MGT Test 2 CH 7-12
Team failure is often cause by poor design at creation. Ginnett, one of the authors of our text, has identified variables that are essential for team success. These variables are_________. (Select all that apply)
-Is the task understood? -Are the membership and resources appropriate for the task -are the norms appropriate to allow success?
Although the behaviors comprising task-oriented and people-oriented leadership dimensions were similar across the Michigan and Ohio Studies there was a fundamental difference in the assumptions generated by the two programs. In what major way did the two studies differ?
-Researchers at Michigan believed that leaders could not be either employee-center or job-centered but not both -Researchers at Ohio believed that initiating structure and consideration were independent of one another and leaders could be high in both
Match the leadership environment from the Leadership Grid on the left with the correct description on the right. 1) Middle-of-the-road management 2)Impoverished management 3)Country Club management 4)Team management 5)Authority-Compliance management
1)Adequate organization performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get work out while maintaining morale 2)Exertion of minimum to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization management 3)Thoughtful attention to the need of people for satisfying relationships leads to comfortable, friendly organizations 4)Work accomplishment is from committed people; interdependence through a common stake in the organization's purpose leads 5)Efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum
Match the Community Leadership Competency on the left with its definition. 1)Framing 2)Social Capital 3)Mobilization
1)Helping a group or community recognize and define its opportunities and issues in ways that result in effective action 2)The power of relationships between individuals 3)Strategic
Identify the correct order of A decision making process.
1)Identify the problem 2)Analyze the cause 3)Develop alternative solutions 4)Select the best solution 5)Implement the solution 6)Assess the impact of the solution
Place the items of an effective communication in the proper order
1)Intention 2)Expression 3)Reception 4)Interpretation 5)Feedback 6)New Intentions
Match the stage of group development with the activity that characterizes it. 1)Intragroup conflict, heightened emotional levels, and status differentiation 2)Functional, interdependent roles that are focused on the performance of group tasks 3)Clear emergence of a leader and the development of group rules and procedures and cohesiveness 4)Reassignment of team or assignment of new project 5)Polite conversation, the gathering of superficial information about fellow members and low trust
1)Storming 2)Performing 3)Norming 4)Adjourning 5)Forming
Which of the following statements about 360-degree feedback is most likely true?
360-degree feedback should be built around a competency model
Which of the following would be an example of a non-contingent reward?(Choose all that apply)
A monthly salary check; Paid vacation
The basic concepts of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory: (select all that apply)
A satisfied need no longer motivates; only unsatisfied needs motivate; Lower order needs must be satisfied before higher order needs motivate
Which statement about empowerment and the operant approach is most likely true?
By changing a particular situation, leaders can enhance followers' motivation, performance, and satisfaction
Which of the following leadership dimensions were identified by the Ohio State Studies?
Consideration and initiating structure
All of the following are sources for 360-degree feedback except _____________.
What is the most important step in conducting a meeting?
Determine if it is necessary
In the context of team and organizational effectiveness, the ________________ refers to people systematically overestimating their own performance in areas where they lack competence and readily dismissing any information to the contrary.
Dunning-Kruger Effect
Which of the following statements about job satisfaction is true?
Employees tend to stay in companies that encourage collegial relationships
According to Locke and Latham, the most powerful determinants of task behaviors are _____________ .
Leaders who have little faith in their followers' ability to accomplish a goal are rarely disappointed. This refers to the ______________; but the______________ occurs when leaders articulate high expectations for followers.
Golem effect; Pygmalion effect
In the context of employee turnover, identify a true statement about functional turnover.
It occurs when followers retire or leave because they do not fit into an organization
In the context of job satisfaction, which of the following is true of role conflict?
It occurs when leaders and followers are given incompatible goals to accomplish
In the context of job satisfaction, which of the following best defines the term "employee engagement"?
It pertains to followers' attitudes about the organization and their work activities
Goal emphasis and work facilitation relate to which of the following leadership behavior dimensions?
According to the authors of the text, what are the key components that define empowerment?
Leaders delegate leadership and decision making down to the lowest level possible and equip followers with the resources, knowledge, and skills necessary to make good decisions.
__________concerns those behaviors directed toward the organization's goals resulting from those behaviors; where as, _____________ involves making judgments about the adequacy of behavior with respect to certain criteria such as work-group or organizational goals.
Performance; effectiveness
_____ is defined as the process by which we perceive and respond to situations that challenge or threaten us.
In the context of the nature of groups, _____ are the informal rules groups adopt to regulate and regularize group members' behaviors.
Task Roles
In comparing teams and group members, which of the following is true?
Team members can readily identify who is/is not on the team; identifying members of a group may be more difficult
Gersick's theory of group development (punctuated equilibrium) includes which of the following concepts? (select all that apply)
The first half of a teams life is spent on trying different ideas and strategies; After initial failure the team stops to evaluate what has happened and revises the strategy to complete their work
According to the concept of ________________ an individual's tendency to exert effort toward task accomplishment depends partly on the strength of his or her motivation to achieve success.
achievement orientation
An individual's tendency to exert effort toward task accomplishment depends partly on the strength of his or her motivation to achieve success. This concept is called________ .
achievement orientation
is best described as avoiding interpersonal conflict entirely either by giving up and giving in or by expressing one's needs in an apologetic, self-effacing way? is an effort to attain objectives by attacking or hurting other Individuals are able to stand up for their own rights, or their group's rights, in a way that also recognizes the concurrent right of others to do the same.
acquiescence, aggression, assertiveness
Motivation is _______________________
anything that provides direction, intensity and persistence to behavior
Which of the following would most likely result in consistently higher effort and performance?
assigning goals that are both specific and difficult
According to Daniel Pink, the three fundamental needs that drive employees who create new products or services or perform complex, non-routine work are _________________.
autonomy, mastery, and meaning
In the context of group size, which of the following defines subgroups of individuals who often share the same goals, values, and expectations?
