B CELLS Binding identify the one that doesn't belong
( Killing by performing and grandson) The ones that belong; .Activate complement .Immune complex clumps .Neutralize toxins or viruses . Production of molecule antibodies
All of the following are considered requirements of a good vector except
(Easily infected)+++++++ Exist In high numbers Have Frequent contact with humans Outlive the Pathogen
Endotoxins what's in it
.Gram negative bacteria .Associated with bacterial death .immunogenic .Can not be neutralized by antitoxin .Has A large LD 50 Part of cell wall Can not be. Neutralized by antitoxin
Exotoxins what's in it
.Mostly gram-positive bacteria .Associated with bacteria growth .Non-immunogenic .Neutralized by anti-tocsin .Has a low LD 50 Proteins. Produced inside, released during bacteria growth/division
Preferred portal of entry
1. Mucous membranes / Respiratory tract, gastrointestinal, genitourinary 2. Skin/ Normally imprentable It's rare for microbe to access skin 3. Parental= Direct deposit into bodies cavities or wounds broken skin
Effective vector criteria
1. Must have frequent contact with humans 2. Must exist in sufficient number 3. Must have lifespan longer then extrinsic incubation period
Vector effective criteria
1. Must have frequent contact with humans 2.Must exist in sufficient number 3. Must have lifespan longer than extrinsic incubation period
inflammation steps
1. Vasodilation - widens the area, opening up the blood vessel, increases blood flow to the area, send more soldiers to fight. Makes the area look red, warm, this stage does not last too long. 2. Swelling - Better permeability happens in the cells allowing the WBC's to go into the tissue to fight the infection, increased vascular permeability - swelling increased fluids to the area. 3. Form a blood clot around the area - which contains the infection in the area decreasing circulation - keeps the WBC's in place to fight. Inflammation is the bodies attempt at Containing damage and is characterized by redness swelling of the pain upon injury chemicals histamine are released from damage cells increase cellular traffic to the site. Among us I was recruited are the phagocytosis Which involves chemotaxis I hope
Viruses are considered non-living because
1.cannot reproduce Independently 2. They do not eat or excrete 3. Non-celllular
If 30 % of an organism steam and then is thrived then
30% is adenine .Char graph rules (((((a= t and c= g))))
Codon composed
A codon is composed of 3 nucleotides codes for a single amino acid
evolutionary arms race
A cyclical nature to adaption with each change putting pressure on another to adapt
endemic disease
A low level of disease that is always present and anticipated
A measure of sickness
prevelence of disease
A total number( Old in new cases of a disease within a year)
Ability to resist infection/disease
Abnormal function Confirmed by health professional
Abnormal function in host cells, tissue, organs
Active participant in life cycle ( arthropod) and pathogen density
Opportunistic Infections are able to cause damage under what type of condition
Age, extreme stress, coinfention, immunocompromized status
Antibody binding results
Agglutination; clustering Opsonization; increased phagocytosis Activation of complement Antibody dependent cell meditated cytoxcuty Antibody acts as a receptor enabling attacking cells to recognize and kill target Neutralization ; Rendering a pathogen or toxin harmless
frameshift mutation
Alter the frame reading meaning every subsequent amino acid will be incorrect, resulting in insertion or deletion that will alter frame reading
Dominant traits
Always capitalized, expresses phenotypically
Missense Mutation effect
An alternate amino acid is included
humoral response
Antibodys meditated immune system ( Extracellular fluid)
Active immunity
Aquired when a person is vaccinated against the pathogen prior to exposure
Host defenses
Avoid phagocytosis; Inhibit adherence, Kill phagocyte , Escape, Prevent lysome fusion . Prevent compliment; Disrupt activation, Evade effectors, block cascade .Destroy the antibodies .Suppress activity of cytokines ;Disrupt warning signal .Reproduce with an immune cells; lytic cycle decreases density of immune cells .superantigens; Toxins distract adapted immune system, results in exaggerated response
Innate immunity
Body's defense is that protect against any pathogen
Cause plant disease No capsid coat But cause hepatitis Can be transmitted blood and serum
Celllular components of the pathogen that can be recognized
Fever goal
Change the environment beyond the microbes maximum growing temperature
Attenuated viruses examples
Cheaper Minuscule ( but possible ) chance of reversion
Chemical messenger
Formite examples
