of the conversation. Understand what they are thinking; understand what they are trying to do, what they are trying to achieve. It gives you a much better position."

Relatedness needs

(Mid level), Desire to have meaningful relationships with people who are significant to us

c. Collaboration

(high assertiveness, high cooperation) - occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes


(high initiating structure, high consideration) - The leader explains key issues and provides opportunities for clarification.


(high initiating structure, low consideration) - The leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises performance.

Growth needs

(high level), Desire to grow as human beings and to use our abilities to their fullest potential

Motivation factors

(higher level), associated with job satisfaction which affects the job content or the rewards of work performance

Laissez-Fair Leadership

(i.e. hands-off) - Is the avoidance of leadership altogether.

b. Accommodating

(low assertiveness, high cooperation) - occurs when one party gives in to the other and acts in a completely unselfish way

a. Avoiding

(low assertiveness, low cooperation) - occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down


(low initiating structure, high consideration) - The leader shares ideas and tries to help the group conduct its affairs.


(low initiating structure, low consideration) - The leader turns responsibility for key behaviors over to the employees.

Existence needs

(low level), Desire for physiological and material well-being

Hygiene Factors

(lower level), associated with job dissatisfaction which affect the job context in which people work.

d. Compromise

(moderate assertiveness, moderate cooperation) - occurs when conflict is resolved through give-and-take concessions

Interpersonal Processes (Continued)

*Relationship Conflict-Refers to disagreements among team members in terms of interpersonal relationships or incompatibilities with respect to personal values or preferences

Information Richness

*the amount and depth of information that gets transmitted in a message

alternative dispute resolution

- a process by which two parties resolve conflicts through the use of a specially trained, neutral third party

Techniques for reducing resistance to change

1) Education and Communication 2)participation 3)facilitation and support 4)negotiation 5) Manipulation and co-optation 6) coercion

external forces for change

1) changing consumer needs and wants. 2)new governmental laws 3)changing technology 4)economic changes

Internal forces for change

1) new organizational strategy 2)change in composition of workforce 3)new equipment 4) changing employee attitudes

Why do people resist change?

1) the ambiguity and uncertainty that change introduces 2) The comfort of old habits 3) A concern over personal loss of status, money, authority, friendships, and personal convenience. 4) The perception that change is incompatible with the goals and interest of the organization.

Three Kinds of change least to most threatening

1. Adaptive Change 2. Innovative Change 3. Radically innovative change

Charismatic Leader

1. An enthusiastic, self-confident transformational leader able to clearly communicate his vision of how good things could be 2. Being excited and clearly communicating excitement to subordinates 3. Openly sharing information with employees so that everyone is aware of problems and the need for change

Decision-Making Styles (4)

1. Autocratic Style 2. Consultative Style 3. Facilitative Style 4. Delegative Style

Piece-rate incentives

Awards and prizes given at a specific rate as a accomplishments occurs rather than all at one time

Seven Selection Tools

1. Background Information 2. Interviews a. Structured b. Unstructured 3. Paper and Pencil Tests a. Knowledge b. Personality 4. Physical Ability Tests 5. Ability Test 6. Assessment Center (most valid tool) 7. References (least valid tool)

Time-Driven Model of Leadership (7)

1. Decision Significance 2. Importance of Commitment 3. Leader Expertise 4. Likelihood of Commitment 5. Shared Objectives 6. Employee Expertise 7. Teamwork Skills

How to Run A Better Meeting

1. Every meeting must have an objective to be accomplished 2. Prepare to be ready to contribute 3. Two-way interaction is vital for success 4. Balancing opposites brings enlightenment 5. Be decisive

Sources of Managerial Power

1. Expert 2. Referent 3. Legitimate 4. Coercive 5. Reward

Big 5 Personality Dimensions

1. Extroversion 2. Agreeableness 3. Conscientiousness 4. Emotional Stability 5. Openness to Experience

Four Stages of Team Development

1. Forming 2. Norming 3. Storming 4. Performing

The Five Stages of Group Development

1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning

Goal Setting

1. Goals should point to a higher purpose 2. They are specific, not vague: use numbers; do not say, "Do your best" 3. Difficult, but not impossible: use the "And One" method 4. Boss and employee should set goals together 5. Worker can see steps to achievement 6. Worker receives clear and timely feedback about their performance

Transformational Leadership

1. Makes subordinates aware of the importance of their jobs are for the organization and how necessary it is for them to perform those jobs as best they can so that the organization can attain its goals 2. Makes subordinates aware of their own needs for personal growth, development, and accomplishment 3. Motivates workers to work for the good of the organization, not just for their own personal gain or benefit

Three Alternative Views on Motivation

1. Morally and practically it is impossible to manipulate a person's motivation- their individual psychological state

Communication Skills for Managers as Receivers

1. Pay Attention 2. Be a good listener 3. Be empathetic


1. People working in a group are able to produce more or higher-quality outputs than would have been produced if each person had worked separately 2. Performance gains that result when individuals and departments coordinate their actions

Operant Conditioning: B.F. Skinner

1. Positive Reinforcement: "Getting a desirable outcome for performing a correct behavior" 2. Negative Reinforcement: "Eliminating undesired outcomes once the desired behavior occurs" 3. Punishment: "Administering a negative outcome in consequence of an undesired behavior" 4. Extinction: "Eliminating the performance of a dysfunctional behavior by removing whatever is reinforcing it"

Six Steps to Giving Performance Feedback Effectively

1. Praise the employee 2. Be specific 3. Focus on correctable behavior 4. Give them suggestions for improvement 5. Set a timetable for improvement 6. Express confidence in them

Communication Skills for Managers as Senders

1. Send clear and complete messages 2. Encode messages in symbols the receiver understands 3. Select a medium appropriate for the message 4. Avoid filtering and information distortion

The Communication Process

1. Sender 2. Message 3. Encoding 4. Noise 5. Receiver 6. Medium 7. Decoding

2 elements of job design perspectives

1. The division of an organization's work among its employees 2. The application of motivational theories to jobs to increase satisfaction and performance


1. The sharing of information between two or more individuals or groups to reach a common understanding 2. It is a human endeavor and involves individuals and groups. 3. It does not take place unless a common understanding is reached.

Three Ways to Appraise People

1. Trait Appraisal: Most common and most useless. Judging people based on subjective personal opinion 2. Behavior Appraisal: Do employees follow instructions? Look at their actions 3. Results Appraisal: The most objective; judgment based on what people have actually accomplished

Job Design Perspectives

2 elements, 2 perspectives


3 parts: wages or salaries, incentives, benefits

Wayne Huizenga, Entrepreneur Behind Blockbuster and AutoNation, Dies at 80

A RESTLESS entrepreneur, he favored service businesses with regular streams of income . He found parallels between Blockbuster and the Miami Dolphins: one involved renting videos, the other stadium seats. "We're certainly not smarter than the next guy," Mr. Huizenga said, "But we work harder, and when we focus in on something we are consumed by it." "Work smarter, not harder" does not make sense. The only way to become smarter is to work harder first. Maxwell 10 on initiative and Maxwell 3 on commitment

variable-interval schedule

A _____ is employed after a varying period of time to reward successful performance in the forms of bonuses, promotions, or other benefits.

gossip chain

A _____ occurs when several individuals manifest and spread generally inaccurate or misleading information throughout the organization.

fixed-interval schedule

A _____ reinforces behaviors after a set period of time; for example, employees might be paid weekly or once or twice a month, so long as they work during that pay period or interval.


A behavioral and performance expectation that is consciously or unconsciously defined by a group

Reinforcement theory

A behavioral construct in which individuals may be rewarded or punished based on the consequences of their behavior


A behavioral method that involves withholding praise or a positive reward


A behavioral method that involves withholding praise or a positive reward is known as:

A high level of _____ exists when employees definitively agree about the way things are supposed to happen within the organization and when their subsequent behaviors are consistent with those expectations. A. culture shock B. culture strength C. ASA framework D. safety culture E. reality shock

A high level of culture strength exists when employees definitively agree about the way things are supposed to happen within the organization (high consensus) and when their subsequent behaviors are consistent with those expectations (high intensity).

_____ involves the leader helping complete the task, providing required resources, or removing obstacles that make task completion difficult. A. Rational persuasion B. Personal appeal C. Collaboration D. Ingratiation E. Internalization

A leader uses collaboration by attempting to make it easier for the target to complete a request. Collaboration could involve the leader helping complete the task, providing required resources, or removing obstacles that make task completion difficult.

Servant Leader

A leader who has a strong desire to serve and work for the benefit of others

Servant leader

A leader who has a strong desire to serve and work for the benefit of others

A leader's _____ reflects the process that the leader uses to generate and choose from a set of alternatives to solve a problem.

A leader's decision-making style reflects the process the leader uses to generate and choose from a set of alternatives to solve a problem.

A leader's _____ reflects the process that the leader uses to generate and choose from a set of alternatives to solve a problem. A. operational efficiency B. day-to-day behavior C. decision making style D. emergence style E. operational style

A leader's decision-making style reflects the process the leader uses to generate and choose from a set of alternatives to solve a problem.

Role Taking (phase)

A manager describes role expectations to an employee and the employee attempts to fulfill those expectations with his or her job behaviors.


A measurement that determines the optimum level of group size and interaction to achieve successful creative output

Behavior modification

A method of shaping actions by the use of positive reinforcement

Behavior modification

A method of shaping actions by use of positive reinforcement

Start-up company

A newly formed organization with limited or no operational history

angel investor

A person who provides an entrepreneur with funding and mentorship is considered a(n)


A person's belief about his or her ability to perform a behavior successfully

Linguistic Style

A person's characteristic way of speaking

Body language

A person's facial expression and body movements

Body (nonverbal) language

A person's facial expression and body movements that express communication and emotion without the use of words


A person's perceived connection to a group, based on purpose, demographics, function, and other intangible dimensions


A person's perception about the extent to which performance at a certain level results in the attainment of outcomes

Which of the following culture types reduces treatment errors in medical settings? A. Creativity culture B. Service culture C. Safety culture D. Diversity culture E. Communal culture

A positive safety culture has been shown to reduce accidents and increase safety-based citizenship behaviors. A safety culture also reduces treatment errors in medical settings.

Role structure

A prescribed set of behavioral and performance expectations for a position or job

Organizational Design

A process involving decisions about 6 key elements 1) work specialization 2)Departmentalization 3)Chain of Commmand 4)Span of control 5)Centralization and decentralization 6) Formalization


A process that results in a new market value through the creation of a product or service


A process through which individuals and groups transform ideas into reality


A process whereby an adaptive working group is formed to address unexpected environmental changes, challenges, and opportunitues

Business model

A proposed method for creating and sustaining market value

Maslow's Hierachy of needs

A psychological theory that suggests that people are motivated by a number of needs, which are displayed in order. They are physiological needs, safety needs, love / belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

A psychological theory that suggests that people are motivated by a number of needs, which are displayed in order. They are physiological needs, safety needs, love/belongingness needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.


A purposeful group formed to accomplish a project, task, or goal is a:


A purposeful group formed to accomplish a project, task, or goal.


A requirement or necessity for survival and well-being

Positive reinforcement

A reward given to motivate a person or group which is usually stated verbally or with "pats on the back"

Positive reinforcement

A reward given to motivate a person or group which is usually stated verbally or with "pats on the back" and words of encouragement

Entrepreneurial ecosystem

A set of stakeholders that are necessary to support the innovation and creation of new market value

Two-factor theory of motivation

A theory based on job satisfaction and the extent to which attitudes influence outcomes

Expectancy Theory

A theory in which holds which individuals are more likely to be motivated and perform well if they expect to receive desired rewards

Equity Theory

A theory of motivation that focuses on people's perceptions of the fairness of their work outcomes relative to their work inputs

Expectancy theory

A theory of motivation that suggests that individuals are more likely to be motivated and perform well if they expect to receive desired rewards

Goal-setting theory

A theory that focuses on identifying the types of goals that are most effective in producing high levels of motivation and performance and explaining why goals have these effects; must be specific and difficult

Reward system

A theory that provides prizes, incentives for tasks and jobs well done, and special recognition

Social Learning Theory

A theory that takes into account how learning and motivation are influenced by people's thoughts and beliefs and their observations of other people's behavior

Expectancy theory

A theory which holds which individuals are more likely to be motivated and perform well if they expect to receive desired rewards

Two-factor theory of motivation

A theory, also known as "motivation-hygiene theory" or "dual theory," which is based on job satisfaction and/or job dissatisfaction and the extent to which attitudes influence outcomes


A website on which an individual, group, or organization posts information, commentary, and opinions and to which readers can often respond with their own com- mentary and opinions.

Social Networking Site

A website that enables people to communicate with others with whom they have some common interest or connection

Quality circle

A working group comprised of management and staff with the purpose of minimizing performance errors and variance

Task-based team

A working group established to accomplish a specific objective, with a tightly defined time frame for completion

Formal team

A working group formed by an organization's management to achieve specific, agreed-upon strategies, plans, and outcomes

Problem-solving team

A working group formed to minimize the negative impacts of a specific organizational challenge

Virtual team

A working group that conducts the majority of its collaborations via electronic communications

Informal team

A working group, generally not intended to be permanent, formed by team members to accomplish self-defined tasks and objectives


A(n) _____ venture is a business strategy defined by acquiring, merging, and coordinating existing market products, services, and companies

ASA in the "ASA framework," a process that can help keep culture of the organization strong, stands for: A. anticipation-socialization-articulation. B. attraction-selection-attrition. C. ask-substitute-attract. D. allocation-submission-anticipation. E. assertion-supplementation-apprehension.

ASA stands for Attraction-Selection-Attrition. The ASA framework holds that potential employees will be attracted to organizations whose cultures match their own personality, meaning that some potential job applicants will not apply due to a perceived lack of fit

Information power

Access to and control over important information

Which conflict resolution style is typically used by leaders when an issue is really not that important to them but is very important to the other party? A. Competing B. Accommodating C. Avoiding D. Collaboration E. Compromise


Low assertiveness and high cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?

Accommodating (lose-win)

Low assertiveness and high cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution? A. Competing B. Avoiding C. Collaboration D. Compromise E. Accommodating

Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and acts in a completely unselfish way.

Meredith and Sally had a major argument while designing the interiors of a restaurant. The conflict was finally settled when Meredith gave in completely to Sally in an unselfish manner. In this situation, Meredith used the _____ style of conflict resolution. A. accommodating B. compromise C. collaborating D. competing E. avoiding

Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and acts in a completely unselfish way.

Piece-rate incentives

Awards and prizes given at a specific rate as accomplishments occur rather than all at one time

An accommodating conflict resolution style should be used: A. when quick decisive action is vital. B. on important issues for which unpopular actions need implementation. C. on issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right. D. against people who take advantage of noncompetitive people. E. to build social credits for later issues.

Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and acts in a completely unselfish way. It should be used to build social credits for later issues. Refer To: Table 13-4

Scenario: City Place, Inc. Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choice of products in exchange for one of her choices. Linda used the _____ style to resolve the conflict between Shirley and her. A. competing B. compromising C. avoiding D. accommodating E. collaborating

Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and acts in a completely unselfish way. It's also an important strategy to think about when the leader has less power than the other party.

Which conflict resolution style is typically used by leaders when an issue is really not that important to them but is very important to the other party? A. Accommodating B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Avoiding

Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and acts in a completely unselfish way. Leaders will typically use an accommodating strategy when the issue is really not that important to them but is very important to the other party. It's also an important strategy to think about when the leader has less power than the other party.

Affiliation/belongingness needs

According to Maslow's Hierarchy, the desire to be accepted by others and to find our place within certain working groups reflects which of the following?

opportunity, capacity

According to The Eight Conditions for Flow in the Workplace, when employees are assigned challenging tasks that are achievable and within their capabilities, it is an example of a balance between _____ and


According to the Shannon-Weaver Communications Model, the sender encodes a message through a communication _____ and then the receiver must decode the message that is being delivered.

In the time-driven model of leadership, which style is reserved for decisions that are insignificant or where employee commitment is unimportant or when the leader's expertise is high and the leader is trusted? A. Consultative B. Autocratic C. Delegative D. Facilitative E. Supportive

According to the time-driven model of leadership, autocratic styles are reserved for decisions that are insignificant or for which employee commitment is unimportant. The only exception is when the leader's expertise is high and the leader is trusted. An autocratic style in these situations should result in an accurate decision that makes the most efficient use of employees' time.

In the time-driven model of leadership, which style is reserved for circumstances in which employees have strong teamwork skills and are not likely to just commit to whatever decision the leader makes?

According to the time-driven model of leadership, delegative styles should be reserved for circumstances in which employees have strong teamwork skills and are not likely to commit blindly to whatever decision the leader provides.

In the time-driven model of leadership, which style is reserved for circumstances in which employees have strong teamwork skills and are not likely to just commit to whatever decision the leader makes? A. Consultative B. Autocratic C. Delegative D. Facilitative E. Negotiative

According to the time-driven model of leadership, delegative styles should be reserved for circumstances in which employees have strong teamwork skills and are not likely to commit blindly to whatever decision the leader provides.


Achievement; Recognition; Work itself; Responsibility; Advancement; Growth

Systems monitoring and helping behaviors are examples of :

Action processes

With ______, the leader arranges to monitor mistakes and errors dynamically and takes corrective action when required.

Active management-by-exception


Activities associated with seeking opportunities that generate new value, with an array of unknown forces

Tasks for which the contributions resulting from the abilities of every member are considered in total to determine team performance are called _____.

Additive Task

In the ______ stage of group development, members experience anxiety and other emotions as they disengage and ultimately separate from the team.



Administering an undesired or negative consequence to immediately stop a dysfunctional behavior

Esteem Needs

After they meet their social needs, people focus on such matters as self-respect, status, reputation, recognition, and self-confidence

When a fight broke out between two workers at Leo Motors, James the manager, decided to walk away and let the situation resolve on its own. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension _____ best describes James


ch.9- Critical, selfish, and rude are opposite traits for which personality dimension of the Big Five?


ch.9- Which of theses dimensions in the Big Five taxonomy is associated with the trait adjectives kind, cooperative, sympathetic, and warm?


Gender and Leadership

Although there are relatively more women in management positions today than there were 10 years ago, there are still relatively few women in top management and, in some organizations, even in middle management. Stereotypes suggest women are supportive and concerned with interpersonal relations. Similarly, men are seen as task-focused. Research indicates that actually there is no gender-based difference in leadership effectiveness. Women are seen to be more participative than men because they adopt the participative approach to overcome subordinate resistance to them as managers and they have better interpersonal skills.

Which of the following activities are boundary-spanning activities?

Ambassador activities, task coordinator activities, and scout activities

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

An arrangement of five basic needs that motivate behavior Proposed that the lowest level of unmet needs is the prime motivator and that only one level of needs is motivational at a time

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

An arrangement of five basic needs that motivate behavior; proposed that the lowest level of unmet needs is the prime motivator and that only one level of needs is motivational at a time

Charismatic Leader

An enthusiastic, self-confident transformational leader able to clearly communicate his vision of how good things could be

Gregory is a manager in an insurance company and heads a team of 30 agents. In order to meet the company's target, every agent needs to increase his or her target for the month by 15 percent. Gregory promises his agents a bonus if the company's target is met. Which influence tactic is Gregory using? A. Pressure B. Ingratiation C. Coalition D. Personal appeal E. Exchange

An exchange tactic is used when the requestor offers a reward or resource to the target in return for performing a request. This type of request requires that the requestor have something of value to offer.


An incentive or drive to complete a task, a function, or an idea


An individual opinion of the value of outcomes


An individual or group perspective that is formed through limited data or experiences


An individual who is able to exert influence over other people to help achieve group or organizational goals


An informal communication network along which unofficial information flows


An informal line of communication where information is passed from one person to another


An initial public offering (IPO) is the first time a company sells its equity shares on the _____ market.

In your final semester, you are interviewing at Raintree, Inc. You have collected preliminary information from Raintree's Web site and other employees. You are getting additional information during the interview process from the managers. You can be described at which stage of the socialization process? A. Encounter B. Attrition C. Anticipatory D. Adaptation and understanding E. Selection

Anticipatory socialization begins as soon as a potential employee develops an image of what it must be like to work for a given company. The bulk of the information acquired during this stage occurs during the recruitment and selection processes that employees go through prior to joining an organization.

Laura, currently employed at Regent International, is looking for a new job. In the process of doing so, she comes across the Web site of Global Vision and finds that the values and culture of the company match with her own personal values. She also learns about the various activities that take place in Global Vision on a yearly basis and its various achievements. It is clear from this example that Laura is in the _____ stage of the socialization process. A. anticipatory B. encounter C. understanding D. adaptation E. attrition

Anticipatory socialization begins as soon as a potential employee develops an image of what it must be like to work for a given company. The bulk of the information acquired during this stage occurs during the recruitment and selection processes that employees go through prior to joining an organization.


Any desired or attractive outcome or award that a person can give himself or herself for good performance


Anything a person contributes to his or her job or organization: time effort, skills, knowledge, work behaviors


Anything a person gets form a job or an organization: pay, job security, benefits, vacation time


Anything that hampers any stage of the communication process

Which of the following occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing a request will benefit the target personally? A. Apprising B. Ingratiation C. Coalition D. Personal appeal E. Exchange

Apprising occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing a request will benefit the target personally. It differs from rational persuasion in that it focuses solely on the benefit to the target as opposed to simple logic or benefits to the group or organization.


Arranging and structuring work to accomplish an organizations goals.

According to the life cycle theory of leadership, _____ leader behavior comprises high initiating structure and low consideration. A. telling B. selling C. participating D. delegating E. performing

At R1 level of readiness, the optimal combination of leader behaviors is telling. Telling is characterized by high initiating structure and low consideration and the leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises performance.

The life cycle theory of leadership suggests that _____ leader behavior comprises high initiating structure and low consideration.

At R1 level of readiness, the optimal combination of leader behaviors is telling. Telling is characterized by high initiating structure and low consideration and the leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises performance.

According to the life cycle theory of leadership, the optimal combination of leader behavior in the R3 stage is _____. A. delegating B. telling C. selling D. participating E. negotiating

At the R3 stage of readiness, employees have learned to work together well, though they still need support and collaboration from the leader to help them adjust to their more self-managed state of affairs. Here participating becomes the optimal combination of leader behaviors.

According to the life cycle theory of leadership, participating leader behavior comprises _____ initiating structure and _____ consideration. A. moderate; low B. low; high C. low; low D. high; high E. moderate; moderate

At the R3 stage of readiness, participating behavior is appropriate. Participation is characterized by low initiating structure and high consideration.

Line of authority

Authority that entitles a manager to direct the work of an employee

Shirley, Linda, Samuel, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing home appliances. They were assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be introduced in the next quarter. The team was in conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chose to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments, which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's demands. Shirley, who is the most experienced among the four, continued to insist on her choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choices of products in exchange for his agreeing to one of her choices. Samuel, who chose to remain neutral, adopted which style of conflict resolution? A. Competing B. Compromising C. Collaborating D. Avoiding E. Accommodating


_____occurs when one party wants to remain neutral or stay away from conflict to let things cool down.


Low assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution

Avoiding (lose-lose)

Low assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution? A. Competing B. Avoiding C. Collaboration D. Compromise E. Accommodating

Avoiding (low assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down.

Scenario: City Place, Inc. Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choice of products in exchange for one of her choices. Samuel, who chose to remain neutral, adopted which style of conflict resolution? A. Competing B. Avoiding C. Collaboration D. Compromise E. Accommodating

Avoiding (low assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down.

_____ occurs when one party wants to remain neutral or stay away from conflict to let things cool down. A. Accommodating B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Avoiding

Avoiding (low assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down.

Which style of conflict resolution is considered a lose-lose approach? A. Avoiding B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Accommodating

Avoiding (low assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down. Avoiding usually results in an unfavorable result for everyone.

Which of the following can never really resolve a conflict? A. Avoiding B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Accommodating

Avoiding (low assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down. Most important, avoiding never really resolves the conflict.

_____ are the taken-for-granted beliefs and philosophies that are so ingrained that employees simply act on them rather than questioning the validity of their behavior in a given situation. A. Espoused values B. Stories C. Basic underlying assumptions D. Rituals E. Observable artifacts

Basic underlying assumptions are the taken-for-granted beliefs and philosophies that are so ingrained that employees simply act on them rather than questioning the validity of their behavior in a given situation.

_____ represent the deepest and least observable part of a culture. A. Espoused values B. Stories C. Basic underlying assumptions D. Rituals E. Observable artifacts

Basic underlying assumptions are the taken-for-granted beliefs and philosophies that are so ingrained that employees simply act on them rather than questioning the validity of their behavior in a given situation. These assumptions represent the deepest and least observable part of a culture and may not be consciously apparent, even to organizational veterans.

Transition Processes

Become important as soon as teams first begin their work. Transition Processes are teamwork activities that focus on preparation for future work Ex: Mission Analysis-involves an analysis of the team's task, the challenges that face the team, and the resources available for completing the team's work Strategy Formulation- the development of courses of action and contingency plans, then adapting those plans

Intellectual Stimulation

Behavior a leader engages in to make followers be aware of problems and view these problems in new ways, consistent with the leader's vision


Behavior indicating that a manager trusts, respects and cares about subordinates

Intrinsically Motivated

Behavior performed for its own sake The motivation that comes from actually performing the behavior The sense of accomplishment and achievement derived from doing the work itself

Extrinsically Motivated

Behavior performed to acquire material or social rewards or to avoid punishment The source of the motivation is the consequences of the behavior and not the behavior itself

Intrinsically Motivated Behavior

Behavior that is performed for its own sake

Extrinsically Motivated Behavior

Behavior that is performed to acquire material or social rewards or to avoid punishment

Initiating structure

Behavior that managers engage in to ensure that work gets done, subordinates perform their jobs acceptable, and the organization is efficient and effective

Edward Thorndike's Law of Effect

Behavior that results in a pleasant outcome is likely to be readapted and behavior that results in unpleasant outcomes is not likely to be repeated


Behavioral and system strains that occur when expectations for positions or working groups exceed their capacity to perform

Herzberg's Ideas

Believed there was something missing from Maslow's five needs Maslow's two lower needs (Physical & Safety) he called "Hygiene Needs" These "Hygiene Needs" do not motivate people, but they do play an important role in motivation. Their absence de-motivates people. Hygiene Needs are necessary but not sufficient for motivation

Scenario: Eva Mineral Water, Inc. Ben, Tom, Ron, and Harry are four individuals working at Eva Pure, a bottled water manufacturing company. They all started at different times at the company, bringing different levels of experience and abilities to their jobs. John is the factory manager supervising all the employees including these four. From a readiness point of view, it can be said that Ben is able but unwilling, Tom is both able and willing, Ron is neither able nor willing, and Harry is unable but highly willing to take on the responsibilities. John must respond differently to each of them to get them prepared and get the job done. Which of the following behaviors would be best suited to deal with Ben's readiness? A. Delegating B. Telling C. Selling D. Participating E. Negotiating

Ben is at the R3 stage of readiness. He has learned to work together well, though he still needs support and collaboration from John to adjust to a more self-managed state of affairs. Here participating becomes the optimal combination of leader behaviors.

