mgt 331

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John Stacy Adams

equity theory

The Hofstede model, introduced in Chapter 2, is a model to show managers which countries have stronger cultural influences which make it easier to do business in that country.



Temporary or Permanent change in membership

Daniel Pink talks about working at a job you love versus a job you hate. When you feel like your work doesn't matter and you are not making an impact in the job, Pink would say what?

That you are in a job you hate because it isn't addressing one of his three core motivators, which in this case is purpose.

At the end of his TEDx talk, Ian Fuhr says:

"serve the people who serve the people"

Spends much of their time thinking about the future of the company


Works with their staff to help explain the meaning and purpose behind their role in the company


B.F. Skinner

operant conditioning


Team members experience conflict because some members do not wish to submit to demands of other team members, role conflict, lack of agreed upon goals


Team members get to know each other. They discuss why the team exists

According to the Ian Fuhr TEDx talk, the most important person in your business is:

the person serving the customer, your employee

Which of these is NOT part of the Interpersonal conflict management styles?

Comforting, challanging

Henri Fayol

14 principles of management

When we studied all the various traits to assess a person to promote them to manager, we reviewed many different personality traits. Which of the following 3 statements are true?

A strong internal locus of control, meaning the person believes they are in control of their own fate, is a good personality trait for a manager to possess. Emotional intelligence is something that can either be innate or learned, but it is important for managers to develop this talent. Positive organizational citizenship behavior like working extra hours when needed, helping out others, and coming up with creative ideas to help the company are strong attributes for a manager to have.

In class we did a deep dive into the Hofstede Index. Which one of the following statements is correct?

Cultures that have a high tolerance for power distance are more comfortable with large gaps in wealth, accepting that socioeconomic disparities persist.


Close ties and consensus begin to develop between team members. Team members agree on "rules" of the team behavior

Professor Hillman pointed out two personality tests that you are likely to take when you enter business. One was the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the other was:


Henri Fayol is an important person in the history of management, what is he most famous for?

As CEO of FourChambault Mining, he developed 14 principles of management that are the bedrock upon which much of management is built today.

In the eyes of the followers, leaders appear to be either transactional or transformational. Which of the following statement is true?

As described in other chapters, transactional leaders are more closely aligned with the "manager" function of keeping things running smoothly and hitting deadlines, while transformational leaders aligned with being a "leader" with a vision for the future.

During a lecture, Professor Hillman shared the 5 sources of managerial power he wanted you to remember. Which of these is NOT one of those powers?


Google completed Project Aristotle in 2012 and found out that who was on a team was less important to its success than how the team members treated each other. The project identified 5 elements of team success, with the most important one being psychological safety. The video went on to explain psychological safety. Which of the following are part of psychological safety as defined by Project Aristotle?

Conversational Turn-Taking. Each member is encouraged and expected to talk equal amounts of time when the team comes together. No one person dominates and no one is silent. Ostentatious Listening. - Being fully present when another team member talks, nodding your head, reflecting back what they said.

There are five types of diversity listed in the textbook. Which of the following does the book say can have stronger effects on group and organizational performance than the other types of diversity listed?


In class, Professor Hillman discussed four ways to help reduce the likelihood of social loafing, of the following, which two did he mention in class?

Demand Accountability, Make each persons contribution identifiable

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is one of the most important skills a manager can develop. Which of the following statements are true about EI?

EI is defined as the capacity recognizing one's own feelings, and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and managing emotions in ourselves and in our relationships. Daniel Goleman defines 5 components of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

Which three of the following statements are true about Expectancy Theory?

Effort leads to performance which leads to outcomes, the essence of the theory Motivation will be high when workers believe that high levels of effort lead to high performance and high performance leads to the attainment of desired outcomes. For the theory to work well, all three of the items (expectancy, instrumentality, and valence) must be high.

This theory of motivation focuses on people's perceptions of the fairness of their work outcomes, particularly as when it is compared to their inputs and the inputs of others. What is this theory called?

Equity Theory

Offering something valuable in return for cooperation


Group norms are rules developed by the team lead that determine the tasks, roles, and compensation for each member of the group.


In class, Professor Hillman showed a slide showing the relationship between the three components of Expectancy Theory. He explained that when working with expectancy theory, a person's perceptions about the extent to how well they perform at work will lead to a promotion or raise, is called


In the video from Daniel Pink describes a study done by four economists using MIT students. They gave these students a bunch of games requiring creativity, motor skills, and concentration. Which of the following statements are true about what the economists learned from this study with MIT students?