Classroom floor Inanimate objects (Door knob)
Phagocytosis goal
Clear the pathogen
Species strains new
Climate, ecology,Geology,mutation, infection, gene flow,competition
Antibodies specificity
Comes from what portion of their structure anatomy = epitopes
The innermost portion of a virus is composed of
Viruses in all of them
DNA or RNA and a protein shell
Which of these are found in all viruses
DNA or RNA and a protein shell
DNA to RNA both involve nucleotides; expresses uracil in place of thymine
Which of the following definitions involved in the process of inflammation is incorrect
Diapedessiw" Dilation of blood vessels
Direct example == You high five a buddy after game I'll pick up basketball, little did you know he hadn't washed up since wiping away his nasal secretions, Which contain rehinovirus ( the cold) This type of transmission is
Direct This is because You had direct contact
Enhanced engulfment
Granzyme role
Enzyme that Cleves caspase and triggers apoptosis
Lysozyme role
Enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates within the cell wall inducing lysis
Etier DNA OR RNA not both Protein Envelope Depend on host cells to infect Also No origin know
HLA I Molecules All of the following are true except
Except ; Recognized by CD for T cells .True; involved in tolerance .True; present Endofenous antigens .True percent on all cells in body
Persistent infections are not contagious
Immunogenicity properties
Foreigness . Molecule size .Complexity .Ability to be processed and presented
Endotoxins vs exotoxins
From gram-positive bacteria = exotoxins Has low LD~50 = exotoxins Part of the cell wall = endotoxins
direct transmission
From one host to another Example high five
herd immunity
General ressistance to pathogen based upon prevalence of acquired immunity in the population ; If you vaccinate a large percent of the population, the few who were unvaccinated will be protected by association and unlikely to get the . = heard immunity
Genetic composition of a trait Tt or TT or tt Depicts Both parent contribution
Viruses are classified by all the following ways of
Genetic material, captain structure, presence or lack of envelope
Mediated vs humoral
Has memory; both .Ivolves B cells; Humoral response .Targets intracellular pathogens; so meditate a response
Capsals exhibit all of the following shapes of
Helical and polyhedral and complex
Helper T cells . Antibodies
antibody the organism that produces it is
Host that have no symptoms but can transmit the pathogen
Inanimate objects or vectors Example: toilet, table
Infectious RNA, no capsid
Infectious proteins
vehicle transmission
Injection of contaminated substances/food/water/soil Example Drinking water from hike from a contaminated lake
Passive immunity
Involve cells produce buy another host who has been previously exposed
humoral immunity
Involves B cells, mature and bone marrow, targets external pathogen's, recognize self and not self antigens, uses antibodies
Humoral response summary
Involves B cells, recognizing extra cellular Pathogens involved in antibody production and has memory
Cell meditated system
Involves T cells, mature in thymus, targets internal pathogen's, recognizes damaged house sells, kills directly using granzyme and perforin combo
Cell meditate response
Involves T cells, recognizes intracellular pathogen's involved in direct killing and has memory
Involves bacteria incorporating Free floating genetic material from previously existing bacteria; Bacteria acquisition Loose DNA; genetic hoarding
active immunity
Involves cells produced by the host due to exposure
Nonsense mutation. Affect
Iy introduces a permanent stop codon into the mRNA
Some viruses such as herpes virus 1 infect a cell without causing symptoms these are called
Latent viruses
Likelihood of death
Livable organisms capable of happening another organism
Living organisms (fleas, tick, mosquito). That can transfer pathogen
Localized redness
Recessive traits
Lowercase, only expresses phenotypically If there are two copies
Lysozyme in tears . Natural killer cells . Skin
When a virus kills infected host in which it is replicating the reproductive cycle is called a (. ) cycle
mechanical vs biological vectors
Mechanical vectors move the pathogen biological vectors replicate themselves
Mechanical vs biological Victor transmission
Mechanical, just moved, altered, from point a to point B. ,Biological, part of the vector life cycle, it is changed in the process; often replicated in matured
Memory immunity refers to body defenses that protect against the sink or in specific type of pathogen up on the first exposure
opportunistic pathogens
Microbes who typically do not cause disease but under ideal circumstances can