Creative Behavior

Brainstorming- *best known activity that teams use to foster behavior*. brainstorming involves a face-to-face meeting of team members in which sessions center around the following rules 1. Express all ideas that come to mind 2. Go for quantity of ideas rather than quality 3. Don't criticize or evaluate the ideas of others 4. Build on the ideas of others

Characteristics of effective teams

Clear purpose Good communication Healthy conflict Effective decision making Accountability Strong relationships Commitment Shared Leadership

Techniques for recognizing excellence

Clearly stated purpose Program award levels Nomination Procedure Timing Award presentation


Close ties and consensus begin to develop between group members


Can involve one-to-one, one-to-many, within-group, between-group, and collective interactions via information technology

Entrepreneurial skills

Capacities, activities, and strengths that enable individuals to manage successfully in high-risk business environments

Entrepreneurial skills

Capacities, activities, and strengths that enable individuals to manage successfully in high-risk business environments are:

Leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a greater ability to use their power to influence others. These leaders are exhibiting the contingency factor called _____. A. centrality B. discretion C. substitutability D. ingratiation E. visibility

Centrality represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks. Leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a greater ability to use their power to influence others.

_____ represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks. A. Centrality B. Discretion C. Substitutability D. Ingratiation E. Visibility

Centrality represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks. Leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a greater ability to use their power to influence others.

Every year, 7 Days, a large retail chain, organizes a large annual function in which it gives an "Employee of the Year" award to a deserving employee, along with a $5,000 cash prize and an opportunity to launch the retail chain's new product. This is an example of which of the following components of organizational culture? A. Stories B. Symbols C. Espoused values D. Basic underlying assumptions E. Ceremonies

Ceremonies are formal events, generally performed in front of an audience of organizational members. Some types of ceremonies revolve around celebrations for meeting quality goals, reaching a certain level of profitability, or launching a new product.

Formal events that are generally performed in front of an audience of organizational members are known as: A. rituals. B. stories. C. ceremonies. D. language. E. symbols.

Ceremonies are formal events, generally performed in front of an audience of organizational members. Some types of ceremonies revolve around celebrations for meeting quality goals, reaching a certain level of profitability, or launching a new product.

Michelangelo Story

Change its title to "Michelangelo Commits Heresy!" Specifically that he committed heresy to the conventional culture wisdom of today by being committed to tasks even when it wasn't his passion pages 16-18 "But[!] once Michelangelo accepted the assignment, he thoroughly committed himself to it." "The impact of Michelangelo's commitment was far-reaching." "Undoubtedly Michelangelo's talent created the potential for greatness, but without commitment, his influence would have been minimal."

Information Distortion

Changes in the meaning of a message as the message passes through a series of senders and receivers

Types of change, People

Changing attitudes, expectations, perceptions, and behaviors of the workforce; something that is not easy to do.

Leadership Substitute

Characteristic of a subordinate or of a situation or context that acts in place of the influence of a leader and makes leadership unnecessary

Chapter 2


Which two network structures fall between the extremes in terms of the level of centralization?

Circle and Y structures

In order to bring Steven, the marketing manager, on board with the idea of introducing a line of new products at Gold Coffee, Bree, the operations manager, enlisted the help of Natalie and Noah, the top two salespeople at the company. Bree is using which of the following influence tactics? A. Pressure B. Apprising C. Personal appeal D. Ingratiation E. Coalition


In order to bring Steven, the marketing manager, on board with the idea of introducing a line of new products at Gold Coffee, Bree, the operations manager, enlisted the help of Natalie and Noah, the top two salespeople at the company. Bree is using which of the following influence tactics? A. Apprising B. Ingratiation C. Coalition D. Personal appeal E. Pressure

Coalitions occur when an influencer enlists other people to help influence the target. These people could be peers, subordinates, or one of the target's superiors. Coalitions are generally used in combination with one of the other tactics effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do.

Scenario: Palliative Care Home Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award. Ben is utilizing the _____ influence tactic on Lisa, to win the employee-of-the-month award for the following month. A. pressure B. ingratiation C. coalition D. personal appeal E. exchange

Coalitions occur when the influencer enlists other people to help influence the target. These people could be peers, subordinates, or one of the target's superiors. Ben has started to enlist other employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award. This shows that Ben is utilizing coalition.

Which type of power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization? A. Reward B. Legitimate C. Coercive D. Referent E. Expert

Coercive power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization. Coercive power operates primarily on the principle of fear.

Which type of power operates primarily on the principle of fear? A. Legitimate B. Expert C. Reward D. Referent E. Coercive

Coercive power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization. Coercive power operates primarily on the principle of fear.

_____ power is generally regarded as a poor form of power to use regularly, because it tends to result in negative feelings toward those that wield it. A. Referent B. Expert C. Reward D. Coercive E. Legitimate

Coercive power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization. Coercive power operates primarily on the principle of fear. It is generally regarded as a poor form of power to use regularly, because it tends to result in negative feelings toward those that wield it.

High assertiveness and high cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution? A. Competing B. Avoiding C. Collaboration D. Compromise E. Accommodating

Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes.

Which style of conflict resolution is generally regarded as the most effective? A. Accommodating B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Avoiding

Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes. Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict resolution. Collaboration is generally regarded as the most effective form of conflict resolution, especially in reference to task-oriented rather than personal conflicts.

Which form of conflict resolution requires the complete sharing of information by both parties, a full discussion of concerns, relatively equal power between parties, and a lot of time investment to arrive at a resolution? A. Accommodating B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Avoiding

Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes. Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict resolution. However, it's also the most difficult to come by because it requires full sharing of information by both parties, a full discussion of concerns, relatively equal power between parties, and a lot of time investment to arrive at a resolution.

Which style of conflict resolution is considered a win-win approach? A. Avoiding B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Accommodating

Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes. Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict.

Which style of conflict resolution occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes? A. Accommodating B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Avoiding

Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes. Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict.

Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Communicator Issues

Communication Competence- the skills involved in encoding, transmitting, and receiving messages

Oral communication

Communication used to provide verbal discussions

Oral communication

Communication used to provide verbal discussions, ideas, and processes, either one on one or as a group ( face-to-face)

Oral communication

Communication used to provide verbal discussions, ideas, and processes, either one on one or as a group (face-to-face)


Delayed or limited feedback can be _____ for employees as they will experience uncertainty about their own performance if they have no way of knowing the extent of their progress.

Stock Options

Company stocks given to employees as additional compensation or incentives, usually at a discounted price for a limited time

Stock options

Company stocks given to employees as additional compensation or incentives, usually at a discounted price for a limited time

A competing style of conflict resolution should be used: A. when an issue is trivial. B. when potential disruption outweighs the benefits of resolution. C. for issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right. D. to let people cool down and regain perspective. E. when others can resolve the conflict more effectively.

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own goals met without concern for the other party's results. A competing style of conflict resolution should be used for issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right. Refer To: Table 13-4

High assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution? A. Competing B. Avoiding C. Collaboration D. Compromise E. Accommodating

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own goals met without concern for the other party's results. It could be considered a win-lose approach to conflict management.

In a conflict situation, when John attempts to get his own goals met without concern for the other party, he is utilizing which of the following conflict resolution styles? A. Competing B. Avoiding C. Collaboration D. Compromise E. Accommodating

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own goals met without concern for the other party's results. It could be considered a win-lose approach to conflict management.

Which style of conflict resolution is considered as a win-lose approach? A. Avoiding B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Accommodating

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own goals met without concern for the other party's results. It could be considered a win-lose approach to conflict management.

Which conflict resolution style occurs most often when one party has high levels of organizational power and can use legitimate or coercive power to settle the conflict? A. Avoiding B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Accommodating

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own goals met without concern for the other party's results. It could be considered a win-lose approach to conflict management. Competing occurs most often when one party has high levels of organizational power and can use legitimate or coercive power to settle the conflict.

Which conflict resolution style is best used in situations in which the leader knows he or she is right and a quick decision needs to be made? A. Avoiding B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Accommodating

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own goals met without concern for the other party's results. It could be considered a win-lose approach to conflict management. It's best used in situations in which the leader knows he or she is right and a quick decision needs to be made.

_____ reflects a shift in the behaviors of employees but not their attitudes


_____ occurs when the targets of influence are willing to do what the leader asks, but they do it with a degree of ambivalence. A. Resistance B. Ingratiation C. Compliance D. Internalization E. Engagement

Compliance occurs when targets of influence are willing to do to what the leader asks, but they do it with a degree of ambivalence. Compliance reflects a shift in the behaviors of employees but not their attitudes.

_____ reflects a shift in the behaviors of employees but not their attitudes. A. Resistance B. Ingratiation C. Compliance D. Internalization E. Engagement

Compliance occurs when targets of influence are willing to do to what the leader asks, but they do it with a degree of ambivalence. Compliance reflects a shift in the behaviors of employees but not their attitudes.

The highest level of interaction and coordination among members is required in ________ interdependence


Moderate assertiveness and moderate cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution? A. Competing B. Avoiding C. Collaboration D. Compromise E. Accommodating

Compromise (moderate assertiveness, moderate cooperation) occurs when conflict is resolved through give-and-take concessions.

Scenario: City Place, Inc. Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choice of products in exchange for one of her choices. Which style did Shirley use to resolve her conflict with Matt? A. Competing B. Avoiding C. Collaboration D. Compromise E. Accommodating

Compromise (moderate assertiveness, moderate cooperation) occurs when conflict is resolved through give-and-take concessions. Compromise is perhaps the most common form of conflict resolution, whereby each party's losses are offset by gains and vice versa. It is seen as an easy form of resolution, maintains relations between parties, and generally results in favorable evaluations for the leader.

Referent power

Derived from personal attraction

Leader-Member Exchange Theory

Describes how leader-member relationships develop over time and dyadic basis, can explain why those differences exist.

Which form of conflict resolution is the most common? A. Accommodating B. Compromise C. Collaboration D. Competing E. Avoiding

Compromise (moderate assertiveness, moderate cooperation) occurs when conflict is resolved through give-and-take concessions. Compromise is perhaps the most common form of conflict resolution, whereby each party's losses are offset by gains and vice versa. It is seen as an easy form of resolution, maintains relations between parties, and generally results in favorable evaluations for the leader.

Shirley, Samuel, Linda, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing home appliances. They were assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be introduced in the next quarter. The team was at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chose to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments, which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's demands. Shirley who is the most experienced among the four continued, to insist on her choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choices of products in exchange for his agreeing to one of her choices. Which style did Shirley use to resolve her conflict with Matt? A. Compromising B. Accommodating C. Collaborating D. Competing E. Avoiding



Computer software that enables members of groups and teams to share information with one another


Concepts that create, nurture, and support other concepts

McClelland's Need of Affiliation

Concerned about establishing and maintaining good interpersonal relations, being liked, and having the people around him get along with each other

Role ambiguity

Confusion that aries from an employee not understanding the expectations, intentions, or purpose of his or her position

Tasks for which the team's performance depends on the abilities of the "weakest link" are called _____.

Conjunctive Task

ch.9 - Melissa was reading her slam book from junior high, in which most of her friends described her as a dependable and realiable individual. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality dimension________ best describes Melissa.


_____ reflects the extent to which leaders create job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employee ideas, and thoughtfulness of employee feelings.

Consideration reflects the extent to which leaders create job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employee ideas, and consideration of employee feelings.

_____ reflects the extent to which leaders create job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employee ideas, and thoughtfulness of employee feelings. A. Transformation B. Delegating C. Consideration D. Participation E. Initiating structure

Consideration reflects the extent to which leaders create job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employee ideas, and consideration of employee feelings.

Joey, the manager of Tarts Inc., has always been supportive toward the employees and used to understand their feelings. In most occasions, he overlooked their mistakes and gave them opportunities to develop a friendly atmosphere in office. He often took their work in order to reduce their burden. Joey would score high on:

Consideration reflects the extent to which leaders create job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employee ideas, and consideration of employee feelings. Leaders who are high on consideration create a climate of good rapport and strong, two-way communication and exhibit a deep concern for the welfare of employees. They might do personal favors for employees, take time to listen to their problems, "go to bat" for them when needed, and treat them as equals.

Joey, the manager of Tarts Inc., has always been supportive toward the employees and used to understand their feelings. In most occasions, he overlooked their mistakes and gave them opportunities to develop a friendly atmosphere in office. He often took their work in order to reduce their burden. Joey would score high on: A. initiating structure. B. intermediation. C. consideration. D. directive behavior. E. transactional leadership.

Consideration reflects the extent to which leaders create job relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect for employee ideas, and consideration of employee feelings. Leaders who are high on consideration create a climate of good rapport and strong, two-way communication and exhibit a deep concern for the welfare of employees. They might do personal favors for employees, take time to listen to their problems, "go to bat" for them when needed, and treat them as equals.

Strategic Human Resource Planning

Consists of developing a systematic comprehensive strategy for understanding current employee needs and predicting future employee needs, derived from goals and needs articulated in strategic plan

Human Resource Management

Consists of the activities managers perform to plan for, attract, develop, and retain an effective workforce

Which of the following is a tactic designed to discourage adaptation to the organization's culture? A. Orient new employees along with a group of other new employees. B. Provide hurdles that are required to be met prior to organizational membership. C. Provide role models for newcomers. D. Put newcomers through orientation apart from current organizational members. E. Constantly affirm to newcomers that they are to be themselves and that they were chosen for the organization based on who they are.

Constantly affirming to newcomers that they are to be themselves and that they were chosen for the organization based on who they are discourages adaptation to the organization's culture. Refer: Table 16-4

Which of the following tactics is designed to encourage adaptation to the organization's culture? A. Use no examples of what an employee is supposed to be like. B. Constantly remind newcomers that they are now part of a group and that this new group helps define who they are. C. Allow newcomers to interact with current employees while they are being oriented. D. Allow organizational membership regardless of whether or not any specific requirements have been met. E. Orient new employees by themselves.

Constantly reminding newcomers that they are now part of a group and that this new group helps define who they are helps in encouraging adaptation to the organization's culture. Refer: Table 16-4

The dean of a highly reputed business school has decided to pursue a coveted accreditation for the college. To get the faculty's buy-in and support, she created a faculty-driven process whereby members of the faculty participate and carry out the accreditation process under her guidance. This approach has increased the commitment of the faculty, who now have a stake in seeing the process succeed and the goal of accreditation accomplished. What influence tactic did the dean use? A. Rational persuasion B. Exchange C. Personal appeals D. Ingratiation E. Consultation


The dean of a reputed B-school has decided to pursue a coveted accreditation for the college. To get the faculty's buy-in and support, he has created a faculty-driven process whereby members of the faculty participate and carry out the accreditation process under his guidance. This approach has increased the commitment of the faculty, who now have a stake in seeing the process succeed and the goal of accreditation accomplished. Identify the influence tactic used by the dean. A. Rational persuasion B. Personal appeals C. Consultation D. Ingratiation E. Exchange

Consultation occurs when the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a request. This tactic increases commitment from the target, who now has a stake in seeing that his or her opinions were right.

Which of the following influence tactics increases commitment from the target who has a stake in seeing that his or her opinions were right? A. Rational persuasion B. Personal appeals C. Consultation D. Ingratiation E. Exchange

Consultation occurs when the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a request. This tactic increases commitment from the target, who now has a stake in seeing that his or her opinions were right.

Ben just announced to his employees that if they meet the sales goal for the month of August, they can have a paid four-day vacation. Which of the following styles of leadership is being used by Ben in this case? A. Laissez-faire B. Contingent reward C. Passive management-by-exception D. Active management-by-exception E. Transformational

Contingent reward represents a more active and effective brand of transactional leadership, in which the leader attains follower agreement on what needs to be done using promised or actual rewards in exchange for adequate performance.


Create in the minds of your employees three ideas... 1. Expectation: hard work produces good results 2. Instrumentality: good results will be rewarded 3. Value: they will like the reward


Cross-functional teams are known as _________________ teams

In organizations with networked cultures, we tend to find _____ sociability and _____ solidarity. A. low; low B. low; moderate C. high; low D. moderate; high E. moderate; low

Cultures in which all employees are friendly to one another, but everyone thinks differently and does his/her own thing, are networked cultures. Refer: Figure 16-2

Scenario: Four Friends Molly, Lily, Rosy, and Cathy are four friends working at four different organizations. In Molly's firm, employees are both distant and disconnected from one another, whereas in Lily's company, it is quite the opposite—employees are friendly and they all think alike. Rosy works for an organization where employees think alike but are not friendly to one another. Finally, Cathy is at a firm where employees are friendly but they think differently and do their own thing. Cathy's firm can be described as having which culture type? A. Communal B. Mercenary C. Networked D. Fragmented E. Complex

Cultures in which all employees are friendly to one another, but everyone thinks differently and does his/her own thing, are networked cultures. Refer: Figure 16-2

_____ cultures are those where all employees are friendly to one another, but everyone thinks differently and does his/her own thing. A. Communal B. Mercenary C. Networked D. Fragmented E. Complex

Cultures in which all employees are friendly to one another, but everyone thinks differently and does his/her own thing, are networked cultures. Many highly creative organizations have a networked culture.


Curtailing the performance of a dysfunctional behavior by eliminating whatever is reinforcing it

Victor Frankl

Death camp survivor "The last of our human freedoms is to choose our attitude in any given circumstances."

Decision Making

Decision Informity- reflects whether members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities Staff Validity- refers to the degree to which members make good recommendations to the leader

_______ reflects whether members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities.

Decision informity

Need for affiliation

Desire for friendly and warm relations with other people

Discretion is defined as: A. the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. B. the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own. C. the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the influencer. D. the degree of importance of a person's job and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks. E. the level of awareness others have of a leader's power and position.

Discretion is the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own. If managers are forced to follow organizational policies and rules, their ability to influence others is reduced.

Nathan is the administrative manager at Woodlands, Inc. The organizational procedures and policies of the company prevent Nathan from implementing many of his ideas to increase efficiency. This indicates a low degree of _____, which reduces Nathan's ability to influence others. A. centrality B. discretion C. substitutability D. ingratiation E. visibility

Discretion is the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own. If managers are forced to follow organizational policies and rules, their ability to influence others is reduced.

Rebecca is the head of the primary department at La Perouse High School. She believes that children will absorb and retain more information if they are taken on educational tours and field trips. But the school's rules and policies do not encourage such activities and Rebecca feels her endeavor to improve the children's education is being stifled. This low degree of _____ is reducing Rebecca's ability to influence others. A. centrality B. discretion C. substitutability D. ingratiation E. visibility

Discretion is the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own. If managers are forced to follow organizational policies and rules, their ability to influence others is reduced.

Scenario: Palliative Care Home Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award. Lisa's freedom to make her own decisions is indicative of the _____ contingency factor of power. A. centrality B. discretion C. substitutability D. ingratiation E. visibility

Discretion is the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own. If managers are forced to follow organizational policies and rules, their ability to influence others is reduced. Lisa is given absolute freedom in running her department. This shows that Lisa has a high degree of discretion.

James participated in a problem-solving quiz competition with his friends. As Mark was the most familiar with the types of problems on the quiz, the team's performance depended entirely on Mark's performance. This type of task is called a(n):

Disjunctive Task

In tasks with an objectively verifiable best solution, the member who possesses the highest level of the ability relevant to the task will have the most influence on the effectiveness of the team. These types of tasks are called ______.

Disjunctive tasks

which of the following involves a win-lose negotiation over a "fixed-pie" of resources?

Distributive Bargaining

In distributive bargaining, when one person gains, the other person loses. This is also known as a: A. total-sum condition. B. partial-sum condition. C. positive-sum condition. D. zero-sum condition. E. negative-sum condition.

Distributive bargaining involves win-lose negotiating over a "fixed-pie" of resources. That is, when one person gains, the other person loses (also known as a "zero-sum" condition).

Which of the following involves a win-lose negotiation over a "fixed-pie" of resources? A. Substitutability B. Ingratiation C. Distributive bargaining D. Coalition building E. Integrative bargaining

Distributive bargaining involves win-lose negotiating over a "fixed-pie" of resources. That is, when one person gains, the other person loses (also known as a "zero-sum" condition).

Distributive bargaining is similar in nature to which of the following approaches to conflict resolution? A. Avoiding B. Compromise C. Competing D. Collaboration E. Accommodating

Distributive bargaining involves win-lose negotiating over a "fixed-pie" of resources. That is, when one person gains, the other person loses (also known as a "zero-sum" condition). Distributive bargaining is similar in nature to a competing approach to conflict resolution.

Shared Objectives

Do employees share and support the same objectives, or do they have an agenda of their own?

Employee Expertise

Do the employees have significant knowledge or expertise regarding the problem?

Teamwork Skills

Do the employees have the ability to work together to solve the problem, or will they struggle with conflicts or inefficiencies?

Leader Expertise

Does the leader have significant knowledge or expertise regarding the problem?

Having recently started his job at 7 Days Supermarket, Peter was heard making a comment that "Working at 7 Days Supermarket was not nearly what I expected it to be." This is an example of _____ that occurs in the _____ stage of the socialization process. A. counterculture; encounter B. reverse adaptation; attrition C. culture shock; anticipatory D. reality shock; encounter E. reverse adaptation; understanding

During the encounter stage, new employees compare the information they acquired as outsiders during the anticipatory stage with what the organization is really like now that they are insiders. To the degree that the information in the two stages is similar, employees will have a smoother time adjusting to the organization. Problems occur when the two sets of information do not quite match. This mismatch of information is called reality shock.

During the _____ phase of the leader-member exchange theory, the employees' own expectations for the dyad get mixed in with those of the leader. A. role taking B. role selling C. participating D. role making E. role allocating

During the role making phase of the leader-member exchange theory, the employees' own expectations for the dyad get mixed in with those of the leader.

Alderfer's ERG theory, Three kinds of needs

ERG theory, Existence needs, Relatedness needs, Growth needs, Regression hypothesis. Different individuals place different levels of importance on each of these needs

Fiedler's Contingency Model

Effective leadership is contingent on both the characteristics of the leader and of the situation Leader style is a manager's characteristic approach to leadership If it doesn't work, need a backup

Fiedler's Model

Effective leadership is contingent on both the characteristics of the leader and of the situation; leader style is a manager's characteristic approach to leadership

Negative Reinforcement

Eliminating or removing undesired outcomes when people perform organizationally functional behaviors

Leader-membership Exchange (LMX)

Emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates

increase, decrease

Equity theory would suggest that relative to employees reassigned to equal status positions, employees reassigned to higher status offices _____ their performance, while employees reassigned to lower-status offices _____ their performance.

Which of the following are the beliefs, philosophies, and norms that a company explicitly states? A. Rituals B. Stories C. Ceremonies D. Espoused values E. Observable artifacts

Espoused values are the beliefs, philosophies, and norms that a company explicitly states.

Quest, Inc., has a sign hanging in every employee's cubicle that reads: "Together we are greater than any one of us." This is an example of a(n): A. ritual. B. espoused value. C. enacted value. D. basic underlying assumption. E. physical structure.

Espoused values are the beliefs, philosophies, and norms that a company explicitly states. Espoused values can range from published documents, such as a company's vision or mission statement, to verbal statements made to employees by executives and managers.

The published mission statement at Dunlop, Inc., is an example of: A. espoused values. B. stories. C. basic underlying assumptions. D. rituals. E. observable artifacts.

Espoused values are the beliefs, philosophies, and norms that a company explicitly states. Espoused values can range from published documents, such as a company's vision or mission statement, to verbal statements made to employees by executives and managers.

Walker International has recently published its vision statement. This is an example of: A. observable artifacts. B. stories. C. basic underlying assumptions. D. rituals. E. espoused values.

Espoused values are the beliefs, philosophies, and norms that a company explicitly states. Espoused values can range from published documents, such as a company's vision or mission statement, to verbal statements made to employees by executives and managers.

The Work Place Safety Act

Established the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) to mandate procedures for safe working conditions

Leadership Across Cultures

European managers tend to be more people-oriented than American or Japanese managers; Japanese managers are group-oriented, U.S. managers focuses more on profitability

Alderfer's ERG Theory

Existence needs Relatedness needs Growth needs

Pay as a Motivator

Expectancy: Instrumentality, the association between performance and outcomes, must be high for motivation to be high.


Expectations implicitly or explicitly defined by a group that result in a consistent set of behavior or beliefs


Expectations implicitly or explicitly defined by a group that result in a consistent set of behaviors or beliefs


Expectations implicitly or explicitly defined by a group that results in a consistent set of behaviors or beliefs

Jake is well-known for his excellent diagnoses of skin-related problems. The other dermatologists in the hospital where he works often consult him when dealing with difficult cases. This gives Jake _____ power in the hospital. A. coercive B. structural C. reward D. referent E. expert

Expert power derives from a person's expertise, skill, or knowledge on which others depend. When people have a track record of high performance, the ability to solve problems, or specific knowledge that is necessary to accomplish tasks, they are more likely to be able to influence other people who need that expertise.

Which type of power is derived from a person's skill or knowledge on which others depend? A. Referent B. Expert C. Reward D. Coercive E. Legitimate

Expert power derives from a person's expertise, skill, or knowledge on which others depend. When people have a track record of high performance, the ability to solve problems, or specific knowledge that is necessary to accomplish tasks, they are more likely to be able to influence other people who need that expertise.

Leader-member relations

Extent to which followers like, trust, and are loyal to their leader

Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory

Focuses on outcomes that lead to higher motivation and job satisfaction, and those outcomes that can prevent dissatisfaction; unsatisfied hygiene needs create dissatisfaction; satisfaction of hygiene needs does not lead to motivation or job satisfaction

Servant Leaders

Focuses on providing increased service to others- meeting the goals of both the followers and the organization, rather than the goals of one's self.

