mgt final questions

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Which of the following is not true about institutional investors? a. Institutions invest their funds by purchasing shares of stock in corporations b. The proportion of institutional ownership of stock in the US has declined slowly since the 1960s c. Pension funds and university endowments are examples of institutional investors d. Institutions accounted for 63% of the values of all equities owned by the US in 2010


In 2008 and early 2009, share values declined sharply as the global economy fell into a severe recession. This type of stock market is referred to as a: a. Bull market b. Volatile market c. Bear market d. None of the above


In the US, the right to free speech a. Is an absolute privilege to all citizens b. Is a constant threat to every business c. Must be weighted against the consequences for the community d. Depend on state law


The self-reinforcing feature of technology means that: a. Civilization develops at an uncontrollable pace b. Developing economies demand newer and larger innovations c. Technology acts as a multiplier to encourage is own faster development d. An invention in one place is localized only


The dominant feature of technology is change and then more change


The primary reason that hackers hack is to make money


Which of these statements is (are) true about the group known as Anonymous? a. They are a tightly bonded of hacktivists b. They are distinguished by masks with an over-sized smile and red cheeks c. They supported WikiLeaks and the Occupy movement d. Both B and C, but not A


Since the 1960s, growth in the numbers of institutional investors in the US has been phenomenal


Stock options represent the right to buy a company's stock at a set price for a certain period


The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), representing 34 nations, issued a revised set of principles of corporate governance to serve as a benchmark for companies and policymakers worldwide


Software piracy is a major problem in which part of the world? a. Globally b. North America only c. Asia only d. North America and Asia


The purpose of the right to be forgotten is to: a. Increase protection of privacy and personal information b. Protect property rights c. Protect intellectual property d. Prevent software privacy


Which of the following is true about corporate boards? a. Corporate boards average 12 members b. About half of the directors are "outside" directors c. Only one-third of all companies have at least one woman on their board d. About 13% of board members are PhDs


The information phase of technology primarily requires: a. Providing services b. Intellectual and electronic skills c. Manual and machine skills d. The same skills as needed in pervious phases


How has the increase in information technology affected criminal activities globally? a. Crime has remained about the same b. Crime has decreased due to better monitoring efforts c. The need for government cooperation has been reduced d. New mechanisms for stealing data, trafficking contraband, and laundering money have emerged


Restrictive governments often reduce or eliminate citizen access to the internet and social media sites in order to? a. Suppress political dissent b. Impose religious or ideological views c. Increase bandwidth for government usage d. A and B, but not C


Social investors seek to eliminate from their investment portfolios companies that: a. Pollute the environment b. Discriminate against employees c. Make dangerous products like tobacco or weapons d. All of the above


Some argue that publishing personal DNA sequencing results is unethical because: a. The results could compromise one's employment situation b. Life insurance could be denied c. The cost of health insurance could rise d. All of the above


The audit committee is required by the US law to be a. Composed entirely of outside directors b. Financially literate c. Headed by the company's CEO d. A and B, but not C


The use of robotics in the workplace has increased recently because a. The cost of robots has decreased b. Robots are more reliable than people c. New collaborative machines have been invented d. All of the above


In the US, genetically modified foods were primarily used in fast-food restaurants


The US government strictly controls the use of GPS and similar tracking devices at the federal level


The gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not is called the digital divide


The ratio of average executive to average worker pay tends to increase during recessions and fall during periods of economic expansion


the activism of institutional shareholders has often worsened company performance


Businesses and governments often clash over who should have access to personal data found on devices such as smartphones and automobile black boxes


Consumers being able to check physical store inventory on their mobile phones is an example of how businesses can use the concept of omnichannel


In 2014, the country with the highest percentage of unlicensed software users was Venezuela


One key role of the Chief Information Officer is to clearly define the value of information and how to protect it against treats


The collection of large amounts of consumer data by businesses creates ethical issues of privacy and security


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