In India where the experiment was replicated, the people offered medium and low rewards performed about the same, but those given the highest rewards had the lowest performance. If the game or task required even a basic or rudimentary thinking (cognitive) skill, larger bonuses and rewards led to poorer performance. As long as the task required only motor skills,bonuses worked as expected. The higher the bonus the greater the performance.

Watching the Simon Sinek video, "Why Great Leaders make you feel safe." He gave a number of examples and phrases that talked about great leadership. Which of the following is one of those phrases?

In the military, they give medals to those who are willing to sacrifice themselves so others may gain, in business we give bonuses to people who are willing to sacrifice others, so that we may gain.

Appealing to aspirations, values, and ideals to gain commitment


Jimmy Page, a brand new manager for the Accounts Receivable department in the city's largest law firm, Scruem, Goode & Hardt, has conducted a survey and series of interviews with his staff of 7. Jimmy is a recent graduate of the GVSU management department and wishes to apply some of the things he learned while at school. Jimmy takes over from Fred Smith, who ran the same department for the last 23 years. Fred just retired. Jimmy believes in Herzberg's Two Factor Theory of Motivation and plans to utilize it as he reviews the survey and interview results. Which of the following actions should Jimmy take if he wants to follow as closely to Herzberg's theories as possible?

John is a brand new employee to the firm. He is excited about working at SG&H because he just got out of school and has never had a full-time job before. He tells Jimmy that he likes his job and "everything is fine" right now. Jimmy looked at his salary and sees that he is making only 75% of what most of the others in the department make. Jimmy is reluctant to increase his salary because Jimmy's boss has told him to "keep a lid on expenses". Jimmy is going to lay out a career plan for John with clearly labeled milestones of achievement, seminars the firm will pay for John to attend, and a promise for a promotion if John achieves these things in the next 2 years. He believes this will keep John happy until he can address his pay later. Bob has been with the department nearly as long as Fred was a manager. His pay is a little above average for his role. Bob isn't unhappy but has said he "wouldn't turn down a raise". Fred kept Bob's job tightly defined and rarely acknowledged him in front of others for the good work he typically did. Jimmy is going to provide Bob some greater responsibility and increased autonomy as his job goes forward. He can't afford to increase Bob's pay, but he believes his action should increase Bob's satisfaction with his job.

You suddenly find out that another manager in a parallel team to yours has left to move to another state. You have 8 staff members and they had 10. You've been approached by upper management to assume control of this other team in addition to yours, and as a result you will receive a 15% raise. You know that with 18 people reporting to you, you will have exceeded the recommended numbers for proper span of control and good relationships to be built with each staff member. You've decided to use your existing 8 people as the "lead" group and the 10 new people as the "following" group, but you won't call them that. You pick generic names like "Red Team" and "Blue Team" to ensure no one feels left out. But you meet with the red team three times a week and the blue team once per week. The red team gets the more difficult assignments. You get to know the blue team people individually to see if there is talent there which yo

Leader Member Exchange Model

During the TED talk, Simon Sinek talks about what makes leaders great. He used several stories about leadership, and what he sees as the most important aspect of being a great leader. What was his main point in this video?

Leaders who have earned a high level of trust with their staff are able to do remarkable things. These leaders have established a "circle of safety" by putting the safety of the people they lead before themselves.

When managers and employees collaborate to set the goals the employee is expected to achieve, it is often referred to as MBO. What does MBO stand for?

Management by Objective

Daniel Pink offered a theory of motivation in the early 2000's that borrows from several other prior theorists. He indicated that while direct extrinsic rewards will still work for some 20th century tasks, in order to motivate for creativity and innovative thinking, managers should use these items exclusively.

Mastery - People need to feel like they are using their full potential Purpose - People need to feel like their work matters and makes an impact Autonomy - People need to feel in control of their job.

Which three of the following five reasons is why diversity in a company makes business sense

McKinsey and Company say that if a company is diverse, it has a 35% greater likelihood of outperforming its competitors than if it isn't diverse. Diversity can increase the recruitment and retention of valued organizational members. Diversity allows for a variety of points of view and approaches to problems and opportunities can improve managerial decision making.

During a meeting you notice someone texting their friend and someone else using their computer to check a news feed while your boss is delivering instructions for this months marketing campaign. Unofficially Professor Hillman calls this "backgrounding" and it is considered rude and unprofessional, but in a technical sense, it is considered what in the communication process?

Noise - Noise can block or distort messages. Managers should try to eliminate any noise in the environment before they deliver a message.

