Mgt 345 Final Study Guide

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Argue the possible advantages and disadvantages of using compressed workweeks and flextime as motivational tools in the workplace.

• A compressed workweek allows a full-time job to be completed in fewer than the standard five days.This arrangement has many possible benefits. For the worker, additional time off provides increased leisure time, three-day weekends, free weekdays to pursue personal business, and lower commuting costs. For the organization there may be less absenteeism and improved recruiting of new employees.27 But there are potential disadvantages as well. Individuals can experience increased fatigue from the extended workday and have family adjustment problems. Work scheduling can be more complicated for the organization, and customers may complain because of breaks in work coverage. Union opposition to the longer workday is also a possibility, and laws requiring payment of overtime for work exceeding 8 hours of individual labor in any one day. • Flexible working hours gives individuals some amount of choice in scheduling their daily work hours. Reports indicate that flexibility in dealing with nonwork obligations reduces stress and unwanted job turnover.28 It can help reduce absenteeism, tardiness, and turnover for the organi- zation, and can also raise organizational commit- ment and performance by workers. It is a way for dual-career couples to handle children's schedules as well as their own; it is a way to meet the demands of caring for elderly parents or ill family members; it is even a way to better attend to such personal affairs as medical and dental appointments, home emer- gencies, banking needs, and so on.

Explain the managerial thinking that differentiates transnational corporations from other global corporations/multinational enterprises.

• A global corporation is a multinational enterprise (MNE) or multinational corporation (MNC) that conducts commercial transactions across national boundaries • A transnational corporation is a global corporation or MNE that operates world- wide on a borderless basis. • Executives of transnationals view the entire world as their domain for acquiring re sources, locating production facilities, marketing goods and services, and communicating brand image

Argue effective tactics for dealing with individuals' resistance to change.

• Education and communication use discussions, presentations, and demonstrations to educate people about a change before it happens. • Participation and involvement allows others to contribute ideas and help design and implement the change. • Facilitation and support provide encouragement and training, channels for communicating problems and complaints, and ways of helping to overcome performance pressures. • Negotiation and agreement offer incentives to those who are actively resisting or ready to resist, trying to make trade-offs in exchange for cooperation.

Distinguish ethnocentrism and cultural intelligence.

• Ethnocentrism is the tendency to consider one's culture superior to others • Cultural intelligence is the ability to accept and adapt to new cultures

Differentiate the three common change strategies successfully employed by managers in organizations.

• Force Coercion: using positional power to create change by decree and formal authority • Rational persuasion: creating change through rational persuasion and empirical argument • Shared Power: Developing support for change through personal values and commitments

Explain how a manager can use his/her pillars of intercultural competency to function successfully in cross-cultural situations.

• Intercultural competencies are skills and personal characteristics that help us be successful in cross-cultural situations. • Three pillars o Perception management - a person must be inquisitive and curious about cultural differences, and be flexible and nonjudgmental when interpreting and deal- ing with situations in which differences are at play. o Relationship Management- a person must be genuinely interested in others, sensitive to their emotions and feelings, and able to make personal adjustments while engaging in cross cultural interactions o Self Management - a person must have a strong sense of personal identity, under- stand their own emotions and values, and be able to stay self confident even in situations that call for personal adaptations because of cultural differences

Compare and contrast job enlargement and job enrichment as job design approaches.

• Job enrichment builds high-content jobs that involve planning and evaluating duties normally done by supervisors • Job enlargement increases task variety by combining into one job two or more tasks that were previously assigned to separate workers. Sometimes called horizontal loading, this approach increases job breadth by having the worker perform more and different tasks, but all at the same level of responsibility and challenge.

Differentiate between high-context / low-context and monochronic / polychronic cultures.

• Low-context cultures emphasize communication via spoken or written words. • High-context cultures rely on nonverbal and situational cues as well as on spoken or written words in communication. • In polychronic cultures time is used to accomplish many different things at once • In monochronic cultures people tend to do one thing at a time

Differentiate the 3 classical approaches to management by articulating what can be learned from each of these approaches. First Assumption is that people are rational

1) Scientific Management: Father of Scientific Management a. First developed by Fredrick Taylor, Principles of Scientific Management b. The principal objective of management should be to secure maximum prosperity for the employer, couples with maximum prosperity for the employee. i. Many workers did their jobs without clear and consistent approaches which created inefficiencies and low performance 1. Solution is to teach people how to do their jobs c. Improve productivity be time study-examine the movements and develop efficient ways to preform i. Training and support from supervisor d. 4 Principles i. Develop for every job a science that includes the rules of motion (motion study-the science of reducing a hob or task to its basic physical motions, standardized work implements and proper conditions ii. Carefully select workers with the right abilities for the job iii. Carefully train workers to do their job and give them proper incentives iv. Support workers by planning their work and they way they go about their jobs e. Result i. Better standards, work standards and wage plans 2) Administrative Principles-Henri Fayol a) Proper management of Organizations and the People in them-5 Principles a. Foresight: complete action plan for the future b. Organization: to provide and mobilize resources to implement the plan c. Command: to lead, select and evaluate workers to get the best work towards the plan d. Coordination: to fit the diverse efforts together and ensure information is shared and problems solved e. Control: to make sure things happen according to plan and to take corrective action. b) Management can be taught a. Scalar chain principle: there should be a clear and unbroken line of communication from the top of the chain to the bottom b. Unity of command principle: each person should get orders from only one boss c. Unity of direction principle: one person should be in charge of all activities that have the same performance objective 3) Bureaucratic Organization-Max Weber, highest form of precision. a) His ideas developed after noting organizations of his day often performed poorly. Among other things, Weber saw people holding positions of authority not because of their knowledge but because of their status b) Logic, order, legitimate authority a. Clear division of labor: jobs are well defined and workers are highly skilled b. Clear hierarchy of authority: both authority and responsibility are well defined for each position, each position reports to a higher level c. Formal rules and procedures: written guidelines and historical records d. Impersonality: rules and procedures are impartially and uniformly applied, with no one getting special treatment e. Careers based on merit: worked are selected based on ability, competency and performance.