Stages of group development

Forming Storming Norming Performing

Which of the following represents the predictable sequence of stages in team development?

Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning (FSNPA) -* Florida State's Nursing Program is Awesome

Venture capital

Funding that supports the starting and growing of high-risk business ventures

value capital

Funding that supports the starting and growing of high-risk business ventures

National Labor Relations Act

Gave unions power to represent individuals to management.. This is called "collective bargaining;" it gives employees far more power in dealing with management than trying to bargain individually

MicroTrac allows its engineers to spend 20 percent of their working time pursuing projects that they are passionate about to encourage innovation at the organization. This describes which of the following specific cultures? A. Creativity culture B. Service culture C. Safety culture D. Diversity culture E. Communal culture

Given the importance of new ideas and innovation in many industries, it is understandable that some organizations focus on fostering a creativity culture. Creativity cultures affect both the quantity and quality of creative ideas within an organization.

Positive Reinforcement

Gives people outcomes they desire when they perform organizationally functionally behaviors

Bridges; Managing transitions (NEUTRAL ZONE)

Going through an in-between time when the old is gone but the new isn't fully operational.


Group members experience conflict because some members do not wish to submit to demands of other group members


Group members get to know each other and reach common understanding

The Moods of Leaders

Groups whose leaders experienced positive moods had better coordination; Groups whose leaders experienced negative moods exerted more effort

Cohesion (continued)

Groupthink- drive toward conformity at the expense of other team priorities

Collaboration Software

Groupware that promotes and facilitates collaborative, highly interdependent interactions and provides an electronic meeting site for communication among team members


Guiding employees to complete their various roles and tasks, providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance, best in stable situations

Toys 'R' Us Founder Charles Lazarus Has Died at 94

Had a simple and powerful idea: build a supermarket for toys [a CONCENTRATION/FOCUS STRATEGY, just like McDonald's, Walmart, and Coca-Cola ] At the time of his passing, a company representative said, "He visited us in New Jersey just last year and we will forever be grateful for his positive energy, passion for the customer, and love for children everywhere."

Contingent Reward

Happens when the leader attains follower agreement on what needs to be done using promised or actual rewards in exchange for adequate performance.

Scenario: Eva Mineral Water, Inc. Ben, Tom, Ron, and Harry are four individuals working at Eva Pure, a bottled water manufacturing company. They all started at different times at the company, bringing different levels of experience and abilities to their jobs. John is the factory manager supervising all the employees including these four. From a readiness point of view, it can be said that Ben is able but unwilling, Tom is both able and willing, Ron is neither able nor willing, and Harry is unable but highly willing to take on the responsibilities. John must respond differently to each of them to get them prepared and get the job done. Which of the following leadership behaviors' should John adopt to deal with Harry's readiness? A. Delegating B. Telling C. Selling D. Participating E. Negotiating

Harry is at the R1 readiness level. Here the optimal combination of leader-behaviors is telling in which case the leader provides specific instructions and closely supervises performance.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Help Satisfy Employees' Five Basic Needs 1. Physical Needs 2. Safety Needs 3. Social Needs 4. Esteem 5. Self-Actualization The point for managers is NOT whether the needs only move in one direction as Maslow once taught. The main lesson from Maslow is to know each employee's individual, personal needs by getting in touch with him or her.

Emotional Intelligence

Helps leaders develop a vision for their firm; motivate subordinates to commit to the vision; energizes subordinates to work to achieve the vision

Decision Making (Continued)

Hierarchical Sensitivity- reflects the degree to which the leader effectively weighs the recommendations of the members

Which of the following characteristics is most closely related to leader effectiveness? A. Low agreeableness B. High conscientiousness C. High introversion D. Low neuroticism E. High openness to experience

High openness to experience, high extraversion, high cognitive ability, high energy level, high stress tolerance, and high self-confidence are related to leader effectiveness. Refer: Table 14-2

Likelihood of Commitment

How likely is it that employees will trust the leader's decision and commit to it?

Behavioral Model

Identifies the two basic types of behavior that many leaders engaged in to influence their subordinates; consideration, initiating structure

In practice, there are two common ways to change a culture. They are: A. ASA framework and socialization. B. changes in leadership and mergers or acquisitions. C. ASA framework and changes in leadership. D. socialization and mergers or acquisitions. E. mergers and ASA framework.

In practice, two ways are common methods to change a culture: changes in leadership and mergers or acquisitions.

According to the life cycle theory of leadership, _____ leader behavior comprises high initiating structure and high consideration. A. telling B. selling C. participating D. delegating E. performing

In the R2 level of readiness, the optimal combination of leader behaviors is selling. Selling involves high initiating structure and high consideration and the leader supplements his or her directing with support and encouragement to protect the confidence levels of the employees.

Which leader behavior, according to the life cycle theory of leadership, comprises high initiating structure and high consideration?

In the R2 level of readiness, the optimal combination of leader behaviors is selling. Selling involves high initiating structure and high consideration and the leader supplements his or her directing with support and encouragement to protect the confidence levels of the employees.

According to the life cycle theory of leadership, the optimal combination of leader behavior in the R2 stage is _____. A. delegating B. telling C. selling D. participating E. negotiating

In the R2 stage of readiness, the members have begun working together and, as typically happens, are finding that their work is more difficult than they had anticipated. As eagerness turns to dissatisfaction, the optimal combination of leader behaviors is selling where the leader supplements his or her directing with support and encouragement to protect the confidence levels of the employees.

Merit-based rewards

In the area of education, teachers might be awarded a bonus if their students perform well in their classes or on exams. This is an example of which of the following?

In case of _____, the leader avoids getting involved when important issues arise and leader's power goes unutilized.

In the laissez-faire leadership style, the leader avoids getting involved when important issues arise. Important actions are delayed, responsibility is ignored, and power and influence go unutilized.

In case of _____, the leader avoids getting involved when important issues arise and leader's power goes unutilized. A. passive management-by-exception B. transactional leadership C. laissez-faire leadership D. active management-by-exception E. transformational leadership

In the laissez-faire leadership style, the leader avoids getting involved when important issues arise. Important actions are delayed, responsibility is ignored, and power and influence go unutilized.

In the _____ leader behavior the leader supplements his or her directing with support and encouragement to protect the confidence levels of the employees.

In the selling leader behavior leader supplements his or her directing with support and encouragement to protect the confidence levels of the employees.

Developmental Consideration

Manager supports and encourages subordinates, giving them opportunities to enhance their skills and capabilities and to grow and excel on the job

In the _____ leader behavior the leader supplements his or her directing with support and encouragement to protect the confidence levels of the employees. A. delegating B. telling C. selling D. participating E. negotiating

In the selling leader behavior leader supplements his or her directing with support and encouragement to protect the confidence levels of the employees.

As the level of task interdependence ______, members must spend ______ amounts of time communicating and coordinating with other members to complete tasks.

Increases & increasing

Locus on control

Indicates how much people believe they control their fate through their own efforts, internals need less supervision while externals crave structured jobs

Angel Investor

Individual who provide entrepreneurs with funding and mentorship.

_____ involves behaving in ways that help followers achieve their potential through coaching, development, and mentoring.

Individualized consideration involves behaving in ways that help followers achieve their potential through coaching, development, and mentoring.

_____ involves behaving in ways that help followers achieve their potential through coaching, development, and mentoring. A. Laissez-faire leadership B. Inspirational motivation C. Transactional leadership D. Intellectual stimulation E. Individualized consideration

Individualized consideration involves behaving in ways that help followers achieve their potential through coaching, development, and mentoring.


Individuals who plan, organize, and lead high-risk business opportunities

Angel investor

Individuals who provide entrepreneurs with funding and mentorship

_____ is the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others. A. Influence B. Discretion C. Power D. Internalization E. Visibility

Influence is the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others. Influence can be seen as directional. It most frequently occurs downward. Influence is all relative. The absolute power of the "influencer" and "influencee" isn't as important as the disparity between them.

______ is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the influencer


_____ is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the influencer. A. Centrality B. Personal appeal C. Consultation D. Ingratiation E. Internalization

Ingratiation is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the influencer. Ingratiation has been shown to be more effective when used as a long-term strategy and not nearly as effective when used immediately prior to making an influence attempt.

"Sucking up" refers to which of the following influence tactics? A. Apprising B. Ingratiation C. Coalition D. Personal appeals E. Exchange

Ingratiation is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the influencer. You might more commonly hear this referred to as "sucking up," especially when used in an upward influence sense.

Initiating structure

Initiating Structure-Focuses on getting things done and performing behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing Consideration- Focuses on building trust, supporting feelings, and establishing a warm and supportive climate

Which of the following behaviors, according to the studies at Ohio State, is an initiating structure behavior? A. Representation B. Integration C. Recognition D. Organization E. Membership

Initiating structure behaviors include initiation, organization and production. Refer To: Table 14-3

Which of the following reflects the extent to which the leader defines and structures the roles of employees in pursuit of goal attainment? A. Initiating structure B. Delegative structure C. Consideration structure D. Participative structure E. Transformational structure

Initiating structure reflects the extent to which the leader defines and structures the roles of employees in pursuit of goal attainment.

Which of the following behaviors, according to the studies at Ohio State, is an initiating structure behavior?

Initiation, Organization, and Production

Chapter 10


Which of the following is a team task role?

Initiator- Contributer, coordinator, orienter, Devil's Advocate, Energizer, Procedural-Technician.

Which of the following is an example of a team task role rather than an individualistic role?

Initiator- Contributer, coordinator, orienter, Devil's Advocate, Energizer, Procedural-Technician.

Just before the final football game of the season, the captain of the team made an emotional appeal to all his teammates to win the last game for their coach, who passed away recently. Which of the following influence tactics did the captain use? A. Rational appeal B. Inspirational appeal C. Consultation D. Collaboration E. Coalition

Inspirational appeal is a tactic designed to appeal to a target's values and ideals, thereby creating an emotional or attitudinal reaction. To use this tactic effectively, leaders must have insight into what kinds of things are important to the target.

To influence others using _____, leaders must have insight into the kinds of things are important to the target. A. rational persuasion B. inspirational appeals C. consultation D. internalization E. pressure tactics

Inspirational appeal is a tactic designed to appeal to the target's values and ideals, thereby creating an emotional or attitudinal reaction. To use this tactic effectively, leaders must have insight into what kinds of things are important to the target.

4 Key behaviors of transformational leaders

Inspirational motivation, Idealize influence, Individualize consideration, Provide intellectual stimulation

_____ is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario by using problem solving and mutual respect to achieve an outcome that is satisfying to both parties. A. Substitutability B. Ingratiation C. Distributive bargaining D. Coalition building E. Integrative bargaining

Integrative bargaining is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario. It involves the use of problem solving and mutual respect to achieve an outcome that is satisfying for both parties.

_____ involves behaving in ways that challenge followers to be innovative and creative by questioning assumptions and reframing old situations in new ways.

Intellectual stimulation involves behaving in ways that challenge followers to be innovative and creative by questioning assumptions and reframing old situations in new ways.

_____ involves behaving in ways that challenge followers to be innovative and creative by questioning assumptions and reframing old situations in new ways. A. Laissez-faire leadership B. Inspirational motivation C. Transactional leadership D. Intellectual stimulation E. Individualized consideration

Intellectual stimulation involves behaving in ways that challenge followers to be innovative and creative by questioning assumptions and reframing old situations in new ways.

______ are expressions of personality that influence behavior through preferences for certain environments and activities.


Which of the following occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence request? A. Resistance B. Ingratiation C. Compliance D. Collaboration E. Internalization

Internalization occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence request. For a leader, this is the best outcome, because it results in employees putting forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do. Internalization reflects a shift in both the behaviors and the attitudes of employees.

_____ reflects a shift in both the behaviors and the attitudes of employees. For a leader, this is the best outcome, because it results in employees putting forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do. A. Resistance B. Ingratiation C. Compliance D. Collaboration E. Internalization

Internalization occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence request. For a leader, this is the best outcome, because it results in employees putting forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do. Internalization reflects a shift in both the behaviors and the attitudes of employees.


Interpreting and trying to make sense of a message

According to the RIASEC model, a(n) _______ person enjoys abstract, analytical, and theory-oriented tasks.


Intellectual Stimulation

Involves behaving in ways that challenge followers to be innovative and creative by questing assumptions and re-framing old situations in new ways. -"The leader gets other to look at the problems from many different angles."

Idealized Influence

Involves behaving in ways that earn the admiration, trust, and respect of followers, causing followers to want to identify with and emulate the leader. - "The leader instills pride in me for being associated with him/her."

Inspirational Motivation

Involves behaving in ways that foster an enthusiasm for and commitment to a shared vision of the future. -"The leader articulates a compelling vision of the future."

Individualized Consideration

Involves behaving in ways that help followers achieve their potential through coaching, development, and mentoring. -"The leader spends time teaching and coaching."

Transformation Leadership

Involves inspiring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while also serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems from new perspectives.


Involves training members in the duties and responsibilities of their teammates. The idea of cross-training is that team members can develop shared mental models of what's involved in each of the roles in the team and how the roles fit together to form a system


Is broadly defined as the degree to which employees have the ability and the willingness to accomplish their specific tasks. -Readiness varies from R1 (unable and unwilling) > R2 (unable but willing) > R3 (able but unwilling) > R4 (able and willing)

Importance of Commitment

Is it important that employees "buy in" to the decision?

Decision Significance

Is the decision significant to the success of the project or the organization?

Leader Effectiveness

Is the degree to which the leader's actions result in the achievement of the unit's goals, the continued commitment of the unit's employees, and the development of mutual trust, respect, and obligation in leader-member dyads.


Is the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement.


It is an individual opinion of the value of outcomes.

Manufacturing and medical companies have a tendency to create which of the following specific culture types? A. Creativity culture B. Networked culture C. Safety culture D. Diversity culture E. Communal culture

It is not uncommon for manufacturing or medical companies to go through a string of accidents or injuries that potentially harm their employees. For these organizations, creating a safety culture is of paramount importance.

University of Michigan Leadership Model

Job-centered behavior- close attention to job and work procedures with the principal concerns being achieving production efficiency, keeping costs down, and meeting schedules. Employee-centered behavior- Managers pay more attention to employee satisfaction and making work groups cohesive

Social loafing

John, a member of a class project team, contributes less effort than other members of the team. He arrives late or misses group meetings and does not complete his assigned work on time or with acceptable quality. John is an example of

quality circle

Jose meets in the workplace with a team of his fellow employees once per month. Their purpose is to minimize performance errors and variance in the workplace. This type of team is often known as a

"Approaching tasks by planning and setting goals" describes the _______ type of Myers-Briggs indicator.


Spotify CEO Danial Ek: Once the Music Industry's Slayer, Now Its Savior

Just like Margaret Thatcher (in Maxwell 17) went from being the most unpopular woman in all of Britain, to a highly popular and successful Prime Minister, Daniel Ek, CEO of Spotify, has moved from the disruptor of the music industry to the savior of it. Thanks in part to Ek and Spotify, the music industry's overall revenue declined 40% between 1999 and 2014, BUT it has rebounded since then. Is steadfast in his beliefs. Like Margaret Thatcher, and all secure leaders (Maxwell 17), he knows what he stands for and why

Which of the following styles represents avoidance of leadership altogether?

Laissez-faire (i.e., hands-off) leadership is the avoidance of leadership altogether.

Which of the following styles represents avoidance of leadership altogether? A. Passive management-by-exception B. Contingent reward transactional C. Laissez-faire D. Active management-by-exception E. Transformational

Laissez-faire (i.e., hands-off) leadership is the avoidance of leadership altogether.

_____ reflect(s) the jargon, slang, and slogans used within the walls of an organization. A. Rituals B. Beliefs C. Values D. Language E. Symbols

Language reflects the jargon, slang, and slogans used within the walls of an organization.

The degree to which the leader's actions result in the achievement of the unit's goals, the continued commitment of the unit's employees, and the development of mutual trust, respect, and obligation in leader-member dyads refers to: A. out-group readiness. B. leader effectiveness. C. leader emergence. D. leader focus. E. individualized consideration.

Leader effectiveness is defined as the degree to which the leader's actions result in the achievement of the unit's goals, the continued commitment of the unit's employees, and the development of mutual trust, respect, and obligation in leader-member dyads.

Which of the following refers to how well people actually do in a leadership role?

Leader emergence refers to who becomes a leader in the first place whereas leader effectiveness refers to how well people actually do in a leadership role.

Which of the following refers to how well people actually do in a leadership role? A. Leader personality B. Leader effectiveness C. Leader emergence D. Leader perception E. Leader characteristic

Leader emergence refers to who becomes a leader in the first place whereas leader effectiveness refers to how well people actually do in a leadership role.

Shared leadership

Leaders and followers need each other, and the quality of the relationship determines how they behave.

Relationship-Oriented Style

Leaders concerned with developing good relations with their subordinates and to be liked by them

Relationship-oriented style

Leaders concerned with developing good relations with their subordinates and to be liked by them

Alice has a deep concern for the welfare of her subordinates and she promotes interactive discussions with them. Alice can be described as a manager who scores high on: A. initiating structure. B. autocratic leadership. C. consideration. D. managerial control. E. discipline.

Leaders who are high on consideration create a climate of good rapport and strong, two-way communication and exhibit a deep concern for the welfare of employees. They might do personal favors for employees, take time to listen to their problems, "go to bat" for them when needed, and treat them as equals.

Task-oriented style

Leaders whose primary concern is t ensure that subordinates perform at a high level so the job gets done

Task-Oriented Style

Leaders whose primary concern is to ensure that subordinates perform at a high level so the job gets done

Full-Range Leadership

Leadership behaviors vary along a full range of leadership styles

Which of the following refers to the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement? A. Pressure B. Administration C. Ingratiation D. Leadership E. Sustainability

Leadership can be defined as the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement. That direction can affect followers' interpretation of events, the organization of their work activities, their commitment to key goals, their relationships with other followers, and their access to cooperation and support from other work units.

Transactional Leaders

Leadership that motivates subordinates by rewarding them for high performance and reprimanding them for low performance

Transactional Leadership

Leadership that motivates subordinates by rewarding them for high performance and reprimanding them for low performance

Transformational Leadership

Leadership that: 1. Makes subordinates aware of how important their jobs are for the organization and how necessary it is for them to perform those jobs as best they can so that the organization can attain its goals 2. Makes subordinates aware of their own needs for personal growth, development, and accomplishment 3. Motivates workers to work for the good of the organization, not just for their own personal gain or benefit

Extrinsic Motivation

Leads to behavior that is performed to acquire something, or to avoid something. The source of extrinsic motivation is the consequences of the behavior.

Intrinsic Motivation

Leads to behaviors that are performed for their own sake. The source of intrinsic motivation is actually engaging in that behavior. Intrinsic motivation gives a sense of accomplishment derived from doing the task well.

Scenario: Palliative Care Home Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award. Given her position as the department manager, Lisa has _____ power. A. personal B. legitimate C. coercive D. referent E. expert

Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred to as "formal authority." People with legitimate power have some title. Lisa is the department manager and this shows that she possess legitimate powers.

Joanne is the store manager at Glitter, a jewelry store. New merchandise has arrived which needs to be priced and displayed soon, before the festive season. She asks all the sales staff to stay back after work hours to get this task done. Joanne is exercising her _____ power that she gets from her position of authority. A. reward B. legitimate C. coercive D. referent E. expert

Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred to as "formal authority." People with legitimate power have some title—some term on an organizational chart or on their door.

Martin George is the vice president (Finance) of Rutherford Inc. His position and title in the company gives him _____ power. A. collaborative B. diplomatic C. substitutable D. referent E. legitimate

Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred to as "formal authority." People with legitimate power have some title—some term on an organizational chart or on their door.

Which type of power is sometimes referred to as "formal authority?" A. Structural B. Personal C. Legitimate D. Referent E. Expert

Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred to as "formal authority." People with legitimate power have some title—some term on an organizational chart or on their door.

_____ power is derived from a position of authority inside the organization. A. Legitimate B. Structural C. Personal D. Expert E. Referent

Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred to as "formal authority." People with legitimate power have some title—some term on an organizational chart or on their door.

Sources of power

Legitimate power, Reward power, Coercive power, Expert power, Referent power, Relationship or Connection power, Information power

Organizational power includes:

Legitimate power, reward power, and coercive power

Michelangelo Lesson

Like with Michelangelo, duty to honoring a purpose HIGHER THAN YOURSELF gives you the power of COMMITMENT to work through things that are not your "passion." You do not necessarily have to like what you are doing to do a great work. For example, those who worked in the coal mines, tobacco fields, and factory sweatshops did not much enjoy their work, but they did it for something far greater than for their own self-serving, self-centered "passion." They did it for the sake of others- for their families.

Chapter 11


Which of the following observations about member conscientiousness is true?

Low Conscientiousness = Negative Effect on the team High Conscientiousness = Positive Effect on the team

The Right and Wrong Way to Manage Up at the Office

MANAGING UP, that is building smooth, productive relationships with higher-ups is an ability that can shape your career more than almost any other- but many employees don't know how to do it. It requires understanding and adapting to your boss's communication and decision-making style. Many people are promoted because of the quality of their work, but as new managers aim to rise in the ranks, assuming their work will speak for itself becomes increasingly HAZARDOUS to their careers. Why? Because ALLIES at work are the building block of success and job security. NOTE: see Maxwell 15 on Relationships, and what Mr. O, the conglomerate CEO said, "The most important thing that contributes to your success as a manager."

Nominal group technique decreases social loafing and production blocking problems with brainstorming by:

Making people write down ideas on their own

Growth accelerants

Market Opportunity Human Resources Products/Services Marketing Research and Development

show commitment to

Members of effective teams _____ their project and the rest of the team by arriving on time, meeting deadlines, and taking full responsibility for their roles in the assignment.

A process by which a junior-level employee develops a deep and long-lasting relationship with a more senior-level employee within the organization refers to: A. mentoring. B. promotion. C. ASA framework. D. socialization. E. orientation.

Mentoring is a process by which a junior-level employee (protégé) develops a deep and long-lasting relationship with a more senior-level employee (mentor) within the organization.

Most merged companies operate under a _____ for an extended period of time. A. strong culture B. weak culture C. subculture D. differentiated culture E. counterculture

Mergers rarely result in the strong culture that managers hope will appear when they make the decision to merge. In fact, most merged companies operate under a differentiated culture for an extended period of time.

_____ refers to the notion of who becomes a leader rather than how well people do in a leadership role. A. Leader efficiency B. Leader effectiveness C. Leader emergence D. Leader substitution E. Leader efficacy

Most studies have concluded that traits are more predictive of leader emergence (i.e., who becomes a leader in the first place. than they are of leader effectiveness (i.e., how well people actually do in a leadership role).

Which of the following is a personal characteristic that fosters organizational politics? A. Limited resources B. High performance pressure C. Unclear performance evaluations D. Ambiguity in roles E. Need for power

Need for power

A process in which two or more independent individuals discuss and attempt to come to an agreement about their different preferences refers to: A. ingratiation. B. negotiation. C. substitutability. D. coalition. E. internalization.

Negotiation is a process in which two or more interdependent individuals discuss and attempt to come to an agreement about their different preferences. Negotiations can take place inside the organization or when dealing with organizational outsiders. Negotiations can involve settling a contract dispute between labor and management.

ii. Exchanging information

Negotiation stages-each party makes a case for its position and attempts to put all favorable information on the table

iv. Closing and commitment

Negotiation stages-entails the process of formalizing an agreement reached during the previous stage

iii. Bargaining

Negotiation stages-the goal for each party is to walk away feeling like it has gained something of value (regardless of actual strategy)

The Big Five dimension _______ is also called by its flip side: "Emotional Stability" or "Emotional Adjustment"


ch.9- The day before Jackson takes up an important quiz test in school, he shows a tendency to get annoyed easily. In context of the big five taxonomy, the personality dimension ______ best describes Jackson


Which of the following reduces the importance of the leader with no beneficial impact on performance? A. Substitutes B. Transactions C. Training programs D. Neutralizers E. Enhancers

Neutralizers only reduce the importance of the leader; they themselves have no beneficial impact on performance.

Positional Modeling

Next level of cross-training, involves team members observing how other members perform their roles

More Companies Teach Workers What Colleges Don't

One of the top skills that employers demand today is "CRITICAL THINKING:" to problem solve multi-faceted and complex business scenarios using data, analysis, and intuitive creativity [just like DAOID], and to express it clearly and convincingly using logic and analytic reasoning


Only for task forces that are temporary Group is dispersed


Only reduce the importance of the leader. -They themselves have no beneficial impact on performance.

Which of the following has the characteristics of a team building role?

The Harmonizer, Encourager, Compromiser, Gatekeeper/ Expediter, Standard Setter,& Follower

To Keep Up with AI, We'll Need High-Tech Brains

No big revolution here; advances in TECHNOLOGY ALWAYS work faster than humans THE SINGULARITY- a point in time when MACHINES SURPASS humans in intelligence [NOT JSUT human speed and reach.] All of us will be swept by the changes brought on by this fifth revolution: 1. Domestication of plants and animals that allowed for settlement and civilization 2. The steam engine moved us from agricultural to urban societies 3. Electricity ushered in mass production and created consumer culture 4. Computers and the internet shifted the economy from manufacturing into services 5. Thinking machines with artificial "intelligence" may become able to generate new activities without human guidance TO KEEP UP with the machines we're creating, we must move quickly to UPGRADE OUR OWN ORGANIC computing machines: We must create "technologies" to enhance the processing and learning capabilities of the human brain. LESSON: HOW CAN THE HUMAN SPECIES KEEP UP? The traditional answer is education. But re-training people takes time, and not everybody can (or wants to) switch their life path. Therefore, we must actively shape our future. We need to ENHANCE OUR COGNITIVE CAPABILITIES by directly intervening in our own minds through practices like MINDFULNESS [far more than simply meditation, it involves OBSERVING, UNDERSTANDING, AND PURPOSEFULLY MANAGING the intersection of our own thoughts and feelings]. Thus, with more focused effort, enhanced cognition could be within reach for all of us. As taught with Maxwell 13, our BRAIN STRUCTURE IS SUBJECT TO our choices and actions. The things that we do habitually, the environments that we choose, and what we persist in listening to or thinking all shape our brains. This is called "NEUROPLASTICITY," and it is a very real and powerful capability of our minds.