____________ is the degree to which someone tells others something and ensures that they understand what was said.
communication effectiveness
When choosing an appropriate context and medium, oral communication is ideal when
communication needs to be two-way
Which of the following factors causes an employee to leave an organization?
The Leadership Grid profiles leader behavior on two dimensions, which are
concern for people and concern for production
Which of the following terms refers to how friendly and supportive a leader is toward subordinates?
In general, researchers have reported that subordinates are more satisfied when leaders _______ .
demonstrated a high level of consideration
Research studies have identified Authority Compliance Management 9,1; Country Club Management 1,9; and Team Management 9,9 as being effective strategies. The most effective leadership style _______
depends on the criteria used to judge effectiveness
In the context of organizational justice, which of the following is concerned with followers' perceptions of whether the level of reward or punishment is commensurate with an individual's performance or infraction?
distributive justice
In the context of group roles, which of the following is an example of a dysfunctional role?
Force field analysis uses a graphic approach to depict the opposing forces that tend to perpetuate a present state of affairs. According to the concept in order for change to be properly implemented
driving forces must be more powerful than restraining forces
Which of the following is a possible solution for groupthink?
establishing an independent subgroup to make recommendations
In the context of job satisfaction surveys, _____ assess the degree to which employees are satisfied with different aspects of work, such as pay, benefits, promotion policies, working hours and conditions, and the like.
facet satisfaction items
In the context of a job satisfaction survey, which of the following assesses the overall degree to which employees are satisfied with their organization and their job?
global satisfaction item
Behaviors that are concerned with motivating subordinates to accomplish the task at hand are called _____ behaviors.
goal emphasis
The sum of forces that attract members to a group, provide resistance to leaving it and motivate them to be active in it is called __________.
group cohesion
Which term refers to interactions among team members, such as how they communicate with each other, express feelings toward each other, and deal with conflict with each other?
group dynamics
Which of the following is the major theme or characteristic of the operant approach?
hanging rewards and punishments to change behavior
According to the seven theories of satisfaction, which of the following theories or approaches focuses on giving employees work that they find meaningful?
herzberg's two-factor theory
In the context of understanding follower satisfaction, the tendency for people with longer tenure or in higher positions to have higher global and facet satisfaction ratings than those newer to or lower in the organization is known as the
hierarchy effect
Job satisfaction is _______________
how much one likes a specific kind of job
Which of the following is seen as the biggest obstacle to improving employee engagement in an organization?
incompetent management
Which of the following terms refers to how much a leader emphasizes meeting work goals and accomplishing tasks?
initiating structure
Which of the following reflects the degree to which people are given information about different reward procedures and are treated with dignity and respect?
interactional justice
Building social capital
is the leadership competency of developing and maintaining relationships that allow people to work together.
Which of the following statements is most likely true about defensiveness?
it occurs when someone feels threatened
Which of the following most likely makes up the evaluative component of listening skills?
knowing how well one can paraphrase a sender's message
The _______ component of assertiveness skills concerns knowing where and when not to behave assertively.
Leaders high in initiating structure will most likely engage in:
monitoring subordinates' performance levels
The ____ ________experience one has with a task, the ____________ difficult it becomes.
more, less
Which of the following is a good way to generate ideas pertinent to a problem and is similar to brainstorming?
nominal group technique (NGT)
In the context of group cohesion, which of the following occurs when illegal actions are taken by overly zealous and loyal subordinates who believe that what they are doing will please their leaders?
In the context of job satisfaction, the notion of being at work while one's brain is not fully engaged is referred to as
In the context of organizational justice, perceptions of _____ involve the process by which rewards or punishments are administered.
procedural justice
The inefficiencies created by more and more people working together is called _____.
process losses
What is the main reason for people staying with organizations?
promises of long-term employment
What is the least likely way that a leader could improve team effectiveness?
putting subtle pressure on dissenting members of the team to ensure concept cohesiveness
In a systems view of communication, identify the immediate next step after "expression."
At the organizational level, the Team Leadership Model (TLM) suggests that leaders examine the _____ that may be impacting their team.
reward systems
In the context of job satisfaction, which of the following occurs when leaders or followers are unclear about what they need to do and how they should do it?
role ambiguity
The phenomenon of reduced effort by people when they are not individually accountable for their work is referred to as___________; whereas, _______________refers to any time people increase their level of work due to the presence of others.
social loafing; social facilitation
The best way to build relationships with followers is ____________ .
spend time listening to what they have to say
According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following is a hygiene factor?
In the context of job satisfaction, which of the following methods are most commonly used to assess followers' engagement levels?
Which of the following is one of the motivators described in Herzberg's two-factor theory?
the work itself
In the context of the seven theories of job satisfaction, which of the following is the underlying principle of the theory of organizational justice?
treating people fairly
According to the A-B-C model, which of the following is the correct sequence of events that takes place in stress management?
triggering event, your self-talk, feelings and behaviors
Which of the following is not a way leaders can use improve communication skills?
using constructive sarcasm