Discuss the three most common ethical challenges for global businesses.

1. Corruption- involves illegal practices to further one's business interests. 2. Child labor- is the employment of children for work otherwise done by adults. 3. Sweatshops- employ workers at very low wages for long hours in poor working conditions.

Discuss how value-based management supports a strong organizational culture.

Actively develops, communicates and enacts shared values. When managers practice the core values, model them for others and communicate and reinforce them in all they do. Managing with a commitment to actively help develop, communicate and represent shared values within an organization. Tom's of Maine example, strength as a symbolic leader, talk and act the language of the organization.

Explain how an investigative approach to negotiations builds trust and cooperation among participants while facilitating mutual satisfaction with the outcome of the negotiation.

An investigative approach to negotiations builds trust and cooperation among participants because it shows that both sides are willing to pull together common ground that exists between them in order to overcome barriers that are present. This helps to facilitate mutual satisfaction with the outcome of the negotiation because it allows for both sides recommendations to be heard.

Argue how the two primary forms of alternative dispute resolution can move negotiations at an impasse forward.

Arbitration- A neutral third party acts as judge with the power to issue a decision binding for all parties. Mediation- A neutral third party tries to engage the parties in a negotiated solution through persuasion and rational argument.

Explain how organizations operate as open systems to include the types of inputs and outputs of the systems.

As open systems, organizations interact with their environments in the process of transforming resource inputs into product and service outputs. b. Continual process of obtaining resource inputs-people, information, resources and capital and transforming them into outputs in the form of finished goods and services. Starbucks example in book

Explain how the interaction between team cohesiveness and team conformity to norms

As team cohesiveness increases, so too does conformity to norms. This can be both positive or negative, depending on what norms are established. Team performance norms can be either positive or negative, and team cohesiveness can either be high or low.

Illustrate how teams make decisions by authority rule, minority rule, majority rule, consensus, and unanimity and the outcomes associated with each method.

Authority Rule- Chairperson, manager, or leader makes the decision. Minority- Two or three people are able to dominate, or "railroad", the group into making a decision with which they agree. Majority- (most common) Takes place as a formal vote to find the majority viewpoint. Consensus- When discussion leads to one alternative being favored by most team members and other members agree to support it.

Argue that managing is neither a science nor a profession but a practice. Be sure to incorporate the elements of Mintzberg's triad model related to management as a practice.

Being a manager remains an important and responsible job. It is the manager who determined whether our social institutions serve us well or if they squander our talents and resources" Managers have little free time, the manager can never be free to forget the job and never has the pleasure of knowing that there is nothing else to do. Roles include, figurehead, leader, liaison, monitor, disseminator, spokesperson, entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator.

Argue the benefits/payoffs and potential risks of virtual teams in the workplace.

Benefits: Virtual Teams can reduce employee travel costs, help companies approach 24/7 uptime, and give workers more flexible work schedules. Longer work hours (working in different time zones stretches the workday). 0-minute commute, flexible work schedule. Require good technology, constant communication, shared priorities and deadlines, and a high degree of trust. Some employees may experience loneliness or social isolation.

Distinguish performance effectiveness from performance efficiency.

Businesses are successful when they can make a profit, non-profits are when they can add wealth to society b. Performance effectiveness is an output measure of task or goal accomplishment. This can mean meeting daily production targets in terms of the quality and quantity of codes written. Helps company meet demands, for timely delivery c. Performance efficiency is an input measure of the resource costs associated with goal accomplishment. Most efficient software production is done with nominal cost in materials and labor. If you produce less code that you can this is also inefficient, make lost of mistakes etc.

Explain why an effective manager needs to develop high levels of position and personal power in order to enhance the three basic dimensions of managerial power and influence.

By developing position power, people are more inclined to accomplish tasks and understand their roles in the organization. Developing personal power helps get jobs done quicker and more effectively, and people are motivated to produce good work and even take on more responsibilities.

Differentiate halo, central tendency, and personal bias errors as they relate to performance measurement and appraisal.

Common performance measurement errors include halo errors, central tendency errors, recency errors, personal bias errors, and cultural bias errors. reliability—providing consistent results each time it is used for the same person and situation, and validity—actually measuring dimensions with direct relevance to job performance. The following are examples of measurement errors that can reduce the reliability or validity of any performance measure. • Halo error—results when one person rates another person on several different dimensions and gives a similar rating for each dimension. • Central tendency error—occurs when managers lump everyone together around the average, or middle, category; this gives the impression that there are no very good or very poor performers on the dimensions being rated. • Personal bias error—displays expectations and prejudices that fail to give the jobholder complete respect, such as showing racial bias in rating

Explain the general difference between content and process theories of motivation.

Content theories-profile different needs that may motivate individual behavior Process theories- examine the thought processes that motivate individual behavior.

55. Describe when teams should use decentralized, centralized and restricted communication networks.

Decentralized-when tasks are complex. Centralized-when tasks are simple. Restricted-when subgroups are in disagreement with each other and slow task accomplishment.

Contrast distributive and integrative negotiations.

Distributive- Focuses on positions staked out or declared by the parties involved, each of whom is trying to claim certain portions of the available pie. Integrative- Focuses on the merits of the issues, and the parties involved try to enlarge the available pie rather than stake claims to certain portions of it.

Argue the role of individuals and organizations in linking motivation to performance per the Integrated Model of Motivation.

Figure 6.1 outlines an integrated model of motivation, one that ties together much of the previous discussion regarding the basic effort and performance and rewards relationship. Note that the figure shows job performance and satisfaction as separate but potentially interdependent work results. Performance, as first discussed in the last chapter, is influenced by individual attributes such as ability and experience; organizational support such as resources and technology; and effort, or the willingness of someone to work hard at what they are doing. Satisfaction results when rewards received for work accomplishments are performance contingent and perceived as equitable. Pg 310 has the Figure 6.1.

Explain the outcomes of functional and dysfunctional conflicts.

Functional Conflict- Results in positive benefits to the group-. Dysfunctional Conflict- Works to the group's or organization's disadvantage.

