MHR 300 Quizzes

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Which term describes a wide range of feelings that individuals experience, including both emotions and moods.


People who experience emotions more strongly, both positive and negative, are said to have ________.

Affect intensity

Which term describes when people experience the same emotions with diverse strengths?

Affect intensity

Which component of attitude reflects the feeling segment?


Which of the following suggests that workplace events cause emotional reactions on the part of employees, which then influence workplace attitudes and behaviors?

Affective events theory

Which of these argues that people respond emotionally to things that happen to them at work, and this response influences their work performance and satisfaction?

Affective events theory

Stating "I'm upset that my boss is unfair", reflects the _________ component of attitude; saying you're going to seek another job demonstrates the __________ component?

Affective, behavioral

Which of the following is not one of the most powerful moderators of the attitude-behavior relationship

An individuals indirect experience with the attitude

What percent of workers reported being satisfied with their jobs in 2017?

Approximately 51%

Which of the following is an evaluative statement regarding objects, people, or events?


Which of the following best describes research assumptions in regard to behavior?

Attitudes predict future behavior

Evidence-based management​ (EBM) bases managerial decisions on the​ ________.

Best available scientific evidence

Job satisfaction is best defined as an:

Broad evaluation describing a positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics

Which component of attitude reflects a belief in the way things are?


Meagan had been working towards and promotion, but another colleague received it instead. Afterwards, Meagan decided she had not really wanted the promotion after all. What does this best illustrate?

Cognitive dissonance

Which of the following describes the incompatibility experience by Amy between her behavior and the attitude she holds toward drinking and smoking?

Cognitive dissonance

Typically, researchers assume attitudes have three components:____________

Cognitive, affective, behavioral

What is a drawback of using intuition to solve managerial problems?

Common sense can lead to erroneous predictions

According to​ research, after traditional management​ activities, the​ "average" manager spent the most time on which of the following​ activities?


Which term describes individuals who trust in their internal worth and basic competence?

Core self-evaluation

Which of the following describes an organization's self regulated activities to help society or the environment to help society or the environment beyond what is required by law?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Organizations do not use __________ to capitalize in diversity

Cost-cutting policies

Which of the following would least likely influence moods and emotions?

Country of origin

Which statement about the relationship between age and different aspects of the job is most likely false?

Creativity lessens as people age

Which of the following is true about religion and the workplace?

Faith can be an employment issue whether religious beliefs prohibit or encourage certain behaviors

When you show actual emotions in a given situation, you are expressing _________.

Felt emotions

According to several studies, which of the following is TRUE in regard to the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance?

Happy workers are more likely to be productive workers

Whereas​ ________ measures how much​ employees' perceived efforts in the workplace contribute to their​ self-worth, ________ refers to how much employees feel their organization values their work contributions.

Job involvement, perceived organizational support

Which term refers to a positive sentiment about a job, resulting from an assessment of its characteristics?

Job satisfaction

Emotional intelligence (EI) is ______________.

Linked to job performance

The ________ response means passively but positively waiting for conditions to improve, including speaking up for the firm in the face of outside disparagement.


Which statement about the sexual orientation and gender identity is true

Many LGBTQ+ employees do not disclose their status

Jokes and negative stereotypes describe which of the following form of discrimination?

Mockery and insults

Sympathy for the suffering of others is an example of which of these?

Moral emotions

According to surveys, what percent of fortune 500 firms have policies that cover sexual orientation?

More than 90 percent

Which term refers to a mood dimension comprising of nervousness, stress, and anxiety at the high end.

Negative effect

The _______ response inactively allows conditions to worsen and includes chronic absenteeism or lateness, and increased error rate.


According to research, which of the following best summarizes male-female differences in the areas of problem-solving ability, analytical skills or learning ability?

No consistent differences exist between men and women

Which of the following is false about demographic characteristics of the US workforce?

The earnings gap between whites and other racial and ethnic groups has increased significantly

Big data refers to:

The extensive use of statistical compilation and analysis

Which of the following is an important predictor of job satisfaction?

The intrinsic nature of work itself

According to research, people are typically less satisfied with which facet of their jobs?

Their promotion opportunity

Which of the following is true about the relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction?

They mutually influence eachother

What is one primary reason that job satisfaction leads to organizational citizenship behavior?


Which characteristic represents deep-level diversity


Which response includes actively and beneficially attempting to improve conditions?


Which response to dissatisfaction best characterizes unions that use grievance procedures to improve working conditions?


According to the world happiness report, which country has the highest average level of employee job satisfaction?

The Netherlands

What is the most widely used intelligence test in hiring decisions?

The Wonderlic Ability Test

Which of the following are two types of diversity to consider in the workplace?

Surface-level and deep-level

Which of the following is affective events theory's message?

1st: emotions provide valuable insights into how workplace events influence employee performance and satisfaction 2nd: employees and managers​ shouldn't ignore emotions or the events that cause​ them, even when they appear​ minor, because they accumulate

What percentage of the growth in the labor force from 2006 to 2016 came from workers over age 54?