inflammation goal
Minimize pathogen spread
epidemic disease
More cases than anticipated in an endemic Region, or any cases in a region without history of the disease
Movement of bacterial DNA by viruses
Movement, no active involvement in lifecycle
New cases of a disease within a year(Describing disease pattern)
Killed virus examples
No risk of infection More Viral particles included in vaccine
subunit vaccines examples
No risk of infection Safe For immune compromised Protection May not be against native form
Nonliving infections agent composed of genetic material in a protein coat
innate system
Nonspecific defenses that are always present to fight infection, but have no memory
innate immune system
Nonspecific response; Nonspecific barriers that impede pathogens from entering the body or multiplying; Internal and external barriers
Point mutation What would not be expected
Not expected; I duplicated chromosomes . Expected production of a code on the codes for the same amino acid sequence .Introduction of a permanent stop codon . Production of a nonsense codon
Objects Capable of transmitting disease
Which of the following best distinguishes between a viroid in virus
One contains a capsid the other one does not
Which of the following distinguishes between a vaccine an antiviral drug
One is preventative And minimizes Risk of infection the other is given after infection and attempt to slow down a viral replication step
Recombination vaccine example
Only genes expressing antigen are present
Only one set of genetic info needed;asexual .Offspring are exact copying there parents; clones *Type of reproduction
intermediate host
Organism that is only the temporary home of another organism
definitive host
Organisms that is the final home of another organism. In which reproduction occurs
Antigen the organism that produces it is
droplet transmission
Pathogen is carries a aerosize water Droplets and inhaled by host * Saliva/mucus ( Sneezing, coughing, talking)
Patient described abnormal function unconfirmed
Prions replicate by
Peer pressure
A viral genome is delivered into a cell in which of the following steps
Physical demonstration of a trait = Blue eyes, blonde hair, tall, skin
Infection vs disease examples
Positive for the Latin form TB >>>> infected ( why .... Microbe is present but there is no replication the host is not contagious and there's nothing wrong with them. So present without Avenue number to function equals infected infected) Cold sore outbreak after a bad case of the flue >> diseased
Presence of bacteria
A non-cellular Organisms that consist of Miss Foldded proteins is likely a
Protein coat
Considering what you know about the anatomy or structure of a virus. Slect all the following that could be found in or on a unknown viral capsid
Protein, RNA only(note it's DNA or RNA not both) envelope
Proteins produced by the immune response to counter a specific antigen
RNA to protein involves replacing codons with amino acids
Toll-like receptors
Receptors that link antigen presence initation/continuation of host defense is *(TLR) Specialized signal Molecules the interface between the Innate in adaptive immune system regulate intensity integration of an immune response
Recovery after primary Exposure to the flu virus
Adaptive immunity
Refers to body's defense is to protect against a single in specific type of pathogen, upon the first exposure
Auto immune disease
Refers to win individuals immune system mistakenly attacks its own selves
Which of the following is not a mechanism for pathogenic microbes to eat evade phagocytosis
Release toxins
If he micro is said to have a high LD-50 What condition does this describe
Requires a large number of microbes to kill 50% of those infected
Microbes perfered Portal of entry example
Respiratory tract.................. 15 microbes Gastrointestinal tract...........20 microbes Skin...............................................105 microbes Bloodstream.............................5 microbes Answer= parentearl
missense mutation
Results Amino acid change; If change in amino acid results in stop condon being expressed
Another name for a RNA virus is
Retr virus
RNA Viruses are called retro viruses why
Retro means backwards. Retroviruses need to be revised transcribed into DNA in order to integrate into the host genome A Or This extra step, that happens every time I understand you sell, makes the disease progression slower
Recovery After primary exposure to the flu virus occurs because of what viral property
Self limitation
Sexual Reproduction between bacteria involves pilus
Immune system to recognize mount out a response is based upon 4 immunogenic were properties
Size, foreigness , ability to be presented, complexity