Distinguish the discipline of organizational behavior from human resource management.

HRM is about attracting, developing, and maintaining a talented and energetic workforce, while organizational behavior is just the observed behavior of people within an organization. HRM is an active process, while organizational behavior strictly describes "how things are."

Apply Herzberg's two-factor motivation theory to a scenario. Be sure you can articulate the role of job context and job content on workers' motivation.

Hygiene factors- in the job context are sources of job dissatisfaction Motivator factors- in the job content are sources of job satisfaction.

Explain how intellectual capital (including knowledge workers), ethics, diversity, globalization, technology and the changing nature of careers influence working in the new economy.

Intellectual capital is the collective brainpower or shared knowledge of a workforce that can be used to create value. Pathway for human creativity differentiates us from others and that makes people valuable. Globalization is the worldwide interdependence of resource flows, product markets and business competition. Organizations worry about the competitiveness of nations. Ethics-moral standard of what's right. Workplace diversity describes differences among works in gender, race, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and able-bodiedness. Technology-ability to use technology and stay informed on the latest technological developments.

Evaluate how discrimination results in the glass ceiling effect.

Invisible barrier that prevents women and minorities from rising about a certain level of organizational responsibility, is a subtle form of discrimination, like denying someone an interview

Argue the importance of an organization's culture for its stakeholders (Hint: review the discussion of stakeholders on page 79 of the textbook).

Involve stakeholders at every level of the planning process.

Describe the benefits of using job rotation, assistant-to positions, and committee assignments to develop workers' abilities.

Job Rotation- Moving employees horizontally or vertically to expand their skills, knowledge, or abilities. Assistant-to-position- Employees experience a wide variety of management activites and are groomed for assuming the duties of the next higher level. Committee assignments- Help individuals acquire knowledge and develop their conceptual and analytical abilities.

Differentiate legally-required and optional employee benefits.

Legally-required- Contributions to social security, unemployment insurance, and workers compensation insurance. Optional- health care, retirement plans, pay for time not worked, sick leave.

Explain a manager's typical workday in an organization.

Long hours, intense pace, fragmented and varied tasks, many communication media, filled with interpersonal relationships

Apply the direct conflict management strategies to a situation. Be sure to consider the degree of assertiveness and cooperativeness of each strategy.

Lose-Lose Strategies- Nobody really gets what he or she wants in a conflict situation. Win-Lose Strategies- One party achieves its desires at the expense and to the exclusion of the other party's desires. Win-Win Strategies- Blend of both high cooperativeness and high assertiveness.

Distinguish leadership from management.

Managers support, activate and are responsible for the work of others. Leadership and management are not the same thing typically managers plan, organize and coordinate whereas leaders inspire and motivate.

Describe the employment-at-will doctrine.

Many employment relationships are governed by the employment-at-will doctrine. This principle assumes that employers can terminate employees at any time for any reason.

Compare and contrast merit pay, bonuses, profit-sharing, gain-sharing, employee stock ownership, and stock options as methods of compensation beyond base pay.

Merit Pay- Awards pay increases in proportion to performance contributions. Bonuses- Plans provide one-time payments based on performance accomplishments. Profit-Sharing- Plans distribute to employees a proportion of net profits earned by the organization. Gain-Sharing- Plans allow employees a proportion of net profits earned by the organization. Employee Stock Ownership- Help employees purchase stock in their employing companies. Stock Options- give the right to purchase shares at a fixed price in the future.

Argue the importance of each piece of the strategic human resource planning process

Mobilize human capital through the HRM process to best implement organizational strategies, have everyone in the right place at the right time a. Translates the goals of the organization into human resources plans to ensure everyone is where they are supposed to be b. Essential for corporation to implement its strategies and accomplish its objectives c. Also supports values and corporate culture.

Describe the work preferences of employees with each of the three needs identified in McClelland's acquired needs theory. Be sure to identify the characteristics of the most successful senior executives according to his research.

Need for achievement- desire to do better, solve problems, or master complex tasks. Need for affiliation- desire for friendly and warm relations with others. Need for power- the desire to control others and influence their behavior. Most successful- moderate to high need for power that is stronger than a need for affiliation is linked with success as a senior executive.

Provide examples of process, product, and business model innovations.

• Process innovation: results in better ways of doing things o "IKEA sells furniture and fixtures in assemble- yourself kits; makes online shopping easy; Nike allows online customers to design their own sneakers" • Product Innovation: result in the creation of new or improved goods or services o "Groupon put coupons on the Web; Apple introduced the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, and made the "app" a must-have for smartphones and tablets; Amazon brought us the Kindle e-book reader; Facebook and Twitter made social media a part of everyday life" • Business Model Innovation: result in new ways of making money for the firm o "Netflix turned movie rental into a subscrip- tion business; eBay earns revenues from users of its online marketplace; Google thrives on advertising revenues driven by ever-expanding Web tech- nologies; Zynga made paying for "extras" profitable with free online games; sells cloud-based software not as a product but as a service"

Explain the characteristics of highly innovative organizations.

• Strategy includes innovation • Culture values innovation • Structures support innovation • Management supports innovations • Staffing for creativity and innovation

Describe how the composition of workers in organizations and a free-agent economy has changed over that last several decades.

People change jobs more often and work on flexible contracts with a shifting mix of employers over time. Skills like those in Management Smarts must be kept up to date, portable and always of value. The skills cannot be gained and forgotten, therefore you have to have a strong concept of self-management. Shamrock groups operate with a core group of full-time long-term workers supported by others who work on contracts and part-time.

Explain how the interaction of the three elements of Vroom's expectancy theory impacts workers' motivation.

People exert work and effort to achieve task performance. The expectation is that the workers selected are capable, that they've been trained, and there are clear set goals. Workers then move from task performance and realize work related outcomes. Between these two steps is instrumentality, which says that the objectives are clearly possible, and that performance is rewarded and is given performance contingent rewards. After work related outcomes, there is valence. This is to identify needs and match rewards to high value needs. Motivation = Expectancy * Instrumentality * Valence

Explain how organizations determine training needs.