Demographics mostly effect:

Surface-level diversity

Which of the following most likely makes people more aware of and sensitive to the needs and differences of others?

Diversity management

Which of the following is NOT a dimension that makes up intellectual abilities?

Dynamic flexibility

Which of the following refers to intense, short-lived feeling experiences.


Which term describes when people project one emotion while actually feeling another?

Emotional dissonance

Susan encounters emotional dissonance practically every day at work. This most likely leads to _________ for Susan.

Emotional exhaustion

Which of the following describes an employee's expression of organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions in the workplace.

Emotional exhaustion

Which term describes a person's ability to observe emotions in the self and others, realize the meaning of these emotions, and adjust his or her emotions accordingly?

Emotional intelligence

Which statement about emotional intelligence is most likely true?

Emotional intelligence is wildly popular among consulting firms and in the popular press

When an organization prefers for employees to express certain types of emotions at work, this is called _________.

Emotional labor

As a manager, why should Sebastian be concerned with employee emotions at work?

Emotional reactions to events influence job satisfaction and job performance

_______ are specific, intense feelings a person has about a particular person or situation; _________ are more general feelings that happen without a particular event or person provoking them.

Emotions, moods

Which of the following is least likely a potential influence on moods and emotions?


Affective events theory suggests ______________________________.

Events at work cause employees to react emotionally, which influences job satisfaction

Which of the following argues that managers should become more scientific in how they think about management​ problems?

Evidence-based management

Which response leads to behavior toward leaving the organization?


________ is measured by looking at individual terminations and collective turnover, whereas __________ is measured by chronic absenteeism, reduced effort, and more errors on the job.

Exit, neglect

What is said to be occurring when Amy associates two events when they don't have any connection.

Illusory correlation

When people associate two events that in reality have no connection, it describes _________.

Illusory correlation

What are 3 determinants of behavior in organizations?

Individuals, groups, and structure

Which term describes the abilities needed to perform mental activities?

Intellectual abilities

Generally, which of these satisfy most employees?

Interesting jobs - jobs that provide training, variety, independence, and control satisfy most employees

Jerome, a​ 25-year veteran at ABC​ Manufacturing, has started to subtly but continually bully the two new​ African-American hires at his firm. Which of the following describes​ Jerome's behavior?


Your manager tells​ you, "You just have to go with your gut​ feeling." She is suggesting that you should make decisions based on which of the​ following?


Evidence suggests job satisfaction __________ with organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).

Is moderately coordinated

Which of the following best describes the impact of demographic diversity on team performance?

It does not help or hurt team performance

Which of the following measures the degree to which individuals relate psychologically with their jobs and consider their supposed performance levels important to self worth?

Job involvement

Which of the following is a field of study that investigates the impact of​ individuals, groups, and structure on behavior within​ organizations?

Organizational behavior

Which of these include people talking positively about their organizations, helping others, and going beyond the normal expectations of their jobs?

Organizational citizenship behavior

Jorge feels strongly about his employer, ABC manufacturing, and identifies with the company's ideas, values, and goals. Which of the following best describes Jorge's attitude?

Organizational commitment

Our own important attitudes reflect all except which of the following?

Our ideas of future behavior

Many believe that the next generation of employees will be seeking out employers that value the triple bottom line:_________.

People, planet, revenue

People who believe in their inner worth and basic competence are said to have ________.

Positive core self-evaluation (CSEs)

What is the relationship between the satisfaction of employees who have regular customer contact in service organizations to customer satisfaction?

Positive correllation

A mood dimension consisting of emotions such as excitement and euphoria at the high end, and dullness and depression at the low end is known as ________.

Positive effect

Which of the following describes the degree to which people in a country accept that power in institutions and organizations is distributed unequally?

Power distance

_______ involves observing​ relationships, attempting to assign causes and​ effects, and establishing conclusions on scientific evidence.

Systematic study

Which term describes employees' beliefs in the degree to which they impact their work environments, their capabilities, the significance of their jobs, and their perceived autonomy?

Psychological empowerment

Which term defines the heritage people use to identify themselves?


What are two of the most powerful moderators of the attitudes and behavior relationship?

Social pressure and direct experience

According to the world happiness report, which country has the lowest job satisfaction level?

South Korea

Which type of physical strength is effective in exerting force against external objects?

Static strength

Which of the following describes the degree to which we are concerned with how others perceive us in regard to negative perceptions

Stereotype threat

When we judge someone on the basis of our perception of the group to which that person belongs, we engage in:


Incorporating OB principles into the workplace can yield which of these organizational outcomes?

Superior financial performance

Hiding your inner feeling and emotional expressions in response to display rules is called __________.

Surface acting

There is research that shows that ________ have greater interest in working in companies that make extra efforts to highlight a commitment to diversity in their recruiting materials.

Women and minorities

Which of the following is accurate about work events and triggers?

Work events trigger only negative emotional reactions that employees respond to with greater or lesser intensity

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