There are three ways Managers have to convey information to their staff. A well-trained manager will know how to balance the use of these three methods to be most effective in delivering the messages they want their staff to have. What are these types and what percentage of the total message do they deliver when a manager is able to have a one-on-one, face-to-face meeting with a staff person?

Non-verbal 55%, vocal intonation 38%, words 7%

In the video we watched, "How To Deal with Different Conflict Styles," the woman gave managers good ways to deal with the various conflict styles they will encounter. Which of the following are true statements she gave during the video?

People who are trying to use collaboration might need to be reminded that you as the manager have a time-constraint by when the decision must be made. You might need to drop to compromise if a deadline is looming. People using the compete style are very passionate and are very direct. The manager should be just as direct back as that is what they are expecting. Don't take it personally, have your logic laid out. Managers must be careful with people who overuse the accomodating style constantly. It will surprise the manager that one day the over-accomodating person will either blow-up or drop out of sight. You can't force the avoiding people to tell you what is bothering them, but you can create a safe environment and ask them what they are thinking. Explain their opinion matters and you want to know it.

Managers look to see if their staff has a fit. The textbook talks about four different types of fit for the employee. Which of these is the type of fit discussed in the book?

Person-Group Fit, Person-Organization Fit, Person-Vocation Fit, Person-Job fit

Asking for a personal favor or to do something "because we're friends"


There are four basic managerial functions for every manager. Which of these is NOT one of those functions?


Using logic and facts to persuade someone

Rational Persuasion

Which of these following statements is FALSE as it relates to the Hawthorne Studies?

Researchers at Hawthorne, who were following the work of Adam Smith, found that paying the workers more for higher production levels, significantly improved the output of those workers.

Managers can distribute merit pay to people two ways, by increasing their salary or by providing a bonus on top of their existing salary. Bonuses tend to be more motivating for a number of reasons. What are those listed below are true?

Salary increases often include cost-of-living adjustments and/or market adjustments. Including performance increase as part of this confuses the message as to why the increase was provided Salaries are rarely adjusted down and can cause significant employee morale issues when they are. Salaries tend to be stable over time so using one-time bonuses are easier to move higher or lower to reward top performance without negatively impacting morale The level of salaries is dictated more by market conditions and competition for labor, factors outside the control of the employee, and much less on the performance of the individual.

You are the president of a small tool and die firm in West Michigan. You have about 75 employees and 3 tiers of management. One of your three shift supervisors for the day shift has quit. Their team of 7 people comes to you with a proposition to not replace him. They say they know the work very well, have a high amount of trust between their team of seven, and have strong unwritten rules about how to hold each other accountable. You like the idea because it will save you the cost of a shift supervisor.

Self-Managed Team

You are a retail store manager with a staff of 10 people spread over multiple part-time shifts. The store is part of a chain with a lot of rules and regulations, particularly about what customers have to do to return a product. Your store is in the top 10% of stores nationwide for customer satisfaction and have one of the lowest return rates of any store in the nation. You think it is because your people work hard to ensure the customer is really happy with their purchase and isn't just sold anything to improve store sales. A customer comes back though and wants to return an expensive jacket. She does have the credit card, but not the receipt, which is required. It is also chain policy that returns can only occur 45 days after purchase, and it has been 51 days. Your assistant manager knows the customer and accepts the return. The customer during the same visit buys a replacement jacket. The following week your region

Servant Leadership

One of your staff members named Lou in your small accounting firm has really been a "shining" star when it comes to working on one of your largest clients, VDR. VDR has been with you a long time because your busines partner Keith has kept them very close and done excellent work for them. However, VDR is just as pleased working with Lou. You would like to see Keith go out and land other clients like VDR, but he says he needs to manage Lou and the other staff to ensure the quality of work is top notch. Lou comes to you complaining that Keith is too involved and micro-managing. Keith keeps directing Lou on what to do (even though Lou already knows what to do) at the client and has two scheduled meetings a week with Lou to make sure he has all the support he needs to be successful. You think it is time to ask Keith to find other clients to grow and let Lou run VDR. You prepare for your meeting with Keith.

Situational Leadership Model (Sit-Lead)

You and the Chief Operating Officer are meeting to discuss what to do about a shift supervisor named Jim that reports to you. Jim has been a "rockstar" among shift supervisors and so was offered a promotion which he seems hesitant to accept. You aren't sure how to approach Jim because he is reluctant to take on some new responsibilties in a new plant you have recently acquired about 1 mile away. The product is virtually identical to what he is responsible for now, but all the employees are new to your company since the acquisition. You and the COO decide not to force him into the position and just order him to take it, which you have the legitimate right to do. Rather you decide to approach him to see what kind of backing and support he needs to have in order to feel comfortable with the new position.