Creative Behavior (Continued)

Nominal Group Technique- A team process used to generate creative ideas, whereby team members individually write down their ideas and then take turns sharing them with the group

In the _____ stage of team development, members come to realize that they need to work together to accomplish team goals, and consequently, they begin to cooperate with one another .


Global OD

OD techniques that work for US organizations may be inappropriate in other countries and cultures

_____ are the manifestations of an organizational culture that everyone can see or talk about. A. Basic underlying assumptions B. Observable artifacts C. Espoused values D. Safety cultures E. Service cultures

Observable artifacts are the manifestations of an organization's culture that employees can easily see or talk about.

Which of the following supply the primary means of transmitting an organization's culture to its workforce? A. Underlying assumptions B. Artifacts C. Espoused values D. Competitive responses E. Norms

Observable artifacts are the manifestations of an organization's culture that employees can easily see or talk about. Artifacts supply the primary means of transmitting an organization's culture to its workforce.

The physical layout of workspaces, dress codes, and the level of technology used are all examples of _____ that are represented by the organization's culture. A. basic underlying assumptions B. espoused values C. observable artifacts D. mnemonics E. symbols

Observable artifacts are the manifestations of an organization's culture that employees can easily see or talk about. There are six major types of artifacts: symbols, physical structures, language, stories, rituals, and ceremonies.

During her stay at the Renaissance Hotel, Ginny noticed that all the staff wore the same color and style of clothes. Which of the following layers of organizational culture would such a dress code represent? A. Espoused values B. Enacted values C. Observable artifacts D. Mnemonics E. Basic underlying assumptions

Observable artifacts are the manifestations of an organization's culture that employees can easily see or talk about. There are six major types of artifacts: symbols, physical structures, language, stories, rituals, and ceremonies. Symbols can be found throughout an organization, from its corporate logo to the images it places on its Web site to the uniforms its employees wear.

Barriers to communication

Obstacles that interrupt the flow of conveying and receiving messages

Barriers to communication

Obstacles that interrupt the flow of conveying and receiving messages.

Vicarious Learning

Occurs when a person becomes motivated to perform a behavior by watching another person perform the behavior and be positively reinforced for doing so; also called observational learning

Transactional Leadership

Occurs when the leader rewards or disciplines the follower depending on the adequacy of the follower's performance.

Love needs

Once basic needs and security are taken care of, people look for love, friendship and affection

Which of the following is a disadvantage of a strong culture? A. It differentiates the organization from others. B. It allows employees to identify themselves in the organization. C. It attracts and retains similar kinds of employees. D. It creates stability within the organization. E. It facilitates the desired behaviors among employees.

One disadvantage of a strong culture is that it attracts and retains similar kinds of employees, thereby limiting diversity of thought. Refer: Table 16-2

Which of the following is an advantage of a strong culture? A. It makes merging with another organization more simple. B. It allows employees to identify themselves with the organization. C. It can be "too much of a good thing" if it creates extreme behaviors. D. It makes adapting to the environment less difficult. E. It attracts and retains similar kinds of employees.

One of the main advantages of strong culture is that it allows employees to identify with the organization. Refer: Table 16-2

Life Cycle Theory of Leadership (5)

Optimal combination of initiating structure and consideration depends on the readiness of the employees in the work unit. 1. Readiness 2. Telling 3. Selling 4. Participating 5. Delegating

The shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behaviors of its employees refers to organizational: A. structure. B. chart. C. strength. D. culture. E. rituals.

Organizational culture is defined as the shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behaviors of its employees.

When actions by individuals in an organization are directed toward the goal of furthering their own self-interests, it is termed as _____. A. leadership B. internalization C. negotiation D. organizational politics E. substitutability

Organizational politics can be seen as actions by individuals that are directed toward the goal of furthering their own self-interests. A leader needs to be able to push his or her ideas and influence others through the use of organizational politics.

iii. Coercive power

Organizational power-exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization

ii. Reward power

Organizational power-exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants

At NoFrills Corporation, employees are distant and disconnected from one another. Based on this, the organizational culture at NoFrills can be described as: A. communal. B. mercenary. C. networked. D. fragmented. E. collective.

Organizations that are low on both dimensions (solidarity and sociability) have a fragmented culture in which employees are distant and disconnected from one another.

In organizations with fragmented cultures, there is _____ sociability and _____ solidarity. A. low; low B. moderate; high C. high; moderate D. high; high E. moderate; moderate

Organizations that are low on both dimensions (solidarity and sociability) have a fragmented culture in which employees are distant and disconnected from one another. Refer: Figure 16-2

Scenario: Four Friends Molly, Lily, Rosy, and Cathy are four friends working at four different organizations. In Molly's firm, employees are both distant and disconnected from one another, whereas in Lily's company, it is quite the opposite—employees are friendly and they all think alike. Rosy works for an organization where employees think alike but are not friendly to one another. Finally, Cathy is at a firm where employees are friendly but they think differently and do their own thing. Molly's firm can be described as having which of the following culture types? A. Communal B. Mercenary C. Networked D. Fragmented E. Collective

Organizations that are low on both dimensions (solidarity and sociability) have a fragmented culture in which employees are distant and disconnected from one another. Refer: Figure 16-2

Organizations that have cultures in which employees think alike but are not friendly to one another can be considered _____ cultures. A. communal B. mercenary C. networked D. fragmented E. collective

Organizations that have cultures in which employees think alike but are not friendly to one another can be considered mercenary cultures.

In organizations with mercenary cultures, we tend to find _____ sociability and _____ solidarity. A. moderate; low B. low; high C. high; low D. high; moderate E. moderate; moderate

Organizations that have cultures in which employees think alike but are not friendly to one another can be considered mercenary cultures. Refer: Figure 16-2

Scenario: Four Friends Molly, Lily, Rosy, and Cathy are four friends working at four different organizations. In Molly's firm, employees are both distant and disconnected from one another, whereas in Lily's company, it is quite the opposite—employees are friendly and they all think alike. Rosy works for an organization where employees think alike but are not friendly to one another. Finally, Cathy is at a firm where employees are friendly but they think differently and do their own thing. Rosy's firm can be described as having a(n) _____ culture. A. Communal B. Mercenary C. Networked D. Fragmented E. Collective

Organizations that have cultures in which employees think alike but are not friendly to one another can be considered mercenary cultures. Refer: Figure 16-2

The environment at National Studio, Inc., is very political and employees generally are always thinking "What's in it for me?" Such a culture can be described as which of the following? A. Communal B. Mercenary C. Networked D. Fragmented E. Collective

Organizations that have cultures in which employees think alike but are not friendly to one another can be considered mercenary cultures. These types of organizations are likely to be very political, "what's in it for me" environments.

Organizations that have successfully created a _____ culture have been shown to change employee attitudes and behaviors toward customers. A. service B. mercenary C. safety D. fragmented E. creativity

Organizations that have successfully created a service culture have been shown to change employee attitudes and behaviors toward customers.

In organizations with communal cultures, there is _____ sociability and _____ solidarity. A. low; low B. moderate; high C. moderate; low D. high; high E. low; moderate

Organizations with friendly employees who all think alike are communal cultures.

Organizations with friendly employees who all think alike are _____ cultures. A. communal B. mercenary C. networked D. fragmented E. individualistic

Organizations with friendly employees who all think alike are communal cultures.

Scenario: Four Friends Molly, Lily, Rosy, and Cathy are four friends working at four different organizations. In Molly's firm, employees are both distant and disconnected from one another, whereas in Lily's company, it is quite the opposite—employees are friendly and they all think alike. Rosy works for an organization where employees think alike but are not friendly to one another. Finally, Cathy is at a firm where employees are friendly but they think differently and do their own thing. Lily's firm can be described as having a(n) _____ culture. A. communal B. mercenary C. networked D. fragmented E. individualistic

Organizations with friendly employees who all think alike are communal cultures. Refer: Figure 16-2


Our brain structure is also subject to our choices and actions. Just as with DNA triggers, the things that we do habitually, the environments that we choose, what we persist in listening to or thinking, shape our brains

According to the leader-member exchange theory, the two general types of leader-member dyads are: A. role taking exchange and role selling exchange. B. high-quality exchange and low-quality exchange. C. intrinsic and extrinsic. D. role making and role selling. E. participating exchange and observing exchange.

Over time, the role taking and role making processes result in two general types of leader-member dyads. One type is the "high-quality exchange" dyad, marked by the frequent exchange of information, influence, latitude, support, and attention. The other type is the "low-quality exchange" dyad, marked by a more limited exchange of information, influence, latitude, support, and attention.


P (my O/I)>= P (their O/I) P= perception or point of view O= out-take (what is obtained from the job) I= Input (what is put into the work) Am I getting as much out of this job, considering how much I put into it, in relation to others?

Which of the following teams focuses on providing recommendations and resolving issues?

Parallel Team

Quality circles, which consist of individuals who normally perform core production tasks but also meet regularly to identify production-related problems and opportunities for improvement, are an example of :

Parallel team

Operant Conditioning

People learn to perform behaviors that lead to desired consequences and learn not to perform behaviors that lead to undesired consequences

Some employees are willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power. Which of the following tendencies do such employees have? A. Ingratiating tendencies B. Egoistic tendencies C. Machiavellian tendencies D. Central tendencies E. Narcissistic tendencies

People with "Machiavellian" tendencies manipulate and deceive others to acquire power.

Which of the following statements about legitimate power is false?

People with legitimate power have a desire to identify and be associated with a specific individual

_____ is the degree to which an individual's personality and values match the culture of an organization. A. ASA framework B. Person-organization fit C. Socialization D. Mentoring E. Organizational commitment

Person-organization fit is the degree to which a person's personality and values match the culture of an organization.

i. Referent power

Personal power--exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Physiological needs, Safety Needs, Love Needs, Esteem Needs, Self-Actualization Needs

Which of the following refers to the ability to effectively understand others at work and to use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives? A. Conceptual skill B. Ingratiation C. Political skill D. Negotiation E. Technical skill

Political skill is the ability to effectively understand others at work and use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives. Two aspects of political skill are networking ability, or an adeptness at identifying and developing diverse contacts, and social astuteness, or the tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior.

The type of task interdependence with the lowest degree of required coordination among team members is _______ interdependence.

Pooled interdependence

Staff Authority

Positions with some authority that have been created to support, assist, and advise those holding line authority

Chapter 13

Positive Attitude

Merit-based rewards

Positive reinforcement based on specific accomplishments, with rewards given for achievement of specified measurements

Merit-based rewards

Positive reinforcement based on specific accomplishments, with rewards given for achievement of specified measurements.

4 types of reinforcement

Positive reinforcement, Negative reinforcement, Extinction, Punishment


Possible behaviors the individual could engage in

______ can be defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others and to resist unwanted influence in return.


Power and influence have a _____ effect on job performance and organizational commitment. A. moderate positive B. strong negative C. moderate negative D. strong positive E. weak positive

Power and influence have a moderate positive effect on performance. When used effectively, they can increase engagement and compliance, which facilitates task performance. Power and influence can have a moderate positive effect on commitment. The use of personal forms of power, such as expert and referent, is associated with increased affective commitment. Refer To: Figure 13-7

_____ can be defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others and to resist unwanted influence in return. A. Pressure B. Power C. Ingratiation D. Leadership E. Force

Power can be defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others and resist unwanted influence in return. Just because a person has the ability to influence others does not mean he or she will actually choose to do so. In many organizations, the most powerful employees don't even realize how influential they could be.

Alderfer's ERG theory

The Theory that three universal needs for existence, relatedness, and growth- constitute hierarchy of needs and motivate behavior; proposed that needs at more than one level can be motivational at the same time

Major types of power can be grouped along two dimensions: A. internal and external. B. personal and social. C. organizational and personal. D. professional and organizational. E. upward and downward.

Power in organizations can come from a number of different sources. There are five major types of power that can be grouped along two dimensions: organizational power and personal power.

Referent Power

Power that comes from subordinates' and coworkers' respect , admiration, and loyalty Possessed by managers who are likable and whom subordinates wish to use as a role model

Referent Power

Power that comes from subordinates' and coworkers' respect, admiration, and loyalty; possessed by managers who are likable and whom subordinates wish to use as a role model

Expert Power

Power that is based on special knowledge, skills and expertise that the leader possesses; tends to be used in a guiding or coaching manner

Expert Power

Power that is based on special knowledge, skills, and expertise that the leader possesses Tends to be used in a guiding or coaching manner

Which of the following is the use of coercive power through treats and demands?


Which of the following is the use of coercive power through threats and demands? A. Apprising B. Ingratiation C. Coalition D. Centrality E. Pressure

Pressure is the use of coercive power through threats and demands. Such coercion is a poor way to influence others and may only bring benefits over the short term.

Interpersonal Processes

Processes in this category are important before, during, or between periods of taskwork, and each relates to the manner in which team members manage their relationships. Ex: Motivating and Confidence Building-things team members do or say that affect the degree to which members are motivated to work hard on the team's task Effective Management-involves activities that foster a sense of emotional balance and unity

Merit Pay

Profit Sharing and Employee Stock Ownership

A planning team comprising engineers, architects, designers, and builders, charged with designing a suburban town center is a(n) ______ team.


Herzberg's Two-factor theory

Proposed that work satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different factors-work satisfaction from so-called motivating factors and work dissatisfaction from hygiene factors

According to the life cycle theory of leadership, a group of employees who are working together for the first time and are eager to begin, but lack the experience and confidence needed to perform their roles are at which level of readiness? A. R1 B. R2 C. R3 D. R4 E. R5

R1 refers to a group of employees who are working together for the first time and are eager to begin, but they lack the experience and confidence needed to perform their roles.

Scenario: Eva Mineral Water, Inc. Ron, Tom, Ben, and Harry are four individuals working at Eva Pure, a bottled water manufacturing company. They all started at different times at the company, bringing different levels of experience and abilities to their jobs. John is the factory manager supervising all the employees including these four. From a readiness point of view, it can be said that Ben is able but unwilling, Tom is both able and willing, Ron is neither able nor willing, and Harry is not able but highly willing to take on the responsibilities. John must respond differently to each of them to get them prepared and get the job done. Harry is at the _____ readiness level.

R1 refers to a group of employees who are working together for the first time and are eager to begin, but they lack the experience and confidence needed to perform their roles.

Scenario: Eva Mineral Water, Inc. Ben, Tom, Ron, and Harry are four individuals working at Eva Pure, a bottled water manufacturing company. They all started at different times at the company, bringing different levels of experience and abilities to their jobs. John is the factory manager supervising all the employees including these four. From a readiness point of view, it can be said that Ben is able but unwilling, Tom is both able and willing, Ron is neither able nor willing, and Harry is unable but highly willing to take on the responsibilities. John must respond differently to each of them to get them prepared and get the job done. Harry is at the _____ readiness level. A. R1 B. R2 C. R3 D. R4 E. R5

R1 refers to a group of employees who are working together for the first time and are eager to begin, but they lack the experience and confidence needed to perform their roles.

Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing home appliances. They were assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be introduced in the next quarter. The team was in conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chose to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments, which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's demands. Shirley, who is the most experienced among the four, continued to insist on her choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choices of products in exchange for his agreeing to one of her choices. Which influence tactic should Shirley, who is the most experienced in the team, have used to convince the others of her choice? A. Pressure B. Personal appeals C. Rational persuasion D. Ingratiation E. Exchange

Rational persuasion

_____ is the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that a request is a worthwhile one. A. Rational persuasion B. Internalization C. Consultation D. Ingratiation E. Visibility

Rational persuasion is the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that the request is a worthwhile one.

At Delta Diamonds, Inc., managers start every week with a two-hour meeting, focusing on goals for that week and open communication between team members in their department and ways to achieve the goals. This routine describes: A. a ritual. B. a story. C. the company's values. D. the company's language. E. a symbol.

Rituals are the daily or weekly planned routines that occur in an organization.


The _____ initially use and test a new product or service

Scenario: City Place, Inc. Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choice of products in exchange for one of her choices. Which influence tactic could Shirley, who is the most experienced in the team, have used to convince the others of her choice? A. Rational persuasion B. Ingratiation C. Personal appeals D. Pressure E. Exchange

Rational persuasion is the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that the request is a worthwhile one. Research shows that rational persuasion is most effective when it helps show that the proposal is important and feasible. Shirley could have used her experience and knowledge to support her choice and convince other members in the team.

_____ is broadly defined as the degree to which employees have the ability and the willingness to accomplish their specific tasks. A. Integration B. Effectiveness C. Efficiency D. Readiness E. Emergence

Readiness is broadly defined as the degree to which employees have the ability and the willingness to accomplish their specific tasks.

Realistic job previews occur during which stage of socialization? A. Encounter B. Attrition C. Anticipatory D. Adaptation E. Understanding

Realistic job previews (RJPs) occur during the anticipatory stage of socialization during the recruitment process.

Which of the following involve(s) making sure a potential employee has an accurate picture of what working for an organization is going to be like by providing both the positive and the negative aspects of the job? A. Mentoring B. Reality shock C. Off-the-job training D. Realistic job previews E. Countercultures

Realistic job previews (RJPs) occur during the anticipatory stage of socialization during the recruitment process. They involve making sure a potential employee has an accurate picture of what working for an organization is going to be like by highlighting both the positive and the negative aspects of the job.

In ______ interdependence, members interact with a subset of other members to complete the team's work.


Herzberg's Two-factory theory

Recognition Achievement Responsibility


Reduce the importance of the leader while simultaneously providing a direct benefit to employee performance.

All the statements below are true about legitimate power EXCEPT: A. people with legitimate power have an organizational title. B. people with legitimate power have the right to ask others to do things that are within the scope of their authority. C. the higher up in an organization a person is, the more legitimate power he or she generally possesses. D. people with legitimate power have a desire to identify and be associated with a specific individual. E. it can be a very weak form of power if it used ineffectively.

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual.

Andrew, the Student Body President, is very popular in his college and is admired by both the professors and students for his balanced approach to any task or issue. He is very creative and also a good sportsman. He is a role model for all the students in the college and often leads by example. Andrew's popularity gives him _____ power in his college. A. coercive B. collaborative C. reward D. referent E. structural

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual.

Bill Gates commands the respect and admiration of people around the world for his achievements in information technology as well as for his philanthropy. Many people who admire him try to emulate his actions. He clearly wields _____ power. A. coercive B. legitimate C. reward D. referent E. structural

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual.

Roger Federer is an icon in tennis. Many aspiring tennis players try to emulate him. Federer's iconic status gives him _____ power. A. coercive B. structural C. reward D. referent E. collaborative

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual.

_____ power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. A. Referent B. Expert C. Reward D. Coercive E. Legitimate

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual.

At Rolce Technologies, the core design team of 10 employees has daily "stand-up" meetings. All the core design team members gather standing up for a rapid-fire update on the project. These stand-up meetings are representative of which of the following components of the organization's culture? A. Stories B. Ceremonies C. Enacted values D. Rituals E. Symbols

Rituals are the daily or weekly planned routines that occur in an organization.

Reward Power

The ability of a manager to give or withhold tangible and intangible rewards

Coercive Power

The ability of a manager to punish others Overuse can even result in dangerous working conditions Examples: verbal reprimand, pay cuts, and dismissal

Scenario: Palliative Care Home Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award. Carl commands _____ power. A. reward B. legitimate C. coercive D. referent E. expert

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual. Andy indicates that he is simply trying to emulate Carl who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and this shows that Carl commands referent power.


Reflects the extent to which leaders create jobs relationships characterized by mutual trust, respect of employee ideas, and consideration of employee feelings. -Leaders who are high on consideration create a climate of good rapport and strong, two-way communication and exhibit a deep concern for the welfare of employees. -Initiating structure and consideration were independent concepts, meaning that leaders could be high on both, low on both, or high on one and low on the other.

Initiating Structure

Reflects the extent to which the leader defines and structures the roles of employees in pursuit of goal attainment. - Leaders who are high on initiating structure play a more active role in directing group activities and prioritize planning, scheduling and trying out new ideas.

Adaptive change

Reintroduction of a familiar practice (least threatening)

Motivator needs

Relate to the nature of the work itself- autonomy, responsibility, interesting work

Chapter 15


The Equal Pay Act

Required that men and women doing equal work get equal pay. This is called "comparable worth." Yet, even today, women are paid roughly 75% of what men earn in similar jobs- but that is a very "fuzzy" statistic

_____ reflects neither a shift in the employees' behaviors or their attitudes. A. Resistance B. Ingratiation C. Compliance D. Internalization E. Engagement

Resistance occurs when the target refuses to perform the influence request and puts forth an effort to avoid having to do it. Employee resistance could come in the form of making excuses, trying to influence the requestor in return, or simply refusing to carry out the request. Resistance is most likely when the influencer's power is low relative to the target or when the request itself is inappropriate or unreasonable. Refer To: Figure 13-3


Resistance or hostility resulting from 2 or more parties focusing on and attempting to reconcile differing opinions


Resistance or hostility resulting from two or more parties focusing on and attempting or reconcile differing opinions


Resistance or hostility resulting from two or more parties focusing on and attempting to reconcile differing opinions

The Fair Labor Standards Act

Restricted child labor, established minimum wage, and set a maximum on working hours

Coercive power

Results from authority to punish their subordinates

Reward power

Results from authority to reward their subordinates

Relationship or Connection power

Results from social alliances or influence

_____ power exists when someone has control over the resources another person wants.


Leah wants to upgrade her skills and approaches Timothy, the HR manager, to try and convince him to send her for the Advanced Negotiation and Portfolio Management Training programme. Timothy has which of the following powers? A. Coercive B. Personal C. Reward D. Referent E. Expert

Reward power exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants. For example, managers generally have control over raises, performance evaluations, awards, more desirable job assignments, and the resources an employee might require to perform a job effectively.

_____ power exists when someone has control over the resources another person wants. A. Reward B. Personal C. Coercive D. Referent E. Expert

Reward power exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants. For example, managers generally have control over raises, performance evaluations, awards, more desirable job assignments, and the resources an employee might require to perform a job effectively.

Scenario: Palliative Care Home Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award. When Lisa gives Andy his preferred shift, she is exhibiting _____ power. A. reward B. personal C. coercive D. referent E. expert

Reward power exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants. Lisa gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH along with an employee of the month award. This shows that Lisa possesses reward power.

Coercive Power

The ability of a manager to punish others; limited in effectiveness and applications; can have serious negative side effects

Scenario: Verve, Inc. Marie is the department manager at Verve, Inc. She has been working in the position for five years. Marie starts every Monday morning with a 60-minute department meeting where each member in the department gets five minutes to report progress, share stories of success and failure, and seek general input, advice, and information. Jeremy is responsible for sharing an anecdote, an account, or a legend about the company for every first Monday of the month to keep everyone reminded of where they work and what is important. Marie has created the workplace for her department in a totally open forum. There are no walls or cubicles, and everyone including Marie is in one open room. Marie has created a skull with a victory flag on its forehead as her department's corporate logo representing the "victory or die trying" motto for her group. The group has succeeded in achieving some exceptional results in the past two years. What Marie does every Monday morning can be described as a(n): A. ritual. B. story. C. espoused value. D. ceremony. E. symbol

Rituals are the daily or weekly planned routines that occur in an organization.

The daily or weekly planned routines that occur in an organization are called: A. rituals. B. stories. C. values. D. representations. E. symbols.

Rituals are the daily or weekly planned routines that occur in an organization.

The behavior a person is expected to display in a given context is known as:



Role _____ may be described as confusion that arises from an employee not understanding the expectations, intentions, or purpose of his or her position.

Scenario: Eva Mineral Water, Inc. Tom, Ben, Ron, and Harry are four individuals working at Eva Pure, a bottled water manufacturing company. They all started at different times at the company, bringing different levels of experience and abilities to their jobs. John is the factory manager supervising all the employees including these four. From a readiness point of view, it can be said that Ben is able but unwilling, Tom is both able and willing, Ron is neither able nor willing, and Harry is not able but highly willing to take on the responsibilities. John must respond differently to each of them to get them prepared and get the job done. John's optimal behavior to deal with Ron's readiness should comprise of _____ initiating structure and _____ consideration.

Ron is in the R2 stage of readiness. At this stage, the members have begun working together and are finding that their work is more difficult than they had anticipated. As eagerness turns to dissatisfaction, the optimal combination of leader behaviors is selling in which the leader supplements his or her directing with support and encouragement to protect the confidence levels of the employees.

Scenario: Eva Mineral Water, Inc. Ben, Tom, Ron, and Harry are four individuals working at Eva Pure, a bottled water manufacturing company. They all started at different times at the company, bringing different levels of experience and abilities to their jobs. John is the factory manager supervising all the employees including these four. From a readiness point of view, it can be said that Ben is able but unwilling, Tom is both able and willing, Ron is neither able nor willing, and Harry is unable but highly willing to take on the responsibilities. John must respond differently to each of them to get them prepared and get the job done. John's optimal behavior to deal with Ron's readiness should comprise of _____ initiating structure and _____ consideration. A. moderate; low B. low; high C. low; moderate D. high; high E. moderate; moderate

Ron is in the R2 stage of readiness. At this stage, the members have begun working together and are finding that their work is more difficult than they had anticipated. As eagerness turns to dissatisfaction, the optimal combination of leader behaviors is selling in which the leader supplements his or her directing with support and encouragement to protect the confidence levels of the employees.

_______ activities refer to things team members do to obtain information about technology, competitors, or the broader marketplace.

Scout activities

Noah, a services manager at the Feelwell Health Clinic, consulted an alternative medicine specialist to see if it is feasible to incorporate certain treatments as part of the clinic's services. Noah is performing a(n) ______ activity of the boundary spanning process


Which of the following is most likely to be categorized as a work team?

Self-managed work team, Production team, Maintenance team, Sales team, Car Manufacturing team

Leo Motors utilizes the classic assembly line in manufacturing its automobile products. Which type of interdependence is depicted?


Member 1-> Member 2 -> Member 3-> Member 4-> Output * Which type of interdependence is represented by this diagram?


In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the cultural dimension ______ stresses on values such as respect for tradition and fulfilling obligations.

Short-term oriented

Pay for knowledge

Skill based, employee pay is tied to the number of job relevant skills or academic degrees they earn.

The tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior is termed as _____. A. social astuteness B. networking ability C. interpersonal influence D. apparent sincerity E. visibility

Social astuteness is a characteristic of political skill, which is described as the tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior.