Performance assessment or performance review, is the process of formally assessing employees' work accomplishments and providing feedback. Evaluation focuses on past performance and measures results against standards. Development focuses on future performance, by setting goals and ish.

Differentiate the four functions of management. The Management Process Applies to all managers regardless of level

Planning-setting performance objectives and deciding how to achieve them. Example: Earnest and Young figured out who to retain female employees and not lose money on re-hiring costs b. Organizing-arranging tasks, people and resources to accomplish work. Turn plants into action by defining jobs, assigning personnel, and supporting them with technology c. Leading-inspiring people to work hard and achieve desired results. Build commitments to a common vision, encourage activities that support goals and influence others to do their best. Ie found out female employees were stressed at work because their spouses also worked, helped workers achieve a balance. Limited travel days and had to contact days d. Controlling- measuring performance compare objectives and taking action to ensure desired results. Stay in active contact with workers, things don't always go as anticipated, plans must constantly be modified and redefined.

Argue the potential positive and negative outcomes from inter-team dynamics.

Positive Side-competition among teams can stimulate them to become more cohesive, work harder, and become more focused on key tasks, develop more internal loyalty, and achieve higher level of creativity. Negative Side-inter-team dynamics may drain and divert work energies. Members may spend too much time focusing on their conflicts with another team.

Discuss how managers can increase the predictive validity of interviews as a selection method.

Predictive validity of interviews increases the amount of structure increase. Behavioral and situational interviews are much more effective at predicting successful job performance than traditional interviews. Behavioral interviews ask people about their pasts, focusing on actions that are important for the work environment. Situational interviews ask application bout specific situations.

Distinguish quid pro quo harassment from hostile environment harassment.

Quid pro quo harassment-when some type of sexual behavior is expected as a condition of employment. Hostile environment harassment-when a working environment is offensive and unreasonably interferes with an employee's ability to work.

Differentiate the common performance appraisal biases (i.e., recency and leniency).

Recency Bias- Overemphasizes the most recent behaviors when evaluating individual performance. Leniency- The tendency to give employees a higher performance rating than they deserve.

Explain the characteristics of high-performance teams and the impact of collective intelligence on the teams' performance.

Set of members who believe in team goals and are motivated to work hard to accomplish them. "Collectively accountable" "A compelling direction toward a goal" Sense of purpose. Right mix of skills including technical, problem solving and interpersonal skills. Collective intelligence- the ability of a team to perform well across a range of tasks.

Explain the importance of an organization's socialization process to include its assumptions, stages and desired outcomes.

Strong and positive cultures don't happen by change, process that new members learn the culture of an organization. Influences what is accomplished, helps shape attitudes, reinforce beliefs, direct behavior, and establish performance expectation and the motivation to fulfill them. Sets tone for a company. Strong cultures are clear, well defined and widely shared among members. Does no happen by chance.

Distinguish substantive conflict and emotional conflict.

Substantive Conflict- Fundamental disagreement over ends or goals to be pursued and the means for their accomplishment. Emotional Conflict- Involved interpersonal difficulties that arise over feelings of anger, mistrust, dislike, fear, resentment, and the like.

Differentiate the three types of essential managerial skills and provide examples of each type of skill.

Technical skills: ability to use special proficiency or expertise to perform a particular task. Accountants and engineers are an example, knowing how to write a business plan, use statistics to analyze a business plan, use statistics to analyze a market survey, prepare visual aids. b. Human and interpersonal skills, ability to work well in cooperation with other persons, emotional intelligence. Ability to communicate, collaborate, network and engage others with a spirit of trust. They also need a high degree of self-awareness-manage ourselves and relationships effectively. Relative emotional intelligence reflected in how well you recognize, understand and manage feelings while interacting and dealing with others. Know when they are disruptive and negatively/positively influencing others. c. Conceptual and Analytical Skills-ability to think critically and analytically. Break down problems into smaller parts, see relations and recognize the implications of any one problem for the others-critical thinking. Gets more important in the higher levels of management. Problems at top level are more ambiguous and have long-term consequences.

Argue the connection between equity and the four dimensions of organizational justice. Provide an example of each dimension of organizational justice to support your response.

The justice view places an emphasis on fairness and equity, but this viewpoint raises the question of which type of justice is paramount. It I more important to ensure that everyone is treated exactly the same way or to ensure that those from different backgrounds are adequately represented in terms of the finals outcome, Justice view-belief that ethical decisions threat people impartially and fairly according to legal rules and standards. This approach evaluates the ethical aspects of any decision on the basic of whether it is "equitable" for everyone. a. Procedural-degree of which policies are applied to individuals-depends on rank b. Distributive justice-degree to which outcomes are allocated fairly among people and without respect to individual characteristics based on race, gender, age-allocating jobs and scholarships evenly c. Interactional justice-degree to which people treat one another with dignity and respect d. Commutative justice-fairness of exchanges or transactions. Things are fair if all parties enter freely, have access to relevant information. Ie why someone isn't eligible for a loan

Defend the job characteristics model as a means for enhancing work outcomes through careful job design. Be sure you understand how the psychological states link jobs to positive work outcomes.

Their job characteristics model provides a data-based approach for creating job designs with good person-job fits that maximize the potential for motivation and performance. Core Characteristics Figure 6.6 shows how the Hackman and Oldham model informs the process of job design. The higher a job scores on each of these five core characteristics, the higher its motivational potential and the more it is con- sidered to be enriched.21 • Skill variety—the degree to which a job includes a variety of different activities and involves the use of a number of different skills and talents • Task identity—the degree to which the job requires completion of a "whole" and identifiable piece of work, one that involves doing a job from beginning to end with a visible outcome • Task significance—the degree to which the job is important and involves a meaningful contribution to the organization or society in general • Autonomy—the degree to which the job gives the employee substantial freedom, independence, and discretion in scheduling the work and determin- ing the procedures used in carrying it out • Job feedback—the degree to which carrying out the work activities provides direct and clear information to the employee regarding how well the job has been done Psychological empowerment is a sense of personal fulfillment and purpose that arouses one's feelings of competency and commitment to work.

