Micro-270 Ch 19 Concepts

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Which Bacillus species is a common contaminant in dust and air?

B. cereus

Which two Bacillus species are of primary medical importance?

B. cereus B. anthracis

Species in the genus are common sources of antibiotics.


The genus includes mostly saprobic, aerobic, gram-positive, spore-forming rods.


Which are involved in anthrax infection of the lungs?

Inhaled spores germinate Bacilli secrete exotoxins

How does Clostridium tetani cause spastic paralysis of the muscles?

It releases a neurotoxin that blocks the inhibition of muscle contraction.

Which genus does not form endospores?


What conditions favor germination of C. tetani spores?

Poor blood supply to tissue Necrotic tissue

Clostridial diseases are often caused by ______.

release of exotoxins

Spores of Bacillus cereus survive cooking and germinate to release enterotoxins when food is stored at temperature.


Anthrax is a known zoonotic disease of which of the following?

sheep cattle goats

Bacillus anthracis undergoes vegetative growth and sporulation in the .


Clostridial infections require damaged or dead tissue as well as environments.


Bacillus spores can be dispersed as dust on the bodies of and plants.


Which of the following is NOT a species of Clostridium responsible for human disease?


The species Bacillus and Bacillus are of primary medical importance.

anthracis cereus

The ingestion of B. anthracis spores in contaminated meat leads to anthrax.


Which bacterium causes tetanus?


Tetanus is also known as _______ because it causes uncontrolled contraction of the muscles in the face.


The alternate name for tetanus is .


Which species are responsible for the majority of clostridial tissue and wound infections?

C. perfringens C. septicum C. novyi

Which of the following is not used to subdivide gram-positive bacilli into three general groups?

Cell morphology

The causative agent for tetanus is .

Clostridium tetani

Which bacterium causes tetanus?

Clostridium tetani

The two major categories of Clostridial disease are food from ingesting toxins and wound/tissue .

-intoxications or intoxication -infections or infection

Put the following in order to describe the steps involved in pulmonary anthrax infection. with the first step at the top.

1. Inhalation of spores into lungs. 2. Germination of spores into vegetative cells. 3. Secretion of exotoxins into circulation. 4. Phagocytosis of extoxins by marcophages. 5. Release of chemical mediators/macrophage

Which are reasons hyperbaric oxygen chambers are used in gas gangrene treatment?

Oxygen inhibits anaerobic infections such as clostridial infections Oxygen promotes healing of diseased tissues

Endospores have which of the following characteristics?

Pathogenic Resistance to radiation Resistance to heat and drying Resistance to chemicals

Which treatments are used to treat gas gangrene?

Surgical debridement of damaged tissue Antibiotic therapy Hyperbaric oxygen therapy Amputation

The causative agent of anthrax is .

Bacillus, B., or B anthracis

True or false: Clostridial infections are usually communicable.


Most cases of tetanus in the US occur in ______.

IV drug users Elderly persons

is a potent neurotoxin that binds to target sites on spinal neurons that are responsible for inhibiting skeletal muscle contraction.


is a neuromuscular disease that results in the uncontrolled contraction of skeletal muscles.


The ingestion of B. cereus toxin in foods leads to what symptoms?

Vomiting Abdominal cramps Diarrhea

Which of the following are pathogens belonging to the genus Clostridium?

botulinum difficile perfringens

All of the following are symptoms of gas gangrene except ______.

bullous lesions

Most cases of tetanus enter the body through _____.

burns umbilical stumps accidental puncture wounds crushed body parts frostbite

Which of the following would not be a symptom of ingesting food containing toxin from Bacillus cereus?

cardiovascular shock

Which of the following describe the characteristics of Clostridium?

catalase-negative rods gram-positive

Anthrax has been known as a zoonotic disease of ______ for centuries.


Bacillus is a common airborne and dust-borne contaminant.


Which is the most common and the least deadly form of anthrax?


Surgically removing diseased tissue as prevention for gangrene is known as ______.


The surgical removal of diseased tissue is called .


Antibiotic treatment for anthrax ______ decrease the effects of the toxin.

does not

The majority of tetanus cases in the United States occur in IV drug users and people.

elderly or geriatric

A(n) formed in a vegetative cell has extreme resistance to heat, drying, radiation and chemicals.


A(n) is a dense survival unit that develops in a vegetative cell in response to nutrient deprivation.