Which of the following represents the first stage in the socialization process? A. Attrition B. Anticipatory C. Encounter D. Adaptation E. Understanding

Socialization happens in three relatively distinct stages. The anticipatory stage happens prior to an employee spending even one second on the job.

Which of the following is a process that begins before an employee starts work and does not end until an employee leaves the organization? A. Mentoring B. Counterculture C. ASA framework D. Socialization E. Job analysis

Socialization is a process that begins before an employee starts work and does not end until an employee leaves the organization.

_____ is the primary process by which employees learn the knowledge that enables them to understand and adapt to the organization's culture. A. Mentoring B. Countercultures C. ASA framework D. Socialization E. Subculturing

Socialization is the primary process by which employees learn the knowledge that enables them to understand and adapt to the organization's culture.

_____ is/are the degree to which group members think and act alike, and _____ represent(s) how friendly employees are to one another. A. Espoused values; basic underlying assumptions B. Solidarity; sociability C. Basic underlying assumptions; observable artifacts D. Sociability; solidarity E. Observable artifacts; espoused values

Solidarity is the degree to which group members think and act alike, and sociability represents how friendly employees are to one another.

Which of the following is a personal characteristic that fosters organizational politics? A. Need for power B. Limited resources C. Ambiguity in roles D. High performance pressure E. Unclear performance evaluations

Some employees have a strong need for power that provides them with an incentive to engage in political behaviors. Others are high in self-monitoring, meaning that they have a tendency to be closely guarded in their actions and behaviors. Still others have "Machiavellian" tendencies, meaning that they are willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power.

Knowledge Worker

Someone whose occupation is principally concerned with generating or interpreting information, as opposed to manual labor.


Specialized language that members of an occupation, group, or organization develop to facilitate communication among themselves

Personal Leadership Style

Specific ways in which a manager chooses to influence others Shapes the way that manager approaches the other principal tasks of management

4 characteristics of good goals

Specific, Challenging, Linked to action plans, Set jointly to be effective

McClelland's acquired needs theory

States that three needs- achievement, affiliation, and power, are major motives determining peoples behavior in the workplace

_____ consists of anecdotes, accounts, legends, and myths that are passed down from cohort to cohort within an organization. A. Rituals B. Stories C. Values D. Language E. Symbols

Stories consist of anecdotes, accounts, legends, and myths that are passed down from cohort to cohort within an organization.

Scenario: Verve, Inc. Marie is the department manager at Verve, Inc. She has been working in the position for five years. Marie starts every Monday morning with a 60-minute department meeting where each member in the department gets five minutes to report progress, share stories of success and failure, and seek general input, advice, and information. Jeremy is responsible for sharing an anecdote, an account, or a legend about the company for every first Monday of the month to keep everyone reminded of where they work and what is important. Marie has created the workplace for her department in a totally open forum. There are no walls or cubicles, and everyone including Marie is in one open room. Marie has created a skull with a victory flag on its forehead as her department's corporate logo representing the "victory or die trying" motto for her group. The group has succeeded in achieving some exceptional results in the past two years. Jeremy has the responsibility for sharing which of the following every first Monday of the month? A. Symbols B. Stories C. Espoused values D. Ceremonies E. Language

Stories consist of anecdotes, accounts, legends, and myths that are passed down from cohort to cohort within an organization. Telling stories can be a major mechanism through which leaders and employees describe what the company values or finds important.

In the ____ stage of group development, members remain committed to ideas they bring with them to the team, and are unwilling to accommodate other's ideas. This triggers conflict that negatively affects some interpersonal relationships.


The development of courses of action and contingency plans, and then adapting those plans in light of changes that occur in the teams environment refers to

Strategy formulation

In the time-driven model of leadership, which leadership style seems to be overused by managers? A. Autocratic B. Consultative C. Delegative D. Facilitative E. Negotiative

Studies suggest that managers tend to choose the style recommended by the model only around 40 percent of the time and exhibit less variation in styles than the model suggests they should. In particular, managers seem to overuse the consultative style and underutilize autocratic and facilitative styles.

_____ exist when the overall organizational culture is supplemented by another culture governing a more specific set of employees. A. ASA frameworks B. Networked cultures C. Subcultures D. Countercultures E. Reality shocks

Subcultures exist when the overall organizational culture is supplemented by another culture governing a more specific set of employees. Subcultures are more likely to exist in large organizations than they are in small companies

Leaders who control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence. This is associated with which of the following contingency factors?


Richard is the head of the finance department at Sportz Inc., a company specializing in sports goods. He has the sole authority to grant or deny the release of funds for any marketing strategy proposed by the marketing department. Which contingency factor gives Richard the power to influence the members of the marketing team? A. Ingratiation B. Internalization C. Visibility D. Centralization E. Substitutability


Leaders that control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence. This is associated with which of the following contingency factors? A. Centrality B. Discretion C. Substitutability D. Ingratiation E. Visibility

Substitutability is the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. Leaders that control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence.

Richard is the head of the finance department at Sportz Inc., a company specializing in sports goods. He has the sole authority to grant or deny the release of funds for any marketing strategy proposed by the marketing team in the company. Which contingency factor gives Richard the power to influence the members of the marketing team? A. Persuasion B. Internalization C. Substitutability D. Ingratiation E. Visibility

Substitutability is the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. Leaders that control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence.

The degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources refers to: A. centrality. B. discretion. C. substitutability. D. ingratiation. E. visibility.

Substitutability is the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. Leaders that control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence.

_____ reduce the importance of the leader while simultaneously providing a direct benefit to employee performance. A. Substitutes B. Directive styles C. Transactional styles D. Neutralizers E. Enhancers

Substitutes reduce the importance of the leader while simultaneously providing a direct benefit to employee performance.

Substitutes for Leadership Model

Suggests that certain characteristics of the situation can constrain the influence of the leader, making it more difficult for the leader to influence employee performance.

Victor Vroom's Expectancy Theory

Suggests that people are motivated by how much they want something and how likely they think they are to get it

Hygiene Factors

Supervision; Company Policy; Relationship with Supervisor; Working Conditions; Salary; Relationship with Peers; Personal Life; Relationship with Subordinates; Status; Security

An organization's corporate logo is an example of a: A. symbol. B. belief. C. value. D. ritual. E. language.

Symbols can be found throughout an organization, from its corporate logo to the images it places on its Web site to the uniforms its employees wear.

Scenario: Verve, Inc. Marie is the department manager at Verve, Inc. She has been working in the position for five years. Marie starts every Monday morning with a 60-minute department meeting where each member in the department gets five minutes to report progress, share stories of success and failure, and seek general input, advice, and information. Jeremy is responsible for sharing an anecdote, an account, or a legend about the company for every first Monday of the month to keep everyone reminded of where they work and what is important. Marie has created the workplace for her department in a totally open forum. There are no walls or cubicles, and everyone including Marie is in one open room. Marie has created a skull with a victory flag on its forehead as her department's corporate logo representing the "victory or die trying" motto for her group. The group has succeeded in achieving some exceptional results in the past two years. Marie's logo can be described as a(n): A. ritual. B. story. C. espoused value. D. ceremony. E. symbol.

Symbols can be found throughout an organization, from its corporate logo to the images it places on its Web site to the uniforms its employees wear.

Nike's "swoosh" is an example of a: A. language. B. belief. C. value. D. ritual. E. symbol.

Symbols can be found throughout an organization, from its corporate logo to the images it places on its Web site to the uniforms its employees wear. Examples include Nike's "swoosh" and Apple Computer's "apple" logo.

______ involves keeping track of things that the team needs to accomplish its work

Systems monitoring

T or F? For a leader, internalization is the best outcome of influence tactics

T (true)


Task Conflict- refers to disagreements among members about the team's task

Leslie, a marketing manager at the Sunshine Spa, is consulting with Tess, a dermatologist at the spa, to explore the possibility of incorporating certain treatments as part of the spa's package schemes. Leslie is engaging in a(n) _______ activity of the boundary-spanning process

Task coordinator

The degree to which team members interact with and rely on other team members for the information, materials, and resources needed to accomplish work for the team is known as :

Task interdependence

______ is a term that reflects the different types of communication, activities, and interactions that occur within teams that contribute to their ultimate end goals.

Team Process

Which of the following best describes the group development pattern known as punctuated equilibrium?

Teams that develop in a less linear fashion


Tension people feel when they are facing or enduring extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities and are uncertain about their ability to handle them effectively.

Which of the following holds that potential employees will be attracted to organizations whose cultures match their own personality, organizations will weed out the potential misfits, and the remaining misfits will leave because of being unhappy or ineffective? A. Mentoring B. Countercultures C. ASA framework D. Socialization E. Subcultures

The ASA (attraction-selection-attrition) framework holds that potential employees will be attracted to organizations whose cultures match their own personality, meaning that some potential job applicants will not apply due to a perceived lack of fit.

Task Work Processes

The activities of team members that relate directly to the accomplishment of team tasks.Task work occurs any time that team members interact with the tools or technologies that are used to complete their work 3 important types: Creative Behavior, Decision Making, Boundary Spanning

Information Richness

The amount of information that a communication medium can carry The extent to which the medium enables the sender and receiver to reach a common understanding High: Face to face communication 2. Spoken communication electronically transmitted 3. Personally addressed written communication Low: Impersonal written communication

Information Richness

The amount of information that a communication medium can carry and the extent to which the medium enables the sender and receiver to reach a common understanding

Early adopters

The approximately 14 percent of a market's population that uses a new product or service after innovators have used and tested it.

Early adopters

The approximately 14 percent of the market's population that uses a new product or service after innovators have used and tested it


The approximately 16 percent of a market's population that is the last to use a product or service


The approximately 2 percent of a market's population that initially uses and tests a new product or service

Early Majority

The approximately 34 percent of a market's population that uses a product or service after early adopters have used it

Early majority

The approximately 34 percent of the market's population that uses a product or service after early adopters have used it

Legitimate Power

The authority that a manager has by virtue of his or her position in an organization's hierarchy

Legitimate Power

The authority that a manager has by virtue of his or her position in the firm

Which of the following decision-making styles is characterized by the highest level of leader control? A. Consultative B. Autocratic C. Delegative D. Facilitative E. Supportive

The autocratic style of decision-making has the highest leader control compared to other styles. Refer To: Figure 14-2

Channel richness

The capacity to convey as much information as possible during the communication process

Channel richness

The capacity to convey as much information as possible during the communication process.


The degree to which a business venture is possible, given the availability of resources and technologies


The degree to which a company or its business model can grow, given the necessary resources


The degree to which individuals in a working group exhibit loyalty and norm consistencies


The degree to which individuals in a working group exhibit loyalty and norm consistencies is known as

Group Cohesiveness

The degree to which members are attracted to their group Three major consequences: 1. Level of participation 2. Level of conformity to group norms 3. Emphasis on group goal accomplishment

Profit Sharing

The distribution to employees a percentage of the company's profits

Role Making (phase)

The employee's own expectations for the dyad get mixed in with those of the leader.

Nonverbal Communication

The encoding of messages by means of facial expressions, body language, and styles of dress

Verbal Communication

The encoding of messages into words, either written or spoken

Which stage of socialization begins the day an employee starts work? A. Encounter B. Attrition C. Anticipatory D. Adaptation and understanding E. Selection

The encounter stage begins the day an employee starts work.

You have recently been hired by TellMe, Inc. Today is your first day. You can be described at which stage of the socialization process? A. Encounter B. Attrition C. Anticipatory D. Adaptation and understanding E. Selection

The encounter stage begins the day an employee starts work.

Which of the following statements about the encounter stage of socialization is true? A. It happens prior to an employee spending even one second on the job. B. New employees compare the information they acquired as outsiders during the first stage with what the organization is really like now that they are insiders. C. Newcomers come to learn the content areas of socialization and internalize the norms and expected behaviors of the organization. D. It is the adoption of the spoken and unspoken goals and values of the organization. E. It is the last stage in the socialization process.

The encounter stage is the second stage in the socialization process. During this stage, new employees compare the information they acquired as outsiders during the anticipatory stage with what the organization is really like now that they are insiders.


The experience of immersion and loss of time when an individual achieves an optimum balance of challenge, interest, and achievement


The experience of immersion and loss of time when an individual achieves an optimum balance of challenge, interest, and achievement is called:

McClelland's Need of Achievement

The extent to which an individual has a strong desire to perform challenging tasks well and to meet personal standards for excellence

informal group

a group formed by people seeking friendship and has no officially appointed leader, although a leader may emerge from the membership

During which stage of socialization do newcomers come to learn the content areas of socialization and internalize the norms and expected behaviors of the organization? A. Encounter B. Attrition C. Anticipatory D. Understanding and adaptation E. Selection

The final stage of socialization is one of understanding and adaptation. During this stage, newcomers come to learn the content areas of socialization and internalize the norms and expected behaviors of the organization.

Which of the following is the final stage of the socialization process? A. Encounter B. Attrition C. Anticipatory D. Understanding and adaptation E. Selection

The final stage of socialization is one of understanding and adaptation. During this stage, newcomers come to learn the content areas of socialization and internalize the norms and expected behaviors of the organization.

In which stage of socialization do employees adopt the goals and values of the organization, recognize what the organization has been through, and converse with others in the organization using technical language and specific terms that only insiders would comprehend? A. Encounter B. Attrition C. Anticipatory D. Understanding and adaptation E. Selection

The final stage of socialization is one of understanding and adaptation. The employee has adopted the goals and values of the organization, understands what the organization has been through, and can converse with others in the organization using technical language and specific terms that only insiders would understand.

Initial public offering

The first time a company sells its equity shares on the stock market

Initial public offering (IPO)

The first time a company sells its equity shares on the stock market

Organizational Structure

The formal arrangement of jobs within an organization.

The goal of an organization's socialization efforts should be to minimize _____ as much as possible. A. mentoring B. diversity C. reality shock D. espoused values E. newcomer orientation

The goal of the organization's socialization efforts should be to minimize reality shock as much as possible.

In the leader-member exchange theory, the _____ exchange dyad is marked by the frequent exchange of information, influence, latitude, support, and attention. A. participating B. low-quality C. intrinsic D. high-quality E. extrinsic

The high-quality exchange dyad is marked by the frequent exchange of information, influence, latitude, support, and attention.

All the statements below are true about legitimate power EXCEPT:

The higher up in an organization a person is, the less legitimate power they generally possess

DNA Tirggers

The impact of our DNA on our behavior is switched on/off by our choices and actions. The things that we do habitually, the environments that we choose, what we persist in listening to or thinking, can trigger or inhibit DNA's influence


The information that a sender wants to share

Active Management-by-Expectation

The leader arranges to monitor mistakes and errors, actively and again takes corrective actions when required.

Delegative Style

The leader gives an individual employee or a group of employees the responsibility for making the decision within some set of specified boundary conditions.

Autocratic Style

The leader makes the decision alone without asking for the opinions or suggestions of the employees in the work unit.

Facilitative Style

The leader presents the problem to a group of employees and seeks consensus on a solution, making sure that his or her own opinions receives no more weight than anyone else's.

Consultative Style

The leader presents the problem to individual employees or a group of employees, asking for their opinions and suggestions before ultimately making the decision him or herself.

Passive Management-by-Expectation

The leader waits around for mistakes and errors, then takes corrective action as necessary.

During which phase of the leader-member exchange theory does a manager describe role expectations to an employee, with the employee attempting to fulfill those expectations with his/her job behaviors? A. Role taking B. Role selling C. Role designing D. Role making E. Readiness

The leader-member exchange theory argues that new leader-member relationships are typically marked by a role taking phase, during which a manager describes role expectations to an employee and the employee attempts to fulfill those expectations with his or her job behaviors.

The leader-member exchange theory argues that: A. new relationships between leaders and members are typically marked by a role taking phase. B. most leaders can judge their performance by referring to the number of companies they have created. C. leader traits holds more practical relevance than leader actions. D. the correlations of the trait-leadership magnitude are strong. E. organizations should limit leader-member exchanges to maximize organizational productivity.

The leader-member exchange theory argues that new leader-member relationships are typically marked by a role-taking phase, during which a manager describes role expectations to an employee and the employee attempts to fulfill those expectations with his or her job behaviors.

The life cycle theory of leadership argues that the optimal combination of initiating structure and consideration depends on the _____ of the employees in the work unit. A. integration B. personality C. organization D. readiness E. decision making style

The life cycle theory of leadership (sometimes also called the situational model of leadership) argues that the optimal combination of initiating structure and consideration depends on the readiness of the employees in the work unit.

Which of the following theories is known as the situational model of leadership? A. Ohio State Studies B. University of Michigan Studies C. Life cycle theory of leadership D. Time-driven model of leadership E. Herzberg's two-factor theory

The life cycle theory of leadership is also known as the situational model of leadership. It argues that the optimal combination of initiating structure and consideration depends on the readiness of the employees in the work unit.

In the leader-member exchange theory, the low-quality exchange dyad forms the leader's: A. outgroup. B. internal attributes. C. ingroup. D. levels of mutual trust. E. obligations.

The low-quality exchange dyad is marked by a more limited exchange of information, influence, latitude, support, and attention. Those dyads form the leader's out-group and are characterized by lower levels of trust, respect, and obligation.

In the leader-member exchange theory, the low-quality exchange dyad forms the leader's:

The low-quality exchange dyad is marked by a more limited exchange of information, influence, latitude, support, and attention. Those dyads form the leader's outgroup and are characterized by lower levels of trust, respect, and obligation.


The measurement of available financial resources or the ability to convert an organization's assets into cash

Gender and Leadership

The number of women managers is rising but is still relatively low in the top levels of management; stereotypes suggests women are supportive and concerned with interpersonal relations. Similarly, men are seen as task-focused

According to the life cycle theory of leadership, the optimal combination of leader behavior in the R4 stage is _____. A. delegating B. telling C. selling D. participating E. negotiating

The optimal combination for the R4 readiness level is delegating such that the leader turns responsibility for key behaviors over to the employees.

Which of the following leader behaviors is characterized by low initiating structure and low consideration?

The optimal combination for the R4 readiness level is delegating. It is characterized by low initiating structure and low consideration.

Which of the following leader behaviors is characterized by low initiating structure and low consideration? A. high; low B. low; high C. low; low D. high; high E. moderate; moderate

The optimal combination for the R4 readiness level is delegating. It is characterized by low initiating structure and low consideration.


The pathway through which an encoded message is transmitted to a receiver

Communication Networks

The pathways along which information flows in groups and teams and throughout the organization


The person or group for which a message is intended


The person or group wishing to share information

disadvantage of oral communication

The possibility of vague or reckless statements that may result in confusion or misunderstanding.

Information Overload

The potential for important information to be ignored or overlooked while tangential information receives attention


The power of a selection tool to predict future job performance


The process by which a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve group or organizational goals


The process by which information and meaning gets transferred from a sender to a receiver


The process by which two or more parties with differing objectives, desires, or perspectives go through to find a mutually agreeable solution


The process by which two or more parties with differing objectives, desires, or perspectives go through to find a mutually agreeable solution is known as

Operant conditioning (B.F. Skinner)

The process of controlling behavior by manipulating its consequences


The process of giving employees at all levels in the organization the authority to make decisions, be responsible for their outcomes, improve quality, and cut costs


The process of giving employees at all levels the authority to make decisions, be responsible for their outcomes, improve quality, and cut costs


The processes by which individuals attain the knowledge, skills, cultural distinctions, and values to adapt to a group's norms.


The psychological Forces that determine the direction of a person's behavior in an organization, a person's level of effort, and a person's level of persistence


The psychological forces that determine the direction of a person's behavior in an organization, a person's level of effort, and a person's level of persistence Explains why people behave the way they do in organizations


The psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behaviors


The real work of the group is accomplished


The result of a process or an undertaking

Who amongst the following represents probably the biggest driver of culture? A. Middle managers B. Frontline employees C. Top executives D. First-line managers E. Stockholders

There is perhaps no bigger driver of culture than the leaders and top executives of organizations.

The _____ process is marked by a free-flowing exchange in which the leader offers more opportunities and resources and the employee contributes more activities and effort. A. role taking B. role selling C. participating D. role making E. role allocating

The role making process is marked by a free-flowing exchange in which the leader offers more opportunities and resources and the employee contributes more activities and effort.

_____ suggest that leaders are born, not made. A. Leader-member exchange theories B. Ohio State studies of leadership C. Transformational theories of leadership D. Contingent theory of leadership E. Great person theories of leadership

The search for traits and characteristics is consistent with great person theories of leadership that suggest that leaders are born, not made.


The sharing of decisions, information, and responsibility with others


The sharing of information between two or more individuals or groups to reach a common understanding


The situation where an individual or a group adheres to organizational policies, procedures, cultural dynamics, and performance standards


The situation where an individual or group adheres to organizational policies, procedures, cultural dynamics, and performance standards

Personal Leadership Style

The specific ways in which a manager chooses to influence others


The system-level change that inevitably occur that may require individuals and groups to respond

Organizational Behavior Modification

The systematic application of operant conditioning techniques to promote the performance of organizationally functional behaviors and discourage the performance of dysfunctional behaviors

Social Loafing

The tendency of individuals to put forth less effort in a group than individually Results in possibly lower group performance and failure to attain group goals

Expectancy theory

The theory that motivation will be high when workers believe that high levels of effort lead to high performance and high performance leads to the attainment of desired outcomes.

Organizational power includes: A. legitimate, expert, and referent power. B. reward, expert, and referent power. C. coercive, reward, and expert power. D. reward, expert, and legitimate power. E. coercive, legitimate, and reward power.

The three types of organizational power derive primarily from a person's position within the organization. These types of power are considered more formal in nature. Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred to as "formal authority." Reward power exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants. Coercive power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization. Refer To: Figure 13-1

Which of the following factors is included in the time-driven model of leadership? A. Intellectual stimulation B. Shared objectives C. Idealized influence D. Individual personality E. Contingent rewards

The time-driven model of leadership suggests that seven factors combine to make some decision-making styles more effective in a given situation and other styles less effective. Those seven factors include: decision significance, importance of commitment, leader expertise, likelihood of commitment, shared objectives, employee expertise, and teamwork skills.

Behavior modification

The use of reinforcement theory to change yuma behavior


The value a worker assigns to an outcome

Organizational Chart

The visual representation of an organizations structure

Need Theories

Theories of motivation that focus on what needs people are trying to satisfy at work and what outcomes will satisfy those needs

Learning Theories

Theories that focus on increasing employee motivation and performance by linking the outcomes that employees receive to the performance of desired behaviors and the attainment of goals

Learning theories

Theories that focus on increasing employee motivation and performance by linking the outcomes that employees receive to the performance of desired behaviors and the attainment of goals

There are many factors to consider when leaders choose a decision-making style. The most obvious consideration is the:

There are many factors to consider when leaders choose a decision-making style. The most obvious consideration is the quality of the resulting decision, because making the correct decision is the ultimate means of judging the leader.

There are many factors to consider when leaders choose a decision-making style. The most obvious consideration is the: A. number of people involved in decision making. B. quality of the resulting decision. C. number of opinions obtained for making the decision. D. the style of decision making. E. the number of different ideas generated during the process.

There are many factors to consider when leaders choose a decision-making style. The most obvious consideration is the quality of the resulting decision, because making the correct decision is the ultimate means of judging the leader.

The three major components to any organizational culture are: A. observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions. B. observable artifacts, hidden artifacts, and semi-public artifacts. C. internal values, espoused values, and external values. D. symbols, physical structures, and ceremonies. E. language, stories, and rituals.

There are three major components to any organization's culture: observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic underlying assumptions.

Cluster Chain

a group of people who disseminate information within their group or cluster.

Personal power includes: A. expert and referent power. B. reward and expert power. C. coercive and reward power. D. reward and legitimate power. E. coercive and legitimate power.

There's something else about people, which provides them additional capabilities to influence others. Personal forms of power capture that "something else." Expert power derives from a person's expertise, skill, or knowledge on which others depend. Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual. Refer To: Figure 13-1

In what way are management teams similar to work teams?

They are designed to be relatively permanent

Which of the following statements is true with regard to transition processes?

They are team work activities that focus on preparation for future work.


This is considered the richest form of communication

Satya Nadella: Key Lessons

To be successful, you must... 1. Be actively managing your image and reputation among all those people around you 2. Set standards, and strive to live up to them 3. Reflect upon, and learn from your failings 4. Be self-aware 5. Be learning at all times

Scenario: Eva Mineral Water, Inc. Ben, Tom, Ron, and Harry are four individuals working at Eva Pure, a bottled water manufacturing company. They all started at different times at the company, bringing different levels of experience and abilities to their jobs. John is the factory manager supervising all the employees including these four. From a readiness point of view, it can be said that Ben is able but unwilling, Tom is both able and willing, Ron is neither able nor willing, and Harry is unable but highly willing to take on the responsibilities. John must respond differently to each of them to get them prepared and get the job done. Which of the following leadership behaviors' should John adopt to deal with Tom's readiness? A. Delegating B. Telling C. Selling D. Participating E. Negotiating

Tom is at the R4 readiness level. The optimal combination for the R4 readiness level is delegating such that the leader turns responsibility for key behaviors over to the employees.

Scenario: Eva Mineral Water, Inc. Ron, Ben, Tom, and Harry are four individuals working at Eva Pure, a bottled water manufacturing company. They all started at different times at the company, bringing different levels of experience and abilities to their jobs. John is the factory manager supervising all the employees including these four. From a readiness point of view, it can be said that Ben is able but unwilling, Tom is both able and willing, Ron is neither able nor willing, and Harry is not able but highly willing to take on the responsibilities. John must respond differently to each of them to get them prepared and get the job done. Which of the following leadership behaviors should John adopt to deal with Tom's readiness?

Tom is at the R4 readiness level. The optimal combination for the R4 readiness level is delegating such that the leader turns responsibility for key behaviors over to the employees.

Which of the following is most likely to be categorized as a management team?

Top management team

2 approaches of job design perspective

Traditional, modern

Which of the following represents the carrot-and stick approach to leadership?

Transactional leadership

Which of the following represents the carrot-and-stick approach to leadership? A. Laissez-faire leadership B. Passive-avoidant leadership C. Transactional leadership D. Charismatic leadership E. Transformational leadership

Transactional leadership represents the "carrot-and-stick" approach to leadership, with management-by-exception providing the "sticks" and contingent reward supplying the "carrots."