Situational Leadership Model (Sit-Lead)

Locus of Control is a key attribute that managers look for in their staff. Which of the following statements are true about locus of control?

Someone with an internal locus of control believes that they, themselves, are the primary reason they succeed or fail in business. A person who believes fate, luck, chance , or other people's behavior determines what happens to them is said to have an external locus of control.


The group begins to do its work. They fully understand and agree upon why they exist, how they go about their work and what it is they are supposed to do.

Good managers realize the impact the size of the group or team can have on the performance. Membership can be too many or too few. Which of the following statements are true about group size?

The larger the group, the more formal the communications will be required. Very large groups require meeting minutes, agendas, and frequent status communications. A group with many members has more resources available and might be able to complete a large number of independent tasks. When placed into a larger group, some members might participate in social loafing, an attitude where they wouldn't put as much effort as they would if they were working alone. Large groups may allow some members to be more comfortable with absenteeism or they may stop trying to make meaningful contributions.

According to Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, for a worker to like their job and be motivated to do well, not only does the job need motivators, but there are certain hygiene issues that must be addressed. If these hygiene issues are not corrected, no amount of motivators will make the worker happy in their position. Of all the issues listed below, which four are hygiene issues according to Herzberg?

The relationship they have with their co-workers, The amount they are paid, their salary or hourly wage, Pleasant and comfortable working conditions, job security

You are a middle manager for a West Michigan manufacturing company. Your boss informs you that you will be working in Manila for 8 weeks starting a new product line for your company which is part of a long-term strategy to diversify and move into other industries than automotive. You want to prepare to be the best manager you can. You remember your prof from GVSU talking about Hofstede's Model of National Culture and so you get out your old notes from school. You want to know what you can expect from your Manila-based production people who you will be supervising. Country Power Distance Individualism Masculinity Uncertainly Avoidance Long Term Orientation Indulgence USA 40 91 62 46 26 68 Philippines 94 32 64 44 27 42 You know your staff will behave differently than they will in West Michigan, what can you expect will be the items you will have to deal with?

The staff will hold you in esteem and refer to you as Mr. or Ms. and as their "boss" even though you ask them to call you by your first name and treat you as a friend. When things go well and you are delivering praise to them, do so as a group or department, not calling out a single person for recognition. Like you, they will want to know what needs to be done soon, so you don't spend time explaining how this new product line works into the long-term growth of the company. Don't expect them to voice many concerns about happiness at work or feel free to talk about their personal opinion. They have a low sense of indulgence with a greater emphasis on restraint.

Douglas McGregor

Theory X and Theory Y

Which of the following four statements are true about Theory X & Theory Y?

Theory X is a set of negative assumptions about workers that leads to the conclusion that a manager's task is to supervise workers closely and control their behavior Generally, it would be easier to work for a manager who follows Theory Y than one who follows Theory X. Theory Y says managers should create a work environment that provides employees an opportunity to show initiative and self-direction Theory Y is a set of positive assumptions about workers that leads to the conclusion that manager's task is to create a work setting that encourages commitment to organizational goals and provides opportunities for workers to be imaginative and to exercise initiative and self-direction

Theory X and Theory Y is a management concept developed by Douglas McGregor. Which three of these items are TRUE about McGregor and Theory X & Y?

Theory Y managers assume employees will inherently work in the best interest of the company. Managers must create a work setting the allows employees to be self-directed and decentralizes authority. Hewlett Packard was founded on the practice of Theory Y, which became incorporated as the "HP Way". It is applied at Google, Apple, 3M, and of course HP as their primary management style. Theory X managers assume employees are inherently lazy and unproductive and dislike their work. Managers should create strict work rules to control the behavior of their employees.

This is not one of the models we learned as a contingency leadership model.

Transactional Formative Leadership Model

The "Why" that Martin Luther King understood and was trying to explain during the 60's and the civil rights movement was this:

Until the Laws of Man are in alignment with the Laws of God, there will be injustice and it must be changed.

The Hofstede Model of National Culture, as presented in class, has 6 dimensions. Which of the following are NOT a dimension considered in his model?

Verbal Communications, Profit Motivation

In the video by Daniel Pink discussing his Theory of Motivation, he introduces the "Candle Problem". What is the candle problem and what is the issue that it points out?