Argue the impact of flexible benefit programs, family-friendly benefits and employee assistance programs on workers' work-life balance.

These programs impact the way an employee can help with their life issues. These programs give them options, benefits, and programs to deal with stress.

Differentiate the three behavior profiles commonly exhibited by individuals when entering a new team and an appropriate team response for each behavior.

Tough Battler- Allow the member to share his or her skills and interests, then discuss about how they will help. Friendly Helper- offer support and encouragement while encouraging the new member to be more confident. Objective thinker- to engage in a discussion to clarify team goals and expectations and to clarify member roles in meeting them.

Differentiate employee training and employee development to include the importance of each for workers and the organization.

Training- Provides learning opportunities to acquire and improve job-related skills. Development- Training to improve knowledge and skills in the management process. Training is more present-day focused, focuses on current jobs. Development, on the other hand, generally focuses on future jobs in the organization.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using trait-based, behavior-based, and results-based performance appraisals.

Trait-based- Designed to measure the extent to which the employee possesses characteristics or traits that are considered important in the job. (quick and easy, but has poor reliability and validity) Behavior-based- Evaluates employees on specific actions that are important parts of the job. (More reliable, valid, more consistent, but can be influenced by recency bias) Results-Based- center on accomplishments (subject to leniency)

Differentiate the contextual causes of conflict in the workplace.

Unresolved prior conflicts-when they go unresolved, they remain latent and often emerge again in the future. Role ambiguities-people aren't sure what they're supposed to do. Resource scarcities-people have to share resources and have to compete with one another. Task inter-dependencies-people must depend on others doing things first before they can do their job. Domain ambiguities-people are unclear about how their objectives or those of their team fit with those being pursued by others. Structural differentiation-people work in parts of the organization where structures, goals, time horizons, and even staff compositions are very different.

Explain the role of managers in the upside-down pyramid view of organizations.

Upside-down model fits well with the changing mindset of managerial work today. The front-line workers are at the top of the upside down pyramids and are supported in their work by the managers below them who are supported by the top manager's executives. This model leaves no doubt that the whole organization is devoted to serving customers and it is the manager's job to support this b. Customer/clients(service) -frontline operating workers (support), team leaders and managers, top executives (support)

Argue the relationships among the acceptance of authority, the psychological contract, and the zone of indifference. Contemplate what happens to an employee's zone of indifference once his/her psychological contract with the employer has been breached.

a. Acceptance of authority- subordinates only follow of 4 circumstances met i. Can understand the directive ii. Must feel mentally and physically capable of carrying out the directive iii. The subordinate must be that the directive is not inconsistent with the purpose of the organization iv. Directive cannot be inconstant with that individuals personal values or interests b. Zone of indifference-balance between contributions and inducements i. Psychological contract-unwritten set of expectations about a person's exchange of inducements and contributions with an organization. Bad when someone feels that the organization has not delivered on their promises can create disobedience, disloyalty, high turnover, less job satisfaction ii. Zone of indifference-range of authoritative requests to which a subordinate is willing to respond without subjecting the directives to critical evaluation or judgment. Can cause unethical behavior

Explain what is meant by the terms 'adverse impact,' 'adverse treatment,' and 'protected group members.'

a. Adverse impact-a consequence of an employment practice that results in a greater rejection rate for a minority group than a majority group. Example-police departments with height requirements, favored whites. b. Adverse treatment - a protected group member gets treatment different from other employees in matter such as performance evaluations and promotions. Might be evaluated more often i. Protected group members-the people being protected.

Explain the three major tasks inherent in the human resource management process.

a. Attracting a quality workforce-human resource planning, employee recruitment, and employee selection b. Developing a quality workforce-employee orientation, training and development, and performance management c. Maintain a quality workforce-career development, work-life balance, compensation and benefits, retention and turnover, and labor-management relations d. Good person-job fits and person-organization fits

Apply attribution theory to practical situations. (Hint: Be able to distinguish fundamental attribution error from self-serving bias.)

a. Attribution is the process of explaining events. How you perceive things. Recognized self-serving bias. This happened when individuals blame personal failures or problems on external causes while attributing success to internal caused. b. Fundamental attribution error over estimates internal factors and underestimates the external factors as influences on someone's behavior. If someone's work sucks they might attribute it to laziness or lack of knowledge and try to fix the problem with extra training. Could actually be from unrealistic time requirements.

Explain the arguments / rationalizations people use to justify unethical behavior in organizations.

a. Believe the behavior is not unethical b. It is everyone best interests c. Will not be notices d. Supported by the organization

Distinguish the managerial approach of paying attention to the 'traditional bottom-line' from the managerial approach of commitment to the 'triple bottom-line.'

a. Business approaches must be ethical economically, socially and environmentally. b. Bottom line-how will the decision affect the profitability of the firm. But now we are talking more and more about stewardship in management as a commitment to the triple bottom line-concerns the 3 P's of organizational performance-profit, people and planet

Differentiate the three defenses employers can use when confronted with allegations of discrimination by adverse impact.

a. Business necessity- organizations have the right to operate in safe and efficient manners. This includes business practices necessary for the organization to survive. A major portion of business necessity involves job-relatedness factors, having the right to expect employees to perform a certain way. b. Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications-Title VII, requirements are reasonably necessary to meet the normal operation of that business or enterprise. Cannot be used for race or color, ok for sex. Religion ok when hiring a religious leader. c. Seniority systems-decisions such as promotions, pay and layoffs are made on the basis of an employee's seniority or length of service. Best argument is job relatedness, not bona fide.