_____ leadership involves inspiring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while also serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems from new perspectives.

Transformational leadership involves inspiring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while also serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems from new perspectives.

The more communication flows through fewer members of the team, the higher the: A. degree of centralization. B. degree of socialization. C. degree of decentralization. D. degree of attribution error. E. degree of groupthink.



a learned predisposition toward a given object

_____ leadership involves inspiring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while also serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems from new perspectives. A. Management-by-exception B. Contingent reward C. Transactional D. Laissez-faire E. Transformational

Transformational leadership involves inspiring followers to commit to a shared vision that provides meaning to their work while also serving as a role model who helps followers develop their own potential and view problems from new perspectives.

Which of the following are teamwork processes?

Transition processes, action processes, and interpersonal process

______ processes are primarily important before and between periods of taskwork, whereas ______ processes are primarily important as the taskwork is being accomplished

Transition, and Action


Translating a message into understandable symbols or language

True or False? Organizational factors that are the most likely to increase political activity are those that raise the level of uncertainty in the environment



Two or more people who interact with each other to accomplish certain goals or meet certain needs.


Unofficial pieces of information of interest to organizational members but with no identifiable source


Unofficial pieces of information of interest to organizational members but with no identifiable source.

Positive reinforcement

Use of positive consequences to encourage desirable behavior

Mathew is one of the top attorneys at his law firm. His brilliance in handling some of the most difficult and high-profile cases has earned him fame far and wide and he wields considerable influence in the running of the firm. Mathew's high degree of _____ ensures that he has considerable power to influence others. A. internalization B. discretion C. substitutability D. ingratiation E. visibility

Visibility is how aware others are of a leader's power and position. If everyone knows that a leader has a certain level of power, the ability to use that power to influence others is likely to be high.

_____ is how aware others are of a leader's power and position. A. Centrality B. Discretion C. Substitutability D. Ingratiation E. Visibility

Visibility is how aware others are of a leader's power and position. If everyone knows that a leader has a certain level of power, the ability to use that power to influence others is likely to be high.

In the context of the contingency factor of visibility, a leader's ability to influence others increases when: A. there are no substitutes for the rewards or resources the leader controls. B. the leader's role is important and interdependent with others in the organization. C. the leader has the freedom to make decisions without being restrained by rules. D. others know about the leader and the resources he or she can provide. E. rewards are used in a manipulative fashion.

Visibility is how aware others are of a leader's power and position. If everyone knows that a leader has a certain level of power, the ability to use that power to influence others is likely to be high. Refer To: Table 13-3

entrepreneurial ecosystem

What is a set of stakeholders that are necessary to support the innovation and creation of new market value?


What is the process through which individuals and groups transform ideas into reality?

loss of ego

When individuals experience a lack of self-awareness or self-consciousness; they are so wholly focused on achieving the goal that it becomes the only thing that matters, it is referred to as:


When managers are assigning roles, they need to be fully aware of the skills and abilities of their employees to ensure that the role is realistic and manageable in order to avoid

Regression hypothesis

When people become frustrated by a need that is difficult to attain he or she will drop, or regress, one level lower down the hierarchy and intensify his or her efforts at that lower level.

The values of the marketing department culture at Clean Toothpaste Manufacturing, Inc., do not match with those of the overall organization and it consistently challenges the values of Clean Toothpaste and signifies the need for change. The marketing department's culture can be described as a: A. ASA framework. B. counterculture. C. safety culture. D. networked culture. E. distractive culture.

When their values do not match those of the larger organization, we call subcultures countercultures. Countercultures can sometimes serve a useful purpose by challenging the values of the overall organization or signifying the need for change.

Which of the following is a suggested guideline for using coercive power? A. Provide evidence that a proposal will be successful. B. Avoid rash, careless, or inconsistent statements. C. Provide ample warnings. D. Listen seriously to a person's concerns and suggestions. E. Act confidently and decisively in a crisis.

When using coercive power, one should ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations, respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism, investigate to get facts before following through, provide ample warnings, and use punishments that are legitimate, fair, and commensurate with the seriousness of noncompliance. Refer To: Table 13-2

Laura heads the administrative department in a hospital. Her job involves ensuring that work in the hospital runs smoothly, managing the staff, inventory management, and maintaining the requisite standard in hospital hygiene and patient care. As her work often involves situations that demand the use of coercive power, which of the following guidelines must Laura follow? A. Ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations. B. Avoid rash, careless, or inconsistent statements. C. Avoid using rewards in a manipulative fashion. D. Don't exaggerate or misrepresent facts. E. Provide evidence that a proposal will be successful.

When using coercive power, one should explain rules and requirements and ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations, respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism, investigate to get facts before following through, provide ample warnings, and use punishments that are legitimate, fair, and commensurate with the seriousness of noncompliance. Refer To: Table 13-2

"Responding to infractions promptly and without favoritism" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power. A. coercive B. legitimate C. reward D. referent E. expert

When using coercive power, one should respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism, and use punishments that are legitimate, fair, and commensurate with the seriousness of noncompliance. Refer To: Table 13-2

"Providing evidence that a proposal will be successful" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power. A. coercive B. legitimate C. reward D. referent E. expert

When using expert power, one should explain the reasons for a request and why it's important, provide evidence that a proposal will be successful, and not make rash, careless, or inconsistent statements. Refer To: Table 13-2

Which of the following is a suggested guideline for using expert power? A. Ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations. B. Avoid rash, careless, or inconsistent statements. C. Respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism. D. Follow up to verify compliance. E. Provide ample warnings.

When using expert power, one should explain the reasons for a request and why it's important, provide evidence that a proposal will be successful, not make rash, careless, or inconsistent statements, not exaggerate or misrepresent the facts, listen seriously to a person's concerns and suggestions, and act confidently and decisively in a crisis. Refer To: Table 13-2

"Insisting on compliance if appropriate" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power. A. personal B. legitimate C. reward D. referent E. expert

When using legitimate power, one should make polite, clear requests, explain the reason for the request, not exceed one's scope of authority, follow up to verify compliance, and insist on compliance if appropriate. Refer To: Table 13-2

"Using sincere forms of ingratiation" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power. A. coercive B. legitimate C. reward D. referent E. expert

When using referent power, one should show acceptance and positive regard, act supportive and helpful, use sincere forms of ingratiation, and defend and back up people when appropriate. Refer To: Table 13-2

"Avoid promising more than you can deliver" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power. A. coercive B. personal C. reward D. referent E. expert

When using reward power, one should offer the types of rewards people desire, offer rewards that are fair and ethical, and not promise more than one can deliver. Refer To: Table 13-2

Contingency Models

Whether or not a manager is an effective leader is the result of the interplay and between what the manager is like, what he does, and the situation in which leadership takes place

Contingency Models

Whether or not a manager is an effective leader is the result of the interplay between what the manager is like, what he does, and the situation in which leadership takes place


Which stage of group development is characterized by conflict in which personalities might clash and disagreements erupt about the way the project should be approached?

McClelland's Ideas

White collar, highly educated professionals have three primary needs that motivate them: 1. Need for achievement; give them challenging work 2. Need for affiliation; work with other similar professionals 3. Need for power over decissions

With a(n) _____ decision making style, employees have a say in the decision making process but the ultimate authority still rests with the leader. A. delegative B. directive C. consultative D. facilitative E. autocratic

With a consultative style, employees do "have a say" in the decision making process but the ultimate authority still rests with the leader.

With a(n) _____ decision-making style, employees have a say in the decision making process but the ultimate authority still rests with the leader.

With a consultative style, employees do "have a say" in the decision-making process but the ultimate authority still rests with the leader.

Training that provides students or employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be a high performing team member are considered ______ because they can be used in many different situations rather than in just one or two specific situations. A. transportable competencies B. detachable competencies C. mental models D. cross-training competencies E. efficiencies


Pauline, a department manager at Good Looking Clothes Inc., uses a style of decision making that focuses on using the skills, experiences, and ideas of others. The final decision-making power is with Pauline. However, she does not make major decisions without getting inputs from those that will be affected. It can be said that she uses the _____ style of leader decision making. A. autocratic B. consultative C. facilitative D. participative E. transactional

With a consultative style, the leader presents the problem to individual employees or a group of employees, asking for their opinions and suggestions before ultimately making the decision him or herself.

Pauline, a department manager at Good Looking Clothes Inc., uses a style of decision-making that focuses on using the skills, experiences, and ideas of others. The final decision-making power is with Pauline. However, she does not make major decisions without getting inputs from those that will be affected. It can be said that she uses the _____ style of leader decision making.

With a consultative style, the leader presents the problem to individual employees or a group of employees, asking for their opinions and suggestions before ultimately making the decision him- or herself.

Scenario: Polar Coat Manufacturing Alexandria, Brittney, Nicole, and Dolce are four managers at Polar Coat Manufacturing. Each in their department uses a different decision-making style and believes that their style is the best. Alexandria always presents the problem to her employees, gathers their opinions/suggestions and then makes the decision herself. Brittney gives her employees the responsibility for making the decision within a set of specified boundary conditions. Nicole makes the decision without asking her employees for their opinions/suggestions. Dolce presents the problem to her employees and seeks consensus with an emphasis that her opinion should only count as important as every other employee's in her department. Alexandria is displaying _____ style of decision-making. A. consultative B. autocratic C. delegative D. facilitative E. directive

With a consultative style, the leader presents the problem to individual employees or a group of employees, asking for their opinions and suggestions before ultimately making the decision him-or herself.

Scenario: Polar Coat Manufacturing Alexandria, Brittney, Nicole, and Dolce are four managers at Polar Coat Manufacturing. Each in their department uses a different decision-making style and believes that their style is the best. Alexandria always presents the problem to her employees, gathers their opinions/suggestions and then makes the decision herself. Brittney gives her employees the responsibility for making the decision within a set of specified boundary conditions. Nicole makes the decision without asking her employees for their opinions/suggestions. Dolce presents the problem to her employees and seeks consensus with an emphasis that her opinion should only count as important as every other employee's in her department. Identify the decision-making style that Brittney is using. A. Consultative B. Autocratic C. Delegative D. Facilitative E. Directive

With a delegative style, the leader gives an individual employee or a group of employees the responsibility for making the decision within some set of specified boundary conditions.

Robert has been newly appointed as the CEO of Textronics Inc. He is still learning how various departments function in the organization. In such a situation, he relies on the suggestions and opinions of his team members and lets them do the things the way they are used to, till the time he is able to gain sufficient knowledge and can suggest some more feasible changes. He does not generally interfere in the decisions made by the employees but at times shares his past experiences with the employees. It can be said that Robert had adopted a(n) _____ style of decision making. A. autocratic B. participative C. consultative D. delegative E. negotiative

With a delegative style, the leader gives an individual employee or a group of employees the responsibility for making the decision within some set of specified boundary conditions. The leader plays no role in the deliberations unless asked, though he or she may offer encouragement and provide necessary resources behind the scenes. Robert is using such a style in this situation.

Robert has been newly appointed as the CEO of Textronics Inc. He is still learning how various departments function in the organization. Until he is able to gain sufficient knowledge and can suggest some changes, he relies on the suggestions and opinions of his team members and lets them do the things the way they are used to. He does not generally interfere in the decisions made by the employees but at times shares his past experiences with the employees. It can be said that Robert had adopted a(n) _____ style of decision-making.

With a delegative style, the leader gives an individual employee or a group of employees the responsibility for making the decision within some set of specified boundary conditions. The leader plays no role in the deliberations unless asked, though he or she may offer encouragement and provide necessary resources behind the scenes. Robert is using such a style in this situation.

Which of the following is the style of decision making where the leader plays no role in deliberations unless asked? A. Consultative B. Autocratic C. Delegative D. Facilitative E. Directive

With a delegative style, the leader plays no role in the deliberations unless asked, though he or she may offer encouragement and provide necessary resources behind the scenes.

Scenario: Polar Coat Manufacturing Alexandria, Brittney, Nicole, and Dolce are four managers at Polar Coat Manufacturing. Each in their department uses a different decision-making style and believes that their style is the best. Alexandria always presents the problem to her employees, gathers their opinions/suggestions and then makes the decision herself. Brittney gives her employees the responsibility for making the decision within a set of specified boundary conditions. Nicole makes the decision without asking her employees for their opinions/suggestions. Dolce presents the problem to her employees and seeks consensus with an emphasis that her opinion should only count as important as every other employee's in her department. Dolce is displaying _____ decision-making style. A. consultative B. autocratic C. delegative D. facilitative E. directive

With a facilitative style, the leader presents the problem to a group of employees and seeks consensus on a solution, making sure that his or her own opinion receives no more weight than anyone else's.

When members of a team develop strong emotional bonds to other members of the team and to the team itself, it refers to _____, which tends to foster high levels of motivation and commitment to the team. A. cohesion B. mental models C. transactive memory D. potency E. boundary spanning


b. Integrative bargaining

aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario

Ted is a quality control manager at Greenwoods Cement Inc. Any time a problem arises and a decision needs to be made, he believes in getting his people involved. He presents the problem to his employees and seek consensus on a solution. He insists in these problem-solving meetings that his opinion or suggestions carry no more weight than anyone else's. Which of the following is the decision-making style that Ted is displaying?

With a facilitative style, the leader presents the problem to a group of employees and seeks consensus on a solution, making sure that his or her own opinion receives no more weight than anyone else's.

Ted is a quality control manager at Greenwoods Cement Inc. Any time a problem arises and a decision needs to be made, he believes in getting his people involved. He would present the problem to his employees and seek consensus on a solution. He insists in these problem-solving meetings that his opinion or suggestions carry no more weight than anyone else's. Which of the following is the decision-making style that Ted is displaying? A. Consultative B. Autocratic C. Delegative D. Facilitative E. Negotiative

With a facilitative style, the leader presents the problem to a group of employees and seeks consensus on a solution, making sure that his or her own opinion receives no more weight than anyone else's.

With _____, the leader arranges to monitor mistakes and errors dynamically and takes corrective action when required. A. laissez-faire leadership B. contingent reward leadership C. passive management-by-exception D. active management-by-exception E. transformational leadership

With active management-by-exception, the leader arranges to monitor mistakes and errors actively and takes corrective action when required.

Scenario: Polar Coat Manufacturing Nicole, Alexandria, Brittney, and Dolce are four managers at Polar Coat Manufacturing. Each in their department uses a different decision-making style and believes that their style is the best. Alexandria always presents the problem to her employees, gathers their opinions/suggestions and then makes the decision herself. Brittney gives her employees the responsibility for making the decision within a set of specified boundary conditions. Nicole makes the decision without asking her employees for their opinions/suggestions. Dolce presents the problem to her employees and seeks consensus with an emphasis that her opinion should only count as important as every other employee's in her department. Which of the following is the decision making style that Nicole is displaying?

With an autocratic style, the leader makes the decision alone without asking for the opinions or suggestions of the employees in the work unit.

Scenario: Polar Coat Manufacturing Alexandria, Brittney, Nicole, and Dolce are four managers at Polar Coat Manufacturing. Each in their department uses a different decision-making style and believes that their style is the best. Alexandria always presents the problem to her employees, gathers their opinions/suggestions and then makes the decision herself. Brittney gives her employees the responsibility for making the decision within a set of specified boundary conditions. Nicole makes the decision without asking her employees for their opinions/suggestions. Dolce presents the problem to her employees and seeks consensus with an emphasis that her opinion should only count as important as every other employee's in her department. Which of the following is the decision making style that Nicole is displaying? A. Consultative B. Autocratic C. Delegative D. Facilitative E. Negotiative

With an autocratic style, the leader makes the decision alone without asking for the opinions or suggestions of the employees in the work unit.

Percy has built her company by giving special attention to details. She is highly meticulous and demanding and often imposes her decisions on subordinates. Percy makes use of the _____ style of decision making. A. autocratic B. consultative C. transformational D. participative E. delegative

With an autocratic style, the leader makes the decision alone without asking for the opinions or suggestions of the employees in the work unit. Percy is using such a style in this case.

Sally believes that if there are no actions needed until she receives complaints about someone's performance. Which of the following styles of leadership is Sally following? A. Laissez-faire leadership B. Transactional leadership C. Passive management-by-exception D. Contingent reward E. Transformational leadership

With passive management-by-exception, the leader waits around for mistakes and errors, and then takes corrective action as necessary.

John believes he has quite a unique style of leadership. He waits around for mistakes and errors from his employees and then takes corrective action as necessary. Which of the following is John's style of leadership? A. Passive management-by-exception B. Transactional leadership C. Laissez-Faire D. Contingent reward E. Transformational leadership

With passive management-by-exception, the leader waits around for mistakes and errors, then takes corrective action as necessary.


Withholding part of a message because of the mistaken belief that the receiver does not need or will not want the information


_____ are concepts that create, nurture, and support other concepts.


_____ have changed the face of society, provided innovative ways to overcome global challenges, and transformed the way we live, communicate, and interact with each other.

Role structure

_____ is a prescribed set of behavioral and performance expectations for a position or job.


_____ is the degree to which a business venture is possible, given the availability of resources and technologies.


_____ is the measurement of available financial resources or the ability to convert an organization's assets into cash.

formal group

a group established to do something productive for the organization and is headed by a leader


_____ occurs when members of a group, in an effort to preserve harmony and conformity, attempt to reach a consensus decision without critically evaluating ideas and viewpoints while isolating themselves from external perspectives.


_____ teams are working groups formed by an organization's management to achieve specific, agreed-upon strategies, plans, and outcomes


_____ teams are working groups, generally not intended to be permanent, formed by team members to accomplish self-defined tasks and objectives

early adopters

_____ use a new product or service after innovators have used and tested it.


_____ venture is a business strategy that seeks to invent a brand-new product or service or find a new resource.


__________ is an incentive or drive to complete a task, a function, or an idea.


_____________ is a process whereby an adaptive working group is formed to address unexpected environmental changes, challenges, and opportunities.

An employee with an excellent teamwork competency would be skilled in all of the following except ______. A. groupthink B. collaborative problem solving C. communication D. goal-setting E. task coordination


Brainstorming results in production blocking because: A. members have to wait their turn to express their ideas. B. members do not work as hard thinking up ideas as they would if they had to turn in individual ideas. C. members are hesitant to express ideas that are not well thought-out. D. members are reluctant to pool good ideas with other ideas that are bad. E. members have the tendency to social loaf due to lack of accountability.


Communications that reflect incompatibilities with respect to personal values or preferences refer to: A. relationship conflict. B. goal specificity mismanagement. C. poor mission analysis. D. poor coordination. E. task conflict.


Daniel's team is working on a project to create an effective marketing campaign for a company that specializes in food processors. Daniel gathers all the necessary information to help his team understand the product and the desires and needs of the client. He then clearly explains the responsibilities of each member of the team. He is ensuring that his team has high: A. decision informity. B. groupthink. C. hierarchical sensitivity. D. staff validity. E. action learning.


Getting more from the team than you would expect according to the capabilities of its individual members is called: A. process gain. B. staff validity. C. decision informity. D. groupthink. E. social loafing.


In communication, the _____ network is the most effective for teams handling complex tasks. A. all channel B. circle C. Y D. wheel E. Y and wheel


Many years ago, Sprint Telecommunications aired an advertisement intended to demonstrate the clarity of reception Sprint customers could expect. The ad showed a rancher, who had used a different company, complaining that he had ordered 100 oxen from his supplier and instead received 100 dachshunds. The mix-up was probably due to the presence of _____ is the communication process. A. noise B. poor encoding C. poor medium choice D. improprer network choice E. process loss


Motivating and confidence building, conflict management, and affect management are types of: A. interpersonal processes. B. action processes. C. boundary spanning processes. D. creative behavior processes. E. transition processes.


Navy Seals go through extremely difficult training. Those who succeed become members of one of the most elite fighting units in the world. They trust each other completely and form intense emotional bonds. These teams have high levels of ______. A. cohesion B. potency C. boundary spanning prowess D. transactive trust E. reactive affinity


Systems monitoring and helping behaviors are examples of: A. action processes. B. brainstorming processes. C. transactive memory processes. D. transition processes. E. interpersonal processes.


Which of the following competencies coordinates and synchronizes activities among team members? A. Planning and task coordination B. Collaborative problem solving C. Communications D. Goal setting and performance management E. Conflict resolution


Which type of network structure in communication has the least degree of centralization? A. All channel network B. Circle network C. Y network D. Wheel network E. X network


While performing the boundary-spanning process, members who engage in ambassador activities typically communicate with: A. people who are in high positions in the organization. B. vendors and distributors of competitors. C. front line production supervisors in the industry. D. their subordinates in the organization. E. the customers of the organization.


_____ can be beneficial to teams if it stimulates conversations that result in the development and expression of new ideas. A. Task conflict B. Relationship conflict C. Noise D. Groupthink E. Social loafing


_____ is normally conducted by a consultant and intended to facilitate the development of team processes related to goal setting, interpersonal relations, problem solving, and role clarification. A. Team building B. Action learning C. Positional rotation D. Position building


_____ reflects the degree to which the leader effectively weighs the recommendations of the members. A. Hierarchical sensitivity B. Social loafing C. Staff validity D. Groupthink E. Decision informity


______ involve systematic discussions and reviews of performance episodes. A. After-action reviews B. Post-hoc reviews C. Feedback interviews D. Nominal group reviews E. Hindsight reviews


group cohesiveness

a 'we' feeling binding group members together

control process

a 3 step process of measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance against a standard, and taking managerial action to correct deviations or inadequate standards


a behavioral and performance expectation that is consciously or unconsciously defined by a group

Reinforcement Theory

a behavioral construct in which individuals may be rewarded or punished based on the consequences of their behavior


a behavioral method that involves withholding praise or a positive reward.

Avoidance Learning

a benefit theory, also called negative reinforcement , which postulates that behavior is strengthened by the removal of negative statements or actions

The calm waters metaphor

a break in the organizations equilibrium state unfreezing, changing, refreezing.

Wave venture

a business strategy defined by a systematic change in business and market environments

wave venture

a business strategy defined by a systemic change in business and market environments

Aggregation Venture

a business strategy defined by acquiring, merging and coordinating existing market products, services, and companies

New-new venture

a business strategy defined by offering a new category of consumers a new product or service, typically distinguished with higher risk and higher returns compared to new-existing ventures

System change venture

a business strategy responding to a significant change in political environments, governmental legislation, and regulations

Value chain venture

a business strategy that seeks to redesign or augment an offering in an existing business or management process, such as outsourcing of information technology and research

Transplant venture

a business strategy where an idea that achieves market success in one market region is transferred to other geographic markets

transplant venture

a business strategy where an idea that achieves market success in one market region is transferred to other geographic markets

Product Innovation

a change in the appearance of a product or a service of the creation of a new one

Process Innovation

a change in the way a product or service is conceived, manufactured, or disseminated


a cohesive group's blind willingness to consider alternatives

total quality management (TQM)

a comprehensive approach-led by top management and supported throughout the organization-dedicated to continuous quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. 4 components: make continuous improvement a priority, get every employee involved, listen to and learn from customers and employees, use accurate standards to identify and eliminate problems

Change Agent

a consultant with a background in behavioral sciences who can be a catalyst in helping organizations deal with old problems in new ways


a form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support


a formal financial projection

Functional team

a formal, longstanding working group organized around specific tasks, processes, or roles

Cross-functional team

a formal, longstanding working group with representation from diverse divisions, departments, and levels of authority

Gossip Chain

a format in which several individuals spread information, which is sometimes false or misleading , through an organization

Stages of group development

a four-stage process by which teams become more effective and efficient over time; the stages are Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing

strategy map

a visual representation of the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard that enables managers to communicate their goals so that everyone in the company can understand how their jobs are linked to the overall objectives of the organization


a work arrangement in which employees work at home and are linked to the workplace by computer

Cross-functional team

a work team composed of individuals from various functional specialties

Quality circle

a working group comprised of management and staff with the purpose of minimizing performance errors and variance

Task-based team

a working group established to accomplish a specific objective, with a tightly defined time frame for completion

Formal team

a working group formed by an organization's management to achieve specific, agreed-upon strategies, plans, and outcomes

Problem-solving team

a working group formed to minimized the negative impacts of a specific organizational challenge

Virtual team

a working group that conducts the majority of its collaborations via electronic communications

Informal team

a working group, generally not intended to be permanent, formed by team members to accomplish self-defined tasks and objectives

compressed workweek

a workweek where employees work longer hours per day but fewer days per week

i. Legitimate power

a. Organizational power- derived from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred to as "formal authority"

a. Relative

absolute power of the "influencer" and "influence" isn't as important as the disparity between them

LOW assertiveness and HIGH cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution


Linda, Samuel, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing home appliances. They were assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be introduced in the next quarter. The team was in conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chose to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments, which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's demands. Shirley, who is the most experienced among the four, continued to insist on her choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choices of products in exchange for his agreeing to one of her choices. Linda used the _____ style to resolve her conflict with Shirley. A. compromising B. collaborating C. competing D. accommodating E. avoiding


Meredith and Sally had a major argument while designing the interior of a restaurant. The conflict was finally settled when Meredith gave in completely to Sally in an unselfish manner and helped Sally complete the design. In this situation, Meredith used the _____ style of conflict resolution. A. avoiding B. compromise C. accommodating D. competing E. collaborating


Meredith and sally had a major argument while designing the interiors of a restaurant. the conflict was finally settled when meredith gave in completely to sally in an unselfish manner. in this situation, meredith used the _____ style of conflict resolution


Which conflict resolution style is typically used by leaders when an issue is really not that important to them but is very important to the other party?


which conflict resolution style is typically used by leaders when an issue is really not that important to them but is very important to the other party


People who are _____ have built in desire to finish work tasks, channel a high proportion of their efforts toward those tasks, and work harder and longer on task assignments

accomplishment strivers

A strong desire to achieve task-related goals as a means of expressing personality is known as ________

accomplishment striving

Conscientious people prioritize :

accomplishment striving

Monitoring progress toward goals is a type of :

action process


actions and judgements

disciplinary actions

actions taken by a manager to enforce the organizations work standards and regulations


activities associated with seeking opportunities that generate new value, with an array of unknown forces

. Networking ability

adeptness at identifying and developing diverse contacts

Types of change, Technology

adopting new equipment, tools, or operating methods that displace old skills and require new ones.