Clostridial diseases are often caused by the release of potent .


Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, antibiotics, surgical debridement, and amputation are all treatments for _______.


Clostridial exotoxins are among the ______ poisonous substances on earth.


Clostridial exotoxins are some of the potent poisons on earth.


Cutaneous anthrax is the ______ and the ______ of the forms of anthrax.

most common least serious

Most endospore-forming bacteria are also ______.

motile rod-shaped gram-positive

Which of the following characteristics can be used to differentiate between the genera Bacillus and Clostridium?

oxygen preference

Which of the following characteristics can differentiate between the genera Bacillus and Clostridium?

oxygen requirements presence of catalase

The majority of clostridial soft tissue and wound infections are caused by three species: C. , C. , and C. .

perfringens novyi septicum

The type of anthrax infection depends on the pathogen's of .

portal entry

The type of anthrax infection depends on the pathogen's of .

portal entry

Most endospore-forming bacteria are also Gram- and -shaped.

positive rod or bacillus

Members of the genus Clostridium are gram- .

positive rods

Members of the genus Clostridium are gram- .

positive rods or bacilli

What is used to subdivide the gram-positive bacilli into three general groups?

presence of endospores acid-fast staining properties

The inhalation of airborne spores from animal products or contaminated soil results in anthrax.

pulmonary, inhalation, or pneumonic

Cutaneous anthrax results when Bacillus anthracis enters the body through the .


A neuromuscular disease that results in uncontrolled contraction of skeletal muscles is _____.


Most cases of , a disease characterized by uncontrolled muscle contraction, are due to entrance of endospores through broken, damaged or infected skin.


The type of anthrax infection depends on:

the pathogen's portal of entry

Which of the following is not a characteristic of endospores?

Active metabolism

Which of the following are characteristic of the genus Bacillus?

Aerobic Source of antibiotics Endospore-forming Saprobic

What factors are required for clostridial infection?

Damaged tissue Anaerobic conditions

Which is correct about anthrax toxemia?

Drug therapy does not decrease the effects of anthrax toxemia.

The spores of Bacillus species are dispersed through which means?

Dust onto plants and animals Dust into water

Which of the following is the most effective prevention for clostridial wound infections?

Rigorous wound cleansing

Where in the human body are the spores of C. perfringens typically found?

Skin Vagina Intestine

Which are means used to prevent anthrax?

Sterilization of imported animal products Animal vaccination

Which can lead to B. cereus toxin-containing food?

Storage at room temperature

Why are hyperbaric oxygen chambers an effective means of treating gas gangrene?

The pathogen is anaerobic.

How are clostridial infections acquired?

They are acquired through contamination of injured skin

How do B. anthracis endospores enter the body in gastrointestinal anthrax?

Through ingestion

How do B. anthracis endospores enter the body in pulmonary anthrax?

Through inhalation

How do B. anthracis endospores enter the body in cutaneous anthrax?

Through skin abrasions

is a necrotic condition associated with the release of gas.

-Gas or Anaerobic -Gangrene or Cellulitis

Which of the following is a zoonotic disease caused by Bacillus anthracis which has different manifestations of human disease depending on the portal of entry?


is a zoonotic disease caused by Bacillus anthracis with differing human disease manifestations based on the portal of entry.


Species in the genus Bacillus are common sources of which of the following?


Which genus contains the causative agent of anthrax?


Most endospore-forming bacteria are members of which two genera?

Bacillus Clostridium

Which of the following are signs and symptoms of cutaneous anthrax?

Eschar Production of a papule

Which of the following represent the two major categories of clostridial disease?

Food intoxications Wound/tissue infections

Which of the following is the primary sign/symptom seen in cutaneous anthrax?

Formation of eschar

Which of the following conditions involves tissue necrosis and gas production?

Gas gangrene

Which are general symptoms seen in gas gangrene?

Gas production by bacteria Necrosis of tissue

Which is not a control method for preventing anthrax?

Giving the vaccine Biothrax to all persons

Which of the following are effective means of preventing clostridial wound infections?

Immediate and rigorous cleansing of wounds Surgical repair of compound fractures Debridement of diseased tissue

Where does Bacillus anthracis undergo vegetative growth and sporulation?

In soil

Where are the spores of C. perfringens typically found?

In the soil In human intestine and vagina On human skin

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