Differentiate the types of strategies corporations can take to address corporate social responsibility.

a. Classical view-the only purpose of businesses is to make money. Undermine the foundations of free society b. Socioeconomic-managers must be concerned with the organizations effect on the broader social welfare and not just with corporate profits. Focuses on the triple bottom line. Can enhance long term profits, improve public image, make the organization a more attractive place to work and help avoid government regulation. c. Shared value-not merely reputational as socio-encomic. Economic and social progress is interconnected. Economic value created by pursuing social value. Virtuous circle occurs when socially responsible behavior improves financial performance, which leads to more responsible behavior in the future

Explain how constructive and destructive stress can impact workers' productivity.

a. Constructive-stress, personally energizing and enhancing. It encourages increased effort, creativity, and diligence, doesn't overwhelm the individual and have negative effects. Challenging task demands move them toward ever-higher levels of task accomplishment. b. Destructive-distress is dysfunctional. It occurs when intense of long-term stress overloads and breaks down a person's physical and mental systems. This can lead to job burnout-physical and mental exhaustion

Argue the importance of affirmative action plans for organizations. Be sure to include suggestions for recruiting minorities and women.

a. Correct past injustices, it is the practice in organizations that goes beyond discontinuance of discriminatory practices to include actively seeking, hiring and promoting minority group members and women. b. Examine the current demographics of their work force, affirmative action also implies that the organization will establish goals and timetables for correcting the imbalance and have specific plans for recruiting and retaining protected group members.

Contrast cultural relativism from moral absolutism and their connection to ethical imperialism.

a. Cultural relativism-no cultures ethics are superior. The values and practices of the local setting determine what is right or wrong. "when in Rome do as the Romans do." b. Moral absolutism-certain absolute truths apply everywhere. Universal truths apply everywhere. Universal values transcend cultures in determining what is right or wrong-"don't do anything you wouldn't do at home" c. Ethical imperialism-attempt to impose ones ethical standard on others-my way is best d. Both absolutism and imperialism lack respect for certain fundamental rights and ethical standards, which can be preserved at the same time that values and traditions of a culture are respected. Can uphold core values of human dignity, basic rights and good citizenship.

Differentiate the major federal laws requiring equal employment opportunity (i.e., Equal Pay Act, Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Pregnancy Discrimination Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Civil Rights Act of 1991, Family & Medical Leave Act, Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act).

a. Equal Pay Act-requires equal pay for men and women preforming equal work in an organization in terms of skills, responsibilities and working condition. Involves comparable worth-persons preforming job of similar importance should be paid at comparable levels. Involves independent contractors. b. Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964-prohibits discrimination in employment (hiring, promotion, compensation and termination) based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Ensure the right to gain and keep employment based on ability to do the job and performance once on the job. Everyone with 15 or more people. Incused affirmative action-set goals and have plans to ensure equal opportunities of people who are in protected groups, historically underrepresented in the workforce. Does not limit bona fide occupational occupations. c. Age Discrimination in Employment Act-prohibits discrimination against persons over 40, restricts mandatory retirement. This occurs when a qualified individual is adversely affected by a job action that replaces him or her with a younger worker. Prohibits statements in job notices or advertisements of age preference and limitations. d. Pregnancy Discrimination Act-doesn't matter if you are pregnant for getting a job, leave, health insurance, training etc e. Americans with Disabilities Act-outlaws discrimination against qualified individuals which disabilities, physical or mental impairments that substantially limit one or more major life activities, and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodation for disables employees. f. Civil Rights Act of 1991-reaffirms Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, reinstates burden of proof by employer, and allows for punitive and compensatory damages g. Family & Medical Leave Act-employees given up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave with job guarantees for childbirth, adoption or family illness in a 12 month period. Employee must have worked for an employer for12 months or 1,250 hours of work. Employers required to have 50 employees covered by this act h. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act-Allows veterans the right to return to their job in the private sector when returning from military service. Entitled to the same seniority, status and pay they would have attained during their military service. Retain insurance benefits. Cannot retaliate based on their prior service. i. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act-prohibits discrimination based on genetic info. Some people have done genetic testing to see if people are pre-dispositioned to carpal tunnel, employees with 15 or more cannot used genetic information when making-employment related decisions, including insurance coverage.

Argue the value of internal and external recruiting and realistic job previews for employers, applicants and employees.

a. External recruiting is hiring outside of your organization. Commonly found through websites, social media, job fairs etc i. Benefits: applicants with fresh perspectives, expertise and work experience ii. Disadvantages: need extra effort to get reliable information on, hiring might turn out bad because not enough info was found or info was inaccurate b. Internal requirement is hiring within an organization i. Benefits: quicker, focuses on person's performance records, loyalty and motivation known, helps lower turnover rates, retains high quality employees, ii. Disadvantages: can lower talent, might not choose the best candidate because of limited scope, valuable to bring outside expertise, viewpoints can be lost at the time when new skills, and creativity are needed.

Differentiate the 5 behavioral approaches to management by articulating what can be learned from each of these approaches. PEOPLE ARE SOCIAL AND SELF ACTUALIZING

a. Follett's organizations as communities i. Respect for the experience and knowledge of workers, warned against, warned against too much hierarchy ii. People should labor in harmony, without one party dominating another 1. Combine talents for greater good 2. Be able to resolve conflicts and communicate with each other 3. Integrate interests iii. Make every employee and owner in the business 1. Collective responsibility a. Profit sharing, gain sharing etc 2. Similar to systems thinking, managerial ethics and coporate social responsibility today b. Hawthorne studies i. Social setting and human relations 1. No relationship found between physical working conditions and output-instead it was the social setting that was set forth 2. Were given a lot of information and constantly asked their opinions-human relations meant more productivity ii. Employee attitudes, interpersonal relations, and group dynamics 1. People do not want to do actions that might displease the group 2. Groups can have a strong, positive, negative influence on productivity 3. Hawthorne effect: the tendency of persons singles out for special attention to perform as expected c. Maslow's Theory i. People have needs (major physiological or physiological deficiencies that need to be satisfied ii. Deficit principle: motivator not a motivator of behavior, people need to satisfy deprived needs iii. Progression-5 needs, levels are activated when the next-lower level is satisfied iv. A deprived need dominated individual attention and determined behavior until satisfied. v. Physiological-safety-social-esteem-self actualization vi. Ie volunteer work helps satisfy the needs of self-actualization d. McGregors Theory X,Y i. X assumes that people dislike work, lack ambition, act irresponsibly and prefer to be led ii. Y assumes that people like work, are ambitious, responsible are self-directed and like to be creative. iii. Managers can create self-fulfilling prophecies, more engaging, give their people autonomy, respond be performance with initiative and high performance e. Argyris's Theory of Adult personality i. Common problems of employee absentee are turnover, apathy, alienation, low morale ii. People who treat people positively will give them more self-actualization if you do not want passive workers, people need to define their own goals

Explain an organization's responsibility to prevent / address conditions of sexual harassment in the workplace.

a. Need to be attuned to what makes employees uncomfortable. Depends on the organization and the environment in which they work. Understand one another and respect one another's rights.