The creative team of a fashion house is racing against a deadline to come up with the spring collection, and the pressure is leading a frayed tempers, which is hampering the team's progress. This is an example of poor ______.

affect management

______ focus on "getting along", not necessarily "getting ahead"

agreeable people

functional structure

an organizational design that groups together similar or related occupational specialties

Organic organization

an organizational design thats highly adaptive and flexible

simple structure

an organizational design with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, centralized authority, and little formalization.

project structure

an organizational structure in which employees continuously work on projects

team structure

an organizational structure in which the entire organization is made up of work teams

divisional structure

an organizational structure made up of separate, semiautonomous units or divisions

matrix structure

an organizational structure that assigns specialist from different functional departments to work on one or more projects

affability refers to _____

an outgoing, likeable, and interpersonally pleasant orientation, and it is represented by such constructs as extraversion, agreeableness, and positive affectivity


an unorganized collection of raw, unanalyzed facts

organizational change

any alterations in the people, structure, or technology of an organization

employee theft

any unauthorized taking of company property by employees for their personal use


anything that causes a given behavior to be repeated

Which of the following occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing a request will benefit the target personally?


Action Processes

are important as the taskwork is being accomplished. Ex: Monitoring progress toward goals-teams that pay attention to goal-related information-perhaps by charting the team's performance relative to team goals are in a good position to realize when they are off track and need change Systems Monitoring-involves keeping track of things that the team needs to accomplish its work

start-up companies

are newly formed organizations with limited or no operational history.

Hygiene needs

are related to the physical and psychological context of the work- comfortable work environment, pay, job security


are the approximately 16 percent of a market's population that is last to use a product or service


are the approximately 2 percent of a market's population that initially uses and tests a new product or service

i. Personal appeals

are when the requestor asks for something based on personal friendship or loyalty

activity ratios

assess how efficiently the firm is using its assets


associates are trained and have the tools to do the work associates are measured and rewarded for supporting the vision.


associates know their role in the vision and are excited about the future. associates believe there is a broad support of the vision

ERG theory

assumes that three basic needs influence behavior. Is consistent with the finding that individual and cultural differences influence our need states.

behavioral leadership approaches

attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders

trait approaches to leadership

attempt to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders

iii. Collaboration

attempt to make it easier for the target to complete the request a. Moderately effective

Reinforcement theory

attempts to explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with positive consequences ends to be repeated, whereas behavior with negative consequences tends to not be repeated

Fundamental Attribution Bias/ error

attributing behavior to personal characteristics rather than situational characteristics

Which of the following decision-making styles is characterized by the highest level of leader control?

autocratic style

Which of the following can never really resolve a conflict?


Which style of conflict resolution is considered a lose-lose approach?


_____ occurs when one party wants to remain neutral or stay away from conflict to let things cool down.


low assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution


which of the following can never really resolve a conflict?


which style of conflict resolution is considered a lose-lose approach?


Cross-training involves instructions at three different levels of depth. These levels are: A. transactive, transformative, and collaborative. B. personal clarification, positional modeling, and positional rotation. C. taskwork, teamwork, and team states. D. cohesion, potency, and efficacy. E. transition, action, and interpersonal.


If you say that the information richness of a communication process is high, it means that: A. the amount of noise in the communication process is high. B. the amount and depth of information getting transmitted in the communication process is high. C. the sender is encoding unnecessary information in the communication process. D. the receiver is unable to decode the information encoded by the sender. E. the receiver is transmitting an overload of feedback to the sender.


Interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of the team's work but do not directly involve task accomplishment itself refers to: A. boundary-spanning activities. B. teamwork processes. C. staff validity. D. scout activities. E. decision informity.


Noah, a services manager at the Feelwell Health Clinic, consulted an alternative medicine specialist to see if it is feasible to incorporate certain treatments as part of the clinic's services. Noah is performing a(n) _____ activity of the boundary spanning process. A. action learning B. scout C. groupthink D. ambassador E. staff validity


Nominal group technique decreases social loafing and production blocking—problems with brainstorming—by: A. making people pool their ideas in a face-to-face meeting. B. making people write down ideas on their own. C. discouraging bad ideas in the meeting. D. making people agree to one idea generated in a face-to-face meeting. E. making people speak in turns during all face-to-face meetings.


Scenario: Model Industries, Inc. Burt, Ryan, and Heather are members of the marketing team at Model Industries, Inc. (MII), responsible for generating ideas for new marketing strategies. Burt has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Heather has the best record of making good recommendations to Jeremy, vice president of marketing. Ryan can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Usually, Jeremy pays careful attention to what Heather has to say, but generally does not pay much attention to what Ryan proposes. In addition to Jeremy, Heather has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. The decision-making records of Heather and Ryan reflect which factor in effective decision making at MII? A. Cohesion B. Staff validity C. Hierarchical sensitivity D. Decision informity E. Transactive memory


Scenario: Surveillance and Rescue Team A special surveillance and rescue team is being deployed to counter the menace of pirates in the Indian Ocean. Nick, Sid, Leah, and Kevin are the core members of the team. Nick was elected as the leader of the team. Sid is responsible for monitoring the team's progress toward its goals. Kevin took on the role of a motivator and the confidence builder for the team. This team has worked together before and has developed a high level of common understanding regarding the team and its mission. Members also strongly believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks. As a standard practice, before deployment, the team members observe how other members perform their roles by shadowing and going through simulations. Sid's role of monitoring the team's progress contributes to which of the following teamwork processes? A. Brainstorming process B. Action process C. Transactive memory process D. Transition process E. Interpersonal process


The creative team of a fashion house is racing against a deadline to come up with the spring collection, and the pressure is leading to frayed tempers, which is hampering the team's progress. This is an example of poor _____. A. systems monitoring B. affect management C. coordination D. mission analysis E. goal specification


The deepest level of cross-training involves _____, which gives members actual experience carrying out the responsibilities of their teammates. A. personal clarification B. positional rotation C. planning and task coordination D. positional modeling E. conflict resolution


The highest level of information richness is achieved when messages are transmitted through _____. A. personal notes B. face-to-face channels C. computer reports D. the telephone E. e-mails


The standard pre-deployment practice of the team represents which aspect of cross-training? A. Positional rotation B. Positional modeling C. Action learning D. Personal clarification E. Collaborative problem solving


When members of a team exert less effort when working on team tasks than they would if they worked alone on those same tasks, the phenomenon is called: A. groupthink. B. social loafing. C. self-serving bias. D. social facilitation. E. framing effect.


When teams engage in _____, their activities are focused on generating novel and useful ideas and solutions. A. decision making B. creative behavior C. boundary spanning D. interpersonal process E. groupthink


Which of the following refer(s) to the degree to which teams are capable of remaining together as ongoing entities? A. Team states B. Team viability C. Team sensitivity D. Groupthink E. Transactive memory


Which of the following refer(s) to the level of common understanding among team members with regard to important aspects of the team and its tasks? A. Cohesion B. Mental models C. Groupthink D. Potency E. Boundary spanning


Which of the following refers to the degree to which members of the team make useful recommendations to the leader? A. Social loafing B. Staff validity C. Hierarchical sensitivity D. Groupthink E. Decision informity


which conflict resolution style is best used in situations in which the leader knows he or she is right and a quick decision needs to be made/


which conflict resolution style occurs most often when one party has high levels of organizational power and can use legitimate or coercive power to settle the conflict


Which of the following statements is true with regard to transition processes? A. These processes are important as the taskwork is being accomplished. B. Transition processes are important between periods of work activity. C. They involve members going out of their way to help or back up other team members. D. They involve keeping track of things that the team needs to accomplish its work. E. They drive toward conformity at the expense of other team priorities.


Which three specific factors have been found to account for a team's ability to make effective decisions? A. Groupthink, social loafing, and process rotation B. Decision informity, staff validity, and hierarchical sensitivity C. Transactive memory, transformative memory, and decision memory D. Individual effort, team effort, and boundary spanning effort E. Decision redundancy, social facilitation, and transactive memory


_____ involves keeping track of things that the team needs to accomplish its work. A. Goal specification B. Systems monitoring C. Coordination D. Helping behavior E. Strategy formulation


_____ is a term that reflects the different types of communication, activities, and interactions that occur within teams that contribute to their ultimate end goals. A. Team characteristic B. Team process C. Team composition D. Team interdependence E. Team ability


_____ processes are primarily important before and between periods of taskwork, whereas _____ processes are primarily important as the taskwork is being accomplished. A. Mission analysis; scout activity B. Transition; action C. Scout activity; interpersonal D. Action; transition E. Interpersonal; transition


_____ refer(s) to specific types of feelings and thoughts that coalesce in the minds of team members as a consequence of their experience working together. A. Task conflict B. Team states C. Relationship conflict D. Communication competency E. Transportable competency


. Expert power

b. Personal power-derived from a person's expertise, skill, or knowledge on which others depend

negative conflict

bad for organizations, conflict that hinders the organization's performance or threatens its interests

Subjective Appraisal

based on a manager's perceptions of an employees traits and behaviors, BARS: rates employees gradations in performance according to scales of specific behaviors

Objective Appraisals

based on fact and often numerical, measure results, harder to challenge legally

Prosocially Motivated Behavior

behavior performed to benefit or help others


belief in one's personal ability to do a task

contingency approach

believe that effective leadrship behavior depends on the situation at hand

_______ involves a face-face meeting of team members in which each offers as many ideas as possible about some focal problem or issue.


Five students from KLM School have been selected to form the team that would represent the school in the National Science contest. These students have been meeting face-to-face after school to come up with a prize winning scientific model. This activity that the students are engaged in is referred to as :


Job Enrichment

building into a job such motivating factors such as responsibility, achievement, recognition, stimulating work, and advancement. (Vertical Loading)

A team of highly skilled and qualified members of an organization failed to perform the team objective assigned to them. When the reason for this lack of performance was investigated, it was clear that, although the team members worked hard, they had to wait for their mates to complete a particular task before they could start their own. Which of the following explains the reason for process loss in this case? A. Motivational loss B. Social facilitation C. Production blocking D. Groupthink E. Cognitive dissonance


In a project team at Kaizen International, everyone focuses on his or her specialty and what they do best. Members know exactly where they can go to get information when there are gaps in their knowledge, and this team produces synergistic results. This shows that the project team at Kaizen has an effective: A. staff validity. B. mental model. C. transactive memory. D. potency. E. hierarchical sensitivity.


John F. Kennedy's decision to go forward with the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, NASA's decision to launch the space shuttle Challenger in unusually cold weather, and Enron's board of directors' decisions to ignore illegal accounting practices are famous examples of _____. A. information richness B. potency C. groupthink D. boundary spanning E. mental models


Leslie, a marketing manager at the Sunshine Spa, is consulting with Tess, a dermatologist at the spa, to explore the possibility of incorporating certain treatments as part of the spa's package schemes. Leslie is engaging in a(n) _____ activity of the boundary-spanning process. A. action learning B. ambassador C. task coordinator D. scout E. staff validity


One way to potentially prevent problems associated with cohesion is to formally institute the role of a(n) _____, who would be responsible for evaluating and challenging prevailing points of view in a constructive manner and also bringing in fresh perspectives and ideas to the team. A. ambassador B. scout C. devil's advocate D. advisor E. coach


Process gain is synonymous with: A. social loafing. B. groupthink. C. synergy. D. cognitive dissonance. E. staff validity.


which style of conflict resolution is considered a win-lose approach?


High assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution

competing (win-lose)

distributive bargaining is similar in nature to which of the following approaches to conflict resolution?

competing approach

Scenario: Model Industries, Inc. Burt, Ryan, and Heather are members of the marketing team at Model Industries, Inc. (MII), responsible for generating ideas for new marketing strategies. Burt has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Heather has the best record of making good recommendations to Jeremy, vice president of marketing. Ryan can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Usually, Jeremy pays careful attention to what Heather has to say, but generally does not pay much attention to what Ryan proposes. In addition to Jeremy, Heather has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. Jeremy's tendency to listen to Heather and ignore Ryan reflects which factor in effective decision making? A. Production blocking B. Staff validity C. Hierarchical sensitivity D. Decision informity E. Transition process gain


The development of courses of action and contingency plans, and then adapting those plans in light of changes that occur in the team's environment refers to: A. mission analysis. B. goal specification. C. strategy formulation. D. scout activities. E. interpersonal processes.


The idea behind _____ is that team members can develop shared mental models of what is involved in each of the roles in the team and how the roles fit together to form a system. A. systems monitoring B. goal setting and performance management C. cross-training D. boundary spanning E. task coordination


The marketing team of A.T. International was asked to develop the marketing strategy for the European market. Members of the team were provided with all the information required to make good recommendations to the leader, but failed to deliver due to their lack of insight and poor judgment. This indicates that the marketing team had low: A. decision informity. B. groupthink. C. staff validity. D. production blocking. E. social loafing.


The team's strong belief that they can be effective across a variety of situations reflects which of the following? A. Moderate transactive memory B. Diverse mental models C. High potency D. Low cohesion E. Minimal boundary spanning


What synchronizes team members' activities in a way that makes them mesh effectively and seamlessly? A. Goal specification B. Systems monitoring C. Coordination D. Helping behavior E. Strategy formulation


_____ activities refer to communications that are intended to protect the team, persuade others to support the team, or obtain important resources for the team. A. Systems monitoring B. Task coordinator C. Ambassador D. Scout E. Groupthink


_____ involves a face-to-face meeting of team members in which each offers as many ideas as possible about some focal problem or issue. A. Social loafing B. Groupthink C. Brainstorming D. Scout activity E. Boundary spanning


_____ memory refers to how specialized knowledge is distributed among members in a manner that results in an effective system of memory for the team. A. Cohesive B. Normative C. Transactive D. Potency E. Bounded rational


i. Preparation

c. Negotiation stages-each party determines what its goals are for the negotiation and whether or not the other party has anything to offer (most important! BATNA describes each negotiator's bottom line)

2. Power

can be defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others and resist unwanted influence in return

6. Organizational politics

can be seen as actions by individuals that are directed toward the goal of furthering their own self-interests

Enterpreneurial skills

capacities, activities, and strengths that enable individuals to manage successfully in high-risk business environment

Leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a greater ability to use their power to influence others. These leaders are exhibiting the contingency factor called _____.


Types of change, structure

changing an organizations structural components or its structural design


characterized by the emergence of individual personalities and roles and conflicts within the group

_____ occurs when the targets of influence are willing to do what the leader asks, but they do it with a degree of ambivalence


Which form of conflict resolution is the most common?


Which type of power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization?


HIGH assertiveness and HIGH cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?


which style of conflict resolution is considered win-win?


which style of conflict resolution occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes?


High assertiveness and high cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?

collaborating (win-win)

Which style of conflict resolution is considered a win-win approach?


______ involves the leader helping complete the task, providing required resources, or removing obstacles that make task completion difficult.


which form of conflict resolution requires the complete sharing of information by both parties, a full discussion of concerns, relatively equal power between parties, and a lot of time investment to arrive at a resolution?


which style of conflict resolution is generally regarded as most effective?


strategic partnerships

collaborative relationships between two or more organizations in which they combine their resources and capabilities for some business purpose

The Chinese culture is a tight social framework in which people take care of the members of a broader in group and act loyal to it. In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, what is the personality dimension that you will use to describe the Chinese culture?


Legitimate power

comes from formal positions within the organization

Bridges; Managing transitions (BEGINNING)

coming out of the transition and making a new beginning. This is when people develop the new identity, experience the energy and discover the new sense of belonging and purpose that makes the change begin to work

______ reflects a strong desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality

communion striving

Stock options

company stocks given to employees as additional compensation

Distributive bargaining is similar in nature to which of the following approaches to conflict resolution?


In a conflict situation, when John attempts to get his own goals met without concern for the other party, he is utilizing which of the following conflict resolution styles?


Which conflict resolution style is best used in situations in which the leader knows he or she is right and a quick decision needs to be made?


Which style of conflict resolution is considered as a win-lose approach?


high assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution


in a conflict situation, when john attempts to get his own goals met without concern for the other party, he is utilizing which of the following conflict resolution styles?


Performance Appraisal

consists of assessing an employer's performance and providing feedback

task role

consists of behavior that concentrates on getting the teams tasks done

Sexual Harassment

consists of unwanted sexual attention that creates an adverse work environment

Which of the following influence tactics increases commitment from the target who has a stake in seeing that his or her opinions were right?


In the time-driven model of leadership, which leadership style seems to be overused by managers?


With a(n) ______ decision-making style, employees have a say in the decision making process but the ultimate authority still rests with the leader

consultative style

management by exception

control principle that states that managers should be informed of a situation only if data show a significant deviation from standards

feedback control

control that takes place after a work activity is done

feed forward

control that takes place before a work activity is done

concurrent control

control that takes place while a work activity is in progress

What synchronizes team members' activities in a way that makes them mesh effectively and seamlessly?


When teams engage in _____, their activities are focused on generating novel and useful ideas and solutions.

creative behavior


critical point where the receiver interprets and tries to make sense of the message

A psychology class has been assigned an individual case study project as well as a group project. The members of the group will receive the same grade for the group project but will be graded separately for their individual projects. Drew, Ben, Donna, and Julia are members of one such group. Drew and Donna worked very hard on the group project. Ben and Julia, however, did not contribute much to the group project because they felt that Drew and Donna would manage to get good grades for the group project. They focused their efforts on their individual projects instead. Ben and Julia's behavior is an example of: A. groupthink. B. staff validity. C. self-serving bias. D. social loafing. E. attribution error.


Expressions that create a sense of urgency and optimism are examples of communications that reflect which of the following processes? A. Task coordinator activities B. Scout activities C. Boundary spanning D. Motivating and confidence building E. Systems monitoring


In organizational behavior, the phenomenon of a team delivering "less than the sum of their parts" can by explained by the term: A. synergy. B. staff validity. C. hierarchical sensitivity. D. process loss. E. social facilitation.


Monitoring progress toward goals is a type of: A. transition process. B. brainstorming process. C. transactive memory process. D. action process. E. interpersonal process.


Rebecca and her students from the drama class have been asked to conduct a play to raise funds for the school library. To make the play a success, Rebecca consults and enlists the help of the Headmaster and senior teachers, while her students meet a few theater artists. They also consult a costume designer and a dance choreographer who have agreed to help the team with the play. Such activities involving individuals and groups who are not part of the team, are termed as: A. social loafing. B. nominal group technique. C. staff validity. D. boundary spanning. E. hierarchical sensitivity.


Richard's team has been assigned the task of organizing an exhibition for companies selling home appliances. Richard ensured that each member of the team had an opportunity to observe other members perform their roles. This type of cross-training is termed as: A. personal clarification. B. conflict resolution. C. action learning. D. positional modeling. E. positional rotation.


Scenario: Model Industries, Inc. Burt, Ryan, and Heather are members of the marketing team at Model Industries, Inc. (MII), responsible for generating ideas for new marketing strategies. Burt has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Heather has the best record of making good recommendations to Jeremy, vice president of marketing. Ryan can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Usually, Jeremy pays careful attention to what Heather has to say, but generally does not pay much attention to what Ryan proposes. In addition to Jeremy, Heather has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. Burt's action would contribute to which factor in effective decision making at MII? A. Production blocking B. Staff validity C. Hierarchical sensitivity D. Decision informity E. Transactive memory


Scenario: Model Industries, Inc. Burt, Ryan, and Heather are members of the marketing team at Model Industries, Inc. (MII), responsible for generating ideas for new marketing strategies. Burt has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Heather has the best record of making good recommendations to Jeremy, vice president of marketing. Ryan can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Usually, Jeremy pays careful attention to what Heather has to say, but generally does not pay much attention to what Ryan proposes. In addition to Jeremy, Heather has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. According to research, the best way for Burt, Ryan, and Heather to improve their team hierarchical sensitivity would be to implement _____. A. brainstorming B. action learning C. collaborative problem solving D. nominal group technique E. personal clarification


Teamwork processes have a _____ effect on team commitment. A. weak positive B. weak negative C. moderate negative D. strong positive E. strong negative


The team's high level of common understanding refers to which of the following? A. Potency B. Cohesion C. Transactive memory D. Mental models E. Boundary spanning


Which of the following activities are boundary-spanning activities? A. Groupthink, social loafing, and staff validity B. Decision informity, staff validity, and hierarchical sensitivity C. Transactive memory, transformative memory, and social loafing D. Ambassador, task coordinator, and scout E. Decision informity, social loafing, and transactive memory


Which of the following levels of cross-training involves team members observing how other members perform their roles? A. Personal clarification B. Positional rotation C. Task coordination D. Positional modeling E. Conflict resolution


Which of the following refer(s) to the degree to which members believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks? A. Cohesion B. Mental models C. Groupthink D. Potency E. Boundary spanning


Which two network structures fall between the extremes in terms of the level of centralization? A. All channel and circle network B. Circle and wheel network C. Y and wheel network D. Circle and Y network E. All channel and wheel network


_____ activities refer to things team members do to obtain information about technology, competitors, or the broader marketplace. A. Social loafing B. Task coordinator C. Action learning D. Scout E. Ambassador


_____ reflects whether members possess adequate information about their own task responsibilities. A. Staff validity B. Hierarchical sensitivity C. Boundary spanning D. Decision informity E. Groupthink



data that has been analyzed and organized such that is has value and relevance to managers.

Which three specific factors have been found to account for a team's ability to make effective decisions?

decision informity, staff validity, hierarchical sensitivity

A leader's _____ reflects the process that the leader uses to generate and choose from a set of alternatives to solve a problem.

decision making style

Which of the following factors is included in the time-driven model of leadership?

decision significance/ leader expertise/ likelihood of commitment/ shared objectives/ employee expertise / teamwork skills/ importance of commitment

Late majority

describes that approximately 34 percent of a market's population that uses a product or service after the early majority has used it

Late majority

describes the approximately 34 percent of a market's populations that uses a product or service after the early majority has used it

Job Specification

describes the minimum qualifications a person must have to perform a job successfully

programmed conflict

designed to elicit different opinions without inciting people's personal feelings

Need for achievement

desire to achieve excellence in challenging tasks

contingency leadership model

determines if a leader's style is task-oriented or relationship oriented and if that style is effective for the situation at hand

Job Analysis

determining the basic elements of a job by observation and analysis

Control process; step 2 comparing actual performance against the standard.

determining the degree of variation between actual performance and the standard

Neuroticism is associated with a(n) ______ to stressors, meaning that neurotic people are most likely to appraise day-to-day situations as stressful.

differential exposure

Rebecca is the head of the English department at Springfield High School. She believes that children will absorb and retain more information if they are taken on educational tours and field trips, but the school's rules and policies do not encourage such activities. Rebecca feels her endeavor to improve the children's education is being stifled. This low degree of _____ is reducing Rebecca's ability to influence others. A. discretion B. visibility C. substitutability D. centrality E. ingratiation


Work Specialization

dividing work activities into separate job tasks

Britney, a manager in an advertising firm, was assigned a team and asked to come up with ideas for an advertising campaign. Britney briefed her team and outlined the purpose of the brainstorming clearly after which she asked the members to individually generate ideas and bring their list to the next meeting. In the second meeting, the ideas were compiled, doubts clarified, and ideas built-on after which the members were then asked to individually rank the ideas and submit the list to Britney, who tabulated the scores and created a list of the five best ideas. Britney adopted _____ to generate the ideas. A. cross-training B. conflict management C. positional rotation D. cognitive bias E. nominal group technique


Contingency approach

effective leadership style depends on the situation at hand. Two leadership orientations, how do you focus as a leader?

_____ refers to the notion of who becomes a leader rather than how well people do in a leadership role.

leader emergence

Five students from KLM School have been selected to form the team that would represent the school in the National Science contest. They must come up with a creative project. These students first meeting was face-to-face and involved each of them suggesting as many ideas as they could think of without analyzing or critiquing them at that timel. The activity that the students engaged in is referred to as ______: A. boundary spanning. B. social loafing. C. ambassador activity. D. scouting activity. E. brainstorming.


Having a cell phone conversation during a rock concert is difficult because of: A. lack of communication competence. B. emotional issues. C. information richness. D. network structure. E. the presence of noise.


In a boundary-spanning process, the marketing team member who meets with an engineer to seek information about new materials is engaging in _____. A. groupthink activities B. decision informity activities C. social loafing activities D. action processes E. scout activities


In highly cohesive teams, when members try to maintain harmony by striving toward consensus on issues without ever offering, seeking, or seriously considering alternative viewpoints and perspectives, it refers to: A. task conflict. B. production blocking. C. boundary spanning. D. social loafing. E. groupthink.


Mark, David, Tia, and Ashley are team members in a computer programming class. They have been assigned the task of creating a computerized payroll system. Mark and Tia worked very hard and created programs that worked well. David and Ashley, however, did not work as hard as they could and created programs with numerous errors. This resulted in a payroll system which could not be implemented. The team's poor performance that was a result of David and Ashley not doing their best can be termed as: A. groupthink. B. synergy. C. social facilitation. D. hierarchical sensitivity. E. motivational loss.


Matt, a training coordinator at ARC Technologies, and his team are organizing a workshop for the employees. Matt is meeting the Vice President (Finance) to get support for an increase in the budget to accommodate a session by a well-known motivational speaker. Matt, in this case, is performing a(n) _____ activity of the boundary-spanning process. A. groupthink B. social loafing C. scout D. action learning E. ambassador


Monitoring, evaluating, and providing performance-related feedback is associated with which of the following competencies? A. Conflict resolution B. Collaborative problem solving C. Communications D. Planning and task coordination E. Goal setting and performance management


Scenario: Model Industries, Inc. Burt, Ryan, and Heather are members of the marketing team at Model Industries, Inc. (MII), responsible for generating ideas for new marketing strategies. Burt has done a phenomenal job in gathering information necessary to help the team understand the desires and needs of the client. All things being equal, Heather has the best record of making good recommendations to Jeremy, vice president of marketing. Ryan can make some good recommendations, but sometimes his recommendations are completely off base. Usually, Jeremy pays careful attention to what Heather has to say, but generally does not pay much attention to what Ryan proposes. In addition to Jeremy, Heather has been meeting with the vice president of operations and other members of the executive team to gain support for their request to increase the marketing budget. Heather is engaging in which of the boundary-spanning processes? A. Systems monitoring B. Task coordinator C. Coordination D. Scout activity E. Ambassador activity


Scenario: Surveillance and Rescue Team A special surveillance and rescue team is being deployed to counter the menace of pirates in the Indian Ocean. Nick, Sid, Leah, and Kevin are the core members of the team. Nick was elected as the leader of the team. Sid is responsible for monitoring the team's progress toward its goals. Kevin took on the role of a motivator and the confidence builder for the team. This team has worked together before and has developed a high level of common understanding regarding the team and its mission. Members also strongly believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks. As a standard practice, before deployment, the team members observe how other members perform their roles by shadowing and going through simulations. Beyond his task responsibilities, Kevin's role also consists of behaviors that contribute to: A. transition processes. B. brainstorming processes. C. transactive memory processes. D. action processes. E. interpersonal processes.