We have a problem when we see the box that we need to overcome. This problem is called "functional fixedness". We believe the box can only have one purpose which is to hold the tacks, but when creativity is applied, it can also be used to hold the candle to the wall.

In the Ken Blanchard Video, what are the things he said make up a compelling vision?

What are your values? What is your purpose? What is your picture of the future?

Ian Fuhr has run all the onboarding programs for new employees at each of his companies. He thinks it is very important to ask this question of his new employees:

What is the purpose of work? People answer it is to make money. He says they are wrong, the purpose of work is to serve others.

Mary Parker Follett

behavioral management

Engaging help of others to persuade someone

coalition tactics

Ian Fuhr says that Servant Leaders don't motivate people. He says that Servant Leaders:

create a working environment that is conducive to people motivating themselves.

Managers get paid to manage and improve the performance of their staff. From the following five statements, which three are true about a manager's ability to improve performance?

f someone lacks the ability to do the job, normally we can send them to training to acquire the skills. Getting training, while sometimes costly, can typically be effective for most employees. If motivation is deficient, the good manager is faced with the difficult task of trying to figure out what will motivate their employee. Because it can be different for everyone, the manager must work with the employee to determine what motivates the person and then structure the task to utilize that motivation. Of the formula, P = M + A + E, the "M" or the motivation component is the most difficult to manage.

A powerful way for Managers to monitor their staff is to utilize MBWA. During class lecture, we talked about Monitoring By Working Around (MBWA) which is an effective way to ensure everyone is active and engaged in the workplace.


In class we studied several examples of correlation and causation. As managers, we look for a statistically significant correlation and rely on that over the concept of causation.


It is not possible for the formal leader of a group to also function in the role of the informal leader of the group


Organizational behavior principles when properly applied can significantly help a company increase its turnover rate and subtly lower its retention ratio.


The Hersey & Blanchard Theory of Leadership suggests that some members or subordinates are not ready to be part of the group. The manager should spend very limited time with these kinds of people as it takes away from spending time with the more productive members of the group.


The population in the USA is growing more diverse and older. Therefore, in the future, it is less and less likely that older workers will report to younger bosses.


The professor believes that you are basically born with the level of Emotional Intelligence you possess and it won't change much over time, which is pretty much true for Locus of Control as well.


When managers enable their workers to set their own goals, make decisions, and solve problems in their own areas of responsibility and skill set, this is call job expansion.


During lecture, Professor Hillman showed a slide explaining the differences between Accessibility, Diversity, and Inclusion. Complete the phrase discussed in class: "Accessibility is being able to get in the building. Diversity is getting invited to the table. Inclusion is having a voice at the table. Belonging is....."

having your voice heard at the table

Abraham Maslow

hierarchy of needs

Helps interpret and properly apply the company's policies and policies.


Is focused on the department accomplishing the goals they have been assigned.


When personnel problems occur in their department, they work to smooth it over and get back to efficient operations.


In class, Professor Hillman frequently repeated this phrase. Please complete it: "Personality traits that enhance managerial effectiveness in one situation....

may actually impair it in another (any strength overused becomes a weakness)



Employee-Centered Behavior


Supportive Behavior


Concern for Production


Initiating Structure




Of the five sources of managerial power discussed in class with Professor Hillman, he said this one was the most impactful power but also the hardest to obtain


F. W. Taylor

scientific management

In Ian's Fuhr's TEDx Talk on Servant Leadership, what does he say is the purpose of work?

to serve others

According to Equity Theory, when someone perceives an inequity, particularly an underpayment inequity, they will seek to restore equity. They might do this by reducing their hours worked, taking more vacation, reducing their output (not working as hard), or using a positive approach, simply asking for a pay raise.


Directive behaviors, as it relates to the situational leadership model, is the degree of one-way communication the leader must provide to their employee.


Motivation is the set of forces that causes people to engage in one behavior over another. From the manager's perspective, the objective is to motivate people to behave in ways that are in the organization's best interest.


Suface-level diversity are things that we can see in people such as their gender, race, age, and physical abilities.


The key finding of the Hawthorne Studies is that a managers behavior and leadership approach can affect a workers level of performance.


When using the expectancy theory of motivation, increasing the pay for a high performing employee is non-productive if that employee has a low valence for income.


With texting, video conferences, instant messaging, Twitter and dozens of other ways for managers to communicate, it is surprising that email is still the primary way most businesses communicate and how staff should expect to communicate formally with their manager.


Frederick Herzberg

two-factor theory

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