Distinguish the two levels of organizational culture and provide examples of each level for organizations.

a. Observable culture-shown in the stories, rituals, heroes and symbols that are part of the everyday life of the organization. What you hear in peoples conversations. How people dress, arrange their offices, speak and behave, seen in ceremonies, graduations b. Core culture-values that influence the beliefs, attitudes, and work practices among organizational members "Iceberg" Emphasis on performance, excellence, innovation, social responsibility, integrity, worker involvement, customer service and teamwork

Differentiate the individual behavior sets (i.e., performance behaviors, withdrawal behaviors, citizenship behaviors, dysfunctional behaviors).

a. Performance Behaviors-task performance, customer service, productivity b. Withdrawal- absenteeism, turnover, job disengagement c. Citizenship-helping, volunteering, job engagement d. Dysfunctional behaviors0anti-social behavior, intentional wrongdoing

Contrast 'person-job fit' and 'person-organization fit.

a. Person-job: the extent to which an individual's knowledge, skills and experiences and personal characteristics are consistent with the requirements of their work b. Person-organization: individual values, interests and behavior are consistent with the culture of the organization

Differentiate and provide examples of each type of factor that influences individual ethical behavior / decision making.

a. Person-moral development b. Situation-ethical intensity c. Environment-industry norms d. Organization-ethics culture

Explain the general difference between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and be able to provide examples of each category of rewards.

• The typical reward systems of organizations emphasize a mix of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic rewards are positively valued work outcomes that the individual receives directly as a result of task performance. These rewards were the foundations for Herzberg's concept of job enrichment discussed in the last chapter. He believes that people are turned on and motivated by high content jobs that are rich in intrinsic rewards. A feeling of achievement after completing a particularly challenging task with a good person-job fit is an example. You might think of it this way: Yves Chouinard, founder and CEO of Patagonia, Inc., says that "It's easy to go to work when you get paid to do what you love to do."1 • Extrinsic rewards are positively valued work outcomes that are given to an individual or a group by some other person or source in the work setting. They might include things like sincere praise for a job well done or symbolic tokens of accomplishment such as "employee-of-the-month" awards. Importantly too, anything dealing with compensation, or the pay and benefits one receives at work, is an extrinsic reward. And like all extrinsic rewards, pay and benefits have to be well managed for positive motivational impact.

Explain the difference between position power and personal power.

a. Positional-stems from formal hierarchy or authority vested in a role i. Legitimate-extent to which a manager can use the right of command to control other people ii. Reward-use extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to control other people. Ability to utilize rewards depends on the manager, not always ethical, can be used to punish iii. Coercive-manager can deny desired rewards or administer punishment to control other people iv. Process-control over methods of production and analysis. How inputs are transformed to outputs. Ex-financial experts to review investment proposals. Separate from hierarchical power because of complexities of operations v. Information-access to info and controlling it. Right to know and use info often dependent on the position of the leader. vi. Representative power- the formal right conferred by the firm to speak for and to a potentially important group. Can include investors, customers, alliance powers, and unions. b. Personal-resides in the individual and is independent of that individuals position within an organization. Personal power is important in many well managed firms i. Expert-ability to control another behavior because of the possession of knowledge experience, or judgment that the other person does not have. It is relative not absolute, it is relative ii. Rational persuasion-control others behavior because through individual efforts the person accepts the desirability of an offered goal and a reasonable way of achieving it. Explaining the desirability of expected outcomes and showing how specific action will achieve these outcomes. Relies on truest iii. Referent-ability to control behavior because of desire to identify with the power source. Obey manager because he or she wants to behave, perceive or believe as the manager does. May occur because the subordinate likes the boss enhanced when the individual taps into the moral of to the people and shows clear long term paths to a morals desirable end. Charisma and vision, followership is not what a subordinate will get for specific actions or specific levels but what the individual represents-role model iv. Coalition-control behavior indirectly because the individual owes an obligation to you as part of a larger collective interest. Negotiate trade-offs to arrive at common position. Act in accordance with desires, can extent to a network of individuals.

Differentiate the 6 modern approaches to management by articulating the focus of each of these approaches.

a. Quantities Analysis i. Systematic analysis of large databases to solve problems and make informal decisions ii. Problem encountered, systematically analyzed, approiate math models and computations are applied, optimal solution identified b. Organizations as systems i. 303 blah, blah blah ii. System-subsystem, open system c. Contingency thinking i. Match management practices with the current situation ii. Planning, controlling, diverse environmental conditions, organize strategies, lead to different performances iii. A contingency thinker would think of bureaucracy as only one way of management d. Quality management i. Continually improve products and customer needs ii. Tally defects, analyze and trace them to the source, make corrections, use statistical methods us assessment from auditors • e. Knowledge management and organizational learning i. Knowledge constantly makes itself obsolete, process of using intellectual capital for competitive advantage, use information, technology to develop, organize and share knowledge to achieve performance success ii. Learning organization continuously changes and improves using the lessons of experience iii. Evidence Based Management 1. Make decisions on hard facts and not bad studies 2. How do you form high performance teams? Use directive leadership 3. Make decisions based on the hour sources of information-practitioner expertise and judgment, evidence from the local context, critical evaluation of the best available research evidence and the perspectives of those who might be affected by the decision

Argue the pros and cons of corporate social responsibility from a stakeholder perspective.

a. Stakeholder power-capacity of the stakeholder to positively or negatively affect the operations of the organization b. Demand legitimacy-reflects the extent to which the stakeholders demand is perceived as value and to the extent which the demand comes from a party with a legitimate stake c. Issue urgency-deals with the extent to which the issues require immediate attention or action

Discuss the impact of the Wagner and Taft-Hartley Acts on labor-management relations.