Teamwork activities that focus on preparation for future work refer to: A. groupthink. B. decision informity. C. transactive memory. D. action processes. E. transition processes.


Which of the following are teamwork processes? A. Nominal technique, social loafing, and staff validity B. Decision informity, staff validity, and hierarchical sensitivity C. Transactive memory, transformative memory, and social loafing D. Ambassador, task coordinator, and scout E. Transition, action, and interpersonal


Which of the following is a type of team process training? A. Personal clarification B. Positional modeling C. Conflict resolution D. Positional rotation E. Action learning


Which of the following is true about conflict resolution? A. It coordinates and synchronizes activities among team members. B. It helps establish specific and difficult goals for the team. C. It understands communication networks. D. It can identify situations requiring participative problem solving. E. It can distinguish between desirable and undesirable conflict.


_____ involve communications that are intended to coordinate task-related issues with people or groups in other functional areas. A. Groupthink activities B. Scout activities C. Social loafing activities D. Ambassador activities E. Task coordinator activities


8. Conflict resolution

each style is appropriate in different circumstances and can be seen as combinations of two factors: how assertive leaders want to be in pursuing their own goals and how cooperative they are with regard to the concerns of others


educating technical and operational employees in how to better do their current jobs, technical colleges and on the job training


education professionals and managers in the skills they need to do their jobs in the future, professional societies and conferences

Organizational factors that are most likely to increase politics include all of the following except:

employees' need for power

Expressions that create a sense of urgency and optimism are examples of communications that reflect which of the following processes?

encoding information into a message

National Labor Relationships Board

enforces procedures whereby employees may vote to have a union and for collective bargaining

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

established minimum living standards for workers engaged in interstate commerce, including provision of a federal minimum wage

leverage ratios

examine the organizations use of debt to finance its assets and whether the organization is able to meet the interest payments on the debt

organization structure

excessive rules and an employees lack of opportunity to participate in decisions.

Personal power includes:

expert and referent power

Behavioral Interview

explore what applicants have actually done in the past

Supportive behavior

expressing concern for subordinates and looking out for their best interests

Job Satisfaction

extent to which you feel positively or negatively about various aspects of your work

Of the Big Five ______ is the easiest to judge in zero acquaintance situations.


political skill has both dispositional and personal ability antecedents of which affability focuses on which elements?

extraversion, agreeableness, and positive affectivity

The highest level of information richness is achieved when messages are transmitted through

face-to-face channels

In the time-driven model of leadership, which style is reserved in which employees have strong teamwork skills are not likely to just commit to whatever decision the leader makes?



factors that cause stress

a competing style of conflict resolution should be used:

for issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right

external audit

formal verification by outside experts of an organization's financial accounts and statements


formal verification of an organization's financial and operational systems

In the _____ stage of group development, members typically try to get a feel for what is expected of them, what types of behaviors are out of bounds, and who's in charge.


Halo Affect

forming an impression of an individual based on a single trait

Venture capital

funding that supports the starting and growing of high-risk business ventures


general guidelines or rules of behavior that most group or team members follow

ch.9- Personality traits are a function of both your:

genes and environment

Process Loss

getting less from the team than you would expect based on the capabilities of its individual members

Process Gain

getting more from the team than you would expect according to the capabilities of its individual members

Participative behavior

give subordinates a say in matters and decisions that affect them

Realistic Job Preview

gives a candidate a picture of both the positive and negative features of the job and the organization before he is hired, people tend to quit less frequently and be more satisfied

employee empowerment

giving employees more authority to make decisions

A high degree of _____ interdependence exists when team members share in the rewards that the team earns.


constructive conflict

good for organizations, benefits the main purposes of the organization and serves its interests

Functional grouping

grouping jobs by functions performed

Product grouping

grouping jobs by product line

Customer Grouping

grouping jobs by type of customer and needs

Process grouping

grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow.

Geographical Grouping

grouping jobs on the basis of territory or geography

communities of practice

groups of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in that area by interacting on an ongoing business

self-managed teams

groups of workers who are given administrative oversight for their task domains

role overload

having more work to accomplish than time permits


helping the newcomer fit smoothly into the job and organization, designed to give employees the information they need to be successful

. Competing

high assertiveness, low cooperation) - occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own goals met without concern for the other party's results

Which of the following characteristics is most closely related to leader effectiveness?

high openness to experience/ high extraversion/ high general cognitive ability/ high energy level/ high stress tolerance/ high self-confidence

The more communication flows through fewer members of the team, the higher the:

higher the degree of centralization

Individuals who exhibit apparent sincerity, interpersonal influence, networking ability, and social astuteness are likely to have _____ ratings on task performance when the _______. A. higher; social requirements of the job are low B. higher; centrality requirements of the job are low C. lower; social requirements of the job are high D. higher; social requirements of the job are high E. lower; centrality requirements of the job are high

higher; social requirements of the job are high

Wheel Structure

highly centralized because all of the communication flows through a single member

All Channel Network Structure

highly decentralized, Every member can communicate with one another

path-goal leadership model

holds that the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths or behavior that will help them achieve those goals and providing them with support

Path-Goal leadership model

holds that the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behaviors that will help them achieve those goals and providing them with support

c. Visibility

how aware others are of a leader's power and position


how desirable each of the available outcomes from the job is to a person


how hard the individual will work


how jobs are grouped together

Control process; Step 1 Measuring actual performance

how we measure; personal observations, statistical reports, oral reports, and written report

Deming management

ideas proposed by W. Edwards Deming for making organizations more responsive, more democratic, and less wasteful

i. Consultation

ii. Inspirational appeals

Job enlargement

increase the number of tasks of similar difficulty a worker must perform (Horizontal Loading)

______ involves behaving in ways that help followers achieve their potential through coaching development, and mentoring

individualized consideration

idea champion

individuals who actively and enthusiastically support new ideas, build support, overcome resistance, and ensure that innovations are implemented.


individuals who plan, organize and lead high-risk business opportunities

Angel investor

individuals who provide entrepreneurs with funding and mentorship

______ is the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others.


Which of the following reflects the extent to which the leader defines and structures the roles of employees in pursuit of goal attainment?

initiating structure

To influence others using ______, leaders must have insight into the kinds of things are important to the target

inspirational appeals

_____ is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario by using problem solving and mutual respect to achieve an outcome that is satisfying to both parties.

integrative bargaining

Leaders who thoroughly understand the conflict resolution style of collaboration are likely to thrive in:

integrative bargaining negotiations

______ involves behaving in ways that challenge followers to be innovative and creative by questioning assumptions and reframing old situations in new ways.

intellectual stimulation

Which of the following occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence request?


With _____, a shift in both the behaviors and the attitudes of employees occurs. For a leader, this is the best outcome because it results in employees putting forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do. A. internalization B. ingratiation C. compliance D. resistance E. collaboration


_____ reflects a shift in both the behaviors and the attitudes of employees. For a leader, this is the best outcome, because it results in employees putting forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do.


personality conflict

interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike, disagreement, or differing styles

Motivating and confidence building, conflict management, and affect management are types of:

interpersonal processes

Innovation Change

introduction of a practice that is new to the organization (somewhat threatening)

Transformational Innovations

invention of breakthrough products or services that don't exist yet that are aimed at creating a brand new market and customers

2. Task Coordinator Activities

involve communications that are intended to coordinate task-related issues with people or groups in other functional areas.


involve one-to-one, one-to-many, within-group and between-group and collective interactions via information technology

c. Apparent sincerity

involves appearing to others to have high levels of honesty and genuineness

Structured Interview

involves asking each applicant the same questions and comparing their responses to a standardized set of answers

Change management

involves getting individuals and groups ready, willing, and able to implement and sustain new ways of working.

b. Interpersonal influence

involves having an unassuming and convincing personal style that's flexible enough to adapt to different situations

Radically Innovative Change

involves introducing a practice that is new to the industry (very threatening)

Proactive Change

involves making carefully thought out changes in anticipation of possible or expected problems or opportunities (strategic planning)

Boundary Spanning

involves three types of activities, with individuals and groups other than those who are considered part of the team 3 Types: Ambassador activities, Task Coordinator Activities, Scout Activities

a. Distributive bargaining

involves win-lose negotiation over a "fixed-pie" of resources

7. Political skill

is the ability to effectively understand others at work and use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives

Over the last three years, Carla has been involved in several high-profile negotiations where she has used a distributive framework. Now, she finds: A. it is expected that she will use integrative techniques next time. B. it is difficult to negotiate in any other way. C. her level of emotional intelligence has increased. D. it is impossible to use inspirational appeals with colleagues. E. the rest of the managers in her company are using the same technique.

it is difficult to negotiate in any other way

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

job is to enforce anti discrimination and other employment related laws

In case of _____, the leader avoids getting involved when important issues arise and leader's power goes unutilized.

laissez-faire leadership

Which of the following styles represents avoidance of leadership altogether?

laissez-faire leadership

Which of the following refers to the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement?


situational leadership theory

leadership behavior reflects how leaders should adjust their leadership style according to the readiness of the followers

Situational leadership theory

leadership behavior reflects how leaders should adjust to their leadership style according to the readiness of the followers

Employment Tests

legally considered to consist of any procedure used in the employment selection process (ability, performance, personality, reliability, validation)

"Insisting on compliance if appropriate" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power. A. expert B. referent C. legitimate D. personal E. reward


Joanne is the store manager at Glitter, a jewelry store. New merchandise arrives that needs to be priced and displayed quickly, before each holiday season. She requires all the sales staff to stay after normal work hours to get this task done. Joanne is exercising her _____ power that she gets from her position of authority. A. expert B. coercive C. reward D. referent E. legitimate


Martin George is the vice president of finance at Rutherford Inc. His position and title in the company give him _____ power.


Bridges; Managing transitions (ENDING)

letting go of the olds ways and old identities people had. the first phase of transition is an ending, and time when you need to help people to deal with their losses

______ reflects whether people attribute the causes of events to themselves or to the external environment

locus of control

political skill has both dispositional and personal ability antecedents of which control focuses on which elements?

locus of control and self-efficiacy

According to the life cycle theory of leadership, participating leader behavior comprises _____ initiating structure and _____ consideration

low, high

Personal Clarification

lowest level, which members receive information regarding the roles of the other team members

Some employees are willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power. Which of the following tendencies do such employees have?


some employees are willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power. which of the following tendencies do such employees have?

machiavellian tendencies

Reactive Change

making changes in response to problems or opportunities as they arise

control process; step 3 taking managerial action

managers can choose 3 possible course of action; do nothing; correct the actual performance; or revise the standards

liquidity ratios

measure an organizations ability to meet its current debt obligations

profitability ratios

measure how efficiently and effectively the firm is using its assets to generate profits

1. Cohesion

members of teams can develop strong emotional bonds to other members of their team and to the team itself


members prepare for disembandment

operational control

monitoring performance to ensure that operational plans (day-to-day goals) are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed

strategic control

monitoring performance to ensure that strategic plans are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed

tactical control

monitoring performance to ensure that tactical plans- those at the divisional or departmental level-are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed


monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as needed


most frequently occurs downward (managers influencing employees) but can also be lateral (peers influencing peers) or upwards (employees influencing managers)

which of the following is a personal characteristic that fosters organizational politics

need for power limited resources ambiguity in roles high performance pressure unclear performance evals

Which of the following is a personal characteristic that fosters organizational politics?

need for power or machiavellianism

A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods such as hostility, nervousness, and annoyance is called _____

negative affectivity

The Big Five dimension neuroticism is synonymous with

negative affectivity

a process in which two or more independent individuals discuss and attempt to come to an agreement about their different preferences refers to:


Companies such as Microsoft, Pfizer, and Google are increasingly using ________ to understand the power structures in their organizations and who holds and wields the most influence. They ask employees questions such as "Who do you go to with a new idea?" and "Who can best help you solve a problem?" They analyze the responses to find our which managers and/or employees are most central to and influential in their companies. A. performance reviews B. organizational charts C. social media tracking D. FaceBook, Twitter, and Instagram E. networking maps

networking maps

Unstructured Interview

no fixed set of questions and no systematic scoring procedure, involves asking probing questions to find our what the applicant is really like

Barriers to Communication

obstacles that interrupt the flow of conveying and receiving messages.

i. Coalitions

occur when the influencer enlists other people to help influence the target

Team Process Training

occurs in the context of a team experience that facilitates the team being able to function and perform more effectively as an intact unit

i. Arbitration

occurs when a third party determines a binding settlement to a dispute

Adverse Impact

occurs when an organization uses an employment practice or procedure that results in unfavorable outcomes to a protected class

When actions by individuals in an organization are directed toward the goal of furthering their own self-interests, it is termed as _____.

organizational politics

fixed-ratio schedule

organizations might impose a _____, where a specific number of behaviors must be met before the reward is given.


pathway through which an encoded message is transmitted to a receiver

two core principles of TQM

people orientation-everyone involved with the organization should focus on delivering value to customers improvement orientation- everyone should work on continuously improving the work processes

While performing the boundary-spanning process, members who engage in ambassador activities typically communicate with:

people who are higher up in the organization

type B personality

people who are related and easy going and accept change easily

type A personality

people who have a chronic sense of urgency and an excessive competitive drive

In the _____ stage of team development, members are comfortable working with their roles, and the team makes progress toward goals.



person or group for which the message is intended


person wishing to share information with some other person

ch.9- _______ refers to the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior.


change agents

persons who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the change process


physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior

Job Posting

placing information about job vacancies and qualifications on bulletin boards, in newsletters, and on the organizations intranet

Which of the following refers to the ability to effectively understand others at work and to use that knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives?

political skill

A dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods such as enthusiasm, excitement, and elations refers to ________

positive affectivity

referent power

power deriving from on'e personal attraction

personalized power

power directed at helping oneself

socialized power

power directed at helping others

expert power

power resulting from on'e specialized information or exterpise

interpersonal demands

pressures created by other employees

Ben, Andy, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa, who is the department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award. Carl commands _____ power. A. coercive B. reward C. expert D. legitimate E. referent


political skill has both dispositional and personal ability antecedents of which active influence focuses on which elements?

proactive and action-state

Getting more from the team than you would expect according to the capabilities of its individual members is called:

process gain

In organizational behavior, the phenomenon of a team delivering "less than the sum of their parts" can be explained by the term:

process loss

Coordination Loss

process loss due to the time and energy it takes to coordinate work activities with other team members


process of interpreting and understanding one's environment, particularly important in performance evaluations


process of location and attracting qualified applicants for jobs open in the organization

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

prohibits discrimination against the disabled

There are many factors to consider when leaders choose a decision making style. The most obvious consideration is the:

quality of the resulting decision

Lean Six Sigma

quality-control approach that focuses on problem solving and performance improvement-speed with excellence-of a well-defined project

______ is broadly defined as the degree to which employees have the ability and the willingness to accomplish their specific tasks.


Dawson is a famous carpenter in Oregon. Through rugged, Dawson is good at carpentry and electrical work. According to the RIASEC model, the ______ type of personality dimension best describes Dawson.


1. Ambassador Activities

refer to communications that are intended to protect the team, persuade others to support the team, or obtain important resources for the team

Teamwork Processes

refer to the interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of the team's work but do not directly involve task accomplishment itself.

3. Mental Models

refer to the level of common understanding among team members with regard to important aspects of the team and its task

3. Scout Activities

refer to things team members do to obtain information about technology, competitors, or the broader marketplace

Michael Jordan is an icon in basketball. Many people buy shirts with his name on them. Jordan's iconic status gives him _____ power


Roger Federer is an icon in tennis. Many aspiring tennis players try to emulate him. Federer's iconic status gives him ______ power



refers to anything that hampers any stage of the communication process

4. Transactive Memory

refers to how specialized knowledge is distributed among members in a manner that results in an effective system of memory for the team

Organizational Commitment

reflects the extent to which an employee identifies with an organization and is committed to its goals, strong positive relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction

maintenance role

relationship-oriented role, consists or behavior that fosters constructive relationships among team members

Negative reinforcement

removal of unpleasant consequences following a desired behavior


represents all the ways people are unlike and alike, the differences and similarities in age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, and socioeconomic background

. Mediation

requires a third party to facilitate the dispute resolution process, though this third party has no formal authority to dictate a solution

_____ reflects neither a shift in the employees' behaviors nor their attitudes.


Expert power

results from expertise

Disparate Treatment

results when employees from protected groups are intentionally treated differently

Carl, Ben, and Andy are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa, who is the department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award. When Lisa gives Andy his preferred shift, she is exhibiting _____ power. A. referent B. coercive C. personal D. expert E. reward


_____ power exists when someone has control over the resources another person wants.


political skill has both dispositional and personal ability antecedents of which development experiences focuses on which elements?

role modeling and mentoring

RATER scale

scale enabling customers to rate the quality of a service along five dimensions-reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness-each on a scale from 1 (poor) to 10 (good)

Selection Process

screening of job applicants to hire the best candidate (application forms, resumes, references, interviews, testing)

Emotional Intelligence

self awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship management

people high in _____ demonstrate the ability to control their emotional expression, and they are capable of using these abilities effectively to create desired impressions


political skill has both dispositional and personal ability antecedents of which perceptiveness focuses on which elements?

self-monitoring and conscientiousness

According the the life cycle theory of leadership, _____ leader behavior comprises high initiating structure and high consideration


According to the life cycle theory of leadership, the optimal combination of leader behavior in R2 stage is _____



sender translates the message into symbols or language

With _______ interdependence, different tasks are done in a prescribed order, and the group is structured such that the members specialize in these tasks


ISO 9000 series

set of company quality-control procedures developed by the International Organization for Standardization in Geneva, Switzerland, that deals with all activities-from purchasing to manufacturing to inventory to shipping-that can be audited by independent quality-control experts, or "registrars"

ISO 14000 series

set of quality-control procedure that extends the concept of the ISO 9000 series, identifying standards for environmental performance

Achievement-oriented behavior

setting challenging goals, expecting that they be met, and believing in subordinates' capabilities

Directive behaviors

setting goals, assigning tasks, showing subordiantes how to complete tasks, and taking concrete steps to improve performance

The tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior is called _____.

social acuteness

The tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior is termed as ______

social astuteness

the tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior is

social astuteness

the following are types of social skills

social intelligence emotional intelligence ego resiliency social self efficacy self-monitoring practical intelligence

_____refers to judgments of personal capability in social interactions and contexts.

social self efficacy


socially determined expectations of how individuals should behave in a specific position

enterprise resource planning (ERP)

software information systems for integrating virtually all aspects of business

Team States

specific types of feelings and thoughts that coalesce in the minds of team members as a consequence of their experience working together

Which of the following refers to the degree to which members of the team make useful recommendations to the leader?

staff validity

cross-functional team

staffed with specialists pursuing a common objective

Extraverted people prioritize

status striving

_______ reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality

status striving

The degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources refers to


The degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources refers to:


Goal-setting theory

suggests that employees can be motivate by goals that are specific and challenging, but achievable

full-range leadership

suggests that leadership behavior varies along a full range of leadership styles, from take-no-responsibility (laissez-faire) leadership at one extreme, through transactional leadership, to transformational leadership that the other extreme

Job Description

summarizes what the holder of a job does and why they do it

income statement

summary of an organization's financial results-revenues and expenses-over a specified period of time

financial statement

summary of some aspect of an organization's financial status

Process gain is synonymous with :



system-level changes that inevitably occur that may require individuals and groups to respond

Self- Serving Bias

taking more personal responsibility for successes than failures

Which of the following roles refers to behaviors that influence the quality of the team's social climate rather than work?

team building roles

Interpersonal activities that facilitate the accomplishment of the team's work but do not directly involve task accomplishment itself refers to:

teamwork process

Organizational Development (OD)

techniques or programs to change people and the nature and quality of interpersonal work relationships

According the life cycle theory of leadership, ______ leader behavior comprises high initiating structure and low consideration.


contingent workers

temporary, freelance, or contract workers whose employment is contingent upon demand for their services

Some employees are willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power. Which of the following tendencies do such employees have?



tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics one believes are typical of the group to which that individual belongs (genre, age, race, values)

a. Social astuteness

tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior

a. Discretion

the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own

Discretion is defined as:

the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own.

2. Potency

the degree to which members believe that the team can be effective across a variety of situations and tasks

. Substitutability

the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources


the degree to which the communication in a network flows through some members rather than others


the distribution of savings or "gains" to groups of employees who reduced costs and increased measurable productivity


the end result of an activity

ratio analysis

the evaluation of financial ratios (relationship of two or more things): includes liquidity ratios, debt management ratios, asset management ratios, and return ratios


the expectation that successful performance of the task will lead to the desired outcome


the experience of immersion and loss of time when an individual achieves an optimum balance of challenge, interest, and achievement


the extent to which a follower possesses the ability and willingness to complete a task

Self Esteem

the extent to which people like or dislike themselves, their overall self evaluation

control standard

the first step int he control process: the standard is the desired performance level for a given goal

initial public offering (IPO)

the first time a company sells it equity shares on the stock market

control process steps

the four steps in the process of controlling: establish standards, measure performance, compare performance to standards, and take corrective action if necessary

Self-actualization needs

the highest level of need, self actualization is self-fulfillment-the need to develop ones fullest potential to become the best one is capable of being


the information to communicate

white water rapids metaphor

the lack of environmental stability and predictably requires that managers and organizations continually adapt to survive.

. Ingratiation

the use of favors, complements, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the influencer

In the context of the contingency factor of visibility, a leader's ability to influence others increases when:

the leader's level of power increases

Motivational Loss

the loss in team productivity that occurs when team members don't work as hard as they could

Progression hypothesis

the lowest level of ungratified needs, motivate behavior and once a level is satisfied, the person progress up the hierarchy and focuses on the next level.

Unity of command

the management principle that each person should report to only one manager


the measurement of available financial resources or the ability to convert an organization's assets into cash

span of control

the number of employees who can be effectively and efficiently supervised by a manager.


the obligation or expectations to perform

Self- Fulfilling Prophecy

the phenomenon in which people's expectations of themselves or others lead them to behave in ways that make those expectations come true (pygmalion effect)

job sharing

the practice of having 2 or more people split a full time job


the process by which two or more parties with differing objectives, desires, or perspectives go through to find a mutually agreeable solution

devil's advocacy

the process of assigning someone to play the role of critic


the process of getting oriented and getting aquainted

dialectic method

the process of having two people or groups play opposing roles in a debate in order to better understand a proposal


the process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting work performance.

Job simplificaiton

the process of reducing the number of tasks a worker performs


the processes by which individuals attain knowledge, skills, cultural distinctions, and values to adapt to a group's norms


the processes by which individuals attain the knowledge, skills, cultural distinctions and values to adapt to a group's norm.

reduced cycle time

the reduction of steps in the work process


the rights inherent in a managerial position to tell people what to do and expect them to do it


the search for the best practices among competitors or non-competitiors that lead to their superior performance


the sharing of decisions, information, and responsibility with others.


the standard of excellence to measure and compare against

organizational leadership

the supervisory style of the organizations managers


the system-level changes that inevitably occur that may require individuals and groups to respond


the tendency of a group or team to stick together

social loafing

the tendency of people to exert less effort when working in groups than when working alone.

4. Influence

the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others

. Pressure

the use of coercive power through threats and demands

. Rational persuasion

the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that the request is a worthwhile one

1. Leadership

the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement

bureaucratic control

the use of rules, regulation, and formal authority to guide performance

acceptance theory of authority

the view that authority comes from the willingness of subordinates to accept it. if an employee didn't accept a managers order, there was no authority.

division of labor

the work is divided into particular tasks that are assigned to particular workers

Content perspectives (the need-based perspective)

theories that emphasize the needs that motivate people

Physiological needs

these are the most basic human physical needs. food, clothing, shelter, and comfort with self-preservation

Safety needs

these needs are concerned with physical safety and emotional security, so that a person is concerned with avoiding violence and threats

an accommodating conflict resolution style should be used

to build social credits for later use.

purpose of control

to ensure that activates are completed in ways that lead to the accomplishment of organizational goals.

a collaborative conflict resolution style should be used in which of the following situations:

to find an integrative solution when both sets of concerns are too important to be compromised. when your objective is to learn. to merge insights of from people with different views. to gain commitment by incorporating concerns into a consensus. to work through feelings that have interfered with a relationship.

A collaborative conflict resolution style should be used during which of the following situations?

to merge insights from people with different perspectives

Which of the following is the purpose of work teams as compared to other types of teams?

to produce goods or provide services

ch.9- Personality is a collection of multiple ______


ch.9- ______ are defined as recurring regularities of trends in people's responses to their environment.


transformational leadership

transforms employees to pursue organizational goals


turning the outcomes of the creative process into useful products, services, or work methods


two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and have a common industry

Counterproductive Work Behaviors (CWB)

types of behaviors that harm employees and an organization as whole

A culture high on ______ feels threatened by uncertain and ambigious situations and relies on formal rules to create stability

uncertainty avoidance

In the context of Hofstede's dimensions, the culture low on _______ tolerates ambigious situations and values unusual ideas and behaviors

uncertainty avoidance

Mathew is one of the top attorneys at his law firm. His brilliance in handling some of the most difficult and high-profile cases has earned him fame far and wide, and he wields considerable influence in the running of the firm. Mathew's high degree of _____ ensures that he has considerable power to influence others. A. discretion B. ingratiation C. internalization D. substitutability E. visibility



when an employee doesn't show up for work


when employees leave their jobs

role ambiguity

when role expectations are not clearly understood

ii. Exchange

when the requestor offers a reward or resource to the target in return for performing a request


whether the individual will keep trying or give up when faced with obstacles

role conflicts

work expectations that are hard to satisfy

A(n) ________ situation is an situation in which two people have only just met

zero acquaintance

in distributive bargaining, when one person gains, the other person loses. this is also known as a

zero-sum condition

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