Specialized immune cells that participating in engulfing bacteria and celllular products
Adaptive immune response
Specific immunity that is required, Adapts, recognizes, And remembers invading pathogens
Which of the following cells are not a part of the innate immune system
T cells,,,,,,,,,******* .Natural killer cells .phagocytes
Fever Pros and cons
The increase in temperature triggers other immune responses and often results in an environment that will denature Microbial Proteins but too much increase And host proteins will be suspected to damage too
The number of pathogen required to infect 50 of those exposed
The number of pathogen required to kill 50% of those exposed
Silent mutation
The same amino acid being expressed at the end of translation or Senior to mutation usually results in 3rd nucleotide of the condon
The tracking of changes over time : Describes process by which different kinds of living organisms develop and diversified during the history of earth
64, 20
There are 64 possible codons, that code for 20 different amino acids
ciliary escalator explanation
This is part of the Innate system of immunity, where the Celia of the Lungs move to carry mucus in the microbes trapped inside it up and out of the host body
Preferred portal of entry significance
This is the method of an entry that is the easiest for the micro, Requiring the least number of cells; endospores to establish the infection
Prions Replication explain
Through peer pressure. Remember they force a susceptible proteins of the host to Misfold just like them
intrinsic incubation period
Time between human aquistion of a micro to symptoms and transmission
extrinsic incubation period
Time between vector exposure and transmission of a pathogen
When DNA is converted into RNA we are describing what process of microbiology
Most viruses or self-limiting
Prions Are proteins that normal exist in animals but structural differences can lead to disease
All of the following are true of HLA class ll molecules except
True; recognized by CD4 T CELLS .True loading of a MHC class ll occurs by phagocytosis .true present exogenous antigens Incorrect: Percent on ourselves and body
Two sets of genetic info needed, diversity .Offspring is unique combination of parents; Diversity *Type of reproduction
Individual resistance
Unique ability of an individual to resist infection
Nucleotide RNA has that DNA doesn't
vehicle vs vector
Vectors are living organisms, vehicles are nonliving
vehicle example = While hiking you run out of water. You are worried about dehydration, and so eventually succumb to gulping water from the creek you stumble upon. You didn't know the water was full of giardia Bacteria and End up with a case of beaver fever ...... this demonstrates what type of transmission
Vehicle = Ingested or injection of contaminating substance food, water, soil, blood products, sciences use the term vehicle transmission
Vehicle example = During a 6~month period, 239 cases of pneumonia Occurred in a town of 300 people. Before the outbreak, 2000 sheep were kept north west of the town. On the 20 sheep tested from the flock, 15 or positive for C. Burnetii antibodies. Wind flew from the north west, and rainfall was 0.5 CM compared with 7 to 10 CM during each of the previous 3 years. None of the farm hands were afflicted, and no visitors to the farm were affected either...........The method of transmission of this disease was
Vehicle because Wind and rain moved it from the sick sheep to the people It was brought to the people by nature
A non-celllular organism that consist of a single strand of RNA is likely
Which of the following microbes can be pathogens
Virus Bacteria Fungi Protist
Phagocytosis mechanism
chemotaxis, adherence, ingestion, digestion Also they Engulf foreign organisms and kill them. Ingest it by breaking down enzymes in lysosome
If a virus is latent, it
has not entered a lytic cycle.
infectious proteins Protein folding and random mutations Polypeptides ( amino acids) No nuclei acid In animals = motor loss function Humans= loss of thinking ability also they don't trigger amine response Highly Resistant to heat, pressure, gas
Some viruses, such as human herpesvirus 1, infect a cell without causing symptoms. These are called
latent viruses
genotype codes for...
phenotype That is the resulting physical appearance
T cell tolerance (153)
process during T cell differentiation where most T cells that recognize antigens from one's own body are destroyed .Or tolerance is a specific unresponsive substance that are widely encountered and would otherwise elect a reaction. Tolerance is key to preventing the other reactive Adema response. Another population of t lymphocytes , Regularity T cells
point mutation
single base pair alternation