• Wagner act gave employees the right to form and join unions and to engage in collective bargaining • Taft Hartley act- Amended the Wagner Act by addressing employers' concerns in terms of specifying unfair union labor practices.

Argue the potential benefits and costs for host-countries.

• benefits include larger tax bases, increased employment opportunities, technology transfers, introduction of new industries, and development of local resources • costs- include complaints that global corporations extract excessive profits, dominate the local economy, interfere with the local government, do not respect local customs and laws, fail to help domestic firms develop, hire the most talented of local personnel, and fail to transfer their most advanced technologies

Differentiate the impasse-resolution techniques.

• conciliation and mediation -Impasse resolution techniques using an impartial third party to help management and the union to resolve the conflict. • fact-finding - The technique whereby a neutral third party conducts a hearing to gather evidence and testimony from the parties regarding the differences between them. • Interest arbitration - An impasse resolution technique used to settle contract negotiation disputes

Contrast labor relations in the government and private sectors to include the impact of sunshine laws.

• in the federal sector, wages are nonnegotiable and compulsory membership in unions is prohibited. At the state, county, and local lev- els, laws must be passed to grant employees in any jurisdiction the right to unionize— and more importantly, the right to strike. Yet probably the most notable difference lies in determining "who's the boss. In private sector management is the employer but in government it is president, mayor, etc. • Sunshine Law - require parties in public-sector labor relations to make contract negotiations open to the public

Explain why employees join unions.

• union- Organization of workers, acting collectively, seeking to protect and promote their mutual interests through collective bargaining. • Reasons why they join o Higher Wages and Benefits o Greater Job Security o Influence Over Work Rules o Compulsory Membership

Explain how the perception tendencies and distortions of stereotypes, halo effects, selective perception and projection can adversely affect the workplace.

a. Stereotypes: occurs when attributes commonly associated with a group are assigned to an individual. Bad when based on gender, age, race b. Halo effects occur when one attribute is used to develop an overall impression of a person or situation. Example-first impression of meeting person can trigger positive/negative perception. Punctuality, personality, performance etc c. Selective perception: tendency to single out for attention those aspects of a situation or person that reinforce a person's existing beliefs, values or needs. Information that makes us uncomfortable is screened out and comfortable screened in. People in different departments see things from their own points of view and fail to recognize other points of view. Gathering with open mindedness is key d. Projection-assignment of personal attributes to other individuals A classic perception is to assume that other people share our needs, desires and values. People often design or assign tasks based on their ability to accomplish it and do not consider other-example, this is an easy task should only take an hour, the other person isn't smart and it takes them 3, you don't understand why. Willingness to communicate and empathize is key

Discuss the four ways applicants and employees can determine potentially discriminatory HRM practices.

a. The individual is a member of a protected group b. The individual applied for a job they were qualified for c. The individual was rejected d. The employer, after rejecting the applicant, continued to seek application with similar qualifications

Distinguish the two outcomes of job analysis and explain their significance for employers and employees.

a. The orderly study of job facets to determine what is done, when, where, how, why and by whom. i. Used to write job descriptions that describe specific job duties and responsibilities 1. This information is used to create job specifications, the list of qualifications to include education, prior experience, skills needed for the given job

Explain the importance of balanced psychological contracts in the workplace to include the role of each component in the contract.

a. What the individual expect in the employment relationship. b. Balance between individual contributions made to the organization and inducements received. Contributions are work activities such as time, effort, creativity, loyalty. c. Inducements are what the organization gives the individual in exchange for contributions. They include pay, fringe, benefits, training and opportunities for personal growth and advancement and job security.

Differentiate the reliability of selection methods from the validity of selection methods.

a. Whether the focus is on qualifications or the best person, the selection process is always a prediction exercise. This makes the reliability and validity of the selection techniques very important. Reliability means that the selection technique is consistent in how it measures something. That is, it returns the same results time after time. For example, a personality test is reliable if the same individual receives a similar score when taking the test on two separate occasions. Validity means that there is a clear relationship between what the selection device is measuring and eventual job performance. That is, there is clear evidence that once on the job, individuals with high scores on an employment test, for example, outperform individuals with low scores.

Argue the relationships between job satisfaction and the work outcomes of withdrawal behaviors, employee engagement, organizational citizenship, and job performance (to include all 3 arguments for the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance).

a. Withdrawal-occur as temporary absenteeism and job turnover. Absenteeism-workers are more satisfied with their jobs are absent less often than those who are unhappy. Turnover-satisfied workers are more likely to stay and dissatisfied workers more likely to quit. Affects corporate earnings and profits b. Engagement-a sense of belonging or connection with job and employer, being willing to help others, improve performance, feeling and speaking positively about the organization. Believe that others are committed to quality and a direct connection between their work and the company's mission. Job involvement-extent that you feel dedicated for a job Organizational commitment-degree of loyalty an individual feels towards the organization, pride in membership, strong emotional commitments based on values and interests of others c. Citizenship-willingness to go beyond the call of duty or go the extra mile. Linked to job satisfaction, does things that are not required. d. Job satisfaction/performance-making people happy is not a surefire way to improve job performance. People can perform highly without feeling satisfied with their job. Might lose productive but unhappy workers to turnover. Both influence one another. Job performance followed by rewards that are valued and perceived as fair trends to create job satisfaction. This experienced satisfaction is likely to increase motivation to work hard and achieve high performance in the future.

Explain the potential benefits of early retirement programs for workers and employers.

early retirement incentive programs. These programs give workers financial incentives to retire early. The potential benefits for employers are opportunities to lower payroll costs by reducing positions, replacing higher-wage workers with less expensive newer hires, or creating openings that can be used to hire workers with different skills and talents.

Differentiate green innovations and social innovations.

• "Green innovations support sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint of an organization or its products." • "Social innovation can be described as innovation driven by a social conscience"

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